Ukrainian Filmmaker Locked in Putin’s Gulag

A Ukrainian filmmaker is one of 70 Ukrainians held in Russian jails under false pretences. When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, residents who opposed Russia’s takeover were severely punished. Not consenting to Russia’s invasion and annexation of Ukraine’s sovereign territory is a supreme crime in the Russian Federation. Russian authorities made an example of a well-known Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and his associate Sasha Kolchenko, sentencing them both to a combined 30 years in a Russian penal colony (gulag) under ludicrous fabricated charges of “organizing a terrorist cell”.

These are the kinds of stories that are hushed up by the Russian-owned “alternative” media. Recently, a Russian investigative journalist, Maksim Borodin, died under extremely suspicious circumstances after exposing the activities and deaths of Russian mercenaries in Syria working for a private military contractor called Wagner, as well as corruption in his town of residence. Russian journalists often fall off their balconies at inopportune times which Russian police always confirm as either “suicides” or “accidents”.

The alternative media is so corrupt that any wrongdoing on the part of the Russian government is actively covered up, or spun as “fake news” from the West. The Kremlin’s assets in alt-media obfuscate all facts, information and evidence of the sinister nature of Putin’s regime, blaming all nefarious doings on Western countries.

All shootings, terrorist attacks, and tragedies that occur on Western soil are designated as “false flags” by Kremlinist operators in the alt-media. Meanwhile, supreme confidence is given to Russian authorities’ official explanations of terrorist attacks and violent incidents within Russia. That’s how you know these folks are controlled mouthpieces of the KGB.

180 thoughts on “Ukrainian Filmmaker Locked in Putin’s Gulag

  1. Thanks for this article.
    I watched the film all the way through and hope that many more people will do so too.
    That film highlights the harsh reality and brutality of the locations, the system and the climate of fear, over there in russia.
    And now they run crimea, the temporarily annexed part of ukraine.
    That film highlights the inhumane options available to and used by putin’s regime.
    It is not only sentsov who upsets the government, so have many true russian nationalists, they either get locked up or have to leave the country in a hurry.
    Sentsov made a defiant statement regarding his 20 year sentence being more than the time left for putin’s regime.
    We hope he is correct.
    Meanwhile people in the west need to stop watching and stop believing putin’s RT kremlin propaganda.
    They are totally brainwashed by that and by the western alternative media which mis-informs people that russia is morally superior to the west.
    It is not, it is still the old soviet union dressed up to look like the new free nation of russia. Stalin is back in vogue, neighboring countries will fall like dominoes when the opportunity arises, unless they resist or get help from the good guys over here in the west.
    Nato was originally created to hold back the soviet union.
    It should be strengthened and it should be made primarily, to perform that original function.
    That includes kicking russia out of crimea.
    The prison visitors and campaigners for justice are fantastic, devoted and deserve to have all their wishes granted.
    Putin should pardon and free the political prisoners.
    He looks very bad unless he does that.

    Right, I think I need to go and lock all my doors now.

    1. This is in jest but I doubt locking the door will help. Seriously though this is a serious and troubling matter,that being said nothing will be done because will live with our head stuck up our proverbial ass and today is only for us. Im ok so well thats all I care about.

      1. People turn a blind eye and say “somebody elses problem”.
        They also think that if they just do as they are told and don’t step out of line, then they will be just fine.
        Probably true but it is a very selfish attitude.
        Being charitable and helping others and fighting for a cause are all worthy and noble things to do, especially if the cause is fighting against the “totalitarian tiptoe” creeping over our land.

                1. Day 120 of Oleg Sentsov’s Hunger Strike.
                  U.S. Mission to the OSCE
                  HDIM: Opening Statement

                  . . . As we open the 2018 HDIM, Mr. Sentsov is in perilous health on the 120th day of his hunger strike to protest Russia’s unlawful imprisonment of over 60 of his fellow countrymen. We call on Russia to release these prisoners. We are alarmed about the prospect of another innocent person dying in Russian custody. . . .


  2. There’s a smug arrogance, laziness, and stupidity among so many people versed in the alt-media who know they’re red-pilled on some things and know some shit, and then jump to the conclusion that they’re “experts” on the red-pill and that they’re suddenly “know-it-alls”.

    One example is it was so ridiculous to see so many ‘truthers’ go from being red-pilled on the “flat Earth” theory to being so quickly blue-pilled on it. Real proof that absolute morons can be red-pilled that 9/11 was an inside, or even a Luciferian Jewish job. It takes no “genius” to figure it out, just exposure to the right information and the willingness to look at it.

    Like this dude Christopher Bollyn. I watched this vid and picked up a few things I wasn’t aware of about 9/11, but I haven’t researched it for many years besides a few vids and articles here and there. Back in the early part of 2011, I did a mass tag with a monster compilation of vids and links on 9/11. Quite a bit of it was shit I had personally found and compiled that possibly no one else had at the time, and/or at least not all in that compilation. It took me a lot of research and digging to come up with it. One problem I had was I didn’t know how to make memes and was using a meme for the tag that was overall correct, but could have been much better. There was a dude named Justin Primm who was an active 9/11 truther at the time and he took my post with all my information, simply changed the meme, and was acting like it was “his” and he had found all that shit, lol. No thank you or anything. I don’t mind sharing for the group and see this stuff as a team effort and that if enough people don’t figure shit like this out soon enough then we’re all dead, but it was pretty f’d up to share that as though he put all the work into it and give no thanks. So I find myself having problems giving many people credit for things, or fear that if I do give them credit, I’ll regret it later because when I find shit or make epiphanies that they haven’t before, so often they won’t give me credit, or even resent me for it, or think I’m an idiot, which is really fucked up. It’s like I don’t need to give somebody else credit when I don’t need them to begin with and am very fucking good at thinking on my own.

    Christopher is one of these folks that makes me think this way. He found some small things I wasn’t aware of, (or maybe someone else did and he just compiled them), and overall this is a good video. Thing is, I know if I told him that I knew a whole bunch of these things among many others back in ’11, after starting research on it in the latter part of ’09, he probably would think I was BS’ing or something. Worse for him is that I’ve been the same way since on virtually every other topic, and there are maaany things to know. So it’s like a lot of 9/11 truthers are in this state-of-mind where they think they now “know everything”, when in reality they’re only a small part of the way towards getting close to the entire picture. Today I could never compliment Christopher for doing a good job on this video overall, like Alan Sabrosky, because I know if I try to talk to these clowns about any other red-pills (I was blocked by Alan Sabrosky talking about how blacks are far more racist than whites and that they’re a high-crime, low GDP per capita, and low-IQ group) the buffoons will do any of the above I already mentioned like the chumps that they are.

    A few obvious things I/we could tell Christopher though is that he acts like false-flags are some kind of American or Western phenomena and that many other countries like Russia “don’t” engage in them, and that there aren’t countless Luciferian regimes around the world. I could tell him that the “war on poverty” has been much more costly financially to white males than the “war on terror” has been and he wouldn’t know shit about it. He also seems to be an Islamophile who can’t bring himself to point out nearly any of the Islamic crimes historically or recently. I mean he really doesn’t know much of anything outside of his 9/11 truther realm. Given this is the case, they need to be clowned for it to possibly regain some humility and some critical thinking skills outside of the few things they do know again.

    1. It takes no “genius” to figure it out, just exposure to the right information and the willingness to look at it.

      True, and people have had over 17 years to do a bit of research, in the case of 911, but they are LAZY and STUPID and prefer to stick with the mainstream consensus.
      Mainstream consensus is not always wrong, but it is often wrong and is often lies and propaganda.
      Or they get confused and led on false trails by mis-information, by both deliberate ‘fake news’ and by false assumptions.
      People need to have the skills to sort the ‘wheat from the chaff’.
      Sadly that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.
      Same with the perceptions regarding russia, we have RT which distorts the truth, being used a trusted alternative for westerners.
      So ridiculous, the situation, and unbelievable you couldn’t make it up.

          1. I also noticed in Bollyn’s vid that he said Wesley Clark (half-Jewish or maybe more) is a “good guy” for a statement of seeming truth he made shortly after 9/11 about being told by another general who he doesn’t name about the 7 countries in 5 years in the Middle East. But Bollyn apparently ignores that Clark said if the US is going to worry about a country, it should worry about Iran, not Iraq. And not too long before he had made that statement, he made this statement about Europe, and we’ll never see Bollyn or any other anti-white Islamophiles like Ken, Trevor, Khanverse, etc., talking about it:

            Wesley Clark – “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states.
            That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” April 24, 1999 CNN interview


            And Bollyn, like Ken O’Keefe, likes to refer to the “war on terror” as “the war on Islam”. That’s a joke, too, because if it were a “war on Islam”, bad things would be happening to all Muslims in all Muslim countries and in the West, but they’re absolutely not. Many Arab, Gulf countries are doing very well, and Muslims get lots of special treatment in the West in many ways (like welfare, housing, and food at whites’ expense, covered up crimes of Muslim past and present, cultural relativism, Muslim groups like CAIR, Muslim sob stories like the Alan Kurdi fraud, and Hillary Clinton-backed fraudulent Muslims claims of the past like “1,001 Muslim inventions”). The “war on terror” makes far more sense being called something like the war of Oded Yinon than the “war on Islam”.

    2. Bollyn is a fraud. I called him out for his pro-Russia cucking, pointing out how he’s so vehemently opposed to the war on terror when it was the US leading it, but now supports it with Putin leading it in Syria. He pushes contradictory BS about ISIS depending on what he’s arguing. For example when arguing against Western intervention in Iraq/Syria against ISIS he says that ISIS is a false group created by Israeli intelligence and are faking videos, but when supporting Russia’s campaign in Syria he says ISIS is a real and pressing danger and must be eliminated through military means. Typical double-speaking Putinist crap.

      He’s dedicated his whole life to “stopping 9/11 wars” but now cheerleads for Putin’s version of it in Syria. He’s totally fallen for the Putin worship ruse and refuses to debate those who call him out on it. He blocked me on Facebook when I brought this to his attention. Guy is pretty useless at this point. All he does is cuck for the Arabs and whine about Israel. He has nothing to say about Jewish oppression and malevolence against whites.

      1. “He’s dedicated his whole life to “stopping 9/11 wars” but now cheerleads for Putin’s version of it in Syria. He’s totally fallen for the Putin worship ruse and refuses to debate those who call him out on it. He blocked me on Facebook when I brought this to his attention. Guy is pretty useless at this point. All he does is cuck for the Arabs and whine about Israel. He has nothing to say about Jewish oppression and malevolence against whites.”


        See what I am saying, I consider Bollyn one of the essentials for the red pill about this planet. But he is unstable. There are so many unstable whites. It’s what I call ‘schizophrenia’ in the white world. Too many damn specialists. We red pilled whites need more Rae Wests and less Bollyns. MORE HOLIST philosophers (the hole picture) and LESS specialization (dealing with only a single subject like a maniac).

        Specialization has ruined the damn Western world. We are full of specialistas and they end up becoming poseurs of their speciality. And they sell out.

          1. Brandon said: “You need to start writing for my website.”

            I have some THEORETICAL (theories, rejections of theories) firepower for you if you face any nutcases tet-a-tet (however I have seen that you prefer not to go full on debate because I assume you assume it’s a lost case, but maybe people don’t answer you or block you a-la Goldy, so I might not be right), in my case I am more of an AMREN/Richard Spencer specialista, but I have watched a lot of Bollyn, a lot of you Brandon Martinez (obviously), a lot of seemingly independent researchers like Corbett, Dawson, Missing links dudes, Zeitgeist morons, $tefan Molyneux etc.

            I used to be a libertarian, then I became an alt-right libertarian, then I became just a white man lol. I am a full time scientist/engineer but I have sporadic free time, you (Brandon) can communicate for information (firepower against poseurs) if you want at any time in the email I use now (I made an email change like a month ago). I am just an anti-bullshit activist. I might be able to give you some information about Greece too… But there’s not much stuff man… Greece is a primitive country from a red-pilled prespective. Too much mid-east shit here. Golden Dawn and petty-nationalists are just poseurs and their crowd likes them and almost nobody is an alt-righter in the Euroamerican kind of sense. We are small time malakes. (plural of malakas greek for masturbators).

        1. Exactly. The unity of all things, the Essence. Not Dugin’s magical “Dasein” bullshit, but the universal, immutable truth. Specialization produces chumps, glorified employees and “muh brand” faggots/celebrities. Jewish mentality focuses on soul-killing materialistic hyper-specialization, while posing as idealistic to the cattle (the little victims, just trying to survive).

          1. #654 said “Specialization produces chumps, glorified employees and “muh brand” faggots/celebrities.”

            This is the best comment I have seen in a while. I completely agree. 101%.

            Muh brand faggots/celebrities hAHHAhahaHAHAH LOL It’s SO TRUE!

            Bollyn, Ryan Dawson, $tefan Molyneux, James Corbett, Richard Spencer. What do these people (all white except Ryan) have in common? They are SPECIALISTAS. Each one of their own brand/kind. They are muh-brand faggots/celebrities/poseurs. LOL hHAhahahH. It’s so funny to see them in their neurotic/psychotic crusades. A lot of aspreger and micro-nuttines involved too like tics and involuntary movements and bullshit ahhahahahahhahhAHHAHAHAHAAH. They are remarkably laughable people. It is automatically produced comedy to see them during the years try to promote their personal crusades with new marketing techniques. Lol… Sellouts.

            Bravo for their passion. HOWEVER:

            1) Who cares? We whites? for what? these people’s crusades contain a lot of unnecessary bullshit (economical or social wild-theories).

            2) Some of them are not even white, or openly anti-white.

            3) The darkest part baby!!! These people are…. weird….. they are apsregeronutcaseschizomaniacs or something. They have what is called personality disorders. They are mostly cluster A. Take a read about cluster A.

            Cluster A is ODD (that’s how psychiatrists call them) personality disorders. The most DANGEROUS and the closest ones to SCHIZOPHRENIA are cluster A.

            A lot of cluster A people exist in those SPECIALISTAS i mentioned. Corbett talks very odd as a random example. He is an obvious cluster A.

            I as Fox have some knowledge on the subject (personality diosrders) and I would assume that they (cluster A’s) are dangerous people (Molyneux as a good example).

            1. I want to correct myself so I won’t be needlessly misinterpreted.

              There are a lot of Cluster B’s (dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders) in these specialistas I mentioned but Cluster B’s are the normal everyday whackos. Stefan has obvious Cluster B stuff in his sick brain.

              However Cluster A is more serious and my point was that there is also UNFORTUNATELY a LOT OF CLUSTER A in the white internet. Cluster Aers are dangerous people. Not very far from Schizophrenia I usually mention in my posts. We don’t need more nutcase crusader Specialistas.

              1. And jews write many of the psychology and psychiatry books.
                They found and fund institutes and think tanks and probably edited that personality disorder wikipedia page if the truth be known.
                In the old ussr you were declared insane and sent to a gulag if you committed too big a thought crime. There are various thought crimes these days that can get you arrested in certain countries.
                It is only the paranoid, crazy outspoken activitist types who will do anything constructive like resist and do something that cannot be ignored.
                The normal types will carry on as normal, maybe joining a mass demonstration at the weekend, because like herding animals they believe in ‘safety in numbers’.
                They ‘do not want to show their heads above the parapet’.

                1. Simply labeling people as mad is an easy way to get their work ignored and ridiculed.
                  Some of what these people say can be proven to be true and grounded in fact and with ample evidence. It is just that their enthusiasm gets the better of them and they go too far and say things that are plainly false, like they are jesus or some such crazy claim. Then people are skeptical of everything they say after that, rightly so.
                  But those skeptical people now have a bias and are not being balanced and objective, because they tend to believe the opposite of anything that person says in the future, when in fact he is still issuing a great deal of factual information.
                  People need to disect and analyze everything for themselves, much like Rae West does.
                  I am wary of wikipedia articles on certain subjects

            2. Just because someone exhibits strange behaviors does not mean they cannot excel and win in their fields.
              Tennis player Rafa Nadal has some pretty strange rituals he uses, but he wins – to the tune of millions of dollars.
              The same with strange thoeries, we can ignore them if we want, we don’t have to accept them, we can pick out the good ‘winning bits’ and do not have to COMPLETELY character assassinate someone for erring now and again.

              1. “erring now and again” is acceptable when the individual then admits he was wrong.
                Rather than doggedly and knowingly, sticking to his error as many do.
                If it is a strange ritual we are talking about, then so what, let them be themselves. It can probably be fixed . . . maybe.

          2. From your wiki link Fox.

            . . . three out of eleven personality disorders were actually more common in executives than in the disturbed criminals . . .

            I have always said that every single person I know has some sort of irregularity or oddity about them.
            We are only human . . . and there will always be extreme deviations from the statistical norm.
            There is a fine line between madness and brilliance.
            Why is it that I know more than a few of them?
            They seem to be attracted to me for some reason or another.
            Oh no . . .

            1. Yeah we all have them. But in different degrees and different combination of parts and degrees in a HUGE ANALOGUE mixer thats our personality.

              However what I am saying is that some people with the very wild types of personality disorders are dangerous. Cluster A being the most extreme. They call it ODD for a reason.


              Cluster A.

              Paranoid Personality Disorder(accusatory): Dawson, Molyneux, Bollyn conspiracy crowd.

              Schizoid Personality Disorder(aloof): Dawson, Corbett, libertard crowd, Ron-Pauliacs. Aspreger. Spencer to a degree. Molyneux to a degree.

              Schizotypal Personality Disorder(awkward): Spencer, Molyneux, Corbett. Radar of Schizophrenia gettin hot. Bizarre faces on them, suspected bizarre cognitions of mania/vanity. Even dosages of pure randomness, division by zero. Failure. Schizophrenia.

