Russian Feminist Sprays Men With Bleach for “Manspreading”

A lunatic Russian feminist has taken to assaulting men with a bleach cocktail on the subway for the crime of “man spreading”.

The broad is on a video spraying men in the crotch with a water/bleach mixture to “punish” them for sitting with their legs open to protect their package.

From the Daily Mail:

A female law student has has been splashing water mixed with bleach onto men’s groin on underground trains in order to tackle ‘manspreading’. Anna Dovgalyuk, 20, from Russia, accuses men of ‘gender aggression’, and that her country is slow to counter the problem. The social activist has been targeting males males sitting with their legs spread wide on public transport in St Petersburg, Russia.

So according to this wench men are guilty of “gender aggression” for sitting how nature intended us to sit, but the bitch literally assaulting men with a toxic chemical is not “gender aggression”? How is this not assault? If it were the reverse, with a man spraying women with bleach, it would instantly be reported to the police as an assault.

The attention-whoring broad did another campaign where she would flash her underwear in public.

You can see from her Instagram that she’s a huge attention whore posing in slutty photos.

So the “feminist” wants to assault and insult men publicly yet at the same time seeks male validation and approval via sexed-up Instagram pics.

These bitches are out of control. She’s studying “law” in order to get into the legal system where she can further her crusade against men in Russia.

Enough is enough. These disgusting skanks are literally waging a gender war against males, committing crimes against us, and using the misandrist, gynocentric state to punish us for the crime of being male.

Trash like Anna Dovgalyuk need to be deported to Africa where they can bask in “gender equality” African-style.

Feminism is not about “gender equality” but female domination and subjugation of males. These psychopathic feminist women would castrate and enslave every man if they had enough power to do so.

We need to deport them before that happens.

42 thoughts on “Russian Feminist Sprays Men With Bleach for “Manspreading”

  1. Saw this hours ago. Stupid cunt will keep doing it until some “brave Eurasian man” reaffirms his “Dasein” and slaps her in the face, or until the Eurasian Heroes in the Police department get on it. Actually it’s more probable she messes with some mobster and gets whacked.
    Duginists will blame “Western Libruhl infiltrayshun”.

    1. Those broads are not even naturally hot. Lots of make(fake) up, fake tits, etc. Some of them even look like cheap hookers.

      I would say the ratio of hot vs. ugly women in Russia is the same as in every country. The idea that they’re all hot is part of the Russia worship meme war, that the broads over there are hot and are “based conservatives” too. Part of the fantasy narrative that Russia is a paradise for white conservative males.

      As we’ve seen there are the same sorts of feminists and gold diggers in Russia as in the West and every country. Females can’t escape their nature. That’s just what they are everywhere.

      1. There’s a definite difference in the physical quality of Russian women and American women. Not just Russian though, but Eastern European women also. When I was doing the Boycott American Women page, I couldn’t be beaten because it was just so damn easy. Exposing Ameriskanks is like taking candy from a baby because they’re just such fuck ups.

        Some of the factors that cause this difference are obesity/laziness, butch-ness, tats, racial differences (black American and American Indian women are ugly on the whole), and I’d also presume some kind of chemicals in the plastics, food, etc., make American women more masculine and so they have a more masculine appearance than in Russia (they also act and sound more masculine), and just the fact that people make excuses for everything American women do and the bitches are really put on a pedestal and don’t have nearly the incentives to take care of themselves. There could be more factors, but these are the ones I know of.

        It does need to be noted though that globalization is a real phenomenon, and the quality of Russian women is declining. It hasn’t just been American women who’ve consistently been getting more obese every year, but Russian women. So the American female obesity rate is at a milestone 40+%, and Russian women haven’t hit 30% yet, but they’re working on it:

        1. I’ve heard men rave about Eastern European women but I don’t buy that they’re all “based traditional housewives”. I’ve met numerous college-age girls from Eastern Europe and they give me the same feminazi vibe as Western European women. Eastern European/Russian mail order brides are the ultimate hypergamous skanks who trick stupid men into bringing them over to the West. I think that in the big cities across Western and Eastern Europe (and Russia) it’s pretty much the same with these women. You can find more traditional, less feminist ones in the rural areas of all European countries. Doesn’t mean Eastern Europe/Russia is some gold mine for “trad girls”. That’s a bullshit meme. Those broads may even feign “trad” just to get into your wallet. It’s a hypergamous trick. Lots of Western European and American women are now feigning “trad wife material” to get back into men’s good books (and by extension our wallets).

