3 thoughts on “Martinez Perspective: Trump’s Wall & Duginists Exposed

  1. Not just a case of ethnic Russians were allowed to become a majority in Crimea but it was a factor.

    123 percent of the population just “voted” on whether Crimea should join the Russian Federation.

    Given that 474,137 people from Sevastopol were meant to have cast ballots, he found it more than a little suspicious that, at the end of last year, public census data put the voting-age population at 385,462. Where did the extra 88,675 votes come from? “Infants, schoolchildren, and, I suspect, the dead,” teh-nomad wrote.

    Add to that there was no option to vote “no”
    KIEV (Reuters) – Sunday’s vote in Ukraine’s Crimea is being officially billed as a chance for the peninsula’s peoples to decide fairly and freely their future – but in fact there is no room on the ballot paper for voting “Nyet” to control by Russia.

    They simply fixed the vote.

    Don’t forget this article R.T “disappeared” but its still in the archive.

    ­”This is complete nonsense, it is impossible,” Putin said on Monday, responding to a question posed by an attendee of the Seliger 2011 youth forum.

    “To imagine that US intelligence services did it deliberately, with their own hands, is complete nonsense,” the prime minister said. “Only people who do not understand the workings of security agencies can say that. It would be impossible to conceal it.”

    Russophiles also like to forget their вождь (vozhd’) “chieftain” said it was nonsense and impossible

  2. The curse of internet culture is that mediocrity will always gain the most attraction because the internet is radicaly democratic.

    1. “Ironybro-ism” is the lowest common denominator. If the process is left by itself without selective pressure, that’s what all groups will eventually degenerate into. The third world is already like that – ALL ideological groups weaponize nihilist debauchery and ad hoc, malicious character-assassination as strategy. Not about ideas, but persons/”optics” all the time.
      Sad shit.

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Martinez Perspective