Russian Media: A Rancid Propaganda Machine

Most braindead, dimwitted “truthers” think that Russian media outlets like RT are more trustworthy than Western sources. Their skepticism of media sources is only applied to Western outlets, and never to the propaganda machinery of the Kremlin, whom they believe are saintly arbiters of truth and fairness.

This website, Russia Lies, has decimated that belief, highlighting 280 specific examples of Russian media fakery, lies, and deception regarding the conflicts in Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere. Russian media has routinely misrepresented photographs and videos, inserted photoshopped images and video into reports, and has even used images from video games to depict their enemies in a nefarious way. They’ve fabricated entire stories, using props and actors to engineer atrocity myths against their enemies, like the “crucified child” in Ukraine lie.

They’ve invented victims of the Ukrainian army out of thin air, like this:

Among the deceptions shown on the website are examples of Russian media staging fake anti-government protests in European countries and creating fake stories to glorify Putin and embellish his popularity, like this contrived hoax that said an American restaurant was selling a hamburger dedicated to Putin. Putin himself was caught misrepresenting a video of US operations in Afghanistan in an effort to impress Oliver Stone, claiming it depicted Russian forces fighting ISIS in Syria.

Two other websites, EU vs Disinfo and Stop Fake, also track Russian media and government lies. It is truly shocking how widespread the fakery and hoaxing is in Russian media sources, and how efficiently the disinfo is spread by bot accounts on Twitter and Facebook, and further amplified by self-hating anti-Western “truther” and pseudo “anti-war” ideologues who – operating in a delusional echo chamber – repeat the Kremlin’s lies verbatim.

The documentary below explores Russia’s hybrid warfare model of disinformation, revealing the underhanded methods used by the Kremlin and its vast media apparatus to dupe Western audiences, and sow the seeds of internal subversion:

Alt-right and alt-left media have thoroughly absorbed the Kremlin’s propaganda, and openly cheer the West’s demise so that Russia and China can replace the white West as global superpowers. Truthers, libertarians and alt-righters have offered themselves up as useful idiots in the KGB’s information war, rendering themselves open targets for treason charges if a real war ever broke out.

46 thoughts on “Russian Media: A Rancid Propaganda Machine

  1. You are so braindead. Russia is truthful in almost all areas. You used to be good before you deleted your channel and became delusional in your effort to be independent or unbiased!

    1. @ “Bob”. Take your crap elsewhere Shlomo Bullshitovich. You think that one of the biggest powers in the world would have a nationally-controlled media outlet that would be truthful in “almoooost aaall areas”? Prove we are delusional moron. Or go stick a menorah up your asshole and plz vanish from this planet. We are not going to fight another staged World War because you guys act like fucking agents in the west. Fuck you.

      1. It is you who is lacking understanding. You have a false paradigm through which you view the world. You call me ” Shlomo Bullshitovich” but you are more a Zionist than I am. Allow me to explain the basics of the war on Russia for you. Russia and Greece are considered the two most anti semitic countries in the world not including Arab countries. Eastern Orthodoxy is their branch of Christianity, which denies a Pope from having any authority. Israel was created by Zionist European countries or Roman Catholics and UK protestants. So by aligning yourself with them you choose to side against the only real world power that is independent of the Jews. Now, you choose to believe Putin is controlled by Jews rather than the other way around, because you are gullible. The end goal of the Jews is to depose Putin, absorb Russia into the EU, make them homosexuals and have them kneel before the Pope! This is obvious with Putin’s visit to Mt. Athos and their relations with Greece. Now if you watch RT you know that they are clearly pro Palestine, not Israel, yet you think Russia is Zionist? You’re the one lighting the Menorah!! It is clear that what Putin is trying to do is reawaken the Lutheran countries that haven’t joined the Euro to ban gay marriage and return to their Lutheran roots, and then form an alliance with Russia. This has already happened in Latvia where they are unlike other Nordic countries on the issue, and Latvia is very pro Russia unlike Sweden for example. So that is my view. What’s your response to that ?

