Alex Soros Admits Father’s Jewish Motives for Open Borders Agenda

In a new interview with the New York Times, Alex Soros, the son of leftist Jewish billionaire George Soros, admitted his father’s quintessential Jewish motives for seeking to permanently open Europe’s and America’s borders to non-white immigrants:

One morning in Paris, I had coffee with Alex Soros, who is 32 and the second-youngest of George’s five children. Bespectacled, wiry and careful with his words, he had recently earned a doctorate in history from the University of California, Berkeley, and was now running his own philanthropy while also working with the O.S.F. He was a little groggy, having been up late the night before writing an op-ed for The Daily News rebutting Roseanne Barr’s Nazi tweet. (His father’s lawyers also filed a cease-and-desist order against Barr; she issued an apology two weeks later.) When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

Well, there it is, confirmation that George Soros is motivated in his anti-White hostility primarily by his Jewish ethnicity and beliefs. It’s been written that Soros has a “Messiah Complex” and wants to govern the world. All of this fits nicely with the actual aims of Messianic Judaism to rule the world from Jerusalem and slay all the Gentiles that stand in the way of this monstrous conspiracy.

When we speak of Jewish conspiracy, we mean it literally – that Jews are getting together behind closed doors to map out the destruction of Gentiles. What happens in the offices of Soros’ various foundations besides exactly that? What happens in the offices of the Anti-Defamation League, the World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith and other Jewish groups? They scheme and plan out, behind the backs of their Gentile hosts, how to increase the wealth and power of Jews and also how to unseat their Gentile hosts from power, rob their wealth and open their borders to hostile third world invaders.

That admission from Alex Soros kills the kooky cuckservative narrative, pushed mainly by Jewish apologist frauds like Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and Breitbart cucks, that Soros is a “Nazi” because he identified and denounced fellow Jews to the Nazis in order to save his own skin during World War II. Soros is clearly and unequivocally a supremacist Jew who wishes to eliminate White European national identities because racial/national consciousness and solidarity among White Europeans has in the past and could in the future inhibit, if not extirpate, Jewish social and economic privileges in our nations.

56 thoughts on “Alex Soros Admits Father’s Jewish Motives for Open Borders Agenda

  1. The JQ is very complex. Jews are very complex. Margheritta Scarfacci was one of the main ideologist of Mussolini . Otto Weiniger was a proto nazi and anti Semite. Carl Jung learned from Sigmund Freud. Martin Heidegger learned from Edmund Husserl and teached Hannah Arendt, Jean Richard Sultzer works together with Marine Le Pen, Juan March (Spanish businessman) helped Franco -so much- to win the Spanish Civil War.
    This Soros guy is very obvious about his bad intentions regarding Europe, the white race and Christendom.
    The Frankfurt School… the same.
    By watching Woody Alen movies what I see is not a Jew trying to destroy WASPS but a Jew trying to be part of them. It is quite hilarious the so Jew Alen among all that anglosaxon people in “Hannah and her sisters”.
    I just know a few Jew people here. Some of them are Messianic Jews and they ar not very popular in Israel, the other people are liberal Jews who work in Casa Sepharad: the Israeli-Spanish cultural club and museum.
    Jews are a mistery. They took over Europe with Christianity. Today Christianity is the white man´s religion “par excellence”.
    Said that… No mercy with Soros. Orban is doing well in Hungary.

    1. Those are token Jews that sympathized with fascism for one reason or another, largely in spite of their Jewish roots. They are so few that it’s pointless to even speak of them. Self-hating Jews testify to the truth of Jewish perfidy and deviousness. They do not in any way prove that Jews in general are “on our side”. They confirm for us that the majority of Jews are our enemies and engaged in a conspiracy against us. Also, many of those Jews who get close to nationalist parties do so for entryist/espionage reasons. They are there either to spy and report back to their elite brethren, or to influence the party in a philosemitic direction as in the case of the skanky bitch Marine Le Pen who “disavowed” her father and the “anti-Semitic” faction of the National Front. She’s a Jewish whore and needs to be replaced.

      1. She is not Jewish. Her present “person of interest” in her life is of partial Jewish heritage. That does not make her Jewish. However, the fact that she is involved with a man of Jewish background, no matter its origin, is of concern.

  2. Trajano, you could say Jews are complex, but there’s no doubt that as a collective they’re anti-white and anti-Christian (including every other kind of Marxist stance). It might be said like this: elite/Luciferian Jewry is extremely anti-white and Marxist in every other way, and that the more layman Jews are collectively still Jews first and still outsiders who are anti-white as well.

    Let me see if my internet connection is any faster to potentially put up lots of anti-white Jews on this thread that I’ve compiled.

