Putin & the Chabad Mafia

Here’s a good video detailing Putin’s close links with the Chabad Lubavitch cult of Jewish supremacists. Putin’s Jewish connections and pro-Semitic leanings and legislation in Russia are well-known to Putin critics, but are dutifully swept under the rug by brainwashed Kremlin bots among the alt-media, alt-left and alt-right.

JohnnyGat makes some good videos, but he appears to be an Islamophile prioritizing Arab well-being in the Middle East. His litmus test for what makes a politician good or bad seems to be how hard they’re working to help the Palestinians and “protect” the corrupt governments of Syria and Iran. Part of his critique of Putin is that he’s not doing any of that sufficiently. That’s the wrong critique. Syria and Iran, judged by some by their nefarious enemies instead of their actual deeds, are just opportunistic players willing to cut deals with the very Zionists and globalists who ostensibly oppose them right now.

Those regimes are also of no consequence to the fight for nationalism in Europe. In fact, in Iran’s case, they’re on the side of the globalists in promoting the Muslim invasion of Europe to spread their religion to us white infidels. Iran’s PressTV has a pro-refugee, pro-immigration editorial line, running all kinds of anti-nationalist hit pieces and pro-refugee content. Assad has purposefully pushed his own refugees into Europe, barring them from returning unless they submit to his regime. Many of these Assad groupies are Arabs living in the West, parasitizing off of our countries while cheerleading for governments and groups that hate us, like Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. If these Arabs were genuine, they’d go take up arms in the Middle East for whichever stupid faction they support, instead of trying to drag white people into their petty Semitic squabbles. These same anti-Israel Arabs are part of the Jewish-led invasion force browning the West, while they push propaganda in support of foreign regimes. We need to get rid of them.

Neither Iran or Syria are our friends, nor do we need them as friends. Just because they’re enemies of Israel or other Muslim regimes doesn’t make them our friends, any more than Zionists who hate Muslims are our friends. None of them are our friends and all of them have their own twisted agendas to harm us.

31 thoughts on “Putin & the Chabad Mafia

  1. Clearly, Putin is playing 50-dimensional, inter-planetary, inter-dimensional chess with these rabbis and fooling them all. The look on his face is proof positive that he’s thinking about how he’s going to depose and dispose of these modern-day Pharisees; he’s had the same look with these rabbis for years and years and you can just feel all the tension building up inside him that’s it’s finally reaching a boiling point and all hell gonna break lose. Those rabbis aren’t gonna know whaaaat hit ’em. Lmao. 😉

    1. Hey man I can tell you, you can delete Greece from the alt-map because anything “out of the box” in politics, any “anti-nato” thought is combined with frantic pro-putinism. There is also the “pillar” of our nation, the “Orthodox” “church” so it is literally impossible to seperate anti-western, anti-degenerate art, and such good sentiments from pro-fuckin-russia. One of the best spiritual choices if you ask me is to completely abandon the church, Christianity, and Christ per se. The universalist tendencies in each and all sects of Christianity are moronic and they smell like they came from the promised land, the land of doodoo that has created two “religions” actually mobs of spiritual blight (Chr, Isl) and one legitimate mafia that poses as the third religion from this wasteland of ideas. The thing that makes me not too hot on this is that it is such an extreme idea that would need years and years. Taoism is a nice religion if you ask me because it is anarchic (no confucian authoritarianism there) and makes it clear that God is the flow of the “universe” which you should become one with, and let the breeze take you where it goes. However as with many eastern religions it lacks the warrior spirit of our race because it was not created by us. Let’s make a new religion, but this is like 30 years ahead but I think it can and must happen.

      As for my opinion about Putin, well I tell the mob that “who cares?” and “don’t you want to be independent of ALL?” and the usual answer is “well you are not thinking strategically” and then my answer is “ok, yeah, whatever man… suck Putin’s dick” 😛

      1. Imagine that freakin moron Matthew Heimbach that converted to “orthodox” christianity, and multiply him by some millions and there you have Greece’s “anti-westernism”.

        1. Matt Heimbach comes off as a pudgy, out-of-shape, loppy, loud-mouthed pussy who runs his mouth too damned much and acts a whole lot like some kind of crypto-Jew.