              1. Yes, s molyneux does give the impression of an over-enthusiastic “man on a mission” and very obsessed and hyper.
                That is his style – it appeals to some people, not me though.
                And of course we know his content is biased.

                1. Celebrity chefs who are enjoying what they are doing create a similar impression sometimes. To them it is about showmanship as well as information.

                  1. Human brains are so complicated that there must be a nealy infinte range of disorders.
                    I once saw a mel brooks comedy film ‘High Anxiety”, that was the one with nurse diesel, where a mental patient thought he was a dog.

            2. Yeah, Bollyn isn’t saying anything profound in his video. He mentioned a few facts I wasn’t aware of, but most of that is old, old news. And he has been at it since the earlier 2000s, I believe. You’d think being at it that long, he’d come up with some things others of us who haven’t been operating in that field for many years haven’t heard. You don’t have to know even close to every detail of the incident to know it was a false flag; it’s necessary for a potential court case, but not necessary to know it was obviously a false flag.

              If a person has to give many public presentations on something like 9/11, I have more lenience for them in the sense that they will want to constantly stay on top of things and always try to be ahead of the curve with the most cutting-edge information. However, it also shouldn’t be hard to notice other obvious agendas at play here. One doesn’t have to speak on these other issues because they take a lot of time and dedication to really grasp and be able to debate well, but he should be aware of them so that he doesn’t spread disinformation like this is a “war on Islam”.

              Tunnel vision (not to be misconstrued with specialization), in many, many cases like these all these truthertards’ out there simply has to do with extreme cognitive dissonance, poor pattern recognition abilities, and just laziness. Others of us have been hammering out many other topics besides 9/11. And yes, even specializing in many of them as well. Some of us have taken in far, far more information in the last eight years than Bollyn has. Specialization isn’t his problem, but tunnel vision and lack of willingness to learn and research other things.

              Professional of all kinds heavily specialize in their own fields. If you want to get really good at something very complex, you have to specialize and prioritize that field like crazy, and people who are the best at their fields do this all the time. Like certain special forces are king of endless, endless hours of next to non-stop periods of training, like the Navy SEALs, for example. It’s not a flaw or something terrible. It’s drive that often comes as a double-edged sword that means they get really, really good at something very quickly and other things get sacrificed. Some say this is also like OCD. If you asked me, I’d say OCD is a great personality trait to have if you want to reach an elite level in any endeavor you’re pursuing. Without it, you’re not gonna be nearly as good and that’s an understatement. This isn’t complex stuff, here.

              1. Some of us know a whole lot more than we are saying.
                Forgotten stuff can be instantly remembered when our memory is jogged.
                Divulging information is sometimes a case of waiting for the right, or relevant opportunity.
                Delivering that information at that particular chosen time will increase its effectiveness.
                Like you say Dana, some people have DRIVE to do stuff and drive is a great quality, but self motivated people need to strike a work – life balance.
                Workaholics can tire themselves out.

                1. Divulging information is sometimes a case of waiting for the right moment, so it fits easily into the context of the topic being discussed.

                2. Indeed, Dorset.

                  And going back in time to 2010 and ’11, I recall the biggest problem among “truther” activists was pointing out all the Jewish connections to 9/11. So many truthers were having massive problems conceptualizing the idea that Talmudic/Kabbalistic Judaism is evil, Satanic shit, and many would attack you for pointing out any Jewish connections, and God forbid that it was a Jewish job (not just the Mossad, but all these dual-Israelis and Jews in the US government, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – which also had their parts in 9/11, and the Jewish-run MSM on both “left” and “right” sides, from CNN to Fox Jews, including all the Shabbos goyim involved). I don’t know how many “truthers” ‘de-friended’ and/or attacked me over it, but it was fucking pathetic. So we were working on making so-called “anti-Semitism” palatable to the masses. Back then, criticizing Jews was a huge, huge no-no, and you were the “epitome of evil” for doing so. Of course lots of people have caught on since, but slow as molasses, lol. I did two mass-tags on the Jewish job that 9/11 was and another on Judeo-communism and other Jewish crime, and shortly thereafter had my FB account deleted without warning, I presume for major criticism of Jews and it being against FB policies.

                  And when I started in pro-male men’s rights activism in 2011, criticism of women was the “epitome of evil”. Just like Jews were known as, teh wimminz was just “precious, benevolent, sweet lil’ angels who could do no wrong and were morally, mentally, and often physically superior to men, being oppressed by wicked men”.

                  And then when I started in pro-white and anti-multicultural activism circa late 2013 or ’14, (I knew looking at the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case that the media and government was anti-white, but I was still very busy in men’s activism and hadn’t set aside time to majorly research and compile large amounts of data on it yet), criticizing blacks was the “epitome of evil”, because like Jews and women, blacks were the same too: innocent, oppressed, benevolent angels who could do no wrong and were being oppressed by da evil white man. And the same goes for other races, including illegal immigrants.

                  1. You were ahead of your time Dana.
                    I hope you continue with that forward thinking.
                    The same goes for Brandon and others.

                    1. Thanks Dorset. Yes, I’ll definitely continue with the ‘forward thinking’ because it really pays to be ahead of the curve on as many issues a person can be.

                      Not to brag, but I’m way, way, way ahead of the curve in No-Limit Hold ‘Em poker, too. People keep getting better and better, but then so do I, and much more quickly than the herd, lol. I’ll always be ahead of the curve in the game because it’s a very deep and complex game that can’t be solved. People can do things that are ‘more correct’ in this or that situation, but it’s as if the room for improvement, including numerous small improvements is almost infinite. 🙂

              2. Dorset and Fox, I was looking at Rae West’s site, and while his information tends to be good overall, there are a few things he could really improve on or correct.

                One is on the topic of feminism, (another topic I’ve specialized in and would debate Rae on it any day, lol), he has that years’ old meme of 55 Jewish female leaders of modern feminism (they were really radical feminists, because the vast majority of women think like feminists anyway) with a statement that says, “Feminism: A Jewish War For Women”.

                ^That last statement is implying that feminism is “not” a war on men, when it totally fucking IS. It’s about disempowering, demonizing, and emasculating men, while simultaneously empowering (through feminist lobbies, laws, media, academia, numerous subsidies stolen from men and given to women, making it a thought crime to criticize women for anything, etc.,), angelizing, and masculinizing women.

                He also mentions twice that feminism is “divide-and-rule”, when this, as I alluded to above, is something a normy or somebody who isn’t really red-pilled on the topic would say. It’s not “divide and rule” but disenfranchising men and empowering women. And my compilation of Jewish women and Jews involved in feminism and radical feminism is substantially more extensive than his and I’d be happy to show anybody what I’ve compiled if they’d like to see. All these finds aren’t easy and took me time.

                Of course I also have just droves of information compiled on feminism that I’m sure Rae hasn’t found, hasn’t been exposed to, and doesn’t know of; much of it being video and podcast content, but also all kinds of articles on different stats.

                1. “He also mentions twice that feminism is “divide-and-rule”, when this, as I alluded to above, is something a normy or somebody who isn’t really red-pilled on the topic would say.”

                  He is a benign man (Rae West) despite his seemingly conspiratard views on some stuff. He has OPENLY said in one of his podcasts that women can’t write. And he was implying what you or me would imply. I just think he doesn’t want to make women into enemies. But they are. LOL. To a certain degree.

                  He is also kind of better if you listen to his rambling in his podcasts. The site ( DOES tend to get too simplistic at points. But I can personally vouch that this is because of his mediocre communication skills.

                  He is extremely rich with information and very intelligent (and I am not an easy -praiser-, I don’t give praise to anyone). It’s just that he is a bit OCD-styled sometimes. Just because he is trying to communicate 932039255 points at once (Holist philosopher).

                  He (Rae West), Bill Gaede (scientist), Simon Shack ( ) are probably the persons that have influenced me the most on being a rationalist skeptic myself.

                2. If you’d like to do a Skype talk, I’d be perfectly happy with that. I usually exchange a list of topics, to keep things focussed.
                  You don’t mention suffragettes, as yet another jew force – I only realised that when I read a book review on the subject.
                  I’ve also exchanged emails with the J4MB chap who isn’t very clued up on Jews.
                  I also had some chats with Simon Sheppard, whose views on feminism don’t appeal to me.
                  Email me at (say) dana-hart at if you’re up for a Skype chat.

                  1. Ah, I take it this is the famed Rae West in the house! 🙂

                    Sure Rae, and thanks for speaking up. I have some things I want to debate you on, and this should be no-block (my favorite format). One problem I have ATM though is I have a new connection with Suddenlink, and they’re a lot of hype but not great at all for internet connection and so I have some problems connecting a lot of times; they’re definitely a company to avoid if you ever get a proposition from them, lol.

                    OK, on the topic of feminism, I’ve already compiled many articles on Jewish initiation and involvement in it that I can put up here no problem; they took me awhile to compile. So you mention the suffragettes… much information can be found about them operating in many Western countries in the Jewish Women’s Archive. I first found that site back in like 2012. And even before the Bolshevik Revolution, Jewish women were operating in the US as early as the late 1800s.

                    So we have this major problem with Jews behind feminism, but I’ve also compiled all kinds of Jews behind every other Marxist movement (homosexuality, gun control, welfare, etc).

                    What I’ve found rather odd is that so many people I know who seem to be aware that Jews are the primary force behind feminism don’t really understand feminism. It’s like they think men’s rights and MGTOW are “Jewish movements” and that it’s “divide and conquer” between the sexes, not actually anti-male and pro-female. These dudes (and women BTW) are white knights and fembots. Not only can I name so many Jews behind feminism, but what’s your view on it… do you believe it’s anti-male and pro-female (with a tiny bit of nuance in the same way that Jews are anti-white and pro-black for instance) or not?

                  2. Rerevisionist, I’ve always felt that Skype talks are kind of weak in many cases, especially when it comes to covering new information, because the quality of the sources of a person’s information and beliefs are very important. I’m the kind of guy who has spent a lot of time finding quality sources of information to share, whereas I’ve noticed many people don’t place much importance on it. A person can share one article in favor of any argument, but that article might be not nearly as good as another article (or vid, etc) he shares about it. Like some of my articles about Jews behind feminism took me a long time a long time to find. I probably do have the most comprehensive list of them than anybody in the “alt-right” (alt-light). Many people are very lazy researchers but yet still feel that their opinions should count or be taken seriously, lol.

                    Another thing I don’t understand about you is how you can be an atheist. You know I’ve had clowns on FB coming at me and telling me that they “know for a fact” that evolution is “real” and that there’s about as much evidence against evolution as there is against birds flying. The reason these clowns say that is because they’ve never actually LOOKED at the evidence against evolution. Like this clown named Garrett Nelson who was on the debate team in college and he might still be on FB who was a pro-Jew, ‘pro-white’ activist and pretty cocky… he’d make these claims about evolution on his page and then I’d go to his thread and we’d start getting involved in the debate and the goddamned scrawny clown ‘defriended’ me as he started to get way over his head. I called him out on that and his pro-Jew stance in another group and the pussy wouldn’t debate and ‘had work to do’. That’s the way so many clowns are, not only on FB, but in real life, lol.

                    1. The atheist clowns a lot of times are just college indoctrinated dummies who don’t know they’ve been indoctrinated and have never looked at any counter-evidence for it. They’re like anti-capitalist clowns who haven’t realized that Keynesianism is intentionally heavily promoted in college because academia is Marxist.

                      You know I had this acquaintance (we used to be friends) who finally earned his BA in finance from a high-flying college in San Francisco. When I started getting active on FB about the Federal Reserve being privately owned and other issues in regards to finance, he couldn’t take it. He invested way too much time and money being indoctrinated in college that he couldn’t fathom that what he had been taught was a bunch of lies, and so we went our separate ways. Any counter-evidence was extremely painful for the dude, and a lot of people are in this situation where they’ve got so much invested behind their particular beliefs that changing them would be inconceivable, no matter how pathetic holding on to such beliefs is or may be.

                  3. As for nuke lies, I still haven’t researched it much, but when it comes to nuclear power, I just know (and know of) too many people who work in the nuclear field, whether it was in the Navy or friends and family, to think nuclear power doesn’t exist. Nuclear power plants are real, just like non-diesel submarines that can stay underwater for very long periods of time. It seems to me that people who don’t think nuclear power is real just aren’t very experienced in life, and/or they operate around very small circles of people who know nothing about it either.

                    It’s like a lot of these kids bought whole-heartedly into the ‘flat Earth’ theory largely because they don’t have the life experience to tell them otherwise (like being stationed on a ship and examining ships coming and going over the horizon like myself). They say some of the dumbest shit like the sun “doesn’t produce much light” and that the moon produces it’s “own” light which comes from “behind” the moon, lol. It must be a “coincidence” that the light shining off the moon is always exactly proportional to the sun’s relative position to the moon n sheeeit, lol.

                    And I don’t understand how you sounded pro-Christianity circa 2014 or so, and now it sounds like you’re against Christianity. If you want to debate on it, I can do that too. Christianity isn’t no gotdamned “Jewish sect”… Jews are against Christianity and in the Kabbalah, God is the bad guy and Lucifer is the good guy. You can even see all these Kabbalistic/gnostic themes being promoted in Hollywood, like in the movie “The Matrix”. Jews don’t like Jesus either, but somehow there are all these clowns who seem to think Jews are “pro-Christianity” and that it’s a “Jewish subversive tool”, lol.

              3. On the topic of black crime on Rae’s site, I’d say he does a decent job of covering it in a short space, but there’s much more to it than what he listed. I compiled 40 YouTube channels on it, as well as 40 different sites on it; and some of these both covering black crime worldwide.

                So Colin Flaherty is a black crime specialist, including a black-on-white crime specialist and is very busy keeping up with all the endless cases and videos of black crime, and giving interviews and writing articles on it. But another dude who is a specialist on the topic that people need to know of is Paul Kersey. He’s a very intelligent dude and he’s been at it a couple years longer than Colin. His sites are, SBPDL (Stuff Black People Don’t Like), and SBPDL 2.0. He has included all kinds of nuggets of hard-to-find data, as well as a lot of research and epiphanies he has made on his own. I’d post the sites right now if I could get it to come up, but you can find them easily.

                Fox, something else I have to say about so-called “white supremacy” and white liberalism is that I tried to friend request this dude David Carroll (in the video) back in like 2014 on FB, but he never accepted. What I was trying to tell him about the white liberal is that white liberals don’t do what they do to be “racists”. They do what they do out of compassion, but they’re f’d up because they extend far more compassion to blacks than whites; they’re anti-white. They’re like white knights who stick up for women out of compassion when they wouldn’t do the same for men under the same certain circumstances.

                People like David Carroll and Tommy Sotomayor are down on white liberals, but it’s not that white liberals are racist, it’s that you have Marxist and Luciferian Jews (who the vast majority of blacks consider as “white) are very racist and in all kinds of top positions like founding and directing the NAACP, directing pro-black Freemasons like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, etc., and they’re the ones telling blacks shit like blacks “can’t be racist” (like Abby Ferber). So the white liberal is anti-white out of stupidity, ignorance and brainwashing, not anti-black.

                Despite this, David Carroll has made many great vids and I like the dude; he’s just totally oblivious on the JQ, and he thinks Fox News is “fair and balanced” lol, when it’s actually very Marxist…

                1. ^So the white liberal does what they do out of compassion, but also just misplaced sympathy. Like the average white has never been around large groups of blacks because they don’t live around them. They have no idea how racist, malicious, and plain fucking stupid and evil they are. They go by media images and what academia says and things like blacks are benevolent, innocent victims being systematically “oppressed” by da racist white demon.

                  In politics though, we have white liberals like Joe Biden who enact Marxist, and thus also pro-black policies. White liberals like Joe don’t live around blacks but in gated white-communities. Joe is really a shabbos goy working at the behest of Jews, and he may or may not be racist against blacks… it looks to me like he’s just racist against whites. Hillary Clinton is another liberal (although I don’t call her a “white liberal” because she could be Jewish like Bill Clinton) and she could be racist and probably is, against both blacks and whites, but openly champions the PC pro-black narrative.

                  If people like Colin Flaherty and Paul Kersey didn’t specialize on black crime though, there wouldn’t be encyclopedic information and up-to-date knowledge on the topics at your finger tips, so I do give them props for it, even though they too are totally oblivious to the JQ.

                2. Black conservatives, which are like 20% of black Americans or less, are against democrats/liberals because they know that welfare to blacks creates a cycle of dependency on the government in the black community. Some know the money they get comes from white tax payers, and the smartest know it comes from white male tax payers at the orders of the Jewish-run government, but these are a very small number of blacks who know this… maybe like .3% of the black population or something. BCs are also against them because they know liberalism creates endless excuses for bad black-behavior so that it’s not PC to criticize blacks for anything which does nothing but perennially increase this behavior in their communities, thus it continually makes life even more and more of a hell to live in black communities. There are many the black conservative mentality who live in black neighborhoods and cities who feel held hostage at the hands of the blacks they live amongst because if they speak out and don’t tow the prevailing pro-black narrative, they know they’ll be outcasted and attacked for it.

                3. Thanks for the video Dana.

                  The demon of white liberalism.
                  Liberals confuse and deceive both blacks and whites.
                  Liberals preach the doctrine of victimology.
                  Liberals make money from their deceptions.
                  Liberals attack when they think you cannot prove your arguments.
                  Liberals use others as their attack dogs.
                  Liberals will twist things and lie, they are devious and crafty.
                  Liberals should not be engaged with.
                  Try to ‘save’ recently or only mildly duped individuals.
                  Heavily duped individuals might have become ‘born-again’ liberals so now they are liberals.
                  Liberals should not be engaged with.
                  Read more books, get educated, make your points with confidence.

