Kremlin Beside Itself Over Ukrainian Nationalists

Kremlin media continues to soil itself at the sight of organized Ukrainian nationalists. RT wrote about a National Corps action at a city council, labelling the group an “ultra-right Ukrainian militia”:

Black-clad members of an ultra-right Ukrainian militia held members of a municipal council in Cherkassy hostage until they voted for a city budget. The vigilantes said they came there to offer “a helping hand” to local MPs.

A handful of black-clad members of the ‘National Brigades’ – a recently-formed nationalist group – entered the municipal council of Cherkassy, a city of 290,000 people in central Ukraine, local media reported on Monday.

It went on to play the standard Nazi angle on National Corps:

The ‘National Brigades’ group was founded last year by the ultra-nationalist National Corps party, and was formed on the basis of the Azov Battalion and is led by its former commander, Andrey Biletsky. The volunteer battalion, while not a part of the Ukrainian military, was actively used by Kiev in the military crackdown on the self-proclaimed breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Biletsky, a former head of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Social-National party, also known as the ‘White Leader’ in nationalist circles, is a highly controversial figure in Ukraine. Back in 2015, US lawmakers banned military aid to the Azov Battalion, calling it “openly neo-Nazi” and “fascist.” 

National Corps representative Dmitry Kukharchuk, who took part in the improvised siege of the Cherkassy municipal council, said that the men came to give a “helping hand” to the deputies “in case they can’t find a common language.” 

The incident came just one day after around 600 National Brigade initiates marched in military-like formations through Ukraine’s capital in a “swearing-in” ceremony held by Biletsky. The vigilantes vowed to “patrol,”“protect,” and “clear” the streets from alcoholics and drug addicts.

This shows the evil two-faced nature of Kremlin media and the Putin regime, which plays footsie with certain quasi-nationalist parties in Western Europe (and the American alt-right) that are pro-Putin, but squeals about “Nazism” when dealing with anti-Kremlin nationalists in former Eastern Bloc countries.

Ukrainian nationalism is far more advanced than anything in Western Europe and North America. As I’ve written before, they have tens of thousands of active members, some of whom are battle-hardened soldiers who fought Russia’s rebels in Eastern Ukraine with battalions like Azov. The National Corps group, which is a coalition of Ukrainian nationalists, has built up what is effectively a paramilitary force that could viably seize power one day, pushing out both the pro-EU business class and the Kremlin cucks.

The American alt-right is led by Nazbol Kremlin cucks, so naturally they never praise these brave Ukrainian nationalists, but rather smear them as “Soros puppets” or some other canard drawn directly from the KGB’s psychological warfare handbook. With Nazbols like Richard Spencer in charge, the movement will never amount to anything but a circle jerk of degenerates vying for the attention of their Russian mail-order brides.

15 thoughts on “Kremlin Beside Itself Over Ukrainian Nationalists

  1. Putin is pro-Putin and secondly pro-Putin’sRussia, he’s not pro-Russians though (White Russians) and feels that to the benefit of his State, he must enforce multiculturalism and false peace, but this will prove disastrous in the long run and when force cannot be applied, as the country is becoming more and more Islamic. Just imagine Islam taking hold of the largest Nuclear arsenal on Earth and one of the best Armies and resourceful territories.
    Now, about the Ukrainians: they indeed started as puppets, the Azov thing is Jewish controlled and their ultimate goals might still be the destruction of Russo-Ukranian relations, but the creation of new groups, the overall acceptance of them in the national zeitgeist and the possibility and reality that the Ukrainians themselves might overtake this “resistance” from Jews and grow independent themselves is really glorious and, SO FAR, things are working steadily.

    1. Putin is basically an old KGB spook with nostalgia for the Soviet Union, who is closely aligned with many Jewish oligarchs and the Chabad. While fighting against Russian ethno-nationalists domestically, and willingly displacing his own Russian people in many areas with Central Asian and African migrants, he is simultaneously promoting old historical divisions between Slavic peoples. This doesn’t serve actual Russian interests at all, but does serve the interest of the Neo-Bolsheviks and Jews who have long been notorious for their hatred of Ukrainians.

