Delusional Charlatans Alex Jones & Vox Day Say Alt-Right is Controlled Opposition

Delusional charlatans Vox Day and Alex Jones did a broadcast wherein they were critiquing Jordan Peterson, within which they claimed that the “right-wing racists” of the alt-right are false opposition controlled by the leftist establishment to demonize true “libertarian Christian patriots” like themselves.

This kind of hoaxing is standard fare for Alex Jones, Vox Day and other Jewish apologists fronting as “patriots,” “nationalists” and right-wingers. Over the years Alex Jones would routinely claim that white nationalists and anti-Semites were “controlled by the feds” as a conspiratard cop out to dodge our superior arguments and worldview. He simply couldn’t debate us on the facts, the evidence, and the research backing up the Jewish conspiracy and the need for white nationalism, so he would just say we’re “paid provocateurs” without a shred of actual proof.

Ultimately, Jones and Day are pushing a race-blind Christian patriotism which is approved and controlled by the Jews, hence the Jewish sponsorship of “Christian patriot” groups and individuals like the English Defence League, Britain First and Geert Wilders.

The only accurate thing these two kooks said was that Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson are phony opposition propped up by the establishment as acceptable voices against the insurgent radical left. But their critique of both figures was wholly inadequate, failing to identify the Jewish element controlling both Shapiro (an actual orthodox Jew and Zionist) and Peterson.

It’s amusing to see Jones and Day call out controlled opposition when they’re exactly the same type of controlled opposition they condemn – they’re there to gatekeep the debate surrounding Jewish power and prevent the right from going too far off the tracks of what the Jewish elite can tolerate. The same Jewish element behind Shapiro and Peterson is controlling the half-baked discourse of Alex Jones and Vox Day as well, both of whom shill hard for Jews and deny their responsibility for the leftist culture war against the West.

My personal critique of certain alt-right figures is far more accurate than the tripe these two clowns can come up with. If key figureheads of the American alt-right are shills for anyone, it’s Russia and the Kremlin, not “the left” or “the feds.” My more nuanced critique of some alt-right leaders is based on strong evidence of their links to Russia (particularly Alexander Dugin) and their obscene cucking for the Putin regime, including whitewashing Putin’s intimate relationships with billionaire Russian Jews.

Some dimwits of the alt-light bent have floated theories that Richard Spencer is in fact a CIA or “Deep State” plant, or something to that effect. That makes little sense since Spencer is a diehard Russophile who abhors US foreign policy towards Russia and promotes Duginist cranks like Jay Dyer who blame everything bad on the CIA, NATO and “Atlanticist Powers.” Spencer is not working for the CIA, he’s working against them for Putin’s KGB. Spencer is the closest thing it gets to a foreign lobbyist for Putin’s Russia as he frantically protests any policies of Trump that conflict with Comrade Putin’s interests in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Am I the only one in the world who can see things clearly?

14 thoughts on “Delusional Charlatans Alex Jones & Vox Day Say Alt-Right is Controlled Opposition

  1. Ron Paul county delegates were 97% white, and are called racist by the Cultural Marxist left and CM open border libertarians. CM among the Neoconservatives is pervasive,and Shapiro and Alex Jones masquerade as closed border libertarians but in real life are cucking to the CM acting more in tune with Neocons, since neither of them push to reinstate Christian ethics in the natural order. It’s one step forwa rd and two steps back for all their followers.

  2. I listened to the whole interview and you can’t critique what he says since you haven’t read and understood the inherent philosophy of Christianity nor alt right leaders like Kant Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc . Again just because Alex Jones has Vox Day on his show does not mean that they are part of the same movement. Vox Day is totally independent of Alex Jones, he has been the major influence on Tara McCarthy when she was doing her weekly “This week on the alt right” with Bre Faucheux and others, and they have said tens of times how they are not acolytes of Alex. Your just upset that Vox Day appeared on his show.

    1. Day was agreeing with everything Jones was saying about the alt-right being “controlled opposition”. He’s a known Jewish apologist who was counter-signalling other alt-righters for criticizing the Jews. He used to write for World Net Daily, a Christian Zionist website. He looks to me like a Christian Zionist entryist trying to push philosemitism into the alt-right.

      1. He’s at best OK on some topics (like his position on “free trade” – he favors protectionism and tariffs, which is a position that annoys the globalists) but is definitely weak on a lot. Calls Trump “God-emperor” lol. And yeah, having history in such brainless, cocksucking christo-zionist environments like WND certainly makes anyone suspicious. Nothing screams “BASICBITCH CONSERVATIVE” like World Net Daily.

    2. I’m thinking that the Natsoc has overrun the Alt-right. They worship the state like a leftist when they disregard Peterson. In fact, the NS are not traditional in true western culture since they embrace the welfare state like any common postmodernist of the CM . Americans fought both world wars to save Christian values, we wound up being more like Hitler and Bismarck after 1965, abandoned our heritage. Alt right really is populism, we allie ourselves with Christians, Libertarians and Paleocons and attack the Neocons and Post Modernist versions of the welfare warfare state that underminds the white race.

