Chutzpah: Bari Weiss Says Jewish Support of Mass Immigration “Conspiracy Theory” After Admitting It’s True

Shortly after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, New York Times columnist Bari Weiss boasted in an interview with NPR that Jews are not only acting to bring untold numbers of immigrants and refugees into white countries, but that they’re “very proud” of their central role in this mendacious process.

Here’s a larger portion of what she said:

INSKEEP: The social media posts associated with the suspect suggest that he was interested in conspiracy theories linking Jews to refugees. He was interested in the caravan that President Trump has blown up into a major national news story. I’d just like to ask you about your neighborhood and this synagogue in particular. What was the attitude that people there had toward refugees?

WEISS: Well, that’s the thing. The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy. That’s something that we’re very, very proud of. The organization that Robert Bowers was constantly calling out is an organization called HIAS, which brought people, including Sergey Brin, to this country. It started in the 1880s to bring Jews who were fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Now they help Jews and non-Jews all over the world fleeing persecution. I met a man in Arizona on Sunday, a Jew from Cairo who was helped out of Egypt following the 1967 war. This synagogue exemplified those values. It participated in something called Refugee Shabbat. The previous Saturday, it was one of the participating synagogues nationally. And the concept, you know, as in all Jewish synagogues that reflect the most sacred of Jewish values, is the value of hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger and especially of welcoming the weakest in our community, which – there’s no weaker category in our society than the refugee. And we’re really, really proud of that.

But now, the slippery Jewess is saying the opposite, that notions of Jewish involvement behind large-scale immigration is merely a “conspiracy theory” of unhinged “anti-Semites.” Check her rancid speech on Bill Maher:

The delusional Jewess can’t seem to get her story straight. She first acknowledged the central role of Jews in facilitating immigration and refugees into America (and the West at large): “we’re very, very proud of it.” But then tells Maher that it’s all a big anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Typical Jewish double think. Essentially these Jews are telling us that they are indeed flooding white countries with migrants and refugees, but that it’s “anti-Semitic” and “hateful” to oppose their policies because “what’s good for the Jews is good.”

Yet Jew Peter Beinart wrote this stunning confession in The Atlantic:

One reason hateful nativism so easily morphs into anti-Semitism in the Trump era is that today Jews really do disproportionately support immigration. The major American Jewish organizations overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s immigration policies. So do rank-and-file American Jews, according to several polls. Among whites, Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the civil-rights movement, too.

In a different piece for The Forward, Beinart forthrightly explicated Jewry’s religious/racial imperative to support large-scale immigration:

There’s a moral argument against this strategy. As Parsha Vayera suggests, welcoming the stranger is among the most fundamental Jewish imperatives. Lot “baked unleavened” bread for the strangers who came to Sodom. The parallel to the exodus from Egypt is clear. Lot and Abraham welcomed strangers; Pharaoh oppressed them. And 36 times in the Torah Jews are reminded to be like Abraham and Lot: To remember the heart of the stranger because were strangers in the land of Egypt.

… Robert Bowers accused Jews of “bringing” Muslims and refugees to the United States. To him and all the other white nationalists Trump has emboldened, our answer should be: Damn right. We will demand a humane policy for people seeking refuge in the United States and defend those immigrants — no matter their race or faith — who are already here.

Will do so not only because we were once strangers but because we know that, at some level, like Lot, we always will be. Rather than seeking a separate peace with Trumpism, we will look for allies among the despised and abused. And in that way, we will defend not only Jewish ethics, but Jewish lives.

Then there was this gem from (((Michelle Goldberg))) in a piece called “We Can Replace Them”:

On Saturday morning, Abrams closed by reminding the crowd of Kemp’s views on democracy. “He said he is concerned that if everyone eligible to vote in Georgia does so, he will lose this election,” she said. “Let’s prove him right.” In a week, American voters can do to white nationalists what they fear most. Show them they’re being replaced.

This headline and byline says it all really?

