France: African Saving Child Looks Like Leftist Pro-Migrant Hoax

Watch this bizarre video:

Supposedly some African migrant “saved” a child dangling from a balcony. Yet when you look at the video, there are two people within arms-reach of the child who could have easily pulled him up, but didn’t. Notice the thick propaganda from the newscasters: “this shows that people without papers are human beings with great bravery.”

The whole thing stinks of a big, fat, staged piece of pro-migrant PR. Libtard media outlets immediately hailed the African as a hero, right on cue to push pro-migrant propaganda suggesting these Africans, Muslims and third worlders are just so self-less and helpful to us, and we therefore need more of them. Let’s not count the dozens of Europeans murdered, raped and assaulted by migrants over the past few years. All of that is erased because of spider-man here.

The New York Times wrote glowing praise of the monkey-act:

With a combination of grit, agility and muscle, the man hauled himself hand over hand from one balcony to another, springing from one parapet to grasp the next one up. A crowd that had gathered before he began his daring exploit urged him ever upward, according to onlookers’ video that was shared widely on social media.

Finally, after scaling four balconies, the man reached the child and pulled him to safety. And suddenly, an act of individual courage and resourcefulness began to play into Europe’s fraught and polarized debate about outsiders, immigrants and refugees.

The man, identified as Mamoudou Gassama, 22, is a migrant from Mali, a troubled former French colony in northwest Africa, who journeyed through Burkina Faso, Niger and Libya before making the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing to Italy and arriving in France in September, without documentation.

On Monday, after his heroic rescue of the boy, he met with President Emmanuel Macron. Now, he will get the requisite documentation to live legally in France.

“I told him that in recognition of his heroic act he would have his papers in order as quickly as possible,” Mr. Macron said in a statement on Facebook after meeting with Mr. Gassama at the Élysée Palace in Paris.

Oh, what heroism, the agility – Europe is in desperate need of these muscle-men Africans to save endangered children. This is such blatant leftist propaganda, to the point where I think the entire thing was a hoax, cued up just as large parts of Europe turns against the migrant hordes.

Why didn’t those two people pull up the child? It would’ve been a piece of cake. Instead they let him hang until Spider-Man arrives. Clear hoax.

Anti-white Kalergite French President Macron has already granted the African full citizenship. France has been drowning in a sea of non-white immigrants for years.  It’s so bad that parts of Paris have hardly any white people left.

Let this likely hoax be a reminder that the leftist/globalist establishment will resort to any chicanery to sell us the pipe-dream of multiculturalism. Their goal is to completely replace us with third worlders and degrade Europe to the point of civilizational collapse.

4 thoughts on “France: African Saving Child Looks Like Leftist Pro-Migrant Hoax

  1. Europe is gonna have to take complete control of one of these North African areas and turn it into a “destination” place like Wikanda or something. It’ll probably cost a bit of $$ to keep it running but i don’t see any (realistic) way out of this. Give em their iphones, free wifi, and endless buckets of chicken and that will probably be enough to keep them happy.

  2. It’s a hoax. Africans might be more random and energetic. A bizarre combination….

    However, no-one, including white men, would do something like that out of the blue, for no reason at all except for good intentions.

    Why isn’t the kid saved by the other two people as Brandon said? Why does the kid seem ‘glued’ to the balcony? Why three people are hanging from that fence thing, in the 0th floor? Are they watching the event, just hanging from the fence? Why are they hanging? Do they have a better prespective of the event, just VERTICALLY down from the kid? (actually they have a WORSE prespective/view of the event from the fence…. why are they hanging?) When the black grabs the kid, what are the hands of the other man (the closest to the kid, same floor as the kid) doing. Notice that they (white man, woman) are on the other “apartment” of the same floor, not in the kid’s ‘apartment. Who was the kid with? No-body?

    Actually the kid is the spiderman. Very weird grip. Very weird way of being almost glued to the balcony. I mean do the kid’s little hands have the ability to hold the WEIGHT of the kid? (presumably 15 kilograms?) And do they (the little hands and fingers) have the ability to not only hold the kgs, but actually to smoothly hold them.

    What a bunch of media fakery… Video imagery fakes could also have been used but they are not necessary ( example). Wake up whites….

    1. And in the fuckin end, who even cares? I mean I will be a bit rude here, but who even cares for this “kid”? Even if it was a ‘real’ kid in ‘real’ danger. I mean it is propaganda for circus certainly. Maybe if we buy such bullshit we might think that undocumented blacks from Mali can do circus work as acrobats or climbers.

      So what?……….

      My J-dar is kind of red hot, because this bizarre moralistic propaganda is usually chosen-ppl-directed. My guess would be marxist-chosen fakery. And it (this moralistic catechism) is mostly aimed at innocent christians. But not me… lol

  3. freemasonry infestation
    also abandoning french algeria led to the present situation
    as id say “they have made their bed and now they can lie in it”
    the only way to fix france is to abolish the “freemason revolutionary cult 5th republic”
    and bring back the french kingdoms .

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