Dickie Spencer Decries Ukrainian Nationalism Again

The allegedly pro-White advocate Dickie Spencer has an odd disdain for White Ukrainians and their growing nationalism which threatens Kremlin hegemony in their region. Spencer continues to put his Russia First loyalties on display, recently decrying “Ukrainianism” on a podcast with JF Gariepy.

(Start it at 1:45:05 for the relevant part)

The anti-Ukrainian tirade was prompted by a viewer question about Spencer’s seemingly diehard loyalty to the Russian nation, despite having no Russian roots himself. Thus, Spencer’s peculiar love-in with Russia stems entirely from his Russian mail-order bride, Nina Koprianova, a Duginist cult member who retweets Putin propaganda all day while Spencer’s government farm subsidies pay the bills.

Spencer’s tirade consisted of standard Kremlin propaganda about Ukraine and the Maidan revolution being supported and “controlled” by the US and George Soros. Dismissing Ukrainian nationalism as a “puppet” of the US is standard fare for Duginists, Nazbols and Russia Cucks, who wildly contort their brains when justifying their stance against nationalism in Ukraine while ostensibly supporting it for other White countries. That the US lent some support to more moderate middle ground (lib/con) elements in Ukraine during the Maidan in no way proves that Ukrainian nationalists (Svoboda, Right Sector, National Corps, Azov) are under some kind of covert direction from the US State Department. But it’s arguable that Spencer and co. are under some kind of direction by the Kremlin.

It’s pretty standard geopolitics that smaller nations on Russia’s border look to other big powers in the West for back-up when facing down a sleeping giant on their doorstep.

Amazingly, in the same podcast, Spencer said that the alt-right could “co-exist” with Israel and praised their Jewish nationalism. So, from Spencer’s point of view, White Christian Ukrainians shouldn’t be permitted to have nationalism and independence from Russia, but the Jews should be allowed to have their own ethno-state in the Middle East? Amazing.

Spencer affirmed that he believed in no absolute right to self-determination for any people, yet makes it clear who’s side he stands on in the Russia-Ukraine dispute. Obviously if he ever stepped offside on the Russia cucking he’d be in the doghouse with his Duginist wife. The danger of females is once again demonstrated in this case with Spencer. He’s a man who claims leadership over the alt-right, yet bends to the will of a Russian mail-order bride in her ethnic/political feud with Ukrainians.

31 thoughts on “Dickie Spencer Decries Ukrainian Nationalism Again

  1. By the way, DAMN the bitch is ugly. This just GOTTA be some kind of arranged marriage by the intelligence underground, much like Obama’s mother (some white commie whore) with a black socialist. They arrange these things to get the right types of personalities in the right place at the right time. Spencer is an homosexual drug-addict (ever heard an interview of him NOT mentioning alcohol, for example?) who probably gets his release during homo pool parties with his boys from PHALANX, a secret society he apparently founded. Those effete boys who agree with him on everything that he considers “valuable genetic material”, you know. Watch their chats on youtube.

  2. Not only is she Duginist/NazBol, she’s also a self-described “Eurasian” of Kazakh-Turk variety. One of her parents was a Happa-ish Kazakh and she seriously buys into the propaganda from the Kremlin about “the good old days” under the hammer and sickle.

    It absolutely would not surprise me if Spencer was receiving indirect funding from a Moscow in his efforts. It’s standard procedure for the Hegemons to undermine their enemies with political movements controlled from on high.

    Nationalism and religious Folkism has to be our way forward, and in that way all white ethnic groups have a right to self determination; even the Aryans of India and Iran fall under this statement. Mongoloids are a race that needs to be relegated back into the Far East and stemmed there. Central Asia needs to be re-Slavicized and re-Iranicized in order to regain the ancient Scythian homelands. Iran need not redirect the Semitic-Monothistic Zoroastrianism, but rather reawaken their native Vedic gods.

    1. I heard she was part-Georgian. She could pass for White but as you’ve noted she’s not a White nationalist but a Eurasianist seeking to blend the races of Asia and Europe together to be governed under her glorious Monogloid empire.