                  1. For completeness (from Henry Makow’s twitter) :
                    Liberals only care about morality when they can use it against a political opponent.

              4. Forgot to include this paragraph below, but David Carroll believes that the rap music industry and other typically black music genres are run by white liberals. The problem with that is Jews like Jerry Heller and Jimmy Iovinne have been heavily involved in rap music. How about all the Jews who surrounded Michael Jackson like Tommy Mottola (I think his name was) who Jackson called a devil, or like what Drake said about how right before taking off how he was told all these Jews are “gonna love you”.

                Fox, I’m gonna tell you what I don’t like about Rae West. In his section on Christianity, he’s way over his head. He talks about what he perceives as the very good possibility that Christianity was invented by Jews. And at the beginning he says, “Why did the Bible, when it was finally printed, include the ‘Old Testament’? Why not just have Christian material? (I’m agnostic about the Latin (Roman Catholic) and presumably Greek (Byzantine) versions; for all I know the ‘Old Testament’ might have been treated as inferior, or consisted of different books).” Later, he then proceeds to state as a *fact* that “Jesus NEVER EXISTED”.

                Why would the Bible include the Old Testament, he asks. That’s a dumb question. It’s a story of man’s beginnings including those of God’s followers before Jesus’ life, with Jesus and God both being parts of the trinity (Jesus being God’s son in human form).

                I notice he makes no mention of any of all the anti-Christian Jews out there or why Jews hate Christianity. Is he thinking they’re just “kidding” or what, or does he not know? No mention of how Pharisaism became Judaism and neither liked each other. He makes no mentions of any of the countless NDE accounts out there, with many of these people who were athiests, agnostics, or of some other religions who say they encountered Jesus in the after-life and were changed profoundly afterwards. He doesn’t know that the first time the word “Jew” was mentioned in the Bible was in II Kings, and the Jews were fighting *against* the Israelites, they *weren’t* the Israelites.

                As for him claiming that Jesus never existed as *fact*, well he’s not using the scientific method very well. I could understand questioning his existence but claiming he didn’t when other evidence besides Christian sources claims he did (including NDEers who weren’t Christians), like this:


                You have to actually read links like ‘Jesus was not a Jew’ by the biblebelievers site to have a better understanding of it. And yes, I’ve taken the time to fact-check everything that site says. I mean I’ve read every book up until II Kings looking for the word “Jew” and never found it.

                He has no idea what he’s talking about in regards to Christianity and he’d be very easy to beat in a debate on it. My style of debate is making people actually ANSWER questions, not dodge or ignore them and think they know wtf is going on. Very often you have to do it FORCEFULLY and what some perceive as ass hole-style unfortunately, lol.

                1. I hope you do get to debate with Rae West at some stage. I agree with you . . . in that I also was not entirely happy with his assertions regarding christianity, but then I don’t have the time or inclination to go too far into it. It is all very complicated and reaches into subjects I have only a little experience with. Thank you for untangling the tangled web.

                  1. I’d love to, Dorset. There are a whole bunch of anti-Christians out there talking shit about the religion that absolutely isn’t true. There are many valid critiques one can make on what the religion has become and how it has been infiltrated and subverted, but many others are completely false, and the person spewing them is very often an absolute fucking idiot.

                    Refuting what Rae says about Christianity is really not complex but very simple. He’s promoting the idea that Christ ‘never existed’ and that it’s quite likely the religion was invented by Jews. Quick refutations:

                    1. Jews don’t fucking like Jesus as a collective. Some Jews burn the New Testament. Jesus is an evil dude in both the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah. Elite Jews are very Kabbalistic, and this means that God and Lucifer’s roles are inverted so that God is seen as the bad guy and Lucifer the good guy. Not a single mention from Rae about the litany of anti-Christian Jews and the prevailing anti-Christian narrative that comes from Jews, whether it’s in Hollywood, the porn industry, the music industry, other religions, politicians, “anti-hate” organizations like the ADL, SPLC, ACLU, etc.

                    2. They not only don’t like Jesus, but they don’t like many of the principles of Christianity. They don’t like that it’s not promoting homosexuality and pedophilia. They don’t like that it doesn’t promote the masculinization of women and the emasculation of men. They don’t like that it preaches morals that aren’t degenerate. Etc.

                    These points and facts are very simple. The litany of anti-Christian Jews goes on and on, just like the prevailing anti-Christian narrative, but not a single mention of any of this out of Rae, or just pagans, or atheists, or other religions as collectives.

                2. @ Dana

                  Considering “White Supremacy”.

                  The definition of “white supremacy” is bullshit. However there is a real (without quotes) white supremacy. European liberals are de facto white supremacists because they think they will invite browns and force them (some but not all of liberals DO support burqa bans etc) to behave and pay taxes like whites. They (the browns) are not willing to do that. They are just looking forward to fuck white pussy and get white $$. It is an act of white supremacism to think that because you are bringing them to Europe (white lands) you will make them white out of your good white will. Who are you? GOD? This is NOT compassion. This is IDIOCY approaching HUBRIS. This is real white supremacism.
                  I also don’t buy the line that liberals/progressives are compassionate. Rae West completely rejects Kevin McDonald’s ridiculous (according to me Fox) line that whites are pathologically altruistic. I am a white man, I think this is BULLSHIT, and I think this specific type of bullshit (self-masturbation) hurts my race. NO SIR. I don’t buy that these liberals that actually support mayhem trough wars (Libya) are pathologically altruistic. Bullshit. Absolute Bullshit. I completely reject Kevin McDonald, Jared Taylor (and more) on that specific one (pathological altrui$m bullshit theory). Rae got that right.

                  Christianity and Rae West

                  I have my own theories on Christianity and the West as you know. I am not pro-Rae in this specific thing because I am too lazy to research this stuff he has on that. I might have agreed, I might have disagreed if I did it. But I will never know if I don’t actually do it. I am also a fanatic opponent of hero worship. So Rae might be full of shit on this one. Rae is not my absolute god, but he is certainly in my “pantheon” of thinkers. Full of shit? maybe.. But not bullshit. There is a difference between shit (wrong) and bullshit (self-backed wrongdoing). If you see mysterious self-backing on Rae’s site, it is because he is an odd character. Veeeeery far viewing/thinking, which of course has its limitations: dangerous logical overstretching??

                  He does specifically say that all these are theories. Just, so you know. Theory of course DOES NOT EQUAL truth. But some theories (most of Rae’s theories) are very close to the truth according to me, Fox.

                  1. When I say many I don’t include the christianity stuff. I also disagree with him on some technical points on science.

                  2. On white pathological altruism.

                    We can also observe WW2. Pathological alturism my A$$, jared taylor/kevin mcdonald! The “brave” americans that bombed civilians in Germany. Fuck you. No. What pathological altruism??? It’s even directed at WHITES folks. The pathological murderous tendency of the elites (including whites unfortunately).

                    Germans vs Russians, Russians vs Germans etc in WW2. And Russians vs White slavochristians nowadays (Ukraine). Where is your pathological white altruism??

                    Kevin McBullshit on this one. Not sure about his Khazar stuff but this one was a whopper (white pathological altrui$m).

                    1. I’m happy to debate with any of you!
                      My view of WW2 is that is was all fixed by Jews, and their aim was to kill off whites and others en masse, which they did. But I’m not certain.
                      I think MacDonald is too timid-minded, like many Americans, unwilling to face facts about Jew-driven US genocides. I suspect he’s reached his limit. A bit like David Irving.

                  3. Fox, for some of these white liberals who do support burqa bans and want to ‘force’ browns and blacks to behave and pay taxes like whites… (‘force’ isn’t the word I’d use, but ‘expect’), that wouldn’t be any different though than, for example, a white Albanian going to France, and a white Frenchman expecting this Albanian to not wear a burqa and to behave and pay taxes like the other whites. Of course we also know that this is not specific to certain whites but to every other racial group out there (like East Indians expecting Somalians to pay taxes, not wear burqas, and to behave like other Indians). Thus I wouldn’t call that ‘white supremacy’.

                    And when I say ‘compassion’ of the white liberal, I mean it’s misdirected sympathy for non-whites that they don’t have for whites, just like a white knight has certain sympathies for women that he doesn’t have for men. White liberals think non-whites are owed something for ‘past oppression at the hands of their white ancestors’; that non-whites are just as capable if not more capable than whites morally, mentally, and physically; that whites are inferior and that non-whites deserve special treatment. Same goes for white knights as a collective in regards to how they view the genders, with men being inferior and women being superior.

                    The kind of ‘white liberal/white supremacist’ that David Carroll talks about though is the Marxist, Luciferian Jew, who obviously does not see themselves as “white”, and can make money off of clowning and degrading both whites and blacks, but aligns with and empowers blacks against whites to conquer white societies.

                    1. Dana said “(‘force’ isn’t the word I’d use, but ‘expect’),”

                      So they are fools then!

                      “Thus I wouldn’t call that ‘white supremacy’. ”

                      The thought that you are God because you are white and your godly white lands can transform a bunch of whatever Tuareg fuckers to white taxpayer$ (I am using the dollar sign because $$ is behind a lot of this crap, some are hybris/vanity infested people but others are using this invasion for $$ like the motherfuckers with the boats or the idiots like Merkel who AT BEST expect new voters and publicity and of course $$). That Tuareg fuckers just want your WEALTH. They could care less about tax-paying and law-abidingness. On the other hand, the white MORONS that invite them here (mostly progressives) are FrenchRevolutionists(tm) and they believe in the magic essence of europeanism which will bring everyone of these damn blackie crowd into being magical european progressive, law abiding, taxpayer$. They (the white progressives) are European Supremacists, maybe that’s a better term? They are some kind of supremacists I think. Keep in mind this VANITY/HUBRIS.

                      “The kind of ‘white liberal/white supremacist’ that David Carroll talks about though is the Marxist, Luciferian Jew”

                      The chosen people are not european whites. Some of them (not even 50%) look a bit like us. But they are not us. So they are certainly not white supremacists like this chosenite Tim Wi$e. How can a non-white be a white supremacist. I don’t care if he looks white. He is a chosen person. And he behaves like one. 😉

                    2. Yes Fox, you’re preaching to the choir my man about how browns and blacks can’t conform or assimilate in white societies like other whites could because there are primal differences between the races, amongst other differences like cultural and religious. Of course they’re either dummies, ignorant, or dumbed down by the MSM and popular culture.

                      I’m saying though, what do you call an Indian who expects Somalian immigrants to behave, integrate, and pay taxes like other Indians? An “Indian supremacist?” Do you call a Japanese person who expects somebody from China to behave, integrate, and pay taxes a ‘Japanese supremacist’? How about if you live in China and you’ve been in the middle of mass-migrations of Chinese from rural parts of the country to urban parts and you expect these other Chinese to behave, conform, and pay taxes… are you a ‘Chinese supremacist’ now? Is this ‘vanity’ and ‘hubris’?

                    3. The answer to the above questions obviously is of course not. And certain whites thinking other races (including other whites from different cultures, like Alabanians living in France) can and should behave, pay taxes, etc., is certainly not unique unto whites.

                      And these particular white liberals’ underlying assumption isn’t that they’re “God”, but one of the liberal/Marxist beliefs that all races have the “same” mental and emotional abilities, and if some race isn’t doing as well as another then it’s either because they’re from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or they’re being ‘oppressed’. That’s not arrogance or hubris.

                      What bothers me about the terminology that David Carroll and Tommy Sotomayor use is that never do they refer to any member of their own race as being black supremacists or black racists. These words are designated for whites only because the underlying assumption/belief is that only certain whites can be and are supremacists and racists whereas blacks can’t be, and it’s an obvious double standard. You’ll also find quite a few black conservatives who still think blacks can’t be racist because they’re not in a position of power to be able to be so; they can only be “prejudiced”, lol. Of course it also bothers me when they falsely label Jews, who have much different religious and cultural backgrounds, and even genetic differences like higher genetic predispositions to schizophrenia than whites, don’t consider themselves ‘white’ and are behind all the prevailing anti-white propaganda as ‘white’. I like both dudes, but the narrative that certain whites are intentionally making whites look bad, evil, raycis, lazy and mean, and disenfranchising them as a way to “exploit”, “take advantage of”, and “oppress” blacks is ludicrous. There are mega-differences between a Marxist, Luciferian Jew and a white liberal.

                  4. Fox, Rae says as a fact that “Jesus never existed” on his site. I mean unless I’m misreading that particular part and that he’s quoting a statement from somebody else.

                    Yeah, when it comes to “pathological altruism”, I’d agree that this label isn’t a highly accurate way of describing whites. What is entirely accurate to say, though, is that whites have more inherent empathy than most all other races. Like the empathy found among blacks is the lowest that it gets, with very high sociopathy compared to every other race. Do blacks care about other races or preserving nature? With the exception of some blacks seeing other races as “brothers” in the fight against “evil, inherently raycis whites”, yes; but besides this, no. In Africa, black tribes fight all the time.
                    The Pygmies are on the verge of extinction, like the Albinos. Do blacks care about National Parks in America or donating time to other causes? Hell no. Do blacks like to adopt and raise other races’ babies as a collective? Hell no again.

                    Do Amerindian tribes care about other Amerindian tribes? Maybe more so than blacks, but that’s not saying much. Mexicans? As George Lopez says, “We don’t give a shit about the environment”. In India, child slavery is still rampant. You can find kids who were kidnapped and had limbs amputated and eyes gouged-out panhandling for money on the streets to pay their slave owners. In China, when somebody for example gets run over by a car, people don’t care and aren’t gonna help.

                    One of the only races/cultures who may have an empathy level near whites would be the Japanese. Have they made anywhere near the same donations to non-Japanese and non-NE Asians as whites have per capita though? I seriously, seriously doubt it.

                    Yeah, Hitler was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year until the American MSM and leading politicians decided to flip the script, make Hitler and crew look incredibly evil, and jump into the war. The MSM pulled at white Americans’ sympathy strings, much like what happened during the false flag of the Gulf of Tonkin or even the Afghanis (like in Rambo III how the Afghanis were the good guys and the Russians were the bad guys, and what Reagan said about how the Taliban has the morals of our founding fathers, but then this was flipped, too).

                    Whites have inherently high levels of empathy is that accurate way to describe it, but pathological altruism not nearly so much.

        2. To whites’ credit, they at least have many specialists compared to other racial groups. I always use blacks as a counter-example because the contrast is the largest and most noticeable, but blacks have very few specialists in any red-pill area. (Although they have more specialists in the arts of, say, drug dealing, dunking basketballs, and running from the cops, lolz; saying that jokingly, but seriously too, lol).

          And when it comes to the whole picture, I know of three blacks who know many things, but none with an understanding of the entire picture who can debate and win every issue, or really even very close to it.

          So, like Thomas Sowell is a black specialist in economics and he’s very knowledgeable about economic Marxism and cultural Marxism. I wouldn’t call him a specialist in those fields, though, because as examples, he’s not red-pilled on the JQ at all, not very red-pilled on MGTOW, and isn’t red-pilled on race differences in IQ (more could be added here).

          Being specialized on one topic is obviously harder than being specialized on no topics. But also, kind of being specialized on many different topics with a more holistic approach is much, much harder than being specialized on only one topic. For one thing, the wider you are in red-pill knowledge, the more people you will piss off. Kind of what I was alluding to earlier is that you’d think all these people who call themselves “truthers” would accept any truth or good find you give them with “open arms” and would be “grateful” about it. Not the fukin case; and in fact, so many resent you or hate you for it, yet still ironically refer to themselves as “truthers”, lol. For another thing, swallowing lots of red-pills is very uncomfortable and painful for a lot of people. Like a white knight doesn’t want to have to come to terms with the fact that there practically is no special princess out there who would be loyal to him in all scenarios and would grow old with him and live happily ever after because she’s so “enthralled” with him, lol. He wants to think that a female of his desire can just fall in love with him and stay in love with him, lol.

          I appreciate specialists because they’re useful and needed, but only under the conditions that they’re open-minded to learning other things, and that they’re not involved in spreading other disinformation while they’re at it (like Bollyn calling the “war on terror” the “war on Islam or spreading the typical disinfo about Putin and refusing to debate it). At this point, we have enough specialists, and people really need to start thoroughly examining the other issues they’re missing, especially those that affect large numbers of people worldwide. Like Ken O’Keefe is an utter moron on cultural Marxism, specifically on race and gender issues, but even on the JQ because he totally blocks out all these anti-white Jews because they don’t fit in with his moronic narrative that Jews are “pro-white” and anti everybody else. He’d do himself well by actually looking into those topics, but it’s gonna be a long, long time before he does, if he ever does.

          To win in a debate on an issue, you do have to kind of be a specialist on that issue, although if the issue is very complex, this is much more likely to ring true. Conversely, if the issue is not that complex, you obviously don’t necessarily need to be as much of a specialist to win in a debate on it. I mean I’m not a specialist on vaccines and don’t know a whole bunch about them. I do know of people who are though, and I also know I’ll never be taking them or having kids of my own, and I know enough to know that many vaccines are contaminated, so I don’t focus on them. I also know that if I had to debate on vaccines, I could quickly learn the info if need be, but I’ve never had a serious debate about vaccines, other than I know where to look and where to direct people if the topic comes up. I don’t deal with vaccines in my life and won’t be, so there’s little reason for me to have lots of knowledge about it. More importantly, talking about them dilutes my other messages which are typically very hard for people to swallow. It’s like if I go around talking about the moon-landing hoax on top of everything else I talk about, people would have an even harder time coming to terms with the things I’m saying.

          People obviously definitely need to get wider in their understandings of more key issues, no doubt about it though. And I know specialists are often very busy, but at the very least, they need to STFU about the shit they do NOT know (which is a LOT lol) and REFUSE to debate on because they intuitively know they can’t win, like Bollyn over here, or like Lana Lokteff or Scott Roberts talking about how MGTOWs are “beta-males” and other ridiculously retarded shit.

