Lunatic Leftists & “Truther” Muslims Declare Jihad Against Me

It doesn’t take much to get Muslims baying for blood.

Commentary by Brandon Martinez

A demented clique of “truther” Muslims and their leftist foot-soldiers are jihading against me on Twitter, allegedly for my “betrayal” (rather disillusionment) of their social justice cause to “save the world” and utopian fantasy of permanently ending war. Between the years 2014 and 2016 my writing was heavily focused on issues like US foreign policy, the Israel-Palestine conflict and other subjects that cater to Muslim sensibilities. I was, at that time, effectively a sabbath kaffir writing propaganda for Muslims and Arabs. I wrote for and gave interviews to mostly Middle Eastern publications. Some of it was accurate, but I wouldn’t stand by all of it today. This focus of mine attracted numerous Muslims and leftists to my writing. During that time I would often jump the gun and declare any terrorism involving Muslims “staged” within days without sufficient proof or research – part of the cognitive anti-war reflex to “debunk” anything that could possibly lead to conflict. Recognizing my error, I’ve since corrected that misguided tendency of mine. After coming across new evidence that contradicted what I believed before, I’ve changed my position accordingly on some of these events. That’s what honest people do; they don’t just indefinitely hold to a position no matter what.

I’ve also realized the folly in obsessing about issues like false flags. My critics among this group of Muslims, leftists and conspiracy hobbyists have no argument against what I’m saying now, and simply drudge up something I said a year ago, as if to say, “look what you were saying then, it’s different from what you’re saying now, therefore you’re a shill.” These imbeciles believe that dogmatically sticking to a position despite encountering new information and evidence to the contrary makes you “credible”? No, that makes you a hard-headed and deluded ideologue who cannot admit your mistakes.

What it all comes down to here is that these Muslims viewed me as a powerful asset for their Semitic agenda when I was focusing on issues that they care about (Middle East, Palestine, wars). But now that I’ve moved on from that dead-end and shifted my focus to more pressing matters relating to the Zionist/Globalist war against Europe and White men in particular, an agenda in which Muslims are quintessential useful idiots for the elite, they feel let down and are now engaged in some kind of Islamic shaming ritual. Now that I have no inhibitions not to criticize Muslims and Islam when it’s called for, they’ve embarked on a lame social media jihad against me for rebuking their co-religionists ransacking Europe. I detailed the mentality and agenda of these Muslim “truthers” in the video below.

Their agenda is to make Muslims appear to be harmless innocent patsies that can do no wrong in the hopes of bringing more Muslims to the West to further their religious mission to Islamicize the world for Allah. That’s why they set out to “prove” every act of violence by Muslims is a “false flag.” They’re also operating on the dogmatic religious assumption that Islam and Muslims are morally perfect, therefore any Muslim who does wrong is not acting in the name of Islam but some external factor, or was simply framed by evil non-Muslims looking to sully the religion. They’ve aligned with and are aided in this agenda by fanatical anti-war leftists who see and hear no evil beyond what they can pin on “the West”.

Kevin Barrett, for example, describes his activities as a “truth jihad”. A White American convert to Islam, all he does is write skewed propaganda to exonerate Muslims whenever they are involved in acts of violence or terror. He clings onto the most shoddy and dubious “evidence” to declare an event totally staged. He has an agenda – an Islamic one. He admitted in a debate with me that he actually wants to re-establish an Islamic caliphate, letting slip his desire to see the West itself come under Islamic leadership too. On top of that, during the debate he forwarded with vigour an extreme discourse of White guilt, virtually approving of George Soros’ messianic quest to achieve White genocide. That’s what drives these Muslim “truthers”: an Islamic nostalgia for the caliphate and global Muslim rule. That’s why they support the migrants flooding into Europe, hoping to use them as missionaries for Islam in infidel territory and to eventually absorb the continent into the future caliphate. They did it once before during the Moorish invasion and occupation of Iberia, and at least some of them are endeavouring to do it again.