  3. Still seems slow as shit. But here are some articles to look up. I try to include the site or author at the end, but some of these have been warn away on my pages and I can’t read them, but they should still be easy to find:

    – The damaging effects of Jewish intellectualism and activism on Western culture (Roosh)
    – Jewry’s war on white America (Real Jew News)
    – Jewry’s creation of white guilt (Real Jew News)
    – Hasbara: blame it on the WASPs (Israel Shamir)
    – Jews force race mixing (Katana)
    – Yes, diversity is about getting rid of white people, and that’s a good thing (Emily Goldstein)
    – Common core architect David Pook admits plan to bring end to white race (whitewraithe)
    – Big Austrian media Jew calls to end white Europe (INCOG MAN)
    – Wake up: Jew media moguls in Sweden: We intend to exterminate white race
    – The Center School Boot of Racism class taught by Jon Greenburg sparks controversy

    -The origins of privilege (new yorker)
    – Crowd welcomes new Jewish center at UA

    – Antiracism, multiculturalism, and interracial community (Laurence Blum)
    – Quotations for the support of white genocide (
    – Oppression and privilege: toward a relational conceptualization of race (Betsy Lucal)
    – David B. Oppenheimer – California’s anti discrimination legislation, proposition 14, and the proetection of minority rights: the fiftieth anniversary of the California fair employment and housing act
    – Jewish involvement in the promotion of ‘hate speech’ laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.

    Much more to come:

  4. – Paul Krugman on the glorious coming demise of white political power
    – Jewish official warns Iceland of negative repercussions over Reykjavik boycott of Israel
    – Race and Fraud: Franz Boas (the white network)
    – Stephen Jay Gould’s Jewish motivation: Natural selection by any other name
    – Jewish racism: John Kasich is an anti-white propagandist for the Jews
    – Peter Breinart’s Jewish Triumphism – Jettisoning the white working class
    – Race Realism: Breaking into the mainstream (TOO)
    – The ADL’s war on white America (Real Jew News)
    – Saturday Night Live celebrates the end of white America (on Sarah Silverman)
    – Nancy Pelosi, a Marrano Jew, wants whites destroyed by racists now!
    – The realist report: The Explicit anti-white propaganda of Jewish Hollywood

    – Jewish weather underground terrorists (?)
    – Obama’s connetion to Jewish terrorism disturbing… this is zionism
    – Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and the ‘Negro Dialect’ controversy

    – Anti-white hostility in the media: Menachem Rosenseft, Jonah Goldberg, Steve Weinberg, and Arthur Goldwag

    These are some anti-white Jews I don’t have the articles on, but they wouldn’t be hard to look up: Steven Seidman, Paula S. Rothenberg, Leonard Zeskind
    – Elliot Bronstein – Are you brown bagging it? City warns you to watch your mouth (white unity blog)
    – Sandra Bullock pet niglet (lol)

    1. *Weininger

      Dana, it seems Jewry´s propaganda is totally exposed today. Good. The thing the Jew hates most is being found out.
      The Jew needs the white Christian body to leech and live. It means by destroying the white Christian body they are commiting suicide. They are dumb as fuck.
      Not warching Hollywood movies, not watching Jewish shows, not watching Netflix Jewish series, doing mockery of them… that is enough to put them in their place. They are attention whores, so let´s drown them in the indifference. But let´s keep on exposing them.
      The good thing about Jews is that they don´t do proselitism. They don´t want to convert infidels into Judaism.
      I can say that living in a Jew free country is fantastic. The only Jewish exposure we have here is the archeological remains of Sepharad in cities such Toledo, Córdoba or Gerona. It is something charming when it is just archeology.

  5. – White genocide quotes coming straight from the top ((Arthur Sulzberger and Wesley Clark are Jewish)
    – Netanyahu rejects Syrian refugees. ‘We are not a European country!’
    – Israel refuses to take in refugees, will instead build a wall to keep them out
    – The hidden Jewish hand behind the Muslim invasion of the Western Christian Nations (PDF)
    – The Jewish conspircay behind the 1965 Immigration Law (Nathanael Kapner)
    – Paul Gottfried and Claes Ryun on Leo Strauss (TOO)
    – Jews control US Immigration Policy (goodnewsaboutgod)
    – American Jewry’s push for massive immigration: Real Jew News (on James Steinberg, Jacob Lew, Ellen Tausher, Eric Schwarz, Herb Kohl, Russ Feingold, Al Franken, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Agency, National Council of Jewish Women)
    – Canadian Jewish surpmacists demand “open borders” for Canada
    – Jewish refugee advocacy organization launches (the Candian Jewish News)
    – Danny Danon: send African migrants to Australia
    – Joe Klein: Immigration will save the US from white racism (TOO)
    – Jews key to aboriginal reconciliation
    – Zuckerberg lobbies concress about immigration
    – A reader points to atnti-white lies about supprot for amnesty (vdare)
    – Shocker: Sheldon Adelson supports immigration amnesty (TOO)
    – Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration (white information network)
    – Another Jewish Bilderberger telling us what to do about immigration into Britain (on Peter Sutherland)
    – The Amnesty/Immigration surge and senator Schumer’s war against White Anglo Saxons (AmericanFreedomParty)
    – Harry Reid: The border is secure, now we need illegal alien amnesty (FrontPageMag)
    – Why do Jews want to destroy America via immigration
    – Mayor Bloomberg calls for immediat immigration reform
    – Jewish Daily Forward: “Jews Unite behind push for Immigration Reform”
    – Labour MP: Britain should take 10,000 migrants a day, ‘we’ll do what Germans did’
    – Immigration quotes from great Americans (3 Jews on pro-immigration: Madeleine Albright, Alan Greenspan, Emma Lazarus)
    – Mark Zuckerberg donates $5 million to scholarship fund for illegals
    – Jewish supremacists using “Holocaust Fable” to promote third world invasion of Europe (New Observer)
    – Jews, white privilege and the fight against racism in America (Benjy Cannon)
    – “White privilege” or “Jewish privilege”: The Ultimate racism in America (David Duke)