    2. Unfortunately I can’t stand pagans. The fools on average have to be in the IQ-range of like 90. Every time I’ve tried to debate them, they cower out like the trash-talking chumps they are. Unbelievable how many non-questioning, clown pagan followers a scrawny ingrate like Varg Vikernes can muster. War is coming between Christian-leaners like me and punk ass pagans.

      1. Gee, I wonder who would win. I’m sure it would be the “turn the other cheek” worshippers of the Poofter Pope and his army of based black refugees, wouldn’t it?

        As for Jewkrainians, I mean the Western Jewkrainians of course, I’d say that just like with their Jew brothers and sisters, exterminationism is the best policy. The Holodomor unfortunately was largely a myth made up by Jews, just like the Holocaust, but if the Jewkrainians keep up with their autistic Gladio-inspired, anti-Palestinian, anti-Communist, race-mixing screeching I’d say they need to feel what a real genocide feels like. And it’s not gonna feel pleasant – AT ALL.

        Jews and Jewkrainians – two groups that always remind me why I need to write a book giving an intellectual defense of genocide. Unlike Jewesses, Jewkrainian bitches are actually hot, so carrying out that genocide will be a lot of fun for my cock.

        1. Speaking of ‘based refugees’, clown, maybe pagans will form an army of ‘based Palestinians’ (as you’d put it… cuz there’s “so many” n sheeit) to fight the turn the other cheek brigade n stuff. Or wait a minute… Christianity is an incredibly evil religion that burns everything down wherever it goes though, isn’t it? Vargina Varg would agree with that. You dummies better start getting your stupid fucking stories straight: Is Christianity an incredibly WEAK religion, or an incredibly VIOLENT one?

          BTW, are you another pagan, fool? Or just a typical commie atheist?

          And if it were a war between me and you, it’d be a real “tough” one to figure out who’d win that one, wouldn’t it, pussy? Don’t you think you better start forming your army of high-IQ Micky D’s workers to fight your commie revolution already? I know your big mouth won’t be dying for the Palestinians like you claim you’d do.

          Hey dummy, I’m about off here. Send me your contact information so we can kiss n make up n stuff. My focus is gonna start shifting more and more towards you fools now, and I’m finally gonna have a lot more time to deal with you.

  3. Alt-right.com is COINTELPRO, intended to divide the AltRight. We don’t know who is “Brandon Martinez” and never saw his face. The guy never has spoken publicly. All these Feds have is a ghost website. Anyone who has half a brain understands that Putin is a natural ally for white Christian traditionalists. Meanwhile, Ukraine is a divided country (with an enormous Russian-aligned population) with few prospects other than being a proxy in the grand chessboard. Unfortunately, the AltRight has so many other divisions that the minimal work of martinezperspective.net is largely irrelevant.

      1. That fool has the deductive reasoning ability of a goddamned 13-year-old. He’s like “Jijcf” and Joe Sigur over here. Must have swallowed bleach or got dropped on his head or some shit.

        Actually we don’t know who is “UkraineTrump”, other than some low-IQ douche bag on the internet running his mouth and repeating shit about how “great” Putin is and throwing in white knight statements about ‘traditionalism’.

        Ban these scumbags, Brandon. All they can do is waste people’s time. Fuck these pieces of shit.

      2. Dude, that appearance on Red Ice doesn’t prove that you’re not a saboteur. You haven’t spoken at a single prominent AltRight conference, not American Renaissance, Blue Awakening, Scandza, or Sezession. And rightfully so because you’re a force for division. You’re promoting Ukrainian nationalism when pro-Russian parties are about to make enormous gains in next year’s elections. Yet not a single nationalist party has qualified for parliament since 2012 because most Ukrainians reject nationalism and are Russian-oriented.

        1. Didn’t I ask you below what YOUR name is and who YOU are? “Thanks” for answering.

          Dummy, many prominent, well-known “alt-right” types are clowns and/or degenerates and/or controlled opposition THEMSELVES, and that INCLUDES many speakers for AmRen and every other ‘alt-right’ outlet.

