Black Supremacist Thug Ice Cube on ‘White Privilege’

By Brandon Martinez

This is pathetic. Ice Cube, a gangster rapper who used to rap about killing cops and “white devils,” is lecturing Bill Maher about “white privilege” and racism for using the n-word in a joke. Cube says that only black people can use the n-word, which they employ as often as prepositions, especially in the gangsta rap genre. This speech policing is insane. Privileged blacks like Ice Cube can be as anti-white as they please (calling whites ‘crackers’ and ‘devils’) and yet they catch absolutely no flack for it. In fact, the more anti-white they are the more opportunities they seem to get. And yet he claims America is today run by evil white racists who oppress blacks? If that were true he wouldn’t be a multimillionaire for rapping about killing white people and cops. The only reason Cube has been successful is because he’s black. He has black privilege. He’s a terrible actor and his rap is sub-par. But the leftist establishment elevates people like him to positions of influence deliberately as an attack on white people.

3 thoughts on “Black Supremacist Thug Ice Cube on ‘White Privilege’

  1. Bill is Jewish! The whole thing is a joke. It’s JEWISH privilege and BLACK privilege going head to head for Goy entertainment. Bill didn’t get fired because he’s got an easy out, he’s Jewish. He can do and say what he wants and he and his synagogue buddies are just going to laugh it up. Both groups can call themselves whatever, “kike” or “nigger” but others can’t. Maybe it should be called hypocrisy and not “privilege.” Not too sure why you neglected to mention the fact that he’s Jewish.

  2. “His rap is sup-par”??

    What’s “par” anyway?

    As a public service, here are the
    LYRICS to EVERY RAP SONG ever made:

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga [insert obscenity]!

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga [insert obscenity]!

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!

    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga!
    Ooga booga ooga ooga booga [insert obscenity]!

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