    – Whiteness fractured by Cynthia Levine (Rasky)
    – White privilege: Jewish women’s writing and the instability of categories

    – White Lies by Marice Berger (Kirkus)

    – Jewish feminist honcho hates having white skin (INCOGMAN)
    – 1960’s radicals, Bernadine Dohrne, Stephanie Wildman)
    – Challenging white privilege in adult education: A critical review of the literature (Manglitz)
    – The Jews that opened the gates of Toledo (Judaism and Islam)
    – Soros demands Europe accept a million Muslims annually
    – Jews demand: “Europe MUST become mulicultural whether whites like it or not” (Crush Zion)
    – Muslims are Jews natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt
    – The destruction of the indegenous peoples of Europe is not an accident! (Knights Templar International)
    – All in the family: David Cameron’s Jewish roots and the coreligionists who brought him to power (empirestrikesback)
    – David Cameron pledges another 100m to Syrian refugees
    – 140 members of UJA study mission begin working sessions in Israel (Jewish Telegraph Agency)
    – Hate speech laws immigration Jewish influence Britain (
    – World Jewish Congress and official German Jewry welcome non-white invasion (New Observer)
    – A conclusive report on the undeniable and self evident Jewish promotion of malicious, genocidal, anti European mass immigration policies through governmental level lobbying (
    – Israeli News: “Islamization of Europe a good thing” (Red Ice Creations)
    – New World Order Unmasked: Mass immigration and open borders is a Jewish agenda
    – “Child refugees” are coming to the UK. Why is the Jewish community so determined to bring them in? (TOO)
    – The Jewish War on White Australia: Refugee Policy and the African Crime Plague, Part 1 (TOO
    – Timeline of the Jewish genocide of the British people
    – Israeli propagandists threaten destruction of Europe as punishment for boycotting Israel (News For the Blind)
    – The Illuminati Jewish plan for European Genocide
    – Disgusting propaganda urging whites to adopt black babies
    – EU minister Frans Timmerman demands white genocide: “Europe will be diverse!” (News for the Blind)
    – Jewish involvement in immigration and anti-free speech legislation
    – The changing face of america (Lisa Funderburg)
    – Zionist immigration agenda (from the trenches world report)

    1. The State of Israel is showing us how to make it: shooting invaders and developing an ethno State. I admire them for it.
      I love some Hebrew authors too, like our Sephardic Spinoza. Some of them challenged the Synagogue. Paul did it too.

  6. – EXCLUSIVE: Bill Krystol says ‘lazy, spiled’ white working class
    – Mythologies about Leopold’s Congo free state (on the Jewish clown Adam Hochschild and his lies… I even saw Ken Clown O’Keefe promoting the chump) ((Alternative Hypothesis))
    – Hating Whitey’s Brunch (FrontPageMag) ((on Joanna Rothkopf))
    – Judea-Supremacist (David Rothkopf) Notes the ‘end of an era for white males’
    – Anti-racist Jew-feminist LGBT activist Jane Elliott: “The worthless white race is good for nothing”
    – Hate speech laws immigration on Jewish influence Canada
    – The Jewish takeover of Canada (Real Jew News)
    – Angela Merkel’s Jewish roots confirmed. “I thank you all that I am allowed to speak to you in my mother tongue’
    – Racist Israel seeks to genocide whites in global Holocaust (John De Nugent)
    – Bernie Goldberg repeats MSM lie that George Zimmerman is white
    – Anti-semitism is part of Europe’s DNA (EJP)
    – Plan for six-mile ‘home’ area in North London
    – Who controls the Southern Poverty Law Center? (Who Controls America?)

    – SPLC writer slaughtered in racial hate crime murder (about the Jew David Ruenzel, lol)
    – Poetic Justice: Vile cultural Marxist who blamed black violence on white oppression murdered by two blacks
    – Jew Watch (Jewish organizations, Southern Poverty Law Center)

    – America desperately needs a hate speech law (Dinah Silverstein)
    – Reflections on some aspects of Jewish self deception: Part 5. Self deception on Jewish participation in politics (Jerry Rubin, Occidental Observer)
    – Tweet of the day: Chicago prof. proposes drastic remedy for your whiteness (about the Jew, Don Draper)
    – Racism cop Harry Reid mum on NBA owner (WND)
    – Whites need not apply for Obama’s racist stimulus package (Robert Reich)
    – White Americans see anti-white bias on the rise
    – Feminist Judith: We should not prosecute young black males who commit sexual assault because…
    – Lyndon Johnson’s grandparents and mother were Jewish

