“Novorossiya”: An Antifa Enclave

Novorossiya, Putin’s “New Russia” mercenary army occupying eastern Ukraine, is an antifa enclave.

Typical Novorossiya militant: Bolshevik Stalin worshipper ready to kill white people for Uncle Joe.

But Nazbols, Duginists and alt-right Putin cucks won’t tell you that.

Virtually all of the foreign fighters for Novorossiya are open communists, socialists and “anti-fascists,” including non-white ones from South America. The following video has foreign militants testifying to their “anti-fascist” mission in Ukraine, some sporting communist flags in the background:

Here an Italian “anti-fascist” band plays Marxist tunes for their “comrades” in Novorossiya:

One of the Russian rebel leaders was nicknamed “Lenin”:

Commies, antifa and assorted trash were attracted to the conflict due to the open displays of communism and Stalinism in rebel-held eastern Ukraine, and also because they bought the Putin media narrative that the Maidan uprising and new Ukraine government were led by “Nazis”. Putin’s rebels openly glorify Stalin in their strongholds, putting up posters of the tyrant in public. They even named their stolen territory the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, a communist term. Many communist states call themselves “Peoples Republics.” Both communist China and North Korea have that in their official title.

The Guardian covered the “cult of Stalin” sweeping over rebel-held territory and the communist bent of the militants themselves, noting:

Three portraits of the former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin are on display in the centre of Donetsk, the rebel capital of eastern Ukraine, as the separatist authorities fuel a mood of Soviet nostalgia.

The Stalin portraits have been placed in the main square and feature a quote from the wartime leader: “Our cause is just. The enemy will be routed. We will claim victory.”

The previously taboo display comes as the rebels revive Soviet customs to cement their Moscow-backed rule – while glossing over Stalin’s atrocities.

The Donetsk rebel leader, Alexander Zakharchenko, said how he regretted the break-up of the Soviet Union.

“The Soviet Union was a great country and it was a huge mistake that it was destroyed by the CIA and other secret services,” said the 39-year-old former field commander who prefers to dress in camouflage gear. “Europe and other countries were scared stiff of us.”

Stalin portraits have become de rigueur in the offices of rebel officials in eastern Ukraine, where the separatist conflict has killed more than 8,000 people.

The Donetsk rebels’ deputy defence minister, Eduard Basurin, wears a badge with Stalin’s profile on his uniform.

This new cult of Stalin revives the memories in Donetsk, a coal-mining city that was formerly known as Stalino.

Across Ukraine, the authorities have already pulled down numerous statues of Lenin, much to the rebel leaders’ disgust.

The Donetsk rebels’ culture minister, Alexander Paretsky, condemned “vandalism and barbarism” while the leader of the Luhansk rebel region, Igor Plotnitsky, warned of a “moral genocide”.

In the town of Novoazovsk on the Azov sea, the rebels ceremonially restored a Lenin statue to its pedestal after taking control from Ukrainian forces.

In forging a new identity for the separatist region, the rebels have largely turned to the Soviet past.

Their territories are called “people’s republics”, echoing the Soviet-era names of Communist satellites such as Bulgaria, Mongolia and Romania.

Luhansk People’s Republic has a new emblem featuring sheafs of corn and a red star, like those of the USSR’s republics.

The rebels are even attempting to revive the Soviet-era Young Pioneer youth group, a kind of socialist Scouts.

In a more sinister move, the rebels named their security organ the Ministry of State Security or MGB, the same as Stalin’s secret police from 1946 to 1953.

Their justice system is also modelled on the Soviet system, where the defendant had little chance of acquittal. “It’s the Soviet model of the prosecutor’s office that we adopted in Donetsk,” said Andrei Spivak, the official charged with overhauling the system.

… But such idealisation of the Soviet era by the authorities comes with a denial of anything that spoils the rosy image. In August, the Donetsk rebel authorities decided to pull down a monument to victims of the 1930s famine in Ukraine.

And Donetsk State University removed a monument to Ukrainian dissident Vasyl Stus, a poet and campaigner for national culture, who spent decades in jail and died in a prison camp in 1985 at the age of 47.”

So while Russia’s rebels have put up posters, statues and other symbols glorifying Bolshevik butchers Lenin and Stalin, the Ukrainians have been tearing down Soviet iconography imposed over their nation by the communists.

Communists around the world took note of Novorossiya’s Soviet/communist bent, and began flooding in to help fight the “Nazi Ukrainians.” A heroin-addicted communist from Britain, Benjamin Stimson, was charged and jailed for terror offences after returning to the UK from the frontline in Ukraine. He joined the rebels in Ukraine after studying “pro-Communist propaganda about the Ukraine conflict on the internet when his business crumbled.” “Barnaby Jameson prosecuting said Stimson had flown to the region after searching details of the conflict the internet and downloading anti Ukranian propaganda characterising its leader as a ‘fascist’ and ‘Nazi’,” noted an article about the degenerate.

Eight communist antifa Spaniards were arrested and charged with fighting for Russia’s rebels. The Spaniards “belonged to the far left and were inspired by the International Brigades, the multinational volunteer forces that fought against Francisco Franco’s uprising during the Spanish civil war in the 1930s.” Two Spaniards in particular, Rafael Muñoz Pérez and Ángel, can be seen in the first video of this post with a communist and Spanish republican flag in the backdrop. El Pais discovered they were both “members of far-left youth groups [and] view the conflict [in Ukraine] as akin to the Spanish Civil War.” “Pérez is a former social worker from Madrid, now based in Gijón (Asturias), where he has been a member of the youth wing of the United Left group since 2010. Ángel, meanwhile, is from Murcia, and belongs to the youth wing of a branch of the Spanish Communist Party,” reported El Pais.

Numerous Brazilian communists flew thousands of miles to assist Russia’s rebels communize Ukraine. One who was recently arrested by Ukraine for his terrorist activities with the rebels told reporters he was drawn to the conflict because he was a communist who admired the Soviet Union, and thought it was his Marxist duty to “fight fascism.” Even Israeli communists have joined the fight. One of them, Ina Levitan, cited the typical anti-fascist motivation for her involvement, telling the Jerusalem Post that she went there “to fight who she calls fascists and neo-Nazis.” Dozens of former IDF soldiers are fighting with the Russian rebels, according to the rebels’ Jewish foreign minister Alexander Kofman.

An official Antifa International page declared: “We support Donbass and Novorossiya.” A communist blog did a profile glamorizing Russian rebel commander Alexey Mozgovoy as a Marxist hero. “We endorse his struggle as the struggle of a comrade and regard his murder as a setback for the people’s movement in Lugansk People’s Republic,” wrote the communist blog. “Lenin was one of Mozgovoy’s heroes and we will let Lenin have the last word on this comrades struggle.”

The bulk of Novorossiya support evidently comes from the left.

On the other hand, no communists or antifa support the Ukraine side, which is universally condemned by leftists of all stripes as “Nazi,” “fascist” and “racist.” During the Maidan uprising and subsequent war in Donbass, anti-American leftists and Chomskyites all vomited out the odious Kremlin narrative that America was “on the side of the Nazis” and that Putin was the new St. George who would defeat a resurgent Ukrainian fascism.

There are some smaller right-wing elements among Russia’s rebels, but their pathological Russian ideology prevents them from recognizing that Stalin and the Soviet Union were evil subhumans. They’re essentially Russian imperialists who delusionally try to fuse Czarist and Bolshevik ideology (hence the Nazbol phenomenon), even though the Bolsheviks murdered the Czar and his entire family. But ultimately these confused morons are willing to work alongside anti-white communists, antifa and socialist snowflakes in order to bring about a new Russian Bolshevik imperium modelled on the USSR. They’re essentially no better than the communists nostalgic for the Soviet Union, as they want to erase Ukraine, the Baltics and other distinct Eastern European cultures, replacing their identities with a generic, non-racial Russian civic identity.

Many genuine Russian nationalists who opposed Putin and supported Ukraine were persecuted for doing so. Dimitriy Savvin was one of them, electing to leave Russia rather than go to jail. Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was critical of Putin’s Ukraine policy, and was murdered by Chechen thugs dispatched by Kadyrov, Putin’s puppet Chechen ruler. Denis Voronenkov, a Russian politician and former Putin ally, broke ranks with Putin over Ukraine policy and ended up emigrating to Kiev and renouncing his Russian citizenship. He was then gunned down on a Kiev street last year. Any support for Ukraine among Russians is severely punished by Putin’s Bolshevik regime.

It’s truly amazing that the Kremlin cuck faction of the alt-right find themselves in an alliance with antifa communists in the Ukraine conflict, while being essentially at war with antifa on our own streets. It just goes to show how Russia has cynically manipulated both the far-left and far-right to support their cause using targeted propaganda tailored for both camps. For the right-wingers they play up the Orthodox Christian angle and throwbacks to Czarism; and for the leftists they pimp Stalin, Lenin and the Soviet legacy of Russia. But all of it is being used to prop up a lousy petrol mafia run by Gas Man Putin and his billionaire oligarch friends who certainly share none of that wealth with the Russian people.

The real heroes here are the anti-Communist Ukrainians who are staving off a second Bolshevik invasion of mainland Europe. The strong nationalism, patriotism and racialism of the Banderite Ukrainians – especially those white patriots among the Azov, Right Sector, Svoboda and National Corps – should be receiving much sympathy from the alt-right, but the Kremlin’s dirty agents in our midst have led many astray, into a disgraceful alliance with our Bolshevik enemies.

66 thoughts on ““Novorossiya”: An Antifa Enclave

  1. A few confused Antifa support Novorossiya because they think it is similar to Western Leftism. Many of them have come back shocked that half of the people they were fighting with were actually “Nazis”. Based countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea and Belarus also support the rebels – capitalist Russia unfortunately does not and has repeatedly betrayed them. The American government – the most psychotically genocidal anti-White entity that has ever existed in human history, EVER – supports Jewkraine, as does Israel and nearly all Jews everywhere.

