The Media Are Employing the Wrong Barometer to Gauge the Strength of the Alt-Right

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The media are relishing the relatively small numbers that turned out in support of Jason Kessler’s “Unite the Right” rally in Washington, D.C., as if it indicated the demise of the alt-right. It does not. It does indicate that the radical Left’s intimidation tactics are working, for now, but that does not mean that any minds have been changed.

Rather, the alt-right movement is more apt to manifest itself in rising resentment that will show itself in the polls come election day. Increasingly displaced Americans are more motivated than ever to turn out the vote. Those who cannot express themselves on the streets are still free to vote their conscience.

A far better indicator of the mindset of Americans is the success of Donald Trump and his rallies, despite all of his many shortcomings. A Tsunami does not show itself until it crashes on the coast. The protestors are glorified in the media and crave the attention and mutual support they enjoy, but they do not by any means represent mainstream America. The undercurrents are building and will one day present themselves as a tidal wave sweeping away and washing clean the filth that has gathered on the beach in hopes of witnessing it.

24 thoughts on “The Media Are Employing the Wrong Barometer to Gauge the Strength of the Alt-Right

  1. Yeah, just because these particular alt-right events may be dwindling in number doesn’t mean, for instance, that the pro-white and pro-male movements aren’t continuing to explode in numbers and awareness, because they are and can’t be stopped. It’s just a question of whether or not enough people can wake up and mobilize in time.

    Even if I were completely healthy from gym injuries and was physically robust as usual, there’s no way I’d ever attend one of these rallies. They’re like set-ups. Many of the well-known people in the alt-right are either shady themselves or have shady connections and are thus infiltrators; but the media, police, and government are against genuinely good alt-righters at these rallies too.

    Kyle Hunt mentioned this after the Charlottesville rally and he was correct in his assessment. It’s dumb for well-meaning alt-righters to go to these rallies because of the given circumstances and I’m sure more are noticing. Doesn’t mean the movement still isn’t exploding though and that they can’t do other gatherings where the MSM won’t be and/or doesn’t know about.

  2. It’s not the worst barometer. It shows how fearful people still are, and that they have a lot to lose, which is why they don’t attend.

    Intimidation works both ways remember. Sure, 200 people can be intimidated. Maybe a thousand. But 10, 000 angry white men? In that situation, it’ll be the doxers who have something to fear from reprisals.

    The dwindling number just shows that this movement has no genuine leadership (just pretenders), and without leadership/organization, the right type of messaging etc… you can’t mobilize people.
    If we’re being genocided? what is there left to lose? Or is the genocide tag just hysteria good for youtube clicks? Maybe there’s no actual “Objectives” to this movement so it evaporates when put to the test. What is the AR asking for? A magic ethnostate on Mars? The whole movement is still at an amateur/juvenile stage. UTR1 scared people because there was some actual mobilization. Now there’s none. That’s why they’re crowing.

  3. A much better barometer than even Trump’s rallies (they’re gonna be filled with lots of civnats, cucks, and fence-sitters… I really don’t consider Trump to be ‘pro-white’ beyond a few things he might say that could be perceived as “pro-white”, while other shit he says is anti-white) could and would simply be gauging the rapid growth of pro-white-leaning channels on YT. For instance, when I first encountered Red Ice, they must have had only 30K subscribers or so; they’re over 220K now. American Renaissance is another one… they had something like 10K subscribers when I first found them (maybe less) and now have almost 74K. Colin Flaherty is another one who gained lots of popularity over the time his channels were up, they just kept getting deleted, and so he had to keep re-creating them. He said his channels would typically grow by 5% every month. When I first saw Ryan Faulk at the Alternative Hypothesis, he only had like 2K subscribers and now has almost 50K. Someone else who doesn’t have a lot of subscribers (I think possibly because he got his channel deleted and had to start another one) is Libertarian Realist (under 12K on his newest channel), but I’ve seen his videos get lots more views and exposure over the years. Of course just seeing so many people myself who weren’t pro-white before but now are is another one. Rapid growth has also been seen on Twitter and FB. The pro-white movement is exploding just like the pro-male movement and won’t be stopping.

