Zionist Jew Avi Yemini Is Not Our Friend

Avi Yemini is a Yemenite (Arab) Zionist Jew living in Australia who has gained prominence in that country’s nationalist movement. Through his YouTube videos and role in various protests and campaigns like the one to help white South African refugees resettle in Australia, he’s managed to weasel his way into the upper echelons of right-wing politics.

Is this who white Australians want leading them?

But Yemini is not our friend.

First, he’s not white, but of Jewish and Arab race. So naturally he wouldn’t be welcome in any ethnostate. What he truly represents is a growing number of Jewish infiltrators attempting to subvert and defang the right-wing backlash to Jewish-driven globalism, mass immigration and cultural marxism. Like his other subversive “right-wing” Jewish counterparts such as Laura Loomer, Ezra Levant, Mike Tokes, Halsey, etc., Yemini is little more than a Jewish supremacist (JDL type) who works to prioritize his tribe’s semitic squabble with Muslims over issues affecting whites. And he aims to draw whites, particularly nationalists, into his wrangle with Muslims on his Jewish team’s side.

Yemini expertly martialled his Jew First credentials in a op-ed for the Times of Israel titled “Why I’m Proud to Be a ‘F**king Jew'”:

Growing up in an ultra-Orthodox, “Chabad” family in Melbourne, Australia, where I always wore a kippa (skull cap), I know what anti-Semitism feels like.

It was almost normal to hear racial abuse thrown at me when I walked down the street, usually by a passing car, often referencing Hitler, or in some cases even copping an egg being thrown at me. It was accepted. It was part of being Jewish.

As I got older, my faith deteriorated yet my pride in my heritage grew. I no longer walk around wearing a kippa unless I’m at synagogue or when I do media interviews.

I wear it in synagogue for obvious reasons, but when I’m facing the media, I’m making a statement. I am a proud Jew.

My pride in my heritage and my people does not stop there. I have made it my business to promote it.

My wife and I launched our business, IDF Training, in 2009. Our goal went beyond supporting our growing family. Our mission was to show Australian Jews that being a proud Jew, being a proud Zionist, can work for you. It can and should be part of your business plan. It was and is in ours.

We’ve always staunchly stood up against anti-Semitism and anti-Israel propaganda. At one point we made international news after Facebook put a ban on us due to our public stance against anti-Semitism. It hasn’t and won’t ever stop us from our mission.

Late last year we released a badass t-shirt that we intended people to wear proudly in Melbourne, not just to promote our business, but to promote Israel and our love for her.

It is a black shirt with ‘Krav Maga’ splashed across the front and an Israeli flag on the sleeve. It screams Israeli and Jewish pride. Something you don’t often see. Just as we wanted it to be.

He’s also very proud of making sabbath goys out of gullible whites like this cuck called Barry Flynn. Yemini recounts the story of making Flynn bend over and grab his ankles for Israel:

We released it on a Friday and sold almost 1,000 worldwide by Monday. We couldn’t believe it.

The most shocking, yet unsurprising, fact is that approximately 95% of the people who purchased it were not Jewish or Israeli. They probably didn’t even notice the flag. They either liked the design (it is awesome — so fair enough!) or they are massive Krav Maga fans, or both.

But one of these t-shirts stayed local and told it’s own story. A story we can all learn from.

Barry Flynn is a former British soldier who loves Krav Maga and loved the design. He loved it so much that he bought one for each of his kids for Christmas.

Barry didn’t realise that wearing that t-shirt makes a statement. As soon as he did realise he decided to wear it more often.

One night, Barry was walking in St Kilda in Melbourne, wearing his new favorite t-shirt, and was the victim of the same anti-Jew hate that I had become so used to as a child.

Barry went on to tell me how he could not believe that wearing that star on your shoulder makes you a target.

“I can’t think of any other flag in the world that you need to be fearful of wearing. It makes me realise how important it is to stand with Jews and Israel. I have taken to wearing my Krav Maga t-shirt more often. Jewish or not, I wear the shirt and the Star of David with pride.” Barry said.