    The vast majority of support for Palestine also comes from the Left. There is no Leftist (I dont count liberals) of any stripe that openly supports Israel, except the “anti-germans” who were probably just trolling and don’t really exist anymore anyway. Does that mean White nationalists should oppose the heroic Palestinian struggle and align with the Zionist entity?

    1. Downplay it all you want, Mr. Nazbol Subhuman, but Novorossiya is a communist/antifa enclave supported by the left. It’s core ideology is anti-fascism, including among those “right-wing” elements who have internalized Bolshevik propaganda about WW2.

      Based countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea and Belarus also support the rebels – capitalist Russia unfortunately does not and has repeatedly betrayed them.

      None of those countries are “based” – they’re all garbage and enemies of whites. Russia literally invented Novorossiya and a large portion of the militants are Russians recruited by the Kremlin. Not to mention all their weapons were brought over the border. That they haven’t absorbed them into Russia-proper yet only proves that Putin has his hands tied with the international opposition to his Bolshevik crusade against the Ukrainians. If he were to do that Western sanctions would increase and choke out his regime. His oligarch pals would probably turn on him and seek a replacement.

      The American government – the most psychotically genocidal anti-White entity that has ever existed in human history, EVER – supports Jewkraine, as does Israel and nearly all Jews everywhere.

      So why would a “genocidal anti-white entity” be supporting “Nazis” in Ukraine? The leftists in the US gov are anti-white and need to be deposed, but obviously there’s still a decent right-wing element, especially now with civnat Trump in the White House. All the leftist parties in the West support Putin, including your British Marxist anti-white heroes Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway.

      The vast majority of support for Palestine also comes from the Left. … Does that mean White nationalists should oppose the heroic Palestinian struggle and align with the Zionist entity?

      Yeah, that’s because Palestine is a leftist cause. Right-wingers don’t champion the struggles of random brown people. Yes, white nationalists should stay the hell out of that useless Semitic squabble. Muslims reconquering Palestine does nothing for us, and in fact would probably cause Jews to flee back into our societies, which is not what we want. We want all Jews to go live in Israel. And we want all Arabs/Muslims to go live in their own countries too.

      1. I agree. Only Jews like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the enemies of Whites. All those FUKIN BASED MAN CIVIC NATIONALIST JEWS (who are all ethno-nationalists for Israel) around Trump and McCain are going to bring the 1488th Reich upon us. HEIL TRUMP! I thought you considered him a Russian agent anyway.

        Everyone I know in Novorossiya is pissed at Putin for refusing to actually support them even logistically. He instead acts like the wimpy centrist cuck he is and claims “neutrality”. Capitalist China behaves the same way.

        Galloway is as good as Western Leftists get. However he supported the destruction of Socialist Libya while being uncritical toward the questionable Iranian regime so fuck him.

        1. “The American government – the most psychotically genocidal anti-White entity that has ever existed in human history, EVER – supports Jewkraine, as does Israel and nearly all Jews everywhere.”

          Lmfao. What percentage of commies/Marxists in your “genius mind” do you suppose hold the view that the American government is psychotically and genocidally anti-white as opposed to those who think it’s psychotically and genocidally *anti-non-white*? You act as though nobody over here would have had countless arguments with anti-white commies/Marxists: WAAAY more than pro-white commies/Marxists. Apparently you think the opposite and I wanna know what %s you’d designate both groups would make up…

          1. Do you think the US government is not anti-White?

            Most Communists in Russia and Ukraine are pro-White. Communists in non-White nations don’t have to be pro-White, though they should support self-determination for everyone except Jews. Comrade Robert Mugabe praised Hitler and endorsed white nationalism on this basis.

            What is wrong with pro-White Marxists? Shouldn’t Nazbols be given a place in WNism too?

            1. Most Communists in Russia and Ukraine are pro-White.

              Yeah they’re so “pro-white” that they glorify anti-white butcher Stalin and deny his genocides against whites. At the same time they promote anti-fascism (aka anti-nationalism) and affirm the foundational myth of modern white guilt, the Holohoax.

              Lol, Mugabe was pro-white? Jesus Christ you’re head is so far up your own tankie ass it’s scary.

              What is wrong with pro-White Marxists? Shouldn’t Nazbols be given a place in WNism too?

              You exonerate the Jews for their anti-white, anti-Christian crimes under communism, and you push Arab/non-white fetishism and internationalism with your commie “solidarity” with socialist/communist non-white regimes.

              Not only that but finding a pro-white Marxist is like going on a unicorn hunt. It’s hard to believe you’re sincere and not just some KGB troll sent in here to cause chaos, but you’re on the fringest of fringes. Virtually all modern Marxists are fanatically anti-white whose sole mission is to “destroy white privilege and male patriarchy”. The fact that you would associate yourself with such people by labeling yourself a Marxist shows what a dumbass you are. If you’re a white nationalist with some socialist economic leanings then whatever, don’t call yourself a damn Marxist.

              1. The highest standard of living regarding wages, full employment, and overall quality of life for the White working class was under Communism. Nearly ALL Whites who lived under Communism want it back, the only exception being the insane CIA-paid Jew-lovers in groups like Right Sector and FEMEN. Furthermore, only Nazbol mix White Nationalism with the spirit of internationalist solidarity that could produce giants among men like Roger Coudroy and Rafael Lusvarghi.

                The Russian Communist party led an unsuccessful move in the Duma to ban Jewish organizations. All the Communists voted for it. We can’t expect all Russian and Ukrainian Communists to be red-pilled on everything, but do you know that many Holohoax revisionists have been radical Marxists? Paul Rassinier, the pioneer of Holohoax revisionism, was a Communist, as are Serge Thion and Pierre Guillaume. Ibrahim Alloush of Free Arab Voice is a Communist from the super-based PFLP, which has itself denied the Hoax. Nearly all Middle Eastern Communists are red-piled on this issue. Horst Mahler is also a Nazbol.

                1. ”The highest standard of living regarding wages, full employment, and overall quality of life for the White working class was under Communism. Nearly ALL Whites who lived under Communism want it back, the only exception being the insane CIA-paid Jew-lovers in groups like Right Sector and FEMEN”

                  You are absolutely misinformed or aren’t even trying. I myself am from a former Soviet state – Latvia. So let’s set some facts straight.
                  Most people who want USSR back are those who are lazy, incompetent, megalomaniacs, ideologues or simply nostalgic for some period in their personal lives (now old and on state pension).
                  Everything was provided regardless of quality and you could even get drunk in the workplace and they couldn’t fire you, because ”there is to be work for everyone”. At worst, you were transferred somewhere else. Everyone had a job and was paid equally regardless of your talent, skill or will to work. There was little incentive to work hard or to excel. Some collective farms managed to become well-off, but those were usually composed of former „kulak” class (diligent hard workers), were ethnicly homogeneous and were located in rural areas.
                  There was unofficial „blat” system which meant having right connections could get you rare goods and advance in queues. Wearing western clothing (jeans etc.) and having western goods increased you prestige, but made you a target for a potential robbery.
                  Yes, living wages were decent nominally, but that was just printed money – it had little value and you couldn’t buy much, because most of the time there was nothing to buy. You had to wait in queues for a car for 5-10 years, unless you were a party member or had good connections. And this „standard of living” was only post-Stalin era.
                  Education, healthcare was free, but of questionable quality. In medicine, there was constant lack of technology and tools. Only education worth its name was in hard sciences, but only because brightest minds were recruited to work for military industrial complex or space industry.
                  Then there are former communist party members and military personnel (officers etc.) who long for Soviet times, because being part of the system had lots of benefits – travelling abroad, western goods, high paying and prestigious work positions etc. And not always because of competence or skills. Many party members were random workers, military personell, farmers (most imported from USSR), some locals (including artists).These types usually climbed the ranks due to their ruthlessness and greed. In power positions they tended to become spoiled, petty and arrogant.

                  A Side note:
                  Some of the old party members still hold power here. It is an open secret. A large portion of older people are fully aware of that, young ones – rarely. None of the oligarchs have been properly prosecuted and still can operate in business and politics. A few judges and personnel involved in organized crime cases have been murdered. Our KGB files are still a „hot potatoe” for politicians, artists and some businessmen. Some archive files have misteriously dissappeared and the investigative committee gets saboataged from time to time.

                  Older culture workers and artists tend to have a soft spot for mid-to-late Soviet era. They recieved welfare and state support if you towed the party line and had the ”politically correct art”. Rarely one could be a free thinker or had to mask his/her views wisely. These days they vehemently oppose opening of the KGB files…
                  There are a few old normies, who reminiscence the ”old times” , because of their youth expierences (having friends, family, falling in love, student life etc.), not because of the system. These individuals generally didn’t get to live through war, KGB terror and genocide (in form of deportations) and nationalization of their properties. They were the generation after.
                  And most importantly, there are russian-soviet chauvinists, who lost their dominant ethno-cultural status and manufacturing benefits of colonized republics (goods exported to feed the other Soviet republics) and want it all back.
                  People who tend to be intelligent, independent-minded and hard working despise Soviet era and has little good to say about it. They can express their capabilites in market economy much better than in planned socialist system, which only retarded them. None of the people who and who’s relatives lived through Soviet terror want it back. None of the nations who were occupied by the soviets want that era back either. For them it meant mass immigration almost to a replacement level (especially in Baltics), ethnic and cultural discrimination.

                  1. You are certainly right about that. The “inferior” proletarian and peasant masses who were finally treated like human beings under Communism want it back; the Kulak exploiters who historically parasitized off of them and never lifted a finger to show them any compassion love the new system where they live in luxury and those they consider “lazy” and “incompetent” live in poverty. Behind every anti-Communist is visceral bourgeois class prejudice. Most of the “victims” of Communism were Jews, Zionists, CIA agents and enemies of the people. Of course their families hate Communism; if they didn’t, I’d have to find a new ideology to support.