  4. ^That was addressed to you, grimlock.

    Extremely odd things happen at these rallies. If you listen to people who have attended them, they say things like bus-fulls of KKK members and many other extremely odd characters show up out of nowhere, like the shit is government-staged or something. Then of course, many of these well-known people in the alt-right are extremely odd themselves and almost have to be plants. So it’s not just a bunch of different groups of people who might be considered by some as ‘alt-right’ or consider themselves as such, but another problem is there are so many diverse backgrounds among these people. Everyone from pagans (and even Satanists) to homos to fembots to pro-Jew ‘pro-whites’ to die-hard Putinists to die-hard Trumpians etc., show up; none of which should be considered “alt-right”, so it’s a real cluster-fuck. And these clowns like Augustus Invictus, Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach and so many others are actually given platforms to speak… as if they’re supposedly speaking for “all” pro-whites, and that’s another joke. Yeah the “leadership” amongst the well-knowns is a joke. I like Jared Taylor but he’s terrible on the JQ and the FQ. As time goes on, more and more people will catch on to these posers and/or plants as always happens in every movement getting off the ground.

    1. TBH I have no real idea of where the situation in the US is headed ( because there’s just no precedent) and people are guessing/hoping most of the time. eg. Race awareness =/= Race nationalist. Washington and Jefferson were aware of race but it didn’t stop them having blacks grow up on their property.

      Maybe America will be partitioned into 3-4 parts to keep everyone semi-satisfied. One thing i know is that Masonic govt. is good at making rational decisions and keeping things from fracturing too far. i.e. people on youtube can be managed. what are they? just consumers out for entertainment… but rally’s with 10,000 people. That type of thing can light a fire (trigger something big).

      What i’m saying is i doubt they’re worried how many subscribers Jared Taylor gets. If people can let off steam by listening to racist jokes on a podcast, they’ll allow it. And the people who run youtube channels/sites, will only do what’s in their interest.

      At this point, i have more belief that a men’s movement/brotherhood will arise before a racial movement will.

      1. Various men’s movements comprising the Manosphere have already arisen man, and they’re rapidly growing. In 2011, they were around but they were small and weak AF. They’re still relatively small in number per capita, but they’re continually getting bigger and stronger. Like you’ll notice MGTOW at that time was almost unheard of, but it has rapidly risen in number/strength, including on YT.

        I didn’t know if you were being sarcastic or rhetorical in some of your questions above or what, but you said:

        “But 10, 000 angry white men? In that situation, it’ll be the doxers who have something to fear from reprisals.

        The dwindling number just shows that this movement has no genuine leadership (just pretenders), and without leadership/organization, the right type of messaging etc… you can’t mobilize people.
        If we’re being genocided? what is there left to lose? Or is the genocide tag just hysteria good for youtube clicks? Maybe there’s no actual “Objectives” to this movement so it evaporates when put to the test. What is the AR asking for? A magic ethnostate on Mars? The whole movement is still at an amateur/juvenile stage. UTR1 scared people because there was some actual mobilization. Now there’s none. That’s why they’re crowing.”

        A couple things you said there were true, like the well-knowns given a platform in the alt-light make for bad leadership, and I’d say largely because they tend to say so many falsities on top of stupid shit. And yes, the pro-white movement still is in it’s juvenile stage like practically all anti-Marxist movements. That doesn’t mean it’s not rapidly growing though.

        I said above that there are other alt-righters who see these rallies as set-ups for good reason and have been calling for boycotts of them. And you could reasonably presume that a whole lot don’t go because of this. You’re seeing dwindling numbers at this particular alt-right rally and equating it to weakness and evaporation, when in reality, there’s little reason for anyone who isn’t some agent to go because the MSM and police are against you. You know MGTOW doesn’t have to hold huge rallies like this. It’s a lot of dudes who are on the same pages about the agendas aimed at men in society, and it’s a lot of much smaller groups of dudes who meet up to connect if/when they want to. Just because there aren’t tens of thousands of them meeting up doesn’t mean they’re not getting bigger and stronger.

