Tommy Robinson: Liberal Huckster & Jewish Agent

Tommy Robinson has no credibility among red-pilled alt-righters. Anyone who’s been following politics for a while knows that Robinson was propped up as kosher opposition in Britain with his Zionist-funded, pro-Jew English Defense League.

This big, fat, Jew-loving hoaxer is now trying to make himself into a ‘free speech’ martyr. But he was not jailed for hate speech as so many anti-Jewish nationalists have been – he was jailed for violating his parole and a reporting restriction on an ongoing court case concerning Muslim rapists.

His fans among the alt-light are misrepresenting the reasons for his imprisonment, acting as if the establishment is going after him for criticizing Islam. The British regime certainly is cracking down on people who criticize Islam, but Robinson seems to have deliberately violated his parole and the no reporting restriction on the court case so as to be sent to prison, where he can then pander for more shekels as a suppressed dissident. Like the video says, it was a publicity stunt to elevate himself above more principled dissidents who attack the source of Britain’s woes: Jewish power.

Robinson is on numerous videos proclaiming himself to be a “Zionist.” He went on a trip to Israel touring sites with the IDF. He most recently worked as a correspondent for Rebel Media, run by subversive Zionist Jew Ezra Levant. Wherever Robinson goes, Jews are right behind him.

Robinson is not a right-wing nationalist – he’s a classical liberal pro-Zionist cuck who dislikes Islam for entirely liberal reasons. His main complaints about Islam are that it doesn’t treat women and gays as equals with straight males. This cuck is totally fine with non-white immigration, so long as they come from non-Muslim countries and assimilate to liberal norms.

In this interview below with the Jew Dave Rubin, Robinson explains how he was briefly part of the British National Party, but as soon as he found out  that the party restricted non-whites from joining and was critical of Jewish power, he left and set up the EDL. The EDL had Sikh, lesbian and gay, and Jewish divisions, he explained. He said that his EDL group was designed to keep “backward, inbred, far-right Nazis” out of the movement.

He even said that he ended up leaving the EDL because it became too nationalistic and right-wing for his liberal tastes.

So there you have it from the horse’s mouth: he’s a pro-immigration, pro-gay, pro-Jewish race-blind cuck who hates Islamists and Nazis equally. This huckster has made a living preaching exclusively against Islam. Islam is certainly our enemy, and must be expelled from Europe, but it’s not the only problem, nor is it the biggest problem which remains organized Jewry and its agents.

17 thoughts on “Tommy Robinson: Liberal Huckster & Jewish Agent

  1. Tommy Robinson is a Jew-loving multiracialist cuck, just like Right Sector and the AZOG Batallion. All “nationalist” groups in Europe, except Strasserites and Nazbols, are owned by the Jew. This has been true since 1945 when the Cold War and Gladio started. During the Cold War the main enemy of Jews was the Soviet Union, and the main enemy of European “nationalists” was also the Soviet Union. Coincidence? As a result most “nationalist” groups supported the Zionist entity against “pro-Moscow Arab terrorists”. Italian “fascists” were the strongest supporters of US military presence in Italy until 1991, even though they were there to fight Fascism in the first place.

    Today, “nationalists” worry about the “threat” of “Islam”. This also happens to be the main “threat” according to the Zionist Jew. “Right wing extremists” and the imperialists and Zionists who are committing White genocide always end up on the same side, for some reason.

    1. Riiight, only Strasserites and Nazbols are legit, and everyone else are controlled. Pffft, keep telling yourself that after you pray to your Lenin shrine. You’re a multiracialist cuck yourself, and advocate that we go fight and die for Arabs in the Middle East. You’re explicitly a “third worldist” worshipper of the dark races and their “struggles” against the white man.

      Islam is our enemy, but so are Jews. Anyone saying that only one of them is an enemy and not the other is shilling.

      1. Exact. Saudi vermin and Jews work together against the West, while Sufi Shias pretend not to, as they fuel Duginism-style movements..

        1. Its far deeper than you know.
          Ive spent 7 years learning from the World’s leading authority in Linguistics.
          Every single piece religious scripture has been studied through the field of Linguistics.
          I shall summarize the many books by saying
          For it is Lyda that sings Freya’s praise.

      2. Hierarchy of the enemy: Pope > Vatican > Jesuits > Catholics (Popists) > (Court-)Jews (all Politicians, Media, etc.) > Moslems.

        EVERYBODY, who claims to tell the truth, but completely leaves out and ignores the Vatican, Jesuits and Jews on purpose, is a FILTHY LIAR.

        Jews and Moslems are the tools of the Vatican to destroy TRUE Christianity (which is Lutheranism!). Moslems and Jews are only symptoms of this papal cancer. You have to get rid of the Antichrist (which is Rome / the Vatican) first, to get rid of its minions!

        1. Lol dummy, the Pope doesn’t run the world. Lucifer and his minions run the world. This Luciferian cult that runs the world is Kabbalistic (meaning Jewish). The Vatican was infiltrated long ago by these Kabbalistic Jews, with many crypto-Jews operating in and around it. These Popes are also Kabbalistic Luciferians and have been for many decades at least. The Pope and Vatican are in on this, as well as some Jesuits, but saying the Pope himself runs the world with his Vatican/Jesuits is a big joke. And yes, you can criticize Catholicism and Jesuits no problem, but there are hate speech laws and other things in place that make it hard to criticize Jews. I remember arguing with some Eric Jon Phelps, Vatican Assassins types many times, and when I ask them to show me what religious texts make Jesuits so intrinsically “evil”, they put up shit that isn’t even close to fucking “evil”, lol.