          When it comes to Christianity these days, the religion as a whole is in a big mess. It’s extremely cucked-out, infiltrated, and subverted. And the process of going to church is often really weak too, because these preachers who are preaching truth in certain respects generally have lots of tunnel vision and are often only good or experts in a very small range of topics. So, for example, it makes no sense to go to the average church to listen to the average preacher because for one, the dude is probably going to be off on a lot of things, and two, you can find specialists on YT who know their shit on the topics they cover.

          I think for quite a few people, they go to church to find, congregate with, and form bonds and personal relationships with like minds. There are extremely cool church goers at some of these mega-churches I’ve been to, and I have to say they’re a cut above the average person when it comes to morality and spiritual awareness, and these are some of the good things about the religion. Another issue is that if Christ is abandoned, it forms a vacuum and other beliefs are substituted in it’s place. So, for example, Christianity is not portrayed in a positive light in the West, due to Marxism (like all these ‘evil’ Christian slave owners, bigots, pedophile priests, so patriarchal and oppressive to women, dingbats, etc), and the average Christian doesn’t know much about the religion and just kind of dabbles in it and goes with the flow for cultural reasons, etc.

          So, while much of the religion is in a shitty state of affairs, like I say, I’ve noticed this burgeoning group of Christians who are becoming hyper-spiritually aware. Their view, and it’s not incorrect, is that Lucifer runs this world, and he and his minions have very damaging effects on society in a myriad of means.

          If Christ is abandoned, what’s your proposal for the belief/s you believe people should take on instead, (because they will)? Atheism, paganism, or something else, and why?

          1. Quite honestly, Fox, I’ve been seeing these punk ass pagans and others talking shit about Christianity for years on FB, and I’d rather just fight it out with them. I’ve tried to debate these clowns many times on FB but they love to resort to blocking me and running off. The great thing about this site is that there is no-blocking over here, and I can put people to the fire a bit about the things they believe. I would happily debate Kyle, Sinead, or anybody else who thinks Christianity was some kind of “creation of da chosen people”. Tellin you right now, they don’t know WTF they’re talking about, and I can go on and on.

            1. I’m definitely up for a ‘new religion’ in the sense that I’d mean that examining Christianity today, as a whole and what it has become. is obviously terrible in many ways, and that my view of it (and many others’, of course) would be much different than what it is. Even for example, the tradition of marriage and family values as preached many times in the Bible is of practically no use for almost every thinking dude in the West. You know in Ukraine, for example, there is no alimony after divorce, but in the West, there’s a good chance you will be paying alimony and other things after the divorce. Interestingly though, you know Jesus was never married and was MGTOW, and trad Christians who are so adamant about this idea of marriage never talk about this. When it comes to ideas like fornication, though, I just don’t know what to say, and can’t abide by many rules of the Bible on that issue, lol. All I can say is we’re talking different times and customs, and that it’s a good rule for a lot of dudes who either aren’t smart enough to figure this out or don’t have the time, but not for every dude.

              So I kind of do have my own religion that is like a hybrid of Christianity in the sense that I believe in the creator as an ultimate being, in angels, demons, Lucifer, and the battle of good versus evil, and even in the power of prayer (learned it from watching a bunch of different NDE experiences and from testimonies of many other people), although I just can’t follow it to the T. But these particular tenets that Christianity has, are major reasons why these Luciferian Jews despise the religion and want it eradicated. They’re on a mission to invert everything about the religion and obviously to demonize Christ and lionize Lucifer/ianism, and they’re doing a great job of it. So I also am not crazy about many passages that I don’t know how to interpret and that many people can and do interpret in many ways, but I still am a big believer in it’s basic core principles. Taken from a strictly spiritual perspective, it’s actually a great religion that explains what man’s purpose is today and gives it’s own element about the spirits and forces working behind the scenes that we can’t see with the naked eye but know are active on this Earth.

            2. Well personally I am religious in the sense that I assume that some kind of intelligent agent created this world because evolution clearly cannot explain everything and I can go in detail but as an engineer if asked to identify this world system as spontaneously created then I’d laugh my ass off and quit the job ahhahahhaha. It’s clearly designed, even more so than a personal computer. Lol a personal computer has more chance of being “spontaneously evolved” than the cosmos. I don’t think the big bang happened btw, and as always I can go on and on and on with clear, packaged, scientific evidence.

