Martinez & Charlemagne W/ Adam Green Know More News

Here’s our recent interview with Adam Green of Know More News.

30 thoughts on “Martinez & Charlemagne W/ Adam Green Know More News

  1. I suppose I have to chime in over here, even though I don’t really want to. But good interview overall, and Adam seems pretty cool; I’ve seen a couple other shows of his.

    When it comes to Palestinians, other Arabs and Muslims, it’s very easy to have a lot of friends of those persuasions when you’re exposing Israeli crimes against Palestinians and false flag attacks blamed on Arabs and Muslims. I think I had about 200 Muslim friends out of about 4,700 people on my first FB account before it got deleted. And this is not to say that there aren’t cool Arabs and Muslims and that a small number of Arabs won’t side with whites in the pro-white cause (because they will, just like there will be those of all other races who do and are), but some things have to be said for those who aren’t very experienced in the alt-right causes.

    It’s not just for being pro-white that has gotten me ‘de-friended’, blocked, and attacked by many stupid ass Arabs and Muslims, but even for being pro-male, if you can fukin believe it, lol. When I started exposing feminism and American women, I’ve even had male Muslims block me over something as petty as that, lmao. Others just didn’t see the point because they were white knights themselves and they wanted me to start another solely anti-Zionist account, lol.

    Problems with Arabs and Muslims especially arise though when you start exposing the anti-white agenda. I’ve had Muslims block and/or attack me just for talking about black-on-white crime, for example. And any criticism of Islam is just not allowed by a large number of Muslims and they’ll seriously dislike you for it.

    Some examples of dumb Muslims I’ve known who can’t take any heat are like that dumb Samira Benomar broad who apparently splits time between Europe and Morocco: not only is she an anti-white cunt, but she’s also a fembot. Nahida Izzat is a good example of an anti-white, anti-Christian Palestinian, although she could easily be a lot worse like so many are. Or how about clown Khanverse? I had a short convo with him on FB after he wrote that article against Gilad Atzmon. He sent me a short PM about a pro-Trump interview he gave and about feminism, but as soon as I said I wasn’t in favor of multiculturalism or pluralism on that thread, he went into telling me about how Muslims brought Europe out of the fukin “dark age”. Then when I started to ask him about past Muslim wars, the coward never talked to me again and never even responded to my reply to him on FB… total chump. Or how about that Mohammed El Ella fool who thinks “whites run the world” and whites are “evil”, amongst other things lol. So many dumb ass Muslims and Arabs like that.

    When it comes to Palestinians, even though their land is being taken and there are frequent attacks on them by Israelis: for one, they’re certainly no “angels”, and for two, they have something whites don’t which is a continually growing population (not just in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are millions of Palestinians in other countries), and the worldwide Arab and Muslim populations are still growing rather quickly so it’s not like they’re going “extinct” or something. Christianity is becoming near extinct in Arab countries though, even though it was there first. Let’s not forget that much funding for ISIS also comes from many Arab/Muslim countries. And Arabs and Muslims don’t do shit about exposing Arab and Muslim crime, including Arab racism, supremacism, slavery, and colonialism; they deny it all vehemently. These things are being blamed on whites but very little on Arabs and Muslims. Like for slavery, just pick 5 Arab countries off the top of your head, enter them into YT with the word ‘slavery’ and you’ll find documentaries on the ongoing slavery of blacks in those countries today. It wasn’t Arabs or Muslims who stopped slavery in the West and who’ve tried to make it illegal in North Africa and the Middle East, but white Christians. The average Arab IQ is only 84 and part of this has to do with Muslim inbreeding. There is also a rapidly growing ex-Muslim movement. Moreover, anti-Zionist whites spend way, way too much time working for their causes when it will never be returned. All these reasons are why they’re not our “friends” as a collective and never will be.

  2. The dark ages in Europe were “so dark” n stuff. The name really is very unfitting because if Europe was living in a ‘dark age’, what was the rest of the world living in at the time? A “light age”? Lol.

    “The term “Dark Ages” was first used in the 14th century by Petrarch, an Italian poet with a penchant for Roman nostalgia. Petrarch used it to describe, well, every single thing that had happened since the fall of Rome. He didn’t rain dark judgment over hundreds of years of human achievement because of historical evidence of any kind, by the way; his entire argument was based on the general feeling that life sucked absolute weasel scrotum ever since Rome went belly-up.

    Petrarch took the view that the only way to improve the world was to imitate the ancient Romans and forget the barbaric years that separated his contemporaries from the Rome of the past. Sure, he conveniently forgot a couple of things. Namely, the widespread slavery, slaughter, and oppressive taxation of the ancient Romans, which were nowhere to be found in his visions, as were the countless achievements of the “age of darkness” he was so gleefully vilifying.”

