Redpillers in Normie Culture

So we all know who normies are: the blue-pilled masses of people who don’t remotely understand nor fundamentally care about what is going on.

Us redpillers are forced to exist among a sea of boring normies and to partake in their dreadful culture.

It’s difficult. Being red-pilled, us right-wing men of a political bent can’t really function properly among these normies. To get in with these normies, which you are forced to do if you want any human contact, you must bring yourself down to their level. That means engaging in an endless amount of small talk, meaningless jabber about basically nothing important. That’s doubly difficult.

If you want to socialize with these normies, it’s unavoidable. You’ll be in the weeds of small talk for hours on end, speaking on everything from the weather, jobs, musical tastes, food and whatever uninspiring normie topic comes up. A redpiller can play along with this for awhile, but it won’t be long before you’re bored to tears and just want to die in a hole.

It amazes me how these normies can pass through life without so much as a single profound thought entering their heads. Literally, not a single idea above “what will I eat for dinner today?” and “which bar will we drink at this weekend?” seeps into their thick skulls on a daily basis. It’s depressing to have to engage with such people, and it really makes you want to become a recluse holed up in a cabin deep in the woods, Ted Kaczynski-style.

Now imagine the kinds of conversations you’re forced to endure when topics of interest like history, philosophy and politics do come up in conversation with these normies. The mind-numbing ignorance of these normies is bound to give you an upset stomach. But you can’t really contradict much of what they say if you don’t want to blow your alt-right cover to these libtard normies. Getting outed as “alt-right” in a normie circle of friends is social suicide, so we are forced to hide our beliefs from their virgin SJW ears.

What’s astonishing is how terrible normie humour is. Normies will laugh their butts off at the lamest, tamest jokes imaginable. I’ve been around these people quite a bit. I don’t know if they’re all fake laughing at each other’s corny jokes or what, but it’s embarrassing to witness. I’m just sitting there like a rock, not understanding why we’re supposed to be laughing at such stupidity. So of course, people like me will be singled out among the group as “boring” or “lame” because we don’t laugh or smile on cue with the normies and their atrocious jokes.

Normies crave their normie small talk daily, even hourly. It’s like a caffeine fix that keeps them going through the day. Women are infinitely worse than men for their innate need to push small talk on anyone within their vicinity. Some females can’t go a single minute without blasting out random thoughts and feelings. They’re like children with too much pent-up energy that needs releasing. Females will drag you kicking and screaming into their flaccid conversations. They see you as little more than a punching bag designed to absorb their suppressed rage and unneeded energy. It will drive you insane. This is what makes relationships with women so annoying and frustrating. The vast majority of the time, your function as “boyfriend” or “husband” is little more than that of an emotional tampon soaking up all her demented whinging. That’s what selfish broads call a “good listener”; whereas they don’t listen to anything that you have to say, especially not if you’re into red-pill issues.

So how is a redpiller to function in such a scenario, surrounded by lame individuals whose rhetoric puts you to sleep? How can one carry on friendships, girlfriends, and a social life with these pathetically one-dimensional NPCs who cause your ears to bleed? Some of these normies are so vapid that they can’t even articulate much about their obtuse normie topics. It’s just sad. They’re almost like psyborgs. But somehow they enjoy each other’s company because they’re the same and think in the same way.

I suppose redpillers, especially alt-righters, are just destined to live lives of somber solitude, unless you can find a decent amount of red-pilled males in your area to shoot the breeze with. But ultimately, from my experience, even some red-pilled males are normies at heart and not committed to the cause. They’d rather spend more time drinking and conversing with normies than strategizing about how we make the alt-right revolution happen. It’s so damn hard to find people on our level who’re willing to put aside the normie shit and fully embrace the cause and the message.

From now on, I think my interactions with normies will be spent trying to red-pill them, instead of just going along to get along. It’s time better spent, isn’t it? If you’re going to grab a drink with these toads, why not drop some truth bombs and win some converts? That could speed up our revolution. And it’s a lot of fun triggering libtards and seeing their reactions. It’s also good for honing your debate skills, seeing what counter-arguments they bring to the table and refuting them. It’s a win-win for us redpillers: you get to socialize and trigger at the same time. But expect not to be invited for a second round of drink, you misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic Nazi!

10 thoughts on “Redpillers in Normie Culture

  1. From now on, I think my interactions with normies will be spent trying to red-pill them, instead of just going along to get along. It’s time better spent, isn’t it?

    Good luck with that . . . and let us know how it goes.
    Actually . . . this is all about strategy.
    The “Mr Nice Guy” tactic isn’t working.
    Don’t go too mad though.

    That could speed up our revolution

    True enough . . . being silenced is a definite non starter.

    Well rehearsed and honed arguments will leave people thinking about them.
    The problem nowadays is when some brainwashed people who already know your views, they will cut you off the moment you start to speak.

    Important is preparation and keeping it simple and to the point so as not to bore them.
    If it is really that good then it will engage them and get you more than 30 seconds of attention.
    Then they go away and think about it.
    Truth bombs like . . . type “white woman with kids” into google.
    Or “American Inventors”.
    They might still miss your point though.
    Different techniques for different types of people.

