Russian Internet Troll Reveals Aim to “Turn Americans Against Government”

By Brandon Martinez

A paid Russian internet troll revealed to Russian media outlets that his job was “to turn the Americans toward Russia” as well as “set Americans against their own government” by provoking unrest and discontent through divisive issues like LGBT rights, gun control and gay marriage.

The troll revealed how a secretive Russian troll factory had three “desks” with different tasks, all essentially aimed at sowing discord and havoc in Western countries, whilst at the same time glorifying Putin as the world’s saviour.

An investigation found that the Internet Research Agency, a Russian company behind the troll factories, “hired 100 American activists over the internet to hold 40 rallies across different US cities. Those people did not know they were working for a Russian organization, according to the investigation.”

Two of the dupes Russia paid to push its propaganda were a pair of semi-literate African YouTubers, a hip-hop duo called “Williams & Kalvin,” who vlogged against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. A Daily Beast investigation found that Russia hired the two low-IQ Africans as part of its influence campaign to swing the election for Donald Trump.

All of this nefarious Kremlin activity fits the “chaos strategy” championed by the likes of Alexander Dugin and his duped followers. In his maniacal screed about a “coming great war” with the West, Dugin advocated full-blown influence operations designed to exacerbate the discontent of dissident elements in America and the West, with the ultimate aim of provoking devastating civil war within Russia’s rivals. Dugin specifically outlined the need for Russia “to create the entirely negative, monstrous, satanic image of the United States and the West in general” in order for Russia to triumph over its stated Western enemies. That’s where Russia Today and its offshoots come in, with substantial help from bought off pro-Kremlin and Duginite voices in the alternative media.

Unfortunately, the Duginite network has tricked and brainwashed much of the alt-right to support their own destruction in the service of Bolshevik Eurasianism. They parrot with precision the Putinist saviour narrative, touting Russia in utopian terms as the “white man’s paradise,” a white nationalist twist on the former Marxist appellation of the “workers’ paradise.” If they really believe Russia is a paradise for disenfranchised white males in the West, then why don’t they go there and see for themselves, instead of just acting as the KGB’s fifth-column?

One thought on “Russian Internet Troll Reveals Aim to “Turn Americans Against Government”

  1. We were disunited prior to putin

    of course they spew out trolls

    as does china

    as does eurabian eussr against brexit

    as do aussies

    as does u.s.

    as does canada



    when we were founded upon hating government…i don’t believe they have more influence on divide than we do on ourselves

    further…being anti-government isn’t the same as being any less white identity

    gotta shatter eggs to build stuff

    nation isn’t the state for a reason

    whiskey rebellion came after how many days under washington?

    that’s only one case

    every nation every government etc’s out for its own interest.

    tribe is evolutionarily developed

    freethought isn’t against this so long as collective conscience holds true

    but we shouldn’t be repeating an ancien regime than repeat the pre-jacobin functionality

    unless we wanna continue status quo…we need to divide against the bad

    to then expell it

    division as a rule of thumb is bad

    however…certain divisions are necessary

    this is not even the end of such necessity but the means of necessity

    better to divide against an anti-white despotism than against our own tribe

    and that’s government’s own failing as well as our impulsive lunacy to virtue-signal unto oblivion

    if we don’t accelerate to full capacity…we’ve only ripped the bandaid off halfway

    that’s no good. that’s worse than slow cancerous death

    and slow cancerous death is worse than temporary pain to then recuperate from

    finish the job.

    do it well.

    or don’t bother.

    but then get out of the way

    this is why you need good people

    rebellion is a means.

    a necessary means

    but rebellious people don’t succeed

    rebellious towards an end of need succeeds

    one can be rebellious for the mere point of being feisty
    but that doesn’t negate rebellion

    it negates numbheads

    but then expell them too

    but use the manpower in the meantime

    remember what we aim for and go for it

    of course we don’t win if we forget what we’re aiming for

    but we also don’t win if we don’t go for that aim

    we need both or we might as well do or have neither.

    so this’ll always be true

    but it’s peripheral

    no need to give it appeasy attention nor scathing attention

    if interests coalign…so be it

    that doesn’t mean we should be focusing on agitprop

    but we’ve enough of that here as well

    it’s all places

    that doesn’t matter

    focus on what succeeds what’s best what’s needed

    and do that.

    focus on that. ignore the peripheral
    it’s noise is all it is. who cares?

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