Canadian Charged With Hate Crime for Pro-White Activity

About three months ago a Canadian patriot named Loki Hulgaard was charged with “incitement to hatred” for putting pro-white slogans on currency and other material that he distributed throughout his neighbourhood in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

The anti-white media reported on this three months ago:

A southern Alberta man is facing a number of charges, including inciting hate in public, after police were called to a Medicine Hat business.

On July 31, the Priority Street Crimes Unit of the Medicine Hat Police Service responded after a local business reported a man passed money that had what police are calling “hate markings directed toward unnamed persons of the Jewish religious faith.”

Police said the bills were stamped with “Jews = ESAU, Jewish White Genocide” and a website promoting the Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory.

Officers searched the man and said he had a number of $5 and $20 bills that had the same markings in his backpack.

Police executed a search warrant at the man’s home and seized a number of computers, USB drives, white supremacy documents, four firearms, over 1,200 rounds of ammunition, high capacity magazines and stickers displaying the text “Immigration = White Genocide.”

Canadian Jews ceremoniously celebrated the innocent man’s arrest.

That’s because Jews follow an intolerant semitic desert culture which decrees any criticism of their religion a high crime punishable (in ancient times) by death.

Canada has been a ZOG-run dungeon for quite some time. As in every Western country, “hate crimes” and “hate speech” legislation was written and lobbied for by the main Jewish organizations in order to silence critics of their power and influence.

Canada is literally turning into a third world dump. Whites are rapidly being replaced, and the Jewish-dominated news media celebrates it. Toronto is now a gang-infested third world nightmare, as are many Canadian cities that have fallen to the evil agenda of multiculturalism.

Hulgaard was simply warning his fellow white Canadians of their own displacement and it’s called a “hate crime.” That’s because the Canadian government doesn’t want white people to know what they’re doing to them. Like in Bolshevik Russia, pointing to their genocidal anti-white policies is considered a high crime. They don’t want white people to know. They want whites to die slowly and silently, without realizing what’s been happening right under their noses.

You can see Hulgaard talking about his arrest in this interview:

White people are the targets of a racist genocide and any white person who speaks out about it is brutally suppressed by the Marxist thought police controlling the state.

How is this not the most evil conspiracy in history?

6 thoughts on “Canadian Charged With Hate Crime for Pro-White Activity

  1. There should be no such thing as hate speech crimes. You should be able to criticize anything and anyone without being arrested or harassed for committing a “hate crime”. Even in countries like Poland and Hungary you can be arrested for criticizing Jews and questioning the holocaust, that’s one way you know even the supposedly nationalist countries like Poland and Hungary are controlled too. People were warning of the dangers of hate speech and hate crimes legally being a thing years ago.

    Us European people are screwed, the anti whites including Jews just have too much control.

    People like him are right about white genocide and even when white genocide has already been completed 100 years from now people will still have negative attitudes toward it even when people like him have been proven right 100 years from now.

    1. How dare they tell us what to do in our own countries.
      Us white europeans need to stand against and fight against these anti white agendas.
      It is not just the anti white agendas that we are hit with – it is also the corporatocracy and the other agendas run by vested interests that don’t give a damn about us – they add to these injustices in subtle and in blatant ways.

  2. Having an armory and defacing the currency are probably not good ideas especially when the opposition are looking to discredit you.
    Passive resistance is the safer option.
    Owning an armory is controversial.

    1. Now the authorities can humiliate and intimidate him in full public view.
      They will use this opportunity to dissuade and discourage others like him.
      Our cause must continue and activists must proceed with the utmost care.
      We do not hate anyone, we are not supremacists, we do however object to the deliberate replacement of our white race, due to third world immigration and other more subtle means.
      We object to the powers that be advancing this agenda.
      For the umpteenth time . . . this is not a conspiracy theory.
      We are in dire need of a prominent public speaker who can convincingly voice our political views.

  3. it seems that in this world ruled by jews, to be aryan, is an extremely serious offense, do not hesitate to legislate to be white deserves the death penalty.

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