Jobbik Cucks Out – Embraces ZOG

Hungary’s nationalist party Jobbik has cucked out, with the party’s leader Gabor Vona pledging to move the party away from opposition to Zionist power and towards centrist cuckservatism.

To make Jobbik electable, Vona said he will steer the party into the center, mimicking the non-racial civic nationalism of Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage or even his own Prime Minister Viktor Orban, all of whom bow to Israel and only oppose Islamic immigration.

Disavowing “anti-Semitism” in recent years, Vona has betrayed Jobbik’s supporters by embracing the very enemy behind the open borders globalist agenda.

Over the past few years Jobbik has progressively edged out its previous strong anti-Jewish supremacist stance. High-ranking members of the party had been pegged as top anti-Semites in Europe by Jewish supremacist groups like the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. But no more.

Lamentably, Vona is taking the party in the direction of soft centre-right cuckservatism and populism, weakening its stance on the Jewish question and even on immigration and the gypsy problem in Hungary. Marine Le Pen did the same thing with the National Front in France, purging the party of “anti-Semitic” patriots while embracing a weak civic nationalism and cozying up to corrupt regimes in Israel and Russia.

This kind of pathetic cucking is borne of opportunism and egotism on the part of some nationalists who just want a taste of power before they retire from politics. They believe the only way to get in is to kiss up to the Jews and soften rhetoric on the immigration problem.

It won’t work. The elite Jews will remain steadfastly against Jobbik and oppose them every step of the way. The Jewish elite won’t forgive Jobbik’s history of anti-ZOG incitement and will forever work to torpedo them into the ground. Top Jews are not even content with the current Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of the Fidesz Party, who took a strong nationalistic turn after ZOG’s human tidal wave from the Middle East came pouring into his nation. Orban patently refused to take any migrants and put up a border fence to keep them out. He’s also been waging a propaganda war against George Soros, naming the Jewish oligarch publicly as the chief enemy of Europe.

So then how will Jobbik set itself apart from Orban’s party if not on the Jewish question? Jobbik could advocate for a stronger racial nationalism instead of the more civic Christian patriotism pushed by Orban, but they seem to be backing away from it. That makes them virtually indistinguishable from the current ruling government. So there’d be no more reason to vote for Jobbik than for Orban.

Jobbik has had problems with infiltration in the past. It was penetrated by Jews and Russians who sought to co-opt the party for Russian and Israeli benefit. Now it seems Vona himself is being steered by Jews and Russians to sell-out Hungary for foreign exploitation.

12 thoughts on “Jobbik Cucks Out – Embraces ZOG

  1. A lone voice crying in the wilderness…

    It is neither Christian to cozy up to Jewish power, but in today’s parlance the term is often abused. The line is truth, and few there be that are on the side of virtue. I am afraid that we have the paradox of the wisdom of the world. You, Brandon, are like Socrates. And some day there will be a bitter drink for you, but you fear not death.

  2. How large is the jewish population of Hungary? At most 50 thousand. Out of a population of 10 million. That is what? 0.5% of voters. So Vona “cucked out” just to attempt to get a miserable 0.5%? Ridiculous. Apparently the author never worked for an electoral campaign and does not check statistics. What Vona does is a typical electoral tactic. He wants to appeal to hungarian middle class voters by appearing moderate and sensible. Sorry, middle class voters anywhere do not like extremism of any kind and are generally wussies. That is just how it is. His tactic on elections has to be judged according to how many millions of votes, percentage points and parliamentary seats he is going to gain. The bottom line is power and money equals respect.

    1. I didn’t say he’s doing this for Jewish votes, he’s doing it to get the rich Jews in Hungary off his back. The Jews in Hungary can buy politicians so it’s not a matter of their small numbers. Yes, he’s trying to get more normie votes by softening the party’s stance on the JQ because most normies have been trained by Jewish propaganda to dislike nationalism and love Jews.

    2. I wish what Roman is saying were true. Unfortunately they seem to have changed their stances completely. Ethnic nationalism is very popular in Hungary, Jobbik should have no problem advancing racialism and the JQ.

  3. From my dear deceased (murdered) friend and victim of mafia human trafficking, Brian Akira aka Susan aka Ashley aka whatever else she danced under (while secretly being an Orthodox nun), whom I maintain was one of the greatest minds of our generation and whose loss I shall never cease to mourn :



    Gábor Vona of Jobbik is increasingly revealing his kike identity and the kike-role of Jobbik. I’ve already written about Vona’s kike Panturanism and Islam fetishism. I bet this Vona is a Kike, and I have no doubt he’s a Freemason. Everything about him is kike.

    I hope Jobbik are evebtually crushed in elections, and I can see why most Hungarian nationalists reject them in favour of Viktor Orbán and the currently ruling Fidesz party (Nationalist, Euroskeptic, with genuine anti-Communist roots).

