Darth Vader Wannabe Richard Spencer Wants Russia To Rule the World Because His Children Are Racially Half-Russian

There was one particular line that caught my ear from the now-infamous leaked Spencer rant.

“I rule the fucking world.”

Spencer was channelling Darth Vader there, wasn’t he?

He imagines himself some kind of invincible Sith Lord who will one day have the power to hand down orders to his intergalactic army.

A new clip shows Spencer being asked point blank if he’s a Russian state plant.

That’s hot stuff.

In typical smug Spencer fashion, he laughs off the allegation and demands proof. But all the proof you need is right there ensconced in his own expressed words. He barely even attempts to deny the charge and almost relishes in people believing in its veracity.

Further on in the same clip he states that he thinks “maybe the Kremlin should” dominate the world.

What more proof is needed, beyond his own self-incriminating words, to prove that this man is an agent of Russian empire?

Spencer is constantly sermonizing about how America is on its death bed, that it is coming to a close, and Russia is discernibly his top pick for the replacement of America as the global hegemon.

He wants Russia to rule the world with a global communist-islamic caliphate.

The strongest reason that Spencer’s so ravenously betting on this Russian horse – and patently refuses to reconsider this bet no matter what evidence is presented to him – is because his children are racially half-Russian.

When I first saw Spencer’s ex-wife, Nina Kouprianova, I thought I was looking at a gothic Russian transsexual. I was further swayed to this conclusion by her uncannily deep voice.

But I guess looks can be deceiving and Spencer allegedly produced various children with this shebeast.

But this explains it all, doesn’t it? Spencer’s own children are racially half-Russian. For this reason, he has summarily abandoned the Anglo-Saxon world and jumped ship to another civilization. He is wagering on a Russian global geopolitical victory in the hopes that his children will obtain privileged status in a Russian-led New World Order. He believes that their Russian blood will afford them elevated status in the New Rome centered in Moscow.

This is all a burlesque pipe dream, of course, but it is one that an unemployed man who lives off of US government farm subsidies can afford to tinker around with in his infinite free time.

What a glorious time it will be when our new drunk Russian peasant rulers achieve total global domination.

Hail vodka, furry hats, kalashnikovs and snow and shit.

13 thoughts on “Darth Vader Wannabe Richard Spencer Wants Russia To Rule the World Because His Children Are Racially Half-Russian

  1. Brandon thanx for the amazing laughs. What a joy it is to ridicule this idiot. Also, it is productive to our cause since a lot of goyim think that HE is the “altright”. So by exposing that moron, we do only good.

    “I rule the fucking world.”

    That’s a narcissist speaking if I ever heard one. Unbelievable… Do you, Richard? Do you control the world? What a joke.

    In the rant, we hear this quote:

    “Little fucking kikes”

    I suggest he doesn’t mean that literally. Why? ..It will become clear below.

    THESIS: I think Richard Spencer is controled by the Chosen People (including gentiles who consider themselves as Chosen somehow) and/or thinks HE is a Chosenite. Logically he would be referring not to “kikes”, but to GOYIM (!) if my point is correct. Let’s see.

    I will now try to prove my point below.

    “My ancestors fucking enslaved those little pieces of fucking shit”

    Well, if I am right, and he thinks he is a Chosen, and is referring to Goyim, then it makes sense. You would say he is referring to the destruction of Judah by the Romans or some shit. No… he is referring to the reverse, if i am right, which is the domination of global commerce and governance by his fellow (or perceived fellow) Chosen People.

    “Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me. They look up and see a face like mine looking down at them”

    Hmm… Well… Doesn’t it really look like he is talking to GOYIM? No, really!!!! It is like a Chosen talking to the Goyim, not the opposite. So maybe I am right.

    “That’s how the fuckin world works”

    Yeah Richard, unfortunately this is how it works. There is Adonai (lords) and there is Goyim (the governed, the mules, the “nations” of the world). But, dear Richard, I think YOU THINK that you are an Adon (a chosen), and you are referring to Goyim.

    This brings us back to the usage of “kikes”. Well, this is the only thing in the whole speech that deflects it away from my THESIS (It is a Chosen speaking to Goyim), and reverses it (if i am right) and makes us think that he is a Goy speaking to the Chosens, or to Adonai if you will.

    Am I right?