          BTW, and addressing your other comment below, just because very much of the leadership in the alt-right is compromised and controlled opposition doesn’t fukin mean that Jews aren’t anti-white, anti-male, anti-heterosexual/cisgender, anti-Christianity, etc; and pro-non-white, pro-female, pro-homosexual/tranny, pro-Satanism/witchcraft, etc; because they sure are.

  2. Be sure to tweet this article to Brittany Pettibone, brotha. I take it she won’t be reading it though, lol.

    Isn’t it amazing though how such alt-lighters and jokesters like Tommy can amass such large followings of unquestioning and lack of critical thinking/fact checking drones? I feel like I’m at the gotdamned poker tables where people just have their heads up their asses and don’t know what the hell is going on, lol.

  3. Robinson is an opportunistic bitch – I see him as a random camwhore. Producing outrage for shekels – the Alt-Lite does it 24/7. I don’t care if muslim animals kill him in prison or whatever – he was never respectable to begin with. Using the term “inbred” says everything about his character.

  4. Hey Brandon, on a different but related subject, speaking of Jews, do you know what happened to Jonathan Azaziah? As far as I know, he has completely disappeared. Last I saw, he got in trouble for spreading “anti-semitism” in Montreal, and some ADL like organization in Canada was after him. Anyway, I see nothing current from him on the internet. Do you know what’s up with him? By the way, I know you’re not a fan of the Azaziah/Trevor Labonte crowd, but I was just wondering if you knew the latest with this guy.

    P.S. I found Azaziah to be an interesting character. He is an extremely anti-Jew muslim, but yet I believe his mother is Jewish, which according to Jewish would law would make him Jewish. Kind of a funny situation. LOL

    1. I think these anti-white, ‘holier than thou’ Muslims like Azaziah and Khanverse might be starting to realize that some of their paradigms are completely flawed and that they can’t win in debates/arguments with pro-whites or even ex-Muslims. Not to say that I think Azaziah was massively cocky or anything, and/but I get more of a sense of cockiness off of Khanverse. Trevor and Mark Glenn of course are couple other pro-Islamic anti-whites who will also get slaughtered in any debate on the topic and so they close their eyes, avoid it, and just keep going on like nothing is wrong while the pro-white movement continues to explode.

      When a person can’t win in a debate, it should be and INSTANT red-flag for them if they truly have morals that their paradigms are incorrect and that they need to learn more, or much more (especially in all the aforementioned’s cases), about the issues at hand.

      1. I’m no fan of Mark Glenn, Khanverse and LaBonte. I realized that crowd went off the deep end when Khanverse and Labonte accused Gilad Atzmon of all people of being a “subversive Jew” mainly because he refused to comment on 9/11. Gilad is a stone-cold truth-teller, and is a teller of very unpleasant truths.

        I must say that I find Azaziah to be a fascinating guy, mainly because of his background. He may be as nutty as the other three guys I mentioned, but I do miss his presence on the internet, as I found his work to be thought provoking. I know the guy who runs this site, Brandon, is not a big fan of him, and I understand that.

    2. I don’t know anything about his current situation but I do know that this broad is allegedly his girlfriend (, and she basically pushes the same Iran/Assad/Russia worship/cucking as Azaziah, so he may be working covertly through her.

      He’s a useless Semitic shill for Shiite expansionism in the Middle East,is quite anti-white, and is sucking off the West (he lives here) while he advocates our demise as he acts as a Tokyo Rose style mouthpiece for Shiite Islam, especially Iran. Guy is completely whacked out, and his “analysis” is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo that revolves around various semitic squabbles that he wants to suck white people into. He doesn’t like Jews simply because they’re infringing on his Shiite caliphate but he’s happy to side with them against White Europeans when it suits his Arab racial interests. Notice he never speaks out against white genocide and actually says we deserve it unless we start supporting his favourite Arab/Islamic dictators and militants in the mid-east. Not to mention he’s a rabid Putin cuck owed to Russia’s pandering to Shiite Muslims in the mid-east.

      Fuck him and his whole Islamo-communist crew! He needs to be deported to Iran!

  5. Thank you for this article mate

    I have been attacked by many EDL members who say they can tracking my IP

    they say they want to destroy all “nazis” and our days are counted

    They are also pro putin

  6. Funny that the (((Alt-Right))) is exposing a Jew-Shill, while the (((Alt-Right))) is a Jewish movement itself. This is, what people mean by “Jewish degeneracy”. There you have it: “Jews have an average IQ of 115”, yeah, right… LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

  7. I won’t muck around….

    I am perfectly aligned with you ideologically
    I am totally engaged by your recent jail experienced
    I am ready to be the Tommy of Australia, danger, and risk fully accepted

    Call me. I want to know if this is something I should devote my life to.

    I am well connected, media-savvy, and loud.


    Julian Tol
    15a Collaroy Street
    Collaroy NSW 2097 Australia
    0424 700 267

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