Lunatic Anti-White Professor Calls on White Editors to ‘Hand Over Power’

A loony-tunes radical leftist professor at California State University, Fresno, has called on white editors to “step down” from influential positions in the publishing and journalism industry.

The Washington Times tells us:

Randa Jarrar, who kept her job in April despite sparking a national backlash for cheering the death of former first lady Barbara Bush, wrote a tweet Tuesday in response to The Nation publishing an allegedly racist poem, Campus Reformreported.

“At some point, all of us in the literary community must DEMAND that white editors resign,” Ms. Jarrar wrote in tweets published by Campus Reform, obtained from her private Twitter account. “It’s time to STEP DOWN and hand over the positions of power. We don’t have to wait for them to [expletive] up. The fact that they hold these positions is [expletive] up enough.”

Ms. Jarrar’s was reportedly responding to the controversy surrounding a poem, “How-To” by Anders Carlson-Wee, published in The Nation that was later deemed culturally insensitive and “ableist.”

The fat toad-looking broad is indicative of America’s cultural marxist-infested academic institutions. She’s about as far-left as it gets, openly calling for white people to be subjugated by her rainbow coalition of minority crybabies.

These leftists are not even hiding their open disdain for the white race, Christians and straight people. They’re all about empowering the brown races, homosexuals, and women above the natural custodians of Western societies, heterosexual white males.

These morons are fighting against nature, and will thus lose badly in the end, as the multicutultural utopia they yearn for will quickly tear itself apart. The races will naturally divide themselves when this thing gets to the boiling point, and these leftists will be promptly ejected from our societies to go live with their beloved coloured races in Africa and Asia.

10 thoughts on “Lunatic Anti-White Professor Calls on White Editors to ‘Hand Over Power’

  1. Boycott all businesses and stores that display in a prominent position, a rainbow and/or the word pride, as this obviously shows where their sympathies lie.
    People who say that the state endorsed lgbt agenda is just harmless fun and we should ‘live and let live’ because it is not hurting anyone . . . are deluded and mentally dysfunctional in the extreme.
    The school curriculum indoctrinates young minds of 4 to 10 year olds with damaging marxist claptrap. This is criminal as far as sane and normal people are concerned.
    Rainbow coloured lollipops should be banned.
    The only good that I can see coming out of all this, is that people will start to notice it more and awaken and then react against it.

  2. Professor? How is it possible to get to that level of degree and still be this blatantly stupid? Or are the liberals just handing out degrees like welfare now?

    1. “Way” to debate, scumbag. I can throw one-liners at you, too, Jason Collins. Ready? Low-IQ, racist, anti-white douche bags like yourself need to fucking DIE.

    2. Jason Collins, I was just curious if you’re one of these Ken Clown O’Keefe followers, given your vociferously moronic anti-white stance. Not that you have to be or anything, as there countless anti-whites out there, but if so, I have some words for you and Clown O’Keefe, and you should try to tell him to come over here and debate. But I know he doesn’t want to debate these issues over here because he doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about and he’ll lose miserably. He’s a tool who has been preaching faulty narratives for years and totally ignores any of the mounds of evidence that disprove them. I’ve personally taken my time to try to educate the dude on these issues, but he obviously ignored it all and just keeeeeps talking shit. That’s very insulting and dishonorable of him to do. In return, I’m gonna have to be merciless with him.

      It’s vids like these that really make you wonder if Ken’s IQ really is even a hundred… dude is stupid as shit in so many ways:

      First of all, who in their right mind asks Ken what he thinks are “good books”. Fukin dude ain’t no “intellectual” lol, nor is his logic and critical thinking very good.

      So, one of his answers is a vegan book and Ken promotes the vegan diet which is laughable. I can see arguments for things like avoiding pork and processed milk, but cutting out all meat is seriously unnecessary. Humans aren’t fukin herbivores, they’re omnivores. Plenty vegans look quite sickly and it ‘might’ have something to do with certain nutrients they’re missing out on by abstaining from meat. Ken himself is like a twig giving people diet/health advice lol. At least he has gotten leaner and is decently lean which is good, but the dude would get slaughtered by people like me in the gym and in a physique competition. There are these dumb ass arguments out there that being vegan makes people ‘stronger’ but I laugh my ass off at that. If any vegan can gain 60 lbs a month on bench and the same on incline, squats, deadlifts, dips, and weighted pull-ups month-in and month-out, drug-free, I want them to let me know. I call BS that any can do it. Even if a person wasn’t a vegan, they’d still have serious problems doing it… I’ve never seen ANYBODY be able to do it besides myself. Every body-part everyday except lower back. I do like to take a couple days off a month though, and so it’s usually more like 56 lbs or so on all those lifts, but I can do it without taking days off in a bet or something. Not trying to sound cocky, but you have to admit that’s some impressive shit, and that going overboard on a vegan diet is not only unnecessary, but plain stupid. And in a wrestling match, I’d throw Ken around like a fukin rag doll. In boxing, I’d knock his stupid ass silly, lol. Motherfucker will be seeing birds chirping to say the very least, and I didn’t get the power from “veganism”, lol. There’s a better book on dieting that I can think of called ‘Natural Hormonal Enhancement’. I’m almost completely recovered from my injuries and I’m gonna be doing just what I’m saying and it’s just something I do anyway even without aiming at anyone. But hopefully I run across the clown in Thailand to teach him some lessons about humility and intelligence.