These “truther” Muslims will use the trick of labeling all criticism of their religion “Zionist” or “Neocon” and accuse anyone critiquing them of supporting Israel. This is an idiotic ploy to silence criticism of their culture in much the same way that Zionist Jews beat down their critics with accusations of anti-Semitism. One can easily be critical of both Israel/Judaism and Islam at the same time. That’s actually being consistent because Islam is, at least partially, derived from Judaism. Many concepts in Judaism and Islam are similar, and both cultures harbour hostile attitudes towards those outside the faith. Both cultures are authoritarian and intolerant of free speech, ultimately seeking to dominate the Goyim and Kaffir nations of disbelievers. Islam is an Abrahamic faith and Jews are revered in Islam as a “people of the book”.

These people use the Muslim/Arab conflict with Jews over Palestine to make Muslims and Islam look like the frontier of resistance to Jewish power. But when you look at other areas like mass immigration and the culture war against the West, Jews and Muslims have formed alliances to weaken and subdue indigenous Whites under a backwards Semitic tyranny. Historically, Jews and Muslims have worked closely together to besiege their common foe: Christian Europeans. So don’t let these Muslims fool you into thinking they are front-line opponents of Jewish power agendas when in fact they happily collaborate if it suits their religious/ethnic interest to do so.

This particular clique of largely anonymous social justice warriors congregate on Twitter. Most of them eventually blocked me because they failed so miserably at forming an actual argument. They’re so kooky that they say virtually anyone who doesn’t prioritize pro-Palestine and 9/11 truth activism (issues only Muslims and leftists still care about) is a “shill”; anyone who voices the slightest criticism of Islam is a “neocon”; anyone not being a busy-body sleuthing out the latest “false flag” must work for the CIA or Benjamin Netanyahu. These fringe lunatics are reenacting the “They Live” movie, thinking they have some special anti-spook glasses that enables them to spot covert “shills” and “agents,” which amounts to anyone not dedicating their life to some futile social justice cause to remedy the unfortunate situation some Middle Easterners find themselves in. If these Muslim and leftist nut jobs were serious then they would go get themselves rifles and head over to the Middle East to fight for the causes they claim to believe in. Instead, like total losers, they aimlessly Tweet up a storm to no effect whatsoever.

12 thoughts on “Lunatic Leftists & “Truther” Muslims Declare Jihad Against Me

  1. What do you expect people to think of you if you delete your social media accounts, shut down your websites which displays all your past work, and take down all your youtube videos? Who is the one who looks like a “lunatic?” Your behavior is suspicious at best. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, sure enough, it’s a shill.

    1. Social media is for hobbyist losers like yourself to argue with idiots. Why would I waste my time on that? I announced beforehand I was closing the website because current events isn’t something I’m interested in anymore, and that was how the website was set up as a current events thing. How “suspicious” of me. If people want to read my old articles they can get them in my books on Amazon. You and your Twitter club of misfits are paranoid kooks who claim everybody is a shill who isn’t either obsessed with 9/11 or the Israel-Palestine conflict.

      You’re just a disgruntled former “fan” who is grasping at anything to throw at me because you don’t like my direction now. It doesn’t suit your 9/11 truth/anti-Zionism cult focus. As usual you have nothing to refute what I say in this article, just more nonsense without a modicum of evidence.

      Now go back to selling wine instead of trying to add your lame two cents to topics that are clearly over your head.

      1. Are you actually proud of your work these days? “Refute” what you wrote in this article? Your writing is a joke compared to the work you’ve put out in the past. Quite frankly you sound like you’re auditioning for a job with the The Rebel. Hell, why don’t you join the “Proud Boys”? You’d fit right in. And why didn’t you address you taking all your youtube videos down? You must have done the same thing when you moved on from your Zander phase right? You must be afraid of seriously contradicting your work now that your views align perfectly with the “alt-right”. Remember when you told me you won’t go on Red Ice anymore because they are focusing on the criminal Zionist’s enemies and playing right into their schemes? You are literally doing the same, this is why your so-called “fans” are calling you out. You used to call those who behaved like you’re doing now before. It comes with the territory. I wish you luck in your new job with The Rebel (congrats by the way!)

