Dugin’s Zionist Ally Avigdor Eskin Slanders Poland, Ukraine & Baltics

Alexander Dugin’s top Jewish-Israeli ally Avigdor Eskin went on RT to condemn a Polish priest (and Poland more generally) who truthfully noted that Jews don’t believe in truth and twist everything to suit their own ethnic interests.

The lying hypocrite Eskin then hubristically complained about Poland’s new law forbidding suggestions of Polish culpability in the Holocaust, even while his fellow Jews have forced laws on dozens of European countries forbidding skepticism about the highly questionable Holocaust narrative.

Eskin is a close confidant of fellow satanic kabbalist Dugin and the Eurasianist movement. He promotes Russian expansion into Eastern Europe in order to exact revenge on the descendants of “Nazi collaborators” there.

Another prominent Jew who supports Dugin’s Eurasian project is Rabbi Avrom Shmulevich, who attended Dugin’s founding congress for the Eurasianist Russia-Wide Political Public Movement (OPOD) in 2001, representing Russia’s chief rabbi and Putin ally Berl Lazar at the conference.

Shmulevich said that “participation of the Jewish population of Russia in the “Eurasia” movement is explained by the strengthening of the relations between Russia and Israel and by the fact that the idea of eurasianism finds active support in Israeli society.”  He opined that “eurasianism gives the possibility of preserving for all peoples, including Jews, their identity.”

Sean Jobst extensively covered the Jewish links to Dugin and Eurasianism on our website, revealing how Eskin referred to both Jews and Russians as “chosen peoples,” and how Dugin praised Jewry’s blood-drenched role in Russian Bolshevism.

Dugin is not a white nationalist, writing in Foundations of Geopolitics that Russia “never made its goal the creation of a mono-ethnic, racially uniform state.” Putin made similar comments in a 2013 speech. “Nationalists must remember that Russia was formed specifically as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional country from its very inception,” Putin said. “Nationalists must remember that by calling into question our multi-ethnic character, and exploiting the issue of Russian, Tatar, Caucasian, Siberian or any other nationalism or separatism, means that we are starting to destroy our genetic code. In effect, we will begin to destroy ourselves.”

Dugin only wishes to manipulate some gullible and shekel-hungry Western white nationalists as useful idiots in his “chaos” plan of backing both sides against the middle, all part of his spiritual warfare scheme against Western countries, endeavouring to break them apart by stoking racial and religious tensions among whites.

The fact is that Dugin is a mad occultist hell-bent on bringing an end to the world. He’s certainly no “ally” of Western patriots trying to preserve our heritage… in fact he wants us all dead.

20 thoughts on “Dugin’s Zionist Ally Avigdor Eskin Slanders Poland, Ukraine & Baltics

  1. Dugin’s movement is an apocalyptic Death Cult, it’s truth. All he wants is to set the world on fire in a way that benefits “Mama Ruscha” and his Jewish friends. It cloaks itself in many different ways to different people – like his books having different appendices depending on the country in which they’re printed. That explains the many types of shitty personalities attracted to it (nutzis, commies, conspiratards, Latrine-American Maoists, muslims, etc.).

    1. Nothing at all of what’s going on today can be understood without going far back in mostly suppressed history. It all begins with the Talmud, which actually had its ideological origins in the Torah and some elsewhere. (Isiah 60-61). Elizabeth Dilling, an expert, wrote of findings that the Talmud began in oral form in around 500BC. The horrible confusion of the West now, based upon Christianity, is due to deference to Judaism which the current ‘tribe’ (unrelated to the originals) have used these self-serving, self-manufactured texts to promote their world rule. It is well-known that 90% of modern ‘Jews’ are from Khazarian stock (non-Semitic, not of the original Israel – as if that matters- yet they suckered the Evangelicals well via Scofield) and they are playing the dumb Gentile Christians to give them land from the Nile to the Euphrates. The war on Iraq was part of this, oh dumb Gentiles. Read all you can about the Talmud/Kabbalah and how the miserable, murdering adherents of this are bent to take your wealth (already happened), then kill most of you (‘utterly destroy’, Bible) and then enslave the rest of you so they can have their utopia -world rule with all others miserably subjected as per the USSR. Dugin and others, Tommy Robinson (Jew), are just players in this game to confuse/control you.

      1. Not to mention slavery, in both Christian and Islamic worlds, was run by Sephardics. Ottoman hierarchy were Donmeh cryptos and other cousins who saw Turks themselves as trash, and so on (it’s a similar formula everywhere). It’s a chameleonic, invisible empire alright.

        1. Yeah this Ataturk ideology in Turkey was started by possible Donmeh cryptos (like Ataturk himself).

          The other side is of course equally moronic with the Erdogan islamic baloney and demagoguery.

          1. They never leave the masses any decent choice. It’s always between two shitshows. Neocons vs. Communists, etc. Dialectics.

        2. Jews were involved in the Muslim slave trade and I’m sure certain Jews still are (for example, big media Jews cover up the past and ongoing Muslim slave trade), but I wouldn’t say they ran the Muslim slave trade. The Muslim slave trade has been much larger and has been going on far longer than it did in the West, and still is, and in certain respects it was more brutal (like castration was commonplace).

          So while the black slave trade in the West started around four centuries ago, it has been going on in the Middle East since the very beginning of Islam, and Muslims didn’t/don’t need any help from Jews to engage in slavery. In the West, it was stopped by white Christians, and in the Middle East, it was formerly abolished later than in the West, but still continues on informally in many different Muslim countries today and there are many documentaries on it that I’ve compiled that anyone can find.

