Alleged Toronto Truck Attacker Identified With “Incel” Community

Apparently the Toronto truck attacker Alek Minassian, who is accused of killing and injuring 15 people, identified with the “Incel” community, which stands for “involuntary celibate.” This group is a small faction within the manosphere who can’t get action from women, and dislike them solely for that reason, as well as despising sexually active men. From Global News:

Global News obtained a Facebook post Monday that Minassian wrote, just before carrying out his rampage, where he praised the “Incel Rebellion,” and California mass-killer Elliot Rodger, just before carrying out the rampage.

“The Incel Rebellion has already begun!” reads the post. “We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

Incels, or “involuntarily celibate” is a misogynist online culture of men who don’t have access to sex and believe it’s a basic human right. Following Monday’s carnage, members of the incel community praised the Toronto truck attack, calling for similar action, saying “it’s now or never.”

That is the least best reason to dislike women: their very nature is deserving of much scorn. The spree killer Eliot Rodger was one of these Incels, ranting on a video before his rampage that he resented women for rejecting him sexually as well as men who were able to obtain the golden vagina. These Incels are clearly not MGTOW nor are they truly red-pilled on women. The second they get some pussy action they’d become the biggest manginas jumping through rings of fire to keep that pussy on the hook. They’re just mad that they’ve been rejected by various broads, but ultimately, in the case of Eliot Rodger and apparently the Toronto killer too, threw their lives away for the sake of women. They obviously felt like their lives as men were meaningless without the sexual affection of a woman.

Red-pilled MGTOW men think totally differently: that mens’ lives are more enjoyable, satisfying and fulfilling without the attention or affection of females (at least not on a long-term commitment basis). Life without a woman breathing down your neck is at the very least less stressful and less drama-filled. Yes, you’re getting less sex than emasculated cucks and manginas with girlfriends and wives, but you’re gaining much more free time, peace of mind and tranquility without a bitchy, narcissistic broad soaking up all your time and energy. Incels desperately want that love and affection from women, and would do anything to get it. MGTOW men  have realized that the juice is really not worth the squeeze, rejecting women and their emotional bullshit entirely, the small consequence being less frequent sexual encounters.

What fools these Incels are, going on killing sprees because broads won’t pay attention to them. If they truly understood female nature and hypergamy, they’d be thankful, not angry. Sex is certainly pleasurable and our basic instincts implore us to engage in it. But wasting one’s time, energy and resources chasing pussy is no better than druggies constantly on the prowl for the next fix. Women are like drugs… they can make you feel good for a short period of time in small doses, but if you take too much it’s fatal.

34 thoughts on “Alleged Toronto Truck Attacker Identified With “Incel” Community

  1. Lol, there are loads of schvonzies who are either white knights or manginas who have nothing to do with the Manosphere and are involuntarily celibate as well. When you’re on deployment in the military, you’re also involuntarily celibate for the vast majority or all of the time.

    Another thing with “incels” is that they’re not truly “incels” either if they have the money, and it doesn’t take much, to hire a hooker/escort. So, would Elliot Rodger really be an “incel”? Obviously not. The official story of Elliot Rodger is a total joke.

    And when it comes to multiple shootings and homicides, you know the Western MSM is totally full of shit because there are countless multiple shootings and homicides in any black hood, and even a plethora of black serial killers, that never make it to the MSM. One of these examples you never see but have to go to World Star HipHop or YT to find:

    1. @Dana The chosen people in the MSM obviously regard Blacks as subhumans so who cares about black-on-black shit. It is evident from the treatment of Africans in the holy land. Who’s the racist here? lolol

      1. They regard blacks as subhumans, as they do every other race, but Kabbalistic, Marxist Jews are far and away the primary force behind the snivel rights movement, making blacks look like “oppressed, mentally, morally, and physically superior angels” and making whites look like evil, dumb, lazy bastards who have to rely on everybody else, lol.

        But I’m saying that when shit like this makes the MSM, it’s always distorted to fit their narratives, including obvious false flags.

          1. Huh? I said they consider every race as being subhumans, just that in cultural Marxism, blacks and practically all other minority groups are presented as “good” in all ways and whites are presented as “bad” in all ways.