    This grave misinterpretation of Adonai (in the old testament) as GOD (it is one of what they call “the names of god in genesis”) is the cornerstone, the beginning of the spiritual bullshit that THE ELITES (and their lackeys) have/feel. The literal translation of Adonai (is “my lords”). They will tell you it is a “plural of majesty” but, confusingly, YES THE TORAH READS LIKE THAT!!! They are referring to GOD as Adonai, they are referring to GOD as MY LORDS!!! NOTE: IT’S PLURAL!

    This is a grave mistake. Terrible mistake. This has led the people we call now ELITES to be making illegal assumptions. They are equating God to their “lords” ahhahahaha. A small-time hypocrite (like say Richard Spencer) knows he is working for some kind of hidden Adonai (hidden masters), but is in danger of thinking he is working for GOD (especially if he is a practicing Jew, I’ve seen stranger things, believe me, so I don’t throw that idea off the table immediately).

    This phenomenon (Chosenites, thinking they work not for LORDS, but for GOD) is such a spectacular error in the logic, that IF GOD (or, if you will, intelligent higher powers) is watching. You can be sure that these people are going to be punished. Not necessarily by some kind of HELL, but probably in their lifetimes as well.

    Confusing Higher Authority (like gravitational pull, or conservation of momentu) with Hidden Lords (like the Super Rich) is not only hubris, it is an ERROR.

    Will the Adonai cure you if you get a terrible form of cancer Richard? No… Will the Adonai cure your son if he has a terrible, terminal illness Richard? No. The Super Rich cannot do that. Will you be reconsidering the meaning of Adonai then? Ehhh Richard? Will you pray to a real higher authority then Richard????????? Rothschild cannot cure you. So will you start praying to the OTHER MEANING of Adonai (god etc)? THE MEANING YOU JUST MISSED IN YOUR PREVIOUS LIFE (maybe even on purpose)? It will probably be too late. And I wouldn’t want to be you in that situation.

    We need more Brandons and less Richards in our movement.

      1. Who’s the mirror image of spencer? Me?

        Ok goy(im). I’ll take my meds. You sleep tight. Others do the thinking for you. Not much to worry. 🙂

        1. Yes you are you clown.

          You go off ranting in capital letters and talk esoteric shit nobody cares about. lol you couldn’t even do thinking for yourself.

          1. If nobody cares about what I said. I would get no response. I got one response. Coincidentally it was from you, dummy.

            You know, you can communicate good ideas even with “capital letters” and some of them might seem “esoteric”. But there might be valuable content in the “rant”. I am assume this didn’t occur to you because you are too foggy. Morons are usually foggy. When they try to process information that is beyond their capability.

            If you don’t like what I said, ignore me. But you didnt! Oh boy… With unintelligent goyim like you, it is not wonder the self-described Chosen People have total control over the rest of us.

            Scheming Jews laugh with ingorant dummies like you. See ya goy.

              1. Lol.. I will stop it here because I respect that the people who enter this site aren’t interested in reading an argumentative exchange between a thinking person and a moron.

                Just an opinion: You are doing wisely when you allow other people do the thinking while you are sleeping like a good moron. Just don’t insult them because they said something you can’t understand. That’s basic humility. Seems scarce these days… idiots certainly don’t have it anymore. Idiots like you asshole!

                Cheers dummy. 😉

  2. Saying someone is half-russian is like saying someone is half-mongrol.

    Also shows in the end he doesn’t take race realism seriously since no sane white man would breed with these mongolized asiatics with their notoriously sadistic and vicious females. Spencers wife displayed behavior nobody who knows anything about russians is suprised by. She recorded him and threatend his new girlfriend, whos irish by the way so from one crazy breed to the next for spencer. Imagine crossing that with a boozed out, coked out snob like spencer.
    I realy have a good laugh about these idiots who still think they get themselfs a trad russian waifu.

    1. His ex-wife Nina Kouprianova isn’t even a White Russian! She is probably somewhere from Caucasus mountains, Azarbajan… maybe!

    2. Richard cheated on his wife with Megan (she’s Chzech). Nina is educated woman who speaks several languages, she has two blue eyed kids. Those “mongrels” “mongolized Asiatics” had a Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, Mandeleev etc.

      1. >eyecolor nationalism
        you expect me to take this serious
        Congrats she fed two little children russian literatur to show off how educated yet stupid she is. Slowclap for that model family over here.

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