          1. That comment I totally agree with Dana.
            Specializing and being an expert in one field is great and there will always be specialists as people will always get a passion for some subject or another.
            However their over-confidence and even arrogance should not be allowed to spill over into topics that they have little knowledge of.
            Then . . . inventions are often created by a specialist with an interest in 2 or more fields and he/she sees a clever way to apply ideas from one field to another. Specialists in only one field would miss those opportunities.
            “Be specific to be be terrific” is sometimes the order of the day.

            1. However, a bad characteristic of the general population is they often 100% believe the ‘so called’ or ‘self proclaimed’ experts in a field . . . who might be false experts or in the pay of evil masters with an agenda.
              Also there are some brave experts in their fields who go independent and ‘whistle blow’ when they see corruption, but many are not that brave, they would rather keep their cushy jobs and not have to check their wheel nuts every morning.

              1. When I say “false experts” I mean frauds and bullshitters who just want to make money or cause chaos. Or simply mentally deranged nutters.

              2. There is a culture in the profit driven private sector, that if you are good at something then they will keep you doing that for ever and not promote you. You are performing your role and you are a little cog in the big machine.
                This means that if people are ok with that, then they become very expert in their narrow field.
                The military industrial complex is extremely compartmentalised for security and ‘need to know’ reasons. So we have thousands of specialists who have a sort of ‘tunnel vision’ and just take orders.
                The system was designed that way, so the top dogs can hold onto their power.
                It would be quite easy to have a system of overlapping specialists that devote their lives to 2 or more fields of expertise, but that sadly is not encouraged.

                1. Competence in your job and honesty, might actually limit your potential to get ahead in your career.
                  Incompetence rises, they say.
                  And of course contacts and image (it’s not what you know it’s who you know) might mean a good career with plenty of promotion.
                  So there are a lot of resentful engineers, technical people and scientists who feel under valued and under paid, rightly so.
                  They are often being held back and are not allowed to prove themselves outside their narrow job function, whereas others have been given that opportunity.

            2. You mean you don’t totally agree with all of my comments, Dorset? 🙁

              “he/she sees a clever way”? “She”? You mean a female might see a clever way of doing something? 🙁

              Hahaha, only joking with you, D! 😉

              Yeah, actually in poker for example, people take certain moves and philosophies from a certain game and apply them to different poker games where they weren’t aware they could before. They wouldn’t have known had they not specialized in the other games. You can even see many of the same psychological variables in poker that you do in chess… like ’tilt’ is a real phenomenon in both games. Chess players wouldn’t have called it ’tilt’ before the poker boom, but some do now, lol.

              “However, a bad characteristic of the general population is they often 100% believe the ‘so called’ or ‘self proclaimed’ experts in a field.”

              Indeed, Dorset. People very often fall into guru-ism where they think some specific person is some ‘exceptionally gifted’ ‘know-it-all’ and follow whatever they say unquestioningly, unthinkingly, and cultishly. They can follow cult figures to the death, or these figures could be their favorite celebrities or icons whom they think should do all their thinking for them when these celebs generally don’t know shit about the topic/s at hand.

              Another one I’ve noticed is I’ve been on many a Facebook page where any gotdamned thing the person on that page says, all their other dummy FB friends agree with, even if it’s totally stupid or totally fucking false. Like I was on Augustus Invictus’ page telling him about Aleister Crowley and the dumb shit he was telling me about how everything negative about him online is a “conspiracy theory” and this and that, and he had all these dumb as dog-shit friends liking everything he said and not a single like coming my way, even though everything I was saying was totally true and everything he was saying was totally false. As said as it is, I’ve even seen Trevor Labonte sycophants who think Trevor is some “know-it-all” on the JQ, lmao. I could smoke the dude any day and all day when it comes to anti-white and anti-male Jews. Off the top of my head, Lana Lokteff is another one who gets trillions of likes for any dumb comment she makes, lol. I’m exaggerating about the ‘trillions’ of likes of course, and not that she doesn’t say smart things, but it could just be random dumb as shit things she says and she still gets loads of likes. I mean Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone have so many sycophantic followers that they could say, ‘The goddamned sky is crimson red’ and get loads of likes. The broads could say, ‘My goddamned cooch stinks’ and get trillions of likes. They could say, “I’ve just contracted goddamned genital HPV” and get 50 trillion goddamned likes from their hordes of white knight, mangina, and dumb as they come acolytes, LMFAO! We’re talking endless goddamned zombies out there, Dorset.

              Yeah, there have been about 25 female inventors out there, much to my surprise, lol. Sometimes they can seriously make you think they’re all just dumb as a pile of rocks, lol. 😉

              1. he/she
                Sorry I don’t know why I dropped that one in, perhaps I am trying to be too accurate right down to the finest detail, or maybe just showing a bit of empathy towards the hers of this world.

                1. necessity is the mother of invention
                  might then be better to say
                  necessity is the father of invention

        3. In a way, Rae West has specialized in one topic and that is suspecting jewish involvement in anything untoward. He researches and digs deep and often confirms his suspicions with evidence he has uncovered. He makes use of specialists and quotes their work and gives his own opinions on how right or wrong he thinks they are.
          It can contaminate the research when you have pre-biases and want to connect everything that might not in reality be connected, but generally he is very good because he has a technical background and can go into detail and understand and spot things that uneducated people would not even be able to comprehend.
          I believe he is trustworthy, competent in his fields of expertise and is well intentioned and is selective and mostly accurate with who he trusts.

          1. That was in answer to a Fox Mulder comment further up the page where he said :

            We red pilled whites need more Rae Wests and less Bollyns. MORE HOLIST philosophers (the hole picture) and LESS specialization (dealing with only a single subject like a maniac).

          2. @Dorset

            Very briefly about Rae West. I thought that he is a Specialista of the worst kind. But if you listen to his podcasts AND (logical AND) read his site (I am not refering only to you Dorset, I know you know him, but I also refer to everyone that might read what I am saying) then you realize that he is a Holist scientific rationalist.

            Holist: The whole picture, no over-focusing on details.

            Scientific: He uses the scientific method. He thinks its powerful and he is right.

            Rationalist: He believes that through reason we can find the truth. HOWEVER he understands that evidence can be faked or destroyed.

            The last part makes him a skeptic too. Real skeptics are also conspiracy investigators like me Fox. SKEPTICISM PRODUCES CONSPIRACISM. This is for the anti-conspiracy nuts over there…. 😉

            1. Great summary Fox.
              “scientific” “rational” “skeptic”
              “evidence can be faked or destroyed”
              and last but not least
              “whole picture”

  3. Trevor Labonte here refers to Khanverse as one of the few people who is “fully awake”…

    You know that’s as bad as Jijcf talking about “the final red-pill”. As if the dumb SOB has already swallowed all the red-pills and “already knows everything”, lmfao. A very fucking arrogant thing to say because he implies that he too is also “fully awake”. Not even fucking close. And the clown can’t even figure out that Sandy Hook was a false flag or that Trump is a joke or that Putin is a joke.

    Besides not knowing countless other things, of course Trevor pushes the highly unaware, “divide and conquer”, truthertard line that this is “white against black” and “men versus women”, and the fool hasn’t figured out that just as there is a war on guns, there is the same war on other groups like heterosexuals, and last but not least: whites and men; especially *white men*.

    1. Labonte is a mentally handicapped half-wit. Is that tard still running his mouth on the internet with his little Muslim clique? Pathetic. Virtually nobody pays attention to those losers anymore.

      1. I sent Trevor a friend request on FB like 4 years ago, but rarely talked to the dude. One time he had shared this post about how Shady Hook “wasn’t” a hoax. It pissed me off and I went and tried to argue him on it and he never replied. A little later, he had shared something about how Donald Trump was pro-Jew and controlled opposition and I liked his post, lol. Then quite a bit later, I was in a black friend’s group that Trevor was in, and somebody had made a pro-Putin and pro-Hitler post. I politely said I thought it was very likely both were controlled opposition. Trevor came and left a short comment saying that neither of them were. That was all he said and I got into this debate with this other dude. Shortly afterwards I noticed he had de-friended me over that, I guess, lol.

        I saw his account a few months before deactivating mine and I went to one of his Islamophile threads and told him I was up for any debate on anti-white Jews and how Jews were working to help empower Muslims in the West and to target whites. Dude just wouldn’t respond. Total Islamophile and he’s so dumb on so many other things.

        Meant to say in my previous comment that I first saw those two vids of yours (if the second one was yours) in 2010, but you may have created them a little earlier. Good vids, though. At that time I was already aware that Jews were all over the media, governments, Hollywood, politics, etc., and/but I didn’t understand yet how or why they were Satanic and that took me quite a bit longer. I was having problems figuring out how the All-Seeing-Eye, and Freemasonic and Illuminati symbols and numerology tied in with Judaism. Of course I eventually found out when studying up on Kabbalah in-depth, though. 🙂

        1. Yeah Trevor is “100% sure” of so many things he has no damned clue about or just switches up on, like his stance on Trump. He started out saying Trump was controlled and pro-Jew or maybe even a Jew because of the name Drumpf, but some months later switched that all around to “knowing” Trump was/is “not” controlled, lol. Dude is both a moron and a clown.

          I don’t know if he still operates on FB because I haven’t been on FB in like 6 months and don’t plan on returning for many years to come, lol. I might come back briefly to do some attack-threads and to make some enemies or something, but that’s about it, lol. I got to the point of just hating FB and social media in general. Not that it can’t be used in good ways, but I just bores the shit out of me anymore as I feel I learn absolutely nothing from the site, but it does very often piss me off, lol.

          Yeah I could see that with Bollyn. Another truthertard “know-it-all” where the buck stops right at 9/11, the Middle East, Zionism, and the “precious Muslims that must be saved for humanity’s sake because they’re so benevolent and culturally and morally superior”, and everything else is of ‘secondary’ or ‘tertiary’ importance, lol. I love how when you mention to libtard truthers about how there’s a war on whites and men, they say shit like “I have a life”. Right, and it revolves around rock throwers in Palestine and Syria, shit like cultural relativism and holding hands with everybody else kumbaya-style, and generally just being fucking stupid and blind about everything else, lol. 🙂

          1. That fuckhead was kissing my ass for awhile and then suddenly turned on me because of my stance on Putin. He’s a low-IQ pothead with the dumbest talking points ever. The fact that PressTV will have him on as an “analyst” proves the Iranians will use any half-wit to push their skewed Islamic narratives.

        2. That clown Labonte early on “liked” some of my Facebook comments and posts back in the day, but then “defriended” me after I saw Trump for the Zionist he was. I suspect Trevor laces his pot with spice, in order to do the crazy hallucinatory mental gymnastics he does to explain away Trump’s “chess moves”.

          There’s a clip of him speaking on some issue on PressTV. I forget the exact issue, but I remember it was rather insignificant, yet he was exaggerating the “geopolitical” importance of it. And I remember while he was speaking the barely-intelligible gibberish, the newscaster (a Briton of Indian heritage) was giving an obviously painful look because it was just that stupid. Yet, these sort of ignorant morons are exactly what the likes of PressTV want – a good ignorant fanboy Jumuah Kafir who will bow to their interests and regurgitate the approved talking points.

          Recently, PressTV reared its ugly Islamo-supremacist face again by accusing Austria of being “fascist” and “neo-Nazi”, merely for shutting down mosques financed and funded as Trojan horses by foreign governments. Like their Semitic cousins (yes, the Persians aren’t ethnically/racially Semitic but being Muslims they’re certainly spiritual Semites) the Jews, they want us to fight their battles while consenting to their own subversion of our countries.

          1. Lmao, no surprise he de-friended you over not liking Trump, Sean. Trevor is like a little child in a lot of ways and of course he’s arrogant while he’s at it. One could see why he likes Trump so much: because fukin Trump is much the same way, lol.

            Sounds like Press TV is doing just as it normally does in typical anti-white fashion.

            Yeah and I also forget to mention above, as we already know, and in refutation to the “war on terror” is a “war on Islam” claim that all Islamophiles love to make, that Muslims have the same “hate crime” laws in their favor in Western white countries that every other privileged “minority” group has. And when you criticize Islam, you have to be careful what you say in certain ways (like when it comes to what you say about individual Muslims or anything else that isn’t PC to talk about like the Muslim slave trades, racism, or colonialism, which are all supposed to be “white thangs”). And if you’re in a no-go zone and you criticize or “insult” Islam, prepare for bad times, and you can be sure that the police quite likely won’t be doing much to help you. If you were in an Islamic country and did what Muslims do in white countries, Muslims would be blowing fucking gaskets and they would *not* let you get away with the shit they do on your life.

            Of course we also see how much Christianity has dwindled in Muslim lands over a long period of time and it’s almost eradicated today… you’d think if there was a “war on Islam”, the reverse would be happening and all these other religions would be rapidly growing inside Muslim countries, but it’s the opposite, with the exception of the rapidly growing ex-Muslim population. This stuff all goes right over delusional libtards’ heads though.

            Yeah not much you can do with Persians who are already Muslims except tell them to stay away. The brainwashing is very, very deep in Islam and one can and will only break it if they’re really after the truth about the religion.

  4. Aside from Ken O’Keefe possibly knowing from what he says in this vid that Putin might be up to no good (which he clearly is), Ken somehow still hasn’t seemed to figure out that RT is also a joke, and neither has Bollyn. Ken especially talks about the same dumb shit Trevor and Naveed talk about like this is “white versus black”, and as if what he’s saying is “profound” when it’s not even true to begin with, and when this is a war on *whites*, not “blacks”. Even if Jews weren’t involved, you still couldn’t combine the races and force them to live together because there’d still be high rapes, attacks, and murders on whites committed by blacks because that’s how blacks are at a primal level, and obviously multiculturalism doesn’t work and doesn’t with any other races of people for long either. They can’t seem to figure out either that in certain ways, Muslims are angelized, lionized, and propped up by the media, academia, politicians, etc., and that no, we ain’t “all the goddamned same”. And no, it’s also very obvious who’s the god of the Kabbalah and why Jews do what they do. Ken talks about that like it’s a “mystery that shouldn’t be talked about” because it ’causes to much division’ n sheeit, lol. He has been saying the same things for years and years and hasn’t learned shit in that time like so many other truthers. These dudes are slow as dog-shit and will very likely continue to keep spreading much of the same false information until the day they die. Unfortunately, being kind to them about it doesn’t work because they’ll still keep coming after you, and so you have to clown, berate, and attack them.

    1. Ken somehow still hasn’t seemed to figure out that RT is also a joke, and neither has Bollyn.

      As Brandon says :

      All shootings, terrorist attacks, and tragedies that occur on Western soil are designated as “false flags” by Kremlinist operators in the alt-media. Meanwhile, supreme confidence is given to Russian authorities’ official explanations of terrorist attacks and violent incidents within Russia.

      If we can open people’s eyes to the deceptions and agendas of putin’s RT, then that might make them more critical and wary of the other trendy alternative news sources.

      1. I used to watch RT a lot, from about ’07 until a few years ago.
        Eventually I got fed up with it, as I could see a pattern forming in the themes of their programming, much of it feminist and minorities and anti-west and anti-american .
        Some of their programmes are good to watch, but you must always stay alert to mis-direction.
        With years of ‘finding things out from internet sources’ and also then being told that RT is propaganda, which initially I had difficulty believing, eventually “the penny dropped” and here I am an RT skeptic and I am now glad that I took that initial step out of my comfort zone.

      2. People can definitely be woke to the follies of RT, Dorset. But probably the main problem with die-hard RT fans (like so many other die-hard cult-followers out there) is that so many have been preaching like RT is the “gospel truth” for so many years that they’ve got too much pride and fear to go back on prominent RT narratives like Putin is an infallible god, what RT’s says about Syria and Crimea, or things it doesn’t mention and therefore aren’t “relevant” and/or “don’t exist”, etc., rendering these people totally unthinking, Pavlovian automatons on the topics.

        I mean you can see, even on this site, random, butt-hurt dummies coming in all pissed off at the sight of anything critical of Putin, and you know they’re pissed off because they’ve invested so much into the idea that Putin is a “hero” and all this other hogwash, without even thinking or fact-checking if what they were/are thinking could possibly be wrong. These mofos will eventually start feeling more and more heat as more and more people catch on, but don’t count on them ever liking you for saying simple truths about their heroes, or them, or ever even changing their paradigms in who they perceive as the victims and the bullies, or who they go to bat for.

        Aleister Crowley was all about catching the young because they could be inculcated in new schools of thought much easier than older people who’ve already been preaching certain things about given topics for so long. Extremely evil dude, but his line of thinking was correct for obvious reasons. It’s easier to work with newly red-pilled people who are willing to swallow any red-pill they have to in order to facilitate trying to ascertain the truth. The die-harders have to be mocked, ridiculed, and attacked though unfortunately, just like they’re going to other innocents with the propaganda and lies they’re spreading.

        1. ^Excuse me, meant to say: BUT, the die-harders have to be mocked, ridiculed, and attacked, unfortunately, just like they’re *doing* to other innocents with the propaganda and lies they’re incessantly spreading. Anything less wouldn’t be fair because spreading lies can and so often does cause wrongful misery, prosecution, and even destruction and death.

        2. A few years ago me and Bjerknes were two of the lone voices in alt-media speaking against the Putin cult. Now a few half-wit anti-Zionists like Brendon O’Connell have finally caught on but are acting like they had this grand epiphany themselves when I’ve been harping about it for years. I remember one guy called me a “shill” for critiquing Putin a few years back, but he’s now saying the same things about Putin that I say. No credit given of course, but I could care less.