        1. So you cannot refute anything I’ve written in this article, and like the other crazy fools you associate with, simply harken back to some time when I was more aligned with your thinking and demand I go back to that. I have no idea why my past work impressed you, it was nothing special. All I did was try to pick holes in official stories using speculation without providing any smoking gun proof. Much of the rest was just a repetitive rehash of the same old themes about Oded Yinon and Israel. Some of my old work was pretty embarrassing really. You and other “fans” are just hang over SJWs who cannot let go that I’ve moved on from overdone and futile topics like 911 and the Middle East. You’re also a bit late to the party since I’ve been talking like this for at least 8 months now yet you’re acting like it was some sudden thing. Islam is a cult offshoot of Judaism. I’ve psychoanalyzed exactly how these Muslims think and operate. You are being used as a sabbath kafir and you’ll be disposed of once they gain enough power.

          As for youtube I didn’t take anything down, youtube removed my account after my third copyright strike for mirroring videos from other channels. Why are you still following me anyway if you hate my direction? You’re like a demented stalker.

          Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys are alt light not alt right. Learn the difference. The alt right are pretty on point on most issues and theyre pretty anti-war so I dont see what youre complaining about. The only thing worth focusing on is saving Western civilization from destruction. That’s something worthwhile as opposed to some futile quest to achieve ‘world peace’ or making the Middle East less tumultuous. I could see if you’re an Arab or Muslim why the Middle East would interest you since you have a stake in the outcome of those battles but I’m neither so it makes no sense to bother with it. Ive already said my piece on these wars anyway and written enough exposing Israel’s schemes. I don’t need to repeat myself 100 times like your hero Islamist hero Barrett.

          You need to get yourself a life. Tweeting will not achieve anything. Good luck.

          1. It’s interesting how you’re able to pinpoint your ideological shift in views to a precise ‘8 months ago’.
            Of course, most free-thinking people do change their views with new information, but it is typically a gradual process. When one turns so rapidly like you did, contracting so many things you once espoused, it’s going to invite criticism from those who were engaged with your work.
            What happened 8 months ago Brandon? Were you sexually assaulted by an african migrant or something? Or did you receive a new script from your handler instructing you to shift?
            The timing of YouTube “removing your account” “due to copyright strikes” is quite cohencidental with the closing down of your website(s) and other public platforms, wouldn’t you agree?

            1. 8 months is a rough estimate. Actually it’s probably more than that. I called out the migrant crisis as a plot against Europe from the beginning. I’ve been posting migrant-critical content on NAM and my YouTube for about a year, yet only now you’re whining about it? The only thing I’ve changed really is my tone about Islam since encountering sufficient evidence proving it’s incompatible with Europe and there are elements within it that effectively want to colonize Europe and say so openly. Have a gander to these two documentaries:


              I’ve simply changed my view on the workability of an alliance with a group that wants to behead you for making fun of their prophet.

              You’re just a loony leftist who can’t stand to hear criticism of any group other than Whites and Jews. You’re an overzealous anti-Zionist who has internalized a Muslim victimhood narrative, so you try to gatekeep any discussions about the faults of this group. Your mindset is typical of the run-of-the-mill “anti-war” leftist and truth movement zealot.

              How exactly do you suppose I got YouTube to put up some notice saying they took my channel down due to terms of service violations? I must be really powerful eh? My YouTube channel was full of migrant-critical content so you should be happy it’s down being the SJW that you are. You’re a crazy conspiracy kook. Getting called a “shill” by you is more entertainment than anything. I’m glad you feel that way. Now buzz off back to your local mosque where you can genuflect to Muslim victimhood.

