Proud Boys Members Sentenced to Prison For Pummelling Some Shit-Eating Antifa Dweebs

These Proud Boys literally knocked the shit out of the Antifa dweebs.

New York Post:

A Manhattan judge Tuesday sentenced two members of the right-wing Proud Boys group to four years in prison for pummeling leftist Antifa members during a brawl on the Upper East Side.

Justice Mark Dwyer gave Maxwell Hare, 27,  and John Kinsman, 40, terms that were six months above the minimum for the caught-on-camera skirmish near the Metropolitan Republican Club after Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes delivered a speech.

Both defendants faced as much as 15 years. They were convicted last August at trial of attempted gang assault, attempted assault and riot stemming from the Oct. 12, 2018, melee.

“It’s a shame when some people jump up and down on a platform,” Dwyer said in an apparent reference to McInnes, “and their followers, their soldiers, get into trouble.”

He added, “I’m not sure the most moral responsibility belongs to these two defendants.”

Both Kinsman and Hare apologized for their conduct during the Manhattan Supreme Court sentencing. “I’m sorry about the whole mess. I regret the entire incident,” said Kinsman, who is married with three children. “I made a mistake.”

Four years for dealing out vigilante justice to violent terrorists?

Antifa rioters are the most blatant troublemakers out there. They’re weak, effeminate homosexuals and trannies who show up at right-wing events with the explicit goal of causing a riot.

The Antifa terrorists were not located and refused to cooperate with the investigation, so how can these men be prosecuted for beating up “victims” who won’t even identify themselves?

2 thoughts on “Proud Boys Members Sentenced to Prison For Pummelling Some Shit-Eating Antifa Dweebs

  1. Antifa are evidently shock troops of the anti-White political establishments that reign unchallenged in many sectors of the Western world. As such they seem immune to prosecution, let alone punishment. That’s why NO arrests were made when vile Antifa cowards almost beat Andy Ngo to death for merely filming them, or when one of them fractured a 65-year-old Trump-supporter’s skull with a piece of iron, whereas the BAM men and Proud Boys have been imprisoned for SELF-DEFENSE when confronted by these lowest-of-the-low Lumpens.

    There’s been a case made that they’re connected with nothing less than the FBI. I don’t know how true this is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true. But I do know they are in league with anti-White local political establishments (e.g., Portland’s and NYC’s) anti-white hate groups like the ADL.

    They are the street version of the Social and Corporate Media which strive to silence pro-White elements.

    Well, since I worked for the Republican Party last year on the Midterm elections–ONLY because of Trump’s rhetoric, not for the Republicans as a whole, whom I find almost as treasonous as their PUTATIVE adversaries–and have emailed Trump very many times, I’ve been getting daily emails from his reelection people urging me to work for and contribute financially to his 2020 campaign. But as you can guess, I’m hardly satisfied with Trump; and from now on every email of mine to him will call for a PARDON for the BAM men and Proud Boys and also for his FINALLY making good on his recurring threat to declare Antifa a terrorist organization.

    Don’t think I’m crazily overestimating my importance. I know fully well that despite the supposedly kind words I get from that quarter, Trump doesn’t know I exist. But I think that perhaps if I and some of the brothers here, and their friends, keep hammering on the idea of pardoning innocent, persecuted men and cracking down on the true haters, some sense that these are desiderata on the part of elements inclined to prefer Trump, might reach the Office.

    If Trump won’t do what is so CLEARLY just, how much value does he really have vis-à-vis our hopes and goals? And if he doesn’t act here in the way needed, what other way can justice be had except through actual civil war in numerous communities?

  2. For “BAM” read “RAM.” “Rise Above Movement,” participants in the 2017 LEGAL rally but attacked by Antifa and black lies matter–had the temerity to fight back….

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