  2. “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.” – William James, American psychologist and philosopher (1842 – 1910)

    Why does every young boy that’s not a homo of some kind aspire to be a “cool” guy? That’s because being a “cool” guy implies being able to keep your individuality with enough “street smarts,” social skills, maturity and humor to never to waste too much time suffering fools. This type of person is immediately recognized as an alpha and a leader, especially if he’s also physically in great shape.

    People don’t care what you know, they care how you make them feel. Always remember that and you won’t go far wrong. If you make somebody feel really good, emotionally and physically, THEN they might care about what you know, but not until then.

    Also, for the proper outlook on social life, this is the motto to keep in mind:

    “An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.” – Gilbert Keith Chesterton

    If something is too much of an inconvenience to turn into an adventure, it’s not worth doing. But you’ll be surprised how many things you thought boringly inconvenient or aggravating before can be turned into amusing adventures if you develop the skill to see things from multiple angles simultaneously and are able to “rightly” (within the proper rite-ual) consider them.

    Verbal language is a ridiculous invention that is always being revised and changed and morphed, corrupted, uncorrupted, conditioned/deconditioned, etc. It’s not “accurate” in any sense and can never be. Words are just symbolic measurings of things that “ward” you in linguistic prisons and numb-ers numb your brain into a certain track and keep it there. “Gram-mar,”? Well, the word already tells you that it’s the combination of words that can “gram” or weigh a group of observed phenomena, symbolized in letters and words and syllables.

    Always talk in a roundabout “poetic” way. Play with words and the meanings of words and never accepts a dictated “dictionary” definition of anything. Never talk straight with normies. The world is yours to invent, and through constant creativity in every movement you make, both of the mind and body, a constant striving for energy efficiency and leverage, you morph into the ubermensch, while others stay at a low vibration.

    Let your common sense dance. Pretend to be just as retarded as them about something, then start satirizing through exaggeration and snap out of it, letting them know you’re putting them on with a big grin on your face that looks at them as a “cute children” that need to grow up if they want to have “real fun” with real emotional payoffs which only comes only with “real brains” or at least enough brains to create i-magic through image-ination. Never even acknowledge the validity of the concepts and frames they use, without being rude to them.

    Look at them the way an adult might look at a child or pet, with amusement, but without too much unfounded hope that they might be able to decondition and repair the damage they’ve done to themselves through unthinking conformity to authority.

    Laugh at them and their frames. Always use ridicule, but not the malignant or malicious kind of immature people who overreact. By navigating this territory in a subtle way, you let them know who the “mature” person in the interaction is indirectly, since without being mature, you would not have had enough information access to discern such subtleties and act on it in a calibrated, tempered way. There’s a big difference between the kind of ridicule that’s malignant or malicious (the kind amateurs use, which is most people, and also talksick comedians, literally sick themselves and sick-making of others from talking the retarded paradigm concepts of their linguistic prisons, which is most of them) and the kind that’s playful and actually funny and informative. Only use this latter one, the playful and funny and informative kind of ridicule. It’s far more likely to be effective without getting your emotions involved and will take their ego down a notch in a way that makes them feel good for the “loss,” (since it’s not really a loss but a gain if done the right way and this felt through instinct).

    No need to waste time or energy arguing with idiots or mediocre minds who want to stay there and who are only waiting to laugh at you after you’ve spent 2 hours “logically” explaining to them every detail of everything. lol That’s for naive numbskulls still in “conspiracy 101” class. Amuse yourself with normies at all times for your own enjoyment but in a non-malignant, humorous, informative and indirect way. See them as magnificent human beings sadly atrophied into retardation, whose sleepwalking through life must be guided like that of little children or they’ll go directly off the cliff.

    1. Negentropic: People don’t care what you know, they care how you make them feel. Always remember that and you won’t go far wrong. If you make somebody feel really good, emotionally and physically, THEN they might care about what you know, but not until then.

      Interesting advice and very true.

      Talking to some people is like “walking on eggshells” and you have to know when to stop.
      In a nutshell . . . over egging the pudding can make them go from a very promising “all smiles” to “twisty faced and confused looking” very quickly.

      That confused look means they realize you are being serious and you are not joking, they might also think you are mad.
      If you stop when they are smiling and before the penny drops, then at that stage they probably think you are just spouting harmless, carefree, joking banter.

      Being in a room full of normies (or worse), one sort of looks around and thinks, “who knows what I know”.
      The answer to that question is usually sadly “nobody”.

      Talking and conversing with complete strangers is frowned upon by today’s norms.
      Tapping at a smartphone and risking developing a professor’s stoop is now the norm.

      Wearing a tee shirt with ‘your message on’ might be a good strategy.
      Then if someone says “I like your tee shirt”, you know that they probably “like” you too, and so they might be ready to hear more from you.
      If you get a milk shake thrown at you then you know at least you got someone triggered.