      2. The idea for a white ethno-state has been promoted heavily by Richard Spencer, and there must be others, but I haven’t paid enough attention to really verify. Well Spencer sure as shit doesn’t speak for me. A white ethnostate itself in America and so many other places isn’t practical. First of all, it would mean that you’d assign this area to whites only and you’d have to forcibly remove every non-white who doesn’t want to leave from the area. At the very least, that means it’d cost money and time. Secondly, there are non-whites out there who are far, far more pro-white than the average white, especially including white libtards. Given they tend to be of good character, I’m not of the belief they can’t be included in this white enthostate. They should be calling for a *pro-white* ethnostate. Many more people would be on board with that than an all ‘white ethnostate’, not to mention it’s obviously much more practical. Even so, it’s still gonna be a long while before you could openly declare a “white ethnostate” lol. White flight is happening on a much larger scale than gentrification and so whites have been mimicking these things but not articulating them because it’s un-PC and red-pill information about race and multiculturalism has been suppressed.

        I don’t know what the future looks like in America other than things are gonna keep getting worse so it’s very important for people of like minds to red-pill themselves as much as possible on these issues so they can get on the same pages and prep and organize, and they’ve been doing so and they’ll keep doing so.

        A rally of 10,000 people isn’t gonna do shit when the speakers are jacked-up and the MSM, police, politicians, and society at large are against you. Maybe the only good thing about such a rally is that if you so desire, you have a chance to meet and connect with other people you’ve been wanting to meet and connect with. Aside from that, it’s a joke. TBH, there aren’t a lot of people I’d personally care to meet at these rallies anyway, lol. So many are just so cucked-out anyway. No goddamnit, I don’t want to talk to fukin pagans or white knights or manginas or femtards or homos or Trump or Putin supporters, lol. Those alone would probably knock out about 98% of the rally for me, at least, lol.

        1. I put an emphasis on “mobilization” as part of a formula to determine strength. It shows courage, commitment, ambition, organization etc Whereas anybody can subscribe to a youtube channel, or listen to their fashy podcast in private. My view is that the leaders “cucked out” after UTR because they were the ones who’d come under threat. The average white man loved the thrill of attending the rally. A couple of broken bones is a small price to pay in this kind of battle.

          Anyway, that particular strategy has failed for various reasons, so yeah, going forward, its better to prep and do things quietly.

  5. The white nationalist movement has been infiltrated by the Jews………..there are some that go as far as to say it is being led by the Jews.

  6. Grimlock, the rally really makes no sense for many reasons.

    For one, the main purpose evidently is to “unite the right”. Well, it’s still way too early to be “uniting” a bunch of different factions with so many different beliefs on so many different issues; they *CAN’T* be united yet. All kinds of so-called “alt-right” people show up to these events when they’re really *alt-light* at best. It’s like, could I ever be united with Vargina Varg Vikernes? Hell no. It’d be a sad hypothetical if we were both to show up, exchange pleasantries before I knew much of anything about him, mistakenly think we’ve got quite a bit in common, and then not long after find out that no, this dude is a fucking moron and I can’t stand him, lol. There are a bunch of dilettantes at these events who “think” they know WTF they’re talking about and think they know what they stand for when they really don’t. Of course they can’t DEBATE what they think they know because they’ll lose. They’ve dabbled in some alt-right ideas and then jump the gun as if they “know” what’s going on, when they don’t. There are too many issues that need to be debated and fought out first before uniting something like this. It’s like in chess, one of the great (but simple) things you learn is to look at the whole fukin board before you make a move (actually think/recon before you act). Many of these people don’t do shit like that and it’s so ludicrous to me. This obviously doesn’t only apply to the alt-right, but especially the masses in general.

    Secondly, and like Jocko Willink (retired SEAL commander) says, masses of lions lead by a sheep will lose, but masses of sheep lead by a lion can do damage. Not only are the non-speakers at these events dilettantes, but so are almost all the speakers (as you noticed). Not a surprise as the government definitely has incentives to insert plants, agent provocateurs, and controlled opposition into events like this. I don’t know of any person who speaks at this event who will willingly debate any issue because they can’t as they don’t know the issues. So you’ve got some of these speakers who are operating from some correct paradigms, but many faulty paradigms simultaneously as well.

