Jewish Policies Inviting Mass Immigration Motivated Gunman in Synagogue Attack

News just broke that a gunman has attacked a synagogue in Pittsburgh, USA, killing 11 Jews.

Media has identified 46-year-old Robert Bowers as the shooter. Haaretz produced social media posts from Bowers which indicate that his motive was revenge for Jewish support for mass immigration policies into the US. In the posts, Bowers focused rage on HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a pro-immigration Jewish lobbying group active across the US, which he said was actively working to “bring invaders in that kill our people.”

HIAS has been active in facilitating refugee resettlement into the US. The group signed its name to a lawsuit against the Trump travel ban from Muslim nations.

At a recent event a HIAS representative called for complete open borders for refugees, stating:

The Jewish community is speaking up quite loudly on behalf of refugees and just as loudly against xenophobia and Islamophobia. With a clear voice we are saying we will love our neighbour. Last week HIAS organized a letter signed by over 1200 rabbis … who agreed to ask our elected officials not to halt or even to limit the US refugee admissions program. It’s not just HIAS, Jewish organizations of all kinds across the spectrum of Judaism are issuing statements in support of refugees, including the Orthodox Union, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, etc. HIAS works with affiliates throughout the US, partnering with local Muslim organizations so that as we resettle refugees we are building connections with local Muslim organizations and people in the places where we are doing this work. We’re going to continue to build and strengthen the movement of American Jews who are compelled to act, whether it is through advocacy, education, volunteering, in response to this enormous and untenable refugee crisis.

Open borders is Western Jewry’s official policy. All of their powerful organizations get behind it, while hypocritically backing Israel’s closed border policy to non-Jews and refugees. This seemingly unreal Jewish double standard of open borders for white countries but separation, segregation and closed borders for Israel has angered many white people who wish to protect their culture.

The gunman in this case was clearly motivated by this Jewish hypocrisy, which purposefully puts our culture at risk while safeguarding their own in the Zionist stronghold called Israel.

Jewish support for massive, non-white third world immigration is rooted in hatred of white Gentiles, particularly Christians, for our history of resistance to Jewish domination. Numerous Israeli rabbis have come out and publicly rejoiced at the sight of Islamization in Europe. Rabbi Baruch Efrati, from Israel, called the Islamization of Europe a “good thing” that would serve to punish Christians for “what [they] did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.” Further celebrating and justifying white genocide, the rabbi said:

Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity. And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.

Another rabbi was filmed telling his followers something similar.

Then there’s the famous and widely seen clip of Jewish activist Barbara Spectre, who set up a pro-immigration lobbying group in Sweden in order to brown that nation, boasting that Jews had taken a leading role in making Europe “multicultural,” noting that they would be resented for their central role in the policy.

It appears quite obvious that International Jewry and its vast octopus network of organizations, lobbies, and controlled media outlets are united in making whites a minority in our countries, carrying out a revenge fantasy of sorts.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism have proven to be an utter disaster, destined to devolve into racial and ethnic conflict, as different races fight over the resources on the territory they’re forced to share. It is for this reason that we see such acts of violence from both ends. Over the past few years hundreds of innocent whites have been gunned down, blown up and run over by Muslim terrorists, whose entry into Europe was made possible through Jewish lobbying. And it’s only inevitable that patriotic whites, feeling increasingly marginalized and cornered as our leftist governments pursue race replacement immigration, act out violently in response.

We do not endorse violence of this kind and disavow this particular act. Lone wolf violence of this kind only serves to hand our enemies more ammunition to marginalize our ideas and ultimately censor us by linking our ideas to violence. This dirty tactic is, of course, never wielded by the establishment to discredit left-wing ideology even though Antifa Marxists form a violent terrorist organization who attack, harm and injure hundreds of people (especially right-wingers and nationalists) every year. Last year a left-wing nut shot up a Republican baseball game, but that was quickly forgotten.

With that said, it must be observed that the current hostility and discrimination that whites face on a daily basis in the West, with anti-white Marxists dominating the media, universities and most of our governments, will indeed cause some whites to act violently as they feel under threat. The globalist elites are themselves responsible for this, as they’re purposefully creating a civil war scenario as they move in to extinguish the white race, using immigrants and violent leftists as their foot soldiers to intimidate and suppress the inevitable nationalist revolt.

19 thoughts on “Jewish Policies Inviting Mass Immigration Motivated Gunman in Synagogue Attack

  1. What a surprise, huh? What did I tell you over two years ago on your other blog and also just recently two weeks ago? That they’re going to pull fake PsyOp after fake PsyOp until Trump, their puppet “Nationalist,” passes, at the very least, holohoax denial laws and at worst also plenty of “hate-speech” laws that shut everybody up under threat of prison sentences. Fake, short term “economic prosperity” will keep all the “Nationalist” suckers baited until they’re on the hook and it hurts like hell to set their throats free plus another charade pretending to “close the borders,” closing one visible hole while simultaneously opening up 5 others that are harder to see.