  7. – Ex-Stasi Jewish activist tasked with eradicating “xenophobia” on facebook in Germany
    – Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany
    – After being trolled by #BLACKLIVESMATTER the Jew Bernie Sanders hires female Negro to be his secretary
    – Naomi Zack: Race and Mixed Race – Print – Temple University (she’s half-Jewish and half-black)
    – Ashkenazi Jews are not white – Response to Haaretz article
    – Ashkenazi Jews are not white (Occidental Observer)
    – After inciting a race war against whites, Jews are now giving up their whiteness (Renegade Tribune)
    – Rabbi: Jews are not white and must fight “racism” – The Realist Report
    – Denying that they are white (Stuff Jewish Young Adults Like)
    – John Stewart “white genocide eggs” on comedy central
    – John Stewart blasts Fox News on white privilege over Ferguson
    – Why the ‘end’ of white men is actually good for white men (Jew Hugo Schwyzer)
    – Did you hear about the Polish anti-Semite? He liked Jews (David P. Goldman)
    – The Soros funded Fox News feminists (includes Jewess Sally Kohn)
    – CNN’s Sally Kohn: White people are all racists because of “white privilege and racial privilege”…
    – Deborah Siegel (Jewish Women’s archive)
    – Take a picture: Saul Alinsky and the Fall of Rochester (SBPDL)

    – TIME Magazine: Violent rioting is justified if you’re black
    – Jew controlled publishers (Jew Watch) ((Gerald Levin))

    – White privilege (Michael Brown) Poem – Jeff Spitzer Jr
    – Charlie Crist Marxist Staffer Talks about white privilege and dismantling our economic system
    – Baruch college professor charged in Brooklyn bridge protest melee (Eric Linsker)
    – ‘Angry White Men,’ by Michael Kimmel – (Jewess Hanna Rosin on the article written by Jew Kimmell)
    – Arnon Milichan, producer behind ’12 years a slave’, ‘Pretty woman’ and ‘Noah’, admits to double life as Israeli secret agent

  8. – Abbie Hoffman (Wikipedia) ((lists a myriad of anti-white Jews working with the DNC))
    – White men should never hold positions of power in British universities (some Jew whose name I can’t read on this paper)
    – White female sex slaves in Israel
    – Thousands of European girls smuggled into Israel for white sex slave trade
    – German/Jewish politician Gysi calls native Germans ‘Nazis’ and their extinction fortunate
    – Tactics of organized Jewry in suppressing free speech (by Tony Martin… talks about how you can say whites were slave owners of blacks all day, but never say Jews were ever slave owners)
    – Jewish dominance and exploitation of the black civil rights movement (Radio Islam)
    – Marcus Garvey: Negro Separation, Self Improvement Self-sufficiency
    – Dear fellow white people: keep protesting police violence. Just don’t throw bottles from the back (Dave Bry)
    – Kikes, Jews, and the KKK
    – Joe Biden praises Jews, accidentally thrills anti-Semites
    – Rhine Meadows camps in 1945 (part 3): German bodies presented as Jewish bodies
    – Remember nobel peace prize winning anti-apartheid activist Nadine Gordimer, a real racist, elitist, and hypocritical Marxist
    – Jews conspired to destroy the white South African government and murder the Boer/Afrikaner people
    – Twelve prominent Jewish anti-apartheid activists
    – BDS movement is ‘extremely painful’ for South African Jewish Community says Leader (INTERVIEW)
    – A blind eye to murder of whites in South Africa (TOO)
    – World Cup Preview (Part 2): The South African World Cup Already a Failure (SBPDL 2.0)
    – The predominately Jewish Marxist terrorists behind Nelson Mandela
    – Helen Suzman’s liberal rage helped create the liberal paradise of South Africa (TOO)
    – David Miliband: There are circumstances in which terrorism can be justifiable
    – White South Africa was conquered by guilt (Makow)
    – Rosa Parks and the communist corporate elite (Makow)
    – Gerry Gable (Metapedia)
    – Discriminacion anti-blanca (Metapedia)
    – Marzel urges supermodel Rafael not to marry DiCaprio

      1. No problem, Phil. I’m sure a made another comment with more Jews here but it hasn’t gone through yet. Besides that though, there are always many more. Like that vid I put up below that just got deleted from YT was titled something along the lines of Jews singing about not being white but Jewish. If you go to YT and enter “I’m not white, I’m Jewish”, you’ll see many videos of Jews talking about how they aren’t white, but Jewish.

        You know it fires me up talking to these clown pro-blacks. They say shit like Sumner Redstone is “Anglo”; Jared Fogle (owner of Subway and pedophile) is “white”; Donald Sterling is “white”… all three of them are obviously Jewish, but those clowns have no idea, and even showing pro-blacks still doesn’t make a difference and they still think they’re fukin “white” lol. It’s really important to know Redstone (AKA Murray Rothstein) is Jewish because he owns the pro-black, anti-white BET (Black Entertainment Channel) which blacks love to watch. Or like the story of Roots was a fictional story written by a Jew and then plagiarized by Alex Haley. You know it’s about evil white raycis slave masters mistreating poor, innocent blacks, but the work is entirely fiction to begin with, but the clowns think it’s “fact”, lol.

        There are just shitloads of anti-white Jews all over the fukin place and for these libtard buffoons and other morons to think this is some “white conspiracy”, or even some “white liberal conspiracy” is massive delusion and stupidity.

      2. Hahaha, I see the ADL just wrote an article on Roosh titled, “When women are the enemy: The intersection of misogyny and white supremacy”. They love calling the alt-right “misogynistic”, when in reality, it’s filled with endless white knights, manginas, and fembots, lol. They’re calling Roosh a ‘misogynist’, ‘sexual predator’, ‘INCEL defender’ and a ‘white supremacist’ while they’re at it, lmfao.