  2. So the MSM intentionally discards thousands of incidents that they could make national news for months, but then focuses on others, real or made up, and then tells you what to think about them.

    “Coincidentally”, the joke of the MSM and official story that is Elliot Rodger is almost that same of that of Dylan Roof’s, just one story was applied to gender and the other applied to race. The evil male, and the evil white. They both were referred to as evil white males, and Elliot Rodger was half Asian (Chinese) but “white”, like George Zimmerman was half Peruvian but “white” as well and didn’t consider himself “white” but Hispanic. And both Elliot and Dylan “coincidentally” had their own “hate” Manifestos ready to be presented to the public.

    This Minassian case already wreaks of being a false flag.

    1. Small detail.
      The havoc wreaked reeks of being a false flag.
      The havoc wreaked stinks of being a false flag.

      This Minassian case already reeks of being a false flag.
      Correct me if I am wrong.

      1. Reek means foul smell, but I was using the word ‘wreak’ as in ‘wreak havoc’ or just that it looks like a bunch of BS. As is often the case, I might have been able to use better wording for it, but whatever. Yeah, my vocabulary could be way better than it is, but it has gotten far better since I started actually looking the definition of words up, lol, and it’ll continue to get much better. It has always been my weakest point in any kind of test I’ve taken though, like on the ASVAB or on IQ tests.

        That link was written by Jay Dyer and I don’t like that dude, but he happened to write up an article on these incidents that was overall pretty good and that I mostly agreed with and it was easy for me to use without writing up a whole bunch of things.

        Also, Dorset, Jay doesn’t mention that some of these legitimate serial killers, like Richard Ramirez for example, were/are involved in Satanic cults and actually do this stuff as sacrificial rituals to Satan, and this has been covered up as well from everything I’ve seen:

        1. The two words “cult” and “occult” are similar sounding words.
          Cults brainwash people.
          The killers are often ‘out of their minds’ (either completely 24/7 or just for the event, which they may not even remember afterwards) and of course in some ‘setups’ the events are allowed to happen.

          1. You notice how some people have “trigger words”, you just need to press the right button to elicit a predictable response?
            Some things make them instantly “mad” and so best not to mention those things.
            Similarly, in some cases, severe mental episodes and killing sprees could be triggered by something or someone external to the killer.
            It makes possibile the control of a subject and getting them to commit crimes without them being aware that they have been coerced.
            Coerced by mischievous external powers.
            The ‘external powers’ that know their weaknesses and anxieties.
            The external powers can take many forms.
            In other cases they act alone . . . but we are primarily interested here in exposing the times when there is an external “hidden hand” at work.
            That hidden hand might simply be influence of modern society and subliminal messaging in mainstream media and movies.

            1. Yes Dana I agree that vocabulary can be tricky and often we don’t bother checking it.
              However, after getting into the habit of quickly checking the meanings of words online, it dawned on me that I should do it a lot more often.
              I was finding that what I thought a word meant was different to what it actually meant.
              Me being a technical type of person who likes accuracy and tries to avoid misunderstandings and embarrassment . . . I thought prevention is better than cure . . . write it correctly “to start with” if possible.
              If you learn another language, a latin one especially . . . then you will find looking up words and their origins and their alternatives is all jolly good fun and adds to your “word power”.
              Then you get the idiots who like to flag up that you are using “big words” and they want to make an issue out of it.
              Probably because they have nothing better to say – of any relevance.

            2. There is definitely a lot of violence in movies and it’s put there intentionally. A lot of totally fake personas are given a lot of Hollywood attention, too. They both play a role in making people as a whole, less compassionate and friendly when dealing with each other, and more superficial, shallow, and arrogant in certain ways. Something else I’ve noticed is that Hollywood movies are so far removed from reality, practicality, and logic that they also serve an obvious role in dumbing people down and killing their logic and critical thinking faculties.

              The documentary I put up above is over a hundred parts I think and they made a whole bunch of different parts out of it. Still very informative and good research put into that thing that we don’t hear about.