    1. We all know that wikipedia is biased on certain topics and we probably disagree with some of their edits and blatant omissions.
      However, thanks to our existing knowledge gleaned elsewhere, we are aware of some of their agendas – it is mostly easy for us to spot false information and propaganda – a mile off.
      On balance, wikipedia is a stunning resource and for non-controversial topics it is the go-to place to quickly learn the basics of a topic and pick up more leads and clues.
      It would be a shame if something happened to it to change it from its current format.
      In order to remain advertisement free and well financed it relies on voluntary donations from users.
      So when they ask you to donate a small amount of money every now and then . . . think of how much you use it and the enjoyment and knowledge you get from it and don’t be mean.
      That way wikipedia can continue to provide an excellent resource.
      Dark Ages (historiography)

    2. Dana, the ‘mythbuster’ site you linked to is interesting and humorous.
      The concept of the Dark Ages exists and it was probably engineered over subsequent ages to cover up certain inconvenient truths and to bolster the image of subsequent rulers and their religions and their agendas – imho.
      So the Dark Ages myth was concocted and introduced by stealth and perpetuated, maybe works of art and literature and inventions were deliberately lost or attributed to another era.
      Propaganda and lies have always existed – people are told ‘you have never had it so good’ – to keep them happy and compliant.

      I have always thought that a time traveler visiting our time would be overwhelmed and would be frightened by it all and would want to return to their own time as soon as possible.

  3. Charlemagne seems like he has good intent but he’s just not there yet to be able to thoroughly talk about these things and some of the shit he says is just cringy. One problem these days is there’s so much noise out there (so many people talking and inserting opinions) and when people are vague and/or don’t really know what they’re talking about, they make more of the same. He talks too gotdamned much, TBH.

    I mean, Jesus, the dude is still talking about “evolution”? Evolution is like a mini-IQ test, like the “flat-Earth” theory. For instance, can you reproduce with apes? If not, what would it take for this to be a possibility? Like, the ape just grows a more similar vagina to human females’ or some shit? A pocket of apes only evolved part-way and so they’ll continue evolving to become humans in the future or what? I already mentioned over here that the Neanderthal Man is an evolutionary hoax. I guess it went right over Charlemagne’s head or something. There is noooo fukin way he has spent much time looking into much of any of the counter-evidence against evolution. And when people downplay IQ, it’s often for an obvious reason I don’t need to mention, lol.

    Whites should give reparations to blacks for slavery? And didn’t he also say to Amerindians (I’m not positive but I think that’s what he said). That’s ridiculous, man. Charlemagne, when you say “we”, you don’t speak for me. You’re talking about things that are just over your head, and when doing so, it’s best to be *less opinionated* and loud than the opposite. Like who pays what? Can you find all the descendants of former slave owners and for how long they all owned slaves? Are you going to apply the same rule to Amerindians, Arabs, Berbers, and Turks who’ve owned black slaves, or to any other people in the world (everybody) who has owned slaves?

    1. Jesus, I guess I’ll avoid this video altogether. I don’t need Whoopi Goldberg talking points coming from “subversive underground” figures. Thanks for the heads up Dana.

    2. I didn’t hear him say that. You’re claiming he said that on this show?

      But if you’re not liking what you’re hearing or think you can do better, man up and come onto podcasts. I’d be happy to have you on a livestream to hash out some issues. I know you have the time because you have the time to post hundreds of comments here, so no excuses.

      1. Charlemagne provoked some of the rightful negative comments on that vid. Even though he knows some things, you can tell he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about on others. And despite what he says about how “we win the debate” (yes, pro-whites, pro-males, etc., win the debate hands down), you can see he’s not doing a lot of fucking debating in that comment section partly because of it. He sounds young and hopefully he gets better with time, but ATM, he’s not a very bright dude and is rather dim-witted. Is he supposed to make random and/or dumb ass claims that “I’m” supposed to back up? Fuck all that, lol. And we’ve already addressed some of these things over here quite in-depth but seemingly he just doesn’t read much and/or process information very well or something.

        Besides that though, I’d be having a gotdamned field day with all the dumb ass anti-whites and anti-males in that comment section. Even though I’ve been an activist for a long time, I still don’t know how or why some people give free passes to fucktards’ asinine claims. To me, it’s like some douche is spitting on or sucker punching me and I want nothing more than to hammer the shit out of them in return. If I could comment on YT, there’d probably be another 500 comments or more on that vid, lol, and I’d have to keep returning to it. Those d-bags apparently don’t wanna come over here because they don’t have shit to say besides random insults; the result of hurt feewings and because they’re racist, misandric, anti-white and anti-male douche bags who need bad. bad things to happen to them.

