Dugin in 1997: Unleash “Afro-American Racists” on White America

In Dugin’s 1997 book “Foundations of Geopolitics,” a maniacal screed advocating Russian world domination, the occultist openly calls for unleashing black racists against White America as a subversion strategy.

“Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism,” wrote Dugin. Provoking “Afro-American racists” was key to the strategy, Dugin opined, as that would serve to “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity.” He further encouraged “all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.”

In this light, the insurgent radical left sweeping America, with Black Lives Matter at the fore, fits neatly within Dugin’s plan to rile up the blacks against White America. Russia has openly been supporting US-based secessionists, as well as separatists in Europe. Leaders of Texan and Californian secession have direct links to Russia. The American libertarian movement, who function as extreme isolationists opposed to any US involvement abroad, are regular pundits on Russia Today and have strong Kremlin ties. They serve Dugin’s plan to isolate America from world affairs, giving Russia a free hand to act and carve out its Eurasian Empire. Crucially, Dugin stresses the need for Russia to align itself with parts of the Muslim world, especially Shiite Iran, and to wield them as an anti-American bulwark of suicidal religious radicals. Stoking up anti-American and anti-Western sentiment across the Middle East and Asia, to isolate the West from these resource rich areas, was key to Dugin’s master plan. He also called for the complete annexation of Ukraine, writing:

Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics. Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible.

Those sentiments were echoed by none other than Richard Spencer, who is married to a Russian follower of Dugin.

Dugin’s book reads like a Russian Protocols of Zion, outlining sinister schemes to isolate, undermine and destabilize the US, UK and Europe, strategies which Russia has clearly activated today, thus anointing Russia as the “Third Rome” global superpower. Dugin wrote a more recent paper reiterating some of his 1997 ideas, titled “Principles and Strategy of Coming War,” which outlines Dugin’s strategies for his “spiritual war” against the US and Europe. Notably, influencing and mobilizing dissident elements in America is key to Dugin’s updated strategy. His numerous appearances on the Alex Jones show and his general outreach to Americans during the 2016 election show that he is not simply writing insane texts as intellectual masturbation – he’s actively pursuing these strategies in the public realm.

All of these dirty tactics that Dugin advocates were previously employed by the Russian Communist Party in their war against Western civilization. The communists themselves advocated mobilizing radicalized American blacks against White America, for destabilization purposes. Dugin is simply revamping old communist subversion tactics to infiltrate, divide and conquer the enemies of Bolshevik Russia.

Dugin advances an essentially occultic agenda of chaos magic to instigate the end of the world. A profile on Dugin noted that he,

believes that it is the ultimate theological destiny of Russia to lead modern day Hyperborean societies — including not only Russia, but all of Eurasia, from Korea to India to Portugal — away from a corrupt earthly existence and back to the pure, divine spiritual knowledge of the original Hyperboreans, resulting in the end of our world and the transformation of humanity to a divine existence. (Yes, you read that right — he wants Russia to bring about the end of the world, in pursuit of the spiritual transformation of all of society).

In his research of Russian occultism, journalist Marc Bennetts stumbled on Dugin’s occultist obsession with the apocalypse, writing:

Nevertheless, it appears Dugin’s occult studies continue to have an influence on his apocalyptic thinking: just two years ago, this hardline Russian nationalist thinker lectured in Moscow on the necessity of curtailing the “illusion” that is the planet Earth by bringing about the “end of the world”.

Yet, shockingly, so many lemmings in the alt-right follow and genuflect to this death-worshipping satanist.

87 thoughts on “Dugin in 1997: Unleash “Afro-American Racists” on White America

      1. Joe Sigur is a poorly disciplined, loud-mouthed, low-IQ, arrogant, goof-troop, attention-whore who’s like an overgrown child, who calls himself “alt-right” and “Jew-wise”.

        That’s like going in to a mechanic for transmission problems, and not only *doesn’t* the transmission get fixed, but he fucks up your carburetor, drive line, and spark plugs while he’s at it, and then has the audacity to call it a “good job”. It’s kind of like him claiming he’s in the 1500 club for power lifting (in squat, bench and deadlift) when the clown is only in the 400 club. It’s all a real insult to your intelligence, to say the least.

        He doesn’t like to debate (because he can’t) but loves to run his mouth and claim he’s all about “exchanging ideas”.

        Not only does he have no interest in addressing the FQ or the BQ, and is not even close to solid on the JQ, but he’s also an Islamophile (which is also no surprise as he’s a Hitlerite) who has to spend his time running his mouth over here instead of spending it on much more important things, like for instance, being among white-hating Muslims, telling them about why Jews are promoting mass-Muslim immigration into the West.

        You’d think long ago he would have gotten his teeth and those bags under his eyes fixed, but prefers to think his look is “cute” or some shit. Yeah, around fools who have no interest in hygiene or even any modicum of physical fitness standards. He arguably does easily as much bad (if not much more) as he does good in this arena, but can’t keep himself from commenting in places like this, regardless.

      2. Hahaha, hey Fox, check this fool Joe Sigur out in this short vid; hilarious shit here, lol.

        He inserts melodramatic-esque music, like the shit he’s saying is actually “profound” lolz. It’s so damned fake and lame. Mofo has an IQ that has to be somewhere around 95 or lower, but you “should listen” to the shit he says, lol. He HATES research, fact-checking, and critical thinking, but loves attention.

        Again he keeps implying that he’s “alt-right” and “Jew-wise”. He’s actually trying to INFILTRATE the alt-right with his libtardism and acting like he’s a fucking “guru” when he doesn’t know shit. Not only is he very left in his thinking (including what he says about the top 1% in another of his recent vids) on virtually all issues across the board, but the dumb bastard isn’t even “Jew-wise” to begin with. So let’s all “focus on nothing but the Jew” but not even know much about Jews and have all kinds of misconceptions about their agendas while we’re at it, lol.

        He goes on to say, “Get rid of all the baggage we don’t need. We don’t need black-hate baggage. We don’t need, ‘Islam is an evil religion baggage. We need to focus on the true enemy, and there’s only one.”

        The fucking clown isn’t “alt-right” and there’s no “we” to begin with. And he parrots these same tired one-liners that have no substance or validity over and over but refuses to back them up because he can’t. He’s going around saying the equivalent of shit like pigs can fly and then doesn’t explain or back up his claims. No mention that, yes, Islam is an evil religion and that yes, alt-righters need to be very aware of rampant black racism against whites and black skulduggery in general. He doesn’t know shit about any of this and is too dumb and lazy to even research it. He sure can use that fake music to try to convince people he “knows” WTF is going on though, lol. If I could comment on YT, I’d attack his ass because the few followers he does have seem to be pretty naive and/or stupid. He’s got flat-Earther followers as well and he doesn’t seem to know how to debunk the theory either. The dude gets a high like-ratio on his vids because they’re from dummies and his messages are not complex at all, not to mention false in so many ways. He’s getting likes from low-IQ people dumb enough to even take the dude and his messages seriously, lol. I recall the dude from a couple years back and don’t recall him ever referring to himself as “alt-right” back then. I think he started calling himself that after seeing Brandon take the name and just copied him.

        1. Lmfao! “Genius Joe” strikes again. This dumb SOB is back to making his “expert analysis and insight” and has used his “genius IQ” to deduce “in all likelihood” that Christopher Bjerknes is Brandon’s “handler”, lolz. This fool can’t even get his story straight. Before saying that, he said, “Jews bring in Heavyweight Chris Bjerknes, to bolster Brandon Martinez’s lack of credibility”… so at first he states this shit as a “fact”, and then later says, “in all likelihood”. Lmfao… in all likelihood according to fucking who, loose-screws Joe?!
          He goes on to say, “Joined by Kyle and Sinead Hunt and Brenden O’Connell, they make up the mainstay of the “Putin Hate Cult””. Putin hate-cult… lmfao! Stupid ass old man.

          Joe Sigur, I know you’ll get around to reading this. First of all, you ask WHY certain Russians (and Russian Jews working at Marxist Jews’ behest) would lead secessionist movements in the US. I can give you a SIMPLE answer right off the top of my head. BECAUSE there are going to be secessionist movements anyway because multiculturalism DOESN’T work. GIVEN this is the case, they will LEAD and/or INFLUENCE these movements to make sure they do certain bidding of theirs, like cover-up who’s leading/influencing these groups and what that can and can’t talk about and do. Moron, this DOESN’T mean that fucking Jews are trying to “stop” multiculturalism, integration, mass immigration, miscegenation, demonization and disenfranchisement of whites while doing the opposite for all “minorities”, etc. It means they’re PROMOTING it, moron. BTW, notice how groups like BLM, the Black Panthers, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus are LIONIZED but it’s the OPPOSITE for pro-white groups.

          You are a slow son of a bitch who talks out his ass. And you’ve got some moronic followers on your channel because like attracts like. Would you like me to hold your old, decrepit hand and show you my list of anti-white Jews (NOT anti-black, but simultaneously pro-black) while we’re at it? I know YOUR low-IQ, lazy ass is never gonna dig the shit up for yourself, so people like me have to hold your hands and do it for you and it’s fucking DISGRACEFUL. And there is no fucking “WE”… you’re not “pro-white” OR “pro-male” for that matter, or pro-heterosexual (that I’ve seen), or “pro-Christian”, you fucktard. You are a moronic, out-of-shape clown who loves to shoot his mouth off and we’re UNEQUALLY YOKED. That’s almost like Lana Lokteff acting like all whites are “the same” or like we’re all “just as capable” and/or like any white should just “be your friend”. Ummm, no. There’s never gonna be any “WE”. We just need to make sure we’re segregated when this shit goes down… I don’t want you anywhere fucking where near me, lol. You need to EXPATRIATE to an Islamic country already, fool. Tired of seeing your old ass talk shit.

      3. I love how you pic and choose what is subversion
        ” He further encouraged “all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.”

        In this light, the insurgent radical left sweeping America, with Black Lives Matter at the fore, fits neatly within Dugin’s plan to rile up the blacks against White America. ”
        What you fail to notice publicly though I am sure you do privately is that White Nationalism is part of the mix Dugan advocates to weaken America. Brandon, you entered the scene right as the JWO was herding truthers into the white racialist sect so they could all today simply becalled NAZI terrorists. HOw do you include black lives matter but not the extremist goofs over at Daily Stormer who promote the same shit but just a different group?
        By the way, Bjerknes won’t save your ass. You are exposed, son!