              GFM has also noted some of the Satanic influence in ritual killing, and they’ve got other good stuff similar to this posted in their ‘Cults & Occult’ section:

              “After Aquino made the false claim that Satanists don’t really sacrifice children, a law enforcement officer spoke up and stated:

              Anton LaVey
              Anton LaVey

              “To say that there are no bodies and that these [Satanists] are not committing crimes is the farthest from the truth…in every case that I’ve investigated, now extending over 200, I have found this particular book [The Satanic Bible].”
              At this point the investigator held up a satanic bible. In the Satanic Bible LaVey, in seeking “not advance things in print which make my position untenable” lest he find himself behind bars, stated that his followers were to commit human sacrifices by proxy:

              “We perform human sacrifices, by proxy you might say—the destruction of human beings who would, let’s say, create an antagonistic situation toward us—in the form of curse and hexes, not in actual blood rituals because certainly the destruction of a human being physically is illegal.”

              Note that the only reason LaVey concedes that he is not publicly advocating actual physical human sacrifice is because it is against the law, implying that if they could get away with it they would do it. In fact, LaVey takes credit for the death of Jayne Mansfield, her boyfriend and Lawyer Sam Brody, stating that it was a result of a ritual curse on Brody, and Mansfield happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. LaVey also believes that he was responsible for the Manson family murders. Manson was heavily influenced by the satanic cult known as the Process. The Process also acknowledged that Satan is a real entity.”

              “Richard Ramirez, known as the night Stalker, was deceived by Anton LaVey’s assertion in the satanic bible that Satanists could reign in hell. Ramirez believed that his human sacrifices to Satan would earn him a place of rulership in hell next to Jack the Ripper and other serial killers.”

              ” Son of Sam who was part of a Process coven made up of 22 Satanists and connected to several other satanic covens also murdered several people at the direction of the coven. We show his videotaped admissions in our video They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll (full length version). Richard Ramirez, who followed the Satanic Bible, met with Anton LaVey before his satanic killing spree killing 20 people. Ramirez even went so far as to torture his victims and made some “swear to Satan.” Between Manson, Son of Sam and Richard Ramirez alone, we have dozens of murders in the name of Satan. We could easily add to this list – case after case that could easily fill a book – but we have more than sufficiently made our case for those who will honestly look at the evidence! We have now seen conclusive evidence that the most influential and notorious satanic leaders have had a campaign to dupe their followers into becoming unwitting followers of Satan himself. We have seen not only their admissions, but the deceptive web they have spun to prey on outer circle initiates.”


            3. Yeah, I hear ya Dorset. I try to do the same to avoid confusion as well. In school, I was known as a good writer, even though I hated school, lol, but I did it with a very limited vocabulary. So my vocab sucked but my ideas were good and creative. When I was younger I thought that it was dumb to have a huge vocabulary because there are so many synonyms out there and a lot of these words are fancy or unnecessarily elongated. I finally realized I have to learn all these words anyway so that I can read things faster and have a more accurate interpretation of what is being said without guessing so much, and I don’t like the feeling of having to grasp for words that may or may not mean what I want to convey, but it all doesn’t mean I have to use all the damned words, lol. 🙂

            4. Some of those idiots who comment with “oooh you are using big words” clearly consider themselves to be morally and intellectually superior.
              They cannot resist the opportunity to mock and ridicule a “knuckle dragging right winger”.
              They should go back to reading their left wing “fish wrap”.

            5. And of course it is best to avoid using too many highfalutin expressions, lest we alienate the smartfone crowd who communicate with text abbreviations and urban slang.
              Too much verbosity would naturally cause them too think WTF.
              Joking LOL.

          2. I don’t watch many films but here is one I did see:
            The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

            It includes a hypnotically controlled assassin.
            Quote from

            Vincent Ludwig:
            “Yes, but there is even a more ideal assassin – one who doesn’t KNOW he’s an assassin.”

    2. From your link Dana, in order of relevance/suspiciousness in my view:

      “It’s never Hollywood and the culture of death itself or Prozac that are responsible, or course. Those are non-factors for the establishment media, though almost all the mass killers are on SSRI drugs.”

      “The event is ready-made to run on the mainstream media, on the spot, with the narrative already loaded into the teleprompters.”

      “In any major media psy op of this nature the actor in the scenario is someone chosen from among the establishment’s own ranks or outer circles, often with some familial connection to military intelligence.”