  4. Richard Spencer is old news, yes. And so is the pope being fukin “Catholic”. Why does Charlemagne talk about the pope like he’s some “Christian”? He isn’t. The Vatican has been infiltrated long ago. I mean you don’t think these Kabbalists want to infiltrate every government and religion? They “wouldn’t” try that with Christianity, would they? Is, for example, pedophilia promoted in the Bible? If it isn’t, are you trying to say these pedophile priests are “Catholic” and “not” infiltrators crypto-Jews?

    Texe Marrs has done a lot of good work on these popes and the Vatican long ago that you can easily find, including on pope Francis. Must be a “coincidence” these popes use satanic symbolism and imagery.

  5. Even though I have heard most of the talking points before, I still I enjoyed the 2 hour video.
    Chats like this reinforce previous knowledge and also give us some more leads to follow up.
    Like Dana said, good interview overall and Dana’s comments I mostly agree with.
    I think, Charlemagne’s input was relevant and constructive and helped the flow.
    However, some of his points, like the Neanderthal (missing link) idea is controversial and is said by some people to be a hoax.
    Charlemagne seemed to be experiencing distracting background noise from a public area (I could hear TV and coughing in the background).
    Maybe that was why he sounded slightly edgy and not as relaxed and confident as Brandon did.
    Now a few items I thought about.
    1. America world’s policeman – who benefits – it benefits america’s arms industry – military industrial complex.
    2. In countries where there are vast resources like oil, diamonds, minerals, metals then the people of those countries are often blighted by poverty. – It is called the “Resource Curse”.
    3. White ethno state without liberals . . . Now you’re talking.
    4. Where I live every bus has a multi color sign on the rear windows with the slogan “bringing colours to your community” . . . wow thanks I really wanted that.
    5. Bus stop shelters here are now displaying life size and very shocking illuminated color signage for “Bisexual Dating Organizations” . . . compalin to your MP? . . . well he is a gay so that probably won’t work.
    6. The debate arena – oswald mosley – david frost 1967. That show demonstrates how the left try to shut down opposing views and debate . . . by shouting when on camera, when off camera razor blades sometimes get used.
    7. I read a while back that IQ is a jewish invention, they have produced most of the notable psychiatrists and psychologists and thinkers in those fields. So the parameters might be skewed?
    8. A good point was made regarding arab states as a buffer between europe and africa, which was what Gadaffi once stated.

    1. Hitler said (apparently… don’t wanna offend Hitlerites out there, lol), that IQ is a ‘Jewish invention’. But IQ is actually mostly HERITABLE by adulthood. Like, for example, can pattern recognition really be taught? It sure seems there’s only so much one can do to improve it. What I DO know is I was already good at chess at a young age (8) with very little coaching. Musta been “environment” n sheeeit, lol.

      1. Dana. That adolf quote I do remember reading somewhere (caution with that one though, as not all quotes floating around the internet are genuine).

        According to wikipedia : Alfred Binet a French psychologist – invented the first practical IQ test, the Binet–Simon test, in 1904.
        and . . . William Stern (psychologist) coined the term intelligence quotient, or IQ.
        Freud (neurologist) was jewish and Eric Berne (psychoanalyst) I think was too.
        I made the original comment from vague memory, but also knowing that I have researched that before.
        There were many jews who were and are still into the social engineering / marxism / frankfurt school sort of thing.
        Yes Dana I agree with you that Intelligence is a gift (maybe genetic) that you are born with (heritable) . . . like for instance with your chess and your obvious talent and skills and knowledge when you comment here.
        Possibly exercising the brain can improve it somewhat, but ‘gifted’ is probably there at the start, it can be quoshed or nurtured.
        I think that when a child is growing up and developing a brain, that diet and happiness and environmental factors, like pollutants, air quality and avoiding harmful substances (possibly some vaccines and drugs) and also access to stimulating intelligent type activities also plays a part.
        A knock on the head can alter the brain’s effectiveness badly but sometimes it can (bizarrely) unleash dormant talents and strengths that might have been suppressed in the previously normal healthy untraumatised and intact brain. [Hey that sounds like a new theory].
        For children reward and encouragement for positive, healthy intelligent behavior and punishment for degeneracy and laziness will also probably help to nurture a latent high IQ. Is it not true that geniuses sometimes are locked in their own little worlds and this makes everyone think they are retarded, whereas in fact the normal people are the retarded ones.
        The modern age of television and smartphones encourages short attention spans.
        It is sad to see that many young people are being taught incorrect histories and are being brainwashed into dumbed-down-obedience, hopelessness and despair and bad habits.

        1. So I think we are both right . . . in that you say IQ is overwhelming a thing you are born with. I agree with that but I do also think that the brain can be damaged or improved during the course of a person’s life . . . and that will affect the measurable ‘current’ intelligence. Dementia tends to affect intelligence wouldn’t you agree?