Most of Yemini’s videos and discourse focus on the threat of Islam. That is the standard issue that conniving “right-wing” Jews latch on to and throw in our faces to drum up feelings of solidarity with Israel. Their critiques of Islam and Muslim immigration is non-racial and usually revolves around that religion’s penchant for “anti-Semitism,” which yet again inevitably drags the discussion and focus back on alleged threats to and “victimization” of Jews. What piteous threats that the Muslim savages pose to the very Jews who helped bring them to the West is of no concern to whites. The victimization of whites by the Muslim hordes is what we care about, not some friendly fire between semites.

I’ve written numerous articles and made many videos exposing how Jews and Muslims have teamed up against whites and the West, just as they did once before during the Moorish invasion and conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. I even made a video about Yemini arguing with a British Muslim about Israel/Palestine, and how that supremely illustrates my “semitic squabble” discourse:

All that matters is that elite Jewish organizations and individuals support the open borders agenda for the West. Some small-time Jews like Yemini who oppose Muslim immigration have no impact on what their elite kinsmen do. Moreover, they only oppose Muslim immigration for reasons of Jewish wellbeing, not for any serious concern for the wellbeing of whites. Whites who oppose Jewish power get no sympathy from Yemini and his Zionist cohorts. We’re just “Nazis” to them and they’d gladly direct the leftist mobs to attack us. Their hidden agenda is to feign pro-white sympathies in order to stunt the nationalist backlash against the broader Jewish community who are the chief architects of the West’s demise. These “right-wing” Jews simply want to soften up whites to Jewish infiltration and subversion, with the goal of engineering a fake kosher nationalism that ignores and downplays the Jewish problem.

What’s really happening here is that the Jewish multicultural program has inadvertently allowed pro-Palestinian Muslims to gain more prominent positions in the West, which is partially backfiring on them. Now that the white man has been unseated from power thanks to decades of Jewish ethnic activism, Muslim immigrants are achieving some level of influence within mainstream politics and government, permitting them to push for their own tribal Arab/Muslim interests in the Middle East, the Palestinian cause being the most worrying to Jews like Yemini. Muslim and Arab immigrants are outflanking Jews population wise in the West. That demographic balance alone will start to tip things in the Arabs’ favour politically, especially with the SJW movement’s influence at universities. SJWism typically sides with brown-skinned Arabs above the white-skinned Jews. Yemini makes all of this pretty clear in the following video, where he criticizes other Jews for not doing enough to confront pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah Arabs living in Australia.

So what we are witnessing here is a classic semitic squabble, with whites stuck in the middle. Muslim invaders are trying to usurp Jews as foreign policy influencers to favour their people instead of Jews, and some Zionist Jews like Yemini aren’t happy about it. Zionists like Yemini want Jews to be the sole influencers guiding Western foreign policy. They’re only aggrieved that they now have semitic competition within white societies.

A principal deceptive tactic of “right-wing” Jews like Yemini is to put the blame for mass immigration and cultural rot in the West squarely on leftist ideology. They’ll admit that some Jews are involved in pushing these destructive policies, but say that it’s due to the liberal/leftist ideology of those Jews and not an ethnic-tribal imperative. We goyim know better than that. Leftist ideology is merely a tool of Jewish tribalism to weaken and ultimately destroy their hated historical enemy, white Europeans. Yemini and his “right-wing” co-ethnics are Jews first and foremost. They support Israel above the nations they occupy. Yemini himself served in the Israeli army. But, as far as I’m aware, he hasn’t served in the Australian army. That’s because he’s a Jew committed to his tribe’s interests, not that of white Australians who he pretends to care about. It’s no secret that he’s an Israel First rat:

That’s all that this is, folks. It’s a big, fat, semitic hoax and we white people are its unsuspecting victims. Jews and Muslims are both hostile foreign groups endeavouring to subvert the West’s and white people’s resources in the service of their savage, murderous brethren abroad. Dishonest Jews like Yemini are part of the problem, not the solution. White nationalist Australians must not let this huckster mislead their people and misdirect the course of their nationalism. There is no room for Jews in white nationalism no matter what they do or say to place themselves in our camp.