Another admission came from two people, presumably Jews, opining for some NYT podcast, saying“What’s really tricky about this conversation, and hard to grapple with, is that Jews in America have done the things…that they’re being accused of doing by these white nationalists.”

Is any more “evidence” really needed at this point? How many admissions, confessions and outright boasting is required to seal the case that Organized Jewry are the driving force behind large-scale non-white immigration into the West?

There you have it in their own words – Jews are using non-white immigrants as a shield. Jews see the dilution of ethnic homogeneity among whites as a preemptive strike against the emergence of a nationalism that could exclude them from power and society in general. They’re killing us so that they can thrive in and dominate societies that our white ancestors built, and they’re telling us what they’re doing to us in their own publications.

As much as Jews try to spin their policies as merely a defence mechanism against “anti-Semitism” or whatever other lie they wish to tell, the goyim know better. This Jewish policy has nothing to do with altruism or “love of thy stranger” nonsense. It’s really all about Jewish supremacy and the fulfillment of Jewish religious prophesies envisaging Jewish global domination – global rule from Jerusalem. That’s why the Jews were so jovial when Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – that’s where they plan to declare the international government of the Jewish Elders of Zion. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place nicely for them, and the way they see it, a couple dead elderly Jews at a synagogue is a small price to pay for the fulfillment of their grand project of Jewish world domination.

5 thoughts on “Chutzpah: Bari Weiss Says Jewish Support of Mass Immigration “Conspiracy Theory” After Admitting It’s True

  1. Jewish-looking “First Amendment scholar” explains to his left-wing audience in many complicated, seemingly logical words that freedom of expression must be curtailed in America. He calls the American model of freedom of speech “The Marketplace”, in contrast to the, in his opinion much better, limited European, which he calls “Order and Morality”.

    Of course, Hitler & the Hollow Claus can’t be absent as a deterrent example of the consequences of unrestricted freedom of expression. However, one wonders how free “freedom of expression” is in America when the simple neutral message “It is okay to be white” is already considered a “hate crime”…

    In the end, such liars and tricksters will most likely prevail thanks to their skillful rabulism, and celebrate their poisoned success as emancipation.

  2. I have always said, the most effective way to fight back, these demons jews. it is through the trade boycott. do not buy or consume, anything ,of the businesses and shops of jews, nor the products that have kosher symbol. and retrieving the media information.the jews.come from the fallen angels and human, his father yahwe is satan himself, christ warned us about. and we did not do case. but it is never too late. pray to christ and !WAKE up!

  3. Good article Brandon.

    Is any more “evidence” really needed at this point? How many admissions, confessions and outright boasting is required to seal the case that Organized Jewry are the driving force behind large-scale non-white immigration into the West?

    Note: I think some of the activists are acting on altruism and they also like all the multiculturalism.
    However they are being hoodwinked and used by the undeniable agenda you have outlined.
    White Genocide is real and ongoing, the proof and logic is everywhere if people would only open their eyes to it.
    It is not some fabricated ever expanding myth born of wartime propaganda.
    It is real and it is happening right now, so there is still a chance to stop and reverse it provided we can gain enough recognition, support and strength.
    A modern compiled Oswald Mosley video is out there called “You Shouldn’t Despair” / “Don’t Despair”.

  4. In a crowd of protesters there are usually some naive and useful idiots, sometimes even the organizers are naive and useful idiots.

    These people would change their views if they knew how they were being used and how they are expendable and could be abandoned or “thrown under the bus” if and when that becomes most useful to their masters.

    Sometimes it is simply a case of “rent a crowd” and some “crisis actors”.
    Those sorts of people don’t care too much because they are being paid to do it.
    Jews are famous for paying people to do their dirty work.
    Soros, Adelson to name but a few.

  5. This is the story of my life.

    Jews always ask “Where’s the evidence”.
    Then, in the next sentence, they confirm exactly what they were refuting.

    It’s amazing how much chutzpah they’ve got.
    I’ve argued against 10,00 Jews who’ve done the EXACT same thing.
    They’re quick to demand proof, while they personally admit that it’s true.

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