          Like that femtard, pagan cunt, whose name I can find eventually, who spoke on Red Ice a couple years back. I happened to encounter her in a black-on-white crime awareness group, and she was dumb as shit. The dumb bitch kept saying MGTOW is a “Jewish-led” organization (implying that MGTOWs like me lack the capacity to think for ourselves) and implying she actually “KNEW” WTF she was talking about. I told her to give me the NAMES of all these Jews “leading” MGTOW and she couldn’t give me ONE fucking name. Of course she also kept saying that Christianity is a “Jewish religion” but then wouldn’t debate THAT either. These fucktards PARROT lines they learned off OTHER dummies, jump to dumb ass conclusions about them, and never wanna FACT-CHECK the shit they’re told, so they just repeat these same, low-IQ, canned lines over and over and over like goddamned PARROTS with IQs of fucking FIVE.

          How about that homosexual clown named “Jack Donovan”? Or that hexagram-tatted, pagan and previous OTO member and Aleister Crowley follower, Augustus Invictus? How about degen, fatty, loppy, goofy-looking Matt Heimbach? HORDES of clowns and D-bags amongst the well-known alt-lighters.

          Furthermore, the clowns are so alt-light it’s pathetic. They apparently don’t even know WTF they’re debating. Even Red Ice is cringe-worthy on the topics of paganism, evolution, their femtard/white knight anti-MGTOW stances, and their pro-Putin/Dugin and Trump stances. NO, they CAN’T debate their positions because they’ll get OWNED by, and I hate to say it: more INTELLIGENT people like ME.

        2. Greg Johnson appears on those forums regularly and he has the same anti-Putin/Russia-skeptical position as I do.

          I’m not as actively involved in the real-life alt-right because I don’t have the luxury of travelling around the world doing talks on my own dime. I do what I can with what I have.

          You are a Russian agent. That we know for sure. All you care about is promoting Russia worship/cucking among the alt-right. You are most likely operating from the St. Petersburg troll factory.

        3. most Ukrainians reject nationalism and are Russian-oriented.

          Right, that’s why the current Ukraine government is anti-Russia, nearly all Ukrainian political parties are anti-Russia with the exception of the Communist Party and ousted Yanukovich Party of Regions. Yanukovich was driven from power by popular protests of hundreds of thousands in the streets because “most Ukrainians are Russia-oriented”, eh? You are a clown. Amazing how you don’t want nationalism for Ukraine yet claim to be alt-right? That’s proof you are a Russian intelligence troll pushing Kremlin expansionism.

    1. The “genius” award of the day goes to this POS. We’re talking “incredible” deductive reasoning skills over here. We don’t know who is YOU, fool. Who is YOU?

  4. That bitch is FAT for a Russian female. She’s getting closer and closer in physical appearance to the average Ameriskank by the month. Well, she’s surrounded by white knights, manginas, and fembots in the “alt-right” who’ll tell her incessantly about how “great” she looks until the end of time if they can. Maybe Spencer is helping her by feeding her GMO corn off his farm or something. If so, I applaud him for it. Hopefully he’s eating it, too.

  5. After travelling across Russia and Ukraine I have to say I love both countries and their people. I respect Ukranian nationalists and Russian-Ukranians. Hope they make peace.
    Regarding Christianity/Paganism, I am a Christian who respects Paganism.

    By the way: Easter Ukranians of course are white, so Georgians and Armenians. They are not the Nord type neither the Slave type but closer to Mediterranean type.

    1. What about Spencer and his wife taking/promoting Dugin seriously, though? You’d agree that he’s hopelessly naive, wouldn’t you? Who the hell supports Dugin? Or Putin, for that matter? You agree that nobody with a brain does, don’t you?

        1. Dugin isn’t a Kabbalist? (Should be an immediate red flag). What is a Kabbalist? He’s not anti-white? All the articles on this site about him (and Putin) are just ‘made up’, ‘figments of imagination’? I ‘can’t’ go on and on about Jewish Bolsheviks and commie Jews? Matt Heimbach isn’t a fukin joke who has been arrogantly spewing nonsense he consistently changes his mind on for years? Virtually all other leading politicians around the world like Chavez and Mandela have been and are “good guys”? Russians, all other whites, and Asians should join hands in an alliance against the Kabal, under the lead of Dugin and Putin, their “glorious” leaders? What if some of us are fucking good at thinking for ourselves though? Much better than the well known alt-righters? What if I can beat any of them blindfolded in chess? What if I think for a living and am fucking good at that, too? Should I still let these slow, dumb, out-of-shape clowns think for me and ‘guide’ me?

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