Alt-Light Queens Lauren Southern & Brittany Pettibone Promote Dugin & Russia

It looks like alt-light controlled opposition queens Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone want your shekels to feed their viewers Russian and Duginist propaganda.

Look at these girls being silly with vodka and commie attire:

Southern and Pettibone recently made a trip to Russia where they interviewed satanist Alexander Dugin, an anti-Western nihilist who wants to bring about the end of the world through chaos. No doubt Dugin will unravel his usual yarn about liberalism, the West, Atlanticism, etc., without actually revealing his true agenda of bringing the West to ruins so a resurgent Russian-Eurasian empire can take its place as the global superpower.

Southern and Pettibone have evidently sniffed out a new income source: Russophiles. They’re looking to tap into the Russophilic discourse that has penetrated the alternative media, alt-light and alt-right, a phenomenon owed largely to the subversive Dugin and Russia Today.

Here’s Southern posing in front of Stalin:

Southern wouldn’t be caught dead posing in front of a portrait of Hitler, yet apparently she thinks it’s fashy to pimp herself out in front of Stalin. This shows her ultimately Jewish sensibilities, where Communism and its tyrannical practitioners are seen as harmless and inoffensive, but Nazism the epitome of evil. On free speech Southern cries when alt-light frauds like Tommy Robinson are suppressed, but shows no support for the dozens of people currently languishing in prison for offending the chosenites. She hasn’t made a single video about anti-Zionist political prisoners nor has she called for their release, like she does with the Jewish operative Robinson. She hasn’t drawn any attention to the hundreds of political prisoners in Russia either, because kissing up to Putie Putin is more lucrative than championing his internal critics.

For the alt-light, Dugin is a safe character to embrace because he says essentially nothing controversial about Jewish supremacism, Israel and their power. In fact, Dugin has said that neither he nor the Eurasianist movement opposes Israel and he has praised both Judaism and the Kabbalah. Dugin has some strong allies in Israel like Avigdor Eskin and Avigdor Lieberman who want to move Israel closer into Russia’s orbit because the Kremlin cares even less about human rights than the US and won’t bother Israel about settlements and killings of Palestinians.

In the interview below, Dugin says that, “With Israel, Russian state and Putin personally have nothing against Israel or Jews. Normally in our society we have no hostility towards Jews or Israel. More than that, we have many Russian Jews living there [in Israel]. So there is a kind of sympathy for Israel and Jews in Russia in general. So being anti-West, anti-NATO, we are not against Israel by the principle.”

So there you have it: Dugin is simply anti-Western, not anti-Israel or anti-Jewish. So Dugin wants to demolish the White Gentile West, making no mention of the corrupting forces led by Jews within it; just as he makes no mention of the corrupting Jewish elements behind Putin and the criminal Russian state. Dugin is, therefore, a tool of Globalist/Zionist Jewry’s plan to annihilate Western civilization while partnering with Israel in the Eurasian alliance.

Effectively all Dugin does is blame “the West” generically for all the world’s problems, both historically and contemporarily, in lockstep with the SJWs and liberals he claims to despise as a “traditionalist”. There’s really not much difference between his manic anti-Western narrative and that of the postmodernists that he claims to oppose.

Southern and Pettibone are little more than attention whores who cling onto quasi-controversies and pseudo-controversial figures, like Tommy Robinson and Dugin, in order to garner attention for themselves, which translates into lots of beta bucks. It’s doubtful they understand even basic political or philosophical concepts. All they essentially do is act silly in front of a camera and ask interviewees some basic questions without adding anything substantial to those interactions. Neither are serious thinkers about anything and have the most cringy analysis on numerous topics. Why anyone donates to them or listens to anything they have to say is a mystery to me.

57 thoughts on “Alt-Light Queens Lauren Southern & Brittany Pettibone Promote Dugin & Russia

  1. Alt-Light goes full Duginist, pretty much officially. Good; things become clearer. No more deceit, obfuscation, pretending.

  2. They are just girls trying to have a career and earn some betabucks via donations. One week they are in Germany celebrating german culture, another week posing in front of Stalin and interviewing “a philosopher” who is unable to speak coherently.

