James Allsup Takes On Insane SJWs

James Allsup crashed an SJW shitshow on some college campus. Check the video:

These SJWs are absolutely bonkers. They’re mostly out-of-shape, underachieving, ugly misfits who just want free shit handed to them without working for it. Their sole agenda is to tear down Western civilization because they harbour extreme jealousies towards more accomplished whites.

They stand there chanting anti-white, anti-West slogans like “fuck Western civilization,” meanwhile they choose to live as parasites in a successful white nation built by whites, while advocating its demise.

Antifa trash are subhumans who promote radical anarchy and alternative lifestyles because they are pathetic failures. So, instead of just going to the woods and living in a hut like more civilized Luddites, they spew their anti-civilization bile in public in the hopes of attracting more dregs to their negativist cause.

The stupid broads in the video actually claimed that “whiteness” can’t be investigated when there are actual courses in mainstream universities dedicated to dissecting and critiquing “whiteness,” white people and white history. These leftist animals totally control the major universities and push their anti-white hatred and envy openly in the classes. Yet they continue to operate in a delusional bubble where white supremacy reigns supreme and is holding down poor brown and black people.

If life is so bad for these minority whiners, then why don’t they emigrate to a country where their race is the majority, like Africa or South America? They refuse to do so because their own people have yet to produce a society worth living in. They know that where whites go, prosperity follows, and they want a piece of that without contributing anything of substance to earn their  spot amongst superior whites.

4 thoughts on “James Allsup Takes On Insane SJWs

  1. He is of course correct:
    They are not doing themselves any favors by acting the way they do . . . all that shouting and screaming and chanting.
    1, 2, 3 . . . after me everyone . . .
    “my body my choice, my body my choice, my body my choice!!!”
    In fact this works well with any opinion you want to inflict on others whilst simultaneously you have the momentum and crowd support to vocally drown out any opposition.

    He made the point that:
    When people see these silly demonstrations it makes them want to align themselves with the opposition . . . and move more towards the right.
    . . . O Lord Kumbaya.

  2. Lol I have a humorous proposition. Let’s infiltrate the antifa fuckers and make them more extreme on purpose so they can be rejected en masse by the society ahhahaahhahaah. They are on the verge of marginalization I think. People are waking up, slowly but steadily against antifa. This vid was a good laugh!

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