          1. Lol. O’Connell is way, way behind.

            I remember I initially thought Putin was at least controlled opposition before getting my account deleted because I was of the belief that there’s no way Jews could have been so powerful in the Soviet Union and would have just “handed over” this power. I also knew they were meddling in and controlling all kinds of governments around the world and knew they had an agenda to create a worldwide ‘Jewish Utopia’, and I also had some info on them in Russia like I did China. I got my account deleted and started focusing heavily on men’s rights and MGTOW. During that time, information would start to come up on Putin that made him look good and I thought maybe he wasn’t controlled opposition anymore or maybe growing a heart or something, lol. Then as time kept going on, I started re-looking at it because I was thinking of expatriating to Russia. Things did not seem quite right. I remember finding stuff of Daryl Bradford Smith’s and yours, while having my own questions about RT and started solidifying my views that Putin was in on it himself, despite all the pro-Putin thought floating around out there.

            Yeah Brandon, there were two clips of yours you made in 2010 that had been deleted so many times that helped propel me into my realization of an organized Jewish plot. One was, The History of Zionism You Were Never Taught in School, and the other, which I’m quite sure was yours, but am not 100%, was an expose on the Jesuit hoaxer and Israeli diamond merchant Eric Jon Phelps. That second vid got deleted so many times and I shared them both quite a few times myself in arguments but kept going back to find them deleted, lol. 🙂

          2. Brandon said “I remember one guy called me a “shill” for critiquing Putin a few years back, but he’s now saying the same things about Putin that I say. No credit given of course, but I could care less.”

            I certainly give you credit for at least making me think that there is something fishy going on between the west and Russia/brics/east or whatever is in the second ‘block’.

            I just thought that we have Russophiles but there seems to be a more serious thing going on. Maybe some kind of op.

            Richard Spencer is a key person in this Duginization and Putinization of the alt-right as far as we are concerned. I recently researchedold stuff (pre trump-era) on his cryptoantiwesternism. I will post something flashy at some point when I have morer free time.

            Seems like its building up isn’t it? Now they (Dugin) are preaching to the alt-light (or the alt light is being currently preached, as with all: it is a matter of prespective).

            1. I just thought that we have Russophiles but there seems to be a more serious thing going on. Maybe some kind of op. . . . . . Seems like its building up isn’t it?

              “The game is rigged” and not by us, so even when we do find out things and understand the current mess, we may still have to suffer it for a long time into the future, as we can’t change the rigged system, not quickly anyway.
              Elections are rigged in many cases and all mainstream media output is suspect.
              If something “serious happens” we have to first work out whether it did actually happen, or not.
              We must continue to be vigilant and alert and look for clues, just like that old detective, colombo . . .

              1. RT is kremlin propaganda.
                Supportive comments here on, from real Russian Nationalists will help to persuade westerners that “all is not what it seems” in Putin’s Russia.

  5. I apologize for bringing this from a “topic” to the main commenting section but I think it is a very important point for the health of the white camp.

    Dana said “I’m saying though, what do you call an Indian who expects Somalian immigrants to behave, integrate, and pay taxes like other Indians? An “Indian supremacist?” Do you call a Japanese person who expects somebody from China to behave, integrate, and pay taxes a ‘Japanese supremacist’?”

    I will call them Indian supremacists. And Japanese supremacists. I have nothing wrong with that. But if you are asking specificaly about hybris/vanity it’s determined by what they EXPECT out of it. If they expect that finally, the somalian will become an indian because of the magic land of india yes they are surrealists. They are of the bullshit kind of hardcore supremacists. A Japanese person who expects a Chinese guy to behave like a Japanese if he is living in japan is probably a supremacist, but of the light kind because there is relatively less hybris/vanity. In that sense he would be more of a Cultural Supremacist I guess.

    I would have no problem with Spanish Supremacism if I went to live in Spain for example as a Greek. It would also be of the ‘light’ kind of supremacism because Greeks are mediterranean whites like the Spanish. I have visited Spain and at least in catalunya they look like Greeks / We look like them. Behavior is different to a degree. But see? I would not suspect any vanity/hybris in the Spanish Supremacist that will tell me look Fox, you are in Spain now. Start behaving likes Foxito Mulderón or something lol hahahaha. That’s not an unrealistic expectation of me.

    Unrealistic expectations and magical thinking (“distant races/people/groups will become like the magic WE, the progressive assholes with the smug Alec Baldwin type of faces”). See what I am saying?

    I just don’t like bullshit man. That’s bullshit. Thinking that you are supreme. We (whites) beat almost everyone in intelligence. So what? Others beat us in stealing. Others in verbal charms and ethnic identity (chosenites). Others in speed (and I mean velocity). We beat everyone in creativity and independent mindedness. That’s all folks.

    1. @ Dana, sorry I missed one of your comments.

      “And these particular white liberals’ underlying assumption isn’t that they’re “God”, but one of the liberal/Marxist beliefs that all races have the “same” mental and emotional abilities, and if some race isn’t doing as well as another then it’s either because they’re from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or they’re being ‘oppressed’. That’s not arrogance or hubris. ”

      That’s what they are saying. Do you believe them? I suggest they are liars. Their smugness betrays them. Think of all the George Clooney/Alec Baldwin type of smug progressivist faces. They KNOW and believe they are superior to both european villager/american redneck types AND (logical AND) the non-whites of the poooooooooor thiiiird woooooorld. They are just indulging on their Messianic complexes and magical masturbatory thinking. They like to be thought of as some kind of Messiahs. Who will bring peace and WEALTH ($$) upon these darn brownies and the Merkels of the world also think they will get taxpayer$ and voter$. They are muh-brand supremacists. Maybe not White Supremacists. They are progressivist euroamerican supremacists. “First World” Supremacists (that’s maybe the best term I can come up with).

  6. Fox, sorry I missed your comment here as I just typed and entered my last comment without seeing this one.

    OK, you personally might call these other groups racial supremacists in that case, but they sure don’t. If you believe differently, how many Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, blacks, Arabs, etc., have you seen call other members of their races, ‘racists’ or ‘xyz supremacists’. It happens very, very rarely; they’re not like whites who police the shit out of each other for “racism”. The labels ‘racial supremacist’, ‘white supremacist’, and ‘racist’ are derogatory terms, and they’re generally designated for whites only. If you call a black person racist, the average person is going to think that’s much less worse than a white being racist, if they even think it’s ‘bad’ to begin with… many white liberals don’t even think black racism is bad or a thing, or that it’s justified ‘pay-back’.

    We also disagree on the vanity/hubris part because this particular type of white liberal you mention thinks all races are “the same” in ability, and thus why they would expect immigrants of other races to behave and pay taxes just like whites. They don’t think they’re ‘superior’ in ability to these other races, but the same. Moreover, white liberals are collectively self-haters, and if they don’t think the races are all the “same”, they’re thinking that whites are inferior morally, and often mentally and physically too. As quick examples, they think racism, colonialism, and high-crime are ‘white thangz’ and that it’d be a good thing if there were less whites or no whites.

  7. Dorset and Fox, maybe Rerevisionist (Rae West) doesn’t want to debate or something? Or Maybe he wants to debate on his site? He sure seemed excited at the thought of debating, though. You know on Facebook, I always did no-block mass tags on different issues, or was involved in no-block pages like Boycott American Women. They were no-block because they couldn’t be beaten. They weren’t like feminists’ pages or pro-black pages or pro-Jew pages, for example, where they almost immediately and cowardly block any dissenting positions. I doubt Rae will debate me on his site in no-block fashion, though. I’m not gonna lie and say that IQ is not a factor here and that natural talent doesn’t play a role in debating and pattern recognition ability. I was for real high school state chess champion. My ASVAB right after high school was for real 92, even though I didn’t pay much attention, didn’t do homework, and barely graduated, lol. So many people love to assume that if you hold different stances than they do that you must just be some “dummy/nobody”. There are countless clowns, trolls, and nobodies on social media and there is also such a thing as censorship where talented people never get heard by the masses. Being a “dummy” is just not the case in my particular situation, unfortunately for Rae. Every so often along with the more people you encounter, you do come across real shockers, lol. When it comes to MGTOW, Christianity, evolution, and certain anti-white narratives, Rae is in way over his head on the topics and I’ll just keep hitting him with fact after fact and question after question which he won’t be able to explain or answer. This is quicksand here… looks harmless on the surface but one soon realizes they’re in way over their heads trying to test it, lol. Like Bjerknes… fukin dude is way out of his league trying to debate pro-feminism and seems to refuse to want to, I guess out of fear of getting schooled, and that’s a very valid reason, lol.

    1. Dana.
      Yes I was looking forward to that happening too.
      Rae West’s first comment . . . #comment-13350 included the following:

      If you’d like to do a Skype talk, I’d be perfectly happy with that. I usually exchange a list of topics, to keep things focussed.

      He suggested that you email him at:

      Email me at (say) dana-hart at if you’re up for a Skype chat.

    2. Dana, in your reply to Rae West #comment-13357 you said:

      One problem I have ATM though is I have a new connection with Suddenlink, and they’re a lot of hype but not great at all for internet connection and so I have some problems connecting a lot of times; they’re definitely a company to avoid if you ever get a proposition from them, lol.

      So maybe Rae is
      1. waiting for you to sort out your internet connection, so skype is possible.
      2. waiting for you to send him the email as he suggested (see my earlier comment).

      When 2 people are waiting for each other, that can obviously cause delays.
      Maybe Rae would like to post another reply here, to speed things along?

  8. Dana
    On Rae’s website, top right hand corner are the “email this site” details.
    Basically you can prefix with “anything at”
    You might like to use “dana-hart at big-lies dot com”.
    Obviously re-jig it to look like an email address..
    Then when he sees that email in his inbox he will know it is you.
    I think he does want to debate with you, provided it stays on pre-defined topics..

  9. Hi, Dorset. Yes, I’m happy to debate. I like Skype because people can just listen to a recording. It makes sense to use some sort of prearranged script, or topic list, otherwise it can meander. dana at is fine but it’s up to you. Or foxmuler ditto, or anyone else. (I’m amused he thinks I’m impressed by people playing chess and not getting much of a degree, and that he thinks ‘I’m over my head’) but anyway if someone wants to talk, so will I.

    This applies to Dorsetpatriot too — I think we may have emailed about nukes.

    My site is – if you scroll down you’ll find my audios and videos

    1. Thanks Rae.
      I sent you a reminder email today to try to link you up with Dana Hart.
      I got the impression that you were both waiting for the other to initiate a conversation.
      So I thought I would help things along.
      Prior to that I cannot remember ever emailing you . . . . although I do look at your website more or less every week.
      I believe that Fox and Dana are far more knowledgeable and confident than I am on all the important topics. Dana has some specific topics he would like to discuss.
      If I was to get involved I would be asking more questions than answering them, or maybe I would be steering the dialogue, much like a show host (which is something I have never done before).
      To be honest I am camera shy and I don’t use skype or have a webcam.
      However, I am comfortable using emails or a discussion thread like this to communicate on.
      I think Dana will respond here shortly and hopefully he will also email you.

      1. I have a very very vague recollection of possibly emailing you a long time ago (over 5 years ago), almost ‘in a previous life’, though I cannot remember the exact details and yes it might have been regarding nukelies.

      2. Thanks Dorset for being proactive in trying to set these debates up. I don’t think Brandon would mind if we debated on this site. I’ve debated many things here, lol.

        I prefer to debate in front of as many people as possible and in no-block fashion or else your time is being used less efficiently. Like if it’s a one-on-one and only you and the other person know you’ve had the debate, it’s often rather pointless. Yes, I’m very sure in my stances on MGTOW, anti-evolution, that Jews are against Christianity, Jews are anti-white and have vilified whites for things they didn’t do (like the so-called ‘Native American genocide’), and in the existence of the spirit. I’m bound to come up with things Rae has never seen or heard before on the topics. Like, I know what Rae is gonna say, but he doesn’t know what I’m gonna say.

        Yeah, Skype is OK for debates but the thing is, and as I was alluding to earlier, anybody can make any claim on there but they often don’t give or can’t remember the source/s of information they got that from. So somebody could say, for example, ‘A 4-D hologram exists in the center of the universe’, but the claim is quite useless if it was derived from a bad or questionable source. It’s especially important for presenting new information and/or contradictory information/views. So as another example, a Skype chat would go better between Rae and I if we were talking about Jews and feminism. We both know many Jews have been involved in feminism and if either he or I brings up some Jew the other has never heard of, it’s much easier to believe that information without a source than it is for counter-information.

        It’s best to debate right here. One thing though, Rae, is that make sure you copy your comment before hitting the ‘reply’ button because it could be lost, and also sometimes comments don’t go through and you have to modify them and try again.

    1. Your rerevisionist youtube channel . . .
      It did disappear a few weeks ago (for me) and so I changed my website to link to your bitchute channel instead.
      Now I know it is still there I will put links to both your youtube and bitchute channels.

      I will reply to Dana and/or Fox when they reappear here and I will put your youtube suggestion to them.

      1. Rae.
        Due to Dana being barred from commenting on youtube we thought maybe simply do the debating here on Brandon’s website.
        We can post videos and it is really easy to comment and the moderation will be ‘for us’ instead of ‘against us’ all the time.
        Brandon is looking for articles and writers, so this might be a way to add a bit more content here.
        For the article – simply write a one paragraph introduction to a topic and maybe post a picture or video then when Brandon has approved it, the article will appear in the usual way and a discussion can begin.
        What do you say Brandon?
        Dana liked the idea, so did I as I am comfortable with the format here.
        Would that work for you Rae?

    2. Rae
      The no holds barred format that Dana would like to use, might not be advisable on youtube, as that could get you taken down very quickly. Censorship by the politically correct and over-sensitive mainstream being what it is.
      However I have heard some pretty down to earth discussions on your youtube channel and youtube simply quarantine and/or limit its reach using various warning messages etc.

      1. Agreed, commenting on one of your existing youtube videos would probably be the easiest way to get started.

    3. Rae, unfortunately for some reason I’ve never been able to comment on YT vids. I’ve tried many times though, especially after seeing all the things that fire me up on there, lol. Like even Brandon his vids that I’d love to comment on but can’t. It’s also a pain that I can never ‘sign in’ to confirm my age on what it deems un-PC content and so many of those vids I can’t watch. One thing I do like a bit more about debating on sites like this is that it often allows pop-ups for videos which is a bit better. A video like ‘Rabbi explains why baby penis is to be sucked’ is much better for detractors than just a link to a vid that they’ll often never look at. FB also often allowed pop-ups for links which was good for debating too, I just hate FBs censorship and the feeling of constantly having to walk on egg shells with a passion.

      1. Hi Dana,
        Maybe BitChute or a platform that you have not yet been black-listed from ?
        Also if you exercised some extra restraint with regard to the threatening language.
        I know it is difficult and you like to “be yourself”.
        The platforms do not understand that though,
        Especially if the platform or a rd party whinger doesn’t like your views and opinions.
        Egg shells is the correct descriptive.
        And we can all think of volatile and easily upset people in our real life situations away from the internet.
        I hope we can agree on a reliable platform or web space that is capable of reaching every corner of the world and is free and immune from the spoil-sports (evil and lying powers that be).

          1. In essence, people who refuse to debate their stances are making false accusations and they’re also acting like bullies in a lot of ways because the people they’re making false accusations against often are small groups with limited resources and things stacked against them. False accusations lead to uncalled for suffering and often even cost lives. False accusations should be penalized to the max, IMO, and bullies also need to be severely dealt with.

            You’re kind of a pacifist, Dorset, and the problem with that is when things can’t be debated or worked out, the only thing that really matters beyond that is power/force. Either separation needs to occur, or some kind of brute force, and even separation may not be able to be done without force. Bullies also like to target pacifists because they see them as weak and easy prey. There are also times when you just have to strike first before being struck yourself or before somebody else gets struck.

            1. Good advice – thanks Dana.
              Yes sometimes it is difficult to know what to do when dealing with the crazy or unhinged types.
              I am told that I am intelligent and should not let the crazies ‘get to me’ . . . I should just laugh and ignore them.

            2. Thanks Dana . . . that is a great point you made there

              In essence, people who refuse to debate their stances are making false accusations and they’re also acting like bullies in a lot of ways because the people they’re making false accusations against often are small groups with limited resources and things stacked against them. False accusations lead to uncalled for suffering and often even cost lives. False accusations should be penalized to the max, IMO, and bullies also need to be severely dealt with.

              Yes, there is nothing worse than “I don’t want to talk about it” from someone.
              However I can take that as a win for me because they (real life people) probably would “talk about it” if they knew they could win easily.
              Thing with me is I tend not to give up and strive to win, they know that and so they refuse to engage.
              If the situation gets too bad I jump ship and go elsewhere to get some civility.

              1. You’re correct that many people would indeed talk about it if they thought they weren’t going to get resistance but front like they wouldn’t, and thus it makes it a cowardly/cheap/douche-baggy thing to do. Douche bags deserve neither respect nor civility.

                So many pacifists harbor false, distorted views about humanity, including wildlife and expect other people to also have and/or incorporate these naively optimistic views, lol. For example, the dumb ass Grizzly Man thought talking to the Grizzlies was gonna ‘work’, lol. Just pet the Grizzlies and they’ll “love” you n sheeeit, lol.
                Moron, lol. Unfortunately, many things can’t be worked out with reason or negotiation. D-bags love pacifists though because they know they’ll get a free pass and/or special treatment for bad behavior.

                In good causes, many pacifists and non-pacifists should be segregated too. For example, when the Muslims first invaded Spain, did they leave on their own accord, or did they have to be forced out?
                It was a cowardly thing for the pacifists not to join in and to expect the non-pacifists to take care of the problem for them, wasn’t it?