      All points worth considering and worth looking into.

  3. Brandon, my friend, I don’t like smooching scenes much 😛 but if it wasn’t for you, Rae West and some other general researchers (Bill Gaede, Steven Crothers) and the work of some fakes like Paul Elam, Jared Taylor whatever (who are fakes, but have done some good work), I would be in my fuckin 40s, married, slaving to the chosen people, thinking that the world is not a stage, which it is. Virtually everything that I ever believed regarding any subject in my life has been a lie, but at least like some fellow travelers, I have the cojones to admit being duped despite being an intelligent person. And boy I was duped. Plato’s cave comes to mind. Nothing is what it seems. And there are what christians would rightly call “satanic” (I call them hateful) forces at work trying to literally exterminate us soon, and in the meantime deny OUR EXISTENCE.

    The rise of the internet and the rise of independent researchers, either fakes or real MEN like you saved my life from the cave. Keep it up man. NEVER GIVE up and always question EVERYTHING. Gracias man.

    Needless to say your analysis is correct. These “incels” are NOT MGTOW, they are the usual, biological losers that always existed in our group. They are fakes. They are chameleons. And I SAY that we should be ready to call bullshit on these attacks if they start to display sandyhookish stuff. But anyways.

    I will take it from now on and do my part to inform people who can be saved. And there is NO MORE PLASURABLE FEELING than the feeling of communicating with fellow beings who have disloged themselves from the Matrix.

    1. Lmfao, good video. Yeah that is fake as shit, and especially right at the beginning where the dude allegedly already injured and killed people and he’s pointing a gun at the cop (who isn’t too far away from him) and vice versa, yet shots aren’t fired and the dude isn’t lit up? Lmao. People walking by like no big deal, lol. The cop is out in the open; not behind his cop car for cover and then goes and gets a baton and the fukin dude drops his gun and just lays down?! Lmmfao.

      I don’t even like to look at these false flags because I caught on to the pattern long ago that when the MSM makes a national incident out of something, it’s going to be a bunch of blatant lies that only suit their agendas.

  4. @ Dana and Dorset. I can make a hypothesis on these “male rage” cases which include the Unabomber in my opinion because if you read his manifesto, it will ring bells, it is actually a 90% correct analysis of industrial society. Unabomber was a good writer! lol 😛


    A) Some of them are total fakes. It is plausible because we have seen how the MSM operate. (Sandy hook, september clues etc)

    B) Plz pay attention to this because it is something which is a more difficult operation than simply staging something. I don’t know if the Unabomber was on SSRI (I guess not since he “was living in a cabin”) but he displays typical SSRI (sertraline) shit. Or SNRI for that matter (like venlafexine).

    SSRIs and SNRIs are given to people who experience either unipolar depression (I am not sure if they give them to bipolar depression because of the risk of mania, which you should know it is a veeeeery dangerous thing. EQUALLY dangerous to depression). It is also given to people with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and some other related or unrelated conditions.

    What do these drugs do? They raise serotonin levels (SSRI) and some of them norepinephrin levels (SNRI). I am not going to bother you with details you can wiki the mechanism. What do these drugs do? From experiences of VERY CLOSE friends with BOTH (ssri, snri) I can say with certainty that they make you grow a pair. It is much more likely to go for it in a fight-or-flight situation if you are on sertraline or venlafexine (two examples, one SSRI and one SNRI).

    Now for the purpose of simplicity, and to promote my hypothesis, let’s call them grow-a-pair drugs. Focus your mind that they grow you a pair. Now if you “grow a pair” in some situations it is exactly what is needed. Manginas SHOULD take SSRIs or SNRIs in my opinion, because if they grow a pair then they are more likely (although it is not certain AT ALL) that they might get past this situation of loserdom (lol). Especially if they take SSRIs or SNRIs in their early adulthood for 1 or 2 years (some might need even 6 months).

    Now let’s think of something. Does “growing a pair” actually SOLVE the problems that CREATED these depressions and/or anxiety disorders? I would take a big bet and from experiences of close friends I would say that growing a pair in 10% of the situations can solve virtually every problem that created the depression. I had a friend who used SSRI for 8 months and never used since, and he is a different man, a very optimistic person.

