Putin Refers to Torah as Basis of His Values

By Brandon Martinez

Vladimir Putin, saviour of the white race, cited the Jewish Torah as the basis for some of his values, revealing that he’s a champion of Abrahamic religion in general, as opposed to Christianity in particular.

“All that you’ve mentioned remain the eternal main values. It’s not a coincidence that the Torah says that giving up the territories is a great sin. The territories, the natural treasures and the people remain the most important factors,” Putin said.

Putin’s “wisdom” is always vague and incoherent, yet his slobbering groupies don’t seem to notice.

Putin’s fondness for Judaism is well-known. Russian Jewry has had a renaissance under his reign. He is close friends with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar and has cited a Jewish school teacher as his main influence growing up. Recounting a childhood story about Putin, Lazar said that Putin had befriended a Hasidic Jewish family living next door, and spent considerable time at their house growing up, which informed his philosemitic views. Putin himself confirmed the story in his autobiography. Two of Putin’s closest friends today are the Jewish Rotenberg brothers, who became billionaires thanks to construction contracts from the Putin government.

Putin-worshippers have pointed to his pro-Christian statements to justify their slavish reverence, but ignore the pro-Judaism and pro-Islam references that he’s also made when trying to win support from the Russian public. Christian sects deemed heretical by the Russian Orthodox Church, whose Patriarch Kiril is a KGB asset, have been suppressed with Putin’s aid. The Jehovah’s Witnesses were actually banned.

Putin’s values clearly coincide most with Judaism, which preaches self-worship and extreme vengeance against perceived enemies. This is why anyone deemed to be an enemy or critic of Putin has been murdered in foul ways by the regime’s vast network of assassins. When questioned or criticized, Putin lashes out in an emotional rage. His face always contorts with anger when journalists scrutinize his policies.

Some religious Jews believe Putin is their messiah. At a meeting in 2014, top rabbis greeted Putin as if a Jewish King. He played into that by urging “persecuted” Jews in the West to “come to Russia,” promising them protection. This is part and parcel of Putin’s broader design to appear as a Christ-like saviour for the Abrahamic faiths, simultaneously depicting himself as a guardian of Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Borrowing from Zionist tactics, Putin’s supporters and controlled media outlets label all criticism of the Russian leader and his regime as irrational expressions of “Russophobia,” a comparable phrase to “anti-Semitism.” Both Russia and Israel have vast armies of online trolls and bots that shill for their regimes across the web. Putin himself, when confronted with criticism about Russian interference in the US election, compared allegations of Russian wrongdoing to “anti-Semitism.”

Putin has banned Nazi ideology and Holocaust skepticism in Russia, but not Zionist ideology or denial of Stalin’s crimes. He’s courted close relations with Israel while attacking the white Christian nation of Ukraine with communist rebels. He’s banned Christian sects, but not Jewish sects.

Russia has clearly paid off Western neo-Nazis to promote Putin as the saviour of the white race while he throws their domestic Russian compatriots in jail. This bizarre scenario continues to unfold and only a few astute observers have spoken out against this subversive Russian takeover of the nationalist narrative in the West.

8 thoughts on “Putin Refers to Torah as Basis of His Values

  1. There is no such thing as a “saviour of the white race” anywhere and paradises do not exist. Ukraine too has a lot of jews in it and a prime minister who is jewish. Ashkenazi jews are smart and are bright businessmen. They can succeed anywhere. Even Britain once had a jewish Prime Minister. If they are powerful, there must be something good about them.

    1. It has nothing to do with the “Ashkenazi” tag line. It has to do with the way a Jew is brought up. My husband is 100% Ashkenazi and he is far right wing. He was raised by patriotic Jews, his father who was in WW2.
      If a Jew is brought up to be a leftist, that is what the Jewish person thinks “Judaism” is. However, it is not. Judaism would be far right wing. Leviticus 18:22 explains this.
      Judaism is a far right wing religion, (IF politics and Judaism were political to begin with).

      If the way we were ALL brought up: Raised by far left, you will be a far leftist. No matter if one is Jew or not.

      As for Ukraine: NO, there are not a lot of Jews left there b/c of Obama and John McCains fiasco there.

  2. Roman, ‘if they are powerful, there must be something good about them.’ Is that supposed to be some kind of a joke?

    Dude, if you ever get into researching how elite Jews operate, you’ll notice their extremely high propensity for being into black magick, i.e., Luciferianism: they take their orders from Lucifer. Since this is the case, others should do it too, right? Although maybe another thing you might be hinting at is their in-group proclivity for being very self-interested, whereas whites are not – in which case, that would be obviously true.

    1. Seems Roman worships anyone and anything that has power. He said we should support the leftist traitor Pablo Iglesias in Spain simply because he managed to build up a big following of leftist supporters.

    1. Yeah that’s what RT would like us all to believe. Read our other articles on Duginism and you’ll get a better idea about the truth regarding the whole Putin thing. Putin is not a white nationalist but quite the opposite, a Eurasianist who wants to encorporate many different races and religions into a Russian Eurasian empire. Dugin is the ideological mastermind behind this latest Judeo-Bolshevik infiltration into the Alt-Right. Putin supports both Far-Right and Far-Left movements. We have no interest to support him in the West. What we need is ethnic sovereignty and independence, in every nation in the West.

      1. Re. Russia – I saw the video that Mr. Martinez put on, he posted it to me on Gab. Thank you. I will look into this further.

        I will have to politely disagree with you, Mr. C- re “Judeo Bolshevism”. There is no such thing as “Judeo” Bolshevism.
        Its just Bolshevism/Communism: Poor people want it. Because many poor people are lazy. Many are not smart like white males. So, they want what white males have. Its theft.

        And-The Bolshevik Revolution was not a “Jewish/Judeo plot”.
        7 Jews (of 24 total members) were on Lenin’s staff in Oct 1917.
        On the eve of the Bolshevik revolt in October, there were a little over 10K members in the Bolshevik party. 364 were Jews.
        NEW GOVT FORMED in Nov 1917, ONE Jew on “CPC”, Leon Trotsky.
        There were more Jews in the MENSHEVIK party.

        The issue with the Jewish people is not the # of them in f’cked up politics. Its their BIG MOUTHS. Almost once a week, we can witness a dumbas Lib Jew saying how he hates white people. Ditto guns. MOUTHS that need to be shut the hell up.

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