    1. That’s how clueless these bitches are. What is it they won’t do for money? THANKS (((EZRA LEVANT)))

  3. Noise, chaff and mis-direction from those two.
    They must appeal to some people, probably to the crowd who think they are COOL!
    Similar to Faith Goldy . . . but in STEREO.


    Let’s deconstruct this dude.

    0:40 “The destiny of mankind is somehow…….. put under question with artificial intelligence, post humanism, and the last, latest developements of liberal ideology that became a kind of global paradigm… ahhm eehm… the very nature of human being… is aaahhh…. hhh…aah……. put under question…………. So millenials could be the last human generation, representing the kind of…. that… aahh…. last man… and last woman… .because the singularity…. we are approaching to singularity, as post humanists called it.”

    —-Hmmm… What… in… the hell… are.. you… aheeem…… hmm.. err… smoking????? Where to begin man…. I mean…Let’s get to the definitions to find a beginning to this morrocan hash inspired monologue of unconnectedness. What does “destiny of mankind” mean. Is he implying that the esssence of being a human being is put under question? Under who’s question???

    What’s with this singularity? Singularity is a mathematical concept (which is interestingly involved in the bigest mathematical bullshit i.e. relativity, ‘black holes’). What the hell does he mean by using this mathematical concept. It’s like me saying “ohh! we are approaching infinity”. What the hell does that even mean when taken to being a human being???? What the hell is he smoking?

    He drops that “as post humanists called it” thing. Who cares if there was a group of theoreticians who created a concept of “singularity”. And by using this “as post humanists called it” phrase is as if he is implying that they were correct. So he IS a post humanist?

    Wanna get alt-light pussy old man? Do it without morrocan hash. Numbs the spirit and makes you psychotic (unconnected, surrealistic). Cut down on the lsd and on the grass man.

    1. He’s a babbling buffoon. He speaks in riddles and spews out nonsense to make himself sound more intelligent than he is. He’s actually quite boring. I nearly fell asleep listening to that.

      1. He should stick to Putinesque bombast in Russian. When speaking other languages, the guy is insufferable.

        1. Is THAT the guy who is the “mastermind” “behind” “Putin”? Lol… Pay me morons. Even when I am in the sun, 45celsius, dehydrated etc, I can speak more persuasively than that surrealist.

          Come on guys. Is THIS the “new” “cold war”. Ten years after 1991 we got 911 (2001) and the new “enemy” is the TUWWRORRISHTS. Now, presumably the elites have found that people don’t even give a FUCK about the turrowrism (which half of it is manufactured -or provoked- like 911), they figured out that they need to restart a cold war with Russia. But haven’t you heard it? Ideologically: There is no Russia anymore. So they might as well GO ON and invent properties and ideologies for our GRRRRrrreat enemy. Some kind of moralistic christian state that meddles in elections.

          Why not create (or promote, or edit, or all the former together) a foolosopher that willl…… oh my god brrrrrrrrrrr I am spooked…… REJECT LIBERALISM altogether….. Not like our Jordan Petersons in the West. Ohhh… gosh…… What a medievalist, what a ruthless anti-liberal.

          Well truthfuly, he is just a flamboyant bullshiter. A boring old man who could have been propped up by the elites to steer Western right wing dissidence towards surrealism. And of course to recreate another “cold war” (full with ‘nukes’ and all that crap) because if you are an elite you are already kind of fearing that the public doesn’t give a shit about the (at this point already old) WWWWAR ON TURROR. The meta-cold-war phase of 911 and wars on turror has come to a laughingly predictable end.

          The elites have lost the plot. They are out of creativity and imagination for their fakery. They simply don’t know what to do.

            1. “All good points, but never under-estimate the opposition.”

              Ok but who is the opposition? Dugin/Russia? Or someone who’s staging this? A someone/organization that could be Russian, Westerner, perhaps both….. Or…. nothing of the two? har har har…

              1. I read websites like Brandon’s and Rae West’s to try to connect the dots.
                We know there is a jewish conspiracy and has been for centuries.
                Many people won’t acknowledge the jewish conspiracy as fact.
                Well they duck and dive to suit their agendas as do the muslims.