    HOWEVER, the 90% that remains is a fucking mad situation where they stop the SSRIs/SNRIs and the depression/anxiety comes back like a fucker. So people who have these 90% situations all the time end up in an eternal on-off SSRI/SNRI situation. BUT I AM GOING TO FOCUS ON SOMETHING VERY SPECIFIC. What happens to these people according to my “grow a pair theory”. Well they grow and lose a pair all the time because of the ON-OFF situation. What is the outcome of that? Well these people reach a point where they understand that they can function relatively normaly on the drugs and NOT normally when they are not on. (on-off means on for 3 months off for a while, if the frequency of the on off is higher then it doesnt work at all, the human brain has a low pass filter in these cases, you need to be on SSRI/SNRI for more than 3 months to notice the effect, and when you cut down on them it needs some time to lose the effect, there is neurochemical inertia). So these people feel like they “need to break” this cycle. Well i suspect what they actually want is eternal ssri-like mentality. But they also feel that the REASON of their depression/anxiety is not even adressed by the Sigmund Frauds that are giving them the medicine.

    Well if you ask me this point is where mind-control can come in, because if someone feeds such a person with (true or false, it doesnt matter at this point) ideas about who causes them their suffering AND they are ON SSRIs again, then they can get predictable rage attacks. They actually are ON the drug and therefore HAVING A PAIR and they find or they think that they find the truth about who causes this shit that has ruined their lives. Dana and Dorset, think about what would YOU do if you are in a hyperactive HAVING A PAIR situation and find out (or think you found out) WHO or WHAT ruins your life. That’s how murders happen.

    Thanx for reading if you made it to this point, because it was quite a rant, but it is a perfectly valid scientific hypothesis based on personal experiences of CLOSE friends.

    1. Interesting perspective on SSRIs and SSNIs, Fox. Never have taken any pharmaceuticals or meds myself besides like Motrin, so I have no idea what it’s like to be on them.

      You know, something that people like Jared Taylor and people who aren’t red-pilled on male/female dynamics when it comes to male violence, is that outside of the home, men are more likely to be violent, but in the home, women are more likely to initiate domestic violence, and biological mothers are also significantly more likely to abuse and murder their children than biological fathers.

      Some other interesting tidbits are that when women donate money, they’re more likely to donate it to people they don’t know, but men are more likely to donate it to people they do know. And when it comes to giving their lives for others, women practically never give their lives for men; they rarely even do it for other female friends or just family members, but there are countless cases of both men giving their lives for women, family members, and just other men. Men are definitely more selfless and compassionate than women, while women are the more entitled, sociopathic bunch when dealing with the people they know.

      As Tom Leykis has said, ‘Women are the cheapest creatures on Earth.’ Well, they’re very cheap, selfish, and entitled, but all “minority” groups are like this to varying degrees. For instance, blacks are known for being terrible tippers. The reason why is because they feel like they’re ‘owed’ something and expect others to give them things and for others to do the work. Women and blacks are so easy to use because they have these traits at the worst levels. Jews of course have this chosenite, selfish philosophy going on, too, but they’re at least very frugal with money, whereas women and blacks are the world’s worst when it comes to dealing with money, lol.

      1. Women and the chosen people have many things in common. Chameleon shit is what they both do. For example, you can be attacked psychologically by 3 women, and one woman might “defend” you for her own purposes. Most men fall for this 2,5d chess because they are morons. Later they find that they can be ruthlessly attacked by the woman that defended them when it suits her LOL!!! That reminds me very much of the chosen people (for example think of being attacked by “marxist” chosens and some sneaky piece of shit like Ben Shapiro defending you for his own purposes HAHAHAHAHAH). Unfortunately white men fall for it at this point like motherfuckers.

        Women are not moral in the sense that men are. Men are closer to God in this sense because there is a small percentage of them, ppl like us, who can be influential at some point, that have quasi-divine moral codes and this is how ALL men should be. In a rough sense we can say that virtually ALL women and 80% of men are compost.

