Duration: 3h 4min 15sec Topics: First half I expected a guest but had a time miscommunication; I covered some stuff from Not Our Guy’s blog about Hitler’s religion & WW2;…
Tag: Hitler
Martinez Politix (Sept. 9, 2024) | Africans continue to invade Spain
Duration: 2h 38min 56sec Topics: First half I cover some bullshit from Douglas MacGregor that Hitler didn’t start WW2, but Stalin did; No, they both did but Hitler invaded Poland…
Was Hitler a Crypto-Bolshevik? Debate w/ Logos
Debate with a pro-Hitler Natsoc on Hitler’s Bolshevism and Nordicism.
Martinez Politix (June 3, 2024) | Is Trump being railroaded into prison? + Debunking Davis on Hitler/WW2
Duration: 2h 27min Topics: First part I look at how Canada is a hell-hole; hate speech laws, great replacement, gaylordism; country is on suicide watch; Democrats are trying to railroad…
Martinez Politix (May 30, 2024) | The Nordicist Schizo Question w/ Gigachud
Duration: 2:50:00 Topics: We cover a lot of topics; National Socialism is a Nordicist race cult that imitates Jewish supremacy; master race vs chosen people; Hitler’s main mission was to…
Martinez Politix (Dec. 15, 2023) | Communist creep in right-wing politics w/ guest N of 1 Liberty
Duration: 2h 52min 34sec Topics: Communist infiltration of right-wing politics; we break down how Third Positionism is little more than classical Marxism wrapped up in identity politics. You need to…
Goebbels’ Diaries Proves Nazi Germany Perceived No Imminent Threat from the USSR
The traditional Hitler apologist line for his invasion of the USSR is that it was all a “pre-emptive strike” predicated on a perceived threat of imminent invasion from Moscow. That…
Proofs of Lebensraum: Hitler’s Plan to Conquer & Colonize Slavic Lands (Script)
Quotes from Mein Kampf (Chapters 4 and 14): Therefore the only possibility that Germany had to conduct a sound territorial policy was to acquire new territory in Europe itself. Colonies…
Did Hitler & Stalin Admire Each Other? | Martinez Politix Investigates
Duration: 01:08:11 Topic: In this episode I look into the relationship of Hitler and Stalin; did they admire each other? Or were they diametrically opposed?; the evidence is overwhelming that…
The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 16, 2023) | Interview: David Cole
Duration: 03:06:36 Topics: Cole is a WW2/Holocaust expert who was in the revisionist movement for a decade. Some former revisionists like Eric Hunt & Mark Weber have both abandoned a…
Proofs of Lebensraum: Hitler’s Plan to Conquer & Colonize Slavic Lands | Martinez Politix Investigates
Duration: 01:28:44 Topic: In this episode, I look at Hitler’s #1 foreign policy goal: Lebensraum, expanding Germany’s living space to the East. I demolish the natsoc myth that Hitler only…
Was Hitler’s Anti-Communism a Fraud? | Martinez Politix Investigates
Duration: 01:23:38 Topic: In this episode of Martinez Politix Investigates, I look at the common wisdom that Adolf Hitler was an “anti-communist” crusader and break down a series of reasons…
Fascists Admit Fascism & Communism Are Highly Similar (and they’re proud of it)
Some fascists who don’t know what fascism is (they’re like nominal Christians who have never read the Bible) have taken issue with me saying that fascism is cut from the…
Response to Counter-Currents on Fascism
A writer on Counter-Currents named Thomas Steuben recently wrote an article about my takes on fascism that I thought deserved a response. Steuben appears to be a rational and articulate…