My Interview About Dugin, Russia Cucking,Ukraine & the Alt-Right

Today I was interviewed by Blake Luccason about Duginist & Russian infiltration of the alt-right, touching on other topics like the female invasion of the alt-right and the Jewish hypocrisy on immigration for the West vs. Israel.

18 thoughts on “My Interview About Dugin, Russia Cucking,Ukraine & the Alt-Right

  1. Great show as always brandon 👍

    But Sad to see you are so much against Hitler but thats your opinion and i respect that even if i dont agree 😊

  2. Jordan Peterson retweeted your article about him being a philo-semite, Brandon?! Lmao!

    I noticed when the topic of women came up, a fembot (Roseanna Marie) and a white knight (Cog Hrossearson) started chiming in on how pathetic men supposedly are but not a word about women.

    For example, if you go to the 1:47:40 mark, in the comment section on the right, the ditsy broad Roseanna said things like, “Too many men are narcissistic….so general”, and “@Cog Hrossearson Just about all men. Too many don’t work, don’t want marriage, too many drugs and crimes.” And the white knight Cog replied with things like, “Personally, I think the Alt Right is a waste of space. Too many whiny betas”

    Neither of those two clowns will last in a debate or argument on the topic so they stay in their own little boxes like the morons that they are, lol. Or maybe they think they can win in a debate and would like to come over here and debate it.

    To dumb broad Roseanna: The only thing you’re correct about is that men take more drugs than women. However, she didn’t mention, “Multiple studies have suggested that women who use drugs experience more difficulties when compared to their male counterparts. For example, in an article in the Journal of Substance Abuse, researchers found that female addicts used drugs more frequently than men, and when they did use drugs, they tended to focus on harder drugs than those men used.” And female arrestees spend more money on drugs than male arrestees. She also didn’t mention that many women dig convicts and ex-cons; drug king-pins, felons, murderers, etc., lmao. Serial killers have no problems pulling in romance letter after romance letter from silly broads.

    When it comes to crime, it depends on what “types” of crimes each gender commits more. Women are more likely than men to be embezzlers. Women are more likely to initiate and commit domestic violence. This also means they’re significantly more likely to abuse and murder their own children than biological fathers. This means that the dumb cunts think slapping, scratching, biting, and kicking men in the balls “doesn’t count” because women can “do no wrong”. Some would even argue that when a female poors hot water or hot oil on a sleeping dude, or cuts his penis off, or stabs, beats with a bat, or runs over a male with an automobile that it “doesn’t count” either, because men are “disposable”. They’re faaaar more likely to make false sexual harassment, assault, and rape accusations than men. Female teachers are more likely to bang under-aged male students than male teachers are to bang under-aged female students. Female crime has been on the rise, and as anyone with half a brain could guess, women are also more likely to be cautioned and let-off-the-hook for crimes than men which makes men appear like they commit more crimes compared to women than they do.

    When it comes to what she said about “too many men don’t want marriage” the silly broad never mentions that first of all, it’s faaar easier for the average female to get laid or married than the average male in this society of female worship. Secondly, men are the ones doing the vast majority of the proposing and women expect them to. Thirdly, women are the ones initiating almost 80% of the divorces. What the real problem is, is that these broads have laundry lists of demands for men, but these men don’t have shit for standards for women. These broads want to “have it all”, and to have their pick of loads of men who hit on them all the time. Even nasty, fugly broads think they deserve the hottest men on the planet and it’s insanity.

    When it comes to jobs, the dumb broad doesn’t mention things such as: men pay 70% of the taxes; women only average 36-hour work weeks when they work; men make up 94% of deaths on the job; and affirmative action means companies/businesses have to meet diversity quotas to hire the broads even though they’re less qualified than their male counterparts who’d be better for the jobs. “Thanks for telling us”, dummy Roseanna.

    When it comes to narcissism, the dumb broad never mentions that women are definitely more self-serving and focused on themselves than men by far. One simple, obvious example of this is that there are so few cases of women giving their lives for friends, family, children, and men; whereas countless men have given their lives for them. Or how about all their fake nails, tits, asses, hair, and make-up? The bitches are fake as shit, and there are who knows how many MGTOW vids on female narcissism.

    And as for Cog, apparently he’s an “alpha” male or some shit. He seems to have no problems with fat, masculine, bitchy, entitled, lying, narcissistic, hypocritical, hedonistic, histrionic, broads and practically never calls them out on it, or the anti-male agenda, as is typical of any white knight.

  3. ^ *Pores*. And of course I should have mentioned that for the small, but rapidly growing group of men who don’t want marriage, there’s damn good reason they don’t. As many of us here know, not only are Westernized women atrocious, but so are all the anti-male laws and risks associated for married and divorced men that don’t exist for women. Fembots and white knights turn a blind-eye to it all though like cheap mofos that they are.