  3. “Vox Day and other Jewish apologists….” Are you syaing Day is Jewish? Are you taking the typical white nationalist approach that everybody who disagrees with me is Jewish approach? Day has been very critical of organized Jewry. Have you read much of his blog posts?

    1. No, but I heard him on a debate with Andrew Anglin saying that Anglin’s a liar for suggesting Jews are responsible for cultural marxism and other social ills. Perhaps he’s changed his position on Jews since then? Certainly at that point he was a Jewish apologist. It’s also very unlikely that Jones would have Day as a guest if he were really hammering the Jews as you say. Jones won’t have guests on who talk about the Jews.

  4. Alex Jones is a serious problem. Jones is knowingly pushing deceptive narratives and just strait up lies to appease Trump and the Jewish war hawks, brainwashing millions in the process. I don’t think Alex is a government agent, just a crazed narcissist who has been bought off by political operatives like Roger Stone and others (aka the scum of the earth).

    1. Jordan Peterson is a joke, he is the Jew media’s new right wing darling – though he’s obviously a “classical liberal” at heart.

      Bottom line, shekels control the world and all mentioned in the article enjoy collecting them.

      1. Of course Jordan Peterson is controlled by Jews. Just look at all the public figures that rose up in the past few years and they’re all Canadian: Lauren Southern, J. Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Gavin Mccines, Rebel media. Americans like Vox Day will never be allowed to rise in popularity without censorship.

  5. “It’s amusing to see Jones and Day call out controlled opposition when they’re exactly the same type of controlled opposition they condemn – they’re there to gatekeep the debate surrounding Jewish power and prevent the right from going too far off the tracks of what the Jewish elite can tolerate. The same Jewish element behind Shapiro and Peterson is controlling the half-baked discourse of Alex Jones and Vox Day as well, both of whom shill hard for Jews and deny their responsibility for the leftist culture war against the West.”

    Martinez, you have never read anything on Vox’s blog. Vox does not shill for Jews at all, and you’d see it in his posts discussing the tag ‘Zion’. The thing that irritates you is that he supports Israel, but is against Diasporans. Here, let’s take a look at some ‘shilling’ posts:

    Vox talks about Holocaustianity, and has been for far longer than the Alt-Right has. The amusing thing, truly, is that Vox notices how the Right talks about how the opposition is fake, while being led by fed poster boys like Richard Spencer and pederasts like Greg Johnson. So no, you cannot ‘see things clearly’. Fact is, your ‘nuanced’ views on other Alt-Right folk is laughable. It’s ‘Russia is behind everything’. In that case, the Left really is right on the Russia-backed US election, aren’t they?

    This was actually pretty damn hilarious. The amount of buzzwords is like I’m reading a Buzzfeed article, but with ‘Jew’ instead of ‘patriarchy’.

    1. Go listen to the debate between Vox and Andrew Anglin. His main gripe against Anglin was that Anglin blames the Jews for the leftist culture war. Vox insisted the Jews were innocent. Maybe he’s changed his tune since then, but at that time he was a Jew cuck. That’s what I was going by. The post you linked is Day rebuking a suggestion that Hitler would have won WW2 if he didn’t purge Jewish scientists. Lol, what groundbreaking anti-Semitism to say that.

      The thing that irritates you is that he supports Israel, but is against Diasporans.

      Why would he “support Israel” if he’s a Goy? Only some kind of Jew cuck would go out of their way to “support Israel”. I support sending all Jews to Israel and then cutting off any and all ties with that state, and then maybe even helping its enemies. Day used to write for the cukolded Christian Zionist website World Net Daily. His resume reads like a top credentialed Jew cuck. But maybe he can prove me wrong by telling the truth about Jews on Alex Jones’ show. Doubt it greatly.

      In that case, the Left really is right on the Russia-backed US election, aren’t they?

      Yes actually, a broken clock is right twice a day. When Hillary says the sky is blue, doesn’t mean it’s green. Trump’s Russia connections are real. Do you deny the Trump Jr-Veselnitskaya meeting, set up by Donald’s Russian business friends, in which the Russians promised “dirt” on Hillary in exchange for dropping sanctions on Russia?

      In fact, Trump’s Russian connections are mostly Jewish mob connections. Russian Jews are in bed with both Putin and Trump.

      It seems your level of thinking doesn’t go beyond ‘if person X says something, and X is politically liberal or leftist, than everything X says is wrong’. Get a grip on reality. That’s the typical low-level caveman thinking of several “geniuses” in the alt-right.

  6. Eres Español? Brandon no es un nombre muy común por aquí. No tengo una opinión formada respecto este artículo pero saludos desde Zaragoza.

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