Lithuania To Stop Restoration of Soviet Memorials, Bolshevik Russia Reacts With Sanctions

Bolshevik Russia continues to attempt to impose its version of World War II history on the Baltic States. The Soviet Union is rightfully seen by most Eastern Baltic Europeans as a monstrous homicidal regime that annexed their territories and imposed a gulag police state over their citizens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

But Russia, under Putin’s neo-Bolsehvik regime, continues to strong-arm the Baltics to accept and genuflect to the Soviet Union. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine have all made moves in recent years to either remove or end restoration work on Soviet memorials, to which Russia typically responds with threats of economic war via sanctions.

RT reports:

Russia will introduce reciprocal restrictions on Lithuanian memorial projects as a reply to the Baltic nation’s recent toughening of rules regulating Russian memorials, the Foreign Ministry has stated.
The announcement on Friday was issued shortly after mass media reported that Lithuania had frozen all restoration works at memorials to Soviet soldiers who liberated the country from the Nazis in times of the WWII as well as some attempts to dismantle some of the monuments. The ministry’s spokesperson Maria Zakharova emphasized that Moscow saw the counter-sanctions as a forced measure. “The obviously abnormal situation that has been created by the Lithuanian authorities leaves us no other choice but to introduce reciprocal sanctions against Lithuanian memorial projects in Russia,” she said.

Putin’s Russia still lusts for eastern European territories and wishes to annex them. But he’s unable to do so with NATO standing in his way. Putin recently threatened ‘consequences’ if Ukraine and Georgia developed closer ties with NATO. Why does this Bolshevik Putin think he can dictate the policies of his neighbours? And why do his demented supporters in the alt-media excuse this thuggery, all the while screeching about Western countries doing the same?

10 thoughts on “Lithuania To Stop Restoration of Soviet Memorials, Bolshevik Russia Reacts With Sanctions

  1. Brandon, there are heads (obviously including mr K.G.B. Putin) in Russia that obviously miss the “Glory Days” of the Soviet Empire. There is something else I don’t buy though. Why was RT allowed to flourish in the West? Why do we have “truther”-styled total frauds like Abby Martin that woo “jump over to the other side” so easily? There do seem to be overlaps between western “alternative thinkers” (morons) and Eurasianists (more “deep” morons). That’s just happening with the fake alt-right (Duginistas and alt-light) over there. I suggest THE MAJORITY OF western ‘alternative sources’ are frauds. Alex Jones is a total fraud. But what kind of interest group put him there? I don’t care if he is Bill Hicks or not. He is an obvious co-operationist (joint -west- and -east-) example.

    I heared that the absolute real-time, staged, faker $tefan Molyneux became a “truther” too. I don’t even care to hear what bullshit he will talk about 9/11 (the latest Big-Time staged operation with OBVIOUS co-ordination between western countries AND the other side). But Stefan turning truther is just -another event- of these little but absolutely laughable events of “alternative media” in the west jumping towards somewhere, supposedly randomly, but the -somewhere- is totally predictable. Many times the ‘somewhere’ is towards -the other side-. The (russian/RT/brics/AbbyMartin(tm)/James Corbett (the bald admirer of Miss -intelligence baby- Sibel Edmond), Ry Dawson… and other ‘expatriates’….) Easternowestern surrealistic side.

    Fuck Putin, the guy is a KGB lowlife. Anything related to white identity should be completely seperated by all Putins and the other alcoholics over there in Kremlinland. Not to mention the islamic lunatics the more crazy whites (Kevin Barret) embrace. However something doesn’t ring right here. Were we supposed to believe that from the 90’s up to about 10 years after 9/11 the Russians were fffriends, and now… voila.. they became enemies again. Oh… Let me think, where is the most obvious and dangerous subject/area they are enemies? Oh that Syria war… The place where America allied with Al-Qaeda in that ISIS battlefield. Oh, their enemies! Whom they were hunting like ‘mad’ some years before that… During which hunt mr ally Putin was a big friend! Supposedly after that friendly enemy-hood hiatus, Putin was supposed to have developed new amazing cutting edge intelligence info and ways-of-enforcment and DAAaammnn “he bought the alternative media in the west”. Geez… that Glenn Beck GOP patriotard entity is developing also philo-Russian stuff (The Trumps ™). Da TRUMP sold the loyal patriofaggots to the Ruskies… Darn it..! He hijacked the party… Wow….. Amazing move by Putin. Well I am laughing with all that, and probably most people, but americans I personally know are buying ALL of it. I suggest most American dummies are buying ALL of this. But how can they buy ALL of the aforementioned simultaneously? There is contradictory shit inside. Self-Answer: They are absolute morons.