              Personally, I believe that souls pre-exist, God mounts them on bodies, and this is a test. A moral test to be exact. But I am not sure if there is punishment after life, or reward. It would seem bizarre because it is not a fuctional system, and this life seems functional, so it would surprise me if the “other life” or the life “close to” or “far away from” God would be so grossly non-functional. What I mean by functionality? Well everything here is economical by itself, it kind of self-organizes too. Take pain for example. Except for pain-by-itself-specific conditions like neuropathic pain, pain is functional. There is no need for “eternal pain” or such shit. No need for “eternal pleasure” because at the point it becomes eternal, or very long, or just long, it loses it’s function which is to avert people from aversive situations. Toothache is a little different, but I would classify that as a pain-centered condition that needs medicine. Taking all that in mind, I don’t believe in the Abrahamic after-life at all. Seems highly unlikely. I do think that it’s all a test though. I completely and utterly reject the flawed, ULTRA MORONIC belief that God is benevolent in the narrow sense as some Christians think. Take a look at the animal world and try to imagine the suffering of being eaten alive, and then tell me if he is Benevolent. He is not malevolent either. He is a very advanced being, that’s all. Period.

              Prayer in the sense “God give me your X, Y, Z” is an insult to God in my opinion and I am not sure if he intervenes in a major way, just probably setting things to take a course, but not God save the Queen (or my daughter) kind of immoral bullshit. I have personally experienced very weird shit though, that the chances of them happening without some kind of alien or God are very minuscule.

              About that neo-pagan bullshit. No. I know a lot of people like that and they are fundamentalist Christians posing as pagans. They are fake. And of course I know that the special people push anti-christianity. You have to be a fucking moron not to notice that. 😛

            3. God is also clearly male because he is the best engineer. And P.S. When I said the “neo-paganas” are fundamentalist Christians I mean morally not the metaphysics. They are close to hippes which are close to fundamentalism morally.

  2. Yeah, the theory of “evolution” can be debunked in countless ways. Two simple red-flags are the “simple cell”, and why humans supposedly ‘evolved’ into humans but for some odd reason stopped right there, even though they live all over the world in many different environments and conditions.

    Contrary to the “simple cell” theory, a single cell is incredibly complex, not “simple”, as the fraud Darwin called it. This cell also has it’s own innate intelligence, and it is highly intelligent. To go from *zero* intelligence to the intelligence of a single cell is an *infinite* leap in intelligence, and would be impossible.

    1. Fascinating and a good one to watch.
      The only criticism I have of videos like that is when they flip to computer animations with a slick voice over (hollywood mode) it is then possible to animate and visualize absolutetly anything.
      However if it is an honest video and quickly explains the concept, then that’s fine, provided they can back it up with proof . . . and it seems they can.
      Darwin even admitted that he might be wrong.

  3. Fox, I’ve seen so many anti-Christians over the years say Christianity is this, and then others say the complete opposite. They can’t get their stories straight to save their lives, lol, and I try to pair them off against each other.

    A couple examples are like when anti-Christian fembots are absolutely sure, without a doubt, that Christianity is an ‘evil patriarchal religion’, and then there will be anti-Christian men’s rights activists who will be absolutely sure that Christianity is an ‘evil matriarchal religion’; and another one is that anti-Christians can’t make their minds up whether Christianity is an ‘incredibly violent religion’, or when they can’t figure out if it’s an incredibly ‘submissive, passive, and weak’ religion. Both sides are absolutely *sure* that it’s one or the other, but then when I try to get the fools to debate on it, they chump out like pussies. They really don’t give a damn as long as the other person has something negative to say about the religion. In their minds, Christianity is an evil, inferior religion and any criticism of it is good, no matter how false or retarded it might be.

