Eric Striker & Nazbols in the Alt-Right

It appears that Eric Striker comes from a communist background, hence his love of Nazbols, “Tankies,” Putin, Dugin and non-white third world nations like Iran and North Korea.

19 thoughts on “Eric Striker & Nazbols in the Alt-Right

  1. Good video Brandon.

    National Socialists believe in hierarchy, leftists believe in equality. NatSocs embrace race realism, leftists deny the importance of race. NatSocs are nationalists, leftists are internationalists. NatSocs seek to reconcile the classes, leftists desire class conflict.

    The socialism in National Socialism just means putting the common good before the individual.

    1. Class collaboration is impossible, and “reconciling the classes” in practice means always serving the bourgeoisie and oppressing the proletariat. The simple fact is that class conflict is inevitable and the only solution can be the destruction of the bourgeoisie as a class.

      The socialism I believe in is extreme Marxist-Leninist SOCIALISM. A policy that would horrify the bourgeois conservatives. Your definition of National Socialism is just “George Bush but further right” conservatism, but because its socially conservative and hence not 100% individualist its somehow “socialist”. Yeah right.

      Eric Striker is not quite far left enough, but better than the vast majority of the English-speaking White Nationalists, most of whom are absolutely awful.

    2. Socialism is a bullshit idea no matter what word you put in front of it.
      All these supposed based eastern european countries were homogenous societies and socialism sucked there. Socialism is an institutionalized form of mental pathology and its poison no matter where you put it.

      1. From Rae West (rerevisionist) article:
        “A Guide for the Perplexed: Cutting Through the Jungle of Jewish Influences on White Ideas. And an Introduction to Jewish Influences on Education”

        Socialism. The British Labour Party is not ‘socialist’. ‘Socialism’ was a serious 19th century reaction to technical advances and economies of scale . .
        . . .
        . . . Typical puzzle: Does Socialism work?
        Answer: Sigh. The problem is ‘socialism’ is used in two senses. One is the idealistic, theory-inspired, feeling that human beings ought to be able to use knowledge and technology to make happier societies than in the past. There seems no convincing evidence such a system could not work. The other meaning is the Jewish attitude that Jews should rule everyone else by force and fraud: ‘socialism’, but just for Jews. When people such as Corbyn, Benn, Hobsbawm, say socialism works, they are thinking of Russia under Jews—the ‘Soviet Union’. Vast numbers of whites and other died, and Jews regard this as desirable. The Soviet Union was backed from outside by Jews, mostly in the USA. If it had been isolated from the world, the Jews would have been slaughtered in reaction. So, did ‘socialism’ work? If you’re happy with large numbers of deaths, and a system which only worked when supplied from outside, and a pre-scientific outlook, and you did not worry about long-term sustainability, then what Jews call ‘socialism’ worked. Not otherwise.

  2. KaliYugaSurferDude
    Thanks for your definitions . . . I don’t think the reality is that simple and your sweeping generalisations will mislead people.
    You would not want to do that?
    And an important point is that this site has never stated itself as a National Socialist operation.
    I think Brandon will agree with me there.
    Trolls will try to pin labels on us that have negative connotations.
    So we need to be very clear for those people who take quick looks at the site and only read the comments.
    We do support white nationalism, but definitely do not agree with socialism or communism.
    Socialism is the slippery slope to communism.
    Europe is currently socialist and is heading in the direction of communism.
    The left right paradigm is a trap.
    Nationalism and socialism – when referred to together as ‘national socialism’ – allows our enemies to use the handy label of Nazis . . . ie. bad people . . . and will conjure up images of WW2 alleged atrocities in the minds of normies.

    1. “Nationalism and socialism – when referred to together as ‘national socialism’ – allows our enemies to use the handy label of Nazis . . . ie. bad people . . . and will conjure up images of WW2 alleged atrocities in the minds of normies.”

      The same happens when we accuse women of being stuck-up hypergamous whores, our enemies will label us as angry mysogenists, it’s bad optics.

      1. Phil
        I was specifically addressing one of the techniques used by trolls (it is that they often twist things, derail threads and use deceptive tactics to undermine our efforts. . . and when they cannot win a debate they ‘shout us down’ etc. etc.).