        1. My response to that is that you are under my Russian intel/CIA/NSA/Mossad radar right now and you are being analyzed. Why do you mention Greece? I live in Greece and I am not a Christian, so your bullshit is not welcome here.

          “you are more a Zionist than I am.” —WHHUUT???? I am more zionist because I don’t ally with Putin? WTF????? First argument is bullshit Shlomo. Typical of your (plural) typical menorah crap.

          “Israel was created by Zionist European countries or Roman Catholics and UK protestants.” —-Divide and conquer strategy there Shlomo, you wanna make me hate the west and love their opponents right? I got it though, I am awake though, I am not a moron. Well actually it was created by ppl duped or paid by Shlomo Bullshitoviches like you Shlomo. Hitler was your puppet Shlomo, we are starting to suspect that and ohh dear god how you Shlomos fear now that you cannot force us to take sides. And we are not taking any side as a group. War is a chosenpplish harvest as some of your rabbis said. And I will fight no world war, insted I will come for a nice coffee with you ppl during the war. So we can conversate about who started the war. If you can start something like that right now which you can’t Shlomos. Financing both sides is not gonna work this time sir.

          “Russia and Greece are considered the two most anti semitic countries in the world not including Arab countries.” —Greece is full of fuckin communists idiot. Only your menorah puppets and pseudohitlerists are the ones who are being flamboyantly anti-jew here. Exactly like your agenst Matt Heimbach and Andrew Anglin overseas in the US. The Greek people were attacked by (mossad presumably) snipers in Athens on 17/11/1973 because the dictator we had at the time wouldn’t give our bases so you can use them to kill arabs in one of your holy wars that happened in the promised land at the time. He was deposed because of the aftermath of the sniper attack (which is obscured by media, they say that there was a spontaneous “uprising”). The co-objective of the operation was probably to fill Greece with fucking communist pieces of shit that all declare (bullshiting, just to get leftist pussy) that were in the “uprising” of 17/11/1973.

          “So by aligning yourself with them you choose to side against the only real world power that is independent of the Jews. ” —I am a scientist Shlomo. Something that your people can never do, they are only experts at parasitizing and psychological manipulation. But I am smarter than you Shlomo. So it is not a binary/digital thing. I simply do not take sides. No more staged World Wars for you Shlomo. Go fuck your ugly witch-like brunettes over there in the promised land.

          “Now, you choose to believe Putin is controlled by Jews rather than the other way around, because you are gullible. The end goal of the Jews is to depose Putin, absorb Russia into the EU, make them homosexuals and have them kneel before the Pope! ” —Any evidence to substantiate these claims, shlomo? Gee, you menorahs are losing composure. LOL! Your bullshit is not as good as it was a decade ago.

          “This is obvious with Putin’s visit to Mt. Athos and their relations with Greece. ”

          Again, suspicious mentioning of GREECE… HEY GUYS, this Shlomo has probably read my comments as he was preparing his intel-style attack so he could probably exploit my perceived weaknesses. I live in Greece Shlomo, doesn’t mean I am an Orthodox Christian, so your bullshit has failed there shlomo. The background check you did failed. I am not guillible to your mossad attack. You sneaky pieces of shit need to upgrade your methods. Dummies!

          “You’re the one lighting the Menorah!!” —Yeah, to stick it up your hairy asshole, shlomo.


          1. Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with my point, you ignorant Greek stunad. Most if not all Arab countries oppose gay marriage except for Western INFLUENCED countries like Turkey, occupied Iraq, and Jordan. You cannot deny this. Saudi Arabia has absolutely no relevance to my point on the spread of homosexuality in Europe. The West only allows Saudi Arabia to remain conservative in the same way that they allow Vatican City to remain restrictive on gay marriage. Their goal is still to turn Syria, Iran, and everyone else gay. It has started happening in Lebanon unfortunately because of the Maronite Catholics there. Artists like Shiraz openly promote lgbt rights. The corporate world wants it. It is not prevalent in Eastern Orthodox countries because they keep the cultural negative influence of the West out. That is what makes Russia the best influence on Europe and the World.