    1. Ohhhh, Joey, I’m talking to YOU old man. Do you accept comments on your site or do you censor them like you accuse Brandon of censoring your comments here. Let’s have an uncensored debate on either your site or this site… you up for it? Tell your low-IQ followers to join in, too.

      Let’s have a debate on anti-white and anti-male Jews. Me versus you and all other libtard anti-white and anti-male maggots. Let’s DO this.

      Oh and another quick question about what you said in your article on Brandon and Bjerknes: “By the way, They are a good fit for another reason. Both have Jew blood but pretend to fight the JWO.”

      How in the fucking world do you know Brandon has “Jew blood”? I think you’re a seriously delusional douche bag, but I’m all ears on how your struggling-IQ ass “figured” that shit out.

      1. You know if I were Brandon, I’d be wanting to do some serious bodily harm to you, because d-bags like you just don’t quit and talking nicely to you never works; you have to be dealt with and/or gotten rid of by force.

  1. I like your exposing Dugin. His tossed salad of words sounds like KGB. Marxists destroyed the high IQ Russians in their 80-year purge of the bourgeoisie and rational pro’s. Peasant leadership is not for western man.

    1. Not exactly!
      Guess where the russian bolksheviks got those ideas of deporting people to Siberia, secret police, prohibiting private property, in short, the despotic ideology??
      From tsarist Russia!

  2. This “Esoteric Nazi” shit has been going on for almost a century. “Hyperboreans”, “Black Sun”, “Aryan Spirit” etc. In the end, National-Leftists don’t differ much from pure Leftists (Communists): both groups push utopian crap to cover for their Death Cult attitude and beliefs. Not to mention that both groups also seem to get “weak on the knee” before Islam – they pamper it, while blaming Jews for everything. Some even fantasize about Islamic Europe, and it seems that Hitler himself, the “Aryan Messiah”, had a crush on the desert assassins’ megalomaniacal cult. https://www.dw.com/en/how-nazis-courted-the-islamic-world-during-wwii/a-41358387
    Think about it: German command manuals were teaching soldiers to “behave with respect” towards muslims, while the order for Eastern Europe was to exterminate the “untermenschen” (subhumans).

        1. I was one until I found the work of Brandon and Christopher Jon Bjerknes, anyway as far as I know they considered slavs as part of the Aryan race. The problem was Bolschevism not slavs.

          1. There was a genetic element – Poles and Ukrainians weren’t much better than Jews to them. They could have recruited them against Stalin but didn’t. No problem with SS-divisions made of Arabs though. It’s a Death Cult.

              1. Still a retard. It was a multicultural empire like what Dugin wants. Go back to worshiping Hitlah, imbecile.

            1. @#654: “There was a genetic element – Poles and Ukrainians weren’t much better than Jews to them. They could have recruited them against Stalin but didn’t. No problem with SS-divisions made of Arabs though. It’s a Death Cult.”

              I completely agree! There is a lot of bullshit put out there about the “Nazis” and the SS, but there was also real anti-Slavism that can’t be ignored. Indeed, it should be recognized as one of the if not the primary reason(s) for the defeat of Germany.

              My great-grandfather was part of the Wehrmacht in Army Group South during Barbarossa (the Divisions that went through Ukraine and Kuban across to the Caucasus). And the Wehrmacht went out of their way to win over the Slavic peoples like the Ukrainians, being greeted as liberators from Bolshevism and reaching out to them. That’s also why some people like Stepan Bandera initially fought alongside the Germans (although the Kremlin’s propaganda neglects to mention how he later turned against them as just another occupier).

              Yet on the heels of the Wehrmacht – the regular German Army, which was bounded by honor and strict ethical and military codes – came the civilian “Nazi” administrators and the ideological Einsatzgruppen, who quickly undid all the goodwill the Wehrmacht received. This is because they were quite open in their dreams about reducing the Slavic peoples to serfdom and resettling their lands with German colonists (which is pretty stupid now that Germans are quickly becoming displaced even in what little remains of the historic Deutschland).

              I’ve long been interested in the various non-German divisions of the Waffen-SS (which should be distinguished from the SS itself) and the recurring theme I’ve found is the frequent opposition some of them received from Hitler himself or even Himmler. It was mostly the personal initiative of certain lower-ranked German officers working alongside these other peoples, yet they couldn’t cut through the bureaucratic idiocy of the civilian leaders’ delusional wet-dreams about German colonization.

              Rather, if not for the suicidal stupidity of “heroes” such as Hitler and Himmler, in other words if a truly German nationalist leadership would’ve been at the helm, it would’ve further restored full independence to the anti-Bolshevik, anti-Judaic, local nationalist movements and together all could’ve dealt the death blow to Bolshevism. Bandera and Vlassov were perfect allies, yet they were betrayed and Germany (as well as the common Wehrmacht soldiers and civilians alike) suffered the consequences we’re all continuously reaping now.

              PS – Although the Jew-written narrative has exaggerated the whole “blonde-haired/blue-eyed” myth about the Third Reich, there still was an aesthetic quality to this. And it was absolutely ridiculous how certain Nordicists could overlook how many Germans (especially those of us from Suddeutschland) were dark-haired, dark-eyed or even shorter or medium height, compared to how many “Nordic” looking people there were among the “subhuman” Slavs. Yet, some Nordicists still exist and now misdirect their energies against Southern Europeans instead of Slavs – same suicidal stupidity.

              1. I agree, but I think it’s more than just suicidal stupidity. It’s intentional – as you mentioned, to these elements, even among the “Master Race” there are many who just aren’t “Master” enough. In the end, looking at it all more cynically, it’s just one extremely long and cruel (therefore suited to the psychopatic world elite) eugenics program.

              2. Yeah that’s the problem when you start getting autistic about biological differences and worship eugenics. Where you going to draw the line? Why not just kill everyone that isn’t 6’4, blonde, blue eyed. How about baldies? curly hair? etc

                You also have to realize that these people are literally threatening your genocide. Maybe not consciously, or they don’t really consider the implication, but the moment you label a group sub-human, you’ve signed their death warrant.

                Look, if you have to wipe out a tribal enemy, that’s understandable… but don’t do it because a computer says they’re average IQ is 2 points lower. That’s just nuts,

    1. @ #654

      The “Esoteric Nazi” shit is the same type of bullshit every cultish figure produces. These are moronic trends that people fall into and are usually produced by some type of megalomaniacal leader who is some kind of theorizer, not unlike Dugin (or Stefan Molyneux lol).

      We accuse the chosen people that they are overhighlighting whatever is popularly described as the Holocaust, and some people righfully accuse them that they have been kicked out of 9345823942 countries but they are losing focus of the subject (their relations with us) by screaming “HOLCOAUST”. That’s ok, that’s good criticism so far.

      But on the other hand he have that Hitler fag. That movie star. And we cannot understand that there were, are, and will be (let’s hope) many more leaders/thinkers way more relevant to our situation than that Hitler imbecile. I have read Mein Bullschit and Hitler was a narcissistic fag who had messianic complexes and magical thinking. He was a mad-man that was probably paid by the chosen people (or duped or both) to destroy Germany and in the meantime ‘THEY’ were gathering new people for the newborn nation of God’s chosen people on earth.. So they wanted a euro-chosen evacuation. They needed people so they can go an exterminate the not-chosen people that were living/are living there.

      Hitler shouldn’t have let the British evacuate themselves at dunkirk if he wanted to win. Hitler should proceed to take Gibraltar after the Fall of France. Why didn’t they think of this crucial thing??? Why didn’t Hitler give the order to attack Moscow in mid 1941? Why didn’t ‘the enemies’ try to assassinate Hitler and at the same time the only people that did try to assassinate him were Nazis lol??

      Ahem… Hitler the ‘orator’………… Well, Hitler also spoke in public like a fucking faggot playing on Sex and the City. Ridiculous poseur. Makes Molyneux look like a manly barbarian… Get real with Hitler men……

      1. Perfect. He was a pompous homo, like many in esoteric circles are. He let magical bullshit interfere in many serious decisions (he thought extending an olive branch to LONDON of all places would earn him some sympathy lol). He was bound, bought and paid for by invisible elites – he would have died a lunatic in some asylum otherwise. That homo served so many purposes for his masters at the same time it’s ridiculous – some of which you just mentioned. He never had any special affection for the German people and considered most of them “grown children” – psychopaths only care about power.
        With Dugin/Putin, right now, they’re repeating the formula – the swastika moved East. Russia morphed from pure Leftism to National-Leftism, it’s sister ideology (which in the end is the same thing). “Foundations of Geopolitics” is their new Manifesto. At the same time, the West had its culture so degraded that it yearns for a “strong, traditional” source of inspiration – so it looks to the East with it’s fake chauvinism. Exactly what was said during the Reece Commission by some top foundation guy: “we shall merge East and West and create a world system”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_to_Investigate_Tax-Exempt_Foundations_and_Comparable_Organizations
        It annoys me to see that it might be working.

      2. Hitler was an egotistic megalomaniac. Unlike the Hitlerite cultists, I have actual links to relatives who grew up and lived in Germany during the time, so under no such illusions as theirs (just as I similarly know the bullshit of the Hollowco$t story and other Jewish propaganda). And here are just some of my observations:

        He sold out even the NSDAP program to industrialists and bankers. This includes how he sidelined Gottfried Feder (the man who led the effort against interest-slavery) and gave control of the economy to the Freemason international banker Hjalmar Schacht in the crucial years of 1933-1935. The much-cited economic miracle was mostly due to policies already put into place by General Schleicher, whom Papen and Goering intrigued against with the old and senile Hindenburg.

        Yes, there were some policies due to the Volksgemeinschaft (thus not solely due to Hitler’s “divine” intervention) and the bartering policies, but they are vastly taken out of context as was the facts about usury in the Third Reich: Yes, usury by Jewish bankers were squashed out but they were simply replaced by certain Gentile bankers. Common Germans weren’t entirely free from interest-bearing loans, and there was also a stock exchange and other speculative practices within the German economy of the time, so no it wasn’t entirely free from usury.

        Mein Kampf? That was mostly ghost-written by Father Xavier Schwarz, with some thoughts dictated by Hitler, but the more theoretical parts were largely borrowed from people like Karl Haushofer. Hitler was incredibly anti-intellectual and held them in low regard, so he had little original ideas, mostly just picking up various theories he found from List, Liebenfels, Rosenberg, Chamberlain, and Haushofer. Even many of these theories he couldn’t understand, such as how he bastardized “lebensraum”.

