Paper Mapping Out White Population Decline Found in SPLC Mark Potok’s Office

The leading anti-white shill in America, Mark Potok of the SPLC, literally has a paper on his office wall mapping out the decline of the white population in the US. He clearly gloats on a daily basis over the demise of white people. He has dedicated his life to our demise.

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6 thoughts on “Paper Mapping Out White Population Decline Found in SPLC Mark Potok’s Office


    Even restaurant receipts are now propagandizing the completely false “equalities” of multi-culturalism. It’s not about them having any reasonable argument whatsoever on their side and never was. It’s about repetition of false and toxic ideas until a stubborn and dogmatic SJW-like brainwash makes false equalities of various kinds the very cracked foundation of a whole society of crumbling and irrational values.

    1. Without whites, where do Jews go for a new host? Even tape worms are smarter than they are as they usually don’t kill off their host.

  2. Jews love to track demographics showing a decline in the white population.They also get visibly gleeful talking about declining white birth rates,increasing rates of miscegenation and love to say that it’s inevitable and that there is nothing we can do to reverse this trajectory.This is their handiwork,after all,and they love to admire it and gloat over it.This is a jewish thing and always has been.They have an intense fear and loathing of homogeneous white societies and only feel safe from a potential “purge” if they hide amongst other “minorities”.Dr.Stephen Klineberg of rice university is another jew(from new york)who grins with delight at the coming white minority status in his adopted state of texas,and ultimately the entire country,thanks to the political maneuvering of his tribe.What will we do? Will there be a white backlash sufficient enough to wipe the grins off the collective faces of these subversive hate-filled jews? Let us hope so,for america’s sake.

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