            1. His point is that being anti-gay alone does not merit worship or praise. If anti-gayness is your only objective, then you would welcome the Muslim invasion of Europe because their culture will suppress that. Likewise, Putin is most likely a faker just trying to win over some Christian conservatives with the gay law. Here he is fiddling with a young boy:

              Syria and Lebanon are already both liberal holdouts in the Middle East, as well as Israel, with Tel Aviv as the gay party capital. The least liberal is Saudi Arabia and is in bed with the West, so that debunks the idea that all that Western states do is enforce pro-gay policies on the governments they work with.

              The answer to the radical progressives and leftists is not to cuck to some foreign regime, but to put our own house in order with better policies. Depicting the entire West as “gay” is indeed a Russian tactic. They even fake videos to make America seem perverted and gay:

              The issues we have in the West with excessive liberalism, leftism and progressivism largesly originates with the Jews, so blaming “the West” generically for this phenomenon is a dishonest tactic, and one used by Duginists to advocate our civilization’s complete demise. Notice how Dugin and Putinists never identify Jews as the source of liberalism/leftism/cultural marxism, and just blame “the West” as a generic entity. That’s because Dugin supports Jewry’s plan to destroy the West via cultural marxism.

            2. All right, I’m about to give up on trying to convince you but I’ll try one last time.
              “If anti-gayness is your only objective, then you would welcome the Muslim invasion of Europe because their culture will suppress that. ”
              Not exactly, Putin is merely acting out of a policy of Eurasianism which if you read about includes Muslim turanian people. Religion is not the focal point of the ideology but it is more geographical. Russia doesn’t seek to conquer Europe but carve out the steppe region. The Wahhabi’s are a product of Saudi Arabia, so the immigrants won’t really have a detrimental effect on Europe if they come from Algeria for example. Liberalism is such a broad term used to discredit my point. Islam was never radical in Syria or Lebanon until it started becoming influenced by Saudi agents. Pakistanis are also influenced by Saudis and serve in their military. This sectarianism thesis is false.
              I do blame the Jews but also the Jesuits. You seem to not be aware that South America legalized lgbt rights long before the US due it’s liberation theology, and aligns perfectly with the Jewish agenda, but I say the West as a term that combines the Roman Catholic Church, Jews, and their social values. The Vatican will eventually condone same sex marriage and that is why Father Peter Heers has written a book extensively on all of the problems of Vatican II and where it will lead in the future.

            3. @ Shlomo Bullshitini (I suppose you are not lying about Sicilian Heritage, because I would have used the generic Shlomo Holocaustowitz instead)

              “Russia doesn’t seek to conquer Europe but carve out the steppe region.” ——Yeah we have seen that in Crimea and the Bolshevik Republics over there in Ukraine… LOL shlomo boy, one hell of a bullshiter you are.

              “. The Wahhabi’s are a product of Saudi Arabia, so the immigrants won’t really have a detrimental effect on Europe if they come from Algeria for example.” —–That’s a bizzare point there shlomo… Do you mean negative effect on gay rights? Or the west in general. Because you are trying to push through the back door that if for example Algerians flock in european cities, there won’t affect gay rights (or european civilization, if you actually mean that ITS MUCH MORE FUNNY!!) because they are not “Saudi backed wahhabis”. I am not sure if you meant gays or europe in general but in either case, I am laughing!!!!

              “I do blame the Jews but also the Jesuits. ” —-

              “All right, I’m about to give up on trying to convince you but I’ll try one last time.” —That’s what I wanted you to do Shlomo Bullshitovich/Bullshitini. To shy away LIKE A BITCH since your arguements are GARBAGE. You are one amusing Shlomo!

              1. well, as i can se Fox Mulder, or 666 Murder (because in numerology, fox means 666) , you are obvously a disinfo agent, i have some syrian and iranian friends in instagram, most the information about the wars there i get with them.


                it’s because assad dropped the dollar, assad is one of the few middle eastern leaders who protect christians, and also, because syria is one of the most free countries in middle east, damascus is like any developed city from the west, they also have a lot of oil

                the objective of USA, saudi arabia, israel and turkey is to overthrow assad and transform syria in a new libya (civil war, terrorism, etc.)

