Florida Yoga Shooter Was “Misogynist” Incel, Says Media

So the media is reporting that the alleged man behind the yoga studio shooting in Florida was a “misogynist” who posted rants against women online. He was “racist” too, of course.

From the Guardian:

The man who shot and killed two women in a yoga studio in Tallahassee on Friday appears to have posted racist and misogynistic videos online.

Police said Scott Paul Beierle, 40, attended the studio as a customer before opening fire. He also shot and wounded four people before he was tackled by people in the studio, police said. He then shot and killed himself. Police said the studio appeared to have been picked as a target at random.

BuzzFeed first reported the existence of the videos, which were posted to YouTube in 2014. Biographical details mentioned appeared to match known facts about the Tallahassee gunman, including that he was a military veteran. Police did not immediately confirm the link.

The videos contained complaints about how black people dress and speak and said women who date black men were “whores”. One video contained a rant about how women had caused the author to be misogynist. Another lamented an “invasion” of the US by migrants from Central America.

In one video, the man believed to be Beierle likened his adolescent self to Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old British-born man who stabbed or shot to death six people and wounded more than a dozen in Isla Vista, California, in 2014, before killing himself.

Rodger was a self-identified “incel”, short for “involuntary celibate”, an online culture in which men blame their lack of sexual success with women on women themselves.

This from Buzzfeed:

The man who shot and killed two women at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, on Friday before killing himself was a far-right extremist and self-proclaimed misogynist who railed against women, black people, and immigrants in a series of online videos and songs.

On a YouTube channel in 2014, Beierle filmed several videos of himself offering extremely racist and misogynistic opinions, in which he called women “sluts” and “whores,” and lamented “the collective treachery” of girls he had gone to high school with.

“There are whores in — not only every city, not only every town, but every village,” he said, referring to women in interracial relationships, whom he said had betrayed “their blood.”

In one video called “Plight of the Adolescent Male,” Beierle named Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 in a shooting in Isla Vista, California. Rodger is often seen as a hero for so-called incels, or those who consider themselves “involuntarily celibate.”

“I’d like to send a message now to the adolescent males … that are in the position, the situation, the disposition of Elliot Rodger, of not getting any, no love, no nothing. This endless wasteland that breeds this longing and this frustration. That was me, certainly, as an adolescent,” Beierle said.

So they’re playing up the “incel” storyline with this guy, too. This incel thing is becoming a real phenomenon.

It’s really not surprising what is happening here. Modern women are absolutely horrible. The majority of modern Western women are of a nasty man-hating leftist/progressive/feminist bent. The population of blue-haired feminist land whales has grown immensely among the female species. Women are fatter, uglier and more entitled than ever before. These feminist modern women believe that they don’t have to put any effort into their body and appearance, and that men just have to “accept” them for who they are. Women are openly rebelling against traditional beauty standards, pushing “fat acceptance” as the new norm for women. But women can discriminate against men based not only on appearance, but social and financial status as well, of course.

This is causing serious distress for young men who, now more than ever before, can’t find a decent woman to settle down with. Women are increasingly fat, ugly, hairy, feminist man-hating lesbians. Those ones are unbearable and unfuckable. It’s a huge risk to go to bed with one of those creatures, as there is a high likelihood she will try to bite your dick off or cause you bodily harm. Look at these miserable cunts laughing about a man whose penis was cut off by his wife because he demanded a divorce:

That video is proof that feminist women are evil, wicked witches who take pleasure in male suffering and misfortune.

Moreover, the attractive women are naturally gold diggers and thus unattainable for most middle class/working class men. This is why mountains of men are opting out of relationships, and even platonic relations, with women and going MGTOW.

A major cause of this incel epidemic is that modern progressive women, which is the majority, sexually discriminate against right-wing men. Modern progressive women purposely choose to mate with and spread their legs for weak beta males, soy boys and manginas because they are submissive to women and easily dominated by them. It appears that’s the case with this shooter who appears to have been right-wing and racially aware.

What he did was extremely stupid, immoral and self-defeating. Like Elliot Rodger, he threw away his life because he couldn’t obtain the golden vagina. Many men still stupidly think that being intimate with women is the highest prize in life, and that without it life is meaningless. This belief leads so many men down this dark path where they feel life isn’t worth living unless with a female by their side.

Men need to realize that having a girlfriend or wife is overrated. While the increased access to sex is certainly a benefit, all the strings that come attached to that make it hardly worth the effort. The majority of the time spent with this woman of yours will not be some happy fairy tale romance, but rather a lot of drama, bitching, moaning and manipulation on her part. Not to mention a huge drain on your bank account. Women are much like children, and are rarely ever satisfied with anything. They always need more, and it’s never enough. Life as a bachelor is actually a lot more stress-free than one as a married husband to a demanding wife or as a “boyfriend” to an entitled princess. Bachelor life is freedom, whereas married/relationship life is basically servitude to privileged females in modern society.

Anyway, the yoga shooter was clearly somewhat disturbed.  Again from Buzzfeed:

Another of Beierle’s 2014 videos was titled “The Rebirth of my Misogynism,” and featured him listing the names of women — from eighth grade until his time in the Army — whom he said caused his “rebirth.”

In the video, he said women were capable of “treachery” and “lying,” and also spoke aggressively about women giving him their phone number even when they had a boyfriend, and how angry it made him. He also mentioned a girl who canceled dates on him. “I could have ripped her head off,” he said.

A Pentagon spokesperson told BuzzFeed News Beierle served from 2008 to 2010.

Unlike the YouTube videos, Beierle’s songs on Soundcloud were all uploaded in the last few months. Shortly before Friday’s shooting, he uploaded one song called “Fuck ’Em All,” with the lyrics: “To hell with the boss that won’t get off my back / To hell with the girl I can’t get in the sack.”

Another song, called “Nobody’s Type,” featured him lamenting that women didn’t find him attractive. “I’m no athletic shark. I’m not a physical specimen. I don’t win the trophies and medals. Nobody stands in awe of me,” he sang.

In “American Wigger,” he sang that he would “blow off” the head of a woman he referred to using the c-word. The song “Locked in My Basement” featured an extremely disturbing tale of Beierle holding a woman prisoner in his basement using chains so he can rape her.

Sounds like his experiences with dating were rather typical. Women cancelling dates at the last minute is almost customary at this point. Women don’t respect men’s time. These princesses believe their time is invaluable, but that yours is worthless. Even ugly older women who’ve hit the wall are suffering from delusions that they’re “too attractive to find love,” like this nutbar:

It’s simply incredible how low we are at as a civilization. This is the fruit of modern society forged by the deranged utopian delusions of leftists and feminists who want to turn nature on its head and kill the human race.

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