    I have never liked Jobbik. They stink of kikery. I have no doubt that they were set up to try to prevent Hungarian nationalists from coming to power, and having failed at that their mission now is to help put Orbán and his party “on the spot”, pushing them to try to maintain Euro-“respectability” by trying to distance themselves from Jobbik’s provocateur tactics — pressuring Fedesz to try to prrsent themselves as more bog-standard “kosher conservative”. If Jobbik was not actually set up by Kikes and their whores, then it was soon infiltrated and taken over by them.

    Jobbik provide’s a big target for The Kike, to try to impose further Eurocontrol over Hungary. Jobbik has had (and no doubt still has) Kikes in leadership roles.

    Jobbik’s tedious and impotent Hungarian irredentism, their claims on all surrounding territory and their petty Magyar chauvinism/romantacism are all designed to stir up ethnic tensions with neighbouring states. Jobbik’s sense of Magyar victimhood is megakike. Their Panturanism is especially vomitously kike.

    In the following Eurasianist article, Vona reveals his Masonic anti-Christian identity:

    René Guénon was a Muslim Freemason. I am sure he was a Kike too.
    Nikolai Trubetskoy was a Freemason. French, British, American and Kike-backed Freemasons ruled Russia after getting rid of the Tsar, clearing the path for the Kike takeover of the Russian Empire and the kike murders of the Romanovs. Trubetskoy “died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution following his publishing an article highly critical of Hitler’s theories. … It is sometimes hard to distinguish Trubetzkoy’s views from those of his friend [Kike] Roman Jakobson.” (Kikipedia). No doubt.
    Fritjof Schuon was a Pagan Muslim Freemason, a Sufist, a muqqadam of Sheikh Al-Alawi. Schoun was a German citizen (Alsatian mother), born in Switzerland. I’m assuming, based on his life and career, that he was a Kike. In 1939, after France declared war on Germany, he returned from India to Europe, to join the the French army. He was a POW, captured by Germany, but sought Swiss asylum, and was granted Swiss nationality. Schuon and his wife were solemnly adopted by the the Lakota chief, James Red Cloud, and by the Crow witch doctor and Sun Dance chief, Thomas Yellowtail.
    I don’t have the stomach right now to deal with “Baron” Evola.



    1. Vona is definitely a Eurasianist, like Trubetskoy (a precursor of Dugin, who often cites him) also a pan-Turanian based on the now-debunked conflating of Magyars and Finns with Turks and other Turkic peoples of the Steppes; confusing Uralic, Altaic and Turanian as the same whereas there are differences between all three.

      Incidentally, it was the Jewish orientalist Ignaz Goldziher who did much to promote this “pan-Turanian” myth that was also seized upon by the Donmeh (crypto-Jewish)-Masonic “Young Turks” movement. By its very nature, holding such a position would require a geopolitical “benefactor” which Vona has indeed found with Putin’s Russia….and now, openly Israel as well.

      Whereas a true Magyar nationalist, looking deep on the ancestral soil of Hungary, remembering the three historic periods of Hungarian subjugation – first the Ottomans, later the Judeo-Bolsheviks under the Bela Kun regime of 1919, and finally the second Judeo-Bolshevik regime of Rakosi forced upon them by Russian tanks and guns in 1956 – would be a natural guarantee against either the “Turanian” myth, Israel and Eurasianist Russia.

      From a Eurasianist standpoint, its in their objectives to pit the nations of Intermarium against each other, which would also include diverting Jobbik’s energies away from battling Jewish dominance or defending the country against Israeli and Kremlin interests, and towards an irredentist pipe-dream against Romania. Dugin openly advocates the same for Prussian-centric German nationalists against Poland and also pitting Ukrainians and Poles against each other. So I also think Jobbik fits this geopolitical scheme.

      Not only was Guenon a Freemason but he was also a Cabbalist, or at least influenced by it. The Sufi Muslim tariqa he joined was actually notorious in North Africa for being heavily infiltrated by Freemasons who brought back “The Craft” from their sojourns in Paris. No doubt, Guenon hobnobbed directly in these same circles before his move to Egypt.

      I’d also add about Schuon that even within “Traditionalist” circles, there were many who exposed the rampant pedophilia that happened within the compound communities Schuon formed in the American Midwest.

      I am actually an Evolian who would place him in a completely different category than either Guenon or Schuon, on numerous grounds. Especially his writings exposing both Freemasonry and Jewry. He did later modify some of these views, but his writings are still useful.

