Women Aren’t Funny & Most Are Vacuous Mannequins

Most women can’t produce humour. They aren’t capable.

When a woman tries to be “funny,” she usually resorts to making silly faces and childish circus clown type gestures to make you laugh. If that fails she will try to tickle you to make you laugh, because all else failed.

She can’t produce any real, intelligent humour. She has no wit, no sarcasm (except when trying to mock men). Women who try to be funny are usually very obnoxious and loud, thinking that spewing vulgarities suffices for intelligent humor.

Ever tried watching a female comedian? Their “jokes” are cringeworthy. Again, they simply get on stage and act like a retarded circus clown, and that suffices for “humor” in their minds.
The reason for this, and studies have shown it, is that men’s and women’s brains are wired differently. The parts of the brain that stimulate humor are much more active in men than women. It’s biological.

You can see this phenomenon very often in dating. On dating profiles many women will write that the man she’s looking for must “make her laugh,” but there’s no expectation on her to make him laugh. That’s because women are wired to think that it is the man’s job to impress them, and all they have to do is sit there, look pretty, enjoy the man’s jokes and let him pay for the outing.

This is why dating modern women is a fruitless endeavor for men. Dating a modern woman is like dating a mannequin. Most of these chicks are vacuous, boring and altogether useless. What is there to gain by entertaining a vapid modern woman who has nothing interesting to say, nothing to add to a conversation beyond tell you what she ate for breakfast, what she’s planning for the weekend or some minor drama at work?

Hello, I’m a typical Modern Woman. I’m an NPC dronebot who just repeats feminist slogans and talks about retarded shit all day. Femme Power!

6 thoughts on “Women Aren’t Funny & Most Are Vacuous Mannequins

  1. They started intimidating men with all this shit back in the 90s. Grrrrl Power, Riot Grrrrrrl and all that crap. I am afraid it does not work anymore. And they know it. And they are afraid,
    Women are zombies. And they strongly suspect that they are zombies. That is why they are so angry as Satan after Christ´s triumph in the Holy Cross.
    I always try to get in touch with women I knew back in the 80s, and even in the 90s that were not infected yet with the Riot Girrrrrrr shit. Today they are divorced milfs.

  2. Dating and leading women is a part of becoming a man. This MGTOW is self-defeatist and must be rejected. When my brother was in college in the 1990s, men also struggled, but they found loopholes: foreign exchange students, nerd girls of acceptable weight, alcohol. You can’t be a man without having gamed women to a degree.

    1. Not worth the effort. How many hours do you want to waste chasing pussies around? Attractive women only date men in the top 20% income earning bracket. Chasing attractive women is like chasing your own shadow. It’s futile unless you have the cash to get one hooked. Middle class men are stuck with the fatties or ugly women. And who wants to be with fat and ugly women?

      1. Even if you have money they’re all filthy used-up, washed up whores especially the decent-looking ones. What have you accomplished? Furthermore, marriage is basically suicide thanks to it’s transformation into a legal money laundering system for women.

    2. Talking about “game”… I read the (very good, actually) book by Spanish PUA Mario Luna, back in 2008. Everything he was saying in the book made sense, Then, I wanted to practice: I went to a very big brothel in center of town and I started to talk to a very good looking hooker using the tricks of the book.
      Then, two days later I was having a drink with the hooker in a “terraza”, in the street. I got a date.
      Thanks Mario Luna!

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