                    The only classes that need to exist are workers, peasants and intellectuals. The capitalist mentality is anti-White by definition. It places the profit of the (((few))) over the good of the White race. The 14 words can not be fulfilled if only the White children of exploiters have a future.

                    1. “Jijcf”, I’m creating this response not for your dumb ass but for others.

                      Moron, despite what commies say, class always has existed and always will exist. Individual people always have had different drives, abilities, values, morals, and thus status in society. But one obvious difference between you and free-market capitalists like me is that one of us openly acknowledges it, while the other tries to claim that it hasn’t and shouldn’t and proceeds to perceive and call pro-capitalists, such as myself, “pigs”.

                      This wasn’t just in various tribes around the globe of old, but for example, even in the SEAL teams there are large differences among them. The program itself is hard enough to make it through as it is, but even among those who make it through, there are people who are only so-so operators by their standards, and then you have those who are good operators, all the way up to those who are very good; much like the pro-bowl where the athletes already are professionals and it’s hard enough to make it into the NFL, but even among them, they have their own creme de la creme. It’s just that in the teams, many of the very best dudes eventually find themselves in SEAL team 6, or ‘DEVGRU’.

                      I know you didn’t take the time to examine practically anything I’ve put up on this and the previous article on this site because it totally defies you die-hard commie paradigm, but one of the many blunders you clowns make is in your own terminology of what the terms proletariat and bourgeois mean. According to many commies, the proletariat is comprised of the “workers”, and the bourgeois is comprised of the “evil exploiters”; as if it’s even CLOSE to being so simple or even correct. For one thing, many people who belong in the proletariat are piss-poor workers and labeling them as such is an oxymoron. The terminology also assumes that the bourgeois is the “elite” that “don’t work”, they just “exploit”. The definition of the bourgeois is simply the middle and upper-middle classes. Let’s say you’re a farmer who started off small but kept upgrading over time and now you own a large farm and are well-to-do financially. Well you still work, don’t you? It’s just now you’re part of the bourgeois class. Or let’s say you grew up poor and working menial jobs until you finally become a manager or even a doctor; well, now you belong in the bourgeois class. You dummies also don’t take into account the income mobility potential that exists in capitalist societies but virtually does not in true commie societies and that many people’s net worth and income fluctuates largely at different times in their lives. But the same goes for the top 1%: they work very hard, take a lot of risks, pay a lot of taxes, and create lots of jobs. The problem isn’t with the vast majority of people in the top 1%, but in reality is very prominent in the top .001% and above, and these are obviously people with massive influence over society. Oprah Winfrey, for example, isn’t a Jew, but she is a Luciferian with her own feminist and anti-white agendas to name some.

                      Of course many other commies see the bourgeois simply as the white, male, heterosexual, cisgender, Christian devil, and the proletariat as everyone who isn’t, but are being exploited by them. Then of course there are commies who think a bit of both and bend their pathetic paradigms to suit whatever argument or complaint they’re trying to make at the time. It all boils down to the fact though that they want special treatment and the ability to act immorally and/or like animals without repercussions or effort given on their part (they want something for nothing).

                      People are unequally yoked and always will be. And if somebody doesn’t want to associate or interact with dumb asses and douche bags (many of whom who always will be), the person shouldn’t have to; it’s called freedom of association. And as I said, this whole idea the commies have of so many in the proletariat being “hard workers”, being “morally” and even “mentally” and/or “physically” superior is a fucking joke. You also might have noticed that working at McDonald’s is not a “high-IQ” job, if you know WTF I’m saying. You clowns think flipping burgers is highly-intricate, incredible, risky, and deserves the utmost respect and degrade others who are doing the prestigious jobs in society like the maggots that you are.

                    2. I know it is pointless to argue with you, but i will still make my case. I will never influence your ways, because you are possessed by this marxist demon. I reply so others can benefit from this information.
                      The proletariat you refer to was actually inferior in many ways, but they too got their share of suffering. I am talking about mostly Baltic region, but that might easily apply to other Soviet states. Since most people don’t excel in anything naturally and are low-to mid IQ, they make up a majority of population. The best of the people were specifically targeted and that includes both russians and jews, not only latvians or other regional minorities. While bolshevism was indeed dominated by jews, they didn’t always spare their own kind in Baltics. Pre-WWII Baltic russians were decent people and despised soviet russians – they were the ones left after communist purges and were imported on a massive scale.

                      „Kulak” – you use communist terminology unironically. It is the modern „white male privilege”, but i bet you approve of that too. „Kulaks” were farmers, who were the most successful, most productive and hard-working people. They offered jobs and pay for a service. People accepted work voluntarily unlike in communist system where you were forced to work even if you didn’t want to and sabotaged the productivity with your laziness and demoralization inflicted on others.

                      ‘’the Kulak exploiters who historically parasitized off of them and never lifted a finger to show them any compassion…’’

                      Do you have any compassion for those native peasants who bought off their own land from german landlords in 19th century, fought for nation state during WW1 then receiving land as a reward? Do you have any compassion for these same people who had their lives, properties ruined or confiscated by soviets? Probably not. These are mostly people who were put in „kulak” category. The best of gentiles.

                      „…love the new system where they live in luxury and those they consider “lazy” and “incompetent” live in poverty”

                      Your „luxury” and „poverty” dichotomy is quite idiotic. Most people live according to their abilities and will to work. Do you really think janitor’s work can be compared to someone who creates businesses, gives people jobs and contributes to society by taxation? The luxorious class is very small everywhere and have earned or inherited their wealth. There can be corruption, of course. There will always be 1% of the 1% who are corrupted, but your dear communism is basically definition of that, especially at the top levels. It’s like your holy proletariat can do no wrong. If you’re an adult, you should know that surest way to poverty is ones laziness and incompetence.

                      „Most of the “victims” of Communism were Jews, Zionists, CIA agents and enemies of the people. Of course their families hate Communism; if they didn’t, I’d have to find a new ideology to support.”

                      Basically you’re saying that about 73,000 of latvians murdered during soviet Red terror, 79,000 deported to Siberia/gulags and 150,000 forced in exile to the West were Jews, Zionists, CIA agents and enemies of the people.
                      There were about 5-10 known CIA recruited or infiltrated agents working in Latvia during 50’s and 60’s. You won’t actually argue that their relatives are the only ones against communism? Jews actually lost their properties after communists took over and got killed. They were wealthy jews who despised the new order. Think of them what you like – i am not endorsing their ways. Their own „communist brothers” didn’t spare them. But that said, they were a small percentage – overall jews welcomed communists.

                    3. You are not a White Nationalist, you are simply a bourgeois class-supremacist. Class has not always existed, White people lived in matriarchal egalitarian societies before the Jews forced Christianity and its Semitic values of obedience to the rich on us.

                      Clearly you do not love the White race. You have nothing but contempt for working class Whites. You do not care if they live or die. You are basically just a Republican piece of shit who hates the poor and hates Blacks because they tend to be poor. You would still take a middle-class Groid over “white trash” on food stamps.

                      People like you are why we need proletarian revolution. We proles will be laughing as you starve to death in a Gulag, taunting you with your vile words.

                    4. F-fghs, are you trying to get me to love Communism even more? Rich Jews did not deserve to suffer, they were “superior” to poor Whites according to you? All pro-capitalist subhumans need to be motherfucking GASSED.

                      Why are you a WN? Clearly not because you love your people, since you only care about Whites who are rich and think they are naturally “better” than poor Whites, as are rich Jews. You mock me for glorifying the proletariat, while showing utter pathetic sycophancy to the 1% and claiming only very few of then are bad, while most poor people “deserve” it.

                      If you’re White ethnostate is capitalist and treats the poor like dirt, you can bet I will lead a Maoist guerilla to put my class in power. My view is the poorer the White better, the most oppressed is the most revolutionary. The lumpenproletariat, in particular, are the flower of the proletariat.

                    5. You never answered my questions. You are a weak specimen, who can’t compete in any field, so you use „compassion” and „caring” for the poor to mask your deficiencies and trauma. Your isolation from the reality and marxist indoctrination causes you to see lazy bums as some sort of gods and rich people as demons. Nice religion you got going on there. There is no such thing as egalitarian society and there has never been one. This is your „heavenly paradise” in your religion, i guess.
                      People like you are the reason why we need to start the rotors and give you a short helicopter ride.

                  2. F-fghs, you know your comment is “spam” according to ‘Jijcf’ over here. He will process and acknowledge literally none of that because he’s a commie till the end.

                    There was a good article on Kevin MacDonald’s site, the Occidental Observer, regarding mass immigration in the Soviet Union under commie rule, but I can’t find it for some reason. Of course according to Jijcf, there weren’t any non-whites in eastern European countries under communism, and communism was/is “pro-white” to the fukin “max”, lolz.

                    1. “Jijcf”, I explained to you earlier, and you either didn’t read it or have very poor comprehension so I have to explain it to you again, but I already said I don’t completely fit in with the dictionary definition of a ‘white nationalist’ and therefore don’t consider myself one, dummy. I’m pro-white and a white separatist. Like I’m a masculinist because I’m pro-male and believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine, and I’m a MGTOW, but I’m not a white nationalist.

                      You’re gonna lead your own Maoist guerilla revolution to put your class in power?! Oook dummy, you round up all the McDonald’s workers and tell them why they should be making just as much money as construction workers or engineers or doctors and how the latter owe the former because they make more money than the Mickey D workers, and voi motha fukin la: you’re gonna have a revolutionary battalion on your hands of super-disciplined, super-smart, high-achievers, lolz.
                      That’s if you don’t die for the Palestinians beforehand, lmao!

                      Really quickly though, what are you gonna tell your Mickey D’s workers if any of them ask why they should be making as much money as engineers?

                2. F-Fghs said:
                  “You are absolutely misinformed or aren’t even trying. I myself am from a former Soviet state – Latvia. So let’s set some facts straight.”