                WHAT PUTIN DID:

                according with some sites, and with my middle east friends themselves, putin had a big role in the defeat of isis, by bombing isis’ settlements, selling guns to the syrian army, etc.

                jacob rothschild even called putin of traitor, since putin became anti NWO, the christianism had grown in russia (after many years of communism/atheist propaganda)

                putin even exposed the shadow government in an interview, were he exposes who really controll USA:

                assad, as well as khamenei, are the most anti-zionist leaders in the world, the question is: if putin is really a zionist, why he is helping 2 anti-zionist countries ?

                here are words of assad himself :

                and again, if putin is really zionist, why the mainstream media, disinfo agents, neocons, satanists, zionists and globalists in general hate so much him ?

                they are lying about him just like they lied about ghadafi,

                well, i end here, Mr. 666 murder

                1. it’s because assad dropped the dollar, assad is one of the few middle eastern leaders who protect christians, and also, because syria is one of the most free countries in middle east, damascus is like any developed city from the west, they also have a lot of oil

                  So your silly argument for why they’re against Assad is that he’s more “Western”? I thought that is what these people want? Why would they attack him, only to put more religious hardliners in power, who are anti-Western themselves and averse to all things Western? Your logic is completely stupid. Compared to others in the region Assad is more liberal on women’s and minorities’ issues, thus is perfect for what so-called “globalists” are looking for. Are they not liberal too? So that can’t be the reason. Assad’s Syria wasn’t “free” at all in terms of politics, only religion. If you challenged Assad politically you’d have electrodes strapped to your nuts in no time. He was the go-to torturer for the CIA during the Bush years.

                  Nobody here cares that Putin is helping Iran and Syria. Only Arab First cucks care about that. That’s one of the reasons he’s bad. He’s sacrificing white Russian lives to prop up some pretty shitty tyrannies in the Middle East. We also don’t care how “anti-Zionist” those countries are. Their “anti-Zionism” is the leftist, anti-racist type, and blends right into SJWism and anti-whiteism for the West. Iran supports mass Islamic immigration into the West, so they are no friends of ours.

                  As for Putin, his country exports more fighters for ISIS than any other:

                  The evidence shows Russia deliberately exported these Muslims to Syria to take a problem off their own hands and put it in Syria’s backyard, then Putin marches in as the “hero” who will defeat ISIS. It’s a clever scam and you truther fools fell for it.

                  At the end of the day, only pro-Arab leftists care about any of that. Picking sides with one faction of Arabs in an internal Semitic squabble does not make one a “hero” of any kind, but a cuck.

        2. Dude it seems you’re a serb. Aren’t you? I’m not a catholic and not a follower of Pope, but such a ridiculous combination of blind putinophilia and Vatikan conspiracy is most typical for their balkan nation.

          “Latvia is very pro Russia” Where do you get this nonsense from? Only local commies there are pro-Russia. Even smart Russians living in Latvia have sober views on reality, unlike you trying to convince others in your personal religious delusions.

          1. Serbs are notorious Russophiles. Severe brainwashing going back to the communist days. Plus they hate NATO for its intervention during the Balkan war, so naturally cuck for Russian expansion.

            1. I agree, serbs used to be most arrogant, blind and annoying advocates of putinism. Those guys are ready to support any government of Russia because they always treat Russia as an eternal source of cannon fodder for their wars with all possible neighbors in Balkans. They never care about actual life of usual Russians and the nature of ruling regime in Russia, Serbian maniacal desire to revive the project of “greater Serbia” aka Yugoslavia is what stands behind their rhetoric about “Slavic brotherhood” and “Orthodoxy.”

          2. I am from Latvia and i can second that. Most latvians are not pro-Russia, i could even say they’re anti-Russia. Both liberals and nationalists. Russia is and always has been our enemy and it regularly makes sure for it to stay so.

            There are some russified cucks and traitors, but the most supporters of Russia are russians themselves, russified ukrainians, belorussians and jews (the soviets). Of course, communists/ eastern european socialists love Russia as much as local underground nazbols do.