    Fake PsyOp, from the ground up, from scratch; at this point I don’t even have to take more than a cursory look to know it’s nothing but lies. The Masonic numbers like 11 are already all over this media-manufactured fear-porn. Anyone that takes this CNN and Washington Post Jewish enemy-propaganda dogshit at face-value and runs with it as if it was “real” is straight up retarded. I don’t care how intelligent they might have been in other areas, if they let a hostile foreign power set up the narratives and paradigms of the games they play through fear-and-trauma/drama-based faked media transmissions, they are pathetic, hypnotized fools.

  2. OK Brandon, since you’re pro-Trump and seem to plan on staying that way, and since we haven’t resolved our issues on this: I have to say, how about we fight your pro-Trump stance out, right here? Let’s get serious.

    One of the many ways Trumpians fired me up years ago, when he first started running, was the fact that any criticism of him and/or statements about how US presidential ‘elections’ are controlled I made were met by so many Trumpians’ *instant* loss of respect for me for ever doing such a thing. Like how can a “dummy” like me have so much audacity to criticize their hero? Well I figured if Trumpians are gonna lose respect for me, and/or hate me, because I don’t go along with the large Trump cult or get along with the mofos, I’m gonna give them some REAL fukin reasons to hate me. You’d agree with that, wouldn’t you? Trumpians have costed me a lot of fucking time that I can’t get back, but if I say nothing, they’ll continue to run unchallenged as shit continues to decline.

    We know (or should’ve have known long ago) that if there’s one thing Trump is consistent on, it’s his pro-Jew stance. For example, for this recent shooting (I haven’t taken the time to look if it’s a false flag or not: shit gets very old and time-consuming), he says @2:40:

    “This evil, anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us; it’s an assault on humanity. It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism from our world. This was an anti-Semitic attack at it’s worst. The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and cannot be allowed to continue; we can’t allow it to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears it’s ugly head. We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism and vanquish the forces of hate; that’s what it is. Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, you know that. We’ve all read it and we’ve studied it a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek THEY’RE destruction.”

    So my first questions to you here, Brandon, given you’re of the belief Trump has good intentions is: Is he just confused, or is he playing 3D chess and only saying this because he “has to be politically correct” and/but inside he really thinks differently? And if he thinks differently, what are more along the lines of what you’d say he actually thinks (for clarification)?

    1. I’ve never claimed that Trump is not genuinely pro-Jew and cucked on that issue. I’ve written articles criticizing him for that position, which is his worst. So no, I don’t think he’s playing 4D chess with the Jews, and secretly despises them. That’s dumb. He’s been a hardcore shill for Jews and Israel from the beginning, I don’t think we’ll ever get him to relinquish that position.

      What I do say though is that his other stances, statements and positions have been in opposition to the liberal/globalist wing of the Jewish elite. He has gone after people like Soros, Chuck Schumer, Feinstein, without actually calling them out as Jews. He has opposed Jewry’s mass immigration agenda, so I give him some credit on that front, as well as the pro-male defense he made during the Kavanaugh hearings. He was also pretty good in his response to Charlottesville, condemning the violent leftists. Of course he’s not gonna be some perfect alt-right politician. Your standards are far too high. Seems like you’ll only be satisfied with yourself in power, as everyone else will have some position you don’t like.

      Trump ain’t our saviour, but his presidency has helped immensely in elevating anti-immigration and nationalist talking points to the mainstream. Imagine it was Hillary in power, how much worse it would have been… the alt-right shut out of the discussion and an open borders globalist Jewish shill (and female feminist witch) in power. The fact that the radical left absolutely hates Trump and wants to overthrow him is enough for us to at least partially get behind him on the issues we care about, particularly immigration and men’s rights.

      1. I understand you’ve always been aware that Trump is pro-Jew.

        Thing is, it baffles me how Trumpians (including Henrik Palmgren, for example) repeat these lines over and over again that the MSM and establishment are “against” Trump. I mean, Trump has said this shit himself countless times and so has Fox News (probably many other sources like Rush Limbaugh and Breitbart as well). It’s like Trump throws pro-whites some bones and then they get all excited (and tricked) into thinking he’s on their side and they treat these bones like they’re gourmet meals or some shit.