                  Thanks for doing that F-Fghs.
                  Researching independently and not trusting certain sources is very important.
                  I think it is called “due diligence” in the finance and law sectors, same applies here.

                  Researching mainstream sites for geography and history of a country can expose the researcher to carefully veiled propaganda, so we need to be careful.
                  I think this Latvian site might be ok, what do you think F-Fghs?

                  1. This seems ok. I haven’t went through everything, but the impression is that it could be created by diaspora latvians – they tend to be more pro-identity than even locals.

            2. Noooo, dummy, I KNOW the fukin US government is anti-white; a goddamned 10-year-old could figure that shit out if they looked. The problem is the VAST MAJORITY of your commie comrades can’t figure it out and/or just don’t give a shit because they prefer to live in delusions of grandeur and are self-serving gibs-me-dat types. Absolute “geniuses”.

              You know you can gauge people’s intelligence quite well just by the quality of questions they ask or sheer lack thereof.

              Robert Mugabe?! Lmfao. It’s going “great” in Zimbabwe right now, init?! I guess you believe Nelson Mandela was also a “comrade”, lolz. And why shouldn’t white nations be pro-white? It’s a no-brainer that they should be. And you’re claiming you’re “pro-white” and “anti-multiculturalism” and getting mad at me for “putting words into your mouth”, lmao.

              I’ve spent hours explaining to you yesterday what is wrong with commies/Marxists/Nazbols and am continually doing so right now. Goddamn.

      2. Also, the vast majority of Western Leftists are pro-imperialist. They oppose war – though some “refuse to oppose” “no-fly zone” – but love regime change against anti-Western governments in the name of “democracy”. Almost every Trot supported the Libyan and Syrian “revolutions”, excusing it with absurd nonsense – reminiscent of that on this website – about Gaddafi and Assad being “not really against imperialism and Zionism.” The idea that Western Leftists are mostly supporters of Putin, Assad or Novorossiya is absurd.

        And you claim neutrality in Semitic squabbles, but I have a hunch you’re a big fan of the Lebanese Phalange and Guardians of the Cedars.

        1. No, the entire anti-war left supports any regime that the US is badmouthing. And most of the mainline leftist and green parties are in bed with the Kremlin. Jill Stein even went to Russia and sat at the same table as Putin at an RT conference. She was even more opposed to Hillary than Trump because Hillary was more hostile to Russia. Russia cucking is infamous on the radical left. The far-left have always been emissaries of the Kremlin, taking orders from KGB headquarters. Not much has changed.

          As for Gaddafi and Assad, I could care less about their “anti-Zionism,” which was weak at best. I’m not anti-Zionist, I’m anti-Semitic. We want all Jews to go live in Israel, so dismantling that state like the anti-Zionist Arabs want is against our interests of removing Jews from our countries. The fact that you’re such a cuck for these Arab regimes shows you’re a true commie who places Arab interests above that of Whites. Go get your rifle and head over there.

          1. So you openly support Zionism? I am both anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist. That is the Nazbol position.

            Look up all the Trot groups like the Socialist Worker and so on. They all love the “Syrian Revolution”. Some switched to supporting the (((Kurds))) when it became clear that the “Syrian Revolution” consisted mainly of Islamists, but they still hate Assad. I’m not an unconditional supporter of Assad either – Salah Jadid was cooler. Gaddafi, however, was possibly the greatest man who ever lived.

            I wish the Western Lefties were all a bunch of Based Tankies like you say. They AREN’T. Most of them support “soft” US imperialism and consider authoritarian Socialist regimes “fascist”. Most of them also marched with Boris Yeltsin on the barricades of Jewish counterrevolution in 1991, claiming it would lead to “true workers’ democracy.”

            1. So you openly support Zionism? I am both anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist. That is the Nazbol position.

              I wouldn’t break a fingernail supporting the Jewish state, I just want all Jews to go live there and stop being parasites in the West. I would adopt the policy of Franco which was to have no diplomatic nor trade relations with Israel at all.

              I don’t care what foreign policy leftists support. Leftist infighting is legendary. They’re all genocidal anti-white race hustlers who seek to empower minorities over the white man. Leftism is the mortal enemy of whites.

              1. What is wrong with being a Communist who is also pro-White? The Communist nations in Eastern Europe were proud White nations. The Communist nations elsewhere supported White nationalism. For instance, Cuba funded the IRA and ETA back when they were ethno-nationalist groups.

                What is wrong with all non-Jewish people, including Whites, having the right to self-determination under Marxist-Leninist governments? That is all National Bolshevism means. This is what the Black Panther Party endorsed when they allied with revolutionary White proletarian nationalists.

                1. The Communist nations in Eastern Europe were proud White nations.

                  No they weren’t. Just because communists imposed themselves on white countries doesn’t mean those regimes were “pro-white”. They were ruling over whites, they were not pro-white. All those regimes outlawed racial nationalism as an expression of “fascism”. They were anti-white, and implemented the first “hate speech” laws known to Europe. Anti-Semitism was outlawed in all those commie states.

                  The Communist nations elsewhere supported White nationalism. For instance, Cuba funded the IRA and ETA back when they were ethno-nationalist groups.

                  Cuba funded them because it caused problems for bigger powers like Britain and Spain who he hated for “colonialism”. Castro was anti-white and funded antifa scum in the West. I remember a leading antifa ringleader in Canada who would harass Ernst Zundel was supported by Cuba and had some kind of official connections with the Castro regime. Castro was an anti-racist Marxist who sought to depose “white supremacy”, hence why he armed black militants against Rhodesia.

                  You’re twisting everything to fit your kooked out ideology. You’re mentally ill and deserve a bullet.

                  1. There were no non-Whites in those nations so how was “hate speech” an issue? The Polish Communist government openly encouraged anti-Semitic rioting during the 1968 crisis. Patrice Lumumba University offered courses in how to kill Jews. Not Israelis, not Zionists, Jews. All of those governments were highly nationalistic, and did not tolerate permanent non-White residence. The reason East Germany is the only racially aware part of Germany is because of Communism.

                    1. There were no non-Whites in those nations so how was “hate speech” an issue?

                      At that time Jews were the main group protected by the hate speech laws. And now it’s all non-white minorities, women and gays.

                      The Polish Communist government openly encouraged anti-Semitic rioting during the 1968 crisis.

                      Just more unsubstantiated claims from a Nazbol disinfo peddler. In fact the Hungarian anti-communist uprising in the 60s started out as an anti-Jewish pogrom, because all their communist leaders were Jews.

                      The reason East Germany is the only racially aware part of Germany is because of Communism.

                      What the hell are you talking about? There is no single area in Germany that is “racially aware”. That’s totally stupid. Nationalistic Germans can be from any part of the country and are not huddled in one single place. The “pro-white” East German Stasi went around assassinating ex-Nazis and anti-communist German nationalists after the war. Merkel comes from East Germany and look what she’s doing. You’re a mental case, are completely full of lies and just make things up.

                      You need to be locked up immediately.

                    2. Look up the 1968 Polish crisis on Wiki-fucking-pedia. It’s easy.

                      Also, all of the Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter groups that deliberately attacked JEWS, both in White and Third World nations. Look up the West Berlin Tupamaros. They blew up a synagogue in 1969. Not the Israeli embassy or the Zionist Federation or something – a synagogue. This was clearly an ANTISEMITIC attack.

                      Hugo Chavez openly attacked “Christ killers” and most Jews left Venezuela under him. Here is what Venezuelan Marxists think about Jews: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.algemeiner.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F06%2Fantisemitism-venezuela.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.algemeiner.com%2F2015%2F10%2F21%2Fus-urges-eu-to-adopt-working-definition-of-antisemitism%2F&docid=U1hd7GTvSLIj6M&tbnid=yzX1MphLw3pkNM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjz0NqF4qPbAhVmx1kKHQHxAPgQMwg-KAEwAQ..i&w=464&h=404&bih=555&biw=800&q=judios%20go%20home&ved=0ahUKEwjz0NqF4qPbAhVmx1kKHQHxAPgQMwg-KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

                    3. Some commie Venezuelans are anti-Semitic? Wow, sign me the fuck up for the communist party now, right? Lmfao.

                      Douche bag, American blacks who are very Marxist, and of whom about 80% are democrats, are quite the anti-Semites as well. Know why that is? Because the dummies, by and large, think Jews and whites are “da same”. A smaller group knows there are differences between the two, but think that whites are “oppressing” Jews. The smallest group of them all is aware that, in actuality, Jews are oppressing whites.

                      Quick quote though from James Baldwin out of this article, Negroes are anti-Semitic because they’re anti-white:

                      “In the American context, the most ironical thing about Negro anti-Semitism is that the Negro is really condemning the Jew for having become an American white man–for having become, in effect, a Christian. The Jew profits from his status in America, and he must expect Negroes to distrust him for it. The Jew does not realize that the credential he offers, the fact that he has been despised and slaughtered, does not increase the Negro’s understanding. It increases the Negro’s rage.”

                      ^That also means black Marxist leaders like Al Sharpton are ‘anti-Semitic’ too, in their own words, but never forget they’re majorly anti-white at the bottom of it all.


                      Chavez disliking Israelis wouldn’t have anything to do with his hatred of the US and the collaboration of them both together, would it? And maybe you haven’t noticed, but Venezuela is an economic dump. You STILL have not explained WHY you’re not living in Venezuela or Palestine or any other “based”, commie paradise, instead of in the West. That’s absolutely fucking pathetic you know, douche bag.

                    4. “Jijcf”, are you still talking, douche bag who needs to die? I’ll mirror you by telling you I didn’t read any of that and you’re never going to change my mind about communism and capitalism.

                      Speaking of the Wikipedia article on the Polish crisis of ’68, a few obvious questions come to mind:

                      1. What took this specific brand of commies so long to become anti-Jewish (up to 1967 and ’68) if communism is inherently “anti-Jewish”, as you put it? How was a Jew like Roman Zambrowski ever a member of the Polish communist party to begin with if communism is even remotely close to being as “anti-Jewish” as you claim?