        Brandon has presented carefully researched articles regarding modern females and feminism.
        Obviously there are good and bad people in both sexes.

        He specifically objects to some of the manipulative techniques women use that most times hurt innocent well meaning men.

        You are voicing your disagreement with Brandon’s analysis of women’s behavior and motives and probably think it is not an issue and that we should not concern ourselves with it.
        He is highlighting for us, what we need to know if we are to survive and prosper in a very ‘anti white-male’ world.

        If something needs highlighting then we should not shy away from making the necessary points clearly.
        If we are afraid of upsetting people then we might as well give up.

        Normies will get a bad impression?
        Not if they read the articles through properly, they will have to agree when presented with the facts.

        1. Normies dipping into the comments will maybe see an anti-feminist comment that gives them a bad impression of us, well then they need to research the articles to see why we said that.
        They can comment if they want and get an explanation from us.

        2. Normies dipping into comments might see a troll’s comments and get the wrong idea.
        If we think that a troll’s comments are subversive then we are pretty good at spotting it and chipping in to alert the readers that the tactic is occuring.

        1. “it’s bad optics”
          That’s unavoidable for people with attention spans limited to reading sensationalist snippets.

          regarding alt-right’s comments:
          Hopefully the “bad optics” will make them curious to know more and inspire them to read the full articles.

          regarding all trolling comments:
          We definitelyneed to weed out their “bad optics”.

          1. Metaphorically
            Simply “pushing on the window” is not going to be effective in the long run.
            We need to jump right through the window, shatter the glass, sweep up the mess and then start clearing up all the other messes we see before us that need fixing. 🙂

          2. Well it happened to me, I was very anti-MGTOW and thanks to this site I have learned more about the women question.

            I hope you’re right and more normies read the articles.

            1. I have learned quite a bit from this site that I did not know before.
              I first heard of mgtow – from here.
              The feminist onslaught is a small part of the reality we have to cope with.

              Brandon does serious research for this website, he does podcasts and has written some books.

              Traffic to this site will grow . . . especially when online debates with ‘outsiders’ inform the various new audiences of

      1. Jijcf

        Europe is socialist?
        Many countries in europe run socialist schemes.

        Europe is heading toward communism? . . . yes almost EUSSR.
        We have a “politburo” where unelected bureaucrats make the decisions and “dictates”.

        It is more a corporatocracy because big business lobbies the eu bureaucrats and the will of big agri / pharma / finance etc. takes presedence.
        Corporatocracy is a sort of sneaky hidden capitalism.
        At the end of the day money talks, so the rich get to buy what they want.
        The poor have to struggle along with whatever they can get.

        You said “SWEET JESUS” jijcf.
        . . . I thought you were a communist (communist regimes ban religion).
        We are concerned at present with why and how and by whom the current destruction of europe is being implemented
        Bringing in third worlders to flood our nations with cheap labor and cheap culture . . . is a combined effort between the corporatocracy (economics) and powerful outside actors (politics and the destruction of nations) and paid lackeys in government and ngo.s (economics).
        People like the dugin, soros and foreign subversive immigrants in our halls of power.

  3. Jijcf
    Europe is socialist?
    Many countries in europe run socialist schemes.

    Europe is heading toward communism? . . . yes almost EUSSR.
    We have a “politburo” where unelected bureaucrats make the decisions and “dictates”.

    It is more a corporatocracy because big business lobbies the eu bureaucrats and the will of big agri / pharma / finance etc. takes presedence.
    Corporatocracy is a sort of sneaky hidden capitalism.
    At the end of the day money talks, so the rich get to buy what they want.
    The poor have to struggle along with whatever they can get.

    Jijcf said “SWEET JESUS” . . .
    Jijcf I thought you were a communist (communist regimes ban religion)

    Of concern to us now is the manner in which our nations are being subverted by a combined effort of traitors in the halls of power, outside entities and all the paid for useful idiots who are “just doing their jobs”.

    Subversion points
    1. excessive immigration visible and hidden
    2. cultural marxism and promotion of degeneracy
    3. slow poisoning through food and drugs and pollution
    4. enslaving people through debt
    5. surveillance of everyone
    6. draconian speech laws

    Know who rules over you . . . it is usually the people you are not allowed to criticize.
    We can fix a few of the above details, but it means taking power from those who now wield it.

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