        1. Women and chosenites have lots in common, no doubt, and Otto Weininger noted this long ago.

          Women, chosenites, and blacks all have a lot in common, too. One being that all three seriously think the fukin world revolves around them. This also extends to others like Muslims and Mexicans, but I don’t think to as much of a degree. Sad day, man, lol.

    2. Yes Fox something like that could be exploited for mind control.
      Manic depressives who are in “high as a kite mode” . . . rather than just acting silly they can sometimes flip and become quite dangerous.
      If they are armed and dangerous that is worse.
      So I think there needs to be a new drug (natural medicine preferably) that can “even out” their mental problems, otherwise lock them away for the safety of the public.
      There is a human rights system which advocates for care in the community.
      Care in the community . . . these minority nutters are set free and so the mental institutions are closed down.
      That happened in britain in the Thatcher government era, many lunatic asylums were closed.
      I have a sneaking feeling that part of the reason for that was political.
      We now have part time insane people surrounding us in our everyday lives.
      People have recognised that fact and simply ignore their rantings or strange outbursts.
      These “harmless” nutters are attracted to fringe political movements sometimes through boredom and for “something to do” or they are genuinely attracted to the activism ideas during their sane and lucid periods . . . madness and brilliance are often very closely linked.
      Allowing them to mix into normal society causes problems and chaos and misunderstandings.
      The point is that when legitimate nationalists and right wing activists and white male activists voice their grievances, people just ignore them, thinking “oh no, here are some more nutters”.
      As far as the “powers that be” are concerned then it is “job done”.
      I know there are a lot of other factors to consider and that was just one of them.

      1. I see your point that the drugs have a delayed flywheel type of effect and patients have a period of several weeks or months where they are adjusting to being on them or off them.

        1. The human mind/brain is an extremely complex organ (in most cases).
          It is amazing that things can be remembered from decades ago and seem as though they happened only yesterday.
          Not only does it control movement and coordination, but also everything else.
          It is truly wonderful and a gift.
          When it goes wrong that is so sad and everything should be done to help these people.
          However . . . public safety, of the majority, should always override minority well being in my opinion.

          1. Well speaking as an engineer, it is the most unbelievably wonderful piece of equipment there is. And if the big bang is bullshit, which it is and if the universe is much smaller than the chosen people say, which could be, then we could say that the brain is the best piece of engineering in the cosmos.

            Lol, the moronic “engineers” that i have met in my work, life etc are so unfathomably, colossaly stupid that they can identify a fuckin thermostat as a piece of engineering but not the human brain. No, that’s pure evolution by chance there sir. Lol. I laugh at these fake engineers, I mock them, they are so moronic that sometimes I use mental judo to make them start yelling at me and then laugh at their loss of composure. Idiots.

            The brain also works like a computer and can be analyzed like a computer. For example we can approach it like a system. There is input, there is a process, there is negative feedback on many levels (to normalize (equilibrium) some variables like pain). It has actuators, sensors. It has everything that we as engineers design. But “we” are unable to identify it as a piece of engineering because of our neurotic double standards. As Dana said: Sad day man… Really a sad day..

      2. MJ plus CAFFEINE helps. Small dosages of MJ and steady dosages of caffeine. There is also an anti-depressant which is simply a stimulant (like caffeine). It’s called bupropion (Wellbutrin). MJ is a good idea because it is a depressant, and IMO a highly potent anti-frustration medicine. It helps with overthinking, overanalyzing and needless excessive self-consciousness. So a pill with MJ plus CAFFEINE or MJ plus Bupropion might help. But nobody cares. What the establishment wants is to push SSRI/SNRI for certain people and OFFFFF CCCOUUURSEEEE “antipsychotics” on dangerous ppl. Me, you, Dana, Brandon, Rae West etc would all be prescribed antipsychotics if went to a doctor and I can bet on that with pretty huge confidence. Antipsychotics is the drug of choice for creating mental fog on either legitimate psychotics or just ideologically “dangerous” (for the establishment) ppl. They would say we have delusions (an intersting term, because according to the fraud definition of “delusion” everyone who is not a social chameleon has “delusions”) and give us Olanzapine or Quetiapine.

        So SSRIs and Antipsychotics are the drugs of choice of the Sigmund Fraudulent establishment.

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