    Somewhere in all of this there is the smell of bullshit. But I am not sure exactly where… There definitely seem to exist signs of enmity (between the rough terms ‘West block’ and ‘East Block’) but also ABSOLUTELY signs of co-operation. And I can show examples. The question is “what’s fake and what’s real” in all reality. There could even be simultaneously a real Cold War and a Fake Cold War. The “fake” one meant to be sold to low intelligence people, usually via MSM. The “real” one probably a manifestation of the “real” enmity between Two HUGE money-grabbing, murderer interest groups. Can’t really say.

    1. P.S. I didn’t mean most americans ARE dummies. I said most, american, Dummies (3 different words). Meaning the majority of the Dummies who are american. Or maybe most of the American brand of dummies. Those are the people who buy the WHOLE picture of ALL the stories they are told, Literally. But it is amazing sometimes, because simultaneously accepting contradictory stories leads to zombie-ness. Observed on most people. Not all.

      Btw I like american culture… More than Greek. Sometimes language is a bitch to use to accurately convey points without confusion.

    2. Talking about stupidity, check this out: . These boomers are swallowing it up (1.5 – 2k viewers at any time of the day). This Q-Anon is a carefully crafted psyop designed to burn out the last reserves of the boomers’ mental vitality in the US. It caters to all of their sensibilities/emotional triggers. The amount of time, hopes, dreams and energy they’re investing (wasting) in this shit is impressive.
      These are the walking dead – the zombies who were never really alive in the first place and can’t think for themselves. They are living batteries: . Best allegory.

  2. For all of you who are still “based Russia” supporters; you fundamentally do not understand the situation in Eastern Europe and the Baltic. Russia seeks to reestablish the vast imperial plane of control that they had during the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. They assault every neighboring nation with their own Russian ethnics who work as fifth columns for the motherland in politics and street action.

    In 2009, Estonia announced plans to demolish the Soviet monument gardens in their country, which was met by riots from the Russian ethnics, who’s parents and grandparents had been uprooted and placed there by Stalin decades earlier as an attempt to Russify the region. The Russian state worked in tandem with the rioters and launched a massive cyber attack on Estonia’s power, internet, government, and transportation infrastructure. This moved the Estonians closer to NATO and anti-Russian elements, even establishing NATO’s cyber security division, the Küberkeitselit, there. (I actually wrote a whole paper on this incident at university.)

    Support for Russia is support for the Russian agenda; the Russification of all neighboring and internal non-Russians, the seizure of lands for the new Russian Imperial State, the sanction of pupating otherwise free nations, and reestablishing the East-West divide within Europe. This is not a pro-nationalist movement, it is a pro-Russian and only Russian movement, at the expense of all others, which will sour relations between brothers of the European race. If you want “more brother wars” supporting Russia’s imperial policies, or Sio-American interventionism, is the best way to bring them about.

    1. When Poland wanted to demolish statues of Russian-Bolshevik mass murderers, Putin’s mafia-State threatened “severe consequences”. I wonder what those consequences would be – Poland should have gone ahead. Richard Spencer (Russophile-superstar-married-to-Duginist) is a useful homosexual, a well-connected and willing playboy and traitor. Dugin’s Talmudic masters want an Apocalypse, and they want US and Russia to bring it about, with Europeans in the middle.

    2. Are these places like Estonia importing Muslims? If you move to the NATO side that is what they will get if they are not getting them already.

    3. That neo-con agenda. NATO is globalist organization. You can’t bee a nationalist and a supporter of EU and NATO like Rusofobies in UKR

      1. You can easily be a nationalist and support NATO. NATO is a coalition of white nations forming a common front against communism. We can reform NATO to be whatever we want it to be. I don’t care much for the EU, but some white nationalists are also pan-European and want something like the EU to unite the whites. All that needs to be done is getting the leftists and marxists out of the power positions.

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