            There are some latvian culture figures who have fallen for pro-Putin’ “trad” image and started shilling for him willingly. Some of them are those who had good times during Soviet era as artists and musicians when the state pampered them with contracts. Some of them might be “sleepers”. Among these artist types are those who oppose opening of the long kept KGB files as do some politicians in power or running for election. Other tactic for these public figures is to denigrate Latvia or complain about it publicly – maybe they do it on their own, but it has a smell of “our neighbor”.

            Interesting fact is that Russia has created its own entertainment industry which has lured in some latvian or regional artists. They get contracts, publicity and opportunites in Russia, because they can’t make it big in the West or at home. The same goes for ice hockey. Russia created KHL (Continental hockey league) – the NHL of Russia. It led to revival of Latvia’s soviet era hockey club “Rīgas dinamo” which is run by ex-politicians and some shady folks. That way they are also touring Russia. Russia hosts many thing inside and outside of its borders to maintain soft power.

            1. Soviet propaganda booklets appear from time to time in second hand bookshops and charity stores.
              I usually buy them because
              1. they are historically interesting, and
              2. I buy them to remove them from the bookshelves.
              I bookmarked this Latvian article whilst finding out about soviet propaganda booklets a few months ago.

              The Latvian Dream Coming True – Soviet article describes a 1959 soviet propaganda book.

              Also from the same website:
              “Sputnik” and “RT” Kremlin Media Watch

              I have a few booklets about the soviet 7 year plan 1959-1965.
              There were several soviet booklets (3 rosary gardens, london) published and there was a newspaper “soviet weekly” available at newsagents for 3 old pennies in the early sixties.
              I also have a book “USSR development of outlying national areas” and a soviet booklet about uzbekistan.
              The old books give me an insight and a feel for the times.

            2. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were not countries for centuries. Recently formed states whose main purpose is to hate it’s former masters. Russia used to control Latvia for several hundred years, even before marxism. Poland used to rule Lithuania. Vilnius was once a Polish city before 1939, Stalin made it Lithuanian because of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Nationalisms of small countries have no other purposes than to hate their former masters or neighbors. Croat nationalism is that way. It is only about hating Serbia. Kurd nationalism is about hating Turkey.

            3. No Roman . . . nationalism is not about hating anyone.
              Nationalism is about the love of ones own country and people, and wishing to protect and preserve them.
              Maintaining cohesiveness of the indigenous ethnic group and their traditions and culture.
              When borders are torn down to allow immigration from all four corners of the world then the nationalism is destroyed.
              Destroying nationalism is the goal of the resentful, hateful outsiders, who also try to and do, infiltrate and destroy from within.
              They cause unrest and stir up wars, sometimes financing both sides of conflicts.
              The anti-nationalists and globalists are the hateful ones.

        3. This is classic Putin-Saviour propaganda, denigrating Western Christianity while glorifying Eastern variants. Putin is not only not “independent” of the Jews, he’s in bed with them. Some pro-Palestine stuff on Russia Today does not prove Putin is anti-Israel. Under Putin, Russia has the closest ties its ever had with Israel. He even called Israel a “special state” because of the huge number of Russian speakers in Israel. Let’s not forget that the Soviet Union was one of the first major powers to recognize the nascent state of Israel in 1948, granting it legitimacy. So enough with the “east is anti-Zionist” bullshit. The communists became somewhat anti-Zionist just because communist doctrine opposes “racism,” nationalism and tribalism, but that doesn’t make them good. The pro-Palestine movement is thoroughly Marxist, anti-white anyway and I see little use for it besides using it to make the Jews look bad.

          1. I am a Sicilian American with Greek Orthodox relatives there in Agrigento. I am now an LCMS lutheran because I disagree on some doctrine. I’m not Serbian but good guess. Brandon, I don’t know why you think the Jewish Controlled Soviet Union’s recognition of Israel matters. Putin has taken control of them and if they disobey, they are assassinated. Russia has to be totalitarian in order to prevent infiltration.
            Fox Multer, The evidence ? Just look at the stats, the countries that oppose lgbt are mostly Eastern European and not Roman Catholic.
            And yea the BDS movement is partly marxist but also supported by conservative Lutherans, the worldwide alliance will eventually bring Israel down and absorb it into the new Byzantine Empire. We have Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iran, and Lutheran scattered around the world who provide support to the Palestinians through relief aid efforts.