28 thoughts on “Zionist Jew Avi Yemini Is Not Our Friend

  1. “Felix Klein has held this post since 1 May 2018, having previously been responsible at the Federal Foreign Office for relations with Jewish organisations and anti-Semitism issues.

    When Klein took office, she had only been assigned a secretary, a clerk and a speaker. After criticism by the Central Council of Jews and the opposition factions of the Greens and the Left in the Bundestag, the number of employees was increased to eleven.” (German Wikipedia)

    1. Harold your comments are too spammy. You post way too many links, quotes, videos and off-topic stuff. I can’t approve most of your comments. So please keep your posts on topic and relevant without the spammy links/videos or you can’t comment here.

      1. B M you are very wrong about Avi everything he says is true and what you are saying is “FAKE NEWS”!! By the way who’s side are you on-it is certainly not for the freedom of speech of Australia!

        1. When Avi starts informing the public that Jews are the ones who have set up the muslim invasion of the white countries, then he will be credible, until then he is another controlled opposition

  2. “There is no room for Jews in White Nationalism” – EXACTLY. And furthermore, White Nationalist should stand in unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and general National Bolshevik and anti-imperialist ideas everywhere. We should counterprotest alt-lite scum and Tommy Robinson supporters by waving communist and Palestinian flags, as well as Nazi and confederate flags, while burning American and Israeli flags. We should support Marxist-Leninist struggles everywhere and help to rebuild the USSR. We should form international brigades of solidarity with Palestine, Novorossiya, and Venezuela against the Jews and the CIA. We should make total war on capitalism and the class enemy, and declare all Jews our mortal enemies. Anyone objecting to that should be thrown out of the movement for good. Our goals should be nationalism, racialism, socialism, Communism and anti-Semitism.

    If this happens, White Nationalism will become a serious movement, a serious threat that challenges the political “choices” ZOG gives us. Something worth supporting. Workers of the world, unite and fight for the 14 words! Death to ZOG!

    1. We should also put you on a boat to the Middle East where you can have sand races with Arabs.

      I should have also written, Arabs have no place in white nationalism, so that means you’re out.

      1. What is this guy going on about? “socialism, Communism”? National Bolshevik? Hezbollah and Houthis? Out of our movement now dude. This guy is crazy. What is wrong with our commenters?

        1. Yeah, how dare anyone think outside the box and not go along with the right-wing reactionary pro-colonialist, anti-Communist, pro-rich ideology that all WNs are obligated to follow.

          And no I am no Arab, I’d be treated better by White Nationalists if I were an Arab. I am a poor white and that is considered worse than Arab by most WNs.

          1. Take a look at Cuba and Venezuela and what happened to the USSR if you want socialism. But they just didn’t do it right huh? For all of civilisation society has been divided into class hierarchies. Socialism, communism, and capitalist liberalism all come from messianic Jewish thought, designed to create proletarian allies for Jews to help propel them into the upper echelons. Christianity also emerged from this milieu. Poor whites are going to have to “do the jobs they don’t want to do” as they always say, like working on farms, construction jobs, cleaning houses, garbage men, toilet cleaners, delivery men, working in restaurant kitchens, all the jobs immigrants currently do. The intelligent high IQ ones will rise economically, and the low IQ will stay on the bottom of the pyramid. This is the hard truth. No more sitting around collecting welfare if we want to have an immigration free society. Even in National Socialist Germany, lower classes had to work much harder than they work in modern welfare societies. Conditions for workers in the USSR were the worst of all, similar to today’s North Korea. Leftist WNs are usually fat and don’t want to work. Notice how the “whites don’t want to do these jobs” is one of the most repeated justifications for mass immigration these days. These economic arguments can be saved for the ethnostate but ultimately you want to have a class collaborative society that works economically, with Jewish inspired class warfare eliminated, working harmoniously for the nation and race. Socialism and Communism usually result in even more severe hierarchies as well, take Communist North Korea for example, the lower classes are starving, as is the case with Venezuela. But they just didn’t do it right did they? I do think the global financial system should be scrapped though, and we should return to land based structures. Commerce should be maintained to keep avenues for making money, but this has to be controlled or you risk the return of a globalistic merchant class plutocracy which has a tendency to disregard race and the things we traditionalist racialists value. All classes are going to have to make sacrifices for white nationalism to work. Upper classes are going to have to forgo profits, and lower classes who are on welfare are going to have to do jobs they currently do not want to. One way in which poor whites can take more pride in their work is to do traditional artisinal crafts, such as cheese making, making traditional clothing, traditional stone masonry, or traditional musical instrument production. Sadly, most are too lazy to learn to do anything like that, despite the large profits they could make from such endeavours. These business are then passed onto the next generation who carry on the tradition. Some families maintain these businesses for hundreds of years.