      1. The reason I am commenting on an old post a year old is that I was testing your new categories drop down list.
        Which is very good . . . but it does not work, the URLs go to blank pages.
        However if I substitute the word tag for the word category in the URL then it works.
        So for example selecting “Humour” from the categories list
        geoes to a blank page.

        Whilst in humour I found something worth commenting on.

  3. I can relate, Brandon…
    Normieland in Málaga: you have the locals, who tend to be moderate leftist normies and it is all about joking (Southern character, which is OK) Then there are a considerable quantity of far leftist (and, in my experience, that kind of people have no sense of humor at all, and not sense of joy, even if they are Southern Spaniards). Avoid them like the plague.
    Then you have a lot of classic conservative people, who are very normie too. Very churchgoers, they love partying as well, and they use to get along with the moderate leftists.
    My family is from Málaga. So I know the scene.
    Then you have millions of Northern European people living in Málaga all year long. And they are not too much into politics. They just want the sun and the “dolce vita”.
    Then you have millions of Russians. And Russians in Western Europe tend to hide they nationalistic, pro white Speech.
    Fortunately… now we have a space where we can talk our redpill speech: VOX.
    What I would do if would live in Málaga: I would join VOX and I would try to get a Northern European milf. That kind of women living in Málaga all year long tend to be very conservative. They don´t like what is going on in Sweden or Germany. You can have a free talk with them. That kind of milfs tend to work in Northern European business focused to Northern European people and they are not gold diggers. In fact, Swedish women always pay half of the bill.

    1. Well, even if these “Northern European” lightweights are strict carnivores (not likely given how widespread vegan and vegetarian retardation is in European countries) and eat no vegetables (they’re straight up disgusting, indigestible and not necessary in any way, that’s why kids hate them) and fruits or nuts (you have to be a fruitcake or a nut to eat them, certainly not a real man), if they so much as cook their food to rare, they are poisoning themselves and are already malnourished compared to what they would be if they ate it all raw with all the nutrients intact, although still relatively well-nourished compared to completely retarded vegans and slightly less retarded vegetarians.

      There’s no possible way they can have “La Dolce Vita” no matter how much money they have to party with because they will be malnourished and in denial. I know, because until 2 months ago, I was eating cooked “medium rare” meat and a high-protein low-carb diet. I was healthy and in “good shape,” or at least, that’s what I thought. Wrong. I was still in the trap of the gigantic “food and water hoax,” the main physical engine of retarded NWO slave production.

      When you switch to eating only raw meats, raw milk and raw eggs, the difference is huge and literally night and day. You can’t even compare the two states of feeling. With raw meats, you immediately become calm inside because you’re in proper symbiosis of germs in your body and equilibrium, something that nuts, vegetables, seeds, fruits, alcohol, sugar and other poisons completely prevent.

      Again, you will not even know what you’re “missing” (most of your life’s energy and most of your libido with it) until you start eating organic raw beef and veal liver and organic beef hearts and chicken hearts and other internal organs.

      Cholesterol is what all your cells are made of and that’s why your body will produce up to 25 eggs worth of cholesterol a day, if you don’t eat it, expending unnecessary energy in the process, which you could keep and use for other things if you just eat lots of raw eggs, which digest easier than any food you could ever eat. Don’t even stir it, just plop them down one by one. Eating 10 raw eggs at a time is actually very light and pleasant and fast eating; the healthiest “fast-food” in the world, much less filling and far better digested than eating even one cooked egg. Those who are afraid of salmonella, which your body is full of already, are straight up wuses, not even man enough to eat the hunt they didn’t have to kill with themselves, raw and therefore disrespecting the spirit of the animal which will transfer into you, giving you more energy.

      A vegan diet “works” only as a fast. As a way of detoxing your previous omnivorous eating of processed garbage.

      If you want to be strong, the fastest way is to cancel your gym membership, NEVER go to an expensive “cooked meats and veggies” restaurant again (what for? poisoning yourself in a “nice” atmosphere), since organic grass-fed raw meats are already expensive enough and spend that money on raw meats at your butcher. As soon as you even reach for a “plant” or a pan to cook your meats (disgusting, cooking meat becomes disgusting once you get used to eating raw, because you’re destroying any value your food had) you’re back on the path to self-destruction like the idiots in Malaga who think they’re living the “Dolce Vita” but have no idea what they’re missing, since they’ve never had a proper human diet for even one day their whole lives.

      Totally rigged agenda pushing: 19 female black judges just like the 19 hijackers, hijacking seats in government, isn’t that cute?

  4. Normies dont care whats going on. They are not interested in having a family or caring about the future of their kids. They are completely selfish and dont care about the society. They act like kids. I have tried changing many normies but you cant really change a person’s values. A selfish person will always be selfish. A society with normies having a majority vote is always unsustainable. From our point of view we need to stand together and avoid wasting time with them. When they get past their 30s you can clearly see the booze and drugs affecting their life and appearance. They become salty old men and nagging old women. And they wont much socialize after that. That would make a great new article by the way. What happens to normies as they get older?

    1. Most normies get married and have children and they educate their children in normie values.
      The funny thing is that it seems they don´t give a flying fuck about the future of their children.

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