            1. Guys! Notice how he went from aggressive to friendly.

              From — “You are so braindead. Russia is truthful in almost all areas. You used to be good before you deleted your channel and became delusional in your effort to be independent or unbiased!”

              To — “Brandon, I don’t know why you think the Jewish Controlled Soviet Union’s recognition of Israel matters. ”

              Intel radar is still on, shlomo boy.

              “Fox Multer, The evidence ? Just look at the stats, the countries that oppose lgbt are mostly Eastern European and not Roman Catholic.”

              It’s Mulder. You are losing composure because your intel boss won’t pay you since you are failing miserably. Your bullshit is not welcome here. Saudi Arabia also opposes LGBTQRTYXYZ. So what’s your point? Do you support saudi arabia?

            2. “Most braindead, dimwitted “truthers” think that Russian media outlets like RT are more trustworthy than Western sources.”

              I only used the word braindead because Brandon used it. Its insulting to me. Maybe I have too much any affinity for Syria that I got triggered. But I used to eat at a Syrian restaurant all the time and listen to Lebanese music before the invasion occurred in 2011 and that’s why I defend Russia no matter what. It’s because I want my favorite Arab countries to be free from death, so I’m “biased”.

        4. > Israel was created by Zionist European countries or Roman Catholics and UK protestants.

          On the other hand perhaps it’s worth mentioning that even before it was called Zionism, in the 1860s Moses Hess wrote that it would be preferable to settle Russian Jews in a future Israel, basically because they’ve preserved their Judaic identity better.

          If you look there were a several Russian Jews or Jews born in the Russian Empire in politics in Israel maybe even as early as the 1930s, before it was called Israel. Also e.g. more than one mayor of Tel Aviv were Russian Jews.
          Also Chaim Weizmann, “President of the Zionist Organization and later as the first President of Israel” was born in the Russian empire. Of course he lived in England an was also connected to Rothschilds, who are also directly connected to the Balfour declaration. But according to his biography: “While in Pinsk [Belarus], he also became active in the Hovevei Zion groups there.”
          That was Russian Jewish Zionist organization, and from its Wikipedia page: “The organizations are now considered the forerunners and foundation-builders of modern Zionism.”

          By the way related to the Balfour Declaration, isn’t so that not another Western country but “Serbia became the first country in the world to openly endorse the Balfour Declaration of 1917”? See:

          1. that’s part of the reason why I’m Lutheran. There can be Zionism and bowing to Israel from Serbia and Russia and other Eastern Orthodox countries but overall I want the traditional Lutheranism to return to Scandinavia. The EO don’t have an official doctrine on Revelation and it varies from guru priest to priest whereas the LCMS just states everything outright. Right now there is not a single country in the world that has Lutheranism as a state religion that doesn’t have female pastors and accept gay marriage. But Lutheranism became liberal along with Roman Catholicism and the EU. It wasn’t that way in the 1800s which is what my branch practices. So what’s interesting and in accordance with what Brandon said, the BDS movement is mainly Marxist. Yes because the ECLA has become marxist, it wasn’t allows marxist, as well as Methodists, and Presbyterians, etc, so would they still support Palestine if that never happened? I still think so because of their interpretation of Israel as being symbolic and not literal in Romans 11. If you look at countries where Lutheranism has more recently grown like Ethiopia and Madagascar, it is of the more conservative variety, and no I’m not a white nationalist or acolyte of Dugin or Andrew Anglin.