            1. Exactly, sacrifices will have to be done in order to ensure the survival of the white race. I have enormous grudge against white businessmen and entrepreneurs that hire non-whites for cheap labor.
              But the white working class is far from being racially conscious, race traitors are found in every class. But I held the middle and upper classes more liable for the current situation.

        2. Troll has been around here for months (commie so he says), I am surprised he hasn’t been banned from here.
          Sometimes these types are fun to argue with, but they are dangerous to our message as new readers taking a quick look can take things out of context and jump to the wrong conclusions about this site.
          Part of the work of running a forum like this is to identify the spies, opponents, trolls and head cases.

          1. Their interpretation of ‘national socialism’ is not working and having someone else pay for them to sit around and eat Pizza delivery. A perfect example is Matt Heimbach.

            1. You have confirmed exactly what I was expecting – most White Nationalists hate poor Whites more than they hate Arabs, or Blacks, and CERTAINLY more than they hate Jews – Jews after all are BASED, high IQ, K-selected, fight brown muslim savages in Palestine, overwhelmingly vote conservative except in the US, and are threatened by the anti-Semitism of the evil commies. It doesn’t matter that there are far more potential WNs among poor Whites than among the BASED bourgeoisie that is constantly worshipped and portrayed as Gods being oppressed by the “evil socialist welfare state” by White Nationalist “intellectuals”. The vast majority of the WN movement as it currently stands is quite simply, the representative of the class enemy and will defend the class enemy rather than the poor and working class who are the ones who actually have the right to rule society.

              1. lol what have you done to earn the ‘right to rule’ white society? Communist societies always end up having much worse class hierarchies. No one here hates poor whites. White nationalists come from all ranks of society and are united in saving our race from extinction. Crack open a non-Marxist history book perhaps?

                1. I’ll admit that what you have written is pretty mild compared with what some people in White Nationalism have said. But within the broader movement I have heard poor Whites called “an undeserving class of scum”, untermenschen, “welfare rabble”, “lowest of the low degenerates”, and many other things – usually much worse than the examples I gave. As for the proposed solutions for dealing with this “problematic” group, they generally range from sterilization to execution. Some make a distinction between the “deserving” poor, who should have no rights and forced to stay in their place, and the “undeserving poor” or “underclass” who should be exterminated. I have also often heard WNs admit to hating poor whites more than poor blacks because poor blacks can just be sent to africa with the rest of the blacks; poor whites are a “disgrace” to the white race and an enemy within.

                  The exploited proletariat who are the ones who actually keep the economy going, unlike the parasitic bourgeoisie, are the ones who should control the economy, the means of production and the nation.

                  1. You ARE having fun here – extrapolating and condensing and tarring all WNs with the leftist propaganda labels similar to “Nazis” or “bad people”.
                    You sound desperate and fanatical and obviously wish to derail our arguments and our cause.
                    Dropping in references to third parties who we are not associated with (or associated only in the minds of the brainwashed) is a tranparently obvious tactic.
                    That tactic fills these pages with paragraphs designed to put people off.
                    Shock words and inventions of stereotype.
                    Inversion of the truth – tolerance meaning intolerance etc.
                    I recommend that people thoroughly research back through the previous articles on this website, to get an idea of its themes and arguments.
                    Trolls, opponents, spies and infiltrators all eventually leave unsuccessful.
                    As you no doubt will.