    Now, certain people who are in the Christianity is “evil” camp, will say things like Christianity is of the evil Jew. And, pagans are into sorcery. You can’t be a fukin Christian and be into sorcery. Why? Sorcery deals with demonic entities and this is serious, serious no-no in the Bible:


  4. As for these animals that get eaten alive and all these terrible mishaps that happen to people, what NDEers say is that when they ask God about this, he tells them that life is supposed to be hard. They say that if people don’t know what hardship is, they can’t appreciate the good when it’s in front of them. Maybe this sounds far out, but, for example, millennials have been rather aptly called the *pussy generation*. We can think of many more names for them as well.

    So when I was growing up, I never heard about life-after-death incidents in church. The pastors must not have known much of anything about them. Then I remember reading the story of Lazarus and the rich man. In the story, both died, but one went to heaven and the other went to hell. Not that someone goes to hell or heaven because they’re rich or poor, but that immediately after dying, your soul leaves your body and it goes one of two places.

    When I first started researching NDEs, I thought these people were quite likely full of shit. Then I kept looking into them trying to figure out if there was a way I could debunk them or not, I realized their stories were all quite similar and had many common denominators. On top of that, so many NDEers go through profound life changes afterwards.

    Something else I’ve found interesting are, and these are a couple examples below, that these experiences are very emotional to people. Well, your average dude can’t cry on command like a female can, unless he’s some kind of acting aficionado or phenomena.

    Here are a couple examples of hellish NDEs. In this example, this dude was in the Army and was playing some kind of practical joke where he put his head in a noose and it got really tight and he passed out. The next thing he knew, he was out of his body in a very dark space. Go to the 30 minute mark and you’ll see him describe this place and this gigantic demon that comes and grabs him, and how he finally gets saved by this angel. If this was just one incident, or there were only a few like it, I’d chalk this up to some kind of coincidence or something. But there are thousands like it that you can find, and something else these folks say is that when they’re out of their bodies, their senses are *heightened* and that these are impossible to be merely “dreams” or “mistakes”…

  5. The average Christian is very unaware of this stuff and are very skeptical too, but the average Christian is also very dumbed down. Like, NDEers who were raised to be Christians and weren’t really into it but just went through the motions say it’s a total misinterpretation that many Christians have that salvation is a one-time deal and that once you’re saved, you “can’t” be unsaved; they say this is total rubbish because they had hellish experiences and found out the hard way from God that, yes, you can easily wind up in hell, even if you think you’re a Christian.

    And yes, NDEers report God as a perfect being with incredible intelligence and power, and they report Lucifer as incredibly evil and grotesque, among many other things for both.

    1. Probably not this http://aemn.info which is working within the framework of the EU political system and so it is mainstream.
      This article on their website (at first glance) seems highly suspect to me:
      AEMN supports the effort of Minority Safepack Initiative

      Another factor that helps to cloud the issues is wikipedia propaganda that is so very biased against the right wing. Wikipedia tries to portray the right wing as evil and criminal . . . well they would do that wouldn’t they?
      In fact it is the left wing and the establishment and mainstream websites and the newspapers and the tv news channels, that are evil and criminal in many ways.
      It is true that the white nationalist movement probably needs to unite across countries to grow stronger, but that carries a risk of derailment and hijacking “big time”.

  6. NDEs:

    NDEs are spooky and they seem to have a lot in common. The only problem is that there is no theory behind that. Is there any hypothesis on how can this happen? Where exactly are those entities/places?

    I am not being sarcastic or something else, I just analyze data, if there is no hypothesis on where do these entities/places exist, meaning their location (and what mechanism do they use to move etc etc etc) then I cannot be sure. I know it seems ridiculous, the way I am writing, but if something EXISTS then it must have at least a temporary location. Plus some form. Could be moving through the air? Mass with intelligence maybe? vibrating at certain frequencies and amplitudes that renders it invisible? Could THAT be the angels/demons Christians are talking about? I dunno. You see, I need at least a hypothesis. Something to go on.


    Suppose someone goes to hell for not being moral in his life. Suppose that he changes his mind honestly because of realizing that Satan exists and what kind of SOB he is, and says “Satan, fuck you”. Does this person remain in hell? I assume yes. Well then, God is not forgiving and if he should remain in “eternal punishment” then Dana I hope you realize that this can be roughly rearticulated as “You reject Satan now? NOW? Well through sheer material flesh torture you will regret it for all eternity!”. You understand how chosen-peopleish this sounds right? It is PURE materialism trumping ALL ideology and idealism. Torture so that you can regret your baaad attitude. The stories of Adolf Eichmann and Rudolf Hoess come to mind.