          1. Only a foolish white knight would think they’re all “based traditional housewives”.

            When it comes to looks, health, femininity, loyalty, a more logical mind, and pleasantness though, they’re definitely better than Ameriskanks, but that’s not hard to do because anybody can beat Ameriskanks.

            There are so many other dudes who’ve noticed this that I personally know. And Roosh is and has been in Eastern Europe for years to avoid Ameriskanks. Matt Forney now lives in Hungary; doesn’t like American women. There’s a dude I know who has his own dating service for American men in these countries and he’s not bullshitting or a scammer, and his wife is Ukrainian.

            Like this dude, as another example. This isn’t a full excerpt, and what’s not included is him saying American women don’t seem to take care of themselves (no shit Sherlock, lol):

            ” Oh, my. Well, maybe it’s not that there’s a lack of women in D.C. who are willing to fawn over Ovechkin with another lady in tow; it could just be that Ovi’s a fairly picky guy when it comes to who he chooses to awkwardly make out with while a journalist looks on:

            “If you compare Russia and America,” he told the magazine, “they are two different worlds. People, cars, clothes. Girls’ figures. Especially girls’ figures. Why do you think that is, that when an American goes to Russia for a week, he stays for two extra weeks? Girls! And when a Russian goes to America for a week, he leaves in five days.”


          2. Yeah, and not even just Eastern Europe and Russia, but plenty other parts of the world. It’s not even just dudes either, but females who notice this. I’ve met plenty of Latinas who’ve told me they don’t like American women. They say things like, American women are full of drama, and that AW use sex as some kind of manipulation tool to control men. There are so many people and sources you can find that talk about all this besides me. I sure as hell ain’t staying around Ameriskanks, lol. I just have to worry about what economic problems I don’t know about yet in the countries I’m looking at.

      2. You make so much more sense before God and man in a few points (not all, Mr. Brandon Martinez) than Trajano and Dana Hart in their spiritual blindness that it hurts. However, it is the minority, not a generalization as you leave the impression of women everywhere, like men, who are gold diggers by nature, as First Timothy 6 verse 10 (like the Tenth Commandment, Exodus 20 verse 17, e.g.) warns about–the love of money, the root of all evil, and the covetousness, lust, or desire for such things that end up with many sorrows. While so few stick to truth and many side with lies, it is refreshing to read a little truth coming forth from anyone, whether enslaved to gain as if it were godliness. So I thank you for this [partly] true [although profanely rendered] tidbit.

        1. Are you anonymous because you’re a low-IQ clown? I would be too. What part of Ameriskanks being bottom-of-the-barrel bitches is so hard for you to grasp? Does that mean “all”? No dummy. But it sure means that, as a GROUP, they sure do suck. And it’s the “minority”? It depends on what CATEGORY you’re talking about. If, for example, we’re talking about paternity fraud, then yes, it’s the minority. If we’re talking about something like double standards, then it’s the vast MAJORITY.

      3. Come on now brandon you should be smarter then that, this is Russian propaganda targeted at the manosphere that eat this shit up

        1. Russian propaganda wants us to believe feminism and feminists don’t exist in “Based Conservative Russia,” so I don’t see why they’d be behind this stunt which suggests the opposite.

  2. I just pulled up YT, randomly saw this vid in the sidebar, and clicked on it. It was made quite recently on October 5th and is well worth the listen. This female is Ukrainian living in America apparently. I just have to say, ‘2 years ago’? If people in general were in tune with what’s been going on, it should have been ten years ago at least, lol.

    I also wanted to say on the other article over here about how white feminists are being pushed out of the movement for being white: the LAST gotdamned thing pro-whites should do is accept the dumb, devious, neurotic bitches in the pro-white movement with open arms, no matter what dumb cunt Lana Lokteff says about it. A fembot is happy to see other fembots and the pro-white movement is already swamped up the wazoo with femtards, white knights and manginas.

