Putin’s Minions in Alternative Media & Politics

The Kremlin has thoroughly infiltrated and subverted what’s known as the “alternative” media and political circles in the West. Russia’s strategy has been to dog whistle to disparate political factions in order to have maximum influence among political currents in the West, both left, centrist and right. Putin’s propaganda czar Vladislav Surkov is the mastermind behind the Kremlin’s chaos strategy in this regard, throwing money at anyone – communists, leftists, nationalists, religious Christians, Muslims, etc. – who will parrot Kremlin talking points and support Putin.

Here are some of the elements that Russia is currently controlling:

The “anti-imperialist” left: These are people who I would categorize as Chomskyite leftists whose main agenda is to oppose American and Western “imperialism” and foreign policy. They cross-pollinate with the generic “anti-war”/”pro-peace” crowd. They portend to be anti-interventionist and anti-war, but that’s a farce. They’re only against Western-led wars and interventions because they’re anti-Western, and, ultimately, anti-white who push the discourse of post-colonialism and white guilt. These hypocrites fully support wars and interventions when regimes of the global east or south wage them, particularly Russia and China. Their agenda is to dismantle NATO and the American empire in order to erect an anti-white BRICS coalition empire, led by Russia and China, to dominate the globe and “punish” the West. This category includes double-speaking liars like George Galloway, Jeremy Corbyn, Abby Martin, Max Blumenthal, Patrick Henningsen, Eric Draitser, Michel Chossudovsky, James Corbett, William Blum, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Amy Goodman, Chris Hedges and virtually anyone who writes for Counter-Punch and Global Research. Unsurprisingly, all of these dubious characters are fixtures on Russia’s English-language television stations pumping out their anti-Western vitriol. Some even have or have had their own shows on the RT/Sputnik network. Martin has had a show on both RT and the Venezuelan (Marxist) channel Telesur. Galloway currently has a show on Sputnik and previously on Iran’s Press TV.

Pro-Assad Groupies: This faction grew out of the Syrian civil war. It largely consists of opportunistic, attention-seeking Western women, as well as Syrian women living in the West, looking to make names for themselves by pimping pro-Assad talking points. Since Russia intervened to save the Assad regime from destruction, these groupies have come out swinging for Putin and Russia generally, siding with the Kremlin in the dispute with Ukraine. They’re also generally part of the “anti-imperialist” leftist club, ragging on about how the West is evil and how anything non-Western is benevolent and good, especially non-white socialist dictators with the exception of Putin. These frauds include Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Mimi al-Laham (Syrian Girl), Carla Ortiz, and numerous other narcissistic females. Also Tim Anderson, a radical Marxist professor from Australia who was previously linked to a terrorist incident there, is chief among these Assad pushers, most likely in an effort to get laid with these ex-pat Syrian women running rampant in Australia.

American Libertarians: The American libertarian movement has been built up by the Kremlin because they favour total isolationism and call for a drastic reduction in US military spending. Russia Today is a major platform for US-based libertarians, and the majority of them parrot Kremlin talking points so closely that it would be a miracle if they weren’t being paid by Russia to do so. In their blind hatred of America and dislike of its foreign policy, these libertarians have jumped on the Putin cult bandwagon, pimping him as a “counter-force” against something they hate, even though the hypocrites are abandoning all of their libertarian principles to do so. The American government is far more libertarian on issues like free speech and gun rights than the totalitarian regime of Putin which jails hundreds of people a year for expressing opinions the Kremlin doesn’t like. Journalists are routinely assassinated in Russia. Some of these libertarians have cozied up to the Kremlin for opportunistic reasons so they could get more publicity selling themselves and their brand on RT. Some of these charlatans include Ron Paul, Daniel McAdams, Justin Raimondo, Scott Horton, Ryan Dawson and Adam Kokesh. In fact, Ron Paul’s underlings have direct links to pro-Kremlin NGOs based in Europe. An investigation titled “Ron Paul’s Institute for Putin’s Priorities” goes into the links.

Disgruntled Ex-US Government Employees: This group is made up of former US government employees who became disgruntled with their former employers for various reasons. This includes Sibel Edmonds (FBI), Paul Craig Roberts (former Reagan administration), Philip Giraldi (CIA), Michael Scheuer (CIA), and many others. Roberts is probably the most rabid and delusional Putin worshipper of the lot, but they all generally push the anti-US, anti-NATO line which serves the Kremlin, and never investigate Kremlin corruption, imperialism or false flags.