      2. You’re a fucken idiot Brandon , you belong getting fucked in the ass with that asshole Yemeni, you dumb ass cunt. D o yourself a favor and stop writing , you suck. Your camp of dipshit ignorant Aussies are laughable

    2. You’re utterly ignorant if you think supporting communism will help whites, or any other ethnicity to fight the Synagogue of Satan in any way: whites had it good before and every other ethnicity that benefited from white “superiority” (or is it God-given intelligence and creativity?) is now going to be the ultimate loser, once the false jews impose their UN Agenda 21/30/50 communitarianism on the whole world. False jews started communism (also called KIBUTTZISM) and their goal is international communism aka communitarianism that is why the false jew is now pushing this psyop plandemic, while teaching everyone, everywhere “we’re all in this (false jew psyop) together.”

  3. good article,
    See they’re just using westerners for their own squabbles,
    they use weaker manipulative muslims occasionally as a weapon against the west.
    Both of them are no good and the kingdom of jerusalem is still the only proper solution ever to have worked in that area since rome. The ottomans only lasted for a long time because of the same sufi and jewish freemasons and their secret backers embedded in european royal courts and governments . Nuradin and his army of pisslam (modern fsa uses same name) took damascus overnight from other muslims because of the jewish quarter opening its gates,
    and throwing ropes over the wall and dissapearing. Also at times they aren’t even loyal to their own tribe / people and are self serving as in the case of them aiding mohammad kill the 800 jews who had refused their treaty. Both are deceiving groups pretending to be strong but they’re weak, full of cracks and hashish smokers and in the case of avi “yemeni”, khat sniffers.

  4. i want to live in a white nation that isn’t ruled by the ancient enemy of the white race and our religious beliefs.
    i want to live in a white ruled nation with white people that think like me and live like me , who work hard for a living and want to live moral lives with a purpose.
    this thread is proof that there are many subversive groups infiltrating our online talking pages to divide and to repel further recruitment for white nationalism.
    i agree with many opposing stances or stances that appear to oppose each other.
    i have never met WNs who hate poor whites but laud jews and nonwhites openly.
    i’ve never witnessed this in real life , but, real life and the www are two different realms in every way.
    most people on these sites wouldn’t say anything to a group of rowdy blacks in public but hate every nigger in the world openly and loudly online.
    the term lazy and laziness comes to mind and has infected the mind of average people of all races in the west, specifically america(i live here and don’t know what people in Canada or Europe think or do)
    Laziness is the total opposite of innovativeness which is exactly what put our people at the top of the racial hierarchy of this world.

  5. Avi is great.
    The problem with WN movements is you keep losing because you dump on those who are trying to help you. It doesnt matter who helps. And whites need all the help they can get.
    Whites are being eradicated but still too much unhealthy pride… you dont ‘pick and choose’ who helps you. You thank people who help you.
    You dont have to ‘make friends’ with other ethnicities. Accepting help is good.
    But, this is why you keep losing: because you dump on help.

    1. What help is he giving us? He just doesn’t like Muslims because they fight with Jews in the Middle East. He calls us white supremacists and neo-Nazis while he is a Jewish supremacist. He needs to be deported to Israel.

      1. A good final solution was developed some time ago. Why aren’t all Jews living in Jerusalem now? Give each Palestinian $1 million in gold and let them leave Palestine for anywhere else they want to live; but move (forcibly if necessary) all Jews and cryto Jews, Masons, Jesuits and everyone else associated with the Synagogue of Satan into Israel and be done with it. The whole world is being utterly destroyed and the people polluted with Luciferian ideology of the Baal worshippers, corrupting and destroying Christian values everywhere and literally destroying everyone and everything that doesn’t desire to align with Luciferian ideology: the solution is to forcibly repatriate the Jews and false Jews back to their ancestral homeland which cost hundreds of millions of Christians their lives. After they have all been repatriated, all assets they have stolen or acquired (mostly by theft) ought to be redistributed to all in need; some of those assets can be used to provide a reasonable standard of living in Israel for the migrants; but the bulk of it, being acquired through deceit and theft, ought to be redistributed to those whom it was stolen from.

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