Canadian Woman Convicted in Germany for Questioning “Holocaust”

A Canadian woman, Monika Schaefer, was convicted in Germany for ‘inciting hatred’ for her videos questioning the official Holocaust narrative.

CBC gives us this:

An Alberta woman arrested in Germany on “incitement to hatred” charges has been convicted and sentenced to time served.

Monika Schaefer’s trial concluded in a Munich courthouse on Friday, according to German freelance photojournalist Anne Wild.

Schaefer, who comes from Jasper, Alta., was sentenced to 10 months but was later released because she has been in prison since charges were laid in January.

Wild said Schaefer talked for more than three hours in the courtroom on Friday.

“She talked about her youth in Canada and the end of her career with the Green Party, and how she came to question 9/11. And after that, she started to question historical events in general, such as the Holocaust.”

I remember her video a while back titled “Dear Mom” where she doubted the official accounts of the “Holocaust”. Seems she was a lefty, Green Party supporter that got red-pilled on the Jewish question.

Germany is a tyrannical Bolshevik state that punishes anyone who questions Jewry’s fanciful war-time atrocity stories about gas chambers, lampshades, and other logical absurdities.

Another elderly German woman of 89 years, Ursula Haverback, was also sent to jail for doubting Jewry’s war fables.

The current German government and system is pure evil. It is pursuing a dual-policy of replacing the ethnic German population with unassimilable savages from the third world while at the same time incarcerating white Germans who oppose their replacement.

Critical thinkers who question the impossible accounts of industrialized mass murder in German labour camps are likewise flung into German prisons alongside murderers, rapists and thieves. It’s simply unreal that this is going on.

But thus is life in a Communist Gulag overseen by Jewish Bolshevik Commissars.

The Holocaust tale forms the ideological backbone of White Guilt. Jewish elites have promoted this story endlessly in our news and entertainment media in order to make whites feel guilty and sorry for the very Jews who dominate us and manipulate us into self-destructive policies like mass immigration and wars for Israel.

This is all so incredibly evil. They lied about the Holocaust in order to obtain their own ethnostate (Israel) based on the guilt-induced myth of Jewish victimhood. Then they conspired to establish a reparations racket to pay for their criminal state.

Close examination of the claims made by Jews in the Holocaust reveal a mountain of lies, exaggerations and falsehoods. Rather than the harrowing death factories we’ve been led to believe, Germany’s camps looked relatively humane compared with Soviet and American camps built to house their war captives. David Cole exposed some of the fraudulent exhibits at Auschwitz in this 1992 documentary:

In this video, actual Holocaust “survivors” tell the real truth that the camps were equipped with all kinds of facilities for leisure. They even had football matches with the German guards.

Certainly not what you’d expect to see in a “death camp”. The motive for Jews to lie about their experiences in German camps is huge. Organized Jewry extorted Germany after the war to pay “survivors” reparations. A Jew called Norman Finkelstein wrote a book titled “The Holocaust Industry” documenting how Jewish organizations are misappropriating “reparations” money for their own selfish benefit, often not giving it to the “survivors”. There have been countless Holocaust scams, including dozens of fake memoirs from Jews, some of whom spent no time in any German camp. The chump below unrepentantly told lies to sell his fictionalized “memoir” to millions:

It’s all a big, fat, Zionist racket to dominate the world and subdue the Gentiles under their jackboot.

Free Monika Schaefer!

6 thoughts on “Canadian Woman Convicted in Germany for Questioning “Holocaust”

  1. Mr. Martinez, I agree with with most to all of your analysis here concerning the Jewish question. However, I don’t hate or wish harm on anyone simply because they were born into the Jewish religion/culture, nor do I wish violence on anyone for that reason.

    That said, you talk about the problem, but what is your solution to it? What do you propose people do? If you think any american president will openly declare himself a white nationalist, you are delusional or crazy. Here in the USA, a man went into a synagogue this morning and shouted, “all Jews must die!” Perhaps it was a false flag, but maybe it wasn’t. If it wasn’t, do you support such actions? Do you support such actions against Jews? I would like your honest response. Thank you.

    1. I believe the Jewish elite is driving people to extremes like this so they can then crack down on us further and blame us for acts of violence by lone wolves. Jewish policies will create more violence like this in the future, they’re building the circumstances for civil war in our countries. So this isn’t surprsing at all.

      Our solution is for all Jews to make Aliyah and live in Israel. Why are they in our nations when they have their own?

      1. Mi amigo, El primer parte de tu respuesta es muy razonable. No puedo discutir contigo en eso. Desafortunadamente y tristemente, las elites de los Judeos apoyan politicas que contribuyen a tragedias teribles como esta. Estoy de acuerdo.

        However, I have to say this. I know it is likely that many European, ashkenazi Jews have at least some middle eastern blood in them along with their European blood, but I don’t see how you can argue that Palestine is their homeland (No, I’m not trying to lure you into a debate on the Palestinian cause.). You could make the argument that Palestine is the native homeland of mizrahi Jews and some other sephardic Jews, but ashkenazis? I don’t buy it.

        OK, here’s another question or two for you. You have stated your solution. How do you plant to make that happen? What will you do or what are you going to do to make that happen? Are you going to take up arms and round up Jews in Europe and/or the USA and Canada and make them go to Israel? How will you make them do that? Also, ashekenazi Jews with blond hair and blue eyes? What about people with one Jewish parent (yes, I know it’s passed through the mother’s side)? What about someone like Gilad Atzmon? Should he be made to move from England to Palestine? Henry Makkow? Again, how are you going to enforce this?

  2. In a free country anything and everything should be open for debate.
    Threatening critics with jail or violence or financial ruin just shows that the protected topics in question would probably not stand up to thorough scientific, logical and moral scrutiny.
    Official stories for many world events seem to defy the laws of physics and the stories expand and grow as more monetery claimants crawl out of the woodwork.
    Often people claim they were caught up in a disaster when in fact they were not.
    They later admit in court they were lying to get payouts.
    An important part of any false flag event is the media propaganda surrounding what actually happened. Secrecy, delays, destruction of evidence, loss of important files and silencing of dissenting voices.
    Leftists are well known for chanting and shouting insults when they cannot win a debate.
    Leftists are also known for contacting hotels and venues to intimidate and threaten the owners to stop right wing meetings taking place.
    Robert Faurisson who died recently was present at one such meeting in Shepperton England recently.
    As far as historical events of WWII are concerned – I really don’t know as I was not there.
    However I do think that I should be able to read the views and versions of events that contradict the official narrative.
    Especially with all the terrible changes occuring within our country / countries.
    We have a right to question and to object to anything we see as detrimental to our interests.
    The brave researchers and revisionist historians should be allowed to research and talk publicly and unhindered by those with political or financial motives.
    We see our country as suffering an unwanted foreign invasion, assisted by the enemies within, whoever they may be.
    Several groups are responsible and the blame cannot be squarely plonked on one group, things are just not that simple.

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