        Having read many credible Hitler biographies, its clear to me he was pretty consistent when it came to his personality traits and habits: He was impulsive, given to deep bouts of depression followed by mania at times. He would throw all sorts of fits and tantrums, certainly not the stable figure that should’ve been leading Deutschland. Towards women, he was usually shy and naïve almost like an awkward little boy – read his various meetings and encounters with his female admirers and benefactors, and you’ll see how his deferential treatment towards them was consistent and what we’d call cuckish and even beta nowadays. And someone who was so emotional-driven, impulsive, and a momma’s boy like Hitler couldn’t have been otherwise – but certainly contrary to the true German spirit of what constituted a strong leader.

        His personality cult was the main thing – it was all about personal reverence towards the Fuhrerprinzep (which he borrowed from Mussolini), almost to the obsessive, where his personal interests were put above the broader interests of the German Volk. For example, read how he was surrounded by “yes men”, not taking any criticism of his decisions especially as it related to the war, which accounts for his constant blunders that led to the deaths of millions of Germans.

        Quite simply, a simple corporal who’s only position in combat was as a dispatch runner, had absolutely no business overruling or interfering in the military decisions of all the talented generals, field marshals and tacticians. Another example of his delusions of grandeur and his massive self-importance was his anger at Germans who had “failed” him, blaming all Germans for his own blunders and increasingly within the bunker, talking about how they should follow him in suicide or issuing orders (fortunately ignored) for scorched earth and destroying entire cities and historical sites.

        From the standpoint of a true Germanic ethos, such a personality cult is entirely foreign and more borrowed from Rome – there was a spiritual quality to ancient Germanic tribal chieftains, but that was due to their fulfilling their responsibilities towards the Volk – they weren’t deified and a cult of personality built around them, simply because of being who they were. So Hitler was simply building upon an un-Germanic invention that was previously invested around the Prussian Kaisers and he mixed it with what he observed from Mussolini, into an even more delusional insanity that basically said “to hell” with the German Volk, it was all about this attention-seeking whore Hitler!

        1. @ Sean Jobst

          Amazing information. Thanks a lot.

          1) So, Mein Kampf was a fabrication? I just knew that Irving had said some things about that, veeeery indirectly (proving Hitler was a total fraud (or idiot, or both) would presumably render Irving’s own ‘muh-product’ kind of unnecessary/laughable, so he wasn’t very ‘lively’ when he spoke about Mein Kampf’s authorship issues i guess).

          2) Do you have any insights on why didn’t they (Hitler and co.) at least try to take Gibraltar (after Vichy was established)??? Looks very weird from a historical point of view. I mean… this is war… wtf…

          3) Was there an ORDER to attack Moscow in mid 1941? If not, why not????? Barbarossa was by its nature a bit of a risky, under the belt operation/rush. Or WAS IT??? Did they ever think they ever had a chance if they were stalled over there? Like they actually were? Did they ever NOT think this would lead to 1943-style unwinnable situation?

          4) What the hell happened at Kursk…? A lot of suspicious shit can be said about the Battle of Kursk.. But I want your own opinion since you are clearly more knowledgable about the third reich and the war than maybe all of us in here.

          Not that it matters very much folks…. Hitler is at best irrelevant to our current situation… But reassessing that moustached-fag is certainly something that needs to be done to put to rest this MOVIE: “WW2 and Whites” starring Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and others.

      3. The Hitler worship by die-hard Hitlerians in the “alt-right” and/or among WNs is incredible. In their minds, they think Hitler was some die-hard pro-white ubermensch, and you’re a “cuck” if you don’t notice, lol. The dude gave ‘honorary Aryan’ status to many other peoples and groups of non-whites, including certain Arabs and Jews, and to the Japanese and Chinese whom Hitler said had better civilizations in the past than Europeans. He banned IQ-tests while he was at it as well. “Genius”. It just goes to show how many non-thinking/questioning lemmings you can influence and sway and how many cults of die-hard followers you can form by being a talented public speaker.

        1. He banned IQ-tests while he was at it as well. “Genius”.

          Because he was a fucking Socialist 100%. Socialists dislike IQ tests because they dislike… REALITY. The ‘ideal German’ is a pseudoplatonic fully socialist thought he, or other socialists, had (have). You just need to replace the word ‘ideal’ with ‘average’, or ‘normie’….Truly “Genius” (lol).

    1. “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

      – Israel Cohen, 1912


      1. ^ “If that isn’t enough evidence, in 1935, the Communist Party’s ‘Workers Library Publishers’ issued a pamphlet entitled ‘THE NEGROES IN A SOVIET AMERICA.’ It urged the Negroes to rise up, especially in the South, and form a Soviet State in the South, and apply for admission into the Soviet Union … it contained implicit assurance that the ‘revolt’ would be supported by all American Reds, and on page 38 it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits on Negroes than on Whites and that ‘Any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the Revolutionary law …”

        1. I’m sorry my low/mediocre-IQ. anonymous, online debater, but the quote is of “uncertain authenticity” to Jewish apologists. Anything bad a Jew says or does has to be a “fake”, “hoax”, or “forgery”, right? Too bad the chosenites and all their low-life, douche bag organizations like the ADL were never known for morals, but the exact opposite. It’s just like the clowns trying to claim Israel Cohen “never existed” lol.

          If you had read the article, Makow was explaining why the author of the quote fit Cohen’s description and why it *wasn’t* a hoax. And if you had been studying-up on many of the countless anti-white, pro-black Jews and the incredibly racist and stupid shit the dumb SOBs say (who’ve been digging their own graves for centuries), the quote wouldn’t seem ‘uncertain’. More from Makow out of the Rense article that you either didn’t read, or just don’t care to comprehend:

          “Rep. Thomas Abernathy read this passage into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957 (Vol. 103, p. 8559, top of page.) Wikipedia tells you Abernathy read the quotation in a Letter to the Editor of the “Washington Star,” and the newspaper subsequently determined it was a hoax and apologized. “The quotation has retained some popularity among racists and anti-Semites to this day,” Wikipedia chortles .

          I have subsequently added this line to the Wiki entry: “However, the author fits the description of Israel Cohen (1879-1961) a prolific Zionist author who wrote the Foreword to Israel Zangwill’s ‘The Schnorrer’ as well as 30 other books. Like many purported ‘hoaxes,’ the quotations does describe events as they subsequently unfolded and the operations of the US Communist Party.”

          Myron Fagan, a successful Broadway playwright and director, met Israel Cohen, Israel Zangwill and George Bernard Shaw at a party to celebrate the opening of Zangwill’s play “The Melting Pot” in 1910. He knew the three men to be founders of the Fabian Society. Cohen told Fagan he was planning to write “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” as a “humanitarian” follow up to “The Melting Pot.” At the time, Fagan didn’t realize that the play, which described how Jews and Blacks triumph against White prejudice, was pure propaganda, part of the Communist campaign of fostering “guilt” in white Liberals described above.

          It all fell into place in 1957 when Fagan read the “Washington Star” quotation in the context of the debate over school desegregation. In 1966, he recalled:

          “That book was published in 1913 … the NAACP and the ADL were created [by the bankers] almost simultaneously to carry out those directives. That was more than a half-century ago. Can there be any doubt that that was intended to launch our present Negro upheaval for a Black Revolution?

          “If that isn’t enough evidence, in 1935, the Communist Party’s ‘Workers Library Publishers’ issued a pamphlet entitled ‘THE NEGROES IN A SOVIET AMERICA.’ It urged the Negroes to rise up, especially in the South, and form a Soviet State in the South, and apply for admission into the Soviet Union … it contained implicit assurance that the ‘revolt’ would be supported by all American Reds, and on page 38 it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits on Negroes than on Whites and that ‘Any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the Revolutionary law …

          ” … When Abernathy published that Israel Cohen excerpt in the Congressional Record, we (Cinema Educational Guild, Inc.) promptly issued a ‘News-Bulletin’ in which we published the entire story — and warned of the coming Negro uprisings…

          “Two years went by and nobody even tried to deny the matter, but, suddenly, after two years, during which the ADL and similar groups had ferreted out ALL copies of the book and destroyed them, they announced that the whole thing was a fraud, that there never had been such a book, or an ‘Israel Cohen’ … Why did they wait two years? And how could they deny the existence of a writer named Israel Cohen in the face of all the books he had written? Copies of which I have. More important, bear in mind that Israel Cohen had been a prime mover in all ‘Fabian Socialist’ and Communist movements in England — also that I had met him in person when he actually discussed the book at that banquet.””

        2. BTW, the editor of the semitic controversies blog, Karl Radl, is a clown. Give him a big “thanks” for exposing “so many” anti-white Jews on his website for us (of course I’m only being sarcastic, but I have to let Jewish apologists know or else it goes right over their heads lol).

          “Radl wants to convince his readers that there is no large Jewish conspiracy as many white nationalists assert but rather that while Jews have significant power in Western society, the real problem stems from the character of their race (which he asserts is egoistic and destructive). [2] He has often said that “conspiracy theories” about the Jews, while common and understandable in the past, are by now actually ridiculous and harmful to the anti-Jewish struggle. [3]”

          This doesn’t surprise me either; know why?

          “The editor of Semitic Controversies is Karl Radl, the pseudonym of an “academic researcher and perpetual student”[4] who describes himself as a National Socialist. [5]”

          Because of all the pro-Hitler, pseudo “pro-white”, or downright anti-white national socialists out there. The average national socialist really doesn’t know much at all about Jewish agendas, but they love to falsely label themselves “Jew-wise”, lolz. The average national socialist couldn’t name many anti-white, anti-male, anti-heterosexual, anti-gun, anti-Christian, anti-free speech, anti-free market capitalist Jews (Jews behind welfare), but let’s just call ourselves “Jew-wise” anyway, right? Lolz.


          1. I am by no means a jewish apologists, I am quite counter-semitic. However, when I deal with jewish things I quote real credible sources and I haven’t seen authenticity in the said quote from Israel Cohen.
            The same with a quote roaming around the internet from Menachem Begin saying “we jews are the master race…” or something like that there’s no shortage of jews spilling the beans on their own publications so I stick to that.
            Karl Radl’s view on the jewish conspiracy is based on biology he explains it in this essay, he was on the jewish conspiracy train too. and he states clearly that seeing the jewish problem as a racial problem doesn’t mean jews do not engage in conspiracies.