  2. I just now read this article and only came back to your blog because I was trying to find my prior comment. I did not subscribe to all the comments I left and still cannot find one. While I did initially respond to your arguments on a couple articles of yours my reason for writing regarding you was not that. I see very clearly your position and the haughty attitude whereby you sling it. It’s disturbing and undesirable. I’m leaving this comment here because if you don’t read it other people will. But this is the last time I am going to write anything directed at you or about you. You wrote:

    “Between the years 2014 and 2016 my writing was heavily focused on issues like US foreign policy, the Israel-Palestine conflict and other subjects that cater to Muslim sensibilities. I was, at that time, effectively a sabbath kaffir writing propaganda for Muslims and Arabs. I wrote for and gave interviews to mostly Middle Eastern publications. Some of it was accurate, but I wouldn’t stand by all of it today. This focus of mine attracted numerous Muslims and leftists to my writing. During that time I would often jump the gun and declare any terrorism involving Muslims “staged” within days without sufficient proof or research – part of the cognitive anti-war reflex to “debunk” anything that could possibly lead to conflict. Recognizing my error, I’ve since corrected that misguided tendency of mine. After coming across new evidence that contradicted what I believed before, I’ve changed my position accordingly on some of these events. That’s what honest people do; they don’t just indefinitely hold to a position no matter what.”

    Yes, Brandon, you WERE that way. Any time someone said anything that was in the Quran you rushed to defend it. I could tell you did not do any research. You were never balanced to see both sides. I was. But I made the mistake of listening to Christians and atheists who were also Zionists. So what you don’t realize is that there is propaganda on that side mixed with the Islamic doctrine they try to spread awareness about. What you’ve actually done is you’ve flipped from defending something without research to having your research influenced actually by Zionist agendas and you don’t see it. I see it and I know the people you started listening to. And trust me, even if you read the Quran and Hadiths on your own, listening to those people DOES play a role in the wacky things you end up saying.

    And now you post things that are so wacky. For example, in your article “Confused Truthers” you state, “Liberal ‘truthers’ cannot face up to the fact that radical Islam is a real thing because it would put a huge dent in their flawed narrative that all evil stems from ‘the West’.” Again, as I said in other comments, who are these people who think all evil stems from the West? You even said that I think this in my article and that isn’t what I think at all. Of COURSE Saudi is corrupt. This is what I mean. Yes, what you wanted to believe about Muslims drove you before. That is what my article was about. I had not read this article from you when I wrote mine. And you flat out confirmed my article about you was correct. But you much rather wanted to focus on me, to dissect MY reasons, and put a big picture of me on your blog in my dress which I find really funny. It was a great evasion that only you were impressed by.

    The reason I wrote you at all or even reacted to your “changes” is because I know who you are. I was never a “fan” like you think. I subscribed for a short time then, when I saw you were a wailing defender of religion and did not do any research, I unsubscribed. You can’t see that someone like me actually has more understanding than you do. Now you are driven by what you want to believe about “truthers”. So even with regards to me you make assumptions when the only reason I shared my story in that article was to show my reasons were never the same as yours. I have never defended religion like you did. And yet you’ve basically labeled me an apologist of Islam. But, Brandon, just because you see people speaking in ways that appear to be similar does not mean that they are like you. I do not defend religion. And all my Muslim friends know that. You wanted to believe a narrative. I never did.

    The more research I do the more I see the greater agenda and see things clearer than I did years ago. What you haven’t figured out yet is that everything is connected. That is what I wrote to you in a previous article. While I agree that 9/11 should not be the main focus at all anymore as some internet warriors still make it out to be (Muslims don’t do this but a lot of Christians do) it is nonetheless still relevant. Why? Because, as I told you in the other article, everything ties together. You wrote “George Soros’ messianic quest…” and stated that you’ve “shifted (your) focus to more pressing matters relating to the Zionist/Globalist war against Europe and White men in particular…” Yes, these are major issues. It all ties together. These are not separate problems from the middle east. There are not two worlds. There is one.

    It appears you are not keyed in at all how Jews have been exploiting black people here. You also don’t understand that they want world dominance. If you had any understanding of that and actually knew their plans you’d see that what is happening in Palestine DOES affect you. You apparently don’t know about Israel’s end game or how they’ve been using the USA for their own purposes to break apart until it’s destroyed from the inside out. Everything just looks like there’s allies in place now but what happens in the middle east is a part of their plan. When they achieve it there will be hell to pay elsewhere. So you cannot see how all of this ties together.