    Life is supposed to be hard. We can agree on that. But what about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqTOoAIXXMs Research this and related conditions. Well tell me now that God is benevolent. I am not against God, I am just saying he is neither benevolent neither malevolent. Unless of course someone can show me evidence that these people deserved it. This conditions sometimes leads the patients to ask for their moving arms to be amputated (!) but then they have something like 50% chance to get phantom limb syndrome. And meditate on that: This or variations of it can happen to whichever degree up to excruciating. If God was benevolent he would “save” these people by altering their brain chemistry to produce more endorphins, natural painkillers. I have no evidence of that. Nevertheless, I have to admit though that God may have given us medicine (MJ etc) that the pieces of shit that run the system deny it (or hide it) from people who are suffering torture, inflicted by their OWN FUCKING BODY in order for them to gain $$. Who knows, maybe divine intervention isn’t needed even in these extreme suffering cases because we already have what is needed. But how can you morally justify why did they get the disease in the first place.

    Big Bang/Relativity/Chosen people

    Big Bang is a chosen-people fraud, and Relativity was born out of the fruitless attempt to explain away the Michelson Morley experiment which gave unsurpassable evidence that the Earth is not moving, the other shit moves around, and it is actually the center of the Universe which, who knows, might be much smaller than we think. Of course the chosen people chose the most chosen person of all chosen people, St. Einstein the mashiach who gave the kill shot to science in 1905.

    I stop here because some might think I am a troll 😛 But I can OF COURSE as USUAL give evidence on any/all things that I made a claim for.

    1. Notice I didn’t say the earth was flat. It isn’t. I have proven it like 15 times to flatheads. They don’t answer me. They block me and delete my comments. That’s how they argue.

    2. Fox, I’ve watched hundreds of these cases out of curiosity and you can find thousands of them on YT, but I’ll try to condense all the ones I’ve seen down for you for brevity. At first, I was obviously thinking these folks might seriously be BSing or delusional, but I kept watching them to see if I could make sense of them, and I did. Sometimes you have to keep watching, looking and learning for something to make sense, and after awhile they started making sense and I could see the obvious patterns. I can click on those I haven’t seen before and already know the gist of what they’re gonna say.

      So NDEs are thousands of years old, and when a person dies, they really are going one of two places. Now, when it comes to hellish NDEs, they either wake right up in a very dark, black place, or they’re looking out of or leaving their body when they’re met with what could be either regular or evil spirits. The regular spirits soon turn vicious and the evil spirits pull the person down through a dark tunnel. They say ‘down’, or ‘to hell’, but they don’t necessarily say where. It’s known that when Michael Landon was on his death bed and his last period of being alive, he was reported to be putting his arms up in the air as if he was pushing people or entities away and he was saying ‘I’m not ready yet’. Anton LaVey had something similar before he died and was reported as saying ‘Oh no’, lol. Many of them have reported that there are different levels to hell. There are areas that are very dark, and then there are areas where there is fire and incredible heat and stench. Suicide is a very bad idea and I’ve only seen one case where the person didn’t wind up in hill after trying to take their life. They say these demons hate you at a level that humans are not even capable of. They say these things are usually ugly, smelly, and often ten times bigger and stronger than you, although their sizes and shapes do very a lot.

      When it comes to the heavenly NDEs, people report the time when they leave their body and they’re looking down on it from above. When it’s some kind of sudden, tragic accident, they often say they felt little or no pain before separating from their body. When they’re separated, they often soon see close relatives waiting for them. My grandpa did this when he died, and was calling out ‘Mom, mom’. I didn’t think anything of it then until I started researching these things. But there may not be anybody at first and you might just start out in a dark tunnel that pulls you upwards towards heaven. This tunnel ride covers a long distance and they say you’re moving extremely quickly inside of it, like at about the speed of light or faster. At the end, they sometimes encounter relatives and often encounter what some say is Jesus (yes, even athiests say the same thing) or just God. When they encounter Jesus, they describe him of being incredibly compassionate, wise, and many other things. They usually describe him as looking white or a little bit darker. Yes, even a black African said Jesus was white, as funny as it might sound. He also said that Jesus was one being and God was another being in the form of like a bright cloud. They also say God is an incredibly bright light, like a thousand suns, but you can look at him without your eyes being hurt. They talk about how there are colors and sounds there that do not exist on this Earth and they can’t describe them. These experiences are often extremely emotional for these people, BTW. Some have even reported seeing animals they’ve had in heaven.