            1. You say you are by no means a Jewish apologist. You know, Ken O’Keefe says he’s “not” a liberal. And he says his sneaky broad of a girlfriend “isn’t” an occultist, lol. Must be “true” because he said so, right? If you’re quite counter-semitic in your view, how do you know you’re not a Jewish apologist on any given Jewish agenda?

              I’ve been looking at the sidebar on Karl’s site at a lot of different articles. He has some good articles there pertaining to Jewish crimes, but a couple things that stick out to me is I’ve only seen one instance where he mentions anything about anti-white/pro-black Jews, and I’ve seen no mention of anti-male/pro-female Jews, and there are a whole bunch of both. There are so many… how could this be, in his case, if he’s really ‘Jew-wise’? How many anti-white/pro-black Jews can you list here? Not many, if any?

              There are obviously quotes that are falsely attributed to people, like in Henry Kissinger’s case, ‘Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy’, but some of his rationalization that the quote from Cohen isn’t authentic isn’t good. For example, Tony Martin was a professor of Black Studies who taught small classes of 25 people, and Jewish organizations didn’t brush it off but took what he said very seriously and attacked and slandered him for it. Why would they do such a thing if Tony was so inconsequential? Will ask more questions of you after I wake up…

              1. Dana can you give a brief review of your Ken o Keefe/gf occultism etc? And where you found it?

                Interesting. You mentioned it again in an older post and aroused my interest. The guy (o’keefe) is full of shit either way! 😉

                1. Fox, I had never heard of his GF before until Ken, who I hadn’t been paying any attention to up until about that time because I was involved in so many other things, posted one of her songs with it’s cover on FB. Something about it was like a dark energy and occultist to me. I commented on the thread making mention that it was occult-like and she came in being friendly. She proceeded to use the expression ‘as above, so below’, and I knew right away that expression was Kabbalistic and she was knowledgeable of the occult and very likely was into it because it’s not the kind of thing any non-occultists know unless they’re studying it. She replied that she wasn’t aware it was Kabbalistic and I gave her the benefit of the doubt and let it be.

                  Shortly after, the Richie Allen and Ken O’Keefe fiasco/saga started because quite a few people were wondering what Ken was doing with the money they donated. I saw a couple other vids of her’s people had posted and was like, holy shit, this broad is an occultist playing dumb or some shit. If you look at her vids on YouTube (you should be able to type in ‘Sophia Dugong’ to find her channel and other material of her’s) her occultism and dark energy is blatantly apparent, just like her occultist symbolism and even promotion of shit like necromancy (talking to the dead, whom are really demons).

                  Some months later she had tagged Ken and a bunch of other people in one of her vids. By that time I had already looked at quite a bit of her stuff, including her FB page, and knew this broad was into the occult. Even the name ‘Sophia’ is occultist and is highly unlikely to be her real name, but is highly likely to be paying homage to the goddess Sophia. Thing is, nobody she was tagging was aware of any of this stuff; they were just like, hey, great music, or great vid, great art’ etc. They were totally oblivious to it like the vast majority of Ken’s dumb ass, commie-loving, libtard friends, lol. I went over asking her some questions about the occult, not being an ass hole or anything, and since this was her tag, she immediately removed my comments and insta-blocked me. She obviously didn’t want anyone to say anything other than how ‘cool’ what she was doing was, or anything other than how ‘cool’ occultism is.

                  Then dumb ass Ken wound up making this video about how she was “not” an occultist; that she was just “exposing the occult” lol, and that he was gonna do an interview with her where she was gonna explain how she was only “exposing it”, but “not into it”, lol. Ken never wound up making that video because she IS a fucking occultist, lol and has no interest in “exposing it” lol. Being the white knight chump that he is, Ken also wound up blocking me on that same vid/post of his for some angry responses I made to a couple fembots I knew on FB for a long time who were side-dissing me when I had said nothing to or about them, lol. The dude has never said anything pro-male, but instead has said shit like ‘It’s getting better for women’ (implying they’re oppressed), or he’d share shit like Keanu Reeves giving up his seat on a subway for a random female (promoting chivalry).

                  Ken is an anti-white buffoon who happens to be a white knight while he’s at it. You know I can’t have any respect for that shit and really don’t much respect him as a person aside from some of the good things he has done here and there. But he has spread his fair share of anti-white propaganda as well and has also done a lot of harm in his own ways.

              2. Phil, to ‘Karl Radl’s’ credit, and after looking at his site for a little while, he has been around for a long time and has been undergoing a learning curve of his own where some of the things he said years ago aren’t what he would say today. Unfortunately, there isn’t a date on a lot of his articles and you don’t know what time period/s over his long writing history he wrote them. Like he wrote an article about Jared Taylor in 2007, but with an added explanation in 2010, that his views had changed a bit since ’07.

                One of the issues he has is that he just keeps up old material he doesn’t necessarily agree with anymore and doesn’t bother about removing it and probably doesn’t really bother explaining himself much about the issues either.

                He could easily have a more favorable view of Israel Cohen’s quote today, because he wrote that article where he disagreed with Makow back in 2012. In 2012, I knew there were some anti-white Jews and knew they didn’t consider themselves ‘white’, but had little idea of the vast magnitude they were operating at on the anti-white scale. I was really busy and had never set aside time to actively search for anti-white Jews, which I since have. I’d find some here and there in research and sometimes from what other people had posted, but I had never went searching for them until something like 2013 or 14 or so. In 2012, I wouldn’t have given the quote much credence out of ignorance on the topic. Today it fits right in-line with what’s going on. For it to be ‘faked’ would be like saying the Protocols were ‘faked’. You can say the quote may not technically have a 100% verifiable source, but what you can say is that it’s very likely, or even extremely likely to be authentic… the chances of it being ‘fake’ are very slim.

                By some of the things he says, the dude apparently wasn’t aware at the time he wrote that article in 2012 that the very next year that quote is said to have been made by Cohen (1913), both the ADL and NAACP were formed. Jews were the founding force behind the NAACP and they knew exactly WTF they were doing back then when it comes to creating white guilt and other Marxist agendas like the anti-male agenda which they had started with a purpose in America in the 1800s. Making whites seem evil and attacking whites who weren’t down with the pro-black religion and making blacks extra-angry at whites and promoting them in white society are all major parts of what the NAACP was up to. Yes, they already knew this in 1913; it wasn’t like Cohen was “way ahead of his time” in his views or some shit.

                Here is an excerpt of his I was alluding to above from 2010:

                “I reproduce here possibly the first article I ever wrote on the jewish question some three years ago and although my thought has since moved on considerably I thought it would be of value to reproduce this particular essay as it deals with a subject; i.e. Jared Taylor and ‘American Renaissance’, that is still important and timely today. I do regret some of the sources and expressions I used; particularly David Duke’s ‘My Awakening’, but as I believe we are defined as much by our mistakes as well as successes I have decided to leave this essay unchanged and unedited. I hope that my readers will find it of some use and possibly even thought provoking. In due course I will be writing another more detailed essay on philo-Semitic racialists and this reproduction from 2007 will help to give the reader a flavour of my thought then (and to an extent now) on this important issue.”


  3. This is web stored copy of Dugin’s texts from 2001.


    The part of text after “By Дугин on Четверг, Ноябрь 08, 2001 – 22:48”

    Dugin approves anti-white and pro-african comment of a Russian user and adds this:

    “White racism – except for its extremely peripheral and non-indicative branches – is a completely disgusting thing, it’s Atlantist and the root of many great geopolitical catastrophes. The notorious unity of the “white race” is as stupid as the concept of a “united Christian world”. This is the most harmful Atlantist propaganda.
    Africans = Eurasians.”

  4. Look at this shit, just today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SRKAPW0VGc . Some “cool black guy” who just cares about “muh second amendment” right? Look at the badly disguised black supremacist/fantasist bullshit he barfs during the interview. https://www.gofundme.com/BlackGunsMatter Look at how much money he already got – I’m sure mostly from dumb white boomers.
    Imagine half a dozen elements like these running across the country. All of a sudden “race war” doesn’t seem so far-fetched. “Yo man we teachin’ ’bout guns to dem urban communities an’ shiet”. A bunch of immature shitheads with guns and racial animus, all in the name of “freedom”. Boomers and libertards (like that idiotic host) have no mental resistance against this.
    Somebody in Moscow will be laughing.

    1. Lolz. Da po’ blacks! Gibs dem yo’ money, honey! The last mofos who need guns are blacks because they’re a combination of dumb and low-impulse-control people who have major problems conceptualizing consequences and taking accountability for their actions. I originally saw this article below years ago: “America doesn’t need gun control, it needs black control” on Paul Kersey’s site (SBPDL), but this is another site that posted it.

      Seriously, guns should be removed from all black Americans except for black conservatives (which means about 20% of black Americans or so, maybe a little less). Gun crime would go waaay down. Of course the second best thing one could do is remove them from all Latinos/Hispanics who aren’t conservatives, which is probably about 70% of them. 🙂


      You know, in Mein Kampf, Hitler talked about removing the guns from blacks because of their low-IQs and low-impulse-control. He also said Latinos/Hispanics, and Muslims shouldn’t have them in the West either. Dugin approved it, too. Juuuus Jokin LOL! You have to admit that was pretty damned funny though, lol! 😉

      1. Yeah – dysfunctional “communities” full of violent, unstable people shouldn’t have easy access to guns. This is common sense, down to earth stuff – no need to go mystical about it with “Faustian spirit”, “our destiny”, “divine mandate” and such like Dick Spencer always does. In fact, white pompous retards like him encourage and produce, through the dialectical process, black retards like this “Maj” figure to oppose them. Garbage in, garbage out. National-Leftism is cancer.
        Honest common sense, not mystical psychopathy, can save the West.

  5. Interesting to read the negative comments on Hitler. I remember, almost ten years ago, there were waves of claims that Hitler was a Jew / Rothschild, etc.. It slowly stopped, but it looks like it will restart.

    Not a Hitler cultist, but there are so many lies about him and the NS regime. It’s either due to lack of information or because of supposed policies of Hitler which many Slavs believe it existed (“Nazis were anti-Slavic” “Hitler considered Slavs to be untermenschen” “Nazis killed 20 million Russians”).

    The only thing I agree is that Hitler was used by Zionist elite Jewry for their agenda. The “Haavara agreement” was rather a blackmail than a deal the Nazis wanted. World Jewry boycotted German goods and threatened to destroy Germany economically and some Zionists offered a deal, allowing Jews to emigrate to Palestine in exchange to bypass the Jewish boycott of German goods.