        In seriousness though, Roosh was writing about Alex Minassian (or whatever his last name is) and totally buying the MSM narrative on the story. Way too many people in the alt-right buy into whatever MSM narrative about killings when they’re always up to something in promoting virtually all of these events. And AGAIN, there are plenty of Joe Blow white knights and mangina INCELS who aren’t members of the Manosphere and know nothing about it, but they reserve the label for certain dudes in the Manosphere. The other thing is they’re calling him “the leader” but he’s not a “leader” of anything… he just has a well-known platform to speak on. There isn’t any leader in the Manosphere, just people who have more of a voice, are busier, and those who more people agree with than others.

        The ADL and all Jewish organizations are cowards who can’t debate; all they can do is lie, talk shit, and threaten people.

  9. This Jewish feminist broad, Abby Ferber, here calls herself a “white ally” (so many Jews claim they’re ‘white’ when it suits them, but claim they’re ‘not white’ when it suits them too) to the pro-black cause and explains how blacks “can’t be racist”. This shit goes right over truthertards’ heads like Joe Sigur, Trevor Labonte, Ken O’Keefe and so many others. They think she tells whites they “can’t be racist” too n sheeeit, lol. No dummies, they tell whites that racism is “in their DNA” and that minorities “can’t” be racist against the evil whites…

  10. There are so many articles on Jews against Christianity that I have no idea how all these moron pagans came to the conclusion that Christianity is somehow “Jewish” or like Jews are “pro-Christianity”. The clowns are imbeciles, lol. And Jesus was against the Pharisees who became modern Kabbalistic, Talmudic Judaism.

    A few more Jewish anti-white articles:

    – Lawrence Auster on the role of Jews in the dispossession of white Christian America (Occidental Observer)
    – Ezra Klein’s house of white privilege explains the news
    – Kabbalah of Ezra Klein’s Explanatory Journalism (Yonatan Gordon)

    There are many other vids out there of anti-white Jews like Barbara Spectre on how Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe, or Noel Ignatiev on how whites must be eradicated, or the mass murders of whites during the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, etc. Jews as a collective are vehemently anti-white. Just because there may be Jews here and there that aren’t so bad or sometimes even sound kind of pro-white doesn’t mean they’re not *anti-white* as a collective and not alien subversionists in white countries and cultures. They sure like to talk a lotta shit, steal shit, and play victim and falsely accuse you of shit and attack you though like the liars and cowards that they are while promoting degeneracy.

    1. There are also numerous instances of Jews opposing Communism. Yet somehow you still think Communism is Jewish and Christianity is not. Of course, REAL Christianity is largely indistinguishable from Communism, and Jesus like his fellow self-hating Jew Marx was a staunch antisemite/communist who threw (((capitalists))) out of the temple, but the heavily Judaized form of christianity promotes nonsense about Jesus being a capitalist, the poor being Satan, race treason being glorious except for jews, etc.

      Also, you still have not explained why so many Jews promote capitalism if they are so “Marxist”. Ayn Rand, Ludwug von Mises, Milton Friedman, Henry Kissinger, Mencius Moldbug, etc. How can you call Marxism “Jewish” and then promote (((free market capitalism)))? At least Nazis and Fascists will say crap like “communism and capitalism are both jewish” but “antisemites” defending capitalism is a special kind of stupid.

      1. “Jijcf”, are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ fucking troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO, pussy.

        I know you hate answering questions and looking at anything you don’t wanna see, but for every link I gave you before, you didn’t bother to fucking read them and just called them “spam” because your millennial, entitled, commie-loving punk ass didn’t wanna hear it.

        For one, and I know you didn’t notice, faaar more Jews promote communism/Marxism than capitalism. I can beat any list you can come up with for Jews who you think promote capitalism with faaar more communist Jews. Do you need me to refresh your short fucking memory or what? You’re naming off a few names when I can name off untold numbers. For two, what is the definition of capitalism, and explain for us how precisely it’s “evil”. For three, and this might come as a “shock” to you, but one way you know Jesus wasn’t a communist was because he actually promoted what’s called hard work… something that’s anathema to commies and so many millennials, lol. For FOUR, you ran your ignorant mouth about how the poor be payin’ “all” the taxes while the more well-to-do “don’t”, but your stupid ass never came up with a source on that. PROVE the fucking poor pay not just “more”, but even as “much” as the well-to-do, fucking clown… I’m WAITING…

      2. Jijcf, are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ fucking troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO, pussy.

        I know you hate answering questions and looking at anything you don’t wanna see, but for every link I gave you before, you didn’t bother to fucking read them and just called them “spam” because your millennial, entitled, commie-loving punk ass didn’t wanna hear it.

        For one, and I know you didn’t notice, faaar more Jews promote communism/Marxism than capitalism, and like the clown you are, you IGNORED them. Do you need me to re-list them for you to refresh your short memory, or what? You’re naming off a few names when I can name off faaar more.

        For two, what is the definition of capitalism, and explain for us how precisely it’s “evil”.

        For three, and this might come as a “shock” to you, but one way you know Jesus wasn’t a communist was because he actually promoted what’s called hard work… something that’s anathema to commies and so many millennials, lol.

