Mass Anti-Putin Protests Sweep Russia

Russian police have arrested 1,600 Russians protesting the inauguration of Vladimir Putin’s latest term in office. Putin just won the rigged election, serving his 4th term as president, not including the four years he was prime minister with puppet Medvedev installed as pseudo-president. Protesting and even criticizing Putin is illegal in Russia.

These protests show a different picture to the fake news of the alternative media which wants us to believe everybody in Russia loves Putin and cherishes his continued rule. The Kremlin cucks in the alt-right will no doubt slander any protests against Putin as a conspiracy of George Soros and liberals.

The Kremlin cucks must paint all opposition to Putin as liberal to fit their bullshit narrative that there are no good alternatives to Putin and therefore he must rule forever. There are plenty of good alternatives to Putin, but they’re all either in jail, in exile or were murdered by Putin’s assassins. The Russian alt-right are no fans of Putin, and protest him regularly.

2012 – Russian nationalists protest Putin in Moscow
2012 – ‘Russia for the Russians’: Nationalists turn out in force to protest Putin
2017 – At least 260 nationalist Putin opponents held
How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West

Russia’s far-right have been suppressed by Putin directly under the country’s “hate speech” and anti-Nazi laws. Many of their parties are banned and their leaders in jail or exiled. Al Jazeera reported:

Today, most of the leaders of the ultranationalist groups that used to organise the march are either in jail or in self-imposed exile. Their supporters consider them to be politically persecuted and complain about increasing state repression.

Although the Kremlin has been accused of supporting conservative and far-right political groups in Europe, at home it seems to be becoming increasingly intolerant towards groups that propagate ideas similar to their Western counterparts.

In the past few years, and especially since the conflict in Ukraine erupted in 2014, the Russian authorities have cracked down on nationalist groups under the guise of criminal investigations or accusations of extremism under the infamous “anti-extremism” Law 282.

So there you have it. In Russia, Putin doesn’t tolerate the far-right, but he backs them abroad as part of the Kremlin’s Duginist “chaos” strategy to ignite internal strife in Western states, backing both the far-left and far-right against each other.

9 thoughts on “Mass Anti-Putin Protests Sweep Russia

  1. Will all be painted by Russian media as “neo-nazis”, and then some disturbed clown like “Bro Nathanael” will say they’re nazis “paid by Soros/Deep State”.

  2. The first picture is beautiful (Putin’s doll jailed) but be careful with it. Actually the photo goes from protests of 2012 and you can see the red flag with a grenade in the center. Grenade (in Russian slang “limonka”) on the red flag is a symbol of national-bolshevik partly of Eduard Limonov, basically same political views as Dugin, with the only difference before 2013 they imitated anti-Putin opposition. With the beginning of war in Ukraine they came out as pro-putin movement.

    What I find more indicative are the photo sets from 5 May protests where police brutally detained and attacked Russian kids and teens who went on the streets to protest against Putin’s regime. It was just insane.

  3. The most correct assesment that could be encountered among western sources. These information should be disseminated as widely as possible among western nationalist circles. The bullshit about “Putin-conservative” should be destroyed and exposed in its utter inconsistency. All true nationalists in Russia are in irreconcilable opposition to the Putin’s regime, which becomes ever more stalinist. Most of all Kremlin fears that nationalists could become the real force to deal a blow against the corrupt system, like it was in Ukraine.

  4. “fit their bullshit narrative that there are no good alternatives to Putin and therefore he must rule forever.”

    Sounds just a “tiiiiiiiny” bit like how Ken O’Keefe thinks any kind of replacement of Assad will create a demon “vacuum” in the country where nobody with more morals could actually ever replace Assad, lmao.

    We all know Putin, Jong-Un, Trump, and Assad be dat shiznit!!!

    1. Putin is pursuing his own despotic aims, Jong-Un is very suspicious (look out for video fakery of “parades” in north korea), Trump is Trump (enough said), and Assad should have blown the lid off the fake attacks (I am not saying that all of them are fake) ON CAMERA, CATEGORICALLY if he wasn’t compromised.

  5. Today is May 9th and (a large percent of) Russians worldwide will be celebrating the so-called Soviet victory against Fascism and “liberation” of the Baltics, Poland, East Germany and other territories later occupied by Russians themselves. Stalin and Soviet Union are being celebrated every year and nobody in the West seems to care. Alt-right, Russia’s useful idiots, are also silent about this.

    Car stickers for sale in Russia:

    “To Berlin”
    “Thanks the Man for Victory”
    “Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for Victory”:

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