    1. I find it interesting to read pro-Hitler comments. Either due to low self-esteem or sadistic tendencies, or stupidity – probably all of them. Guess lots of retards would love to live in a totalitarian regime.

      1. I’m less “pro-Hitler” than most of pro-Hitlerites. I just don’t believe in myths, lies and half-truths. And I don’t want to deal with Hitler because it’s irrelevant. I mostly care about the problem of Russophilia / Putinphilia / Sovietophilia and their entryists. That’s more important. I mostly try to refute those myths because they are mostly used by those who have suspicious agendas. One example: “Hitler was a Zionist puppet who wanted to destroy the glorious Soviet Union and tried to defeat glorious Stalin, the greatest anti-Zionist hero.”

        I don’t want to start a war here because of Hitler, unless it’s started by National Bolsheviks who try to portray Soviet Union as a bulwark against world Jewry. I want to assist Brandon and his team to fight Communist / Eurasian entryists and their useful idiots. They are the problem who infiltrated many nationalist platforms.

        1. “Less pro-Hitler” ain’t gonna cut it, dawg. I wanna know why Hitlerites are so goddamned dumb when it comes to anti-white and anti-male Jews. Would you say they didn’t read Mein Kampf enough times? Too many times? Or what dawg? You should provide some good answers over here because Hitlerites tell me over and over again that I’m a ‘lazy historical researcher’. I always tell them that one of us is a lazy historical researcher, and so let’s figure this all out! 🙂

          1. Accusation of being a crypto-Hitlerite?

            There are many retards, idiots and fools in nationalist movements, including Hitlerists. Best proof is Putin apologism. I think you want to accuse Hitlerites of being white knights. White knighthood is indeed a big problem. It’s actually the reason why feminism works. Feminism without white knighthood won’t work.

            If you seek that I should focus more on feminism, no problem. I can provide the information I know.

            1. YES, accusations of being a Hitlerite.

              TELL us all about anti-white and anti-male Jews IF you’re “not” one.

              1. I provided a Jewish source (Otto Weininger) that confirm that Jewish have a feminine character. That contributes to their reason to target white man. Jews created Cultural Marxism which succeed to hijack white societies in the1960s.

                In his book “The Jewish Century”, Jewish author Yuri Slezkine confirmed the success of the Jew provoked Cultural Marxist revolution on the very first page:

                “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century… Modernization, in other words, is about everyone becoming Jewish.”

                In 1928, long before the Cultural Marxist revolution, the Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage admitted that Jewish are subverters:

                “You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them.”


                The best way to control white societies is to feminize the white man and radicalize white women to advocate for anti-white activities. It’s mostly white women and feminized white cucks that support Cultural Marxism. The (masculine) white man is the greatest obstinance.

                1. Yes, and I also made a couple comments with articles in response to ‘Ryback’ below, pertaining to men’s rights that are kind of long so they haven’t shown up yet. But as I said to Ryback in those comments, where was Hitler? The West was already having big problems with feminism while Hitler was alive, and so was the Soviet Union under the Bolsheviks.

                  I’m asking you why so many Hitlerites are fukin white knights and even anti-white? Hitler wasn’t doing too good a fukin job for the white-male cause, was he?

                  1. It’s because this is one of biggest problems among white men, especially today. If you don’t become a white knight, then you will be accused of being a Muslim. Not only white knights, there are other weird NS / WNs who have liberal views on homosexuality, Jews, etc. I remember someone saying that white nationalists are hippies who just hate blacks (and other non-whites). As for white knighthood in the past, I think that information could be useful:



                    Weishaupt and Rousseau were both surrounded by Jews and supported feminism.

        2. I get it – but my concern here is that although openly demonizing him (sometimes), Eurasianists covertly admire Hitler. Proof is the types of esoteric circles Dugin himself was part of.
          Dugin says; “I’m for true, Russian fascism”. The “racism” and other PR-negative aspects of Hitlerism were just “superficial corruptions” of the “pure doctrine” according to him.
          I’m sure he is a tremendous “racist” in private. Everything is deception here; and these characters are con artists. My point is that “pure Leftists” created in Hitlerism (National-Leftism) a perfect “opposite” boogieman, and use it to draw everyone into their dialectic. The “bad” aspects of Hitlerism were those he copied from the “Liberals”, Dugin says, including the racism.
          Totalitarians are cunning.

    2. It stopped?! Lol…

      OK Propaganda Battle, tell us all about anti-white and anti-male Jews… I’m ready ta take notes, lol 🙂

        1. Am I satisfied? No my man, Otto is/was an old cat. It takes no genius to figure out that Jews as a collective are anti-male and anti-white.

          My question to you is: *what* have you done for the pro-white and pro-male causes? If not much or nothing, did you learn that off Hitler or what?

  6. Propaganda Battle said: “Interesting to read the negative comments on Hitler. I remember, almost ten years ago, there were waves of claims that Hitler was a Jew / Rothschild, etc.. It slowly stopped, but it looks like it will restart. ”

    Yeah why shouldn’t it restart?

    I have noticed people, especially when they support sides (like hitlerism, nazism etc) in minor endo-white squabbles, throw the ball to the -naturalness- and randomness. I mean if they support let’s say Hitler, they say “oh antihitlerism is on the rise again”. As if it is a spontaneously moving phenomenon that is on the rise again because of just statistics and time. Something doesn’t feel right when such logic is used.

    BECAUSE on the other hand, when these Hitler apologists try to defend Hitler for certain shit, the ball is not thrown on the randomness and the chaos phenomenon and the statistics rather than ON Hitler himself!! ….Amazingly! They will say the NS economics were good in the beginning because of………… HITLER!!! Not because of Hjalmar Schacht, who from what I know was not even in the Party. Never EVER! Now this movie star Hitler jumps in the equation and according to the Hitler apologists. That was because of Hitler.

    “The only thing I agree is that Hitler was used by Zionist elite Jewry for their agenda.”

    Ok. I agree. And one of the ways they used him could have been to even pay him to do their bidding. Do you disagree?

    Dugin and Hitler have many things in common. I find it interesting that a discussion about Hitler is flourishing in an article about Dugin like this. The things they have in common is that they are both poseurs (i mean that literally, they are “pose for the camera” types, AND metaphorically, they just are drama queen show-off-ers) and nuts (I suspect Dugin is a paranoid schizophrenic to be exact, and Hitler had narcissistic personality disorder, or he was a narcissistic fag like I said in a comment above this.

    1. “Yeah why shouldn’t it restart?

      I have noticed people, especially when they support sides (like hitlerism, nazism etc) in minor endo-white squabbles, throw the ball to the -naturalness- and randomness. I mean if they support let’s say Hitler, they say “oh antihitlerism is on the rise again”. As if it is a spontaneously moving phenomenon that is on the rise again because of just statistics and time. Something doesn’t feel right when such logic is used.

      BECAUSE on the other hand, when these Hitler apologists try to defend Hitler for certain shit, the ball is not thrown on the randomness and the chaos phenomenon and the statistics rather than ON Hitler himself!! ….Amazingly! They will say the NS economics were good in the beginning because of………… HITLER!!! Not because of Hjalmar Schacht, who from what I know was not even in the Party. Never EVER! Now this movie star Hitler jumps in the equation and according to the Hitler apologists. That was because of Hitler.”

      I used to be very anti-Hitler and a believer of the “Hitler was a Jew” canard, until I rechecked my information and I figured it’s mostly based on Jewish propaganda and lack of information.
      Moreover, most of those “Hitler was a Jew” proponents are just soft Zionists who claim that the holocaust happened to create Israel and that Jews want us to hate them. Also, these theories are popular among so-called National Bolsheviks who praise Stalin. Their message: “Hitler was a Zionist who wanted to destroy anti-Zionist Soviet Union and glorious Stalin, the greatest anti-Zionist”. I know all their arguments and can challenge most of them. I try to be objective. Opposing many anti-Nazi / anti-Hitlerite myths doesn’t mean I praise Hitler like a messiah or something like that. It’s not black-white. I’m not a Hitler cultist.

      I oppose fanatical Hitler cultism as well, especially when those cultists try to whitewash everything. That makes them look like retards and could block people to realize that the holocaust is a big lie.

      One example of Hitler cultism is to blame Poland for the German invasion of Poland in 1939. Unlike Hitlerites, I’m more objective to this. Hitlerites use (fake) quotes of certain Polish leaders to “prove” Poland wanted to invade Germany. I don’t have a conclusion about this, but I believe that the Germans were probably fooled by agents or traitors to attack Poland. I remember about Roosevelt telling the Poles to not negotiate with the Germans. That’s something I need to research, but not now. We have other problems.

      Hitler was not perfect and the Nazi elite had some good men, less good men and scums. I’m very anti-Himmler. I think he was the worst scum among Hitler’s closest men. He actually already planned to dethrone Hitler since at least 1933. Near end of the war, Hitler expelled him from the party when it was already too late.

      Actually I don’t even care much about anti-Hitlerism, as long it’s not used by National Bolsheviks or soft “anti-Zionists” who are secretly philosemitic and others.

      “Ok. I agree. And one of the ways they used him could have been to even pay him to do their bidding. Do you disagree?”

      There were reports about Hitler being funded by Jews. Such reports were mostly from communists and Jews. That was a typical tactic of them, communist Jews accused the Romanian Iron Guard and Austrian Heimwehr of being paid by Jewish bankers. Even Trotsky claimed that the white army was funded by Jewish bankers.

      But I agree that the Jewish cabal had interests to have Hitler to power in order to use him for their goals. Stalin helped Hitler to rise to power by ordering the German communist party to refuse to collaborate with the SPD, the strongest party in Germany before the rise of Hitler by claiming they are “Social fascists”. The communist party already had many supporters.

      But there were Jews who truly wanted to stop Hitler. Haim Arlosoroff who negotiated with Germany for the Haavara agreement was assassinated by Jabotinsky ‘s Zionists who supported the Jewish boycott of German goods.

      “I find it interesting that a discussion about Hitler is flourishing in an article about Dugin like this. ”

      Yes, I didn’t want that and I want to avoid that. I already stated that I don’t want here a war because of Hitler, unless some communist entryists try to use anti-Hitlerism to promote their red emperor Stalin or whatever. It was just a reference which was a mistake. We should focus on Dugin and Putin. I posted some quotes of Dugin in the latest article on Dugin, my comment had to be approved which is now visible:


      1. Hey dawg, you claim you’re “not” a Hitlerite, but I asked of you above to GIVE us all these anti-male and anti-white Jews you “know” of? Just don’t know of many or what? I guess Hitler taught allll about anti-white and anti-male Jews n stuff, right? You can fill us in on them, can’tcha?