                      2. After this quick quote from the Wiki article: (“The process of purging Jewish and other officials, ex-Stalinists, high-ranking rival communists and moral supporters of the current liberal opposition movement, was accelerated.”), I want to know why these commies can’t make up their minds and purge other rival commies? And did you see what it said about the purging of moral supporters of the current liberal opposition movement? I thought you told me before that liberalism and communism have nothing to do with each other, didn’t you douche?

                      3. And regarding the same Wiki article, I thought you said there were “no” non-whites living in eastern Europe, although Poland is regarded by many as being more like central Europe. If there were Jews in Poland, you “know for a fact” that none of them existed in Eastern Europe, including other non-whites besides Jews, right, “genius”?

                    5. Certain membership in KKK was also ‘anti-Semitic’. Well, sign me the fuck up for that right now too, right douche bag who needs to die? Lmao.

                      I was thinking of posting this but I don’t know if I have your professional, “genius”, douche bag permission to do so, so I’ll only put this up apprehensively and hope it doesn’t piss you off. Let’s do both the KKK and commyanism, right?! We’ll take over da world n sheeeeit! Lmao.

                      “Here are a few interesting tidbits of information to digest about jewish involvement in the KKK. First, the KKK is known to have had many jewish members and even grand dragons, such as the very interesting character Daniel Burros who spent years of his life as a fake leader of the KKK right up until it came out that he was jewish, at which point, the jewish sources say he shot himself in the chest and in the head. He went around saying “kill, kill, kill”, but his motivation was none other than that of jewish subversion and causing racial strife.

                      Another grand wizard of the KKK in Mississippi turned out to be a homosexual jew named Jordan Gollub who garnered a lot of media attention, but then quickly disappeared under the radar after his kosher roots were discovered. In fact, the SPLC admits here that many of the KKK boogie men getting all the attention are actually jewish, but don’t be fooled by their slick tricks. It’s no accident this many jews play these roles.

                      There are also many other jews who pose as racist white people, Nazis, white nationalists, etc. Take Bill White for example, leader of the impotent American National Socialist Workers Party propped up by the jews at the SPLC as an evil Nazi, racist, Hitler loving, jew/African hater here. Lots of places have information on Bill White such as here.

                      David Wolfgang Hawke started a fake Nazi group called Knights of Freedom, later renamed American Nationalist Party, but it too fell flat on it’s face when it was found out that this character was really just a scrawny jew rat by the name of Andrew Britt Greenbaum.

                      Bill White is a jew who pretends to be a fake Nazi with his fake group called the National Socialist Workers Party. Why are jews always playing the evil racist “white man”?

                      There is also the story of fake National Socialist/Nazi Frank Collin, who’s real name was Francis Joseph Cohen. It turned out his father was a jew who had claimed to be a prisoner at the Dachau concentration camp, but had changed his name from Cohen to Collin. Francis Cohen was a jew and practically a nobody, trying to fit in or help create Nazi or white nationalist groups, who quickly rose to fame in 1977 when he planned to march the goose step through the center of heavily jewish Skokie, Illinois in his Nazi getup.

                      All of a sudden his self-created National Socialist Party of America was causing a big stir, and the ACLU (jews) stepped up to help him sue for the right to march his fake evil Nazi group around the town. He was instrumental in giving the (fabricated) jew holocaust notoriety, because before he arrived on the scene, most people hadn’t heard about a jewish holocaust during WWII. You can even see he was a kike at jew owned, not to mention heavily censored by jewish sayanims, website called wikipedia here.

                      Anyway, down below you will find an interesting video on the KKK by some jewess who is part of the hotfactsgirls on youtube, but she is so not hot. Don’t go getting all excited, because it looks as if these hot facts girls are a bunch of jews trying to use sex to get attention as usual. Their channel has an image that says “Fight the New World Order Subscribe”. Right, I’m sure they’ll be loads of help.

                      Just like all the others, this jew posed as an evil racist “white man” who hated jews and “black” folks, but his only purpose was to push the jew holocaust and keep whites and blacks fighting with each other.

                      What’s interesting about the video is about 1:20 into the video where she mentions how the KKK got it’s name. Apparently, the Ku Klux Klan originally gets it’s name from the Greek word for circle, kyklos. It was basically the kyklos klan, or KKK, changed slightly to Ku Klux Klan. If you take a look at jew owned wikipedia, it even admits this is the true origin of the name for the KKK here.

                      This particular part of the video made my ears perk up, because overall the video is useless drivel about America’s first “terrorist” organization, racism, lynching etc. However, for those who know about the jew, it’s a well known fact the reason they are called kikes, is because of the yiddish word for circle, which is kikel. According to Leo Rosten, and another fact that can be found on jew owned wikipedia here:

                      The word kike was born on Ellis Island when Jewish immigrants who were there were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters), when asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary ‘X,’* refused, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity, and instead made a circle. The Yiddish word for ‘circle’ is kikel (pronounced KY-kul), and for ‘little circle,’ kikeleh (pronounced ky-kul-uh). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an ‘O’ instead of an ‘X’ a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.

                      This jew faked being a Klansmen until it was revealed he was a homosexual kike, but that didn’t stop the jew owned media from blowing him up to help push the racial divide.

                      Now, I’m not saying the entire KKK is jewish, because it’s not, but like all groups that stir up racism and cause division, it certainly has it’s share of them. Both in leadership, members, and provocateurs, there are always plenty of jews afoot. It just so turns out that the KKK got it’s name from the Greek word kyklos meaning circle, and jews got the name kike from the yiddish word kikel meaning circle as well.

                      Knowing jews are always found on both sides of the racism equation (i.e. KKK, Nazi Party, NAACP, ACLU, SPLC, ADL) it’s at the very least quite intriguing that these names have such similar origins. Another intriguing note is that jews often attach great significance to names, and are known to alter them like this to fit different purposes.

                      You have to decide for yourself whether these names having the same origin is significant or not. In light of jewish history of creating and/or infiltrating racist groups, as well as the evidence provided here, it is definitely worth noting. With the current political climate and the obvious push for a racial divide in America, it’s no surprise this jewess would pick this topic as something people want to hear from “hotfactsgirls”.

                      Das evil Nazi fuhrer by the name of Davis Wolfgang Hawke also turned out to be just another rat faced kike playing racist “white man” again. Is the jewish agenda of racial division coming into focus yet? I hope it is.

                      If all human non-jews are smart they will put the racial differences aside, and focus real racist hatred onto the jews stirring the pot. This doesn’t mean you can’t be a white nationalist, a black nationalist, or a person of any race who is proud of their skin color, heritage, culture, or whatever you may think defines you. I am not racist except against jews, and I implore others to look at it the same way.

                      The jews are the most racist people on the planet, and yet they use racism to divide the rest of us, so they may rape us at will. Naturally, we should all be racist against them, if for nothing else than rational self defense.

                      All that any of this is meant to identify is that white, black, and every other non-jewish race are stuck on a sinking raft together. We can either fight with each other as we ride our limp dingy down into the darkest depths of the sea, or we can recognize we are sinking because of the jew with the ice pick, poking all the holes in our floaty. If we’re smart, we can work together to throw their asses overboard, and finally get on with patching the raft, before we never see dry land again.”


                    6. How could you not consider an openly anti-Jewish political movement, as Venezuelan Communism clearly is, your ally? How the FUCKING HELL could you support Conservatism, a movement that is absolutely 1000% supportive of Zionism and Jews everywhere, if you were an anti-Semite? Outside the US Jews overwhelmingly vote for Conservatives – 77% in the UK voted for your BAST3> Theresa May. See this: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/257101/american-jews-last-leftist-jews-world-daniel-greenfield

                      Not all American Blacks are Jew-wise, but they are sadly much more so than White Americans who are mostly pathetic Christian Jew-lovers. I proudly support all anti-Semitic Black nationalists such as my Comrades in the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party. The most Communistic Blacks are the most Jew-wise.

                      I would gladly fight, kill and die on an internationalist mission to Palestine or Venezuela to help my Marxist Comrades destroy Imperialism and Zionism, but I am not living there because I am trying to spread National Bolshevism to the White world. I am an Aryan and my foremost duty is the liberation of White people from Zio-Imperialism. There is only one liberated White nation, Belarus, and I might go live there at some point, but mainly I am trying to instigate White Nationalist proletarian revolution in other White Nations.

                    7. I’m trying to see if this particular comment goes through, but are you still talking, douche bag who needs to die? I’ll mirror you by telling you I didn’t read any of that and you’re never going to change my mind about communism and capitalism.

                      Speaking of the Wikipedia article on the Polish crisis of ’68, a few obvious questions come to mind:

                      1. What took this specific brand of commies so long to become anti-Jewish (up to 1967 and ’68) if communism is inherently “anti-Jewish”, as you put it? How was a Jew like Roman Zambrowski ever a member of the Polish communist party to begin with if communism is even remotely close to being as “anti-Jewish” as you claim?

                      2. After this quick quote from the Wiki article: (“The process of purging Jewish and other officials, ex-Stalinists, high-ranking rival communists and moral supporters of the current liberal opposition movement, was accelerated.”), I want to know why these commies can’t make up their minds and purge other rival commies? And did you see what it said about the purging of moral supporters of the current liberal opposition movement? I thought you told me before that liberalism and communism have nothing to do with each other, didn’t you douche?

                      3. And regarding the same Wiki article, I thought you said there were “no” non-whites living in eastern Europe, (although Poland is regarded by many as being more like central Europe); but if there were Jews in Poland, you “know for a fact” that none of them existed in Eastern Europe, including other non-whites besides Jews, right, “genius”?