      In the following Eurasianist article, Vona reveals his Masonic anti-Christian identity:

      René Guénon was a Muslim Freemason. I am sure he was a Kike too.
      Nikolai Trubetskoy was a Freemason. French, British, American and Kike-backed Freemasons ruled Russia after getting rid of the Tsar, clearing the path for the Kike takeover of the Russian Empire and the kike murders of the Romanovs. Trubetskoy “died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution following his publishing an article highly critical of Hitler’s theories. … It is sometimes hard to distinguish Trubetzkoy’s views from those of his friend [Kike] Roman Jakobson.” (Kikipedia). No doubt.
      Fritjof Schuon was a Pagan Muslim Freemason, a Sufist, a muqqadam of Sheikh Al-Alawi. Schoun was a German citizen (Alsatian mother), born in Switzerland. I’m assuming, based on his life and career, that he was a Kike. In 1939, after France declared war on Germany, he returned from India to Europe, to join the the French army. He was a POW, captured by Germany, but sought Swiss asylum, and was granted Swiss nationality. Schuon and his wife were solemnly adopted by the the Lakota chief, James Red Cloud, and by the Crow witch doctor and Sun Dance chief, Thomas Yellowtail.
      I don’t have the stomach right now to deal with “Baron” Evola.

      1. Yeah the Mongols invaded Hungary as well, twice in 1241 and 1285, the first time killing about a quarter of the Hungarian population. For their second invasion, they were trying to get Hungarians to give a quarter of their army for a Mongol invasion deeper into Europe, but the Hungarians refused. The second invasion by the Mongols didn’t work out so well for them as their first invasion did.

        The Huns also invaded the land of present-day Hungary circa 370, although Hungary wasn’t formed as a country until 895:

        The speed with which the Huns moved, and their success in battle, is best illustrated in their conquest of the region which comprises Hungary in the present day. In 370 CE they conquered the Alans and, by 376 CE, had driven the Visigoths under Fritigern into Roman territory and those under the leadership of Athanaric to the Caucalands by c. 379 CE. The Huns continued their invasion of the region and, as historian Herwig Wolfram writes, citing the ancient source of Ambrose, the chaos this caused was widespread: “the Huns fell upon the Alans, the Alans upon the Goths, and the Goths upon the [tribes of] the Taifali and Sarmatians” (73). Many of these tribes, besides the Goths, sought refuge in Roman territory and, when it was denied, they took it upon themselves to find a way in to escape from the Huns.”

    2. Vona is also a “pan-Turanian”, much like Trubetskoy. Along with the Jews Roman Jakobson and Yakov Bromberg, Trubetskoy has been cited as a precursor of Eurasianism by Dugin, who also speaks about the Russians being a “Slavic-Turanian” mix.

      Pan-Turanianism stems from the now-debunked 19th-century pseudo-theories that conflated Uralic, Altaic and Turanian peoples with each other, confusing the Magyars with the Finns and Estonians, and both with the Turks and the various Turkic peoples of the Steppes and the Mongol peoples of Siberia. Whereas all these peoples are generally divergent from each other.

      Incidentally, one of the founders of pan-Turanianism was the Jewish orientalist Ignaz Goldziher, who was both a known Rothschild agent and a friend of Zionist Theodor Herzl, interceding between him and the Ottoman Sultan. Its no coincidence the Donmeh (crypto-Jewish)-Masonic “Young Turks” movement promoted pan-Turanianism, nor that “Revisionist” Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky actually worked at one of the “Young Turks'” newspapers in Constantinople.

      A true Magyar nationalist would be too rooted in the ancestral soil of Hungary to hold on to such debunked geopolitical gobblygook as pan-Turanianism, and would be aware of three crucial periods of Hungary’s history – first the occupation of the Ottomans, second the rule by the first Judeo-Bolshevik regime of Bela Kun in 1919, and finally the crushing of Hungarian nationalists by the second Judeo-Bolshevik regime of Rakosi on the backs of Russian tanks in 1956 – to promote pan-Turanianism or to compromise with Russia and Israel.

      Incidentally, Dugin openly speaks about weakening Russia’s opponents by pitting the nations of Intermarium against each other. Such is the case with Jobbik’s irredentist pipedream against Romania, another country targeted by Duginist Eurasianism. By its very nature, this irredentism and geopolitical pan-Turanianism requires an alliance with another power that can be the benefactor, and Jobbik has found such with the Kremlin. Given the overlap of pro-Kremlin with pro-Israel parties on the “far-right” in Europe, I’m not surprised Jobbik is now openly combining this with pro-Zionism.

      As for Guenon, not only was he a Freemason but he was also a Kabbalist. In fact, the Sufi Muslim tariqa he joined was notorious in North Africa for being infiltrated by Freemasons who learned “The Craft” in Paris. One can no doubt imagine Guenon hobnobbed in these same circles before moving to Egypt.

      Another thing that can be said about Schuon is the well-known sexual deviancies that proliferated in his cult compound in the American Midwest as even many “Traditionalists” have admitted. This includes Schuon helping himself to the vulnerable female members of his cult. Far worse are the serious accusations of pedophilia that occurred with his communities!

      As an aside, I am an Evolian who would place Evola in an entirely different category from either Guenon and Schuon. Not the least of which was Evola was outspoken about Freemasonry and Jewry. He later modified some of these views post-war, but nevertheless on that and on many grounds I have found Evola’s writings very useful and an entirely different class than the phony “traditionalism” that was peddled in by the Freemasons Guenon or Schuon and the Cabbalist Dugin.

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