      “Now, about the Ukrainians: they indeed started as puppets, the Azov thing is Jewish controlled and their ultimate goals might still be the destruction of Russo-Ukranian relations….”

      I disagree. What’s the proof that Azov was “Jewish controlled”? The Jewish media and various organizations constantly whine about the “Nazi” symbols of the Azov, which is notorious for its opposition to Jewish power. (Of course, the symbols aren’t “Nazi” but are inherent to Indo-European and ancient Ukrainian symbols).

      Rather than supporting these “far-right” Ukrainian nationalist groups, the FEW Jewish oligarchs or figures supporting Ukraine in principle – and these pale in comparison to the much greater number supporting the Russian-backed separatists – support the weak, corrupt Ukrainian government that if anything has been seen as ineffectual and too compromising by the sincere nationalists.

      And these same nationalists have never made any statement or expressed any desire to “destroy Russo-Ukrainian relations”. They merely want to assert their own identity within the historical borders of the Ukrainian people. There is no expansionism, and their lack of “anti-Russian” feelings is demonstrated in the fact there are actually Russians or Russian-speaking Ukrainians fighting alongside them. While the separatists constantly decry “fascism” while openly standing behind their Communist symbols and Soviet nostalgia, its the Ukrainian nationalists who are advocates of Slavic friendship and solidarity.

      “….but the creation of new groups, the overall acceptance of them in the national zeitgeist and the possibility and reality that the Ukrainians themselves might overtake this “resistance” from Jews and grow independent themselves is really glorious and, SO FAR, things are working steadily.”

      I completely agree. This has been seen in the rate at which many nationalist groups have taken off from the original ones, without much infighting among or between them.

      1. Nah, ukrainian nationalists are a lot like croatian neo-nazis of the 1990s. Those were supported by the United States just to weaken Serbia and then get Croatia into the EU. Croatian nationalism is totally based on hatred of Serbs. Croatian neo-nazis murdered many Serbs in 1995 with American-supplied weapons, but later they got discarded, a liberal and social democratic government put in place, and then Croatia got EU membership. Now Croatia has to accept migrants from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan as demanded by the EU overlords. Croatian nazis could not coexist with Serbs (which lived there for centuries) but now must put up with Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis. Now Croatia is a conduit for migrants, but was neo-nazi in the 1990s.

  2. Actually the Front National in France and the Austrian Freedom Party are far more advanced than anything else. Front National, Austrian Freedom Party and Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom have millions of voters and lots of parliamentary seats. Not just a few, but dozens and dozens. Some of them came close to winning an election. They increased their party membership sizes and parliamentary seats. These pro-EU ukrainian nationalists cannot win an election according to polls. Marching around with threats of violence does not win elections. Election polls and votes matter more than anything in this day and age.

    1. @Roman: No, they are not “far more advanced”. They are compromising political parties led by traitors. Marine Le Pen sold out her own father, who built the party up from nothing, for the sake of Jewry. Her boyfriend is Jewish and the Front National has several Jewish members. It champions both Israel and Putin’s Russia over any sincere French ethno-nationalism. Its concern for votes over principles is shown, for example, in its official jettisoning of the policy of “return to the franc” the day after it lost the election.

      As for FPO, it was much more principled under Jorg Haider but has since cucked out like humiliated traitors to Israel and Jewish interests. This is unforgivable especially for we who belong to the broader German volk (which includes the Austrians), because its Jews who are most responsible for our situation in the first place with their deep-seated hatred of our people. They compromise by only opposing Islamization within the acceptable discourse rules set by Jewish interests, but actually enable it by aligning with those responsible.

      “These pro-EU ukrainian nationalists cannot win an election according to polls. ”

      This is nothing but slander, because these Ukrainian nationalists are “Eurosceptic” – they support Ukrainian sovereignty before anything else. Because they are more organic and principled than the traitor kosher parties you mentioned, they actually have far more influence in the culture itself, so that even more “liberal” parties in Ukraine are forced to adopt certain nationalist and social traditionalist positions to compete.

      Notice the crucial difference here: The cucked-out kosher parties you idolize adjust and accommodate themselves according to the rules set by the system itself, while the Ukrainian nationalists set the tone and direction of their nation’s cultural and political discourse.