  3. Accent sounds more south american than european and hair is dyed blonde I think.
    So the Ukranian part needs a bit more proof please (and anyone can come up with a catchy video channel or website title).
    I have only listened to 2 minutes and I might be wrong but I very much doubt it.

    1. Might be trying to lead white guys astray into considering mixed race relationships.
      Looks southeast asian or something mixed to my eyes.

      1. Might be trying to lead white guys astray?! Lmmfao. Do you know how long ago I started administrating the BAW page? This was late 2011. This shit is old, old, old news. It’s just so many people operate in such small bubbles that it’s so far out of their own realities to be able to rationally accept. Yeeees, Ameriskanks are INFERIOR to BOTH Ukrainian and Russian women. This is NOT to say that either Ukranian or Russian women are perfect and that they aren’t DECLINING in quality, but they’re STILL better than their Ameriskank counterparts.

    2. I only watched that one vid she made. Her accent sounds more South American than Ukranian, you think? What specifically does she say that sounds more Spanish than Ukranian? Like the way she says “world”? Lol.

      1. That was just my initial impression Dana.
        When you asserted she was ukranian, I doubted that she was.
        I also said that a video channel title can be misleading.
        Just because it has ukraine in the title does not mean she has anything to do with the country . . . and her parents could be from anywhere.
        I thought I made it clear . . . that I thought she was mixed race and asian looking – with dyed hair so not naturally blonde.
        I also detected a slight south american / brazilian or mexican twang maybe.
        If you cannot hear that then maybe it is because in america, her accent is a commonly found one. I found it unusual and definitely from the south of the continent, that is all I was saying.
        And I thought she was (temptressingly) playing to the young male audience with the “I’m an attractive – mixed race – asian – type”.
        So subliminally trying to present “mixed race is ok”.
        From memory I recall you are not a white nationalist (or not white or maybe a little mixed from what you said months ago) [no offense there] Dana?
        Maybe you are not concerned with diminishing white population.
        I think you said once that you are not white.
        The world is diverse and all races are here for a reason and they should all be proud of their lineage.
        I am not saying race mixing is bad- period, I just would not like the white race to be mixed out – which is what the globalist agenda is.
        Africa for the Africans. Europe for Europeans. etc etc.
        Not wishing to offend anyone or to trigger you.

        1. Britain is officially multicultural (government says so) , but there are those who do not and never will accept that . . . I am one of them.

            1. Millions die in wars and are tricked into accepting the governments reasons for going to war.
              Thanks to revisionist historians and the power of the internet, the truth is coming to light. The powers that be want to curtail the spread of the truth.
              They plan to censor us and worse, much worse.
              I often get asked “Who are THEY” or “who are WE”, I never waste time explaining . . . it is best to drop clues and hints and let people work it out for themselves.
              Sooner or later things are going to start happening to further our cause . . . first I would think in Europe.
              Thanks for the trigger Dana , my steam pressure is now normal again.

        2. How did you think it’s likely and/or clear she’s mixed race and/or Asian-looking, though. That’s a leap of the imagination, man. The number of white women that look like her is countless, and the number of Eastern European women that sound like her has to be many.

          You thought her accent might be Mexican/South American or Brazilian? Portuguese and Spanish have some solid differences, don’t you think.

          All in all, American dudes have been having major problems with American women for decades and they’ve been wanting to deal with broads who aren’t as masculine, manipulative, bitchy, snarky, and entitled. That’s what the deal is.

          You know only about 5% of Americans ever leave the states. The average American dude hasn’t a fukin CLUE as to what is going on with women outside of America.

          1. I’ll put it this way: I seriously, seriously doubt she doesn’t have Ukranian roots. And both American dudes and Ukranian females have been pointing out the obvious differences of Ameriskanks and Ukranian females for a long gotdamned time, man.

            On top of that, it’s known by American dudes in the know that American women are fucking INFERIOR. And this means ALL races of Ameriskanks. Worse is, this is OLD fucking news. This doesn’t have shit to do with some Latina trying to lead American dudes “astray”. American dudes can PULL outside of non-Westernized countries… Ameriskanks not so much… know what I’m sayin?