        Like I remember when Trump first bombed Syria and I was over on a post of Lana Lokteff’s about it. I happened to have Fox News turned on, on my TV at the time, and I simply made mention that Fox was backing Trump on the bombing (making the obvious point that Fox is always behind Trump no matter what he does) and Lana came in snapping at me and talking about how she never watches ‘Faux News’. I was never of the impression that she was, nor was I implying that she was. I was simply making the comment to spread awareness exposing this prevalent false claim amongst so many right-wingers that the MSM being supposedly “against” Trump is totally bogus and she was angry at me for it. I know these clowns don’t watch the MSM to actually *verify* their claims about it, because if they actually WATCHED the shit, they’d be forced to STFU, and/but they’ve been saying it for years nonetheless.

        Anyway, she immediately got 6 likes from a bunch of dummies on her page (of course I didn’t get any for stating the obvious, lol). I was just about to say… YO, liiiisten CUNT, you and Henrik are the fucking ones that keep saying the media and establishment are “against” Trump, NOT me. (I almost snapped back but bit my tongue, lol). But moreover, they obviously didn’t/don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about because the MSM and establishment AREN’T. Sure, SJWs have a lot of power in the US, but SJWs and prominent “right-wing” politicians like Trump make up a false dialectic of left versus so-called “right”. Trump has a very large support base himself (including from the establishment) and it’s not like the dude is just “hanging by a thread” or some shit… far from it. There are occasional people who get fired for criticizing Trump and there are those that face serious prosecution for making death threats against him; it’s not like people just have total ‘free-reign’ against him.

        The two-party system for presidential politics is definitely being utilized to the max in the US to make people believe they have a “choice” when they really don’t. And many indicators reveal that when this economy finally, inevitably does start to seriously tank, republicans and/or “right wingers” are gonna be blamed for it, so hardcore Marxists and socialism “must” be ushered in to “save” everybody.

        1. Yeah this “martyr” narrative is what the Zionist Right uses on their puppets. Same in Brazil, where some loud-mouth dumbass know for ridiculous fits of feminine hysteria (who is now elected) was painted since the beginning as *persecuted by the system*, by *everybody* (this abstract group no one defines) etc. Completely ignoring the fact that the whole evangelical mafia is behind him, low-IQ people (Brazil is full of them) adore him, and there are legions of fools on the internet who support him fanatically. This is what the dialectic is for: keep the masses swinging from side to side, hero after hero, martyr after martyr. All fake.
          This Lana intervention is bizarre, but I think i know the reaason. Remember one day after the election Dugin published an article titled “Washington is Ours”? Lokteff is of Russian descent, her family has some strange dealings with the Motherland, exchange programs, etc. The sycophantic tone from Red Ice I think was the manifestation of higher directives. Also remember that Putin himself in some occasions blinded Trump saying “it’s not Trump but the Deep State around him”. This “Deep State” meme, originally a leftist Chomskyite talking point (low testosterone and boring as fuck), was seized by Trump and his white knights even in the Kremlin. As if “Deep State” only existed in America or something; not to mention it’s members are being appointed by him. This stinks of coordination: it’s more than just personality cultist subhuman behavior.
          Remember those three guys who criticized the management of an hotel owned by Trump and eventually died in an helicopter crash, with Trump badmouthing them in public even after the event? That’s how “inoffensive” and “defenseless” the guy is.

          1. Yeah Trump’s reality-TV ass is fake AF. Anybody who thinks his inordinately elaborate labyrinth of a shady past, connections, flip-flops and lies are “organic” and that he just “slipped through the cracks” and has “good intentions” is seriously, seriously struggling; might say straight-up smokin fukin crack.

            Something else that’s starting to look fake AF right about now is this “synagogue shooting”. Roosh actually did a good job digging into the case in this vid starting at the 13 minute mark. It’s quite exceptional on his part because he’s not really known for covering false flags. Of course we know we won’t be hearing any of this stuff out of Trump, either:

            1. Roosh hitting the spot, been getting better lately. Guy’s smart no doubt – and more independent than most personality cultists and sycophants out there.

  3. Secondly, I’d like to know if you think Trump is really anti-Putin. Is he just playing 3D chess with him and ‘outsmarting’ him? You know many Putinists love to also claim that Putin says some of the politically correct things he does because they ‘know’ he’s merely playing 3D chess with the globalists, Jews, etc., but on the inside, he really thinks and feels differently; he’s just waiting for the right time to pounce, is all, right? (Not that I’m a fan of the Daily Show, but they did compile this video footage of Trump’s and Putin’s meeting):

  4. Thirdly, we’re on the verge of a mega, worldwide economic crisis: not just in North America, but in Latin America, Europe, and many parts of Asia and the Middle East. Despite what Trump claims about the economy “booming like never before”, including Fox News and even many other leftist MSM outlets supporting this idea (all supposedly comprising the establishment media Trumpians endlessly claim that’s “out to get Trump”), one of the things Trump is doing to “boost” the American economy is investing large sums of money into the fukin space force. You just never know when mass migrants/illegals might sneak up on you from outer fukin space, right? You never know when a female might make a false DV or rape claim at you from outer space n stuff. Or no?