      2. I said it’s interesting that the conversation arises. I didnt say that I dont want to talk about hitler. Hitler is relevant because he is a movie star of white consciousness.

        I will be brief. 1 2 3, A B and C

        1) Dunkirk
        2) Generals near moscow mid 1941 no order for final attack.
        3) Battle of Kursk. Both sides know. And they know they know. And the Germans amazingly attack at Kursk. And suffer heavy losses. Key battle.


        A) Weak on the FQ (Female Question)
        B) Narcissistic Fag, attention-whore, questionable state of mind (not only during the war)
        C) Why totalitarianism at all?

        1,2,3 point towards him being sold out. Or paid.

        A,B,C show that he is irrelevant to white men, and white identity movements today.

        Adolf Hitler. Absolute… Total…. Faggot….

        1. And I want to specificaly state (about the esotericians, those poseur idiots): We dont need more people like you Nazi esoteric fag types. We dont want your shamanistic hitlero-godhead hashish-inspired fuckin Bullshit. Stop smoking hashish and fantasizing about atlantist potheads and Russian brides. Otherwise you’ll end up like Richard Spencer. Trying to nail pussy. But becoming a total faggot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEFc4zwxwMY

          Use hashish responsibly.

          1. I take it you’re referring to us peeps who aren’t fans of Hitler. How “dare” us, right?

            I’m gonna ask you now: What have you done for the plight of whites and males in the West? Must be a “whole lot”, right? Something tells me otherwise.

            Hey Ryback, where was Hitler here? On vacation or what Holmes?

            “NOTE: There is a great deal of information from German language sources that is to be added to this post. Most important to note is the error made by English language sources regarding the name Liga für Menschenrechte: it is incorrect. That name belonged to an organization — founded in the same city in the same year — for “human rights” (not involved with the conflict between the sexes, but rather advocating international peace) rather than “men’s rights” group. The correct name is Der Bund für Männerrechte, founded in Vienna in March 1926 by Sigurd Höberth von Schwarzthal (born 1880, Odessa; died August 1938) and Leopold Kornblüh. Activities of the founders extended at least to the year 1935. There was not just one, but several publications published by the two men following the schism.

            The word “Männerrechtler” is roughly the equivalent of “men’s rights activist,” and has been found in publications in the late 1800s and the decades preceding the 1926 founding of Der Bund für Männerrechte.

            The world’s first men’s rights organization? Technically this is not accurate. An organization formed in 1898 in the United States (Atlanta, Georgia) has been identified. Its inspiration and continued focus was to resist a proposed “bachelor’s tax.” Its ethos, of bachelorhood, closely resembles today’s “Men Going Their Own Way” movement (MGTOW). Yet Der Bund deserves credit as the first organization known to be established with a comprehensive program designed to address the full range of men’s issues. The founding of Der Bund für Männerrechte is, however, the first men’s rights organization with a comprehensive mandate, addressing a wide range of men’s issues rather than having its focus on a single one (such as alimony or a particular piece of legislation). The ambition and comprehensiveness is attested to by the fact that Der Bund issued a ten-point “covenant” on March 2, 1926, stating its aims and covering a wide range of “men’s issues.”

            The organization broke into two factions in January 1927. The cause was Hoebert’s founding in December 1926 of an additional organization which he conceived as complementary to the aims of Der Bund. It was called Themisverband [Themis from Greek mythology – Themis is said to have preceded Apollo in giving oracular responses at Delphi. She was the daughter of Cœlus and Terra, and was the first to instruct men to ask of the Gods that which was lawful and right, whence she took the name of Themis, which signifies in Greek, ‘that which is just and right.’] The aim of this second association was “to fight all injustice, irrespective of whether it was committed against men or women.” The consequence of this decision to associate himself with women’s issues was the resignation of Kornblüh, who in January 1927 formed Justitia Verein für Männer und Familienrecht, which was restricted to male membership. His view was that the aims of Der Bund and an organization that addressed the concerns of both sexes was irreconcilable. The Bund having collapsed, Höberth regrouped by forming a new organization, Aequitas Weltbund für Männerrechte, which would be open to both sexes.

            Leopold Kornblüh (48, Jewish bachelor), along with a German railway official, Karl Knierling (36) and a Federal Railways pensioner, Alfred Porzer (52, Catholic, divorced) formed the association “Justice Federation for Family law reform.” The group set up “Divorce counseling center” one in which men every Monday between 8 pm and 10 pm (20:00 and 22:00), which took place at their headquarters at Gumpendorferstraße 6, in Vienna’s 6th District.”

            “FULL TEXT (Article 1 of 9): Berlin, May 27—A revolt of the down-trodden male against the domineering female is, on the way in Vienna where the “Rights for Men” League has been founded to start the battle.

            The League, which held its first big mass meeting recently, is composed so far only of bachelors, divorced husbands, and unmarried fathers. The still married husbands, the members insist, would like to join, but their wives won’t let them, which in itself is cited as proof for the need of such an organisation.

            The mass meeting was held under the slogan of “equal rights for men.”

            Sigurd Hoeberth, the president of the League, denied emphatically that the aggressive males were women haters. All the League wanted, he said, was that the preferences and privileges which the women now receive from society, from the State, and especially from the courts, should stop.

            “We love and honour the ladies,” Hoeberth said, “but we want to leave to our descendants once more real mothers and wives, and to prevent their being killed off by the alleged emancipation of the woman.”

            Numerous speakers denounced the “degenerate literary cafe clique” for having placed woman on such a high pedestal “that she has come to consider it as her right not only to claim but also to abuse her privileges arid her freedom.”

            “The feminist, hysterical and degenerate cafe scribblers have helped cunning woman to forge intolerable chains for men,” explained one of the speakers, Wollner.

            “The man is roped before the family coach, and on the driving seat sits the ‘gracious lady,’ and if he doesn’t pull till he drops, she swings the whip of legal paragraphs over him.”

            A large part of the prison inmates, Wollner said, have been put there by the accusations of their own wives. A good number of the initiates of insane asylums, he charged, have been put there by their wives because they were in the way.

            “The reason for all this,” Wollner said, “is that the authorities believe the women everything and the man nothing, although they should know that the he is a specific attribute of the feminine sex.”

            The principal complaint of the league members was against the alimony claims of divorced wives and the claims of support of unmarried mothers.

            The secretary of the League, Hofeneder, pictured the claims for alimony and support as a cruel persecution of the men, inspired not only by greed but often also by revenge and plain “cussedness.”

            Under the present Austrian law, Hofeneder said, the unmarried mother has practically her choice to whom she wants to pick as the father of her child. And he deplored that a Vienna court had rejected the blood test for paternity on the ground that this test was not yet sufficiently developed.

            “The unmarried father is helpless against the cunning and the revenge of the unmarried mother,” Hofeneder said. “Our antiquated laws speak only of the duties of the unmarried fathers, not of their rights.

            [“Men Form Defence League In Vienna.” The Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica), Jun. 10, 1926, p. 19; The spelling in the original, “Hoeberth,” is erroneous.]”

            “FULL TEXT (Article 3 of 9): VIENNA, May 25.—Charlie Chaplin will deliver a lecture on the tyranny of women in America in Vienna this summer.

            This announcement made by Herr Kornblueh at the recent congress of the Vienna league of men called “Justitia” was greeted with tremendous applause.

            “Charlie Chaplin is one of our most ardent supporters abroad” Herr Kornblueh declared, “and since his divorce, he has written to us assuring our organization of his sympathy and emphasizing the necessity of a world wide movement for the emancipation of the oppressed husbands.

            “The tyranny of modern women, who demand all rights and refuse all duties, who are marrying men only to lead a careless, workless and childless life, or to obtain a divorce and a lifelong alimony, this shameful tyranny is the underlying cause of all evils.

            “Look at the insane asylum Steinhof in Vienna. Fifty percent of the unfortunate inmates were brought to this place because of their marriage.’’

            The congress passed a resolution demanding the abolishment of alimonies find other unequal pacts between the two sexes, and protesting against the favoritism of the authorities in favor of women, especially the siding of the police with the wives whenever a domestic quarrel develops.

            The Justitia is the first organization in the world fighting for the “emancipation of men,” and makes its appeal to all those “in revolt against the oppression of the female sex.” Only the freedom of men can prevent the white race from decline and ruin, declares one of the organizations proclamations.

            “The only trouble is,” confessed Kornblueh, “there are few courageous men. Husbands are too cowardly, while bachelors are perhaps too willing to join our organization.”


          2. Or here? How many Hitlerites do you know of who mention any fukin thing about this kind of stuff? I sure don’t. But maybe you do or something? The West was already having big problems with feminism while Hitler was alive. And did he ever mention anything about how messed up it was for the Bolsheviks to institute no-fault divorce laws and granting the broads suffrage? Apparently not because I don’t hear Hitlerians ever talking about it. If Hitler didn’t talk about it, it must be “irrelevant” though, right?

            “It was such outrageous rulings such as the one Chicago’s Judge Ball delivered in 1909 — reported in the news report below — that set the stage for the slowly developing idea of men’s rights activism in the United States. It was alimony racketeering that led to the formation of the men’s rights movement in the United States, not the 1960s counterculture and its feminist excesses as many still wrongly believe. The earliest known attempt to form a national organization to fight exploitative alimony, which had by that time spurned a widespread scam of “marriage for alimony only,” was made in December 1912 by one George R. Esterling of Denver. The publicity surrounding his idea was quickly met with the threat of a pro-alimony organization Leona Oldham, a Denver woman who had gotten her divorce in the very same week that Esterling made his announcement. Esterling’s idea for an organization, despite the enthusiasm of men from across the United States who sent him letters, never materialized. Back in 1911, the common term for alimony abuse was called “polite blackmail;” by 1925 the common term for it was “the alimony racket.”

            The first man’s rights activist, Samuel Reid, appeared on the scene in California 1925, and finally in 1927, anti-alimony organizations (the prototype of modern men’s rights movement) began spring up around the country — in New York City (American Alimony Payers’ Protective Association), Chicago (Alimony Club of Illinois) and Milwaukee. A news report from 1928 disclosed a full-scale golddigging racket operating in Cleveland, in which “divorcees have developed a highly skillful technique of marrying, divorcing and suing for alimony, then remarry some wealthier man, divorcing and suing again for alimony.”

