Idaho Democrat: We Whites Need to Shut Our Mouths & Listen to Blacks

The former executive director of the Idaho Democratic Party, Sally Boynton Brown, has said that white people are all inherently racist and need to just shut our mouths, sit down and listen to the fake grievances of blacks.

Wow. This is so crazy. Imagine her talking about any other race like that. Imagine the outrage if she said, “Blacks need to shut their mouths and listen to whites.” This self-hating bitch literally sounds like she wants to be enslaved and gang-raped by blacks to atone for her “toxic whiteness.” Dumb cunt.

But that kind of language is permitted when speaking down to whites, because we’re so evil and privileged, aren’t we? If white privilege was a real thing, this wicked witch wouldn’t get away with that for a second. But obviously blacks and non-whites are the privileged class in America, not whites.

This is the kind of self-hating sadomasochism that has infected so many whites. She’s clearly been reared in years of leftist indoctrination, teaching her that whites are the devil and blacks are saints.

Democrats are becoming openly anti-white as the radical left gains a larger foothold in the party. The Democratic Party is almost explicitly a non-white party now, pandering exclusively to non-white minorities and spouting brazen hostility towards the white American majority.

These people are sick and need to be defeated. If these radical leftist Democrats get their way, white Americans will be put in gulags and genocided, and blacks handed the throne of power. In 50 years, America will look something like the lawless shithole called South Africa, where violent, low-IQ blacks engage in open season mass murder of whites.

This is what the left wants. They’re playing out a sinister revenge fantasy against whites. They want us enslaved or dead.

But this kind of anti-white rhetoric is good in a way, because it will push moderate whites into the arms of the far-right and white nationalism. As moderate whites see that the Dems and leftist parties are out to get them, they will swing right and vote for white nationalist candidates who stand up for their interests.

Hail Victory!

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