        For FOUR, you ran your ignorant mouth about how the poor be payin’ “all” the taxes while the more well-to-do “don’t”, but your stupid ass never came up with a source on that. PROVE the fucking poor pay not just “more”, but even as “much” as the well-to-do, fucking clown… I’m WAITING…

        1. Maybe it’s the profanity or something. Lemme re-word this a bit, although I hate doing so.

          But Jijcf, are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO.

          I know you hate answering questions and looking at anything you don’t wanna see, but for every link I gave you before, you didn’t bother to read them and just called them “spam” because your millennial, entitled, commie-loving ass didn’t wanna hear it.

      3. OK, Jijcf, are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ fucking troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO, pussy.

        I know you hate answering questions and looking at anything you don’t wanna see, but for every link I gave you before, you didn’t bother to fucking read them and just called them “spam” because your millennial, entitled, commie-loving punk ass didn’t wanna hear it.

      4. Alright tosser, “Jijcf”, I’m gonna try this yet again. Must be the profanity or something.

        But are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO, chump. I’m losing more and more respect for you the longer I see you still alive.

        I know you hate answering questions and looking at anything you don’t wanna see, but for every link I gave you before on communism, you didn’t bother to read them and just called them “spam” because your millennial, entitled, commie-loving self didn’t wanna hear it.

      5. I’m gonna try this yeeet again, and am gonna have to really chunk this, and it could be the profanity, although maybe not, lol. But are you still talking to me, you loud-mouthed, time wasting, lying, low-IQ troll? The Palestinians are calling your name waiting for you to go die for them, and I’m waiting TOO. You’d agree that the longer you’re still alive, the more respect I should lose for you, right?

      6. You say there are “numerous instances” of Jews opposing communism. Meanwhile, every fukin link and Jew that I’ve showed you before who was pro-communism, you simply dismissed them as “spam”, like they commie-loving, head-in-the-sand, millennial chump self doesn’t wanna see. You’ve named 5 Jews here who you believe are pro-capitalism… is that alllll you got, dummy? (BTW, Kissinger is a GLOBALIST, Bilderberger, and commie himself… for instance, he’s pro-Mao). The Jews anyone can find behind the founding of communism and who are pro-communism FAR outnumber those who are pro-capitalism, or do you need me to refresh your memory? How about you produce this list of ALL the pro-capitalist Jews you can think of, besides the four you listed…

        BTW, define for us what capitalism is, just so we know we’re using the same definition (I’m using the book definition). And then elaborate really quickly on what SPECIFICALLY is so “evil” about this capitalism…

        1. I imagine this post will not show up for a few days, but..

          The Jews I mentioned were not some random pro-capitalists, they are among the LEADING theorists of capitalism. Look up all the leading Austrian economists, neoliberals, Objectivists and so on. The list would like a Haifa phonebook! And Henry Kissinger was such a “commie” he was behind the coup in Chile and bombed the hell out of Southeast Asia. Why should I even debate someone with such an absurd definition of a “commie”? Kissinger was so anti-Communist that even “anti-Zionist” anti-Communists like Paul Craig Roberts support him.

          77% of Jews in Britain support Theresa May, only 13% support Corbyn. Jews overwhelmingly left Cuba after the Revolution and have mostly left Venezuela since 2000. Jews like Jack Abramoff were heavily represented in Iran Contra and Israel was the leading military supporter of the right-wing death squads in Central America. Virtually every reactionary force during the Cold War had close Israeli ties. Israel (which makes up 40% of Jews in the world) is itself the least left-wing place on earth, the people who vote for actual communist parties there are overwhelmingly Arabs. 70% of Israelis support Trump, whereas in most European countries Trump supporters are in the single digits. It was the only country on earth where McCain and Romney would have beaten Obama. “Communists”? Hardly.

        2. Leaving a side that capitalism is a brutally oppressive, exploitative system that condemns millions of poor Whites to extreme misery as wage slaves while a tiny minority of mostly kikes benefit…

          …capitalism, that is (((private))) ownership of the means of production, is also BEHIND White genocide. First, capitalist thieves went to colonize Africa and Asia, which led to the beginning of globalization and Africans and Asians reverse colonizing Europe. Then the capitalists flooded Europe with non-Whites as cheap labor and forced everyone to accept it – as long as non-Whites only bother the poor and stay out of “exclusive” neighborhood.

          A capitalist is someone who sees government money to help poor White people as a “waste” but endless government money to help Israel and Jewish bankers as “necessary for free enterprise and national security”.

      7. Well right off the top of my head, I can give you an obvious reason Jesus wasn’t a communist: he actually believed in what’s called *work*. I know the idea of work is anathema to entitled, commie-loving millennials like you, but it’s not the boogeyman and actually exists in reality, you know.

        And AGAIN (man you better start answering some fukin questions), SHOW the source of information you use that shows how the poor are paying “more”, or even “just as much” in taxes as those NOT so poor, including those who are well-to-DO… CAN’T, chump?

        1. I’m not a Christian so I don’t care much personally but Jesus definitely threw capitalists out of the temple and called on the rich to share their wealth with the poor or they would burn in hell. He gave away free bread to feed the masses, which reactionaries would call communism. Most of the early Christians practiced communism, did they not?