Shia & other opportunistic Muslims: This group consists largely of Shia Muslims who have taken up an alliance with Russia to counter their Sunni rivals in the Middle East. Shia and Sunni Muslims don’t really get along, so the opportunistic Shias have aligned themselves with Russia and China in order to gain more power and influence across the Middle East, which is mostly Sunni. Iran, Hezbollah and Assad all belong to the Shia sect of Islam. Don’t let these Shias fool you into thinking they’re the “good” Muslims as opposed to the “bad” Sunnis. Nor are they particularly principled either. During the Iraq war, many Shias backed the US invasion to topple the Sunni Saddam Hussein who kept Iraqi Shias marginalized. Iran directly aided the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in order to topple the rival Sunni fundamentalist regime of the Taliban. These Shias are more than willing to work with the “great Satan” when it suits their interests. But now their interests align more with Russia, so that’s who they’re shilling for. Among the North American “truth movement” are Shia shills like Jonathan Azaziah, Mark Glenn, Sarah Abdullah, Khanverse, Kevin Barrett and other oddballs who tout Putin and Russia as saviours of their beloved Shia regimes in the Middle East. Barrett isn’t a Shia but he has ingratiated himself with the Iranian regime and its media branch Press TV, so he serves their interests. These hacks feign an anti-war stance until their Russian and Iranian paymasters enter the fray.

The “Kremlin-First” Alt-Right: Numerous prominent pundits on the alt-right have pushed a strong pro-Russia, pro-Putin line, usually relying on false and exaggerated claims of Putin’s conservatism to justify their support. The strongest Putin advocate in the alt-right is Richard Spencer who has direct personal connections to Russia and the cult of Russian-Eurasianist ideologue Alexander Dugin. Spencer’s wife, Nina Kouprianova, is Russian. She operates as a Putin bot on Twitter, has translated the works of Dugin into English and has appeared on RT television to regurgitate Kremlin spin about NATO and Ukraine. It seems that everyone Spencer has surrounded himself with tow this pro-Putin cult line, especially Mike Enoch, who marches in lock-step with Spencer in denouncing Trump whenever Trump does something contrary to Putin’s interests. Spencer doesn’t seem to get along with other alt-right pundits who don’t follow his Russian script, such as Greg Johnson. Another big Putin pusher in the alt-right is David Duke, who has his own strong links to Russia, having lived there for years. He always brags of having sold his book Jewish Supremacism in the lobby of the Russian parliament. Duke is also a major Assad groupie, as is Spencer, having been hosted in Syria in 2005 where he gave a speech. This is largely a result of the Russian loyalty, since Assad is Putin’s puppet. Elsewhere Duke has been pictured with Dugin. Matt Heimbach, the disgraced former head of the Traditionalist Workers Party, is the clearest Duginist in the alt-right, having been mentored by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson, a Russophilic “orthodox medievalist” academic who has spent his career promoting Russia as the saviour of the white race and Christianity. Dugin actually spoke at Heimbach’s opening party conference, and the party’s aesthetics largely mirror the symbols of Dugin’s Eurasianist movement. Alongside Heimbach in leading the Putin cucking in the alt-right is Andrew Anglin, the oddball editor of the Daily Stormer who fled the United States and is now most likely living in Russia. From the beginning, Anglin has advanced the Putin cult, using all the standard overused talking points. An investigation into Anglin noted the likelihood he was being sponsored by Russia to agitate during the 2016 US election:

Anglin hadn’t been to the polls in years, but he wasn’t going to miss a chance to vote for Trump. His absentee ballot arrived in Ohio from Krasnodar, a city in southwest Russia near the Black Sea, according to Franklin County records. That the Russian government wouldn’t know about an American inside its borders publishing a major neo-Nazi website seems improbable. Anglin worshipped Putin, and seemed like exactly the type of online agitator Russia might use to sow chaos during the U.S. election. In March, Auernheimer told Daily Stormer commenters that he was setting up the site’s forum on “a much beefier server in the Russian Federation.” Anglin would later swear on his site—“under penalty of perjury”—that he’d never taken money or direction from the Russian government.

Most alt-righters who only listen to Spencer, Anglin and Duke end up also parroting the narratives of the Putin cult because they don’t know any better. Other alt-right sources who spread Putin worship are Red Ice TV and Arktos Media. Red Ice’s second-in-command is Lana Lokteff, who has Russian roots, and thus a strong ethnic bias for Russia and Putin. Arktos has routinely promoted and printed books by Dugin.