      More to come below…

    3. I notice libtards have quite the proclivity to gravitate towards vegetarianism and/or veganism. It’s as if they don’t know that their precious “culturally, morally, and mentally superior” “minority” groups, from Amerindians/Eskimos to blacks to Asians to Arabs to Jews, etc., eat meat and always have. Interestingly, before the introduction of processed sugar in the Eskimo diet, their diabetes and heart-disease rates were very (even extremely) low, even though they were eating high amounts of fat and meat in their diets like whale blubber. They think da minorities would ‘never hurt a fly’ or anything living and that this is just some evil “white demon” thang. Minorities “care” about animals and da environment n sheeeit, lol. After giving his libtard explanation about how, and you can read between the lines on this, that basically whites, (and especially white males) have this superiority complex where they seem to think that they’re the superior species (which they are) and that they’re the superior race and gender (which they are in many ways, but not every way of course) and that they’re culturally superior (which they are again in many ways), Ken mentioned specifically as a book, “A commonplace book of animal rights”. Better take care of those animals and that environment you white, male demons! Lolz. Ken isn’t only a cultural relativist, he believes that whites have done far, far more damage than Jews, although he doesn’t mention it in this video, but from what I’ve heard him say before, and I’ve also heard him stupidly say the common pro-black line that “blacks built America”, lmfao. The fuck have blacks built? They picked cotton for sure, but is that some “high-IQ” fukin job? Of course not. And you see how they like to destroy shit (or you would if you actually dug into the topic). Ken also talks about certain quotes out of the book by people like Einstein, as if Ken doesn’t know Einstein was a plagiarist and fraud. Ken goes on to include himself in the group of people who he says “see the obvious”, lolz.

      So another book the clown mentions is, “Bury my heart at wounded knee”. We know what that’s gonna be about even if we’ve never read it. It’s gonna be about how the white demon slaughtered all these innocent Indians and how you should have so much sympathy for them and how much you owe them. Think it’ll ever be talking about how the quality of life sucked for Indians before the white demon ever showed up, or going into detail about all the tribes who constantly warred with and massacred each other, or about the massacres on whites by Indians, or how much whites gave Indians in terms of not only quality of life but money, supplies, new inventions, etc? Of course not. He calls this shit ‘all the bullshit we’re not told about our true genocidal history’, lmao. Ummmm, YEAH dummy, we’ve heard for decades about how “evil” da white male demon be n sheeeit. Dumb ass, lol. Pro-white arguments are “tired, old arguments” to Clown Ken and to him “the truth is the truth”, lmao. He says, “Don’t say that the fukin country is built on roses and honey and all this kind of bullshit… when it’s largely built on blood and suffering and injustice.” Nooo dummy, nobody is saying it was built on roses and honey, but blacks sure AF didn’t build America, Amerindians sure didn’t either, and genocide sure as shit doesn’t build a country either. “Hidden lies and supremacism has been a big part of the problem for a long time.” You know he means white evil and white, male supremacy has been a big part of the problem for a long time.

      Another book the clown mentions is the autobiography of Malcolm X. Hmmm, let’s think about this: do you suppose it made any mention of the long, long history of the over-representation of blacks in committing crime, not only in America, but everywhere else blacks live en masse? Do you suppose it made a single mention of black racism? Or Jewish racism against whites and crimes committed by Jews blamed on whites? Real “tough” questions, right? Evidently the moron Malcolm X thought there was “no racism in Islam”… what an absurd joke that shit is, but libtards parrot the shit like it’s gold. Not only is Malcolm X’s autobiography gonna be shit on the topic of race, but an INFINITELY better book is White Girl Bleed A Lot, and you know Ken’s dumb ass will never be reading it. I’ve never read it either, but I already know what the book is all about and know I’ve already seen much of the information by doing my own research anyway. He says the movie about Malcolm X by Spike Lee was “extremely well done” too. As if Ken’s dumb ass is gonna know WTF is “well done” or not. The clown probably believes the accounts of “Roots” and “12 years a slave” are da “troof” too. He mentions that the book hammered home the “fact” that if he were born black in America, he doesn’t think he’d be a very friendly black man either. He thinks he’d be pretty pissed off. What do you suppose he means? He means “evil, raycis whites” be “oppressing da black man” n sheeeeit. He says the purpose of Black Lives Matter is pit white against black (he sounds like the clown Joe Sigur, thinking BLM is meant to make whites angry at blacks but *not* to make them stupidly sympathetic towards them and that it’s “not” a black supremacy movement that riles up the ‘morally superior’ blacks against their ‘evil white demon oppressors’). They’re also trying to pit Christian against Muslim, he says. He says he refuses to take sides in this polarized environment when the fucktard has already insinuated many times that he’s pro-black and pro-Muslim. He says he doesn’t take sides in the BLM movement but he sure is pro-black. Ken Clown O’Keefe just cannot for the life of him take the time to wonder why the white population is rapidly declining in number while the black population continually grows, or to ever look into the vastly disproportionate rates at which blacks attack, rape and murder whites. He “sees through it all clearly”, lolz. I have to say that fucker is pretty fucking arrogant even though he doesn’t come across as being so. Arrogantly fucking stupid. He says you could read one book, “A People’s History of the United States”, and you’d avoid “so much bullshit”. Lmao. I believe he only has read a few books on US history, hence why he doesn’t know shit other than the regurgitated shit libtards have fed him that he used no critical thinking to process or fact check.