      Something they often report is what is called a ‘life review’. They’re standing in front of this screen and they see their entire life, from the time of being born, flash before their eyes. They say that they instantly remember every thought they ever had, and not just that but they’re made aware of every feeling everything they’ve ever done impacted other people; they report feeling the exact feelings they made other people feel. God is there with them at the time, and while he’s completely non-judgmental at the time, he may be judgmental to you afterwards. One of the questions they most report being asked is, ‘What did you do for your fellow man?’ Another question some say they were given is, ‘Did you learn anything?’

      They say that time does not exist in that dimension like it does here. They say time here is linear, but there it’s as though it’s circular. They say what seems like a long time here is like a blink of an eye there. They say that they’re given the answer to every question they’ve ever had or could have. They say the amount of knowledge in that dimension is mind-boggling and when they’re sent back to their bodies, they don’t remember much of it at all because it’s like trying to squeeze an ocean into a golf-ball; the human brain can’t hold or process anything even close to that much information. They also report that when they go back into their bodies, they do so with a loud thud or bang, and then they’re back to experiencing the pain again. They say they go from a feeling of weightlessness to feeling extremely heavy again back in their bodies and that it’s like putting on a crusty sock. Also, in that dimension, you’re dealing with eternity which is incredibly hard to fathom in this life.

      If you wait until you’re dead or in hell to say ‘fuck you Satan’, that’s gonna be too late. This isn’t to say that people who are atheists don’t find themselves having heavenly NDEs, because they do as well. Needless to say, after having them, they’re not atheists anymore, and many very often do wind up having the hellish experiences. I remember as a youngster thinking eternity was way too long to send somebody to hell and I thought it was cruel. The way I see it these days is obviously totally different because there are people out there who have absolutely no mercy for others and deserve everything they’re gonna get. You can imagine David Rockefeller in some serious, serious pain ATM, and it’s never gonna stop. They’ve reported asking God about this and said he replied that ‘They had their chance.’

      The men report getting 72 hot virgins like no human female could ever compare to. Lmao, naaah, I’m totally bullshitting about that, but you have to admit Islam is one whacked out religion, lol.

      Believe it or not, what they say about the answer to life being so hard here isn’t just that it’s necessary for people to know and understand hardship to be able to fully appreciate what is best, but also that before you were sent to this Earth, you chose to experience the exact hardships you do before you got here. Some have said that they were asked if they were really sure they wanted to experience so much hardship.

      They also say that this whole thing is all part of God’s truly ingenious master plan.

      I’m reminded of a Shrek clip where a dude sells his soul to the devil, and when he dies, he goes down this long tunnel to hell. Another one is Miley Cyrus performing at a concert and she enters on this slide that resembles the tunnel Satan and the demons take from hell to Earth. Some say they way they died and how their spirit left their body was just like in the movie ‘Ghost’. The people making these movies, songs, and cartoons are occultists, no doubt. Hitting the sack and let me know if you have anymore questions. Again, if you take the time to search for these on YT, you’ll find endless numbers of them. 🙂

      1. Dana, can we agree on this: God is not benevolent in the human definition of the word. Or AT LEAST it is useless to pray to God for minuscule bullshit like “save this turtle” because he is clearly not willing to do it by Himself so it is weird and probably insulting to him to ask for such stuff. You must admit however that the average Christian “asks from God” a lot of irrelevant crap, some of it to fuel personal narcissism and other petty needs.

        About disgusting people and torture, no I am against all torture for any sentient being. I find hardships as the most revealing situations, promoting spiritual awareness and letting you reassess your values. But torture as punishment, no I am against all that for all sentient beings including rats or beings lower than rats (humans) 😛 However I am pro “erasing” them from the gene pool. 😛

        If I chose the hardships of my life before I was “mounted” on this body, then it makes sense. But how can we have evidence of that? Can you also tell me why you think Christ was MGTOW? I have heard other claims like that and it seems a bit legit, I will look into this.

