Ditzy Mannequin Turns on Alt-Right, Parrots Leftist Cliches to Enemy Media

This is why you can’t allow stupid mannequins into your movement. They can turn on a dime, as soon as any pressure is applied to them.

ABC News:

During her mid-20s, Samantha spent about a year of her life embroiled in a white supremacist hate group.

“I never thought of myself as a racist person, but I was,” she said.

Samantha, who asked for her last name not to be used, was involved in the group “Identity Evropa.”

“When you’re in there, you think that you just know the truth…[that] white people are more intellectually capable than other people… White people were the best,” Samantha said.

“I started to believe that…there is some sort of white genocide happening,” Samantha continued. “I start[ed] to use the phrasing and the language…that there is an overwhelming majority of Jewish people in media and banking…and you start to ask yourself, are Jewish people white?”

Identity Evropa joined other groups within the white supremacist movement in Charlottesville, Virginia, for the now-infamous “Unite The Right” rally on Aug. 12, 2017. On that day, 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed and nearly three dozen others were injured after rally-goer James Alex Fields Jr. barreled his car into a group of counterprotesters. Earlier this year, Fields was sentenced to life in prison on federal hate crime charges.

“Up until the Unite the Right rally, there was no explicitly connected death to the alt-right… Everything changed that day,” Samantha said.

Samantha said she wasn’t at the rally, but that’s when she realized that it was time to get out. By the time she had left Identity Evropa, she said “there was a promotion of a peaceful ethnic cleansing.”

“There’s nothing not hateful about that,” she said.

Samantha said it was rare to see women involved in white supremacist groups.

“There was always at least a woman at every party that I had gone to, other than me, but it was a handful,” she said. “Most of the women that were in there were tied to someone who was already in there.”

Marantz said these movements are mostly made up of men.

“They went to great lengths to make her feel important,” he said. “She was important because they needed someone to be the female face of their movement.”

Soon after, Samantha joined Identity Evropa, a group that in 2018 was responsible for nearly half of that year’s distribution of white supremacist propaganda, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

“At the time when I joined, I really thought I was just pro-white. I didn’t think about what it really was: a hate group,” Samantha said. “It’s absolutely a hate group.”

“Anyone that’s in there doesn’t think they’re racist,” she continued. “No one thinks that they’re anti-Semitic. I think the term that was used, or that started to be used, was ‘counter-Semitic’ or something, which is also bulls—. … I didn’t think that I was doing anything wrong.”

After Charlottesville, Samantha said she started taking steps to get herself out. She said she left Identity Evropa, moved around and took different jobs.

“I met a few people that kind of challenged me and held me accountable for my beliefs and countered them,” she said.

Identity Evropa has now rebranded itself as the American Identity Movement, according to the ADL.

All she can say now is “they’re a hate group” and “they’re anti-Semitic”. There’s no substance to anything this dumb mannequin is saying here.

Women have a deep-seated pathological instinct to conform, to assimilate into the dominant culture. Overriding this instinct is nearly impossible for most women, and if they do it, they usually do it at the urging of a man (in this case her ex-boyfriend) and only do so to “fit in” with a social crowd, as this bitch admitted.

But it never lasts long.

These mannequins will swing over to the enemy camp in the blink of an eye. That’s because mannequins have no actual ideological “beliefs” beyond what they think will get them social validation in the moment. You can’t really believe anything a mannequin tells you, because she’s only telling you what she thinks you want to hear if she’s receiving a benefit from being with or near you. When those benefits run out, they switch sides.

Now this bitch is singing leftist tunes to the enemy jewish media and getting herself publicized in leftist hit-pieces against the alt-right. She couldn’t help but try to profit from her involvement with the alt-right, like a typical mannequin would.

It’s time to put a permanent ban on mannequins trying to enter the alt-right.

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