      The culture of critique by Kevin MacDonald is obviously another good book that Ken could learn from about how Jews are anti-white, and Roosh wrote up a good synopsis of the book, but you know he won’t be because it doesn’t fit in with his fucktard narratives he’s been preaching about all these years.

      BTW Ken Clown O’Keefe, you badly, badly need to read some books on logic and critical thinking. I can tell you’re pathetic in that department. You wouldn’t be nearly as fucking stupid.

      1. All good points Dana.
        Valid points regarding Ken.

        Regarding food:
        As you noted eskimos are supposedly very healthy and they eat mostly meat.
        The mainstream media’s idea of what constitutes a healthy diet is not always correct.
        The food chain is a big factor for safety.
        During an animal’s life, it might have been fed on toxic crap to fatten it up?
        Some animal feed is made from recycled animals (brains, spine etc).
        Hormones are used everywhere to maximize speed of growth and hence profit.
        Your supermarket wild salmon might be over a year old and might have traveled 18000 miles via china to be filleted and packaged, then on a container ship around the world. The fish farmed salmon is usually fed industrial fish food.
        And of course fruit and vegetables were probably sprayed with pesticides or might have been genetically modified.
        Can we trust the labelling on food?
        Can we trust the packaging (plastics, aluminium), has the food been irradiated – damaging its microscopic (dna) structure?
        Deception by omission of facts is always possible.
        Organic food, locally produced food and even self sufficiency look increasingly like sensible options.

        On a lighter note a Gary Larson cartoon:
        In Indian territory the covered wagons are circled and arrows are raining down on the wagons . . . the arrows are on fire.
        One crouched down old-timer “prospecter” says to the other:
        “Hey! They’re lighting their arrows! . . . Can they DO that?”

        1. For sure, Dorset. You know in America, GMO food is ubiquitous; not just in meat but all kinds of fruits and vegetables like corn and strawberries. Not only have I noticed substantial differences in the tastes of food in many other countries, but so have friends of mine who’ve also traveled. The food in America doesn’t have the quality of making you feel satiated and you also get hungry sooner after eating it. American women are the most obese people in the industrialized world. Studies with rats have shown that overeating is very hard on their health and their lifespans; they do much better undereating than overeating. I don’t have to eat much so it doesn’t really bother me and I can adjust no problem, but many other people have big problems with it.

          Yeah there were plenty of savage Indian tribes, including South of the present-day United States. It’s a very safe presumption to make that if whites never showed up, Indian tribes would still be hunter-gatherers fighting incessantly with each other. And according to some sources their populations had already started declining before whites had showed up and they were having problems with health. It’s not like their life-spans were what they are today or like they had anywhere near the technology and free shit given to them.

        2. Yeah, Ken O’Keefe is a douche bag. Not a single mention has this fool ever mentioned of things like where the black plague came from (Central Asia) and how it killed off a significant number of whites, or what the Japanese did in Japan including spreading diseases (never has Ken said Japanese owe it’s indigenous groups reparations like he tells whites), or that most Indians died due to infectious diseases they caught from whites, not fukin “genocide”. Never have I seen him mention historical attacks on Europeans by Mongols, Turks, Arabs, or Berbers. They “wouldn’t do nuffin like dat”. He’s a die-hard Mandela fan, and never does that piece of shit mention what’s going on to whites all over the world, but especially in the West, in terms of non-white on white attacks and the rapidly dwindling worldwide white population. I’ve seen that clown share shit from the Jew, Adam Hochschild, about how “evil” whites treated blacks in Africa, but never a word about how Hochschild was Jewish, or a single mention of any of the countless anti-white and anti-male Jews. The d-bag has said that “we owe the refugees”…. NO, YOU owe the refugees, Ken, and you owe ME. Not only do you owe ME reparations for applying double standards to ME because I’m white, but for making criminal accusations about me and my ancestors. If I ever encounter Ken in person, and I’m gonna make a good effort, I’m gonna be sure to take ANY money he has on him for my reparations, to say the very LEAST. You know he said he might give the creator of ‘Zionist Report’ a smack for what he perceived as demonizing him. Well, not only has he been demonizing me, but hundreds of millions of other whites. I’d say ‘might give a smack’ to Ken’s dumb ass as the very LEAST I’m gonna be doing, lol. Fucking tosser should just keel over. Seriously. And take that scheming, satanic skank with him, lol.

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