                    8. Subhuman scum bag, you said, “There were no non-Whites in those nations so how was “hate speech” an issue?”

                      You are 100% DEAD WRONG. We’re not just talking a ‘little’ wrong, or ‘slightly wrong’, but COMPLETELY wrong. Of C”OURSE there were non-whites in those nations and still are. Random EE country here of Belarussia/Belarus, although I sadly didn’t get your douche bag permission to put this “spam” up, but hopefully you’ll forgive me for it:

                      “Belorussia under the Soviet Union
                      At the beginning of Soviet rule in Belorussia, Jews lived in relative harmony within the Russian society. The Belorussian republic contained the largest concentration of Jews in the Soviet Union and, by 1926, approximately 407,000 Jews lived in Belorussia.

                      Zionist group in Oczmiana
                      The Jews of Belorussia maintained Yiddish as their main language. Interestingly enough, it was the Belorussian government itself that promoted the Yiddish language throughout the republic. The government wished to decrease the amount of Russian-speakers in Belorussia.

                      Eastern Belorussia
                      With the advent of Communism, the economic status of Belorussian Jews greatly decreased. The Russian government prohibited private trade and even put limits on individual artists. Because Jews were prominent in trade, many of them were negatively affected by the new prohibition. Because of the economic situation, many Belorussian Jews immigrated to Moscow and Leningrad. By 1939, only 375,000 Jews were living in Belorussia.

                      The Jewish chapter of the Communist Party was called Yevsektsiya. The organization worked with the Communist Party to close synagogues, yeshivot, and other means of religious practice. Yevsektsiya was especially active in Belorussia as a secularizing force for the Jews.

                      Many Jews, however, still found ways to maintain their traditional practices. Siddurim were sold underground and yeshivot were used in secret.

                      Zionism was another movement that the Communist Party attempted to shut down. Like other private Jewish organizations, Zionist groups were kept alive mainly by Zionist youth movements. Eventually, even these secret organizations were closed by the Jewish Communists.

                      In place of religious organizations, the Yevsektsiya established means of secular Jewish culture. The group created Yiddish newspapers and non-religious Jewish schools. Centers for Yiddish literature, teaching schools, and Jewish culture were established. Non-religious Jewish culture was encouraged throughout Belorussia.

                      Western Belorussia
                      The area of Belorussia was divided in 1921, and the western part of the country was annexed by Poland. Unlike in Russia, Polish Jewry was not repressed by the Communist Party. Hasidism and Jewish religiosity remained affluent until 1939.

                      The economic status of Jews in Western Belorussia was significantly lower than under Soviet rule. Observant Jews from Eastern Belorussia risked poverty and fled to Western Belorussia in order to maintain traditional Jewish practices.

                      In 1939, Soviet Russia annexed Western Belorussia, and the Communist Party immediately shut down religious organizations in the area. Religious schools, originally taught in Hebrew, were transformed into secular Yiddish-speaking schools. The Communist Party attempted to assimilate the Jewish population of Western Belorussia.

                      This mass assimilation, however, was halted by the Nazi invasion of 1941. Jewish secularization was unimportant because the Nazis made no exceptions for assimilated Jews.”

                      “Post-World War II
                      The end of World War II led to a gradual emigration of Jews from Belorussia. By 1979, 135,400 Jews lived in the region but, a decade later, only 112,000 Jews remained. Belorussian Jews immigrated to both Israel and the United States.

                      During this period, Belorussia remained under Communist rule. Anti-Semitism and religious persecution were widespread in the region, and Jews were again prevented from traditional practice.

                      On April 25, 1991, Belarus reluctantly declared its independence from the Soviet Union. Even after breaking away from the USSR, Belarus maintained diplomatic relations with Russia. The new Democratic Republic of Belarus created its own constitution and was quickly overcome by an almost dictatorial rule.”


                    9. Dana nice to see you back after your short break.
                      You quoted
                      “Even after breaking away from the USSR, Belarus maintained diplomatic relations with Russia.”

                      And actions (flag-wise) speak louder than words.
                      From the Guardian:
                      Belarusian who marched with Russian flag kicked out of Paralympics

                      I stayed in a big hotel in the algarve portugal for 3 weeks in december 2016 and most of the breakfasting guests there every day were deaf / dumb athletes, many wearing Belorusia and Russia logos on their sportswear.
                      They were there because of the excellent sports facilities and weather (december is pleasant).
                      They all looked quite serious, a mood possibly related to feelings about the Rio summer 2016 doping scandal.
                      Many were using deaf dumb sign language and so it was very quiet at my 7am breakfasts.
                      After brekkie I then off went cycling all day every day.

                    10. Dana
                      As you described in your posts above, kkk and nazi leaders were often found out to be jews.
                      And it is the same today, jewish infiltration and attempted leading of far right groups, that results in fuelling of all sorts of tensions and splits.

                    11. Dorset, thanks brotha, but I’m not back per se; there are just a few loose-ends that need to be covered that few people are talking about, and of course seeing this commie clown “Jijcf” running his mouth over here was enough to engage me, lol.

                      There are certain pockets and fields of information I’ve found doing my own research that need to be brought to light, but I didn’t have the time to cover them. Like I’ve compiled hundreds of articles on anti-white Jews that many people haven’t seen; not necessarily because they’re lazy or dumb, but because the time it takes to actually sift through and find them. I should do a page strictly on anti-white Jews because there are so many.

                      Just recently I was listening to this poker player named Doug Polk talking about the need for gun control and it fired me up, lol. I know the dude is really swamped and doesn’t have the time to really appraise himself of the issues, but he really needs insight into the topic, and on issues like gun control, feminism, and homosexuality, I’ve compiled many Jews on that whom activists aren’t aware of either. So I’ve compiled all this information, but very few people know about it all in-depth, and I kind of feel bad for compiling it but never sharing it because I’ve been involved in so many different topics.

                      Oh, you’re a cyclist, eh Dorset? I can imagine that. You know I’ve always found triathlete sports like cycling, distance running and swimming to be far more grueling than lifting weights. About the only exception I’d include would be doing lots of high-rep sets of squats until you puke (which I’ve done) and/but have never had to puke from running, swimming or cycling. Not that I’m not a good distance runner compared to the vast, vast majority of people (I’m ok at swimming and cycling, but am only good with the sidestroke, lol), and/but if you’re doing any of the three triathlon activities competitively, you’re gonna take far more pain than what you ever will in the weight room; and yes, I’ve been accused of being on “steroids” many times before and know how easy lifting weights is compared to these others where the deep pain from the lactic acid doesn’t stop. In BUD/S there are what are called “elephant runs” where everyone lines up in with their boats on their heads and they follow instructors around for undisclosed distances in the sand, up and down berms, etc., and of all the different things you do at BUD/S, I found those to be the most painful along with the surf tortures. BUD/S is kind of like being in an electric chair but not turned up high, where you’re in constant, white-knuckling, teeth-grinding pain for very long periods of time with no rest. The stuff feels magnitudes harder than anything a person does in the weight room and I have lots of respect for triathletes and the like, even though they’re small/skinny folks, lol, because of the pain they take doing what they do. 😉

                    12. “Oh, you’re a cyclist, eh Dorset?”
                      Yes for daily trips instead of using a car.
                      I am also an adventurer type and like to go “off the beaten track”.
                      When I arrive somewhere, the route I took is often quite a story in itself.
                      Ladders and rock strewn gulleys are not off limits to me.
                      I also like to do day long – long distance stretches, just to prove to myself that I can still cover the miles.

                    13. Thanks for your comments Dana.
                      Yes I could see why you needed to intervene here, thanks for that.

          2. They don’t exactly support them. They use lame whataboutist arguments to deflect from any relevant criticisms of said regimes.

  2. “Jijcf”, where did you go, man? I asked you some questions on the previous article and you’re not answering them, and I asked you to back up some claims you’re making and you’re not doing that either.

    There are far fewer comments on this article and I’ll continue here because it’s easier to keep track of them.

    To reiterate, I asked you what you believe should be done to “even out” the wealth between people who make 100k a year versus 30k a year. How about as another example, those who make 500k per year versus those who just live off of welfare? Do you propose that the 500k earners should give over half of all their earnings to help try to increase the net worths of primarily welfare earners? What are your ideas on this?

    I also asked you what your IQ was and your reply was “very high”. I remember asking this clown black dude who was involved in men’s rights, but he wasn’t very bright, what his IQ was and he said the exact same words. I knew he was bullshitting me, and when I started asking him more questions about his IQ and his anti-white stance, he proceeded to call me a “racist cavebeast” and blocked me like the cheap piece of shit that he was. I didn’t call the dude any racial slurs either; he was the one using racial slurs and then called me the “raycis”, just as you could predict. I’m having a hard time believing your IQ is “high” at all, if you know what I mean.

  3. Not a surprise that you bought into the Occupy Wall Street and other Marxist/communist BS, hook, line, and sinker. Here’s some information for you about it that I’ll know you’ll “enjoy” reading, *sarcasm*.

    “So just who are those top 1 percent of Americans that we’re all supposed to hate?

    If you listen to President Obama, the protesters at Occupy Wall Street, and much of the media, it’s obvious. They’re either “trust-fund babies” who inherited their money, or greedy bankers and hedge-fund managers. Certainly, they haven’t worked especially hard for their money. While the recession has thrown millions of Americans out of work, they’ve been getting even richer. Worse, they don’t even pay their fair share in taxes: Millionaires and billionaires are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries.

    In reality, each of these stereotypes is wrong.

    Roughly 80 percent of millionaires in America are the first generation of their family to be rich. They didn’t inherit their wealth; they earned it. How? According to a recent survey of the top 1 percent of American earners, slightly less than 14 percent were involved in banking or finance.

    Roughly a third were entrepreneurs or managers of nonfinancial businesses. Nearly 16 percent were doctors or other medical professionals.

    Lawyers made up slightly more than 8 percent, and engineers, scientists and computer professionals another 6.6 percent.

    Sports and entertainment figures — the folks flying in on their private jets to express solidarity with Occupy Wall Street — composed almost 2 percent.