                Not only is violence against whites occurring (a person can’t even keep up with all the cases of non-white on white violence, even if they were researching it full time), but this violence is gonna keep increasing. Pacifists are much like fence-sitters letting people get away with douchebaggery. These problems aren’t gonna fix themselves, just like many people never fix themselves, and unfortunately, the ability to use raw force is gonna keep becoming more and more important. And in Europe, it ain’t like the cops are gonna take care of it for you, or the politicians or the militaries. People are going to increasingly have to take matters into their own hands, and pacifists will either be hardly helping, or not helping at all.

                Even Ken Clown O’Keefe talked about giving that dude ‘Zionist Report’ a smack because Ken didn’t like him saying Ken looked emaciated and that he was a fraud. Ken doesn’t like perceived lies and disrespect either, but the clown expects others not to want to get violent with him for all the lies and shit he talks. When they’re given a free pass, they’ll keep talking shit and keep talking shit, and if a foot is not put up their ass, it’s gonna be more of the same.

                This is not to say that some things can’t be worked out and/or negotiated with some people, but they obviously often can’t. Like that D-bag, Varg Vikernes… I’ve already encountered many angry, disrespectful Pagans and you can tell all that’s going to happen is this is going to keep escalating and future wars are gonna break out between Pagans and Christians. “Thanks” Varg, and “thanks” punk ass Pagans. If somebody doesn’t put a foot in his ass soon, he’s going to continually be contributing to making these future wars bigger and bloodier. Pacifists are a combination of not very bright and not very hard workers either, unfortunately, and thus must be segregated. I sure don’t owe them anything other than a potential foot up the ass, too, lol.

                1. Dana said

                  So many pacifists harbor false, distorted views about humanity, including wildlife and expect other people to also have and/or incorporate these naively optimistic views, lol.

                  Well I know a few people like that, they get upset when I kill spiders or mice or even flies.
                  Flies are a nuisance and spread disease and so they deserve to be killed. Hairy caterpillers likewise (some are poisonous).
                  The TV series “1000 ways to die” re-enacted a tree-hugger who chained himself to a tree to save the tree from the forestry workers’ axes. The workers came with their axes and saws and left him alone and went away., he could not unchain himself and then a bear arrived and ate him. Lucky bear, unlucky man.
                  Incidentally on another tv program I saw a bear shin up a pine tree to the swaying top, quicker than a man ever could. Those bears are excellent tree climbers, so you won’t escape by climbing a tree.
                  I am a “peaceful resolution” type of man, but I will fight if that it is the last and only option remaining. I do speak my mind when I feel like it and I confront annoying people and jobsworths and give them reason to get wound up sometimes. I fight to win – otherwise what is the point of fighting?. So I am not a total pacifist and I do enjoy conflict situations . . . seriously its true. I laugh afterwards.

                  1. Well, like this dude says, in prison it’s the law of the jungle; especially against whites. In a massive economic collapse, it’s gonna be the law of the jungle too. It’s already also the law of the jungle for whites in places like hoods and no-go zones, or kind of in places like Mexican border towns on the US/Mexico border.

                    There’s one thing this dude could’ve done differently here, for example, and that is, as soon as the two black gangsters entered his cell and said “lemme get that”, he could have immediately started throwing bombs instead of being struck first. Or, for instance, he could’ve grabbed his commissary and acted like he was gonna give it to them and then surprise attack while doing so. His chances would have been much better than just getting hit first and stomped.

                    At least outside of prison, you still have a lot of room to work with, and it’s good to use the anti-whites and pacifists as barriers between you and the non-white, anti-white hordes, if they can. Eventually more non-pacifists will start conglomerating because they’re of the same like minds, and they should fight for themselves. We’re still in the very early stages of this though, and so the pacifist and non-pacifist issue may not be an issue that’s being talked about much yet, but it certainly will be more and more in the future…

                    Something I’ve also observed about a lot of blacks is that when they start to get angry, they don’t have impulse control. Like you can get into a heated argument with a lot of whites and a whole lot of the time, a fight isn’t gonna break out. Not so with blacks. They start to get a little angry and you shouldn’t be surprised at all if they start attacking. It should be expected from them because they do it with such a high frequency compared to whites. Especially if the hoodies or sweatshirts or t-shirts come off… you know it’s gonna get physical with a very high likelihood. In these situations it makes no sense to ‘fight as a last resort’… that’s asking to get attacked first and beyond.


                    1. Dana, you brought up some very good points – no go zones – overcrowded prisons (in the video) and laws of the jungle.
                      One advice I have for no go zones is if you have to visit or walk through them then do it when it is very heavy rain.
                      In the pouring rain there will be less hoodies loitering around.
                      Yes it must be awful to be the only white in an overcrowded ‘black prison’ in america.
                      I have known criminals in england, who told me many stories of their time inside.
                      Nothing like as bad as the american guy describes, but yes fights and beatings over petty issues did occur and are to be expected.
                      Due to all the immigration it follows that british prisons are becoming more ‘islamic’ and ‘blacker’ – that is not good for ‘whitey’.

                  2. You know, there’s this SEAL named Marcus Luttrell who I met in BUD/S. He was in class 226, but was rolled into and graduated with 228, my first BUD/S class. He wrote the book Lone Survivor. What happened was, he and some other SEALs were conducting a mission inside Taliban territory and they came across this Taliban member. They now had a tough decision to make because while this dude wasn’t attacking him, they knew if they let him go that he was gonna tell the other Taliban members and they were gonna come looking for them. They had a vote on whacking him or letting him go, and I think it was like 3-2 in favor of letting him go. They let him go, and he came back with a bunch of Taliban, and all the other SEALs with Marcus were killed, and he almost got killed himself. All in all, something like 100 people were killed when the entire situation could have been avoided by killing that one Taliban member. This is not the greatest example of when to use a preemptive strike, but they are necessary at times, and fighting only as a last resort in many scenarios is really bad strategy for countless reasons.

                    1. With benefit of hindsight it would have been better to stop that one Taliban from bringing reinforcements. Whatever the recommended method is for doing that.

                      Taking the above as an example.
                      Can soldiers be disciplined for killing the enemy if they cannot entirely justify it? New human rights laws are starting to impinge on the rules and laws of war. I read something about that somewhere.

                    2. Dorset, yes, soldiers can be disciplined for killing the enemy if they cannot entirely justify it. That was one of their biggest fears. Marcus said in his book that they were afraid of the liberal media getting wind of the story and them all being court-martialed and booted out of the Navy with dishonorable discharges and no benefits.

                      Things have gotten much more PC in the military than they used to be. The SEALs of today don’t have nearly the leeway in many respects compared to say the Men With Green Faces (SEALs) in Vietnam.

                      I was in the Persian Gulf when the USS Cole got bombed, only about 60 miles away. We were ordered set up this SSDF (Ship’s Self Defense Force) where a bunch of different people were positioned on top of the ship manning machine guns to take out any other potential boat- bombers. The protocol for all the steps you had to follow if you were indeed attacked was absurdly long. If a speeding boat wanted to bomb you, USS Cole style, that could come up relatively close and then gun it, and there’s not a fukin thing you could do about it… no way in hell you could follow all those steps in time before getting hit. Like, the dude would have to be waay out and coming in really slow to be able to do all the steps. And yes, if we f’d up, we were threatened with court-martial and the same things. We at least had this Gunner’s Mate chief who told us that if we had problems out there and something went wrong, he’d go to bat for us at court martial.

                      None of those boats ever attacked us but could’ve if they were trying to. There are so many of these small boats floating around out there (like thousands over the course of a couple months). It’s one of the reasons I believe the Cole bombing was a false flag. Another reason is that it takes far, far more force for explosives to do damage from the outside of a wall (like a ship’s) or a building than from inside. It would have taken a shitload of force to put a hole in a ship from outside like that without access to inside. Like a torpedo doesn’t blow a hole in a ship, but it displaces large amounts of water that the ship falls into which cracks it’s sternum. This was also exposed during the Oklahoma City bombing where placing a truck full of bombs outside the Murrah building could not have caused anywhere close to that amount of damage had bombs not been placed inside the building. The Cole had to be a false flag, and yes, you’re put under all kinds of high stress situations given all the rules of engagement.

            3. Unelected bureaucrats spring to mind (and jobsworths).
              They tell you what to do and have the power to make you follow the rules.
              Sometimes they do it, just out of spite.

              1. So with Oleg Sentsov.
                Putin is doggedly sticking to the rulebook by saying that Senstov can only be pardoned if Sentsov applies and asks for a pardon through the official channels.
                Sentsov said he will not do that.
                He also does not accept russian citizenship . . . and so on.
                We have a critical situation that could easily be brought to a negotiated settlement through international pressure and by hostage trading.
                The whole point of Oleg’s hunger strike is to secure the release of ALL of the Ukranian activists.
                Putin should override the rulebook and just say the word “Oleg and his friends are free to go”
                Putin looks very bad unless he does that.
                If he does show compassion and fair play then he will be held in higher esteem and will be respected more for doing that.
                Let us hope for the best.

        1. BitChute sounds interesting and I’ve never looked into it. The thing is, I’d like to debate in front of people, and the more the merrier.

          I don’t really have any more use or need for commenting here other than for a few things that have to be debated and some clowns that have to be exposed. Like Richard Spencer, Jay Dyer, and many others are clowns who won’t debate their pro-Dugin stances. Ken O’Keefe is an anti-white clown who won’t debate his stances. Lana Lokteff is a fembot who won’t debate her anti-MGTOW stance, and Chris Bjerknes is another clown who won’t debate MGTOWs. Of course I’m not mentioning many people, but they have to be exposed for cowardice.

          I’m pretty sure ‘threatening language’ isn’t why I can’t use YT, if that’s what you’re thinking. Not all the comments I’ve tried to make on there have been threatening, lol. I don’t know if I’ve tried to make a single threatening comment on there. I just have never been able to comment on it. On FB I’m more PC because I have a good idea of how censorship works on there, but it kills me to have to pretend I actually respect so many of those fucktards. Like ‘fucktard’ is not a word I’d use on FB in a mass tag because the F word offends and may increase your chances of being reported, but calling some of them dummies seriously just doesn’t do it justice, lol.

          1. I agree Dana.
            You need to be able to ‘call a spade a spade’ otherwise it becomes too false and sanitized.
            They need to know that you are not ‘pussy footing around’.
            Then that makes them less likely to blurt out nonsense.
            All good debating tactics.

      2. HERE at
        Good idea Dana.
        Maybe Brandon would be kind enough to allow Rae West to be a guest contributor and Rae write a short article and embed a youtube video, of course to be approved by Brandon?
        The thread could then allow anything and everything discussions between Dana and Rae and anyone else.

        1. Yeah, I’m sure Brandon wouldn’t mind or might appreciate some of Rae’s articles. Rae is pretty alt-right on a lot of his stances, even though there are a few things we definitely disagree on. Brandon sounds busy and is looking for writers. I’m gonna be heavily back in the poker world myself here very shortly, and for example, I know I have a lot more research to do in the realm of finance. Even if you can earn a lot of money in US dollars or have a lot of dollars, it’s getting to the point where things are getting very unstable and unpredictable. Much of that money might rapidly evaporate via inflation or hyper-inflation, and so trying to figure out ways to hedge one’s bet is very important, and that’s one of the things I’m focusing on ATM.

  10. It’s very pleasing to see Rae West comment on this site. I think that people who oppose White Genocide should at least communicate, share ideas and debate.

    If I remember correctly, it was me who first mentioned Rae West/Rerevisionist on this site (unless it was Dorset Patriot). I hope I did a pretty good job of representing some of his views to people that had never heared of him (such as Dana Hart). To be sure, I can’t claim I did a 100% job and this is the reason I tried to always link to his site ( ) so that people can figure out for themselves what Rae is about.

    Now, the reason I was at some points nearly spamming Rae West/Rerevisionist and September Clues/Simon Shack (, is that, in my humble opinion, the information that these 2 researchers (Rae, Simon) have brought to light are pretty eye-opening about HOW the Chosen People and the rest of the Elites operate. We, white identitarians or whatever we wanna call ourselves, often mention the Elites. We do this because we (rightly) think that the Elites are the ones who are hellbent on White Genocide, cultural or otherwise. However, we should realize that if we speculate on what they want, what they plan, we should also research HOW they operate, and put under the microscope their past operations. We can’t just claim to -know- what they want, but be clueless on how they are doing it.

    I think here is where Simon Shack and Rae West jump in. On the one hand Simon and Co. showed that 9/11 (an “Elite” operation most definitely) was a big pile of bullshit. Video fakery with probably 0 casualties. On the other hand Rae (and other nuke researchers) showed that it’s very possible that the entirety of the original “Cold War” “nuke” scare (another “Elite” job for sure) was fake/staged/bullshit. There are also obvious overlaps between the research of and .

    Now having seen this research (which I cannot “unsee”) I am certainly more skeptical of the New Cold War, of Terrorism and of other such contemporary “realities”. What is the utility of this knowledge for a white identitarian? Well…. we whites are almost always in the epicenter of fakery (which is mostly done by the Chosen People) and we need to know how it’s being done and to research their past frauds. Why are we in the epicenter? Because duh…. the Chosen People’s Capital is New York, because other large “white” cities are also giant Chosenite-Centers as well, because the Chosen People are mostly parasitizing off us, because they are best buddies with OUR rotten apples, because they have ancient hatred towards us, because we are the most productive force on this planet and parasites like productive “trees” etc etc etc etc etc. The Chosen People actually take us seriously (a force to be reckoned with) and I sometimes think they also LIKE to live with us and parasitize off us.

    The highlighting of the Elite’s (mostly jews or freemasons) current tendencies (grabbing guns, white genocide) is EQUALLY important with the research of their past frauds and the nature of their fakery. We cannot know our “problems” well, without first researching on how the Problem Builders create our “problems” and taking a look on past “problems” (like 911 or the “Nuclear Danger” etc). But that’s just me.

    P.S. There are, of course, also other stuff that are important in other areas of life, aside from White matters. The -salt stuff- or -aids stuff- that Rae has on his website are….. to say the least… pretty informative stuff to read (or listen) for anyone that… cares about his health or the health of his loved ones.

    1. Fox
      I am now just going to wait for Brandon or Rae or someone to get the ball rolling.
      Brandon has been very quiet in all of this, maybe because it is too “off-topic”, maybe he would rather not get involved or maybe he is on vacation or busy or away from the internet?.
      Rae has suggested his preferred platforms, which are not ideal for Dana.
      I have suggested using this website, which Dana liked the idea of.
      So it is a case of “watch this space”.
      I hope something can be arranged.
      And Fox if you can think of a way to progress the Rae debate idea then please let us know about it.

      1. Hi People!
        [1] NB I found this site via my website logs; I haven’t read it very much.
        [2] My preferred medium is Skype, then uploads in audio or video format, BUT youtube is clamping down so I’m not really sure now. But only if there’s some predetermined rough schedule; I like videos with lasting power, but much online stuff is imho hopelessly diffused and vague.
        Or we could try emails exchanges. Or info on your/ my/ both sites.

        [3] If anyone feels like a long detailed chat, say 90 mins, we could try possible topics

        — Revisionists broadly speaking: views on MacDonald, Zundel, Hoffman, Irving, Faurisson, CODOH, Kemp, Miles Mathis… New revisionists coming online? And trolls etc – Red Ice, Jordan Peterson, ‘Info Wars’, Spencer, TEDx ..

        — Human history! including ‘Jews’ and their claims; Phoenicians; Families; Christianity taken over by Jews; Gibbon on early church; heresies; money and real usury; credit … possibility of wars as Jewish remotely controlled fights, including possibility that WW2 and WW1 were arranged secretly by Jews

        — Human genetics and inherited patterns – Jews parasitical? Whites too scattered? Deception as largely human, using language, symbols, secrecy, threats.

        — World, now: weapons, bases, secret wars (e.g. Africa), but also fakes as prob with nukes. And money, credit etc UN and EU and local groups

        — Talmudic stuff opening up eg with M Hoffmann. Patterns and repeating methods of Jews

        — Propaganda: Ads, film, Jew TV, schools, universities etc.

        — Any overviews or shifting of the kaleidoscope – preferably in an optimistic direction

        [4] I’ve done quite a few talks but (e.g.) Lamprecht couldn’t face the Hitler-as-agent idea / ditto I think with ‘Dennis Wise’/ Hitchcock couldn’t face the Yahveh as rubbish idea/ Irving, Desjardins (of nukes), Mathis (v good stuff imho), McManus (fixated on crap) won’t chat / so if anyone could handle a series I’d consider it

        Anyway, let me know if you want a go.

        1. I’m not familiar with Faurisson, CODOH, Kemp, or Mathis. I definitely have some disagreements with MacDonald that he won’t debate (including on evolution), although his site has produced lots of quality articles. Dudes like MacDonald and Jared Taylor don’t debate on FB or online and it’s weak.

          When it comes to Red Ice, I have some problems with them, although Henrik and Lana seem to have rather good intent overall. Some of the things that bother me about them though, are for one example, when Trump first bombed Syria, I turned Fox News on and was listening to how they were supporting everything he was doing. Fox News has always supported Trump’s run and Trump himself, and Rupert Murdoch has always been openly pro-Trump. So it fires me up to see people like Henrik and Lana repeating the same shit Fox has been saying for decades, like calling everybody else “Mainstream Media” and pretending like they’re “not”, lol. I mentioned this on one of her comments and she came at me all angry saying she ‘NEVER’ watches ‘Faux News’. Why she was being an angry cunt to me like that, I have no idea, but many of Trump supporters are Fox News viewers, including some Red Ice followers. So all these goddamned clowns and Red Ice zombies were liking her angry comment to me, and not a single clown liked my comment. I don’t know who came out with the lines that “The establishment is against Trump” and “the media is against Trump” first, (like was it Trump parroting this shit off of Fox first, or vice versa, or if it was in unison), but Henrik and Lana sure unwittingly parrot the same dumb fucking lines. It’s also dumb to be a pagan, an evolutionist, anti-MGTOW, and pro-Putin (and I presume pro-Dugin), and pro-Trump like they are. I have no problems with people who haven’t researched topics like this and just say so, but I have a SERIOUS problem with people preaching about shit they know nothing about as if they’re fucking ‘gurus’. If you want to debate them on FB on the topics, they don’t do that either.