          Whatever Christianity originally was, it was corrupted by kings, aristocrats and feudal lords as a way to overthrow the traditional matriarchal socialist societies of the Celts and Nords and demand that the poor obey the rich. More recently it has been corrupted by Jews and capitalists to promote capitalism, imperialism, anti-Communism, Zionism, globalism and White genocide.

        2. Most taxes, such as sales taxes are extremely regressive, but to me it is scandalous that the non-bourgeois should be paying ANY taxes when they are already being treated like garbage and their lives being made hell by capitalism. The supposedly huge amount that capitalists are paying in taxes hardly keeps them from being way more prosperous than anyone else. But hey, they deserve it because URNED all their wealth by parasitically brutally exploiting the proles who actually did all the work for profit.

          1. I’ll ask these questions one by one because I’m having problems getting through on this site ATM.

            Really quick, how much IQ, risk, and stress is required to be a janitor? Like a lot or a little or something else? Would you agree that janitors aren’t getting paid enough and that they’re being treated like garbage?

          2. I asked you above, what SPECIFICALLY is your definition of capitalism, and you didn’t answer. What is it? Is it the book definition, or some variant of your own made up definition?

          3. Has capitalism or communism/Marxism/socialism been on the rise in the West? You’d agree that capitalism has been, right? More and more people, including millennials such as yourself have been becoming more capitalist and anti-commie as time goes on, right? Or vice versa?

            Would you say welfare is capitalist or communist?

            You’d agree that private ownership of business, industry, and trade is better off being taken from private owners and given to the government/state, right?

            Are you saying that you’re a low/no-tax communist who doesn’t believe in taxes?

            If somebody works 60 hours a week at the same job, you’d agree that someone who works 10 hours a week at that same job should be paid just as much as the 60-hour worker, right?

            1. The Jewish-led counterrevolutionary destruction of the Soviet Union was devastating for the international proletariat, vastly decreasing revolutionary consciousness and leading to the triumph of capitalism all over the world. In the West, once strong Communist parties like those in France and Italy were reduced to nothing by this tragic event. However, this horrible setback could not last forever and it could only presage the eventual fall of capitalism. Anti-capitalist and anti-Semitic attitudes are on the rise once again, especially among the youth, though boomers still praise Jews and capitalists.

            2. Welfare states in the West were mainly created to “save capitalism from itself” and pacify the poor. It was believed that if your ultra-capitalist nightmare were put in place, the workers would rise up to kill the bourgeoisie and institute Communism immediately. Of course, with the decline of class consciousness in recent years the capitalists can now institute the neoliberal nightmare without a strong welfare state by pacifying the poor with McDonald’s and MTV.

              Per Marxist (correct) definitions Capitalism is defined as control the economy by (((private companies))) while Socialism is where the people control the economy.

              1. I missed your comments by accident here.

                You say, “welfare states in the West were mainly created to save capitalism from itself and pacify the poor.”

                Marxists/commies/socialists definitely believe in welfare and transferring the wealth from the earners to the non-earners and from the haves to the have nots. But capitalists? Are you trying to say capitalism adopted a form of Marxism (e.g. welfare) to save itself from itself? How in the world could America do this if it’s “100% capitalist”?

                As for welfare ‘pacifying the poor’… well, as an example, if you haven’t been paying attention, whites’ taxes are being unfairly taken and given to blacks and Hispanics and they’re rapidly outbreeding whites with this money. That’s “pacification” right?

                When I asked you what your definition of capitalism was, it wasn’t a “trick question”. What do you call an individual owner of a private business? A capitalist. That’s “so evil”, right? Explain how that’s “evil”.

                So you say socialism is where the people (the community) controls the economy. That’s true, but is the average person a smarty pants? Does the average person know much about the economy? Obviously not. What if somebody is a much harder worker and much smarter than the average person? Do they “owe” the average person because of it? Is the average person in the community gonna be happy about giving what he/she has to the laziest and dumbest people in the community? Obviously not. These are just some reasons why socialism doesn’t work.

                And as for the definition of Marxism, you think it’s “great” that the state controls the economy. How do you come to that conclusion?

                I also asked you other questions above that you didn’t answer, like are you saying you’re a commie who doesn’t believe in taxes?

          4. You say the proletariat’s lives are being made hell by capitalism while they’re working jobs that wouldn’t have existed if not for capitalism. Makes “lots” of sense.

            Speaking of Austrian and Keynesian economics, you’re obviously pro-Keynesian which means you believe in bigger/more powerful governments, not unlike Henry Kissinger.

            Can you explain for us what’s going on in this vid? Are people like Bernanke, Paul Krugman, and Ben Stein Keynesian or Austrian in economic view?


          5. Theresa May?! Do any of us over here sound like we give a sh*t about her? Yeah, she’s a real ‘capitalist’ and ‘conservative’, right? Like Kissinger n sheeeit, lol.

            OK, lemme pull out my Haifa phonebook! Obviously there have been and are Jews involved in Austrian economics, but you’re acting like it’s far more than in Keynesian economics, or were in the Frankfurt School or the leading Bolsheviks when it was/is far less… how many Jews do you count in this excerpt below? Was St. Thomas Aquinas Jewish, like Marx or Moses Hess? If not, then his followers probably naturally “were”, right? If you haven’t looked, Jews would call Aquinas an “anti-Semite”. How about Richard Cantillon, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Jean Baptiste Say, or Claude Frederic Bastiat? “Jews”, right?