    By and large, the wealthy have worked hard for their money. NYU sociologist Dalton Conley says that “higher-income folks work more hours than lower-wage earners do.”

    Because so much of their income is tied up in investments, the recession has hit the rich especially hard. Much attention has been paid recently to a Congressional Budget Office study that showed incomes for the top 1 percent rose far faster from 1980 until 2007 than for the rest of us. But the nonpartisan Tax Foundation has found that since 2007, there has been a 39 percent decline in the number of American millionaires.

    Among the “super-rich,” the decline has been even sharper: The number of Americans earning more than $10 million a year has fallen by 55 percent. In fact, while in 2008 the top 1 percent earned 20 percent of all income here, that figure has declined to just 16 percent. Inequality in America is declining.

    As for not paying their fair share, the top 1 percent pay 36.7 percent of all federal income taxes. Because, as noted above, they earn just 16 percent of all income, that certainly seems like more than a fair share.

    Maybe Warren Buffett is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, as he claims. But the comparison is misleading because Buffett’s income comes mostly from capital gains, which were already taxed at their origin through the corporate-income tax.

    Moreover, the Buffetts of the world are clearly an exception. Overall, the rich pay an effective tax rate (after all deductions and exemptions) of roughly 24 percent. For all taxpayers as a group, the average effective tax rate is about 11 percent.

    Beyond taxes, the rich also pay in terms of private charity. Households with more than $1 million in income donated more than $150 billion to charity last year, roughly half of all US charitable donations. Greedy? It hardly seems so.

    And let us not forget the fact that the rich provide the investment capital that funds ventures, creates jobs and spurs innovation. The money that the rich save and invest is the money that companies use to start or expand businesses, buy machinery and other physical capital and hire workers.

    It has become fashionable to ridicule the idea of the rich as “job creators,” but if the rich don’t create jobs, who will? How many workers have been hired recently by the poor?

    No doubt dishonest or unscrupulous businessmen have gotten rich by taking advantage of others. And few of us are likely to lose much sleep over the plight of the rich.

    But shouldn’t public policy be based on something more than class warfare, envy and stereotypes?”


    1. When you defend the 1%, do you know you are defending a group that is largely disproportionately composed of Jews? And the non-Jews are usually either Asians or cosmopolitan White traitors? What matters is what economic policy is the healthiest for our Race and scares the pants off of the Jews, and that is Communism.

      “Do you propose that the 500k earners should give over half of all their earnings to help try to increase the net worths of primarily welfare earners? What are your ideas on this?”

      Wouldn’t bother me, as long as said welfare earners are White. It depends what is decided by the Central Politburo of the Communist Party. If the 500k earners are not Jews and put the dignity of their Race above personal profit, they would accept whatever policy the Marxist-Leninist intellectual leaders dictate.

      My IQ is obviously very high since I can formulate and process ideas that have virtually no support in the English-speaking world. Although there are many unironic Nazbols, only a handful speak English and you really have to think outside the box to come up with ideas like mine around here.

    1. The Heritage Foundation…the name sounds familiar. Were they the ones who wrote all of those factual, intellectual articles about how poor put upon Israel is being treated by the big mean Muslims and their Commie friends? And how only an evil Commie anti-Semite would oppose bombing Iran? Or am I thinking of someone else?

    1. Video – Walter E Williams – Redistribution of Income
      Good points Dana
      Other People’s Money

  4. “In a recent article titled “Why President Obama Is Wrong on Inequality,” Reason science correspondent Ron Bailey points to an interesting 2009 article by two economists from the Office of Tax Analysis (U.S. Treasury) that compares US income mobility in two periods, 1987 to 1996 and 1996 to 2005. Here’s the abstract of the article “Income Mobility in the United States: New Evidence from Income Tax Data“:

    While many studies have documented the long–term trend of increasing income inequality in the U.S. economy, there has been less focus on income mobility and the potential opportunity for upward mobility. Data from panels of individual income tax returns suggest that there was considerable income mobility in the U.S. economy over the 1987–1996 and 1996–2005 periods. Consistent with prior mobility studies, the data show that over half of taxpayers moved to a different income quintile and that roughly half of taxpayers who began in the bottom income quintile moved up to a higher income group by the end of each period. By contrast, those with the very highest incomes in the base year were more likely to drop to a lower income group and the median real income of these taxpayers declined in each period. Economic growth resulted in rising incomes for most taxpayers over both time periods. Initial position in the income distribution and changes in marital status were found to be associated with the largest upward or downward movements through the income distribution.

    The authors analyzed 84 million federal income tax returns for 120 million taxpayers who had taxable income in both 1996 and 2005 to assess the degree of income mobility over the decade from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. The two charts above display some of the authors’ key findings on the high degree of income mobility for US taxpayers between 1996 – 2005, taken from Table 2 of their paper and summarized below for various income quintiles and income groups:

    1. More than 56% of taxpayers (100% – 43.7%) in the lowest income quintile in 1996 had moved to a higher quintile by 2005 (see arrow in top row of the top chart above), with about half of those upwardly mobile low-quintile taxpayers (28.8%) moving up to the second quintile, while nearly as many (27.4%) moved up two or more quintiles, and 4.5% of the low-income quintile taxpayers in 1996 moved to the highest quintile within a decade.

    2. For taxpayers in the second quintile in 1996, more than three times as many moved up to a higher quintile (54.4%) in 2005 than moved down to the lowest quintile (15.3%), see top chart above.

    3. Middle-income taxpayers were also quite mobile across income groups – 68.2% were in a different quintile in 2005 than in 1996 and only 31.8% stayed in the middle-income quintile (see top chart above). During the decade, more than twice as many middle-income taxpayers moved to a higher income quintile (47.2%), than moved to a lower income quintile (20.9%).

    4. While taxpayers in the top quintile in 1996 had a fairly high probability of being in the same quintile in 2006 (69.1%), almost one-third (30.9%) had dropped down to a lower quintile, and 2.6% dropped all the way to the bottom quintile.

    5. The bottom chart above displays data for the top three highest income categories for US taxpayers: the top 10%, top 5% and top 1%. For the top 1% of US taxpayers in 1996, more than half (58.5%) had dropped to a lower income group by 2005, although most (87.8%) remained in the top income quintile in 2005.

    Based on Item 5, the authors make a key point (emphasis added):

    This statistic illustrates that the top income groups as measured by a single year of income often include a large share of individuals or households whose income is only temporarily high. Put differently, more than half of the households in the top 1 percent in 2005 were not there nine years earlier. Thus, while the share of income of the top 1 percent is higher than in prior years, it is not a fixed group of households receiving this larger share of income every year.

    Further, the authors compare income mobility over two periods: a) 1987 to 1996 and b) 1996 to 2005, and found that income mobility was approximately the same for almost all income groups during the two time periods.

    Here are the paper’s key findings from the conclusion:

    There was considerable income mobility of individuals in the U.S. economy during the 1996–2005 period, and that the degree of relative income mobility among income groups is roughly unchanged from the prior comparable period (1987–1996). The analysis found that more than half of taxpayers moved to a different income quintile between 1996–2005. About half of those taxpayers in the bottom income quintile in 1996 moved to a higher income group by 2005. The analysis also found that the composition of the very top income groups changes dramatically over time. Less than half of those in the top 1 percent in 1996 were still in the top 1 percent in 2005. Less than one–fourth of individuals in the top 0.01 percent in 1996 remained in that group in 2005.

    Bottom Line: The dynamism of the US economy is generally under-appreciated, and the significant income mobility documented above receives almost no attention from those complaining about income inequality and stagnant household incomes. Contrary to prevailing public opinion that Americans get stuck at a given low-income level for decades or generations, the empirical evidence summarized above tells us that there is significant movement up and down the economic ladder over even very short periods of time, like one decade.

    Many of today’s low-income households will rise to become tomorrow’s high-income households, and some will even eventually be in the “top 10%” or “top 1%.”And many of today’s “top 1%” or top income quintile taxpayers are tomorrow’s middle or lower class households, reflecting the significant upward and downward mobility in the dynamic US labor market – an important point in any discussion about the alleged problem of rising income inequality.

    Finally, consider these words of wisdom from Thomas Sowell, who offers this key insight on income mobility (emphasis added):

    Only by focusing on the income brackets, instead of the actual people moving between those brackets, have the intelligentsia been able to verbally create a “problem” for which a “solution” is necessary. They have created a powerful vision of “classes” with “disparities” and “inequities” in income, caused by “barriers” created by “society.” But the routine rise of millions of people out of the lowest quintile over time makes a mockery of the “barriers” assumed by many, if not most, of the intelligentsia.”


  5. ^Oh, and in the article above and speaking about Obama, I’m presuming “Jijcf” thinks Obama is another “based” comrade with all the talk he did about “spreading the wealth”; “you didn’t build that”; etc., lolz.

    Paradoxically and in typical duplicitous fashion, of course, I’ve argued with other commies who say the problem with people like Obama, Chavez, and the likes is that they’re “capitalists” and “not communist enough”, lol. They couldn’t make up their damned minds if their lives depended on it.


  6. Thomas Sowell makes some interesting points here about the wealth of nations and GDP per capitas around the 3:30 mark. So we know IQ is a significant factor in GDP per capita. Other factors like how Marxist or free market capitalist a country is would be another factor (things like welfare, affirmative action, and high taxes make things worse, not better); the age demographic is another factor – like if a country is an aging population, they’ll have to spend more on the elderly and less people will be of working age. But something he points out is how the rivers are set up in Eastern Europe and Russia and that they don’t drain into the open ocean like we have in the West, and this is not conducive for trade and commerce:

    1. “But something he points out is how the rivers are set up in Eastern Europe and Russia and that they don’t drain into the open ocean like we have in the West, and this is not conducive for trade and commerce”
      Rang a bell with me, as I have recently been reading about the Hanseatic League.