Truthers, American “Patriots” and Alt-Lighters: Chief among the Putin shills in this category is Alex Jones, a loudmouth charlatan who takes up any position if it will earn him more viewers and money. Around 2012 Jones started pushing a pro-Putin conspiratard line, that Putin was opposing the globalists and is our saviour from the New World Order, reversing himself from years earlier when he called Putin a terrorist “demon” and “creature of the IMF.” Jones has openly embraced Alexander Dugin, and the two have cross-interviewed each other.  For years Jones has received favourable interviews on RT. This highly-embellished and kooky discourse that Putin is an anti-globalist hero has filtered down to the broader “truther” community who eat it up like chocolate cake. This community is extremely gullible. With their chronic disbelief in any mainstream news source, these fools believe any shoddy fake news website that runs under the alternative label. Others in this category include Mike Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson and Jay Dyer. Dyer is the most clear Duginist of the lot, pushing asinine conspiracy theories depicting every terror attack and shooting in the West as a staged hoax with crisis actors, as per his KGB demoralization agenda to convince Westerners their societies are irredeemably corrupt and that their salvation lies in Russia and Putin.

Eastern Orthodox Christians: Some eastern orthodox Christians have adopted the Putin cult simply because they identify more with the Eastern variants and institutions of Christianity than Western ones. Also, conservative Christians in general were wooed by Putin’s law against “gay propaganda” to minors. These eastern orthodox Christians are akin to Muslims and Muslim converts who support various foreign Muslim governments or groups above their own countries of residence, or Western Jews who put Israel first. These Christians harbour a religious allegiance to Russia, and by extension its government, because it’s seen as the hub of the Orthodox faith. A prominent example of this is Brother Nathael Kapner, the anti-Judaic former Jew who has spread delirious pro-Putin propaganda for years. Kapner even claimed an association with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), which, like the parent church, is probably a front for the KGB. Jay Dyer is also one of these orthodox converts who carries a religious motive behind his obscene cucking for Russia and anti-Western antipathy.

Some Zionist Jews: Some rabid Zionists favour a closer alliance with Putin and Russia because Russia doesn’t care about human rights and won’t bother Israel as much about settlement building and war crimes committed in Gaza. Various articles in mainstream publications have been written outlining the common interests between Israel and Russia, and how the US is not a reliable ally for Israel any longer. A Zionist, Josh Cohen, opined in Reuters that “With the emergence of Putin, though, Israel found the closest thing to a friend it’s ever had in Moscow,” outlining Russian-Israeli common interests as such:

Israel and Russia share a common fear of terrorism, and in 2014 Putin was one of the few world leaders to support Israel’s Operation Protective Edge against Hamas, saying “I support Israel’s battle that is intended to keep its citizens protected.” In 2005, Putin became the first Russian president to ever visit Israel, visiting the Western Wall – Judaism’s holiest site – as well as Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, where Putin observed a moment of silence. The Russian president even reportedly purchased an apartment in Tel Aviv for his then-84-year-old Jewish German teacher. Putin returned to Israel in 2012 as the guest of honor at a state dinner and to inaugurate a monument to the Red Army soldiers who defeated Hitler in World War Two.

Another op-ed in The Week argued why “Russia should take over Israel’s defences from America,” with reasoning similar to that of Cohen. Putin’s close links with Chabad Lubavitch and crackdown on anti-Jewish speech and Holocaust revisionism within Russia also has some Jews swooning.

All of these compromised activists fall in line with the stated Duginist agenda to infiltrate and subvert anti-establishment political currents in the West, drawing them into Putin’s orbit of useful idiots. In his “Principles & Strategy for the Coming War,” Dugin openly writes of the need for Russia, as part of its multi-pronged war effort against Europe and America, to recruit a Putinist/Eurasianist fifth-column inside the West so that when the “great war” begins, Russia can activate its sleeper cell networks as internal saboteurs. Dugin wrote,

Therefore, the first task to gain victory would be real fully-fledged company to create the entirely negative, monstrous, satanic image of the United States and the West in general. Therefore, the West is a place where the devil resides. It is the center of the global capitalist tentacles. It is the matrix of ​​rotting cultural perversion and a vice grip of falsehood and cynicism, violence and hypocrisy.

Ask yourself, is this not exactly what the majority of these alt-pundits promote, both left and right, that the West is satanic and evil and that in order to redeem ourselves our civilization must first die and then be reborn (under Russian control/direction)? With the above list of Kremlinist operators in the alt-media and politics, we can observe clearly that the Dugin agenda is alive and well amongst these “dissidents.” Dugin and his Kremlin backers have largely succeeded in coopting virtually all alternative media and politics in the West, save for a few principled holdouts who caught on to the charade and oppose it.

