Martinez Perspective Friday: We’re Winning

In my latest stream I go over some of the recent Jewish admissions of guilt on immigration promotion, MGTOW, PUAs and the feminist virus, alt-right and Jewish gatekeepers within the right-wing, and also how we’re winning the narrative and must trek fearlessly forward to accomplish our goals.

9 thoughts on “Martinez Perspective Friday: We’re Winning

  1. I made an audio listen page for this video podcast..
    It contains only the audio with thumbnail minute markers.

    Due to space limitations I did not want to host the full size videos.
    This method allows me to archive many more podcasts.
    It is still under construction and might have a few failings.
    Work in progress, comments would be appreciated.

      1. Just for you Charlemagne.
        I put a prominent thumbnail link on the home page.
        It links to Brandon’s article . . . that is all I am prepared to do on that one.
        Sorry about that 🙁
        Britain is a bit (a lot) becoming a police state and we have to be very, very careful not to cross certain lines.
        We can voice our disgust, almost and that is about it.
        Soon our freedom to complain will be completely outlawed.
        Corporatocracy is already here, I think communism is following not far behind.
        White genocide is working on the ratchet effect principle and proceeds relentlessly via many orchestrated schemes.
        Street protests and the like seem to work ok for the leftists.
        Right wing equivalent protests attract the negative spotlight of the media and the wrath of the state enforcers.
        White europeans face a bitter struggle for survival.

  2. Jews are jews wether they are likudniks or communists.
    Brandon if you promote MGTOW among white men, that means less whites in the dating pool and the browns and blacks will have it easier.
    Why not promoting self-improvement and wifing up good trad ladies? As others do like Varg, Vince from the Red Elephants, etc and so on. Even Roosh has said that MGTOW is mostly a white phenomenon.
    Talking about Roosh, he is anti-white; he names the jew, he’s got good advice on game, dating and good articles but he’s not for white nationalism. Here, he’s debating with Brutus the British. at 1:16:54:


    1. Good trad ladies are so hard to come by that it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. Unless you live in some rural farm town, modern urban women are by and large either gold diggers, princesses or unbearable feminists.

    2. Roosh V is just a snake oil salesman selling “game” tricks that don’t really work. He can’t seriously tackle the JQ or white genocide because he wants to continue to make money. Ultimately he’s not white so he won’t ever be a voice for our people. He’s a voice for men, not for whites.

    3. PUAs like Roosh are wasting men’s money and time. They’re pussy worshippers who believe that living a hedonistic pussy hunt lifestyle is worth the pain and time. They tell men to spend the majority of their free time chasing skanks on the street, the vast majority of whom will reject them because females almost always date men with status within their social circle, not random dudes off the street.

  3. Why not promoting self-improvement and wifing up good trad ladies?

    MGTOW and self-improvement are not mutually exclusive. I say both MGTOW AND self-improvement combined.

    The “good” “trad” ladies are nowhere to be found… Most women are liberal, “empowered”, noisy, argumentative, simplistic. Thinking of and reacting to petty bullshit matters.

    Some women pose as trad, i think, because they smelled that this -modern western woman- prototype has become unbearable to men. So they chose to play this other role, investing in the possibility that men might eventually turn to “trads”.

    Simple as that.

    1. Yes you are right, Self-improvement is part of the MGTOW lifestyle; i’ve been delving more into MGTOW and I had many prejudices against them.

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Martinez Perspective