          It’s not just the zombified sycophants on Red Ice’s page, but the problem is an epidemic everywhere. Like I was on Augustus Invictus’ page thinking about how this fukin dude has a hexagram tattoo on his forearm and how the dude was/is into the OTO and Aleister Crowley, and I ask him how he can be into a satanist like Crowley, and he told me ‘not to believe every conspiracy theory you read about Crowley online’. He was at least polite, but it’s like I’m listening to this dude act like I haven’t put a lot of research into studying Crowley and all the f’d up things he did and was into, or like I can’t beat Augustus blindfolded in chess, and all these goddamned clowns and zombies were liking his comment again like they did on Lana’s page. The ability for people to think for oneself these days is practically non-existent in so many ways.

          1. OK, tho I’m a bit surprised you haven’t heard of Faurisson or Arthur Kemp, or CODOH. But of course there’s a lot out there. If anyone there wants to talk, listen to me (for example on ‘Lords of the Nukes’) and see what you think. And look at eg and again see what you think. You’ll see how I try to go for longterm stuff. And v.v. for me – indicate sample pieces of yours. And let’s see.

            1. Rae, I just looked and I see Faurisson is a ‘Holocaust’ revisionist. Never heard of him that I know of but didn’t need to, to be aware the Holohoax is a huge joke, many years ago. Is there anything else he covers that I/we should know?

              Some other quick questions:

              TEDx on YT has uploaded over 118K vids. What specifically do you dislike about them (or possibly like)?

              What specifically do you dislike about Red Ice? How about Ross Kemp (he has a lot of videos on YT, I see) and CODOH?

              Looking at Miles’ site right now….

            2. You said, “And v.v. for me – indicate sample pieces of yours. And let’s see.” Can you elaborate on that please; I don’t know what you mean.

              As for Miles Mathis, from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not impressed with the dude, unless I’m interpreting what he’s saying incorrectly or something. For example, I see he believes the JFK assassination was faked and that he was gay. Well, even if this was true, what does it really change? People who think JFK’s assassination was covered up very often already are also aware that the US government has quite a history of corruption.

              For another example, there are different theories out there on what happened during 9/11. Some believe there were no planes, others believe there were nukes involved, others believe the original planes were flown over the ocean and destroyed, etc. Even if any of the theories were true, what does it change now? Unless people can take a hold of the US government and the US media, they can’t do anything about it anyway. It’s best to let people know that bombs were planted in the buildings and they were controlled demolitions. Everything else can be fought out after the government ever gets controlled. Time is of the essence here and there are too many other issues to also worry about. Same for the JFK assassination, or if Ruby’s photos were faked, etc. To be honest, it kind of takes away from the good things JFK was doing that people can learn from.

            3. As another example, this dude in the vid below is some sort of civnat traditionalist. He said Miles said that the alt-right is controlled (which the well-knowns in the movement sure seem to be largely compromised and/or cucked-out), but then goes on to claim this dude is promoting fascists and Nazis, as if some trad civnat is “extreme” or something. It sounds to me like Miles is some kind of deluded, and possibly even struggling-IQ cuck. BTW, I’ve never been a fan of art, lol.


            4. OK, different Arthur Kemp. I found ‘A Kemp’ in small letters at the top of your site and clicked on it. I probably have read articles of his without paying any attention to the article writers and so didn’t know who it was. I’ve read quite a few New Observer articles. I see he also did a Red Ice interview, but I haven’t listened to it.

              On your site, you say (unless this is someone else’s writing):

              “A huge problem with the simple comparisons of GNP with population IQs is of course that the tables and diagrams ignore the effects of other countries, and of course Jews. Black Africa has problems which are probably insuperable, but Jews taking mineral wealth, making money from wars, imposing huge debts for expensive weaponry, and supporting black tyrants, are another burden. This is becoming obvious to many people: Britain, and most countries in Europe, have had unwanted immigration, with accompanying huge net financial burdens, and this is mostly the work of Jews—something fairly easy to check with Internet, though censored from the all commercial and governmentally-supported media. The truly amazing repulsiveness of many Jews—think Barbara Roche and Peter ‘Sutherland’ for example—helps add a frisson to such reports.
              I’m not personally happy about New Observer’s innocence over central banks and Jews, subversion of black countries, false flags and fake science, and all the rest. But it’s an evidence-based site, and as more such material is found, I doubt it will be unmentioned. So I doubt the New Observer is a false flag operation, a belief supported by what may be financial problems—they seem to need donations.”

              IQ is about 75% heritable by adulthood and the correlation between IQ and income is about .3, just like the correlation between IQ and crime. The big 5 personality traits are also heritable with a correlation of about .5.

              So, sure, there are many factors that are involved in a country’s GNP or GDP, but genetics are also a factor. Blacks are always the poorest mofos anywhere, all over the world. And in your first paragraph above, white countries obviously also have the same problem.

            5. Rae, I have to say that when it comes to talk of things like JFK’s assassination being faked, they’re of practically no value to talk about today for anybody already involved in the conspiratorial realm because they already know the US government was corrupt at that time, and it’ll probably work against you much more than anything.

              Like I started researching the moon-landing hoax back in 2011. I have many reasons why I don’t talk about it today even though I know it was fake as hell. One of those is because of all the people I’ve seen buy into the ‘flat-Earth’ theory. If so many people can buy into that shit, it means we’ve got serious problems with critical thinking skills. People also just don’t have the time to research much of this stuff; not just in day-to-day life, but there are many far, far more pressing and important issues.

              I see these things as the kind of stuff that if whites can ever get their issues straightened out with their governments, media, academia, banks, economics, mass immigration and attacks, rapid population declines, etc., etc., then they could be looked into. But today it’s just a terribly misplaced use of time though.

              I’ve asked flat-Earthers many times that even if the Earth was “flat”, what in the world does it change about the issues we’re facing? I already know NASA has been involved in corruption… didn’t need to hear about the flat-Earth to figure that out. They don’t answer shit like that other than telling you some shit you already new and then caking it on with other incredibly dumb, false shit.

              I don’t talk about the moon-landing hoax because I already have my hands full worrying about too much other shit. Convincing flat-Earthers that the Earth isn’t flat is like pulling gotdamned teeth. It’s like convincing white knights, manginas, and fembots that MGTOW is a solid movement. You’re back to pulling gotdamned teeth again. And it goes on and on. I used to think it was important for people to know about covered-up truths like that, but these days I see it much more accurately and that it’s really of extremely little importance and relevance. More like a waste of precious gotdamned time, man.

            6. Rae
              “Little Wars” by HG Wells 1913.
              I wonder what his motivation or reason was for writing that book?
              Is it as innocent as it looks and does the timing of publication a year before the great war “say something” or is it just coincidence and genius.
              I did a quick search and could not find mention of it on your website.

              1. ‘Little Wars’ – good question, and interesting to read Wells on how he invented his game.

                I think Wells was mostly a ‘useful idiot’ with no idea about funding of wars, funding of both sides, profit-making etc. Though by WW2 he was getting impatient of Jews.

                ‘Little Wars’ is only concerned with battles, tho he does mention that “We can consider transport, supply, ammunition, and the moral effect of cavalry impact, and of uphill and downhill movements. We can also bring in the spade and entrenchment, and give scope to the Royal Engineers. ” His original version doesn’t even allow for rifles.

                As with ‘Outline of History’ Wells understates finances and Jewish things – starvation, mass killings, control of info, raw materials, concentration camps, mass rape … Like most of us have been, he was naive, possibly wilfully so. I think he was kept out of WW2 propaganda because he was starting to glimpse these things. (Though ‘Crux Ansata’ is mis-aimed, at Roman Catholicism. ‘Why do we not bomb Rome?’ was one of his chapters. Maybe ‘Why not bomb Israel?’ will become an effectual slogan, now).

                I don’t suppose anyone here will talk. Oh, well. No surprise.

                NB if you accept that some element of socialism is important, e.g. education, this site might as well be called ‘Alt-left’ on the same principle that Obama might was well have been called ‘black’ as ‘white’ (Or Moslem & Jew).


                I’m trying to get the logs of my site processed properly; at the moment my Alexa ranking is absurdly low, but there’s some sort of endemic bug in the way logs are filed away.

                1. Rae
                  Thanks for the HG Wells information.
                  I will look further into that.
                  I have never really used web logs . . . to their full potential.
                  My Dorset Patriot website is non-commercial and I care not how many visitors I get, in fact the fewer visitors it has the more exclusive and ‘niche’ it feels.
                  I recently blocked robots and crawlers for a month or more, whilst I made some changes to my website structure and layout, then yesterday I re-instated the robots (google etc) so I should start getting more listings in the search engines again.
                  I hope my disappearing from the search engines did not unduly affect your hit rate as I do have links to your site.
                  Maybe a good many people were coming from my site to yours, I don’t know, perhaps you can see from your logs.
                  If you like I can re-instate my original link to big-lies which was top left on my home page [really prominent].

                  General comment – website logs are probably more fun to read if they are analysed and presented using a specialist application or a dedicated web stats website.

                  Once a year I look at the text files of my error logs and correct any obvious errors.
                  Brandon does debate with people and he has talked with some very high profile people at various times usually on youtube and sometimes with only the audio.
                  I am not sure I understand your alt-left comment, I am a bit slow sometimes, sorry . . . if you could make it a bit simpler for me.

                2. I think Dana wanted to debate with you, though nothing has been finalised yet.
                  It is not for the want of trying, I keep asking everyone and suggesting things, maybe they are waiting for Brandon to step in and ‘take control’ as this is his website.
                  You suggested that Dana or anyone else can email you regarding a debate, maybe nobody has done that yet (why?).
                  I sent an email to you in the last week and did not get a reply, so I don’t know if you received it.
                  I am starting to wonder whether there is some sort of (3rd party) spanner in the works that makes us all get our wires crossed.

                  1. Yeah, I don’t get what Rae believes is better about debating via email than debating here. It’s better to debate here where it’s not just two people who see the debate.

                  2. Christ – so much stuff here.
                    [1] Christianity hated by Jews etc. — The evidence suggests Catholics and Jews collaborated, the Church preventing whites from getting in finance, and keeping the Jewish monopoly, and feeding the Church money. ‘Usury’ was not just interest, but grabbing wholesale. Early ‘Christianity’ was probably a takeover by Jews – Gibbon’s ‘Decine and Fall’ says the first 15 Popes were Jews. Conversion to Christianity was by violence. The KJV must have been part of the intrusion of Jews into Britain. Otherwise why translate all this junk? You don’t seem to realise how much this ‘Jesus’ stuff – entirely irrelevant to the West – has been inserted, essentially by repetition, just like modern Jew media.
                    [2] Islam, like Christianity, was invented by Jews, which is why the ‘sacred’ Quran is more of the same – except that it aims for violence (suited Jews who wanted wealth of NW India, at the time). But Christianity was aimed to tame whites.

                    The reason I like talks is because there’s less scope for endless verbiage. But it needs both sides to have sources etc ready. And of course it needs a site; youtbe may be OK, bitchute is OK for the present but less popular, and I can put it (and the audio version) on my own site. Presuambly it could go on alt-right’s site.

                    [3] My main interest now is the idea that WW2 was arranged and orchestrated and choreographed by Jews. It’s an interesting idea, and perfectly possible, but needs considerbale background awareness and awareness of endless lies.
                    [4] Your attitude to SEALS etc is itself part of the Jew narrative. You seem to think US troops can do anything they like, because, presumably, they are American. In fact, they are (((American))).
                    [5] Plenty of scope on ‘Jew’ evolution, influence of Talmudic fanaticism, etc. The MGTOW stuff always seem very petty to me, as though the whole world works for corporations for life, but I’m happy to discuss it.
                    [6] Plenty of scope on science, for that matter.

                    Anyway, as I say, I’m happy to talk. email to e.g. dorsetpatriot at
                    [The ‘com’ allows any unrecognised name to be forwarded]


                    1. OK, Christianity was one of the things I wanted to debate you on. Yes, there has obviously been collaboration between certain Catholics and Jews, but not for reasons like Varg Vikernes thinks, (he believes Christianity was/is inherently some ‘Jewish sect’ made to spread Judaism to goyim, lol). The Rothschilds became the bankers for the Vatican centuries ago and Catholicism has had many crypto-Jews who’ve infiltrated it masquerading as priests, as well as corrupted Popes for decades. And Nero for example was Jewish.

                      I’m aware that Christianity today has been badly infiltrated and subverted, but it has also been systematically disenfranchised. How in your mind is it that Jews hate Christianity and work to weaken and disenfranchise it; Jews have been expelled so many times by Christians; yet Jews invented it? BTW, did Marx and countless other Jews promote atheism or not?

                    2. You say you like talks because ‘there’s less scope for endless verbiage.’ Dude, it totally depends on who you’re talking to. If you’re talking to people like Milo Yiannopolous or Matt Heimbach for examples, they can and will go on and on. Conversely, many chatterboxes are much more concise when writing. If you ask me, there’s often much more endless verbiage in talks because it’s easier to talk than it is to write/type.

                    3. You say, “[3] My main interest now is the idea that WW2 was arranged and orchestrated and choreographed by Jews. It’s an interesting idea, and perfectly possible, but needs considerbale background awareness and awareness of endless lies.”

                      I came to that conclusion many years ago, man: in 2011. And even if there is incomplete and/or still hidden information about it, at the very least, the Jewish influence was strooong.

                    4. You say, “[4] Your attitude to SEALS etc is itself part of the Jew narrative. You seem to think US troops can do anything they like, because, presumably, they are American. In fact, they are (((American))).”

                      I hate to say it, Rae, but I’m starting to think you’re kind of a moron, lol. You made a moronic conclusion there. I’ve long known these US wars in the Middle East were wars for Israel, but I went into the military *before* I knew any of this stuff. No dude, I don’t seem to think the US troops can ‘do anything they like’ or anywhere close to it. I’ve opposed all these wars for many years because of the dual adverse affects they have on both the US and the Middle East.

                      That is not to say that everything US troops do there is bad. For example, the funding for ISIS comes from a myriad of countries. That means that even if the US didn’t exist, there’d still be ISIS and other terrorist organizations in/near the area. Many of those living in the Middle East don’t like ISIS. When SEALs like Jocko Willink went over there, he was fighting ISIS and the Iraqis appreciated him for it. Also, Marcus Luttrell did make friends with other non-Taliban people in the area, and he’s still friends to this day with a dude from a village who took him in while he was seriously injured.

                    5. You say, “[5] Plenty of scope on ‘Jew’ evolution, influence of Talmudic fanaticism, etc. The MGTOW stuff always seem very petty to me, as though the whole world works for corporations for life, but I’m happy to discuss it.”

                      MGTOW is not of the assumption or conclusion that the whole world works for corporations for life. That was another shitty conclusion, Rae. What MGTOW exposes and is very aware of is all forms of misandry, gynocentrism, feminism, and female nature. It’s faaar from what you concluded there. And yes, male/female dynamics are a very pressing and concerning issue today for countless reasons I can go on about.

                      I don’t specifically know what you mean though by: “Plenty of scope on ‘Jew’ evolution, influence of Talmudic fanaticism, etc.”

                      I can tell you right now that both atheism and evolution are jokes. Have you ever exposed any evolution frauds? Ever wonder what a giraffe was before it became what’s called the ‘giraffe’… there must be some intermediate species that has necks only half as long as the giraffe does or something, right? Ever wonder where a ‘simple’ cell got it’s innate intelligence from?

                3. Rae, you said, “NB if you accept that some element of socialism is important, e.g. education, this site might as well be called ‘Alt-left’ on the same principle that Obama might was well have been called ‘black’ as ‘white’ (Or Moslem & Jew).”

                  I’m not catching what you specifically mean by that. Are you meaning that some element of socialism is important (like a socialist form of education) or else this site should be called ‘Alt-left’ (as in capitalism and communism are basically “the same” or something)? If so, well for instance, who’d win in a debate on the topic between Thomas Sowell and Bernie Sanders? Or maybe you mean socialism is bad for education too, or something?

                  And I asked you above what it was in your view that makes you believe Red Ice is a troll site? Is it different from the things I dislike about Red Ice? And what specifically about TEDx makes them trolls? There a loads of videos there.

                  And I asked you what you meant by, “And v.v. for me – indicate sample pieces of yours. And let’s see.” Can you elaborate on that?

                  1. Nero seems to have been a ‘good guy’. This is ‘mincuo’, an Italian

                    You seem to be very naive about Jewish lies. They tell lies, they deceive. They appear to have invented (e.g.) Quakers – there’s a good piece by Miles Mathis on that, which I’ve never seen anywhere else. If any church shows signs of independence, Jews will oppose it. They also have complicated situations; e.g. in WW2 where Spanish Catholics were Jew-aware, presumably because of their history.
                    In England the Church held vast areas of land; I think something like 1/3 of the whole area. Plus 20 or 30,000 parishes, all with a church, with its ‘living’, ie paid incomes. They had a similar purpose toJew news TV now.
                    The Rothschilds took over Catholic finances in about 1850, I think; not centuries – they weren’t around for centuries, at least under that name.

                    Both red Ice and TEDx nver mention Jews and are obvious trolls.

                    The vice versa point was to deal with evidence. If we have a serious talk we should both be provided with evidence.

                    You don’t say anything about WW2, a rather important subject.