            1. I think there might also have been some mainstream internet propaganda pushing the attractiveness of the ukranian females.
              I remember several years ago (2011-12 ish) looking at a google streetview of kiev (Kyiv) and to my amazement seeing more than a few scantily clad young ladies in the streets (and that was from randomly clicking the map).
              Connecting the dots (with my conspiracy tin foil hat on) I am – suspicious even convinced – that if not google then other propagandists who knew the google streetview schedule for that particular day . . . decorated the streets with saucy ladies in hotpants.
              Why? well maybe to pique the interest of western males.
              I could be wrong in what I think but that story is 100% true.
              Your points about the declining standards of females also applies across the population as a whole. Everyone is getting tetchy, snarky and “don’t give a s***t attitude. I agree though that it is affecting women to a greater degree.
              Women in other countries who are not exposed to western media and junk food are going to be nicer in mind and body, more feminine and respectful of men . . . agreed.

                1. Speaking of English girls, I have a funny story for you, Dorset. Me and Dan Bilzerian had just gotten out of BUD/S for the second time and we were walking in the Gaslamp district in downtown San Diego (better known as Man Diego to red-pilled dudes because of it’s out-of-whack male-to-female ratio lol).

                  We encountered these two English females on the street giving out invitation pamphlets for a bar there (we wound up taking them out, and the cute one was very horny lol). One of the things they said was never approach American women because their “shit don’t stink”, lol.

                  There are some differences in American women from different areas. For example, studies have shown there are people from different regions who are friendlier than others. Another example is Southern hospitality. There are different states that are more misandric than others, too. California likes to lead the way in degeneracy and as the saying goes, whatever happens in California winds up happening to the rest of the country.

                  Are there cool American females? Yes. But as a group, the bitches are atrocious. A page like Boycott American Women was so easy to maintain because I had ENDLESS ammunition to work with… Ameriskanks alllllways fukin up. It’d be a lot harder to, say, boycott German or Spanish or French women, for examples, because you don’t have nearly the ammunition to work with. Not to say that all Westernized women don’t suck, because they all do as a group, just that American women are the worst of the bunch by a little ways.

          2. By the way I have agreed with all your previous views Dana and posts on the subject of men’s matters and your work in the field of men’s rights. I would have questioned or disagreed with you if it were otherwise.
            TBH Maybe I do let things go if I am not competent to argue in that particular subject . . . everything you discussed on here in the past sounds good and I had no reason to chime in.
            However I was just a little uncomfortable watching that last video and I only previewed 2 minutes of it.
            I will go over it and pick out the slight brazilian twang for you.

            1. Comparing portuguese to braziian it is well known to paople familiar with the sound of both that brazillian has a more musical and melodious rhythm to the pronounciation . . . and I would say her speech delivery does remind me of that.
              In the first 2 minutes she says the word “out” in a canadian accent.
              So now I am even more suspicious of her origins and to me as a european, I can hear the obvious american accent and also very slight (like you said spanish) but not really any eastern european.
              Maybe we detect different nuances of accent.
              As I said I might be wrong . . .

          3. Well yes Dana, we all wish feminism would go away.
            Henry Makow explains how women used to exchange their power for a man’s love and now they have gone for the power, so is it no surprise the man/woman dynamic has been damaged? All because of feminism.
            You might disagree with Henry . . . anyway he intends to semi -retire . . . he announced it in the above podcast.

            1. Henry was saying in the old days, women allowed the men to have the power and were content with the ‘love factor’ so it was a fair exchange and society thrived.
              Now society is in tailspin to destruction.
              There are plenty of women who say they hate feminism although tacitly they reap the benefits.
              Not all women are mad and militant feminists.
              I know I am talking to an expert so I will let you continue.

          4. Here in Dorset, bournemouth and around, there is more multiculturalism than in other rural parts of England.
            English guys get Thai wives and every day whilst I am out and about in local towns it seems half the people come from china or thailand . . . that is how I know the look and overall features of the nice young lady in the video.
            I also mentioned it can be attractive, so no offense to anyone there. I see England turning into a foreign country.
            It is one reason I left Harrow, London in 2000 (I did not feel that I was in England . . . thousnds of indian and pakistani muslims). So for me, it was going to be white flight to Dorset. Now I am the wiser for that preconception . . . down here it is more or less early stages of how Harrow was in 2000 . . . not muslims so much , but more asian foreign students and Thai brides.
            I am glad I resisted moving north (when you are single you can up sticks and go where you want), the north was a good option in the old days . . . not so much now I think.
            Call me old fashioned.