    1. I do recognize there is a problem with females, I just don’t like the “it’s all women’s fault” attitude the alt-right/WN has adopted.

      1. Phil, I don’t know which specific group or groups of people you’re talking about in the alt-right, but the vast majority of dudes who consider themselves ‘alt-right’ are white knights. I mean possibly the most misogynistic faction may be some of Anglin’s subscribers, but Anglin says some dumb shit such as talking about radical feminism as if it’s a “white female phenomenon’. If white females where inherently feministic, more so than other races of women, white dudes could have never done the things they’ve been able to do.

        Something else is that as groups, women are far more misandric than men are misogynistic. Policing men for misogyny is like policing whites for ‘raycism’ against blacks: the latter groups are far more hateful and do for more damage to the former groups than vice versa.

        I understand that there are men who will generalize all women as being the same in every category and it’s retarded, but we’re talking an extremely small number of men, even among some of the newly-born red-pill-ragers who think all women are this way.

  4. Never loan or give money to women. Just like loaning it or giving it to blacks, the shit will do a disappearing act right before your very eyes. Women have far more important things to do with your money than you do you know, like buying their one-hundredth purse or pair of shoes, or their Cosmo magazines, or bon-bons, or just random, silly shit they don’t need and can’t afford anyway, lol:

    “In fact, embezzlement — the fraudulent appropriation of money or property entrusted to your care but belonging to someone else — is the only crime other than prostitution that women are more likely to commit than men.

    Marquet’s annual study of embezzlement found that in 2011, two-thirds of all such cases it looked at were committed by women. Other studies and experts have pegged the number as high as 75 to 80 percent.”

    1. ^They haven’t done their research on the other crimes women commit more than men that I mentioned above, but those specific crimes are intentionally covered up, politically incorrect to talk about, and very unwell known; but they’re easy to look up and more and more people are becoming aware of them.

    2. Prostitution when its legal and when the women are checked for STDs is not a crime in my opinion. It is the blending of pure prostitution with social “life” that creates a very sickening creature (sex and the city style).

      Opening your legs for money is something that a lot of women have in their souls. When it’s done as a simple trade ($$ for pussy) legally, then I have no problem. Much preferable when it’s not hidden in social bullshit. And if they move it a little while fucking, then it is a job that they can at least develop some technique in and be worth the $$, unlike the millions of “jobs” female fakers do (don’t do actually).

      Moving the ass is much more worthy of $$ compared to random female “office” “jobs”. Who would you trust more for an economic transaction, a good, active (in sex) whore? or a female lawyer? lol 😛

      1. Moving the ass is much more worthy of $$ compared to random female “office” “jobs”.

        LOL. True. Yeah I kinda agree the only asset some of these women have is their big tits and asses. If they don’t have tits and ass, they should compensate with a bigger brain, but even these fugly anorexic broads are dumber than a sack of rocks.

        1. “If they don’t have tits and ass, they should compensate with a bigger brain, but even these fugly anorexic broads are dumber than a sack of rocks.”

          In engineering I’ve met women who are spontaneously intelligent and rational. That’s one out of twenty, and even then, they are less intelligent than the average man (if he is mentally principled a little bit). What women tend to do in engineering is sell the sight of boobs/ass and a fake “flirtiness” in exchange for actual engineering help (math).

          I think they are completely misled by their vanity, they want to be men, but the ‘womanly nature’ they have just creeps out and they act like whores. They are natural salesmen, they just sell youth/beauty (what they have of it, because 50% of women are ugly without makeup) in exchange for something.

          Men are the sole reason for the emergence of the status quo which is this: -hidden whores-. Hidden in sociability, in engineering, in muscial subgenres, in “Nationalism” like these fake “nationalist women” etc etc etc. Men just don’t comprehend this utterly simple reality. If we did, then with our action, women would be forced to stop acting like children. (until the next period of social and moral decay, because this stuff is cyclical ufortunately, but that’s life 😉 )

      2. I don’t believe prostitution is a crime either, Fox, and women have been doing it since time immemorial.

        You know women are some funny creatures, and I don’t mean funny in the sense of being comedic because there aren’t a lot of good female comedians, but in the sense of being odd. Like, you’ll see women who look good and are feminine lesbians (I have yet to meet a feminine lesbian who wasn’t bisexual or made me think she was) hooked up with some of the ugliest butch dykes for women you’ll find. These butch dykes are so often fat, ugly, weak, slow, uncoordinated blobs of mass and they couldn’t give you, as a dude, an erection if you hadn’t had sex in five years, lol; but these broads will sleep with them. I don’t have any stats on it, but I’m very certain that women are significantly more likely and willing to engage in bestiality than men are as well. You can even find YT vids of women explaining why they do dogs. This is not to say that women aren’t extremely attracted to handsome, studly dudes, but they can also bang extremely ugly entities with ease; far easier than a dude could because a dude has to be able to get an erection. Women are also better at emotional compartmentalization than men. This all combined with women’s superior abilities to lie without conscience makes them naturals at prostitution.