  5. So Trump warns against Iran’s nuclear weapons program, yet has nothing to say about Israel’s.
    Meanwhile, he can “boost” the American economy even more by revamping America’s nuclear arms, right? The US doesn’t already have more than enough, does it? Just more ‘amazing’ use of tax dollars, isn’t it?

  6. So something the American mainstream media has been doing in unison (whether it’s “left” or “right”)… ((BTW, Brandon, it seems you’re insinuating that Fox News “isn’t” part of the establishment media because it’s not out to get Trump… or maybe you instead came to the conclusion it somehow really “is” trying to get him or something, lolz: Can you clarify that or what, because if you’re trying to tell me it isn’t, we’re gonna party, lol)) is parroting these claims about how “great” the fukin US economy has been doing under Trump. Well, fifthly, I want to know how it’s possible that Trump is supposedly “responsible” for the “booming economy” if the establishment is screwing with it? WHO really has control of the economy: is it da establishment, or Trump? If perhaps Trump only has partial control of the economy and the establishment can cause it to drop at any time, HOW in the world can he claim he’s “responsible” for this “booming economy” in the FIRST fukin place? Like, why wouldn’t they manipulate the economy as soon as he got in to make him look bad since they’re “out to get him”?

    As one example, this is CNN bidness. Now Trumpians love to repeat this dumb shit over and over again that the MSM is “out to get Trump”, (the clowns obviously never watch Fox fukin News because if they did, they’d know it’s 24/7 pro-Trump propaganda), but not only is Fox pro-Trump, so are the Marxist MSM outlets are pro-Trump in many ways as well. Don’t you think they need to pull their heads out of their asses about the US economy, Brandon? Like maybe stop listening to fukin Trump, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and the likes about the fukin economy and actually do some of their own research and fact-checking?

  7. Trump has proposed the US military budget to be increased to $686 billion for 2019. Makes “lots” of sense… the American economy be “booming” now and so let’s start spending more money we don’t have on irrelevant shit (I don’t know though, since Trump is president, many of the same Trumpians who were against US military spending are now all for it cuz Trump’s behind it).

  8. Even good ol’ MGTOW Patrick has done some good deconstruction of Trump’s “booming” economy.

    And these comments are largely true, too:

    Master Yoda
    3 months ago
    Good video, and it’s the same shit here in Australia, the government here tell lies about the true unemployment rate, and how “great” the economy is going (newsflash, the economy is going bad).

    “Officially”, the unemployment rate in Australia is around 5.5%, but these stats are fudged, as even a person who only works only a few hours a week is considered “employed”. Also, there have been constant job losses, so how can unemployment be low if people keep losing their jobs?

    As for Trump, I have to admit he had me fooled, but if you do some digging, you will find that he is no leader, he is a just another puppet of the greedy Jewish banksters who are destroying the USA.

    The bottom line is this, politicians are nothing more than puppets whose strings are being pulled by those with the most money, ie.the banksters, the large corporate and the military industrial complex.

    3 months ago
    Exactly, Trump is telling the Fed not to raise interest rates because he knows it will stop the massive corporate stock buybacks, and tank the stock market. They probably will raise rates anyway, and with Russia dumping all of its US Treasuries, and China soon to follow, hyperinflation is inevitable. Everyone not holding gold, silver, or cryptos is gonna get left behind. Save yourself!

    3 months ago
    America’s “prosperous” appearance comes mostly from credit cards and other loans. The majority of people in the States actually have a large negative net worth. The appearance fools all the foreigners, though, that are clamoring to ship their families over there. Their heads are full of rocks and Hollywood fantasies.”

  9. NASDAQ on pace for it’s worst monthly decline since the 2008 financial crisis. US stocks starting to give signs of being shifty and precarious. It’s just the beginning. Bad shit is on the horizon in the US within the next few years, no matter what Trump claims.

  10. Trump has gotten rid of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, leaving Asia open to China. Trade wars have always failed, but Trump be ‘outsmarting’ everybody, lol.

  11. Trump is Jeb Bush with better marketing. Now the same personality cultists are celebrating the victory of another low-IQ fake “macho” puppet in Brazil. A hardcore Zionist, by the way.
    This is the last breath of the global zionist “Right”. It will fail, and when the Left takes back the field, it will get very ugly very fast.

  12. A good article Brandon, we need to remind people of the facts every day, otherwise the facts will get lost in all the noise and get drowned out by the sensationalist media.
    That is what the enemy wants, for the uncomfortable truth to be ignored.

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