  7. “A person can only be entitled to a holding if he acquired it by just means. To illustrate this point, Robert Nozick presents what has come to be known as the Wilt Chamberlain Argument[2]. Nozick asks us to imagine a society with an egalitarian distribution of wealth, which he calls D1. Now imagine that in this society, Wilt Chamberlain puts on a basketball game and charges spectators twenty-five cents each to watch him play. Assuming that one million people decide to watch him play basketball, then Chamberlain would make a quarter of a million dollars from this transaction and all the spectators would be out one quarter. Nozick calls this new distribution of wealth D2. Even though the new distribution in D2 is extremely unequal compared to D1, D2 is still morally justifiable if all the spectators voluntarily chose to pay Wilt Chamberlain the quarter. In D2, Chamberlain would be far wealthier than anyone else, but he would still be entitled to every quarter given to him. This example shows how a non-egalitarian distribution is still justifiable even if a great disparity exists between the poorest and the richest. Inequality is not immoral as long as the transactions that brought about such an inequality were themselves moral and not coerced.

    100-point games played and 20, 000 women laid

    Nozick argues that a society with an egalitarian distribution of wealth is not only immoral, but impossible, since such a society would have to arrest all transactions between consenting individuals. Nozick writes,

    “The general point illustrated by the Wilt Chamberlain example is that no end-sate principle or distributional patterned principle of justice can be continuously realized without continuous interference with people’s lives… To maintain a pattern, one must either continually interfere to stop people from transferring resources as they wish to, or continually interfere to take from persons resources that others for some reason chose to transfer to them.”[3]

    Even if a society could somehow redistribute all wealth in accordance with an egalitarian principle, the distribution would not remain equal for very long. As the Chamberlain argument demonstrates, people are always going to voluntarily engage in transactions with others. These transactions are naturally going to make some people extraordinarily wealthy, and other people, by their own undoing, extremely poor. The problem with welfare economics is that it assumes there to be some ideal state of wealth distribution that would make everyone better off. It is an end-state philosophy. Reality is not composed of end-state distributions however, but of continuous transactions in which resources exchange hands between those who are entitled to them. To propose that there is some ideal distribution of wealth is therefore absurd because it completely discounts how the current state of wealth inequality came about. In order to impose a given distribution of wealth, the state would have to use force against anyone who did not act in accordance with the ideal distribution, which would not only be in violation of individual rights, but would also entail an enormous waste of time and effort.

    As we can see, there is nothing inherently wrong with wealth inequality, regardless of what socialists and welfare advocates would have you believe. In a free society, the most talented and business-savvy individuals are bound to accumulate wealth, whereas those with no particular skills will not. As long as those wealthy people have earned their money through voluntary transactions, then they are entitled to every penny of it. It would be unethical, according to Nozick, for any Robin Hood-like character to redistribute the holdings of others on the basis that a current distribution is unequal. A free society must respect the life, liberty, and property of all.”


  8. Enough fucking spam. I am not going to change my views. When most Jews are part of the capitalist class, how the fucking hell could Jews want Communism? The Jews are a huge percent of the 1%. They would DIE under Communism and rightly so. That is to say nothing of the fact that Marxist-Leninists generally HATE kikes, irrespective of class concerns.

    How the fuck is (((capitalism))) compatible with White nationalism? A capitalist concerns about his individual profit, NEVER his race. A Communist loves his people, as does a White Nationalist. Most of the leading capitalist theorists are Jews. (((Henry Kissinger))) put your beloved Pinochet in power. Most of the Jews were leaving Chile when it was going )))Communist(((, then Pinochet let them all back in.

    Today, Israel continues to find fascist regimes in India and Colombia in their Zionistic dirty wars against Communism. Israel is the MOST anti-Communist state in the world. The Jews in Israel and beyond are virtually unanimous in their hatred of Marxism-Leninism. And we hate them back.

  9. Excellent article. This site is the only source, as far as I know, of truthful and objective information about Russian-Ukrainian conflict. I monitor this war in detail from its inception at the end of 2013 on the Maidan. I can confirm all points presented by the author. Amazing awareness for a person who lives outside of Russia and Ukraine. Western people tend to adopt oversimplified version of events and it is why it is so easy to deceive them. They don’t know the whole pre-history of the conflict, the war of Ukrainians and Baltic peoples in 1941-50 against Soviet genocidal monster who tried to exterminate all nations having distinct identity. The outbreak in 2014 is only continuation of the long war that started long ago and will continue for many decades to come. The communist scum should be destroyed whatever the cost; it is impossible to peacefully coexist with poisonous snakes beside you; it is either them or you.

  10. Hey dumb fuck: I will post whatever the FUCK I FEEL LIKE. Just because it hurts your feelings to hear that communism/Marxism is a total scam doesn’t mean I give a shit about your fucking feewings. BTW, YOU are the one SPAMMING over here with all your whacked out fucking comments and pseudonym for a name.

    Yeees, I know you’re not going to be changing your views, even when you can’t debate them, and the same goes for probably the vast majority of the rest of the commies out there. This is part of the reason why impending war to the death is coming between us.

    WHY are you asking me ANYTHING about capitalism when ANYTHING I say about it goes in ONE ear and right out your OTHER ear? BTW, I “forgot” that the great wealth and industrialization in England and the US in the last couple centuries came from “communism/Marxism” and had “nothing to do” with capitalism n sheeeit.

    Dumb fuck who needs to die: I ASKED you HOW do you plan on dividing up all this wealth and you STILL are not fucking ANSWERING. You know who makes up far more of the 1% than Jews? Wait for it: the 1%. And HOW do you want to divide up the wealth discrepancies between the other 99% of the population? Do I owe YOU? Is it MY fault that you are poor? Is it MY fault that I crush fools like you at the poker tables left and right? I sure as fuck don’t think so. Not only do I not owe YOU money, I sure don’t owe the REST of you commie scum money either. The only thing I owe you is hot lead, and you’d be right if I thought I owed you a ton of it.

    Now, since you’ve got a “very high IQ”, “unlike mine” as you CLAIM (and I call BULLSHIT on that), why don’t you tell me what your “very high IQ” is, what test/s you took, and given that pattern recognition is a significant part of IQ tests and also given that pattern recognition is also a significant part of chess, meet me on chess.com to get smoked in a few quick games of chess; it’s easy to set up an account. Sound good or are you going to have some lame ass excuse like low-IQ, lying pieces of shit always DO?

  11. Nazbol wrote:

    How could you not consider an openly anti-Jewish political movement, as Venezuelan Communism clearly is, your ally?

    Chavez was not anti-Jewish, he was anti-Zionist. It’s the same as anti-Zionist Muslims who just want the Jews to stop being “racist” to Arabs in Palestine and embrace anti-racist Islamic universalism. All communists are anti-Zionist, except for maybe some Israeli communists, because Zionism is racial nationalism for Jews and they oppose racial nationalism across the board. I’ve even heard commies say that Zionism is “White supremacy”. Those commies are just as anti-White Nationalist as they are anti-Zionist, probably even more so. Yet the commie hypocrites like Chavez support ethno-nationalism for black and brown people. These are the motherfuckers who championed anti-apartheid in South Africa saying a minority race should never rule over the majority, yet at the same time support the minorities in the West against the White majority.

    Anti-Zionist communists, Muslims and Arabs are no friends of White nationalism in any sense. And they are pawns of the Jews on the domestic immigration agenda in White countries. They simply oppose Jewry’s project in Palestine because it’s “racist”.

    1. I actually posted a link showing Venezuelan Communists are anti-Semitic and you ignored it. All of the Spanish-speaking Communists I am in contact with openly attack the Jews, not just the Zionists. This is standard practice for all Marxist-Leninists outside the Anglosphere.

      Also, look up Paul Rassinier and the Marxist roots of Holohoax revisionism.

      1. Your dishonest tactic is to point to some fringe outliers to prove your dumbass point. Every mainline Marxist is a Holohoaxer who says Nazism is the greatest evil in history. I’ve never seen a communist who doesn’t tow that line. Some random commies may hate Jews but it’s certainly not because Marxism-Leninism tells them to hate Jews. Lenin was a bloviating philosemite who hunted down and executed anti-Semites in Russia. Marx was a damn Jew descended from rabbis. Communists in the Third World are less philosemitic because there are fewer Jews in those countries influencing their thinking, but who cares, third world brown people are not our allies they are our racial competitors currently flooding into our nations on behalf of the Jews. Most Muslims and Arabs in the mideast and the ones coming into Europe are anti-Jewish (or anti-Zionist), but that alone doesn’t make them our friends or allies. They’re just another enemy.

        1. Many Communists consider Nazism a great evil not because of the Holohoax but because the Nazis murdered 27 million Whites in Russia. Many Communists, even if they believe in the Hoax, think that too much attention has been given to the Jews. However, any decent Marxist-Leninist recognize yankee imperialists and Zionists as the greatest evil.

          Most Marxists outside the West are staunchly anti-Semitic. Mainline Nationalists and Fascists are not only philo-Semites, but psychotically pro-Israel. All of the major “Far Right Populist” parties in Europe except Golden Dawn hold views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that make Ted Cruz look like Wadie Haddad. And the non-Zionist extraparliamentary groups like CasaPound typically use anti-racist arguments against Zionism and say they do not hate Jews, just as the Western Left does.

  12. Intresting, Domestic terrorist group, article about, Antifa

    and Russia’s war vs. the Ukraine.

    Antifa is wrong about support the stupid, old Soviet-RED Army Communist ,

    Ideas, being Anti-Nazism and Anti-Facism is one thing, but Comunism, in the Old Soviet-Union

    never succeded I’m glad the Russian, FSB arrested members of Antifia and was surprised like most Americans Of Democracy, in Russia. I wish, the Russian-Federation, was allways democratic, not like it was, I don’t condone the crimes commited either by Antifa here in America.

    Thanks Dave-Fisherman.-U.S.A.

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