          6. “The story of the Austrian School begins in the fifteenth century, when the followers of St. Thomas Aquinas, writing and teaching at the University of Salamanca in Spain, sought to explain the full range of human action and social organization.

            These Late Scholastics observed the existence of economic law, inexorable forces of cause and effect that operate very much as other natural laws. Over the course of several generations, they discovered and explained the laws of supply and demand, the cause of inflation, the operation of foreign exchange rates, and the subjective nature of economic value—all reasons Joseph Schumpeter celebrated them as the first real economists.

            The Late Scholastics were advocates of property rights and the freedom to contract and trade. They celebrated the contribution of business to society, while doggedly opposing taxes, price controls, and regulations that inhibited enterprise. As moral theologians, they urged governments to obey ethical strictures against theft and murder. And they lived up to Ludwig von Mises’s rule: the first job of an economist is to tell governments what they cannot do.

            The first general treatise on economics, Essay on the Nature of Commerce, was written in 1730 by Richard Cantillon, a man schooled in the scholastic tradition. Born in Ireland, he emigrated to France. He saw economics as an independent area of investigation, and explained the formation of prices using the “thought experiment.” He understood the market as an entrepreneurial process, and held to an Austrian theory of money creation: that it enters the economy in a step-by-step fashion, disrupting prices along the way.

            Cantillon was followed by Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, the pro-market French aristocrat and finance minister under the ancien regime. His economic writings were few but profound. His paper “Value and Money” spelled out the origins of money, and the nature of economic choice: that it reflects the subjective rankings of an individual’s preferences. Turgot solved the famous diamond-water paradox that baffled later classical economists, articulated the law of diminishing returns, and criticized usury laws (a sticking point with the Late Scholastics). He favored a classical liberal approach to economic policy, recommending a repeal of all special privileges granted to government-connected industries.

            Turgot was the intellectual father of a long line of great French economists of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, most prominently Jean Baptiste Say and Claude-Frederic Bastiat. Say was the first economist to think deeply about economic method. He realized that economics is not about the amassing of data, but rather about the verbal elucidation of universal facts (for example, wants are unlimited, means are scarce) and their logical implications.

            Say discovered the productivity theory of resource pricing, the role of capital in the division of labor, and “Say’s Law”: there can never be sustained “overproduction” or “underconsumption” on the free market if prices are allowed to adjust. He was a defender of laissez-faire and the industrial revolution, as was Bastiat. As a free-market journalist, Bastiat also argued that nonmaterial services are subject to the same economic laws as material goods. In one of his many economic allegories, Bastiat spelled out the “broken-window fallacy” later popularized by Henry Hazlitt.

            Despite the theoretical sophistication of this developing pre-Austrian tradition, the British school of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries won the day, mostly for political reasons. This British tradition (based on the objective-cost and labor-productivity theory of value) ultimately led to the rise of the Marxist doctrine of capitalist exploitation.”


  11. Zionists want to be the “whites” of the future. Erasing western identity and appropriate of the good european genes and accomplishments is fundamental if racially bastards expect to one day Larp as a chosen/master race. I don’t underestimate simple plots. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said,
    “Now, however, that they unavoidably inter-marry more and more year after year with the noblest blood of Europe, they will soon have a considerable heritage of good intellectual and physical manners, so that in another hundred years they will have a sufficiently noble aspect not to render themselves, as masters, ridiculous to those whom they will have subdued. And this is important!” – The Dawn of Day, 1881.

    1. Original Jews are white Mediterranean people, just like Greeks, Italians or Spaniards.
      They become more white Nordic via Askhenazi .
      Their plot to destroy white s makes no sense at all.. It is suicidal.

      1. They want to exterminate the white race because whites are the only people on Earth who care about freedom, civil liberties, the truth and so on. Plus they will be the only fair-skinned people of the world whose rule will be unquestionably accepted by the ugly colored mongrels.

  12. I am so glad we expelled them in 1492.

    If they keep on pushing within Germany they are facing a new Kristallnacht. Why the hell they have an ethno State in Levant? Some of us are backing them about Israel in order to get rid of them in Europe.

    1. Unfortunately, even if they were all expelled to Israel, they’d still have many tentacles within white countries, and they’d still be sucking up untold sums of money in Holyhaux reparations, lobbies, banking, scams, supplies, weapons, inventions, and everything else.

      There need to be hate speech laws put in place against Jews who have anything negative to say about whites, males, heterosexuals, cisgenders, and Christians. There need to be mandated, automatic reparations to be paid by Jews to white victims of them throughout history. Trillions need to be paid in Holyhaux scam reparations, for Bolshevik crimes, for Jewish mafia crimes, for Jewish promotion of degeneracy crimes, for all other Jewish lies, scams, and for their demonization and disenfranchisment of whites, including to white males heterosexual cisgender Christians.

      I back their expulsions but not their existence or continual finance collections from white tax payers.

    1. Yes, Otto was the consummate anti-Semite and misogynist. Dude was way ahead of his time and a brilliant writer. 🙂

  13. They openly state they were better off under the Ottoman Empire than the Byzantine Empire They were glad Constantinople became Istanbul. Now I know why Isabelle and Ferdinand kicked them out.

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