    Thirdly, it ain’t like Donald Trump supports the alt-right and these alt-right rallies, or like the MSM and police support it, (the government and MSM are anti-white, not pro-white) which means well meaning alt-righters are already starting from a disadvantaged position before they even arrive.

    Instead of holding premature rallies like this where bad things can and do easily happen and where the exchange of ideas is heavily impeded anyway for various reasons, it makes much more since for people to keep using the platforms that they have to not only keep spreading awareness on the issues they know, but to actually EXAMINE and DEBATE the shit they don’t know (looootta shit out there to know). If they were the REAL DEAL though, they’d actually debate ANY issue, but don’t wanna. Genuine people will keep realizing this and more and more of them will continue to figure shit out, and that these clowns like Spencer and Invictus have practically no business speaking at these fukin rallies. Everyone would do themselves a GREAT FAVOR by actually researching, understanding, and debating all the issues at hand before giving their ill-informed opinions about them and either knowingly or unknowingly spreading disinformation and lies.

    What this really simply boils down to is that these rallies are a great way for the government and MSM to make well meaning alt-righters look bad.

    1. I’d generally agree with all that. Just that there was a small chance that UTR1 could’ve lit a fire/snowballed into something bigger if there was a better strategy flowing on from it. They got thousands of white men, even from overseas to attend… and they didn’t come to hear Spencer speak or Duke or clown Varg or any of that shit, they came because they saw a chance to stand up as white men and make some kind of display that ‘we ain’t dead yet’.

      Look, even Trump had to cuck and say good+bad on both sides. That’s the power of mobilizing men with nothing to lose…. unlike a typical Trump rally. Now if they get 5000 one year, it should be easy to triple that number the next year and so on. But what happened? all the little leaders started fighting each other, concerned about their particular brand and all that usual shit. They imploded and everybody has now retreated. The ‘leaders’ proved to be sheep, but the average white man that attended had balls.

      But there’s also the other problem that was mentioned. As in what is the actual objective here. Let’s say we got 50,000 men to turn up, with a set of demands etc for the White House… what would they even be? That in general is the bigger problem for the AR in America. If you want all white state (or territory) somewhere, it has to be established. Because the entire USA isn’t going to switch to nationalist/race-based when it’s already close to 50% non-white. That doesn’t even make sense.

      1. I’m pretty sure the only purpose of this event for well meaning alt-righters was to “unite” more alt-righters, and not to be making demands on the White House or anything (lol). If they were, it’d be really dumb because let’s say it wasn’t even just 50 thousand men, but 500 thousand men: Not only would the police get involved, but the National Guard would be ordered in, and if that wasn’t enough, the military would be ordered in. So not only would they be badly out-shined in terms of weaponry, supplies, resources, etc., but the police, National Guard and military would be legally in the right to follow orders and do whatever they were told to do without repercussions (including having the MSM on their side), whereas these men couldn’t/wouldn’t.

        But yeah, as you say, the leadership of these speakers who are dilettantes and/or agents of controlled opposition is absolutely pathetic. They shouldn’t be leading a fukin thing, but since they’ve been given platforms that have helped their popularity in certain circles, they can always fool many dupes. Not only can the MSM take this shit and run with it, but the various factions are gonna have problems and infighting, while this could also be used by the PTB to sidetrack people and waste their fukin time as well. Smart alt-righters avoid these fukin rallies and organize on your own without these D-bags trying to lead you.

        1. I don’t believe your scenario would happen at all. The USA is not China (well not yet). People are allowed to peacefully march, demonstrate etc And 50, 000 men is not just 50,000 units that can be shot in the street for nothing. That 50,000 has parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, etc Mostly middle-class. There simply won’t be any slaughter happening.

          And these things happen. We had that women’s march in washington recently, and there have been black man marches too with 100,000+. Yeah “demands” is a bit harsh… should’ve said proposals. e.g. We want “reservations” like the Indians have, and political control over its borders, freedom of association, etc Stuff like that. It is a political movement after all.