      1. Front National, Austrian Freedom Party, Geert Wilders respect and follow laws. France, Netherlands, Austria have respected constitutions and long traditions of parliamentary institutions. These ukrainian far right goons do not respect laws when they hold a local city legislature hostage. That is an illegal and unconstitutional act in most countries. A paramilitary force for a party would be against the constitution in France, Netherlands or Austria. Only the army and the police can bear arms there.

    2. Roman, it’s more than obvious that you’re some kind of Zionist plant who lends support to Jewish-controlled kosher opposition while degrading the efforts of genuine anti-Semitic nationalists.

  3. Very impressive and moving video. I’m happy to see such support for the drive to reclaim and protect Europe. However, I’m very curious about the current relations between the Alt-Right or White Nationalist and Russia’s general attitude towards them. I must admit, was hoping that I would see warmer relations with the two forces despite their difficult history. I was hoping Putin would be an ally towards the movement in their campaign against the onslaught of immigrants and for the reestablishment of native power in Europe. It makes me sad to think this was a misread. I do know that he must appease his stupid Muslim population, which I do find troubling, but he has also made great strife in cultivating the Christian reawakening there. I did read the above comments re this subject, and have seen that same view elsewhere, so I do know the opinions some have of this in not liking Putin for sort of selling out on the idea of Nationalism . I was really hoping that the Eastern countries could warm their relations w/ Russia while hardening their line against the EU and immigrants. Tactically speaking wouldn’t that be a positive if sovereignty is retained in Eastern Europe ?

    I really want to understand more. Can any of you please point me to articles, here or elsewhere, or authors you can recommend to gain a better understanding of these dynamics?

    1. @Judi: “I was hoping Putin would be an ally towards the movement in their campaign against the onslaught of immigrants and for the reestablishment of native power in Europe. It makes me sad to think this was a misread.”

      Certainly not. Putin has never spoken against the mass-immigration, indeed he stated it should be “accepted” as a reality and promotes the fiction that its only war refugees, saying nothing about the majority who are economic migrants.

      And why should we expect anything different, because after all he promotes multiculturalism and mass immigration in his own country, so why not at our expense as well? In fact, he has enabled the migrants who go through Russia to various European countries. For example, this article (en francais) about Russia allowing migrants across into Norway:

      “I do know that he must appease his stupid Muslim population”….The problem is not so much the indigenous Muslim communities – Chechens, Dagestanis and Tatars – who are only in Russia because it conquered them and refuse to allow them self-determination. The problem is the massive number of Central Asian and African migrants that Putin has been flooding into Russia.

      “I was really hoping that the Eastern countries could warm their relations w/ Russia while hardening their line against the EU and immigrants”….Actually, it happens to be the Eastern European countries that are the hardest against migration (Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia) that are also opposed to Russian imperialism. Its the Kremlin’s activities, which openly denies the sovereignty of Ukraine and the Baltics, promoting pro-Russian separatist activities in those countries and other means of destabilization, that they are reacting against. And recognizing one’s role within the European brotherhood of nations need not translate into a pro-EU policy.

      Many non-white soldiers fighting alongside Russia against the Ukrainians:

      “Can any of you please point me to articles, here or elsewhere, or authors you can recommend to gain a better understanding of these dynamics?”

      I’ve gathered literally over a hundred sources on all different aspects of Putin’s Russia, that I wouldn’t mind sharing. Is there any other issue in particular that you’re curious about?

  4. ok i understand you are north people kind of barbarians as you are all the past years to deep history..!!! ok to be native to Nazi ideas ok..!! i understand also..!! but to hear about nationalism from Greece ? Spain ? south ITALY ? L O L i laugh a lot… some bunch of gypsies for god sake..!! specially the sort gypsies from Spain ? dark color ? play like NAZI ? i laugh MOST..!! they are the most bastard kind of people mixed Jews / Gypsies/ Arabs and the remain retard Catholics from the medieval ages..!!! really ..!! really ? ? ? ALL OF YOU GUYS YOU ARE THE HAIR OF HITLERS BALLS 🙂 🙂 enjoy the COLD and the SNOW up THERE apla NAZI as much you want you will still the same shit as before..!! and Spanish Gypsie CUNTS ? JUST DIE

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