            Below you will find the story of the faint and early rumblings of the movement which took a century to form itself into what the internet age allows to be a coherent, principled and eloquent resistance to institutionalized female privilege, to chivalry masquerading as “equality,” and to a full-fledged ideology of hate (promoting the notion of a sex-based aristocracy) which calls itself “feminism.”



            FULL TEXT (Article 1 of 4): Chicago. May 11. – Divorced men received a shock from Judge Farlin Q. Ball yesterday that caused not a few of them to seek the advice of lawyers at once.

            Although divorced fifty years, was the purport of the bombshell exploded by the jurist, and although no mention of alimony was made in the decree, no divorced man is safe from payment of that peculiarly irksome obligation so long as his former wife lives and fails to remarry.

            Judge Ball calmly announced from the bench that, while a decree of divorce ended the other marital obligations, the duty of a husband to support his wife and her right to demand and receive such support was not thereby ended. He further held that only the death of one of the parties, remarriage of the woman or a stipulated sum of money accepted by her in lieu of alimony at the time of obtaining her divorce could prevent the divorced wife from demanding alimony at any time she felt the need of such support, and the court felt her former husband was able to render such.

            ~ Ruling as Interpreted. ~

            In other words – that is, in plain American language – a wife who obtained a divorce twenty-five years ago, or even fifty, according to Judge Ball, can bob up unexpectedly and, having discovered that her former spouse has become wealthy or merely well fixed, may go into court and successfully demand her “rights.”

            That is, of course, providing she hasn’t married in the meantime or did not accept a stipulated alimony when she was divorced.

            Even though the divorced husband has married again, become the father of ten children, and may be even grandfather, the former wife’s rights to alimony are not thereby hampered or annulled in any way.


            Furthermore, Judge Ball declared that his novel decision was backed up by a ruling of a Pennsylvania court, made many years ago, and by one other decision of more recent date. Several leading attorneys, when questioned about the decision, declared it was good law and had been since the days of Blackstone.

            ~ Case Raising the Point. ~

            Judge Ball rendered his decision in the case of Mary N. Cobb vs. William H. Cobb. Mrs. Cobb was divorced from her husband on June 13, 1901, on charges of infidelity, which her husband admitted. The decree of divorce was silent as to alimony. She set up the facts that she had never remarried and that her income as a bookkeeper was insufficient for her needs.

            Although the couple had been divorced eight years, Judge Ball, after a few days’ study of the case, ordered that Mrs. Cobb be paid alimony. He did not fix the amounts to be paid, leaving this for agreement between counsel.

            “The question before the court,” the decision reads, “is whether it has power, on the petition filed in the original cause, to allow alimony to a wife subsequent to the term in which the decree of divorce was entered, where the bill and decree each is silent in regard to alimony.

            ~ Gist of the Ruling. ~

            “A proceeding for divorce is sui generis. It is the duty of the husband to support his wife in a manner commensurate with his means during the life of both parties. The death of either end the liability. The decree of divorce ends the other marital obligations, but the duty of the husband to support his wife, and her right to demand and receive such support is not thereby ended. Hence upon principle, if at any time, after the final decree and within the lives of both parties, the wife becomes in actual need of such support and a husband is able to contribute it, alimony should be awarded her.

            “The principle is subject to the limitation that, if prior to or at the time of the decree the question of alimony was raised and decided against the wife, it cannot again be brought forward: the maxim of res judicata forbids it.

            “The petition shows sufficient ground for not asking alimony in the decree by alleging that at the same time the defendant had no means nor property. The changed circumstances now justify her in asking relief.””


        2. Haha, Hitler is a movie star/god-like figurehead/leader/legend among die-hard National Socialists and/or Nazis.

          Of course, and as I always say though, why are so many pro-Hitlerians either cucks, weak on the topic of being pro-white, or even just anti-white like our Ken O’Keefes and Trevor Labontes? And why are so many white knight chumps? The mofo is totally irrelevant to any pro-white/pro-male movement. He even banned IQ tests because he thought they were ‘Jewish’ – lol, you can see why he would naturally attract lower-IQ folks and people who don’t like to and/or can’t think well for themselves but need somebody else to do it for them.

          1. I have yet to see proof that Hitler was working for the Jews and I have read Antony Suttons book “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” and nothing in there proves he was a Jewish Puppet.

            1. Lmao. People say the same things about many controlled opposition agents including Alex Jones or Donald Trump or Putin, etc. How do you know the problem isn’t just that you wouldn’t know it, even if you got slapped right upside the goddamned HEAD with it?

              I suggest you take up professional poker because, like all other Hitlerians, clearly you’re very adept in the arts of mind and soul-reading and will clean house. Fuck outta here clown, lol.

                1. Oh totally. Dana is an incredibly Jewish name; bout as Jewish as Rothstein. You used yo’ telepathic skillz to figure me out, dawg.

                  You could tell me that I talk like a Jew and have a Jew name while you use a pseudonym, and I could tell you that you’re a struggling-IQ individual who has no business commenting on politics, and one of us would be right.

                  Da high-IQ die-hard Hitler crew strikes again, lolz. You’re exactly the kind of person/people I’m talking about. Let’s just let Hitler do all our thinking for us and idolize him like he was perfection personified.

                  BTW, fuck Hitler. No “genius” required to notice Jewish banking schemes, although it might seem like it to slow folks out there, lol. And fuck white knights and anti-whites. All white knights should be kicked in the balls by other dudes on a daily basis and mocked for it, for being the chumps that they are.

                    1. Lol, are you my girlfriend, “Ryback”? Because you’re whispering sweet nothings to me. I told you above, if you’re that “psychic” and your “mind-reading” and deductive reasoning skills are as “good” as you think they are, what in the world is stopping you from taking up professional poker and killing it? I see all kinds of clowns making grandiose claims but they don’t wanna back that shit up. Does the word “nobody” resonate at all with you? I don’t wanna see you Hitlerite clowns. You all need to stick together amongst your own because when you come over to other parts of the internet, all you do is make stupid ass claims and waste people’s time.

                      Your momma was a Jewish disinformation agent lol.

                    2. The chosen people did 911 which was video fakery and caused incalculable deaths. https://septemberclues.info/ They should be held accountable. Are we Jewish Disinfo’s now “ryback”? Just worship your manly Hitler movie star man. Just buzz off…

            2. Hitlerian fag “ryback” said: “I have yet to see proof that Hitler was working for the Jews and I have read Antony Suttons book “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” and nothing in there proves he was a Jewish Puppet.”


              He wasn’t working -for- the chosen people. He was working -with- the chosen people. And to be more specific he was working with the zionistic part of the chosen people. Hitler sold out to the chosen people (or was an agent since the beginning) and his role was to create Israel.


              Wake up and dry Hitler’s semen from your hitlerian moustache, esoteric nazi fag.

            3. Hitlerian fag “ryback” said: “I have yet to see proof that Hitler was working for the Jews and I have read Antony Suttons book “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” and nothing in there proves he was a Jewish Puppet.”


              This coin was mentioned in the amazing holocaust revisionist film “One third of the Holocaust” by self proclaimed holocaust ‘denier’ Dean Irebodd (denierbud lol!). At a certain point in time they (NSDAP) realized that they had the same aims with the zionists. To create a massive ‘aliyah’ of the european dwelling chosen people into Israel. My gut feeling is that they got outsmarted by the zionists in the end. Ended up being totally used, or sold out, or both.

              Hitler wasn’t working as a puppet of the chosen people (it’s unlikely). He was working -with- the chosen people, it is very likely and a lot of shit like this coin point towards this. And to be more specific he was working with the zionistic part of the chosen people.


              Cut your hitler moustache dudes. It looks way too gay… If you have read mein kampf and you feel that this narcisistic movie star faggot could represent a good male role model for the modern white man….. Then…. What can I say…

        3. Fox Mulder: Absolute…Total…Faggot…Cuck

          “Why totalitarianism at all?”

          Why (((democracy))) at all?

          “A,B,C show that he is irrelevant to white men, and white identity movements today.”

          You are missing the point about Hitler and why he is even in this day and age so overrused by kikes as example of greatest villain in the world at same time missing the point why he become symbol among other known hystorical figures of white struggle to some extent. You are going to deep (((Freudian))) analysis, taking things out of context and transferring it to current year.

  7. All white knights should be kicked in the balls by other dudes on a daily basis and mocked for it, for being the chumps that they are.

    They should actually be held accountable for the unbelievable inflation of female value in the west. They should be held accountable for destroying the social structure of the west. They are as responsible as the women themselves.

    Sometimes I wonder why people can’t combine…….. AND gates is what you need people… Anti-Zionism AND Race realism AND mgtow AND anti-islamic invasion AND anti-gun-grabbing AND anti-leftist AND libertarian AND a white man AND a human being….

    Don’t overspecialize ppl…

  8. Indeed, Fox. These white knights and manginas treat these broads like they’re gold. They’re always sure to enforce the pussy pass, chivalry, and special treatment for these femtwats for broads, lol. And white knights and manginas aren’t successful with women either. They don’t understand female psychology and they’ve got very low standards where they perceive any vajayjay as being ‘precious’ and they pedestalize the shit out of these cunts. Only in America could the most obese creatures in the industrialized world (American women) get laid with little or no effort by endless hordes of white knights and manginas. Cougar culture is off the hook, too, where old broads close to or past menopause pick up dudes half their age, and this is also another contributing factor to low birth-rates in the West. These dumbed-down dudes think they’re getting “lucky”, while if the bitch even can have kids, the chances of them having offspring with birth defects is largely increased by the time they’re close to menopause, and neither of them have a clue about it. And these hoes are delusional and often think they’ll never age either.

    I don’t mean to say that all these women are bitches, but man, if you’re a busy dude, you’re gonna have lots of problems maintaining any kind of ‘relationships’ with these women Playing poker professionally in Vegas puts you in an interesting, and often precarious, situation where you’re surrounded by cocktail waitresses and if you’re good with women, you have easy access to lots of hot broads, including even the occasional females who come to Vegas to play; but while quite a few of these women are nice up front, when you get into ‘relationships’ with them, they don’t understand that there are times of the year in poker where you have to put in long hours if you want to make a lot of money and take advantage of the opportunity. Just like in the military, when you’re gone, these women get insecure and jealous. They will often resent you for having to make sacrifices too, and they become bitches because they expect you to be like omnipresent and always in a good mood when there are inevitable swings in poker and sometimes you’re not feeling good because you’re running way below expected equity. These broads just can’t comprehend this stuff and it makes them very hard to deal with… and I’m speaking of the better females; it can be a whole lot worse, lol.