          1. typo from above – overwhelmingly.
            Blurry eyesight obviously affected my pattern recognition.
            Laziness and over confidence affected my desire to check over what I had written.
            Pattern recognition, is as you say Dana, very important . . . and that does not just mean visible patterns, but also interpretation and correlation of events and even sounds . . . so not just shapes and colors – also events and audio.

            1. Psychological, psychiatric science and psychoanalysis are interesting fields for everyone to know about.
              They help to explain why people say and do things.
              At the extremes we have the mentally ill split personality types of people who do terrible things. Also there are people whose alternative personality only becomes evident whenever they over indulge in substance abuse. Both of those types (mentally ill and substance abusers) can probably be coerced or mind controlled easily by nefarious hidden actors.

          2. Yes, IQ is mostly heritable by adulthood, but other factors obviously influence it, ranging from health or trauma or nutrition or other types of environmental factors, etc. Thing is, we’re taught in Marxist society that it’s all “environment” and “not” genetic, when it is indeed mostly genetic by the time a person is an adult. Not that there aren’t also other forms of intelligence beyond what IQ tests for, but IQ is still a good overall measure of intelligence.

            1. Dana
              I got this youtube link from the Angry Harry website.
              From 20 minutes onwards it discusses intelligence tests.
              It is 1 hour total and I have so far watched 30 minutes.
              You might be interested.
              13. Why Are People Different?: Differences (Yale Univ. 2008)

              1. Finished. Good vid, albeit nothing I didn’t really know already. Yes, much of everything about a person is substantially and/or largely heritable, including personality traits.

                Good to see Angry Harry has vids like that on his site.

        2. Yes Dorset, there are no doubt different types of intelligence that different people excel in. For example, you’d think being a stand-out chess player that I like math. Well I don’t, lol. Never was my thing or interest. I can learn it if I have to, but it’s not like I was ever particularly good at it. People just have different gifts. Some people have more gifts than others and vice versa. As it has been said though, for those who much has been given to, much is required.

          The head trauma potentially unleashing dormant talents does sometimes seem to happen (even with a small number of NDEs), just hopefully this person doesn’t contract something beyond a concussion instead, like vertigo, lol.

          One source about Hitler banning IQ tests is this, the last sentence under “1920-1960”:

          “Adolf Hitler banned IQ testing for being “Jewish” as did Joseph Stalin for being “bourgeois”.[37]”

          1. Thanks Dana for the interesting link on history of race and intelligence controversy.
            It will take a while to read properly . . . maybe tomorrow.

  6. . . . different types of intelligence that different people excel in . . .

    Yes Dana and it often takes a genius to realize that another person is a genius rather than just odd or mad. “It takes one to know one” as they say.
    For instance a knowledgeable, skilled craftsman can usually spot the good work of another such person, whereas untrained eyes would miss the fact.
    However NOW with artificial intelligence and robots it can become increasingly difficult to spot the work of a human genius, because machinery and computers can now match humans in many areas of craft and technology.
    You might be impressed by a clever electronic circuit board layout design or by a work of art or music or animation or architecture . . . only to be told later that the creation was all done by artificial intelligence.
    When will robots start to be tested for IQ?
    Has that happened already?

    1. I don’t know if bots have been tested for IQ yet or anything but it would be incredibly hard to create one that’s an all-around genius in many different ways. It’d have to be a group of some smart mofos to create such a thing if they could do it.

      You know in online no-limit hold ’em poker, bots have started creeping in and rising in number, and they’re hard to beat from what I’ve heard. I don’t play online for many reasons, another being there’s so, so much more information you can gather playing live. You could make a bot that plays live poker in very GTO (poker acronym for game theory optimal) fashion, but it would just miss out on so much information. Before I ever played poker I was of the faulty impression that the game is about 90% luck with a tiny bit of skill. The better and better you get at the game the more you realize just how complex and deep the game really is, which is why I love it because the potential room for improvement is so great. I’m finally at the point where I have a whole, whole lot of shit figured out but I can still improve and don’t think it’s really possible to get to a level where you can’t keep doing so. Fortunately the math in poker is very easy and is mostly just simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and memorization; you don’t have to be some mathematician to be great at the game or anything.

  7. Brandon, you do much better alone on such podcasts. Charlemagne should stick to writing not talking or explaining. It was hard to listen to and understand him. Maybe more practice needed? You have more collected demeanor and explain things more clearly.

  8. It was great. White nationalism is here to stay. Adam seemed surprised when u associated feminism to the Fall of Rome. lol Many people out there are redpilled on several issues, but still not fully woke about human nature. You can see also that many commenters there are lost on the 4d chess of geopolitics.

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