25 thoughts on “Putin’s Minions in Alternative Media & Politics

  1. And unlike “Brandon Martinez” and martinezperspective.net, these individuals and organizations have some degree of funding, influence and recognition. So instead of trying to fight the trillion-dollar empire of ZOG and the Western globalist establishment with a barely-read website and no presence on YouTube to speak of, perhaps “Martinez” should be pragmatic instead of playing quixotic politics by thinking that Estonian nationalists mean anything on the Grand Chessboard. Unless he plans on getting funding from the Estonian nationalists (which seems doubtful).

    1. And has Putin’s petrol dollars been forthcoming, Mr. Shekelgrubber? You’re like those old communists willing to sell out their own nations for foreign Soviet revolutionary cash, and then opened their nation’s vaults for plunder by Stalin and his deputies and subordinated their nations entirely to Soviet interests. You just want to be a lousy satellite of Putin’s empire. He won’t share any glory with you in the end, and will probably just liquidate you for some petty reason, like Stalin did with his puppets.

    2. Somalia was without government for many years

      We saw how well that worked

      Your piece of shit known as communism does not work. That’s why commies spend day in day out talking about how corrupt the west is simply because their own fucking system does not work lol

    3. “Pragmatism” (shekels) is something that Richard Spencer has. If you mean shekels delivered to him by his russian submarine Nina Kouprianova then allrighty!

      Well the problem is that the chosen people and their lackeys have done this since time immemorial and their last stunt of financing both sides was WWII and we saw where this led. To the complete, utter destruction of Germany, perhaps forever and half of Europe under communism. When the shekels arrive, the person/organization that gives them says they are AID. But then the person/organization starts asking for shit, and we end up like Richie, who gets his asshole bulldozed by Russian submarines every time he goes to sleep. In the end he will tattoo Dugin/Putin on his ass so when his wife/russian submarine tries to penetrate him will get more stimulated and have more fun.

      So I have a suggestion. When financeers come out of the woodwork and say that they agreeeeee with aaaaaaaaalll the stuff we say blah blah.. Fuck them.

    4. Oh noes, as if people don’t start from beginning 🙄, your jew type only here to shit and spread Marxists points , probably 100% for CP getting approved , isn’t it Mr Shekelsteinberg

    1. That “Q-Anon” operation/troll has fucked Boomers’ brains so hard they’re clinging to any nonsense to keep the personality-cult going. It’s ridiculous, Bill Mitchell-tier crap. “Q said misinformation is sometimes necessary”, “Deep State chemical stockpiles”. Only a comepletely imbecilized, disoriented group of people puts religious faith in random conjecture from anonymous virtual messiahs like this. Not to mention “deep state” is originally a leftist expression. Somebody is laughing hard.

  2. There’s the guy the name Baked Alaska, not an extremely influential guy probably, although I recall his name was featured on some alt-right event poster together with Richard Spencers. The Wikipedia page about him claims: “Gionet’s family operates a non-profit organization, Russian Encouragement,[citation needed] which aims to spread the gospel and provide medical supplies to orphanages in eastern Russia.”

  3. There is this site souloftheeast.org
    “The Soul of the East is Mark Hackard’s online project to ensure that valuable aspects of Russian political and religious thought are made available to English speakers.” …
    “Mark Hackard is an independent foreign policy analyst. He earned a BA in Russian Language from Georgetown University and an MA in Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies from Stanford University.”

    There was an image search of Mark Hackard and Richard Spencer on the same photo, which looks like is from as far back as 2009.

    Here’s a link for it on the archive.org:

    If you visit the actual page now, Hackard’s name is gone and looks like he has been cropped out from that photo:

    What this means I don’t know.

    1. I personally lean towards Falangism and certain aspects of Francoism. I generally favour a nationalist-populist government that protects and privileges the majority ethnic group. I’m not into total totalitarianism and am more libertarian on free speech, but on issues like immigration I would be more authoritarian.

  4. Another group is people with slavic ancestry or crypto-slavs. I don’t necessarily hold it against them, but today, orthodoxy is basically an ethnic slav religion (greeks are mostly irrelevant) and these people still have dreams of creating 4th? 5th Rome or whatever they call it, ruled by a Russian tsar.