                1. Sorry, more clearly the jews duck and dive to suit their agendas, and scheme and connive with the groups that will assist them, sometimes their foot-soldiers are not aware of their role, other groups most definitely are aware.

                  1. Sure.
                    He is a british chap who researches and has opinions on various important topics.
                    He concentrates on ‘clarifying’ or debunking the official versions of history, science (not just to be anti) he also does not shy away from the JQ, in fact I think that is always in the back of his mind. He talks with other people and you can download the mp3 files.

                    He has a youtube channel Rerevisionist
                    and 2 main websites
                    Big-Lies dot org
                    NukeLies which is linked to from Big-Lies
                    Enjoy . . .

    2. He says we need to beware of race hierarchy.
      He warns of a dystopian future with robots and artificial intelligence.
      I am now worried that the robots might oppress each other.
      White robots, black robots, red robots, green robots.
      Robots have feelings too you know.

    3. Back in the video ( )

      Notice at 3:00. How he answers that bitch’s question about “conservatism” in the US. He very eagerly concedes that Trump is “hijacked” already by the “deep state”, “liberal elites”, “globalists”.

      He is looking at north american bitches and goes in “I am speaking to the north american alternative conservatives/nationalists” mode. Now pay attention to something fishy. He immediatly concedes that this Alex Jonish kind of supposed reality where Trump is a good moral christian who is “hijacked” by the “deep state”, “liberal elites”, “globalists”.

      Quite amazingly, he is using verbatim Alex Jones lines… Or Alex Jones is using verbatim Dugin lines. Or both are using each other’s lines (doubtful). Or both are using pre-made-up lines created by some interest group. Who might be russian, american, both, neither of the 2 (chosens?). Presumably all of those together.

      I hope everybody understands my point. It is a matter of prespecitve. As whites we should have our ears open for the possibility of intelligence operations against our people. Unfortunately whites are most of the times involved in operations against whites. a-la moron Spencer.

      1. What I find so hilarious about that vid, Fox, is Brittany Pettibone has said long before that she thought all American politics were corrupt. Then Trump came along and restored her faith in them, lol; but no different than so many other people. Thing is though is that she has been so die-hard pro-Trump and has been completely convinced of his “great morals” (like all pysychic, mind-reading, die-hard Trumpians) and she’s sitting right in front of Dugin who’s basically telling her that, “The bold decision of majority of Americans to support Trump is a bigger problem than Trump himself, because now he’s ‘hijacked'”, lmao.

        I’ve had so many problems with clowns even mentioning that US politics are still controlled and this includes Trump. Die-hard Trumpians lose insta-insta respect for you for doing so. Being a proponent of Dugin at that moment in that interview had to have been frying her circuits. I presume the same thing for Lauren. And this has to be frying Red Ice’s circuits too, because now Duginists are gonna have to start drawing their proverbial lines in the sand and start supporting and favoring Dugin/Putin or Trump if they’ve really got morals (which many don’t much have).

        Well Brittany was right to begin with. US presidential politics are all corrupted and these days you don’t make it without already being *in* on it. Sure as shit ain’t like Trump is some “Christian” or that he’s been “hijacked”; what a fucking joke that is. Trump has been involved in money-laundering, straight-up lying, pedophilia, (accused rape, just like Bill Clinton) and so many other crimes and has so many other shady connections with other members of the establishment that a person has to really have their goddamned heads in the sand to think he is and/or ever was a “moral” person.

        And Dugin calling others “liberal elites” and “globalists” is another fine piece of great comedy, lol. And Southern acting as though Dugin is some “great debater” is hilarious too. Mofo can’t fucking debate; fuck outta here, lol.

        1. They’re definitely feeding off each other. Notice also that Dugin scaled down his anti-Americanism (which he publicly declared “dead” after Trump was elected), increasing instead his subversive activities in Europa after the election. Its all so blatantly apparent, but except for those of us on this site and a few others, most seem to be taken in by all these opportunists.

