Cuckservative Soyboy Hunter Avallone Roasts Feminists & SJWs

So it looks like we have another cuckservative making a name for himself and some YouTube shekels by poking fun at feminists and SJWs. What a profitable little niche market that has turned out to be, eh?

Even cuckservative soy boys like this chap, Hunter Avallone, are wise to the feminist scam. But they don’t go far enough, obviously.

There’s another video with Avallone questioning a screeching SJW fembot who advocates “punching Nazis.”

The soyboy is good on free speech, but derails hard calling a white ethnostate a “disgusting idea.”

We need to really put the jackboot to these cuckservatives who seek to deny whites the right to ethnic self-determination. A white ethnostate is a completely legitimate and valid concept, not unlike various non-white ethnostates today, like Japan, China, Taiwan, and virtually every African country (apart from the Arab north) where blacks are the overwhelming majority.

These cuckservatives are especially hypocritical when it comes to Israel, a Jewish ethnostate that these goons worship and shill for. These fools often call for the Jews to take active measures to expedite the genocide of Palestinians so that Jews can become even more dominant in their criminal state. Put it to them: if Jews can have an ethnostate, why can’t whites? If Jews can expel African migrants from their country, why can’t whites? If Jews can secure their ethnic interests and national border through hard force, why can’t whites?

The SJWs are our sworn enemies. We already know where they stand: on the side of white genocide. So there’s no point wasting your time arguing with one of those braindead zombies. But with the cuckservatives, especially white male ones, there’s at least the chance of converting them to our ideas. When you point out the radical hypocrisy of non-whites and Jews being allowed ethnostates but not whites, they’ll have a hard time debating you and may well reconsider their position on the ethnostate.

6 thoughts on “Cuckservative Soyboy Hunter Avallone Roasts Feminists & SJWs

  1. Market niche, nothing more. Great thing to expose these weaklings mixed in the “movement”. Alt-Lite civnats, “skeptics” and other queers who just want some quick buck and to build up their “brand” to eventually try and run for office in some capacity (like Faith Goldy, the Jewish Defense League “muh social experiment” girl). These opportunists should get heavy flak from real subversives all the time.
    I would love to see creatures like Milo and this kid attacking Commie heavyweights like Noam Chomsky, for example. Or even their equivalent on the left, Cenk Uygur. It’s not very “sexy” though, and the clowns run the risk of sounding like fools in public – better make another video laughing at purple-haired 16 yo girls.
    JF Gariépy is the most interesting youtuber right now, for better or worse. His analysis of Cenk vs. Tucker (two gatekeeping actors) was great.

  2. The solution from the physical health aspect is quite simple. We eat only organic raw meat, eggs and drink raw milk, drink only fermented liquids, period.

    They eat cooked crap and veggies with no nutrients and die off or get too weak to do anything about being ruled by the creators of 90% of all modern civilization and technology, White European Men. It’s that simple on a physical health level of discipline. Question is: can pussified modern Caucasians get back to their natural diet by-passing all their conditioning and brainwashing?

    If you eat the proper human diet of raw and fermented foods only and as far as possible from healthy animal sources only, you won’t even have to “work out” in some faggy modern gym and you’ll still be in the best shape of your life since your body is always in ketosis and using fat directly for energy (rather than having to convert carbs to fat so it can be used as energy) and building muscle for any “weight gain.” So the weight you gain is in FUNCTIONAL (rather than just “good looking”) muscle mass and makes you stronger and more badass through allowing you more leverage and latitude or fluidity in all your movements, more efficient movements all around. Instead of 6 cups of toxic coffee every day, you eat a whole stick of butter for energy.

    Screw even drinking too much non-electrified, non-ionized water, since it doesn’t hydrate properly and drains nutrients from the body (drinking water without adding electrolytes to it like salt is practically worthless). The body is not made out of 60% “water,” that’s bullshit, it’s blood, nigga! Here you go:

    Whaddaya think that is, “red wine” for pussies? lol If you think you get a “high” from wine, wait till you feel the energy you get from drinking life itself: blood.

    Drinking organic animal blood, if you can get it from your butcher shop in big gallon containers of bags (you can tell him to save it for you because you need to drink it for your Multiple Sclerosis or whatever, it’s the only thing that cures it, and watch the look of horror on his face, lol), is the best hyrdation you can get and it tastes like tomato juice, except tomato juice has no nutrients or barely any whereas blood is life itself with every nutrient you need right in there if it comes from a healthy animal .

    We let the rest of the retards eat a high-carb “cooked meat” NWO die-t (all cooking releases toxins into your food; cooking basically destroys the nutrients in your food by degrees; if you eat your meats “well-done,” you might as well be eating a piece of leather since that’s about as much nutrition it’s likely to have left) diet, get weak and either die off or be forced to switch to an all meat and dairy diet or be ruled by the strong. It’s all about which bodies can draw the most energy to themselves and creatively process it. If you can’t do this processing in a natural and healthy way, evolution (to the extent that that theory is even valid) or rather “natural selection” will not favor you.

    We real men of the hairy balls variety never touch faggy vegetables and fruits and never eat a retarded NWO high-carb diet. Eating fruits turns you into a fruitcake, just remember that! lol

    Good luck finding raw milk in Canada, Brandon. It’s friggin illegal. You’ll probably have to hook up with a local farmer as if you were buying heroin from your drug contact. lol It’s illegal in most of the U.S. states too. But I live in California, so I can just go down to Sprouts and buy it for some ridiculously high, rip-off price since they were forced by the usual suspects to have extra inspectors before they would legalize it, although the Amazon-owned gigantic Whole Foods chain (over a 100 stores in Vegan Central California alone) still doesn’t carry it.

    1. I was gonna say, that dude ‘sv3rige’ actually has a pretty good channel, I see. Not that I agree with everything he says, but he is doing some good service there with his material exposing veganism and vegans.

      You know, Ken Clown O’Keefe (AKA libtard express) went vegan, and as typical of vegans, quickly began looking emaciated and haggard: happens to so many vegans. It’s like a sickness of the mind, but you can’t tell vegans that. There is probably only a small number of people who can really do veganism without any negative effects, but maybe none. A whole lot of them sure screw themselves up with the diet though (meaning it makes no sense to be one). Maybe the reason Ken seems to fallen off the radar again is because his mind is very foggy from the vegan diet, lol. His silly broad of a bimbo could easily be a vegan too, lol. Yeah, I imagine the vegan cult is growing quickly, unfortunately; met many vegans myself.

  3. In a sence of colore, Jew-hate is opposite to white racism,as the contemporary western Jews have the superiour culture. So the white racism always needs help of the church` anti-semitic doctrine and invent the loathsome racial Jewish features,ignoring their intellect, so like the German nazis that denied IQ, Jew-haters forgets the Jewish,more high.

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