Trump Boots Out Globalist Jew From Administration

Donald Trump has made a bold move in sending his globalist Jew economic advisor, Goldman Sachs operative Gary Cohn, to the skids. Trump basically forced Cohn out after the latter refused to back Trump’s plans for imposing tariffs on aluminum and steel imports. Then Trump effectively denounced him at Cohn’s final White House meeting, calling him a “globalist”!

The ADL and other Jewish groups are decrying Trump’s globalist jab at Cohn, calling it an “anti-Semitic” slur, confirming that Jewish is synonymous with globalist.

Additionally, Trump has been busily installing conservative white males back into power at the judiciary. The libtard Huffington Post did a whole article decrying Trump’s choices for judicial positions because 92% of them are white men, the hated enemy of leftists and libtards globally.

These are all good things from Trump. He definitely has a white nationalist streak in him. He’s implicitly pro-white but doesn’t come out and say it for fear he’ll be roasted by the Jewish press even more than he already is. Smart move on his part. Trump is stealthily returning America to its white gentile roots.

Unfortunately, Trump is not red-pilled on the Jewish problem, and continues to shill hard for Jews and Israel. It seems that any populist/nationalist who attains power makes this pro-Jew trade off. We here at think any compromises with the Jewish supremacist enemy is doomed to failure and must be avoided.

14 thoughts on “Trump Boots Out Globalist Jew From Administration

  1. Joe Cardsbury, it must be that time in the millenium where the stars are aligned just in the right way, where I actually sort of agree with one of your comments, lmao. But if you’re calling Brandon ‘kiddo’, and/but you were basically a child at the time of 9/11 (what you were telling me before), that would make you close to Brandon’s age. I know you’re full of shit about your personal stories, BTW.

    1. Can’t say I didn’t expect you to respond. Kiddo would indicate something other than age. Perhaps maybe I am giving the indication that the writer is an amateur. Trump being pro white and Jew hating. Give me a god dam break.

      1. Oh it would… perhaps you might be the only person I’ve seen use the word to indicate something other than age. Goddamned fool.

      2. Obviously you didn’t read the article because I’ve never claimed Trump was anti-Jew. I said he’s pro-Jew and that’s his worst point. That doesn’t mean he’s not pro-white though. His policies are clearly favourable to white males.

          1. Joe Cardsbury, Trump isn’t pro-white. He’s pro-civnat. Now imagine if he had said the same thing/s about whites as he has Jews.

            Really, Trump is ‘pro-white’ according to anti-whites.

    2. Oh, and last time you said ‘don’t get your hopes up’, like the pompous chump that you are, (yes, I feel like I might snap your neck in real life and I’ll blame it on PTSD, lolz), it was about the Polish referendum to make it illegal to blame Poles for the Holohoax. Yeah, it went through, BTW.

      1. I’m surprised you remember all that or cared to remember. Clearly you are a bitch that can’t handle criticism or a difference of opinion. I would control that ptsd, I doubt you could break my neck even if you tried. You’re a keyboard warrior and a former JWO minion. And Don’t give me the “I was in the military” bs. I’ve gotten in fights with marines and others who were in the military and they got their asses whooped.

        You’re the type of guy who would call a girl a bitch to her face but when a guy calls you out to fight, you’re ass would be running in the opposite direction.

        Please do the world a favor, seclude yourself from society. The world doesnt need another bitch, and an omega.

        1. If I play poker for a living, routinely crush cash games, and can play multiple games of chess at the same time without looking at the boards, you’d think my memory would be pretty good. There are people I know from years ago and I still remember all kinds of hands we’ve played, lol.

          1. I used to be big into poker during high school and shortly after. Won some tourneys online but got burnt out on it and don’t play anymore. It’s too swingy and unpredictable to make a stable living.

            1. Brandon, a good 30% or so of poker is luck. While I’m at it, let’s say I went to a 1-2 NL game, right. I can make some profits off the game, but not much. A good portion of the profits will go to rake and tips. Funny thing in Vegas… let’s say a 1-2 player wins a #700 dollar pot… this individual is not only paying out the highest % in rake compared to his return, in terms of cash games, but this person often tips like 3-5 bucks for it, lol. At 10-20 and above, everybody tips a dollar, lol, while the rake is still the same. I had one hand where I tipped the dealer a hundo at a 10-20 game but it was because I flopped a full house, won a 40+k pot, and I had a bunch of cash which took a long time to count out. Otherwise, I would have tipped a dollar too, lol.

              Small stakes NL cash games are for the birds. I’d rather have a regular job, lol. When we start talking mid to high stakes cash games, this is another story. I know tourneys are very swingy; more swingy than cash games, and I think they’re kinda boring. In tourneys, damn near everybody is short-stacked the whole time. This means you can’t play a lot of hands, and when you do, much of it comes down to pre-flop and flop play. Shit tends to bore the hell out of me like a factory job, lol. Not to say nobody does well in tournament play, like Fedor Holz, but it’s really tough.

              What makes NL cash games so wonderful is deep-stacked play. When you play deep-stacked, your cleverness, perception, intuition, and creativity are all highly important; not like short-stacked play (I say screw short-stacked play, lol). Deep-stacked, an amateur will get his ass handed to him by any very good player, the vast majority of the time. Sure, anyone can win in poker because of the luck factor, but skilled and/or highly skilled players will win far more often/much than un-skilled players. The times I’ve been stacked by amateurs and even so-called ‘pros’ are far, far fewer than the times I’ve stacked both amateurs and pros. Live poker today is still a goldmine and probably always will be. (Internet poker is not looking so good, plus there’s much more skill involved in live play versus online play).

  2. Brandon, I know you probably don’t have access to Fox ‘News’ but all anyone in the states has to do is turn it on and I guarantee they’ll see that Fox is pro-Trump. And just because there has been one or two Fox News anchors that have been anti-Trump, Fox is very pro-Trump just like the vast majority of it’s anchors. So when people like Henrik push the standard Trump/MSM line that the ‘mainstream media is against Trump’, they’re totally incorrect. Badly incorrect. And yes, I’ve turned on and watched Fox on many different occasions just to personally check.

    For me, all signs point to Trump, the Freemason, knowingly being complicit with the Kabal, not just being tricked or confused.

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