  5. I agree with all points of this article. Everything is correct. Russian government has anything in common with any nationalism or traditionalism and only uses all possible means to destabilize political situation in the West. Putin’s Russia is the new incarnation of the Soviet Union. Look at how it glorifies its “Victory against fascists”. We have nothing in common in ideological sense. But In the same time the law of practical politics compels sometimes to make deals with the most disgusting partners. I would never suggest to parrot Kremlin’s propaganda and to deceive western audience for Kremlin’s money; it is too lowly and contemptible. But in the same time we should be realists and understand that many revolutions were made with external support. American Revolution would never had won if not for heavy French support. My position is that nationalists should not believe a single Kremlin’s word, but if situation allows they should take advantage from the ongoing contradictions between West and Kremlin. But everything should be done from the point of view of advancing our cause.

      1. In regard to Syria and Iran I would prefer to be neutral. Their Asian tribal wars have little to do with our concerns. Ukraine is absolutely different. Here is obvious attack by neo-bolsheviks against nationally oriented Ukraine. Therefore, all genuine nationalist forces in the world should support Ukraine. But I don’t mind how many Arabs would kill each other. It is their eternal play.

  6. Great article, Brandon.

    Ken O’Keefe would fit in the ‘anti-imperialist left’ group and Trevor Labonte and other struggling-IQ, die-hard Islamophiles like Michael Langston, Lasse Anckarman, and many others fit in that group more or less as well. I don’t know what shit-for-brained, trash-talking Muslims like Samira Benomar or Nahida Izzat think about Putin, but even if they were/are anti-Putin, they could still fit in quite well with some of these other groups, lol.

  7. Lol Brandon, I listened to Zionist Reports video of your critique of Ryan Dawson and pulled up chess dot com to listen and play at the same time. After your vid, the next video that came up automatically while I was playing was Know More Knew’s “Banned 9/11 Truth YouTuber Ryan Dawson” vid, and I was listening to Ryan Dawson describe how he has debated “alt-righters” on the topic of the Bell Curve and has changed their minds. He must be talking to some people who really don’t know shit about it because the heritability of IQ is blatantly fukin obvious. It sounds like some of these people who say they debate MGTOWs and they “change MGTOWs’ minds”, lolz. I mean what MGTOWs are we talking about? Only the weak who never really were MGTOW to begin with. Ryan would be beaten with ease by anybody who knows anything at all about race differences in IQ; he has to be talking to only the dumbest, or the “not sures” to be able to “change their minds”.

    It annoys me because not only will he lose badly, but Gilad Atzmon says some of the same things about white identitarians and that in debate, he “changes their minds”, lol. Gilad can’t debate pro-identitarians because he has no idea what he’s talking about and is so far behind on the research. I wonder if he ever will research enough of it that is required. If he was like some of us, he’d know how many hours we’ve actually spent researching this shit. We’ve put in the fukin time and groundwork and it’s pretty insulting to have people act like, ummm, no you didn’t, when you know they sure as shit haven’t done it themselves.

    IQ heritability denialists are just slow as shit in this day and age. I mean I took the red-pill on that like four years ago, and Ryan and Gilad would seriously do us all a favor by actually RESEARCHING the topics, lol.

  8. The funny thing about Abby Martin is that she actually criticized the Ukrainian annexation, but then still proceeds to suck Putin’s cock afterwards even though they threatened to send her to Crimea, repeating the standard J-leftist narrative of “Ukrainian nazis”. She does the same thing with Israel, where she gets treated like shit by the Jews but still refuses to name the Jew. And these SJWs are supposed to be on “our side”? Oh please, even their watered down criticism of Israel is not something we’ve been talking about for like, the past 6 years.

  9. This is a good well researched exposé. Was listening to Martin’s podcast “Media Roots” where they appeared surprised at Putin’s pro Israel stances, but then went on to say how this proved that RT is totally not a Russian government mouthpiece because it allows criticism of Israel. Yeah, totally, because allowing watered down criticism of Israel that is essentially reiterating what we have been exposing for the past 10 years really proves the point, doesn’t it?

    And also, didn’t they threaten to send her to Crimea for criticizing Russia? And she still sucks off daddy Putin’s dick, like the feminist who just “can’t get over” her abusive ex boyfriend. Speaking of which…:

  10. The mainstream media has done their part to construct in the minds of most people the idea that Russian influence is a half-baked leftist conspiracy theory. That then tends to deflect ANY investigation into Russian influence, especially something more substantial and nefarious than simply election-meddling.

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