          1. Indeed, Sean. Hey great to see you back too, BTW. 🙂

            Yeah, and Trump attracted a bunch of people who saw themselves in Trump, unfortunately. Like Trump is a very brash, shoot-from-the-hip, throw caution to the wind, arrogant, say as I think and feel right now and fact-check later, all the while claiming he “only deals with the ‘facts'”, kinda guy, lol. Great for entertainment (if one likes that kind of thing) but horrendous for politics, integrity, and trustworthiness. So he attracts a bunch of people who don’t really care if what they say is really correct or not, they just love to blow smoke and shoot the shit. Of course not everybody, but a large portion of die-hard Trumpians are like this. The dude can lie with ease at a sociopathic level, and he’s a real-life gotdamned reality TV actor which means he can do all kinds of drama and acts, no problem. He has flip-flopped and lied so many damned times that it’s mind-boggling anybody serious could or would ever take him seriously. The only thing he’ll ever be consistent on is being pro-Jew and a cucked-out puppet of who I see could be nobody else in the end but Lucifer.

        2. “Great debater” here having his ass handled to him by some weirdo brazilian Neocon esoterist (of all people) > . He’s weak speaking foreign languages, and debating non-Russians. Maybe his shtick is intimidating/persuading his broken, weak-willed (after 70+ years of pure Talmudic tyranny) compatriots.

  5. Unbelieveable. Finally we see what some of these ”alt-” types are all about. Paid by Kremlin and zionist shekels they derail genuine right wing dissent and turn it towards russophilia.

    1. Brandon has been warning about this for at least the last year.
      Good to see that more people are taking notice of his warnings.

      1. S&P have spotted the trend and are capitalizing on it.
        The trend is being set by channels like RT.
        Kremlin propaganda, anti western propaganda, that seeks to hasten crises and chaos.
        S&P as with many in the alt-lite are jew and israel and russia friendly.
        So if they are not going to do anything to alert people to the scheming and conniving of those groups, then they are complicit and are helping the enemy.
        To find out more on this, keep looking at this website.

  6. Liddleman and his bathouse brand of Russia-hating nationalism, which is thankfully marginalized, much like his site, has deployed someone as disreputable like “Brandon Martinez” who is laughingstock even among conspiratards, to attack Dugin and Russia. That’s because nobody with a reputation would do it, and yours has been damaged a long time ago,

    1. has deployed someone as disreputable like “Brandon Martinez” who is laughingstock even among conspiratards

      So your lousy claim is that “conspiratards” of various sorts don’t like me, therefore I’m a “laughingstock”. That makes no sense. The “conspiratards” who don’t like me are the laughingstock, as are Russia cucks such as yourself whose entire pro-Russian narrative is built on lies, exaggerations and fabricated information.

      “Disreputable” according to whom, Russia cucks and their agents? That’s not exactly an authoritative source. Russia cucks and their agents are notorious pathological liars, trolls and subversives. If anyone is in disrepute, it’s satanist Dugin and his ilk of traitorous Western Russophiles.

    2. Brandon on Dugin :

      He speaks in riddles and spews out nonsense to make himself sound more intelligent than he is.

      I agree with your comment, though I can see how his slow and mysterious delivery captivates and draws in certain types, types who are looking for straws to clutch onto.
      And in that respect he is dangerous, because people want to listen to him and they want to get something from what they are listening to.
      They will interpret the riddles and nonsense and make something out of nothing.
      Also his track record and agenda have both been highlighted in articles, here in the past.

    1. How does it feel to be a Sabbath Goy for Russian Jewish mobsters and the KGB?

      You’re just a low-IQ moron without serious arguments, hence the ad homs. I’m not that familiar with Mensch but I’m assuming she overdoes the Russia conspiracies. Only a simpleton would conclude that because some people go overboard on an issue and exaggerate it that there’s no merit at all to the issue. There are some paranoid people who overdo the jewish conspiracy too, so what? David Duke often exaggerates Jewish influence and accuses powerful non-Jews of being Jews, but that doesn’t mean Jews aren’t powerful. Ditto with Russia.

      You’re just too stupid to work that out.

      1. There are some paranoid people who overdo the jewish conspiracy too, so what? David Duke often exaggerates Jewish influence and accuses powerful non-Jews of being Jews, but that doesn’t mean Jews aren’t powerful. Ditto with Russia.