          It’s part of what pisses me off so badly about Arabs, other Middle Easterners and other Muslims because many love to act like they’re morally superior and love pointing the finger at whites for things like slavery and racism, but they’re lying, white-hating hypocrites, and there are many extremely racist Muslims out there.

          1. I always feel odd with making statements and not putting up any sources because there are way too many people making way too many unverified claims, shooting from the hip and talking out their asses, but there are many good channels and vids on it like this below, and it’s not just blacks but other racial groups like Indians. And it pisses me off to see cucked-out Christians donating money to blacks being enslaved by Arabs in places like Sudan when Arabs aren’t gonna be stopping and their brethren that come to the West talk shit non-stop about how “evil” and “racist” whites are. Fuck those clowns.


            1. ^Excuse me, the black slave trade in the West lasted for about four centuries but was ended in the 1800s. So it actually started around 1500, which would have been 5 centuries ago. But most of the dumb ass pro-blacks (which is really most Western blacks) think it was started by whites though and that whites are still enslaving blacks and that everything whites do revolves around blacks, lol. Like whites wake up in the morning thinking about blacks and go to sleep dreaming about how they’re going to keep exploiting them, lmao. A few of them know others were involved too, but it’s not something that really spreads like wildfire among Western blacks because they have a very special hatred for whites and acknowledging that slavery and racism is worldwide and all races and cultures harbor racism means that their case against the cave beasts (whether the want for endless reparations/cashola from whites, or to be able to act like hypocrites and animals, or to be able to blame all their problems and shortcomings on whites, etc.) gets diluted and made less potent.

              1. Something that angers me about this particular vid (and given that racism in the world is supposed to be a “white thang” according to the prevailing Jewish narrative) is that they call these racist Tunisians “white”. Fukin Tunisia is 98% Muslim, mostly Berber, and only 1% white. Does a town called Sidi Maklouf, for instance, sound as though it has some kind of large “white” population? Lol. They say “it’s a town where mostly white Tunisians live.” Lol. And as if the police are going to be shielding white non-Muslims in the country from being exposed as racist and giving them ‘legal protection’, lol. Get it right: They’re Berbers and Arabs, and no, they sure don’t consider themselves “white” and often times hate Westerners and whites:

  2. Eskin is good evidence for why Eurasianism and National Bolshevism are not the same thing. Nazbols have no tolerance for the reactionary wing of Eurasianism that supports ZOG and instead believe that Eurasianism should be staunchly Third Worldist, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. Eskin is unsurprisingly a fanatical anti-Communist, who fought with the Contras in Nicaragua. His goal is to turn Eurasianism into an anti-Communist ideology.

    1. And Russia should give Konigsberg (“Kaliningrad”), the land of Immanuel Kant to the German people right?

    2. “Poland should give it’s land back to Prussia and Protestant Germans.”

      First, there are many Catholic Germans (including my own ancestors/relatives in South Germany). The old Catholic-Protestant rivalries should be a thing of the past, especially since our enemies make no distinction about whether a German/European/White is this or that. Even many of the Germans who were expelled from Poland were Catholics, the Silesians including both while the East Prussians were generally Evangelisch (Lutheran).

      Second, despite the pipe-dreams of some well-meaning German nationalists (NPD), I see these territories as long lost. Germany has been destroyed and wrecked internally so much since then that we have much greater priorities – the very existence of our people in our own ancestral homeland – than dream about a return of territories taken by Poland. I hope to see no more German or Polish blood shed in senseless territorial disputes.

      However, while I do think there should be reconciliation unfortunately many Polish nationalists still deny their own crimes against Germans (while I think Germans should recognize those against the Poles by Prussians and people like Erich Koch). This is the same reason why many also deny their historic crimes against Ukraine, lending their voices against “Banderites”. Fortunately though, there are strong Intermarium tendencies within Poland now.

      Prussia was historically pro-Russian. It certainly didn’t do anything positive to my own South German people, just imposing its own centralized control just like now the Berlin government of Merkel imposes its migrant invasion upon all the regions (of course the Land/state governments are complicit in this). It would serve Putinist/Duginist – and, foremost, Zionist – interests to exploit old Prussian-Polish rivalries. Numerous opportunities for destabilization, and in the meantime many Prussian-centric German nationalists would view the Kremlin as their ally. Divide and conquer.

  3. The uploader of the video says this: “The Polish people are definitely awake Goyim. Imagine once the younger generation gets in seats of political power.”

    Yeah… bullshit. Let’s take a look at Iran to see what’s an “anti-zionist” in power. With all this nuclear program bullshit and the moronic on-off-on-off of the “deal” and all this crap.

    I am no zionist, but I am not an anti-zionist. And anti-zionist doesn’t mean a necessarily good person. COME ON WITH THAT CRAP. The polish “awake” Goyim as the uploader says will do the same mismanagement and the same demagoguery and the same bullshit their predecessors did and do in every white country. We are whites, not mid-eastern. We don’t CAAAAAAAREEEEE about anti-zionism more than we care about zionist zealots like Pat Condell. What if Ken O’Keefe became president of the US right NOW. Oooohhh!!! An anti-zionist in power! Everything must go great now that Ken will finally save us. Lol morons.

    1. We care about fraud perpetrated by zionists (9/11 as an example) but we don’t care about the zionistic part of it. We care about FRAUD coming from any side. That’s why I use this nickname “Fox Mulder”. I am an anti-fraud activist lol ahhahhaah

  4. Brandon I wish you would make more posts about immigration to russia I have expirience with this

  5. Part of the Cold War strategy involved getting the brown people and Muslims to turn against whites, in their respective countries. Hence, both sides are stuck catering to minorities to form “coalitions.”

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