    You also wrote, “Now that I have no inhibitions not to criticize Muslims and Islam when it’s called for, they’ve embarked on a lame social media jihad against me for rebuking their co-religionists ransacking Europe.” That is not what is happening. People call you out because you’re not spreading correct information.

    Again, who are these “anti-war leftists who see and hear no evil beyond what they can pin on ‘the West’”? I’ve never talked to anyone who thinks the West is the only “evil” in the world. And I certainly don’t. Yet when you attempted to critique my article you said it was the Iraq war that caused me to get a passion for the middle east. You are really far off there. That is only a very small part of it. So it’s obvious you’re hearing what you want to hear to support the claim that all “truthers” are a certain way and, like you, don’t do any research because of what they want to believe.

    It’s perfectly fine if you as an individual want to shift your focus from Palestine and 9/11 because people like me don’t see why these are the ONLY two issues a person would talk about anyway but, in removing the stance you used to take and still attempting to claim you’re “against Zionism” a person will be rightfully skeptical of you. Because if what you used to teach is considered propaganda, what you’re calling the truth nowadays came out of left field and boomeranged into a major foul ball. To be fair, I do not know every single thing you taught before as I quickly got away from you when I saw you were mouthy and didn’t do any research. But what you shared before was at least a better direction than the disaster you’re spreading now. Because what you have done is gone to the other extreme. You think you’re balanced now but you’re not.

    What you do not understand is that Palestine is very very important. And you have to understand Israel and the Jews agenda. So it escapes you because you don’t know the end game or what is waiting the world. You don’t understand the wars or why they conspire so much against Muslims or why so many Muslims have fucking REASON to hate and want retaliation. Now before you get happy that you have reason to report me take note that I did not say anyone was doing anything violent OR that I was. I said they have reason to desire retaliation. If you still are that in the dark and do not realize the USA has created its own enemy with many Muslims then no one can help you see anything at all.

    Also, not everyone is physically or financially able to go to the Middle East–or anywhere. You sound just like the people who hear I do not like my country and tell me to “just leave if you don’t like it”. So to them I always get sarcastic back and tell them, “Great, you are going to give me money?” Speaking out against falsehood is still helpful.

    While I don’t know who Kevin Barrett is, if it’s even true he wants an Islamic caliphate in the west…that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. You engage in a lot of fear-mongering, even assuming in other comments that foreign immigrants are so batshit crazy from war that they might go on a rampage and start slicing and dicing natives. You engage in all the same tactics that Zionists do and this is why people are calling you out. The problem is your cognitive dissonance kicks in immediately with hearing new information and you scurry to attempt to prove the other person wrong. Then you carry on with the little echo chamber fan club that exists only in your own head. “Hmm, what can I dig up now on Jaci Stanton? What statements can I use from her to show she has no argument and is an Islam apologist?” even though I never talked about the doctrine. It’s actually you that doesn’t have an argument. I talk about one subject and, in your article about me, you start going on a verbal vomit episode talking about how you’re sure I support something about a phrase you’ve coined called “Islamic rape culture” and want to talk about what happens if I get raped. That’s the problem, sicko. You may have shifted your focus. But you still never learn.

  3. Jaci, you said: “Again, who are these “anti-war leftists who see and hear no evil beyond what they can pin on ‘the West’”? I’ve never talked to anyone who thinks the West is the only “evil” in the world.”

    Ooook Jaci, give us some quick examples of how women are exploiting men, blacks are exploiting whites, Arabs are exploiting whites, Jews are exploiting whites, Muslims are exploiting whites and Christians, other non-whites are exploiting whites, homosexuals are exploiting heterosexuals, and transgenders are exploiting cisgenders…

    How do I know I’m gonna be here for a long, long time waiting for your answers…

  4. Could it POSSIBLY BE that you’re a moron, cuck, feminist that wants to run her mouth BEFORE she really knows WTF she’s talking about? Imagine if you were a male and you were an average boxer and you chose to get in the ring to fight potential world-champs. For some reason, lotsa folks fit in this category where they’re very mediocre, but I guess the just don’t care; they want to fight some of the best and either get their asses kicked or they’re so deluded that they think they won’t. I’ve never totally understood the psychology and mentality behind extremely amateur boxers…. OR amateur ANYTHING. WHY do mofos who don’t know a whole lot THINK their uninformed and quite often LOW-IQ opinions truly believe their thoughts are gonna help humanity? And WHY enter a gunfight with a knife???