        Some people do overdo it, but some do the exact opposite and cover it up or simply don’t want to talk about it. They are ignoring the ‘elephant in the room’.
        The main thing we should acknowledge is it does exist, though of course it is not the “be all and end all” of current world problems.
        Immigration into europe has been set up and funded by networks of powerful people who want to see monolithic white european societies destroyed.
        As Barbara Lerner Spectre said, paraphrasing, jews will be resented for their role in this.
        Repeatedly bringing into focus the jewish conspiracy will either a) raise awareness of it and/or b) cause difficulties at some stage for the “whistle blower”. nuff said.

        1. Some people are happy to take calculated risks, however there is always the chance of coming “severely unstuck”. They are happy to do so because they relish the problem solving that that will invoke. They have faith and confidence in their abilities, and crave that excitement and stimulation, over and above humdrum everyday existence.
          They might even believe divine intervention will help them if all else fails.
          So help me god.

    2. Louise Mensch has too many connections in the british and new york establishments to be a trustworthy source.
      Brandon is independent, he is an excellent researcher and writer and I believe he is trustworthy.
      The two do not compare . . . in my view.
      I could be wrong but I very much doubt it.

  7. Anyone who wears commie attire has to be viewed as suspect and untrustworthy in my opinion.
    Anyone who wears New York clobber (clobber – british slang, clothes) has probably not thought things through properly.
    Sorry it is just me, and whenever I see a british license plate with the EU emblem I quietly say the word “traitor”.

  8. Utterly pathetic of Lauren to speak of Dugin as if he’s some kind of “guru”. It’s one thing to be naive on political issues because there’s so much shit to know, so much propaganda, and we all start out that way, but this is just plain stupidity. And standing in front of Stalin like that is very odd, just like it is to wear those Russian hats with the commie insignia. Now Brittany says she’s against communism, but what’s up with the fukin hat? Does she even know?

    Naivety is one thing, but preaching on subjects one does NOT know is dumb as it comes. Politics are way over these broads’ heads and they have absolutely no authority to be speaking on anything outside of telling women that Westernized women are very sub-par. If you’ve donated to any of these bimbos, I’d be demanding my gotdamned money back, lol.

    I don’t know what’s up with this pro-Stalin BS, but Evalion also became pro-Stalin. It probably at least has to do with being pro-Putin/Kremlin and backing up the Russian annexation of Crimea. Quick excerpt out of this article:

    “”No leader of a major power has behaved as overtly aggressively since Stalin in the postwar period, and sadly Putin would be very pleased with the comparison,” he wrote. “He has said the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and he claims the right to act on behalf of Russian minorities in other states.”

    Every prominent female figure in the “alt-right” is a joke on so many issues. They absolutely cannot keep themselves from sticking to the few things they do know well and having to cover other topics they don’t know shit about like they’re ‘gurus’, all the while asking and getting money for it all. “Thanks” for leading so many alt-light plebes astray, because folks who are on to this shit and have been so for years have to help try to clean up your big goddamned messes.

    Back in the gotdamned kitchen, bimbos. Actually most of them can’t even cook, though, just like Westernized women can’t, so back to doing whatever the F you were doing before you got involved in politics, lol.

    1. I have a theory that haven’t heared anybody else come up with. Only bits and piece here and there.

      I ‘feel’ (although cannot physically prove it) that a lot of alt light/alt-right people hate the West because they equate it with the ‘modern West’. Richie Spencer is the first suspect in my mind, but also plants like these alt-light women might become counteroffensively anti-western because of getting too much fire for being NOT-liberal by actual western liberal morons (we got a lot of those in our race unfortunately).

      Morons or plants like the people I mentioned think that this concept of ‘modern West’ i mentioned is something that ‘needs to die’. All good up to now ok? Well now it all jumps to comedy, get ready to laugh.

      What do these people answer to this ‘modern West’ question when (almost never) confronted with straight questions about their bullshit concepts……. Well in the 60’s blah blah, frankfurt school, blah blah, cultwwrawl mawxism etc. There is this generic conservativism behind all thaaaat. There are GeneriCons behind that. There are Jared Taylors behind that fraudy mentality. They create this ‘modern West’ little concept in their schizoid minds. And they think everything BEFORE this GENERIC CONCEPT of modernity in the west was JUST FINE man, the good ol’ times.

