Supercuck Justin Trudeau Apologizes to LGBTQ

Canada’s virtue signalling phenom PM Justin Trudeau made a tearful official apology and a promise of reparations to LGBTQ Canadians for alleged mistreatment by past governments.

Trudeau is the embodiment of the Supercuck: an effeminate, emotional, feminist, anti-racist, minority-pandering libtard who just can’t stop apologizing to every possible “victim” group under the sun. He previously apologized to First Nations Indians and for a 1914 incident wherein the Canadian government turned back a ship full of Indians trying to enter Canada.

He’s presented himself as a champion of women and LGBT rights on the world stage, playing up the dangerous myth of a “rape culture” in the West which claims that a man so much as asking a woman on a date is a form of sexual harassment. Meanwhile, he supports mass immigration of ultra-conservative patriarchal Muslims who have actually been rampaging across Europe raping and grooming girls and women as they please.

Here’s Trudeau making a fool of himself doing a funky Indian dance:

And here he is at the Canadian Gay Pride Parade:

Trudeau represents the death of Western civilization. He is engaging in turbocharged cultural Marxism, doing everything in his power to dispossess the white majority of Canada, while empowering the weakest and most degenerate elements of society.

One thought on “Supercuck Justin Trudeau Apologizes to LGBTQ

  1. Trudeau is a real tyrant. He has passed all sorts of ordinances and rights that are solely emotional protectionism for favored victim groups. Everyone must go along with it or be punished by the state if you fail to do so. More and more definitions of hate crimes solely for disagreeing with the left. Is considered hate if: you want to discuss the immigration rate, you object to drags reading to kids, you believe fetuses are babies, you do not agree with debauchery, you believe children are better with a mother and father, if you think feminism is bad……Trudeau would like every Male to be effeminate, not self-reliant, a victim and a ward of the state. Pampering the rapidly growing list of victim groups is all that Trudeau is good at. He thinks showing abortion to the public is hate speech or actually showing what abortion is to an ignorant public is hate speech. But he calls it women’s rights and those who disagree with dismembering, burning and suffocating infants are out of step and out of line in Canadian society. You are the problem also if you object to mass debauchery on public streets in front of children. You are not progressive enough.

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