          Ultimately, if you want a peaceful/political solution…. the rally + proposals + treaty is the only real (historically proven) method. Or else you just wait for the collapse/civilwar scenario. The fact that the AR leadership hasn’t outlined these basic concepts to people shows me that they’re either compromised, or that they’re happy with the status quo (collecting shekel donations but delivering nothing concrete).

          1. Duuude, first of all, women and blacks are “downtrodden” classes being “oppressed” by the “misogynistic”, “raycis” white, male demon, and deserve special treatment, according to the prevailing Marxist narrative. Different fukin story, man. It’s one thing to cry when you’re a female or a black because everybody has sympathy for you (the government, media, society, academia), but much different as a white, “privileged”, “evil” male. The MSM backs women’s and blacks’ marches too; women and black organization are encouraged by the Marxist establishment. I don’t think you know WTF you’re talking about.

            As another example, what happened when masses of whites wanted to stop integration when blacks wanted to go to white schools? The National Guard was called in and blacks were forced in, much to the chagrin of large numbers of whites. Or have you ever seen these big bank protests with peaceful protestors? Were they allowed to peacefully demonstrate and march? I guess you think so but they sure weren’t.

            Even if there were 500,000 white men out there marching to the White House, the fuck are they gonna do? You think the government and the MSM give a shit about white men and their proposals?! Lolz. They’re actually gonna ‘listen’ to these proposals? Like people don’t write their Senators all the gotdamned time in America? Or maybe you’re thinking that if they make threats with their proposals they might get listened to, or that if violence breaks out, they’re just gonna be “kind” to da white male demon cuz they be thinkin that he gots familays n wives n daughters n grammas n sheeeit, lol. Did you forget who runs the fukin government and media, or maybe you never knew? It’s as if you don’t realize that women and all other minorities have propaganda, lobbies, ‘anti-hate’ organizations and government on their sides. I don’t give a shit if you don’t buy my scenario and you don’t think the PTB would suppress them and that if they didn’t leave or a riot started that the government wouldn’t get forcibly get rid of them. It’s like you think that these Western governments actually give a shit about attacks and murders of whites. I think you’re kind of a moron dude, TBH. YOU do it Holmes, stop talking to me about it, lol.

            1. The overwhelming majority of police, military combatants in America are White men. And no, they’re not going to start mowing down white men in the street on national TV. Are you delusional? Can you even give one example where the US govt. started slaughtering white people en masse? Your response doesn’t make sense. They didn’t even fire during the Bundy stand-off.

              But i’m only pointing this out as an “aggressive” long shot strategy that could’ve worked for the alt-right, since that’s how the nazis/fascists took power in the 20s/30s. Or else just expect it to become Brasil because there isn’t any other solution if you consider their demographics. 56% white and falling.

              1. No shit, Sherlock. NOWHERE did I say they were gonna just start randomly mowing down white men, Holmes. I was REFERRING to what you said about these white men making demands of the White House. That also goes for any idea of a coup d’ etat some may have if their demands weren’t met, because some do want to overthrow the corrupt government. Not only would demands be dumb, but proposals are pointless too because this government is *anti-white* aaand *anti-male*, and not by fukin “accident”.

                You’re getting this idea in your head that I must be thinking they were just gonna start mowing down these white dudes for no reason and putting words into my mouth. What I was saying and meaning is if they were gonna start making demands, thinking the government must comply with these demands or some dumb shit, they’d soon find themselves facing the National Guard and/or the military. If any dummies thought they could win in a battle against the military, they’d be sorely mistaken. YOU are the one that brought up *demands*, NOT me. Proposals are pointless TOO, dumb ass, lol. You and I aren’t friends and aren’t ever gonna be friends. It’s time for you to go make some proposals to the government or something.