    But one of the biggest problems people have at this moment besides severe cognitive dissonance and lack of critical thinking skills is putting the necessary time and effort into studying all those issues. It’s much harder to do this than specialize in one or a few red-pilled areas where you don’t have to swallow many red pills.

    Like I was added to large black groups by other black friends I knew in the men’s rights movement. I must have spent about four months trying to explain to them what the racial agendas are and various other things and realized it was a fruitless endeavor; that multiculturalism can never work no matter how hard one may try; and especially that blacks and whites absolutely need to be segregated; and I finally quit. This is not to say I knew everything or even close to it, but I knew way, way more than they did, and I was operating off of some completely accurate paradigms while they were doing the opposite. Aside from a few who can pick things up, the rest are like Pavlovian dogs who couldn’t figure this shit out if their lives depended on it. It’s much better to spend your time around other specific whites and sometimes certain people of other races who can pick this stuff up and to spend time attacking and clowning pro-blacks for being dumb douche bags than it is befriending them and trying to help them, lol. Befriending them doesn’t work because they ain’t your goddamned “friends” unless you have money to give them or you’re a pro-black activist who makes endless excuses for them and tells them how “great” they are or something. Other than that, they’re dumb, toxic parasites and losers.

    At the same time and afterwards though, I was still learning. I must have read over 100 of Paul Kersey’s articles in his SBPDL 1+2 blogs. It really is essential reading that should be required by everybody; the dude is the truth on the topic of black crime, knows his shit, and has spent a lot of time putting his articles and information together, even though it would appear like he has some wrongful grudge against blacks to the untrained eye or people who haven’t been around many blacks (especially hood blacks) and have no idea how racist and hopelessly stupid the clowns are. He’s really good and knowledgable at racial demographics (both historically and presently) and covering issues like white flight (which happens much more frequently than black flight and gentrification, even though the MSM makes a big issue out of the latter), (and black flight happens when whites move out and blacks want white tax money or are HUD members), and just race demographics of certain parts of cities and how they’re changing, etc. Colin Flaherty is pretty good on this stuff too. But I have to have spent a good six months reading all kinds of articles and watching all kinds of vids on the stuff, from black mobs to blacks attacking other races to racist blacks attacking whites to black women fukin shit up like they always do, etc., etc. I studied it enough to know what it looks like and what I can expect in the way of current events and then continued on to the next project. I did the same with MGTOW as well where I studied enough female crime, both historically and presently to know what I can expect in the way of current events on the issue and don’t have to study it anymore.

    I believe the most important thing is to try to get the learning curve on all these issues as sped up as possible so that enough people can get on enough of the same pages to be able to effectively organize, mobilize, and take action.

    1. I believe the most important thing is to try to get the learning curve on all these issues as sped up as possible so that enough people can get on enough of the same pages to be able to effectively organize, mobilize, and take action.

      Yeah but who are we? I suggest we are white MEN. Not White “people” because the later implies vaginas.

      Your whole post was very good and a good aproximation of the truth Dana. Actually, the BEST white women are like a mix of blacks and chosen people in their ATTITUDE. The worse, are even worse.

      Women cannot understand how money is being made. They cannot understand philosophy. They cannot understand priorities. They cannot understand the concept of -properness- or most importantly -improperness- (they cannot handle sticky situations AT ALL). They are grown children. They are liars, cheaters (both sexual cheaters AND life cheaters (they cheat in life)).

      Women think life is a video game. They expect their cheat codes (i.e. boobs, ass) to ‘work’ and most importantly they think they DESERVE the success which was caused by pure material means (boobs, ass).


      Scroll down and find “The battle of the Sexes”. Even the dying bullshitochivalrous AMRENer paleo-crowd has realized that women are stupid.

      1. Haha, they absolutely cannot understand how money is being made, Fox. You can see it especially with women when you try to explain poker to them or just basic concepts of strategy: they get this glazed-over look in their eyes and you know it’s going right over their heads. It’s the same thing with dudes who are dumb, lol. No, they don’t understand strategy, logic, or semi-complex ideas/concepts for shit. That’s why there are so few female poker players and chess players lol. Yeah, a lot of the broads just assume given your “white male privilege” that money just “grows on trees” for you or some shit, lol. And terrible under pressure, no doubt. It’s easy when life starts to get a bit hard or uncomfortable when you can just cry and have all these dummies coming over to console you and make it better for you, lol.

        For some reason I’m having problems getting that Amren link to work, Fox. But it’s good to hear that they’re at least starting to undertake a different outlook on the issue. It’s gonna be inevitable in the future that more and more people are just gonna have to face the FQ or else they’re gonna be relegated to small corners of the internet where people know they’re full of shit because they won’t/can’t debate the issues.

        I have another comment to make regarding Ken O’Keefe and his broad over here, but let me find this vid/interview he did really quick…

        1. Just one side note. No………. AMREN are liars man. And I mean it. This is june 2006, and they posted Richard Lynn’s opinion about sex differences in intelligence.

          However they continue to outright lie! And welcome women as if they are the saviors of the movement. Never mention anything controversial about sex differences in intelligence…… Well, yeah… I assume that if there is a lot of pussy in AMREN now, more morons will join just because of that. But do we need them in our movement?

          Vaginas welcome vagina-worshippers. We need to put women back in the kitchen.

          1. Obviously the bitches are only useful if they’re pro-white but keep their dumb mouths shut about gender issues, lol. I have pro-male female friends on my deactivated FB accounts and they do a good job raising awareness for men’s issues and they do exist and they are growing, but they’re still small in number. The vast, vast majority of racially aware women are clowns when it comes to gender issues, just like the vast, vast majority of women who are good on gender are totally ignorant of race.

            Oh, that was 06? Very few people were pro-male at that time. You pretty much had to be a devout Tom Leykis listener to have any good grasp of what was going on. I’m not sure if sites like Happy Bachelor, NO MA’AM, AVfM, Happier Abroad, Unknown History of Misandry, etc., were around at that time, but quite a few of them probably weren’t. Of course I didn’t know much of anything about it either and wasn’t what I’d call ‘pro-male’, other than at least I’ve always maintained that if a female hits a dude, she needs to be hit back, and if she threatens him, she needs an ass-whooping. So many of these dudes are so bad that they think a male should never hit a female under any circumstances and that she always deserves special treatment at all times.

            Yeah, so in this vid, one of the things Ken talks about is how his GF is “not” an occultist/Satanist, and the host agrees with him because he met her and he thought she was a nice, ‘kind-hearted’, ‘genuine’, and ‘sincere’ person lol. Well just because somebody acts nicely around you doesn’t mean they’re not Satanists or being deceptive. And she has made some evil statements on FB a couple times; she’s no “angel” lol. I know Ken is a white knight, but you can imagine this dude also is, just like the vast majority of truthertards. Ken keeps saying this shit that these truthertards are “speaking the truth” when they’re only speaking *some* truth and a lot of lies and misinformation. His dumb broad IS an occultist and the dumb cunt blocked me simply for questioning her about it.

            Ken made a vid awhile back where he was talking about how people who follow him are gonna know about the occult… I mean what the hell has Ken ever said about the occult? His followers are completely oblivious to the shit for the most part because he knows very little about it himself, never talks about it other than some mentions of people selling their souls to the devil, and had no clue his dumb broad is heavily into it. In his case, he’s just such a white knight who needs to be in a relationship so badly that I really don’t think he even cares that she’s an occultist… she’s filling his need of a relationshit while he gives her an added platform to spread her shit.

            Being the white knight that Ken is, you can imagine that he has actually banged very few women in his lifetime… it would seem likely to me like only 5 or so, lol. He says he’s loyal to these broads and I believe him, but these hoes ain’t loyal themselves, lol. Men are obviously more loyal than women under the same circumstances and have more genuine empathy in ‘relationships’ and to their friends, children and other loved-ones than women. Ken refers to Sophia’s “obvious beauty”… the broad isn’t “beautiful”… she’s very plain Jane, and like so many Asian women is like a stick-figure. Him saying she is let’s you know what he considers ‘beautiful’… dude has low standards. The only thing I like about what Ken is saying here is when he says “some dipshit So-Cal girl, as I’ve met so many of them”… he got that right, lol. I lived in San Diego for many years too and we called it Man Diego, lol.

            The host is right that Ken’s message hasn’t changed at all since he has been with her; however, he does share her occultist shit, and of course he’s like a broken record about many things he shouldn’t still be a broken record about in light of all the new information that has kept coming out. He’s still an Islamophile, and he still thinks the only people you can’t criticize are Jews… he hasn’t realized yet that you can’t criticize women, non-whites cuz it’s ‘raycis’, in certain instances Muslims, and every other “minority” group.

            1. Ken also speaks like a broken record about da poor oppressed women in Saudi Arabia without ever making a mention of the blatant anti-male society in the West. He likes to say that if you don’t support Palestinians in the face of what Israel is doing to them, ‘you don’t have any humanity’. Well Ken, I say the same shit to you: If you don’t support white males in the West or all the people being oppressed and enslaved by Muslims, then you don’t have any fukin humanity, clown. OMG, women couldn’t drive… that’s “terrible” lol. Many of them shouldn’t be behind the wheel, that’s for sure; they’re uncoordinated and aren’t good manual operators, lol.

              This chick has made some good MGTOW vids for a female. I’ve watched quite a few of her vids and she’s pretty red-pilled. I wouldn’t say she’s entirely red-pilled, but very red-pilled for a female. She has way, way more humanity than Ken has in many respects. Girl Writes What has been another one, and Janet Bloomfield has also done a great job for males I have to say… I think much of it having to do with seeing the problems her brothers have had to face…

  9. yes and george lincoln rockwell also advocated malcolm x

    he bought copies of his material too

    i’m not excusing actual shill crap

    yes there’s plenty of useful eurasianist idiots even in the alt-right

    but we should be able to note just because some shill…doesn’t mean trolling is the same as shilling

    some just do it to piss people off

    others shill

    these aren’t the same phenomenon

    no matter how much they coalesce

    ie assad did chembomb his populace

    putin did buy litvinenko’s assassination

    but the answer to the first is…why is it our problem?

    the 2nd is: why did we let litvinenko into the country?

    follow up w/ these and mindset behind non-shill trolling could become clearer to discern

  10. Russians are Asiatics: Like the Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, give them a chance and they will wipe us out!
    Russian nature is profoundily despotic and collectivism, the opposite of western love for freedom and justice.

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