        5. “. The Wahhabi’s are a product of Saudi Arabia, so the immigrants won’t really have a detrimental effect on Europe if they come from Algeria for example.” —–That’s a bizzare point there shlomo… Do you mean negative effect on gay rights? Or the west in general. Because you are trying to push through the back door that if for example Algerians flock in european cities, there won’t affect gay rights (or european civilization, if you actually mean that ITS MUCH MORE FUNNY!!) because they are not “Saudi backed wahhabis”. I am not sure if you meant gays or europe in general but in either case, I am laughing!!!!

          Right they won’t have a negative effect on gay rights nor Western culture. How would they? They have no sharia courts and do have freedom of religion.

          “I do blame the Jews but also the Jesuits. ” —-

          I expected you to deny all history of the Protestant Reformation from 1500-1800 and the Jesuits. In your mind, true Christians don’t exist just Jews behind every rock. It amazes me to know people like you exist but I am sure most Romanists and even Orthodox have your mindset since they killed Cyril Lucaris instead of argue theologically against him. This is why I despise you people. You love rewriting history and pining for your nonexistent glory days of Europe, a hellish repressive dictatorship, yet you accuse Putin of being totalitarian!! That’s a good one. Have a nice life lunatic!
          “All right, I’m about to give up on trying to convince you but I’ll try one last time.” —That’s what I wanted you to do Shlomo Bullshitovich/Bullshitini. To shy away LIKE A BITCH since your arguements are GARBAGE. You are one amusing Shlomo!

          1. Bob you seem like a confused little critter.
            Sicilian-american/greek-orthodox relatives/loves Russia/somehowLutheran/wants to return Lutheranism to Sweden/big fan of lebanese rock wtf/master theologian/hero worships Putin etc
            And what exact moral authority do protestants have now? You stole a whole freakin continent from the natives, using the old testament as your validation. Even the Israeli’s aren’t that bad.

  2. That Natalia Veseltniskaya now admitting she’s an informant (and talking like a thug-comissar to american journalists) might make things uglier for Trump, their Manchurian kid.
    Don’t forget that Russian supposed “new missile” – they used a ridiculous 3d animation to prove its existence. They’re a pathetic, Potemkin nation. It’s laughable to hear RT chief talk about “conservatism”.
    She’s also visibly (((something else))), and ugly as shit.
    “RT America” bashes America 24/7.

    1. The alt-right Kremlin cucks have egg on their face. They were calling me a “conspiracy kook” for pointing out the Veseltniskaya connection was a real Russian/FSB operation to influence Trump, and now we have it from the horse’s mouth. My position now is that, yes, the collusion with Russia was real, but now that Trump is in office he should go against any promises he made to Russia for the help and increase support to the Ukraine. He’s actually been doing that somewhat in order to shake off the Kremlin spectre on his tail, by opposing Putin in Syria.

  3. Not surprising, taking into account the fact that this year Kremlin spends greater money for media propaganda than for road budget in Russia. Even when Putin’s regime gets close to death, informational garbage like the RT channel will be generously funded.

    1. Shows that Putin’s priorities are not to help his people but to make himself look good to foreign audiences. He’s a piece of garbage. Look how much money he’s wasted on securing events like the Olympics and the World Cup.

    1. That’s not an argument, big boy. That’s Russian trolling. Nothing Marxist about anything I’ve written, you f-ing idiot. Marxism is still a big thing in Russia, though.

      1. Marxism is a big thing anywhere there is disappointment with capitalism. Marxism is quite big in Latin America too, because a lot of people are poor. And you are a beaner.

        1. marxistdotcom seems to be a genuinely marxist website.
          We can now “keep an eye on” their views and plans.
          This is an article about “comrade Yanis” and his mission to save european capitalism.

          Then there is a wiki about him, that might change a lot as it gets edited.

          Yanis Varoufakis: How I became an erratic Marxist

          Yanis Varoufakis:
          “But, in truth, Karl Marx was responsible for framing my perspective of the world we live in, from my childhood to this day. This is not something that I often volunteer to talk about in “polite society” because the very mention of the M-word switches audiences off. But I never deny it either.”

        2. @Roman

          You just got yourself banned you Jewish piece of shit.

          It’s not surprising that this subversive Jew Roman supports both Russia and Israel/Jews. That’s the new emerging alliance, folks.