      The Richard Spencer generation simply takes this genericon mentality to it’s extreme. They FEEL nihilistic. Like “we’re the Jared Taylors of today, hmm, how can we be like them, and even better? OH I got it!! Let’s add cool-nihilism to our businesses and seem more medieval and balsy and eeedgy. So when I am called again to the next AMREN conference I can woooo… shock the AMRENer almost dying old dixie maniacs over there with my brand of new age nationalism.. Wooo…. How dark do I seem with my new kinky haircut….. I am the new hitler, har har har har…… (aspreger)”.

      I hypothesize that this generation (spencer’s) of western nationalists are hollywood-nihilists who add some Dugin as a metempsychosis of the Nietzche in their crazy little minds. They are the schizophrenic bastard children of 20th century paleocon dying Leage of the South boring, teeth losing, stinking genericons and the forward-looking of 21st century nationalism of sites like this. They are the lost generation. They got that right. Lost in bullshit.

      1. Truth is that the west is fucked for hundrends (if not more) of years. Slowly, by parasites. There is no modern west. There is just the west. These are schizophrenic terms of GeneriCons and ‘paleocons’.

  9. Sometimes trying to make too many points and trying to cover too much information leads to confusion.
    Confusion especially for those newbies who are confronted with it all at once when they land on a site like this.
    They read the comments sections and that might just add to the information overload.
    I would not blame them for “not being able to see the wood for the trees”.
    It might be a good idea to step back and create a simple indexed type of article with bullet points listed, that is convincing as a stand alone piece.
    For those who are not that motivated to keep pace with the pages and pages of excellent articles and comments.
    Just a thought.
    Maybe a header article or foonote article that sums up all the key points and does the job in a snap, for those with attention spans of under 1 minute.
    Only a thought I had to get more people on-board, that is all.

  10. If a person’s attention span is only a minute then they’re just gonna be losers anyway. It’s very child-like and they can’t do some of the simplest things in life and it’s not your fault they can’t. I mean can you imagine the clown trying to be something like a sniper in a sniper-fight? They’ll get a bullet in that ass before they can say ‘Hmmm, I wonder what’s for lunch?’ Can you imagine them trying to give surgery? Can you imagine them being able to process any kind of complex thoughts or ideas at all?

    I’ve dealt with many people on FB with short attention spans like that chump named John Miranda. They’re fucking nobodies and hence why they resort to making so many twitter-esque-length memes that seem ‘cute’ but do nothing to actually prove WTF they’re saying. Any controversial claim a person makes sure is helped by the sources of information they use and the logic they use or lack thereof. If they can’t provide them then they can’t be taken seriously. Only others of similarly short attention spans will take them seriously, lol.

    They have practically no business in politics or other fields where deep-thinking is required, and actually do more harm than good here. They’ll always be ruled over by others in life.

  11. Ok that’s true Dana. Agreed.
    Then we also have people with ‘short fuzes’ who think themselves so important that they don’t want to waste their time reading “shaggy dog stories” (in a jokes context, where the joke teller holds the attention of the reader / listener for a long time and the punchline is an anti-climax and the reader feels they have been tricked out of their precious time).
    To them I say, just read the article and the main points should be apparent.
    Sometimes the comments go off on tangents and reading long comment threads can swamp the original article.
    That is possibly a good thing because you get to a point where you have to re-read the original article, because you have forgotten what is was about, due to the direction the comments have taken, into some unrelated topic.
    A few here are more prone to topic hopping, I would include myself in that.
    All good though, so carry on commenting.

    1. Unfortunately the more red-pilled a person is, the more prone they will be to topic-hopping because the more likely they’re going to be saying controversial things that so many people don’t believe; and when questioned, confronted, or attacked over them, the controversial person has to successfully be able to back up/argue his claims or else he’s full of shit. Not to be misconstrued with people who intentionally obfuscate to avoid having to answer moment-of-truth questions and things though.

