#ThotAudit Hones in On Tax-Evading Online Hoes

This new #ThotAudit phenomenon is glorious. It was started by some manosphere guys who are reporting online camwhores to the IRS for tax evasion. The fembot mainstream media is already crying about it:

Online sex workers have slammed a viral campaign by right-wing “incels” and men’s rights activists to mass report them to tax authorities for allegedly failing to declare income.

The hashtag #ThotAudit, which appears to have been started by a Facebook user calling themselves “David Wu”, began to trend on Sunday after being promoted by controversial pick-up artist and “legal rape” advocate Daryush ‘Roosh’ Valizadeh.

“Online thots are finding out that all income generated from their breasts and vagina is taxable,” Mr Valizadeh tweeted.
“Men are aggressively organising to report all thots. I don’t blame them: these girls are getting a free ride via beta bux and a broken sexual marketplace that is rigged in the favour of females.”

He added that under Internal Revenue Service policy, a whistleblower could receive up to 30 per cent of the tax collected. “There is actually a financial incentive to defeating thottery,” he wrote.

“Thot” is an online slang term meaning “that hoe over there”. One poster on the 4chan imageboard wrote that it now stood for “that hoe owes tax”. Online “camgirls” reported being targeted for their “premium” Snapchat and Instagram services exchanging nude photos for payment.

Of course the pro-pedophilia Vice News is getting in on the man-bashing to defend these disgusting sluts.

This outlet has called the #thotaudit “terrorism”.

We all know these camwhores are dodging taxes, just as real-life prostitutes and strippers don’t pay a penny. Women dominate the sex trade because that’s all many women have to offer the world: their vaginas and titties. Without those two assets, they’d be useless and worthless.

Sex workers are the lowest trash of human civilization, and for that reason the left seeks to “humanize” them and their “work.”

Mainstream media outlets are now routinely employing anti-male slurs like “incels” and “misogynists” to describe manosphere men who are aware of females’ tricks and deception, like those behind this rad new #thotaudit. We’re simply calling women out on their horrible, immoral and degenerate behaviour. You should thank us for trying to correct your evil, wicked ways.

3 thoughts on “#ThotAudit Hones in On Tax-Evading Online Hoes

  1. Women are out of control and proving all of the old patriarchal standards and expectations correct. Disgusting sluts are everywhere and you can’t find a 25 year old that’s taken less than as many dicks to have a normal family with. They’re mostly fat, hairy, pink haired and tattooed pigs now too.

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