Globalists Pushing to Replace White People

Red Ice has a great new video showcasing the globalist anti-white United Nations’ latest push to justify replacement migration into Europe.

We’re witnessing the most sinister conspiracy in the history of mankind: the genocide of an entire race of people, whites.

These maniacal globalists justify our genocide by claiming that Europe needs to replace itself because of our “ageing population”. Yet these are the same people who created this situation to begin with, pushing feminism and cultural marxism to destroy the family unit and shatter white birthrates. At the same time, these globalists promote race-mixing propaganda in popular media, on top of white guilt in schools and universities, all designed to facilitate our extinction.

After orchestrating all the circumstances that has led us to this point these monsters tell us that we’re going to need to open our gates to untold third worlders because we’re just not having enough kids.

As Lana pointed out, if these globalist politicians were legitimately concerned with European birthrates, they’d incentivize couples having children as some countries have done. But that’s not what they’re doing. Instead, they’re promoting more feminism, mixing and immigration, all geared towards white genocide.

We must resist!

9 thoughts on “Globalists Pushing to Replace White People

  1. I will probably never race mix. I feel like diluting my bloodline would be like a middle finger to my ancestors. I want my kids to have a similar bloodline to my own. Race mixing in Japan is no problem because they are so racially pure that any race mixing just gets absorbed by the greater population. We’re facing a different situation. I love my European people, they are an extended family to me.

      1. I read the article. Everyones birth rates have gone down dramatically since 1970. Africa still has a high birth rate. Capitalism is responsible, destruction of the family is responsible, etc.

        Right now Japan is using mostly Asian immigration for labor, but still, the system there is corrupt.

  2. You should get interviewed by Luke Ford. Check the
    the comments of the vid for my promotion of your “brand’. *wink*

  3. Red Lice is an insufferable putinist shithole. Take this shill from the RI for example who goes full Pravda to spin how Russian economy is “booming”, because it’s no longer controlled by the Jews and that Moscow is getting bullied by the West for no reason.

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