      2. BTW, I don’t agree at all with Duke’s pro-Trump stance or his white knightism (I’d debate and beat him on gender issues and the anti-male agenda aaaany day) but at least he’s calling out Jordan Peterson and Jared Taylor for a debate on the JQ on this recent talk of his (they won’t take hikm up because they’d obviously lose badly lol):

        David Duke
        17 hours ago
        David Duke
        3 seconds ago
        Love to Debate Peterson or Taylor, in fact bring em both on against me, I can prove they are dead wrong and just not daring to challenge the Zio Supremacist Oligarchs who they fear.

        Lets get it on. Read Myth of American Meritocracy by Ron Unz an honest Jewish guy, In his footnotes he shows that 70 percent of the top students as shown by National Merit Scholarships winners are non-Jewish Whites, 20 percent are Asian,, and only 3 to 4 percent Jews, According to Jewish Hillel (the NY Times accepted source of Jewish college demographics) 67 percent of Graduate School admitted at Harvard, the most important graduate school in America, are Jews, while non-Jewish Whites are less than 10 percent of the graduate student.

        Another shocking refutation of the Peterson lie that Jews dominate America is because they are superior — is academic results of whites who are greatly outnumbered at Harvard.

        The top academic Honor Society in America, Phi Beta Kappa. White undergrads at Harvard are only 20 percent of the students. Yet Whites are an amazing 55 percent of the Phi Beta Kappa achievers. Another fact by Unz is that even though Jews though Jews greatly outnumbered the White students, Jews only won a measly 11 percent of the Phi Beta Kappa recipients , and this is after usually 4 years academic presence, so outnumbered whites trounced demographically prominent Jews in academic achievement! This not the result of taking some test which could or could not be accurate, this is the result of actual academic achievemnt

        The truth is that the fact Peterson was not a bit afraid of claiming Jews are a superior master race. How is that? Would Peterson dare say in clear words, Whites are a superior race. He knows that if he did he would driven to mythically evil status.. But The Jewish media just loves it when somebody says how Jews are a superior race. Does that show the power and hypocrisy of Jewish supremacism.

        Jared Taylor and Peterson – bring em on at the same time – I’d expose their lack of intelligence and evidence and sadly their lack of courage to expose the race, the tribe the jewish establishment that is driving the destruction of the White race.
        Bring ’em on, bring the collaborators of ZOG on. I am ready!”

  7. The media did us a favor and narrowed what the alt right is. There is great hope that as the left keeps eating itself on MSNs that come November our numbers could swell another 10% among white peoples and that much among non whites.

  8. Washington is like Berkeley–the belly of the anti-white beast. We need to have a “Woodstock” in hospitable red territory, music and all.

  9. Here’s an interesting piece of information I just learned, but not as though I needed it, lol. Apparently Trump, in his book, ‘Secrets of Success’ made mention of his Kabbalah guru (meaning he’s a Kabbalist… it’s plain to see that he also obviously loves using masonic imagery and as if it wasn’t already enough to know). Kushner is a Kabbalist as well (shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody). They talk about it just passed the 20 minute mark in the vid below.

    This too:

    “A noted Kabbalist arrived at the office of the head of the Republican party in Israel this week with the express purpose of reassuring him that in heaven, the matter has already been decided: Donald Trump will be elected to serve as the next President of the United States.

    Though Marc Zell, the chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, is religious, he has limited knowledge of Kabbalah (mysticism), so he was very surprised when a noted kabbalist (mystic) contacted him last Sunday, saying he needed to speak to him concerning the upcoming elections in America.

    Mark Zell (Twitter)
    Mark Zell (Twitter)
    The kabbalist, from the city of Bnei Brak, is well known in Israel, but insisted on remaining anonymous in the press. He arrived at Zell’s office in Jerusalem with his entourage in the early evening. Zell did not know what to expect, but was open to anything the rabbi had to say.

    “There are things in this world we just don’t understand,” Zell told Breaking Israel News. “I figured this might be one of them.”

    In his meeting with Zell, the rabbi stated emphatically, “Donald Trump will win the election and be the next president of the United States.” The rabbi assured him this would be a very good thing for Israel and the United States.

    Though Zell was delighted to hear the unequivocal message, he remained skeptical and insisted on knowing the reason for the kabbalist being so sure.