      Not that memes don’t have their place in terms of humor or for accurately making a good point in a short amount of words every so often, but the meme world is generally such a joke. I mean you can find so many memes that are so stupid and so untrue with thousands and thousands, or even millions of likes. Yeah, they made their point in a few words but it was completely bogus and still had shitloads of other absolute dummies liking it. I’ve intentionally put up short statements from time to time but they were always statements I could back up with voluminous amounts of information and what it does to people with short attention spans who disagree with it is only go right over their heads anyway. So, short attention spans are so very often just excuses for laziness, lack of discipline, stupidity, and/or because what you’re saying is hurting people’s feewings so they don’t wanna wead it.

      In logic and critical thinking, the most important concept is it’s not nearly as important what you believe, but far, far, far more important *why* you believe what you believe. If you don’t have some great, factually correct reasons why you believe what you believe, you’re totally bullshitting yourself and need to instantly STFU and figure that issue out. And so when people who don’t know WTF they’re talking about put up a meme that is controversial but said in only a few words and doesn’t have any/many sources, automatic alarm bells of ignorance and stupidity should go off for thinking people. The clowns who can’t debate or articulate really don’t mind like the complete fools that they are.

      1. In logic and critical thinking, the most important concept is it’s not nearly as important what you believe, but far, far, far more important *why* you believe what you believe.

        Very true Dana.
        I think some people and know that some people, prefer to believe the mainstream news media without questioning why the believe it.
        When you put them on the spot and ask them why they believe it – they then morph into only partially believing it. A week later they are back again to firmly believing the mainstream media stories.
        A quick dip into wikipedia – “common knowledge” “conventional wisdom” and “rule of thumb” gives a little bit of insight into the “sheeple’s herd mentality”.
        Like you say Dana

        If you don’t have some great, factually correct reasons why you believe what you believe, you’re totally bullshitting yourself

    2. @ Dorset. I don’t know if you were refering to an off-topicness that arises some times and I admit I am an on-off-topic dude because I used to write in -old school- ‘forums’ where off-topicness was some times interesting. That’s why each comment I make is either an opinion, feeling, or planned release of information (theories, evidence). I admit that sometimes I am not being articulate enough (just like Rae West ( ), you know). But it is a bitch to get all of your stuff together, be descriptive, be realistic, and make “in a nutshell” comments. Despite their use, “in a nutshell” comments sometimes appear rigid. And the audience ends up thinking how the fuck did you make that seemingly overstretched big jump.


      All I was trying to say is that I think young alt-light/alt-righters (young = under 40, basically i put Lauren Southern’s generation in my thinking)) might feel DIVIDED BETWEEN Forward Thinking Nationalism (like this site HERE ( ), or like Rae West’s ‘brand’ of white identity etc etc etc) AND ON THE OTHER HAND some boring dying paleoconish Jared Taylor types. Interestingly these paleoconish generic cultural conservatives almost never go head on the JQ and never see the bigger picture (they fixate on cultural things like Cultural Marxism, which did its damage, like a billion parasitic things, several more important than it, for aeons). Just bitching around. However their general ‘cosmotheory’, meaning their maps of reality, are schizoid and bad to the white identity movement (the BASICS of their thinking are not straight, they are schizoid, they think in all-or-nothing, good-or-bad terms and I won’t go very deep but I can show that they are just whiny bitches).

      1) Some of the alt-right (or in extention alt-light) DO hate the west, that’s why they coincide (and like) Alexander Dugin. In a nutshell that’s all I am saying. Plus that they are not thinking straight.

      I was reading/viewing white nationalist stuff from late 00’s, up to now. I think some can’t hold their feeling of hating the RATIONALITY of the west as ‘weak’ and as an extension the WEST as WEAK itself. That’s why they are crypto-Dugin-ites. I don’t want to name them. Because I realize that some times I end up being too aggressive on the way I comment and innocent bystanders might get shot 😉

      I was just trying to give some rational grounds on why they hate the west and ally with seemingly aliens like Dugin. Dugin has common stuff with them. They have common stuff with Dugin. Richard Spencer was very Duginish from the beginning. Before 2014.

      1. They hate the West yet criticize SJWs and Cultural Marxists for hating on the West. I noticed that they are ostensibly “pro-West” when rebutting arguments by SJWs, but morph into anti-West when commenting about Western-Russian relations. Shows their first loyalty is to the Russian State.