          1. Guy sounds like a mason, with his irresistible impulse to patronize and “direct the conversation”. I just don’t engage with these types – one of their functions is to provoke and cause irritation. They’re everywhere on the net, like a plague.

            1. And that behavior of patronize and “direct the conversation” is used to undermine, rather than to contribute and reinforce.

              It can happen in the workplace and also between competing businesses.
              Masons are well known for helping each other in that respect, often to the detriment of people trying to compete with them.

            2. Roman was fond of saying “Jews also happen to have superior business acumen.”
              He said it several times I remember.
              Well there is the standard rude answer to that one (involving the word swindlers), however . . . looking slightly more deeply as to why they are often rich and successful:
              They are helped, no doubt, by their connections and by their mindsets.
              Often they have preferential access to the best and most expensive business and law schools.
              And even without the use of business and law schools they still succeed with the help of connections and insider knowledge and by being ruthless and having minimal qualms.
              So they have the drive to get to the top and are able to achieve it.
              Perhaps if we all adopted their mindset, then it would be more of a “level playing field”.
              I don’t know a lot about the term “Talmudic Business Practise” but I have read that it allows them to operate in ways that non-jews would not approve of:
              “they wouldn’t do that” . . . No . . . you wouldn’t do that . . . they do it every day.

  4. @Dorset: Jews succeed in business because they’ve rigged the game for themselves, first by gaining control of the elite universities and schools, and then by leveraging Gentiles out of businesses they created through chicanery and mafia tactics. Just look at the Jewish takeover of Disney. Or Bernie Madoff. Essentially Gentiles create great businesses and inventions, and Jews scheme to usurp those businesses and inventions later, after all the hard work had been done by the Gentiles. They’re thieves with no talent besides figuring out how to scam Gentiles.

    Roman is most likely a Russian Jew so of course he defends Jewish business practices. The confused idiot also defends communism and socialism, while simultaneously pimping international Jewish capitalists and their “superior business acumen”. That subversive piece of shit is pushing socialism for the goyim, while defending capitalism for the Jews so they can rule us while we slave for them in the gulag. He’s a Jewish agent.

    1. I think he’s a mason – a Jew wouldn’t be commenting here, and Jews love to shove their ethnic pride on everyone’s face. There’s very little difference effectively – Jews and masons work for the system, and have mostly the same agenda.

      1. Thanks #654 and Brandon for the extra descriptives.
        Roman, whatever his motives were . . . is now gone from here.

  5. @Dorset “Jew” is an artificial identity created by the system. They hide behind the magical term “semite” even though they’re mostly central european mongrels. Hebrew is the Yiddish of ancient times, a mix of many local languages. Israel’s history is religionized fairy-tale, crafted for in-group self-aggrandizing and to occupy the empty heads of useful gentiles, like evangelicals. The advantages of such an artificial identity are many: it’s an international group by default (diaspora), trained to survive by manipulating/dissecting the many customs/psyches of the many different peoples (hence the predator mindset); they keep the identities of the real movers and shakers hidden; they produce confusion among the host peoples; they serve as scapegoats if the hosts get angry and violent.

    1. Straying off-topic for a moment.
      Well yes “useful gentiles, like evangelicals”.
      That is another tough nut to crack.
      How to convince christian zionists to change their views and to become plain and simple christians and to reject the fabricated zionist agenda?
      All that end times rapture nonsense. Total baloney in my view.
      “Jesus was king of the jews” does not mean he was one himself.
      “Queen victoria was empress of india” it doesn’t mean she was an indian.
      And then which version of the bible is the correct one, as it has been edited so many times . . . not least when the jewish zionists got involved with publishing it?

  6. Good discussion. Real freedom of speech, not the fake one in mainstream media. I want to share a link to a video that perfectly illustrates core differences between Baltic people and Russians. If you understand Russian you can hear how these drunken Russians verbaly abuse Latvian policemen and they silently endure it for long time and only act when Russians (celebrating their Soviet paratroopers’ day) begin to be absolutely impudent and provocative. But even without knowledge of Russian the whole picture is clear.

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