  5. Jaci “genius” words: “Also, not everyone is physically or financially able to go to the Middle East–or anywhere. You sound just like the people who hear I do not like my country and tell me to “just leave if you don’t like it”. So to them I always get sarcastic back and tell them, “Great, you are going to give me money?” Speaking out against falsehood is still helpful.”

    No, dumb broad. You should be deported to fiiiinally get affirmative action, women’s shelters, welfare for being a female, courts in your favor, women’s studies in universitaaays, and the MSM/Hollywood and society in general in your favor. That shit just ain’t happen in da evil, oppressive West n sheeeit.

  6. @ Jaci

    I recall now who you are. You were once on YouTube promoting atheism. I remember about 80% of your content was liberal atheist critiques of Islam, yet now you’re condemning me for becoming more critical of Muslims? You were saying that Islam was the biggest evil in the world. I don’t even say that’s the case now even though I’ve become more critical of Muslims from a European nationalist standpoint. I really don’t care what Muslims want to do in their own countries, but we don’t need them in our countries. Nor do we need blacks, Asians or any significant amount of non-whites. The Kalergi plan is what whites should focus on, not endless Semitic squabbles in the Middle East.

  7. Brandon, this is Jaci. I felt impressed to write you to apologize for approaching you in a negative accusatory manner to begin with and for the initial articles. I would like to email you if that is alright with you. I have had a serious injury this entire time and, due to recent events, realized I should have never been a voice on social media for that reason. I am including this portion here because it is pertinent to me reacting without thinking. I have closed down all my social media accounts in the interest of trying to better heal. With that being the case this also means any article I wrote about you does not exist anymore. Plus I am tired of the focus I had on certain subjects I gave my whole life to before as I am sure you can understand. In case anyone else sees this comment and concludes we are somehow working together or that I am a shill, my mother raised me to respect others and to apologize where I am at fault. This is why I am contacting you.

    One thing I will share on here in response to other comments made about me is that I definitely don’t see myself as a victim. My dad spoke in a more crude manner and I took after him. So when I made that rude comment about you and rufies, I speak the same way about women too and will say she’s like a Glenn Close fatal attraction crazy woman. It is just how I spoke and I don’t talk that way anymore and do apologize.

    I had that picture of myself up on Facebook in a small black dress because it was an old dress in my closet. I don’t even dress that way anymore and felt at the time that you didn’t have an argument against me and would focus on my picture instead. This is what happened. However, I just put the outfit on for fun. I wasn’t what people thought of me and, honestly, you aren’t either. Anyway if you could email me so that I may write you it may take me a day or a few to get back to you. I have endured a serious skull injury and damage to my eyes from a person who was in my life years ago and this injury puts me in a lot of stress. This is one reason I did not ever respond to you on here and couldn’t read all the comments. Since deleting all my social media accounts I feel a lot better. Back when you knew me I had a YouTube channel for the same reason I had one recently: to build an audience to sell books I had written. I had to stop both as my injury didn’t allow me to.

    I am sorry I can’t come back to this page and article to see if anyone else wrote me back or responded to me. That is not really my concern as people are free to think of me whatever they wish but I honestly have too much going on with my injury to pay attention to it. I really need to spend as little time online as possible. My email address is naturalworldrevert @ yahoo . com (obviously no spaces). Thank you for taking the time to read this, Brandon, and I hope you will write me so I can send you an email. If you don’t wish to perhaps if you would be interested in taking down the articles written about me and pictures since mine are gone about you? If not I accept it. Thank you and have a good day.

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