        And speaking of crime, there are many other deeds women do far more than men that *would* be crimes under normal circumstances if we didn’t have such f’d up, biased, anti-male laws. Like removing children from fathers’ lives when the father can do nothing about it; using the children as pawns for extortion rackets against their own fathers and/or for exorbitant child support, or even to try to stay in a man’s life when he doesn’t want her around; poking holes in condoms (you always want to make sure you flush condoms down the toilet because there are cases after intercourse of women using the sperm in the condom to get pregnant); sentencing men to jail when they truly can’t pay their child support and/or lose their jobs; stealing half or more of the male’s wealth/net worth after divorce; getting an abortion when the male doesn’t want one; and on and on.

        It’s like if you’re with somebody who commits a crime and you helped them carry it out, you’re a willing accomplice in that crime. Well, when these broads acquiesce to and approve of these biased laws like men being ordered to pay untold amounts in alimony without protest that the fukin women never worked for or earned, the bitches are accomplices in state extortion rackets and should be penalized to the max like any male would for committing said crimes; especially given they’ve been doing this for centuries.

        But yeah, and given women’s natural proclivities for hypergamy and dating/marrying well-to-do and wealthy men for money, looots of women out there are actually prostitutes, just that their deeds are cloaked under the guise of being ‘girlfriends’ or ‘marriage’.

        Lol, and no doubt that the average job a female does is a total joke. So many of them are like make-work jobs that any dummy and/or partially-abled male could do, lol. Teh wimminz gon save us n sheeeit! Lol. 😉

        1. @ Dana
          Sometimes I meditate and wonder if there is ANY BEAUTY to be found AT ALL with the woman (as a creature). By using occam’s razor I can say that the only only one thing of note, is a feeling of Lust. The woman invokes lust in me. Lust according to my worldview is something that I might indulge on, but with care. Let’s say it creates bad “karma”. It’s like abrupt growth (economics). Feels good in the short, but you know the story.

          So zooming out and looking at the situation I see that there is this group of humans (women) that were supposed to be like something beautiful (like architecture) but are actually just invokers of lust. So to sum up: they are so vastly, unfathomably insignificant…. History is men. Women just taaaaaag along inflating and deflating situations. When insanity arises and threatens the social structure then we see this bunch of pussies (in the literal sense, a bunch of female humans with pussies) starting to THINK they can become history too. Yeah.. I guess they can. They can destroy our civilization and they are having pretty good fun doing it for the last couple of hundred of years.

  5. It would be great to see you on JF Gariepy’s show. What’s your opinion on that and have you ever been interested in participating?

    It has a solid audience and is basically an alt-right platform. They (Internet Bloodsports community) have had Jay Dyer, Ryan Dawson, Syrian girl on, but their cucked alt-right narratives need to be countered. They are unaware of the kind of work you exposing Israeli and eastern power schemes.

  6. Great interview! I like your rational approach, combining analysis of geopolitics and human nature, spoken with clarity of mind, concision and sincerity. Women are being employed now even in tech depts to neutralize it, and the remaining men of science will have to put up with cat fights and gossip. We can’t allow the same in the conservative movement. We have to say it like Bobby Fischer: “They are terrible chess players… I don’t think they should mess in intellectual affairs.” (video: ) We should learn from nature, and not disregard it.
    *Btw, what’s with that monster energy drink banner in her room? lol

  7. Bobby was right about them being terrible chess players, lol. I was high-school state chess champion and saw next to zero women playing. Rarely are any of them any good at chess. Man, chess is like a gigantic research project that takes a lot of intellectual work and what’s great about it besides the pattern recognition aspect of it is that when you’re calculating/researching next moves/lines/continuations, you always, always have to be questioning both sides of the coin (just like in logic and critical thinking). Many of the best moves in chess are counter-intuitive, and poker is the same way, and it’s why I love both endeavors.

    I saw on recently that apparently the two best female players in the world are Chinese with ratings somewhere around 2550. That’s really good, but very poor at ultra-elite levels. Like if they were going to play Magnus Carlsen in a match to 50, they might win like 3 games. But both women have a bit higher ratings than Maurice Ashley who’s the highest-rated black chess grandmaster in the world.

    And then of course when it comes to IQ, men’s bell curve is much wider than women’s and so far more men will be MENSA-caliber and above than women, with the gap continually widening the higher and higher the IQ score gets.

    Women are definitely not suited for politics on the whole. Sure, some are smart and some can outsmart men all day, but the deep-thinking, dedication, and logic and critical thinking it takes to have a great political understanding are definitely not women’s fortes to say the least, lol. 🙂

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