    The kabbalist answered, “This is what I do. This is what my family has done for generations. To us, this is clear.”

    The kabbalist had one request: please pass this message on to the Trump campaign.

    Stay up to date with all your Prophecy News!
    The next day, two large boxes arrived at Zell’s office. The kabbalist had sent him two sets of the Zohar, the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mysticism, that contained his family’s interpretation of the esoteric books. One set is now in Zell’s library, but the other may very well sit on a shelf in the Oval Office in the near future.

    Zell forwarded this message to religious Jewish leaders of Trump’s campaign. They were enthusiastic when they heard the powerful message from the Holy Land, and were strengthened by the spiritual reassurance, said Zell.

    In fact, Zell has noted that the many religious Jews have rallied behind Trump in recent weeks.

    “It was not always the case, but many rabbis and religious leaders have come out in support of Trump, telling their followers to support the Republican candidate,” said Zell. “They realize that Trump is the candidate that will defend Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jews.”

    Zell believes that Trump’s promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem has much to do with that.

    “Trump comes from outside the political establishment,” noted Zell. “He will do what he says, and he said he will bring the embassy to Jerusalem, what every other president has vetoed.”

    Hadrei Haredim, an ultra-Orthodox news site, reported that Rabbi Sraya Deblitzky, one of the great Halachic (Torah law) authorities of the generation has been urging all his followers to vote for Trump.

    In addition, Rabbi Mendel Kessin, an internationally recognized Torah scholar and head of several charitable institutions, also put his support behind Trump, referring to the Republican candidate as the Messiah of the Biblical nation of Edom. Rabbi Kessin also said that voting for Clinton showed a lack of “mercy on your children”.

  10. @Dana and Grimlock

    The “unite the right” rally was Aug 11 2017.

    This is posted on Aug 16 2017:

    This is the mom of the “victim” that died. Very composed, right? Very prepared! I am pretty sure that this is what happens when you lose your daughter in a violent and unexpected death. This is how you would appear just 5 days later. Assertive and prepared. Not chaotic and desperate….. Not to mention that a parent who lost a child wouldnt really appear in front of people 5 days later, lecturing about “hate” in a philosophical way and other such trivial bullshit matters. “Let’s have the uncomfotable dialog” (her quote from the video)… Surely a thing that a grieving mother would say in front of people that she would choose to speak a few days after her daughter was butchered…

    Tell me if this is reality or a movie.

    The fact that Richard Spencer was a part of this “rally” is interesting. Could this have been a planned incident? To “uuuunite the right” and then discredit the whole of it, with fake, simulated violence? Naaaahh…


      And here’s the mother of the Murderer. “Running a car in to a crowd of people?? Did he hurt anybody?!? -Yeah there’s one fatality” (no emotions displayed on her expressions)

      The Chosen People make semi-believable movies some times…. This is not one of those times… Pretty lame shit.

    2. Fox, yeah, she looks unnaturally composed and prepared for that speech given it was only five days later. The father looked a little more genuine to me in his speech than the mother. In any case, we know crisis actors have been being used left and right at events like these and when they make it to the MSM, you know they’re gonna be manipulated and fraudulent in all kinds of ways.

      People actually there were saying that the driver of the car couldn’t be seen because his windows were very tinted and that the whole incident seemed very fake/staged.

      I haven’t yet finished all of David Duke’s interview here yet, but he was saying that this year, not all the alt-righters were let in, so it would have been bigger than it was; although I don’t know how much bigger. Duke says he’s friends with everybody in the alt-right and that’s just dumb because at the very least, at least a few of these fukin people have to be plants. We know others are stupid and/or degenerate AF and they could be plants too. For somebody to make friends with these clowns means they can’t have much for standards. These fools should be being ejected, not just given a chance to speak and let off the hook without being criticized and worse.

      These rallies are dumb and quite possibly very staged anyway. The only possible plus I could see for going to one of these is maybe if you’re the type of person who likes to see people face to face and don’t have the wherewithal to meet up with all of them for the rest of the year. I can understand that, if they exist. Besides that though, there are way, way too many morons and agents at these gotdamned rallies.

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