            1. I’ve met many Asian females as well, Dorset, including Thais, and I would’ve never taken her for Asian. We’re definitely looking at this quite a bit differently.

              I can’t say I much blame those English dudes dating Thai/Asian women. Western women suck. All you can do with Western women is pump and dump and hope she doesn’t try to throw some false accusation at you or something.

              You know in America, the largest group of inter-racial babies being born by a margin are half-black and half-white… meaning black dudes and white women. When white dudes date outside their race, it’s much more often with Asian women and Latinas than black women. And at least the offspring of a white and an Asian resembles being white much more than fukin mulattoes. Not that I’m advocating for inter-racial relationships and race-mixing, just that it’s another example of how American women are fucking shit up compared to their American male counterparts.

              In America, foreign females tend to be rather polarized between women trying to get their green cards (parasitic foreign women), and those that are just far better than your typical Ameriskank in terms of femininity, etc. I’m sure the same generally holds true around the rest of the West.

              I really don’t care to talk about this stuff and give out free information to these fukin white knights and manginas. I’d prefer they just learn the hard way, but we don’t have a way to talk in private, and/but it also needs to be noted that American women have spearheaded the decline of modern women around the world in general; Ameriskanks have a good deal of influence on other women around the world, unfortunately.

              1. True Dana.
                and if I may add ? . . .
                “When America sneezes, Britain catches a cold”.
                Is a saying everyone over here has heard before.
                Luckily not absolutely everything is really bad.
                Just a lot of things.

              2. Dana said

                I’ve met many Asian females as well, Dorset, including Thais, and I would’ve never taken her for Asian. We’re definitely looking at this quite a bit differently.

                Beer goggles . . . take your beer goggles off Dana.
                Sorry – only joking. 🙂

            2. I left Harrow, London in 2000

              No – Thinking back it was actually 2002 I left London.
              I lived in Oxfordshire and Essex from ’02 to ’04.
              Then I moved down to Dorset in 2004.
              I have moved around a lot.

  4. You know, one of the things I liked so much about Tom Leykis when I first found him was that he was delving into many differences between foreign and American women. Per capita, I believe there are significantly more American MGTOWs than those from any other country. I mean maybe Canada is kind of close or something, but still more Americans than Canadians per capita, I’m sure. Even on FB, when you go around looking at alllll the different feminist pages, you’re gonna find quite the predominance of them being run by Ameriskanks instead of women from other countries as much.

    When I got started in the MGTOW movement, it took the vast, vast majority of MGTOWs a long fukin time to start realizing there were any differences between women from different countries around the world. Like Stardusk for example was lumping all women into one group, and I’d be talking to all these wet-behind-the-ears MGTOWs and telling them there are differences between women… a lot of fukin handholding. But it took Stardusk years to start acknowledging differences between different women. For example, he finally started pointing out that if you go to a country like Germany for example (he finally went), the anti-male laws and universities aren’t so blatant and over-the-top as they are in America. In America, you’ve got a real, real case for a BAW movement whereas it’s just not quite so easy in other countries. I mean even in Canada for instance you have French Canadian women who are more feminine than their other Canadian female counterparts.

    So amongst MGTOW it was a real pain in the ass because a lot of these dudes just didn’t have much experience with women on a global scale and so we’d get into arguing and bickering matches over it… kinda stupid. But the average person just isn’t really bright unfortunately. It’s great for the poker tables but terrible in activism. Here’s a random Leykis vid on the topic… and I mean you could find so, so much information on all this if you actually looked (most people don’t look or research or connect dots for shit though, lol):

      1. OK Dorset, have a good night. I shouldn’t be back commenting here for a long time unless somebody soon makes a comment or insult to me or something, lol. I really have a lot more shit I need to figure out in regards to economies around the world, and I have to do it quick. I don’t blend activism and poker either because you can’t be a top notch player with mental and emotional distractions. I’ll repeat again that it’s so, so important that people operate from as many correct paradigms as possible when getting a movement started and off the ground or else they’re going to waste so much time and energy down the road if not. Anyway, see ya if/when I see ya. 🙂

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