                    1. I missed the ‘left or right’ thing. You seem to have been completely brainwashed by the Jewish media.

                      When Hitler was being demonised in the 1930s, he was called ‘left’, ‘national socialist’ etc. Then it was decided to switch to calling him ‘right’. You probably don’t know that there was a humanistic tradition in socialism, with eg Oscar Wilde, Ruskin, William Morris etc. Jews call the mass murder tradition of Lenin/Stalin ‘socialist’ or ‘left’. But in the oiriginal sense, ‘Alt left’ ought to mean as much as ‘alt right’. Just as Obama might as well be called (((white))) as ‘black’ since he had two parents of different colors.

                    2. Really quick, Red Ice mentions Jews pretty often, man; I don’t get where you think they don’t. It is one of Lana’s more redeeming qualities as opposed to other well-known broads in the alt-light like Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone. Henrik also has a pretty good knowledge of Jews. Of course they could talk about many more Jews than they do though; there are shitloads of Jews up to devious things.

                      Where do you get the idea that TEDx is some kind of channel whose main emphasis is political and/or cultural and/or religious? They’ve got a massively large array of topics they talk about. I don’t see anywhere where it says it’s aim is to enlighten the world about deep epiphanies in politics, etc., lol.

                    3. Out of the article you put up, (including the words in red for the second half):

                      “The Emperor Nero was the very ancient Hitler, the ancient Satan. (Very much of the Hitler demonization was perfectly copied from the antique Nero demonization propaganda. Fire, flames, extermination, madman, a bit artist, cruel, paranoic, etc…). You know that Nero burned Rome, he murdered ten of thousands of Christians, burned them alive, crucificied them, or teared them to pieces by the lions in the Circus, while he was playing the lyra and singing.”

                      “All that is a bunch of lies, but the books afterwards were written by historians who were just Christians or the Aristocratic class, strongly enemy of Nero. Among others, Nero made expecially 2 great reforms. One was a monetary reform, the other was a fiscal reform. Both were for the people and against the aristocratic class.”

                      For one thing, Nero was a convert to Judaism, and his later life was different than his earlier life. What are this writer’s sources that all the books written about Nero afterwards were written by Christians or anti-Nero aristocrats?

                      BTW, when you’re, let’s say, a year-and-a-half older than somebody, do you say you’re one-and-a-half *year* older than them, or one-and-a-half *years* older than them? That’s what I meant when I say centuries.

    2. Fox you were the first to mention Rae here on this site and when I saw your comment I leapt to your support as I was very familiar with Rae’s website (I used to have a prominent link to from my Dorset Patriot website for a number of years and it is only recently I redesigned my layout and stuck the link in a big list at the bottom of the home page).
      So yes, thanks for that Fox and for the Bill Gaede information too.
      I think Rae could see that we were genuine due to our recommending of him.
      He must have read the comments here and saw that he was mentioned favorably.
      And Dana disagrees on a number of Rae’s topics so there is great scope for debating those.

  11. Rae, out of that article above ^, Inventors of Evil Things, (Jews), Texe says:

    “Rome’s Nero, a Jewish Convert, Persecuted Christians
    The Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, reported that it was the Jews who stirred up the Romans and incited such fierce animosity of nations against the Christian Church. Historians record that Emperor Nero, after marrying a Jewess, converted to Judaism and swiftly became a persecutor of Christians. Darkly inspired by his newfound Jewish faith, the mad Nero fed many to the lions at the Colosseum, sawed others in half, and sentenced many others to be crucified.

    Like the fanatical rabbis of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus, Nero was an “inventor of evil things,” a ruthless persecutor of the righteous. But Nero and the Jews of his era were only imitating the deviltry carried out by leaders of this same cult since the founding of Judea. Centuries before Nero’s crimes, the Jewish Queen Esther and her wicked, power grabbing cousin, Mordecai, persuaded the King of Persia to massacre 75,000 “enemies” of the Jews. Esther, a whorish consort who influenced the monarch by her feminine wiles and physical beauty, even had the ten sons of Haman hung twice.”

    “Torquemada Was a Jew

    According to encyclopedias, the ravages of the Catholic Inquisition, in which thousands of innocents were slain and tortured, suffering the most cruel of fates, being branded, painfully wracked by ghoulish devices and instruments, and finally burned at the stake, were overseen by a Jewish convert to the papacy—Tomás de Torquemada (1420-1498). The Jewish-born Torquemada must have been filled with glee at the opportunity to so fiendishly torment true Christian believers. Among his victims were many women and children.”

  12. ^

    “Rome’s Nero, a Jewish Convert, Persecuted Christians
    The Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, reported that it was the Jews who stirred up the Romans and incited such fierce animosity of nations against the Christian Church. Historians record that Emperor Nero, after marrying a Jewess, converted to Judaism and swiftly became a persecutor of Christians. Darkly inspired by his newfound Jewish faith, the mad Nero fed many to the lions at the Colosseum, sawed others in half, and sentenced many others to be crucified.

    Like the fanatical rabbis of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus, Nero was an “inventor of evil things,” a ruthless persecutor of the righteous. But Nero and the Jews of his era were only imitating the deviltry carried out by leaders of this same cult since the founding of Judea. Centuries before Nero’s crimes, the Jewish Queen Esther and her wicked, power grabbing cousin, Mordecai, persuaded the King of Persia to massacre 75,000 “enemies” of the Jews. Esther, a whorish consort who influenced the monarch by her feminine wiles and physical beauty, even had the ten sons of Haman hung twice.”

  13. Rae, as for Obama being a Muslim or a Jew, that’s a dumb question, man. He might for instance be very anti-white, pro-Islam over Christianity, and pro-Muslim immigration, but Obama is anti-male, a homo, is pro-homo, and there’s been a growing sentiment that Michelle is a tranny (I haven’t much looked into it, but I wouldn’t be surprised). Did the dude ever bomb Israel, or certain Muslim countries?

    You said, “I missed the ‘left or right’ thing. You seem to have been completely brainwashed by the Jewish media.”

    OK clown, tell us what the following agendas in the West are, and if they’re left or right?

    1. Anti-white
    2. Anti-male
    3. Anti-heterosexual
    4. Anti-gun
    5. Anti-Christianity
    6. Anti-free speech for un-PC topics
    6. Anti-capitalism (including the transfer of the wealth, pro-welfare, pro-affirmative action, and high taxation for the middle and upper middle classes)

    Would you say these agendas “don’t” exist? And would you say Jews aren’t the primary forces behind these agendas?

  14. Rae, so you’re also pro-socialist and I take it ‘neither’ left or right, (although you’re more on the right than the average person when it comes to being anti-Jew) just like Miles Mathis? Miles is a fukin clown, too, who seems to be some kind of libtard, apparently calling that cuck in the vid I put up a “Nazi” and a “fascist”, lol. Let’s get Miles over here to help you debate your anti-Christianity and ‘neither right nor left’ cases.

  15. Rae, maybe you and Miles can answer this too. Does Christianity promote homosexuality, usury, lying, stealing, pedophilia, incest, the emasculation of men and the masculinization of women, transgenderism, and the invocation of demons and demon worship? These aren’t “trick” questions. The Pharisees hated Jesus and then invented Christianity? Let’s just invent a religion that we will work tirelessly to subvert and eradicate, ADL, Anton LaVey and Marilyn Manson style, right? The Texe Marrs link I put up above also talked about Nero and Torquemada.

    Maybe you clowns will also debate me on evolution while we’re at it. Careful now, you might grow three eyes on me the next time you come and comment over here n sheeeit, lol. U be transformin’ right in front of my eyes n sheeeit, lolz.

    1. Rae and Dana

      It is good that between you, you are briefly dipping into each topic so that for future “mini-battles” you can be prepared and know a little beforehand of the other’s, or shall we say the “opponent’s” views.
      Quite often these threads go way off-topic, probably thats ok, because then it gets interesting.
      I love “heated debates” and I hope that eventually everyone can focus and concentrate on one topic.

      1. Thanks, Dorset. I’m trying to get these debates finished to get back to doing what I need to be doing. We’re not on-topic for the OP, but we’re pretty on-topic for alt-right issues.

        I don’t think Rae understands this, (he’s talking to me like I’m some kinda dummy or something, lol) but I set a blistering pace when it came to epiphanies. It was a lot of work and a lot of pain. I inculcated the serious BUD/S work ethic while I was there. The body and mind can do far, far more in terms of output, and take far, far more physical pain than the average person would ever expect. It helped me on my journey to making epiphanies. When I get back to the poker tables, I’ll be doing what I do: mega-sessions for weeks or months on end, because I’m ultra-competitive, and in a hurry. I try not to get too crazy for too long, but I always get some competitive urges welling up inside me, lol. Outwork every poker player all day, everyday, at least for a little while. Doing BUD/S’ Hell-Weeks at the poker tables, lol. It’s not the best for your health though, lol. You might have seen Paul Elam talking about those Japanese workers putting in all those hours day-in and day-out and dying on the job, only in their 30’s and 40’s. I’m smarter with it these days and try to only do short bursts, and if I get sick, I slow way down, but I find myself having problems resisting short-term competitive temptations in poker, lol.

        People need to know though that any pro-Marxist position can be beaten in any debate, across the whole range of topics that Marxists deal with, and it’s many. This also includes those people “in the middle” who aren’t completely Marxist, but they’re not aggressively anti-Marxist either because they don’t understand the topics and/or can’t take the pain and/or haven’t put in the research. They also need to know that the “alt-right” is composed of a bunch of alt-light pussies and/or dummies who are way behind the curve; it’s even worse for people who aren’t even alt-light.

  16. Rae, Miles actually isn’t bad here. He’s not a Christian, but not an atheist, either. I’ve known for years that the Popes have been Luciferian agents for many decades, that Christianity has had many bad influences like the Scofield Bible, and about the noticeable Mormon/Masonic connection. Interestingly about Mormons though: their women aren’t as slutty, they stockpile food, they have lots of kids, and I can’t say I’m opposed to polygamy either when the laws aren’t so blatantly anti-male. When it comes to Quakers, there are only about 210,000 of them in the world.

    You’re more anti-Christian than Miles is, by a long-shot. You just jumped on the dumb train, jumping to dumb conclusions like you often do, thinking Christianity was “invented” by Jews, lol.

    BTW, Miles was also saying in his article, ‘The Society of Friends Looks Like Another Jewish Front’, that the Quaker founder, George Fox, could’ve been Jewish; that he seemed *anti-Christian* and *against* the Catholic church; and that Fox’s connections could have also been crypto-Jews. He wasn’t saying that Christianity itself was started by Jews, but that the Quakers may have been started by *crypto-Jews* trying to *undermine* Christianity.

    Tell Miles that the Quakers “can’t” be anti-Christian because Christianity was “Jewish” in the first place, lol.

  17. Rae, Miles actually isn’t bad here. He’s not a Christian, but not an atheist, either. I’ve known for years that the Popes have been Luciferian agents for many decades, that Christianity has had many bad influences like the Scofield Bible, and about the noticeable Mormon/Masonic connection. Interestingly about Mormons though: their women aren’t as slutty, they stockpile food, they have lots of kids, and I can’t say I’m opposed to polygamy either when the laws aren’t so blatantly anti-male. When it comes to Quakers, there are only about 210,000 of them in the world.

    You’re more anti-Christian than Miles is, by a long-shot. You just jumped on the dumb train, jumping to dumb conclusions like you often do, thinking Christianity was “invented” by Jews, lol.

  18. BTW, Miles was also saying in his article, ‘The Society of Friends Looks Like Another Jewish Front’, that the Quaker founder, George Fox, could easily have been Jewish; that he seemed *anti-Christian* and *against* the Catholic church; and that Fox’s connections could have also easily been crypto-Jews. You kinda left that out. Tell Miles that the Quakers “can’t” be anti-Christian because Christianity was “Jewish” in the first place, lol.

  19. Miles was also saying in his article, ‘The Society of Friends Looks Like Another Jewish Front’, that the Quaker founder, George Fox, could’ve been Jewish; seemed *anti-Christian*; and that Fox’s connections could have also easily been crypto-Jews. You left that out.

  20. I repeat I’d be happy to debate, preferably in audio, since the only person who’s shown any interest lacks the gift of getting to the point verbally. But it’s obviously unlikely to come to anything.

  21. “Getting to the point verbally.” Does that mean you just come right out and say, ‘Evolution is fo’ real n sheeeit!’ And saying so just makes it so!

    Rae, I was staring at your photo when I realized that man was evolving right in front of me. He’s growing a third eye on his cheek, and if he donates sperm, you know his offspring gonna have 3 eyes too n sheeeit! Prolly 4 n sheeeit!

    Holy shit, even this girl is outsmarting you, Rae. I was looking at the drawing of the seahorse transitional fossil on Wikipedia and have to say that now I know what the species looked like at one time n sheeeit! Lol.

    Jenna Smithers
    2 years ago
    Only Pokemon evolve, evolution is a fairy tale for adults…Darwin himself said the most obvious and damaging argument against his theory is the lack of transitional fossils. If evolution happened transitional fossils WOULD outnumber fully formed fossils. If it took lets say a million years for a lizard to change into a bird it would have a million years to form a fossil while it was changing, while it had partly developed wings or growing feathers or a beak….If animals were evolving for millions of years that would mean that most of the animals that were on earth were transitional, but we only have fossils of fully formed animals of distinct types. There are no part bird part lizard, or part fish part lizard. Go look on wikipedia’s transitional fossils page, you’ll see a few fossils of fully formed animals then a bunch of drawings of what a transitional animal WOULD look like. If your theory was correct then 99% of our fossils would be partly formed animals but they aren’t….Also if you try and say I don’t understand what a transitional fossil would be, go check wiki they have a drawing of a fish that is obviously part fish part reptile….But no fossils of these creatures undergoing change.”

    1. Rae, I had a big account on Facebook in 2011 with almost 5K friends on it. It wound up getting deleted without warning around May of that year. I did two mass tags shortly before it got deleted that were pretty much the first of their kinds in terms of their quantity and quality of information. One was on Israel doing 9/11, and another was almost solely on exposing Jews. It was a bunch of information and got a lot of shares. I had quotes like

      Given that I was primarily focused on only exposing things like Jews and US government corruption, it was much easier to have a large following and be popular. I would notice though that I’d get significantly more likes when I would leave Jews out of the topic, like say, covering neo-con wars for example. So being anti-Jew means you’re pulling a heavier load with a heavier burden. I wanted to start exposing feminism but I knew by doing so, my popularity would go way down and I’d be in all kinds of fights, and I didn’t know how to go about it. So I did that as soon as my account was deleted. When you’re talking about everything across the Marxist spectrum, your popularity goes waaay down. One of the only things I haven’t really studied is healthcare and I see that’s a deep area that would take a lot of time to cover. Apparently 1/3rd of the US budget is spent on it, and figuring out ways to improve it would do massive things for the economy.

      Anyway, a cool thing I did do was help to make anti-Semitism cooler. When you try to do that simultaneously with trying to make things like misogyny, homophobia, transgenderphobia, raycism, Islamophobia, atheismphobia, coomunismphobia cooler, your popularity goes way, way down because very few people are on that level and it goes way over their heads. We’re talking extreme cognitive dissonance, lack of dedication and critical thinking skills, and/or lack of time for people to be able to digest all of it. You make a lot of people angry while you’re at it, lol.

    2. Not to brag, but I can pick things up super fast when I’m interested in them. I was kind of a child chess prodigy even though I didn’t play the game much. I don’t mean that I was nearly as good as Bobby Fischer or anything, but definitely noticeably gifted at it. I was just able to pick it up very quickly and it’s a natural talent. To be a great chess player takes a lot of dedication, but don’t let anybody bullshit you that it doesn’t also take a lot of natural talent.

  22. In the posts above Dana and Rae laid the groundwork of points to address in a future debate.
    I have noticed that it is very easy to dodge questions, divert attention and to change the subject, whilst engaging on a thread with multiple posts like this one.
    At any point in the future a troll could come in and desecrate any thread, ‘muddy the waters’ and subvert the original context of the discussion.

    So Rae is correct in his assertion that a fixed format audio debate would be much more satisfactory as it would be ‘set in stone’ ‘for eternity’.
    The audio debate would probably be conducted far more seriously by the participants as it is live and ‘on the record’.
    Once the debate is ended, hopefully with a degree of agreement and a feeling that progress has been achieved, then after that happy moment, nothing and no-one would be able to sabotage it at a later time . . . as would be the case with a blog or a forum thread.
    So I vote for an audio debate, probably skype would be the easiest vehicle for that.

    1. I like to listen to live debates with at least one person who knows what they’re talking about, but they’re definitely no necessity. I like to read written debates with competent people on their topic/s as well and have learned a lot doing the same. One of the reasons I’ve never been interested in doing audio debates though is because certain things piss me off much more than the average person and I can get very angry. I’m kinda gangster unfortunately and wouldn’t be great at making live debates because I get really pissed off at certain things. That’s why I don’t talk politics with friends, or I keep it very minimal. I’d rather just hammer the shit out of people I don’t like, lol.

      I mean, maybe Brandon wants to debate Rae in audio-fashion or something. I personally have no interest or desire to do any audios.

      Yeah some of the things on Rae’s site are rather ambiguous and contradictory, and it’s not that easy to know exactly where he stands on certain things only by looking at his site. He could do a much better job of being more specific. I sense he’s saying things on there without really knowing too much about what he’s saying or even having a very clear, congruent idea about his thoughts on certain things. That happens when a person is operating from a lot of faulty paradigms they’ve often made by quickly jumping to false conclusions about them.

      1. Dana
        I did wonder how an audio debate would pan out, between you and Rae.
        Perhaps it would trigger you to get a bit too angry and so the debate would not be good.
        We will have to wait and see regarding a Brandon Martinez vs. Rae West audio debate,

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