        Btw, the only thing that brought me closer to God was after researching conspiracies, I found out that SRA (satanic ritual abuse) is “real” in the sense that there are Satanists or occultists or both that clearly have power and they are into some kind of generic “anti-life” shit. You know ouija shit, drinking blood, invoking demons, sacrifising little kids and then fucking the corpse, spraying shit on populations, defacing etc etc etc. And I thought to myself that, well, if Satan is something like that, if a theistic satan is real, then probably God is kind of the antithesis to it, and thus God must be at least “wise”. Whatever that means. I also found a reason for my emotions (which I used to try to control and claim that only logic is acceptable in my youth) which is probably to develop personal morality starting from what makes you want to puke your guts out (disgust).

        1. Fox, Satanists and occultists are essentially the same, even though they can go by different names or have some different views about certain rather non-important issues. They’re the same because they both invoke and utilize demonic power, which is the source of their power.

          There are some of these dummy and/or devious Satanists who claim that you can be a non-theistic Satanist and not believe in any higher power, or just that Satanists “don’t” believe in any deities. They’re lying through their teeth so goddamned bad that it’s enough to make people like me extremely angry because they’re insulting your intelligence to such a degree. It’s kind of like wearing a genuine police uniform, but then proclaiming you’re not a cop and expecting people to actually believe you; and when these people call you out on your BS, having the sheer arrogance to act like *they’re* in the fukin “wrong”. Not only was Anton LaVey openly a Satanist before a “non-theistic” Satanist named Peter Gilmore took his place, but non-theistic Satanists promote a watered-down, false version of the religion to draw people in and gain public acceptance, while also making every excuse under the sun for every Satanic crime that happens (of which they’re countless). They’re total d-bags, and while they’re proclaiming how there “is no Satan” and this and that, there are hordes of openly practicing Satanists who say, yes indeed, there absolutely is a Satan, and yes indeed that they conduct Satanic rituals and make sacrifices to him.

          When I say “power of prayer”, I don’t mean weak shit like asking for a million dollars or free handouts or other self-serving aims for the purposes of helping yourself and no one else; those aren’t going to be answered, and/but those kinds of prayers sound exactly like the kind Satanists would and do make. What I mean, for example, though is using to improve mental health; (excerpt):

          “But human beings are mental, physical, spiritual and emotional beings—all at the same time. We are created as whole beings; our mental states are related to our spiritual lives, and vice versa. So it should not surprise us if spiritual practices can have an impact on our mental health.

          For example, numerous studies suggest that prayer can affect a person’s levels of stress, depression and anxiety. One study by a professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, suggests that prayer can prevent the onset of depression or reduce its severity. Another study, by a team including a psychologist at Georgia Southern University, found that participants who prayed or used encouraging self-talk reported lower stress levels than those who did not. And a study that was published in the British Journal of Health Psychology concluded that praying can reduce a person’s risk of depression and anxiety.”


          Or using it to pray for the well-being of others. Another example would be that these occultists (whether they want to call themselves Satanists, witches, wizards, etc., etc.,) like to cast spells at people who they perceive as being ‘in their way’, etc. Well, they hate Christians because these spells backfire on them because true Christians have their own elements of angelic protection from demons. Their spells are far stronger against, say, atheists. And another thing I’ve mentioned before is that these people who experience what they believe to be alien abductions have them stopped right on the spot by calling the name of Jesus because these seem to be demonic. NDEers also say for instance that when they’re dying on hospital beds and they leave their body, they can see whose prayers coming from their family and friends surrounding them mean more than others because the ones who believe more and have stronger spiritual connections resonate with brighter lights, as funny as it might sound.

          When it comes to the idea that God isn’t benevolent because he doesn’t intervene when a turtle or other animal is suffering: a couple points would be that turtles and other animals are no angels either, lol, and will kill animals they can kill if need be or if they want to. One example I remember is that I was at this park reading a book and this bird came and landed right in front of me. The bird looked really cute and I was thinking how I’d like to give the bird a pet for being such a neat looking and acting animal. Another bird came and landed right next to it, and this bird attacked it and the other bird quickly flew off, lol. Also, this existence here on Earth is a very brief one in the grand scheme of things, and so is the suffering one experiences. Given part of this experience is meant for learning, there is a give-and-take when it comes to mistreating others and being mistreated yourself, and a certain degree of forgiveness needs to be extended to people and practiced by people.