      2. @ Dorset. I don’t know if you were refering to an off-topicness that arises some times and I admit I am an on-off-topic dude . . .

        It was a general comment Fox and not specifically directed at you.
        You introduce a lot of interesting stuff, in your own particular style, as do all the regular commenters here.
        I wish there were more commenters here, then the comments might take on more of a debating, argumentative structure.
        The lack of opponents obviously means they are scared they will lose.

        1. And the lack of non-opponents obviously means those types are happy with the existing comments.
          Then there are those who claim to laugh at or ignore what is written as irrelevant.
          My answer to that is :
          Mark Twain

          “In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

      3. Fox

        I was just trying to give some rational grounds on why they hate the west and ally with seemingly aliens like Dugin.

        Yes that is very useful to know why.

        1. We want to save the west because we love it.
          We don’t want it to go any further down the socially engineered ‘lgxyz’ road to a dystopian hell.
          We want to preserve the good bits and throw out the bad bits.
          Centralised government and big global plans for compulsory this, or that, or whatever, should be scrutinised and rejected, if they are harmful to our health, or harmful to our wealth.
          Free speech we must fight to keep.

          1. Leftie types often say it is great nowadays, in that we can afford to buy from a vast selection of cheap goods.
            Well a lot of it is plastic crap that breaks within a few minutes.
            Many people have turned away from convenience and cheapness and instead seek out quality and durability.
            Probably engineering types (and rich people) prefer quality to foreign manufactured rubbish.
            There are examples where house fires have occured due to unattended cellphone battery charger leads (cheap and imported and bought from bargain stores). Better to be safe than sorry and buy quality that is certified as safe.

            1. And when your internet of things / internet of everything food mixer says “please look straight at me I can’t see your eyes” you know it is time to throw that out and start buying second hand old stuff that does not have a camera/microphone and is probably going to last another 50 years.

  12. . . .yet apparently she thinks it’s fashy to pimp herself out in front of Stalin . . .

    Yes, the right wing bimbos are drawn to anything “fashy”.
    And, the left wing bimbos are drawn to anything “bolshy”.
    Why not stick with fishy . . . and only in the kitchen.
    Not too much rice, thanks.

    1. They admire and like to act fashy/bolshy as it somehow adds to their empowerment and self esteem.

    2. This synthesis of “fashy” and “bolshy” is definitely classic Stalinist and Nazbol, the old Russia-worship of people like Ernst Niekisch and Francis Parker Yockey revived for the modern age and made up with technology (or excessive amounts of real make-up, in the case of these Tradthots).

      What we see now with these alt-liters’ rants against SJWs and Cultural Marxists (itself correct but from a wrong narrative and gatekeeping away from the central Judaic element), while themselves adopting Soviet imagery and symbols, is merely the old internal Communist rivalry of Stalinists vs. Trotskyites. The Stalinists were more socially “traditional” than the Trotskyites, so its easy for gullible Western social conservatives to align with that branch of Communism.

      1. Btw, they were more socially “traditional” not necessarily due to principles or because they were somehow less Jewish (the classic Yockey line), but it was because they had to appeal to the traditional-minded Russian peasants. They wanted to Communize society from the roots, whereas the Trotskyites being more cosmopolitan merely wanted to impose it from above. This is the real meaning of “socialism in one country”, which doesn’t mean they were any less subversive in other countries (quite the contrary).

        The Stalinist changes were far more lasting, with the likes of Dugin championing the “bolshevization” of the Russian Orthodox Church under Stalin, with the separatist factory workers in east Ukraine using both Orthodox and Stalinist imagery without seeing any deeper contradiction, and the “traditional” moves of Putin on some levels (while still promoting the mass immigration his amen-corner in the West opposes here while turning a blind eye to it in Russia) while reviving Stalinist symbols and memories and holding massive Red Army parades.

  13. Pretty pathetic but also predictable, since that’s the source of the shekels these days. This is actually a good thing though, seeing those still dumb enough to be taken in by Dugin coughing up their cash to these opportunist Tradthots. Serves them right….while the rest of us can get down to the business of representing true principles and consistency.

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