          When it comes to people who have absolutely no mercy or remorse and don’t care who they step on, hurt, take advantage of, or promote themselves at others’ expense, (such as David Rockefeller or Anton LaVey as basic examples), there is not going to be any mercy for them. These are the kinds of people who, if they could ever acquire all the power in the world, would use it strictly for their own benefits and not for the betterment of others, but to their detriments. Interestingly, there is no shortage of female affection for serial killers or other demented, evil souls, no matter how badly they need to be put down or just pony up for the crimes they have committed. Nothing in this world goes unseen, and they will eventually, either in this life or the next. When people do wrong in this life, though, they should never be given free passes for it and need to immediately own up and pay for them, because they may never grow a conscience and saying anything less is a real insult to the other individuals or people they’ve wronged.

          1. Women are attracted to these pieces of shit because they seem (or are) successful materially. These women if you ask me are garbage and I have no problem to lie like a motherfucker to them in order to fuck them and dump them 😛 lol. It is the only place in my morality where it is permited to be a chosen person (lying, fraud, deception, hypocrisy). I apologize to God, but they deserve it, don’t they? 😉

            1. Lol, I feel the same way in regards to treating women with “morals”. The problem is the vast, vast majority don’t have any fukin morals and it took me a long time to fully acknowledge, even though I had a lot of personal experience and evidence to work with that said they weren’t. Part of me wanted to think they were and part of me knew many weren’t and so I was conflicted and incongruent with it for many years. I wish I could have and would’ve jumped right on the women aren’t moral red-pill right away; woulda saved me lots of hassle and the likes, lol. I’ve met cool women that had morals, but we’re talking a small proportion of them.

              God knows these broads are hoes, lol, and there are plenty of anti-feminist verses out of the Bible, even though I’m not necessarily crazy about quite a bit of what the Bible has to say or like taking notes on all kinds of different passages and things.

              Oh yeah, Jesus and MGTOW. This is a good vid, and there are others dealing with the same topic. I’ve also seen a video talking about how Jesus was MGTOW and white. While I don’t think his mother was, given that she was a descendant of Shem, it’s possible that the DNA for his immaculate conception on his fathers side was white DNA, and/or when these NDEers describe his physical appearance as being white-looking, that maybe he was a light-skinned Arab or something.

              But yeah, here’s a great vid on Jesus’ MGTOW views and tendencies. 🙂

            2. Dana, talking about females, someone has to expose Disney for what it is, for spreading trad propaganda to the detriment of males worldwide. Fuck all trad propaganda. There are researchers for the feminist shit but no-one exposes trad propaganda. ONCE AGAIN IN OUR HISTORY, THE FUCKERS ARE PLAYING BOTH SIDES. And we are falling for it, take tradbots for example.

              This is not dissimilar to the cold war, and to todays Putin-Mashiach-complex. They are playing both sides. Disney and related trad propaganda must be exposed.

  7. Brandon, this needs to be rubbed in the fat face of Matt Heimbach. I wonder what he or the cult of National Bolshevism would say about their Mashiach Putin’s connections. But I guess el gordo no tiene cojones down there.

        1. …who plays it like a fucking loud-mouthed “extremist” to get everyone on board some kind of “NAAATIONAL SOOOCIALISM” so that we can then be rejected en mass as NAAAZIIII? I think it’s possible.

          What kind of name is Heimbach? I don’t want to insult our German friends of course, but I take every “german” surname with a grain of salt LOL 😛

  8. Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, speaking in the Jewish educational conference “Limous FSU” held in Klyazma near Moscow, said that Russian President Vladimir Putin loves matzo.

    According to the rabbi, Putin treats the traditional freshened Jewish cake like a useful product.

    “President Putin told me that this is the healthiest and most useful product, delicious and simple,” the rabbi confessed, “he eats it with tea, he eats matzo, which I personally give him.”

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